Comparative Study of P&O and Inc MPPT Algorithms

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American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2013

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)

e-ISSN : 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936
Volume-02, Issue-12, pp-402-408
Research Paper Open Access

Comparative Study of P&O and InC MPPT Algorithms

I.William Christopher and Dr.R.Ramesh
(Senior Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, India)
(Associate Professor, Department of EEE, College of Engineering Guindy/ Anna University, Chennai, India)

Abstract: - Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms is important in PV systems because it
reduces the PV array cost by reducing the number of PV panels required to achieve the desired output power.
This paper présents à comparative simulation study of two important MPPT algorithms specifically perturb and
observe and incremental conductance. These algorithms are widely used because of its low-cost and ease of
realization. Some important parameters such as voltage, current and power output for each different
combination has been traced for both algorithms. Matlab simulink tool box has been used for performance
evaluation by a 70W photovoltaic (PV) array.

Keywords: - Photovoltaic (PV), Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Perturb and Observe (P&O),
Incremental Conductance (InC).

Photovoltaic (PV) generation represents currently one of the most promising sources of renewable
green energy. Due to the environmental and economic benefits, PV generation is preferred over other renewable
energy sources, since they are clean, inexhaustible and require little maintenance. PV cells generate electric
power by directly converting solar energy to electrical energy. PV panels and arrays, generate DC power that
has to be converted to AC at standard power frequency in order to feed the loads. Therefore PV systems require
interfacing power converters between the PV arrays and the grid. Photovoltaic-generated energy can be
delivered to power system networks through grid-connected inverters. One significant problem in PV systems is
the probable mismatch between the operating characteristics of the load and the PV array.
The system’s operating point is at the intersection of the I-V curves of the PV array and load, when a
PV array is directly connected to a load. The Maximum Power Point (MPP) of PV array is not attained most of
the time. This problem is overcome by using an MPPT which maintains the PV array’s operating point at the
MPP. The occurrence of MPP in the I-V plane is not known priorly; therefore it is calculated using a model of
the PV array and measurements of irradiance and array temperature. Calculating these measurements are often
too expensive and the required parameters for the PV array model are not known adequately. Thus, the MPPT
continuously searches for MPP. There are several MPPT continuously searches algorithms that have been
proposed which uses different characteristics of solar panels and the location of the MPP [1,4].
To extract the maximum power from the solar PV module and transfer that power to the load, a MPPT
is used. A dc/dc converter (step up/step down) transfers maximum power from the solar PV module to the load
and it acts as an interface between the load and the module.Maximum power is transferred by varying the load
impedance as seen by the source and matching it at the peak power of it when the duty cycle is changed. In
order to maintain PV array’s operating at its MPP, different MPPT techniques are required.In the literature
many MPPT techniques are proposed such as, the Perturb and Observe (P&O) method, Incremental
Conductance (IC) method, Fuzzy Logic Method etc [3]. Of these, the two most popular MPPT techniques
(Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance methods) are studied [4].The paper has been
organized in the following manner. The basic principle of PV cell and the characteristics of PV array are
discussed in section 2. Section 3 presents the P&O and InC MPPT algorithms in detail. The simulation results of
PV array, MPPT algorithms and their comparison are discussed in section 4. Last section concludes with the
scope for further work. Page 402

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2013
2.1 Basic Principle of PV Cell
PV cells are essentially a very large area p-n junction diode where such a diode is created by forming a
junction between the n-type and p-type regions. As sunlight strikes a PV cell, the incident energy is converted
directly into electrical energy. Transmitted light is absorbed within the semiconductor by using the energy to
excite free electrons from a low energy status to an unoccupied higher energy level. When a PV cell is
illuminated, excess electron-hold pairs are generated by light throughout the material, hence the p-n junction is
electrically shorted and current will flow [2].

2. 2 PV array Characteristics
The use of single diode equivalent electric circuit makes it possible to model the characteristics of a PV
cell. The mathematical model of a photovoltaic cell can be developed using MATLAB simullink toolbox. The
basic equation from the theory of semiconductors that mathematically describes the I-V characteristic of the
Ideal photovoltaic cell is given by




Where, ‘I PV, Cell’ is the current generated by the incident light (it is directly proportional to the Sun
irradiation), Id is the diode equation, Io, cell’ is the reverse saturation or leakage current of the diode, ‘q’ is the
electron charge [1.60217646* 10−19C], k is the Boltzmann constant [1.3806503 *10 −23J/K], ‘T’ is the temperature
of the p-n junction, and ‘a’ is the diode ideality constant. Figure 1 shows the equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell.

Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell

Practical arrays are composed of several connected PV cells and the observation of the characteristics
at the terminals of the PV array requires the inclusion of additional parameters (as shown in figure. 2) to the
basic equation:

Where Vt = NskT/q is the thermal voltage of the array with ‘Ns’ cells are connected in series. Cells
connected in parallel increases the current and cells connected in series provide greater output voltages. V and I
are the terminal voltage and current. The equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell with the series resistance (Rs) and
parallel resistance (Rp) is shown in figure.2.

Figure 2.Equivalent circuit of ideal PV cell with Rp and Rs. Page 403

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2013
For a good solar cell, the series resistance (Rs), should be very small and the shunt (parallel) resistance
(Rp), should be very large. For commercial solar cells (Rp) is much greater than the forward resistance of a
diode. The I-V curve is shown in Figure 3. The curve has three important parameters namely open circuit
voltage (Voc), short circuit current (Isc) and maximum power point (MPP). In this model single diode equivalent
circuit is considered. The I-V characteristic of the photovoltaic device depends on the internal characteristics of
the device and on external influences such as irradiation level and the temperature.

Figure 3.I-V characteristics of the PV cell Figure 4.P-V characteristics of the PV cell

The P-V characteristics of the PV cell are illustrated in figure 4. It depends on the open circuit voltage (Voc), the
short circuit current (Isc) and the maximum power point (MPP).

3.1 Perturb and Observe (P&O) Algorithm
A slight perturbation is introduced in this algorithm. The perturbation causes the power of the solar
module to change continuously. If the power increases due to the perturbation then the perturbation is continued
in the same direction. The power at the next instant decreases after the peak power is reached, and after that the
perturbation reverses. The algorithm oscillates around the peak point when the steady state is reached. The
perturbation size is kept very small in order to keep the power variation small [4]. The algorithm can be easily
understood by the following flow chart which is shown in figure 5.

Figure 5 Perturb and Observe Algorithm Page 404

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2013
The algorithm is developed in such a manner that it sets a reference voltage of the module
corresponding to the peak voltage of the module. A PI controller is used to move the operating point of the
module to that particular voltage level. It is observed that there is some power loss due to this perturbation and it
also fails to track the power under fast varying atmospheric conditions. But still this algorithm is very popular
because of its simplicity.

3.2 Incremental Conductance (IC) Algorithm

Incremental Conductance (IC) method overcomes the disadvantage of the perturb and observe method
in tracking the peak power under fast varying atmospheric condition. This method can determine whether the
MPPT has reached the MPP and also stops perturbing the operating point. If this condition is not met, the
direction in which the MPPT operating point must be perturbed can be calculated using the relationship between
dl/dV and –I/V.
This relationship is derived from the fact that dP/dV is negative when the MPPT is to the right of the
MPP and positive when it is to the left of the MPP. This algorithm determines when the MPPT has reached the
MPP, where as P&O oscillates around the MPP. This is clearly an advantage over P&O. Also, incremental
conductance can track rapidly increasing and decreasing irradiance conditions with higher accuracy than perturb
and observe method [4]. The disadvantage of this algorithm is that it is more complex when compared to P&O.
The algorithm can be easily understood by the following flow chart which is shown in figure 6.

Figure 6 Incremental Conductance Algorithm


4.1 PV Array Characteristics
The mathematical model of PV array is developed using MATLAB Simulink tool box. Various
parameters of the PV array are determined and chosen. Series resistance (Rs) is iteratively chosen by
incrementing from zero value. Decreasing the value of parallel resistance (R p) too much will lead ‘Voc’ to
decrease and increasing the value of series resistance (Rs) too much will lead ‘Isc’ to drop. ‘Io’ strongly depends
on the temperature and hence the simulation circuit of ‘Io’ includes Kv and Ki which are the voltage and current
Parameters Specifications
Open circuit voltage Voc 21.4V
Short circuit current Isc 4.53A
Maximum output power 70W
Voltage at maximum power 17.7V
Current at maximum power 3.96A Page 405

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2013
The light generated by the PV is modeled as an equivalent current source. The series and parallel
resistances are connected and simulated. The various equations describing the PV array characteristics are
modeled using suitable blocks from the simulink library. The complete simulink model of PV module is shown
in Figure 7.

Figure.7.Simulation Model of PV Model

This simulation study is done for the standard test condition (STC) i.e. temperature is 30˚C and the
Irradiation is 1000 W/m2 with the simulation model.

Figure.8. Simulated I-V Characteristic Figure.9. Simulated P-V Characteristic

The 70W PV module is simulated in MATLAB and the simulated I-V and P-V characteristics are shown in
Figures 8 and 9 respectively. The open circuit voltage Voc = 21.4V, the short circuit current Isc = 4.53A are
obtained for the corresponding maximum output power of 70W.

4.2 Simulink Model of P&O Algorithm

The MATLAB subsystem includes the 70W PV array and it also contains the equations required for
modeling it. DC voltage source of the dc-dc boost converter is replaced by the MATLAB subsystem integrated
with PV array. Perturbing the duty ratio of dc-dc boost converter perturbs the PV array current and consequently
perturbs the PV array voltage. To compute the power at various duty cycles and to compare it with the power of
the current operating point, the MPPT subsystem is used. The duty cycle either increases or decreases or
remains the same. Figure 10 shows the simulink model of PV array with dc-dc boost converter and P&O MPPT. Page 406

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Figure.10. Simulink Model of P&O MPPT with dc-dc converter

Figure (a) Current output Figure (b) Voltage output Figure (c) Power output

Figure.11. Simulation results of P&O MPPT algorithm

The simulation results of P&O MPPT algorithm are illustrated in figure 11. The results show that the
current output of 0.073amperes and the voltage output of 36votls and an output power of 2.6watts for a time
period of 0.0175 seconds.

4.3 Simulink Model of Incremental Conductance Algorithm

The simulink model of PV array with dc-dc boost converter and InC MPPT algorithm is shown in figure 12,
under the same conditions as the P & O algorithm is simulated.

Figure.12. Simulink Model of InC MPPT with dc-dc Converter

Figure (a) Current output Figure (b) Voltage output Figure (c) Power output

Figure.13. Simulation results of InC MPPT algorithm Page 407

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2013
The simulation results of InC MPPT algorithm are illustrated in figure 13. The results show that the output
current varies from 0.093A to 0.087A and the output voltage varies from 47V to 43V and an output power
varies from 4.7W to 3.7W for a time period of 0.1 seconds.

4.4 Comparison between P&O and InC MPPT Algorithms

The P & O and InC MPPT algorithms are simulated and compared using the same conditions. When
atmospheric conditions are constant or change slowly, the P&O MPPT oscillates close to MPP but InC finds the
MPP accurately at changing atmospheric conditions also. Comparisons between the two algorithms for various
parameters are given in table 2.


MPPT Output Output Output Time Accuracy
Current Voltage Power Response
P&O MPPT 0.073A 36V 2.6W 0.0175 sec Less
InC MPPT 0.087-0.093A 43-47V 3.7-4.7W 0.1 sec Accurate


In this paper a mathematical model of a 70W photovoltaic panel has been developed using MATLAB
Simulink. This model is used for the maximum power point tracking algorithms. The P&O and Incremental
conductance MPPT algorithms are discussed and their simulation results are presented. It is proved that
Incremental conductance method has better performance than P&O algorithm. These algorithms improve the
dynamics and steady state performance of the photovoltaic system as well as it improves the efficiency of the
dc-dc converter system.

The authors wish to thank the Management, Principal and the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering of Tagore Engineering College, Chennai for their whole hearted support and providing the
Laboratory facilities to carry out this work.

[1] D. P. Hohm, M. E. Ropp, “Comparative Study of Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms Using an
Experimental, Programmable, Maximum Power Point Tracking Test Bed”, 0-7803-5772-8/00,IEEE,
2000, 1699-1702.
[2] N. Pongratananukul and T. Kasparis, “Tool for Automated Simulation of Solar Arrays Using General-
Purpose Simulators,” in IEEE Conference Proceedings, (0-7803-8502-0/04), 2004, 10-14.
[3] Trishan Esram, and Patrick L. Chapman, „Comparison of Photovoltaic Array Maximum PowerPoint
Tracking Techniques,‟ IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 22 (2), 2007, 439-449.
[4] Hairul Nissah Zainudin, Saad Mekhilef, „Comparison Study of Maximum Power Point Tracker
Techniques for PV Systems,‟ Proc. 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference
(MEPCON‟10), Cairo University, Egypt, 2010, 750-755. Page 408

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