L&T Technology Services (LTTS IN) : Q3FY19 Result Update
L&T Technology Services (LTTS IN) : Q3FY19 Result Update
L&T Technology Services (LTTS IN) : Q3FY19 Result Update
Strong Deal Pipeline: During the quarter, management cited that it has won 6 large
Rajat Gandhi deals verticals. Management remained bullish on growth opportunities across
[email protected] | 91-22-66322246
verticals with strong momentum in Automotive (driven by Advanced driver less cars,
Electric vehicles), Semiconductor (IoT). Management also cited that supply
constraints in developed markets is also leading to strong demand opportunities for
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
25.0% 72.0
20.0% 70.0
5.0% 62.0
0.0% 60.0
Source: Company, PL
Margins above estimates: EBITDA margin for the quarter stood at 18.4% up
30bps and 300bps YoY and beat our estimates (Ple: 18.3%). Margins
performance were strong despite being the partial effect of wage hikes during
the quarter. Utilisation level at all-time high stood at 81.3% up 100bps QoQ
and lower SG&A Expenses.
Onsite Revenue mix moved up to 47.4% for the quarter (vs 47.1% in Q2FY19).
Headcount stood at 14,777 employees for the quarter which implies strong net
addition of 1192 employees. Attrition rate for the quarter stood at 14.9% decline
10bps QoQ.
Operating Metrics:
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Consolidated Revenues (INR mn) 26,186 30,665 32,483 37,471 50,689 60,848 70,999
Grow th (%) NA 17.1% 5.9% 15.4% 35.3% 20.0% 16.7%
EBIDTA margin (%) 15.2% 17.0% 18.0% 15.5% 17.6% 17.9% 18.0%
EBIT margin (%) 13.4% 15.1% 16.1% 13.1% 15.7% 16.2% 16.5%
PAT margin (%) 11.9% 13.6% 13.1% 13.7% 14.6% 13.1% 13.0%
Net cash on Balance sheet (Rs mn) -1083.95 -595.03 1599 3046 4448 6886 10158
Net cash per share (21.06) (5.85) 15.35 29.00 42.32 65.22 96.21
Net cash as a % of stock price -1.4% -0.4% 1.1% 2.0% 2.9% 4.5% 6.6%
Source: Company, PL
Incom e Statement (Rs m ) Balance Sheet Abstract (Rs m )
Y/e Mar FY18 FY19E FY20E FY21E Y/e Mar FY18 FY19E FY20E FY21E
Net Revenues 37,471 50,689 60,848 70,999 Non-Current Assets
YoY gr. (%) 15.4 35.3 20.0 16.7
Employ ee Cost 24,600 32,272 39,706 46,149 Gross Block 4,404 5,604 6,304 7,004
Gross Prof it 12,871 18,417 21,142 24,850 Tangibles 2,020 2,380 2,800 3,220
Margin (%) 34.3 36.3 34.7 35.0 Intangibles 2,384 3,224 3,504 3,784
SG&A Expenses 7,060 9,484 10,264 12,070
Other Expenses - - - - Acc: Dep / Amortization 2,231 3,227 4,230 5,295
Tangibles 770 1,323 1,880 2,471
EBITDA 5,811 8,934 10,878 12,780 Intangibles 1,461 1,904 2,350 2,824
Net Interest 24 20 24 24 Net Def erred tax assets 243 243 243 243
Other Income 1,934 2,116 913 800 Other Non-Current Assets 487 487 487 487
Effective tax rate (%) 25.1 25.9 26.0 26.0 Cash & Bank Balance 1,542 2,844 5,182 8,354
Other Current Assets 3,805 5,120 5,897 6,674
Profit after tax 5,121 7,432 7,965 9,243 Total Assets 27,051 32,353 37,831 44,080
Minority interest (6) 24 20 20
Share Prof it f rom Associate - - - - Equity
Equity Share Capital 205 205 205 205
Adjusted PAT 5,072 7,408 7,945 9,223 Other Equity 19,159 23,624 28,412 33,971
YoY gr. (%) 19.3 46.1 7.2 16.1 Total Networth 19,364 23,829 28,617 34,176
Margin (%) 13.5 14.6 13.1 13.0
Extra Ord. Income / (Exp) - - - - Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term borrowings - - - -
YoY gr. (%) 19.3 46.1 7.2 16.1 Other non current liabilities - - - -
Total Comprehensiv e Income 5,072 7,408 7,945 9,223 Trade pay ables 1,807 2,444 2,934 3,424
Equity Shares O/s (m) 103 103 103 103 Other current liabilities 5,128 5,328 5,528 5,728
Basic EPS (Rs) 49.5 72.3 77.5 90.0 Total Equity & Liabilities 27,051 32,353 37,831 44,080
Source: Company Data, PL Research Source: Company Data, PL Research
Less Financial Other Income 1,934 2,116 913 800 BVPS 188.9 232.5 279.2 333.4
Add. Other (131) - - - FCF 22.4 40.9 49.5 63.2
Op. prof it bef ore WC changes 7,558 10,849 11,223 13,080 DPS 15.9 23.9 25.6 29.7
Net cash from Op. activities 4,136 5,389 5,771 7,181 ROIC 33.2 44.3 47.9 51.0
Capital expenditures (1,821) (1,200) (700) (700) RoE 29.6 34.3 30.3 29.4
Interest / Div idend Income 78 177 548 480 Balance Sheet
Others (261) (100) (100) (100) Net Debt : Equity (x) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.3)
Net Cash from Invt. activities (2,004) (1,123) (253) (320) Debtor (Day s) 94 85 85 85
Issue of share cap. / premium 2 - - - Valuation(x)
Debt changes (317) - - - PER 34.2 23.4 21.8 18.8
Div idend paid (983) (2,944) (3,157) (3,665) P/B 9.0 7.3 6.1 5.1
Interest paid (25) (20) (24) (24) P/CEPS 58.1 82.0 87.3 100.4
Net cash from Fin. activities (1,323) (2,964) (3,181) (3,689) EV/Sales 4.6 3.3 2.7 2.3
Net change in cash 809 1,302 2,338 3,172 Div idend Y ield (%) 0.9 1.4 1.5 1.8
Free Cash Flow 2,300 4,189 5,071 6,481 Source: Company Data, PL Research
Source: Company Data, PL Research
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