Chapter 1: Basic C Programs
Chapter 1: Basic C Programs
Chapter 1: Basic C Programs
No Programs
No Programs
No Programs
3 Read the values of x y and z and print the results expressions in one line.
4 Reads customer number and power consumed and prints amount to be paid
No Programs
No Programs
2 C Program to read integers into an array and reversing them using pointers
12 Program for deletion of an element from the specified location from Array
No Programs
No Programs
No Programs
No Programs
No Programs
No Programs
No Programs
1 C program to copy the contents of one file into another using fputc
3 C program to convert the file contents in Upper-case & Write Contents in a output file
No Programs
No Programs
C Program to Swap Two Numbers / Variables using Pointer109">C Program to Print Value and Addre
4 C Program to count number of words digits and vowels using pointers in C Programming
6 C Program to read integers into an array and reversing them using pointers
11 Pointer Program : Increment Structure Pointer having far pointer as structure member
No Programs
No Programs
1 C Program to print Fibonacci Series using recursion !!662">C Program to Multiply two Matrices using
C Programs : Series
No Programs
C Programs : Sorting
No Programs
4 Sorting Two Structures on the basis of any structure element and Display Information
C Programs : Stack
No Programs
No Programs
5 Program to copy one string into other with using library function [ strcpy ]
No Programs
1 C Program to count number of words digits and vowels using pointers in C Programming
11 C Program to Copy One String into Other Without Using Library Function.
1 C Program to read and print name and other details of 50 students using Structure?
3 C program to use structure within union & display the contents of structure elements
5 Sorting Two Structures on the basis of any structure element and Display Information
No Programs
3 How to write c program to count number of digits in number without using mod operator ?
13 Swap two numbers without using third variable and using XOR Operator in C Programming
C Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers
C programs list
C hello world program
C program to print an integer
C program to add two numbers
C program to check odd or even
C program to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers
C program to check vowel
C program to check leap year
Sum of digits C program
Factorial program in C
C program to find HCF and LCM
C program to convert decimal to binary
C program to find nCr and nPr
C program to add n numbers
Swap C program
C program to reverse a number
C palindrome program (number and string)
C pattern programs
C diamond pattern program
Prime number program in C
C program for Armstrong number
C program to generate Armstrong number
Fibonacci series C program
Floyd's triangle C program
Pascal triangle C program
Addition using pointers
C program to find maximum number in array
C program to find minimum number in array
Linear search C program
Binary search C program
Reverse array C program
C program to insert an element in an array
C program to delete an element from array
C program to merge two arrays
Bubble sort C program
Insertion sort C program
Selection sort C program
Add matrices
Subtract matrices
C program for transpose of a matrix
Multiply two matrices
C program to print a string
String length C program
Compare strings C program
Copy string
String concatenation C program
Reverse string C program
Palindrome C program (String and number)
String to integer
Delete vowels
C substring program
Check subsequence
Sort a string
Remove spaces
Change case
Swap strings
Character's frequency
Anagram program in C
C program to read a file
C program to copy files
C program to merge two files
C program to list files in a directory
Delete a file
Random number generator C program
Add complex numbers
Print date
Get IP address
Shutdown computer