EE201 em Theory
EE201 em Theory
EE201 em Theory
One of the basic theorems in electromagnetism is the Ampere’s Law which relates, the
magnetic field produced by an electric current, to the current passing through a conductor.
Ampere’s Law field current
Ampere’s Law states that the line integral of the
magnetic field H taken around a closed path is equal
to the total current enclosed by the path. current
i.e. ∫ H ⋅ dl = ∑ I
For a uniform field, H is a constant and we have
H.l=Σ I
or if H is constant over sections, with different sections having different H,
then ΣH.l=ΣI
Magnetic Field
The magnetic field at a point is defined as being equal to the force acting on a unit magnetic
pole placed at that point.
[Unit of magnetic field is ampere per meter (A/m)]
S l
Thus the inductance of a coil of N turns can be determined from the dimensions of the
magnetic circuit.
Mutual Inductance
When two coils are present in the vicinity of each other’s magnetic circuit, mutual coupling
can take place. One coil produces a flux which links with the second coil, and when a current
in the first coil varies, an induced emf occurs in the second coil.
Induced emf in coil 2 due to current in coil 1:
dφ 12 di
e2 = N 2 = M 12 1 , N2 φ12 = M12 i1, M12 = N 2φ 12
dt dt i1
The Mutual inductance M12, of coil 2 due to a current in coil 1, is the flux linkage in the coil 2
due to unit current flowing in coil 1.
also since N1 I1 = S φ1 , and a fraction k12 of the primary flux would link with the secondary,
φ12 = k12 . φ1
k 12 N 1 N 2 k 12 N 1 N 2 µ A
∴ M 12 = = ,
S l
k12 is known as the coefficient of coupling between the coils.
k12 = k21 so that M12 = M21. For good coupling, k12 is very nearly equal to unity.
Magnetisation Characteristic
In the analysis so far, the relationship between B and H has been assumed to be linear. That
is the permeability has been assumed to be constant. This is not the case with magnetic
materials, due especially to saturation.
The curve drawn shows a typical shape of the B or φ
saturated region
magnetisation characteristic of a magnetic material.
They are characterised by an ankle point for very low knee point
levels of flux density, a linear region and a saturation
region. The knee point appears between the linear region linear region
and the saturated region. In the linear region, the
permeability is much greater than that of free space,
whereas in the saturated region it is close to that of free ankle point
space. The characteristic may be drawn with either B or H or ℑ
φ plotted on the y-axis and H or ℑ on the x-axis.
It is also seen that the area of the loop increases as the maximum flux density Bm reached
increases. The increase in Bm also causes a corresponding increase in Hm, but not
proportional to the increase in Bm.
Steinmetz Law
Steinmetz Law states that the energy loss per cycle due to hysteresis is proportional to Bmn.
Generally, a ≅1.6.
i.e. energy loss/unit volume/cycle = area of hysteresis loop = η. Bma
where the constant η is known as the Steinmetz constant and the index a is known as the
Steinmetz index.
Thus for an alternating supply with frequency f,
power loss/unit volume = η. Bm1.6.f
The Steinmetz constant for some common magnetic materials are
Hard cast steel 7000, cast steel 750 to 3000, cast iron 2760 to 4000,very soft iron 500,
silicon sheet steel (with 0.2% Si) 530, silicon sheet steel (with 4.8% Si) 191.
ll Am Al
Cross section areas of the core, and the effective lengths of magnetic paths are indicated.
The fluxes can be calculated using laws similar to Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law as follows.
φm = φ l + φ l similar to Kirchoff’s current law
ℑ1 + ℑ2 = Sm φm + (2Sy + Sl ) φ l similar to Kirchoff’s voltage law and Ohm’s law
Only one loop was considered as both outer limbs are identical and must therefore have the
same flux. If the outer limbs were different, then there would have been one additional flux
term and one additional equation.
The only unknowns are φm and φ l which can be calculated.
In the case of three phase transformers, the winding currents would have different phase
angles, so that the corresponding mmfs too would have different phase angles. The analysis
of this would be similar to the analysis of three phase problems, but no equivalent being there
for inductances and capacitances in the corresponding equations.
The above analyses are valid only in the linear region of the magnetisation characteristic
where the permeability can be assumed to be constant. However, when saturation occurs,
the analysis is more complicated.
Analysis in the presence of a non-linear magnetisation characteristic
Only a simple circuit having a non-linear magnetic characteristic
and a series air gap will be considered to illustrate the method of
analysis. It is assumed that there is no fringing of flux around
the air gap so that the flux density will be the same in both the
air gap as well as the magnetic core. Bm = Ba
The characteristic of the magnetic core is also known.
The air gap has a linear characteristic with permeability µo.