Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A 9-Year Retrospective Study at A Tertiary Referral Hospital in Malaysia
Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A 9-Year Retrospective Study at A Tertiary Referral Hospital in Malaysia
Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A 9-Year Retrospective Study at A Tertiary Referral Hospital in Malaysia
Background: The objective of this study was to determine the clinical presentation, systemic risk factors, source of
infective microorganism, treatment outcomes, and prognostic indicators of endogenous endophthalmitis at a main
tertiary referral hospital for uveitis in Malaysia. A retrospective review of medical records of 120 patients (143 eyes)
with endogenous endophthalmitis over a period of 9 years between January 2007 and December 2015 was
Results: Identifiable systemic risk factors were present in 79.2%, with the majority related to diabetes mellitus (60.
0%). The most common source of bacteremia was urinary tract infection (17.5%). A positive culture from ocular fluid
or other body fluids was obtained in 82 patients (68.9%), and the blood was the highest source among all culture-
positive results (42.0%). Gram-negative organisms accounted 42 cases (50.6%) of which Klebsiella pneumonia was
the most common organism isolated (32.5%). Sixty-nine eyes (48.6%) were managed medically, and 73 eyes (51.4%)
underwent vitrectomy. Final visual acuity of counting fingers (CF) or better was achieved in 100 eyes (73.0%).
Presenting visual acuity of CF or better was significantly associated with a better final acuity of CF or better (p = 0.001).
Conclusions: The visual prognosis of endogenous endophthalmitis is often poor, leading to blindness. As expected,
gram-negative organisms specifically Klebsiella pneumonia were the most common organisms isolated. Urinary tract
infection was the main source of infection. Poor presenting visual acuity was significantly associated with grave visual
outcomes. A high index of suspicion, early diagnosis, and treatment are crucial to salvage useful vision.
Keywords: Endogenous, Endophthalmitis, Diabetes mellitus, Bacteria, Fungal, Intravitreal injections, Vitrectomy, Visual
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International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14 Page 2 of 17
determine the clinical profile of EE at a tertiary hospital our country with 72 Malays (60.0%), 33 Chinese (27.5%),
while focusing on the clinical presentation, predisposing 13 Indian (10.8%), and 2 others (1.7%). There was a slight
risk factors, source of infective microorganism, treat- female predominance (61, 50.8%) compared to males
ment outcomes and prognostic indicators. (59, 49.2%).
Fig. 1 The interval between the onset of ocular symptom and first presentation and the duration between systemic and ocular symptom
Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14 Page 4 of 17
between systemic ciprofloxacin and final visual out- by hand motion (38, 27.0%) and perception of light (22
comes (p = 0.68). Systemic steroids were not used in any eyes, 15.6%). Only 16 eyes (11.3%) and 14 eyes (9.9%)
of the patients. In addition, 126 eyes (88.7%) received in- had presented visual acuity between 6/6 to 6/18 and 6/
travitreal antibiotics (vancomycin and ceftazidime or 24 to 6/36 respectively. Overall, 56% had vision of CF or
amikacin) or antifungal (amphotericin B) injections or better at presentation. Vision was not available in 2 pa-
both. The injections were repeated in 75 eyes (59.5%). tients (1.4%) who could not cooperate during a vision
Intravitreal injection was not given in 16 cases (11.3%), test. Final visual acuity was available in 138 eyes (96.5%).
and 10 of them (62.5%) had relatively good presenting Three patients were transferred to their original hospi-
visual acuity of 6/24 or better and mild vitritis. They tals for the continuation of treatment and follow-up.
were treated with systemic antibiotics or antifungals with One patient defaulted follow-up, and another patient
close monitoring. No intravitreal injection of steroids passed away due to sepsis and multiorgan failure.
was given to any eye. Overall, 69 eyes (48.6%) were man- After treatment, 100 eyes (73.0%) achieved final visual
aged medically either with systemic or intravitreal antibi- acuity of CF or better. Ten eyes developed panophthal-
otics or antifungals or both. mitis, and 6 eyes required evisceration. Table 4 summa-
Out of 143 eyes, 73 (51.4%) underwent vitrectomy. rizes the logistic regression analysis results of patient
Early vitrectomy was performed within 2 weeks from characteristics that may predict a good visual outcome
diagnosis in 38 eyes (52.1%). Silicone oil was injected in (CF or better).
35 eyes (47.9%), gas in 3 eyes (4.1%), air in 19 eyes In univariate logistic regression analysis, factors found
(26.0%), and no intraocular tamponade was used in 16 to be statistically significant with good visual outcome
eyes (21.9%). were good presenting visual acuity (crude odd ratio 0.1;
95% CI 0.021, 0.384) and presence of fundus view at
Outcomes presentation (crude odd ratio 0.337; 95% CI 0.068,1.675).
The most common presenting visual acuity was between In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, elevated
6/60 and counting finger (CF) (48 eyes, 34.0%), followed risk for good visual outcome was observed only in good
Table 2 Microbial isolates from blood, other body fluids, and vitreous
Species Blood (n = patient) Other body fluids (n = patient) Vitreous (n = eyes)
Culture positive 50 (42.0%) 46 (38.7%) 27 (22.3%)
Culture negative 69 (58.0%) 73 (61.3%) 94 (77.7%)
Gram-positive organism 20 (40.0%) 11 (23.9%) 10 (37.0%)
Staphylococcus aureas 13 (26.0%) 7 (15.2%) 5 (18.5%)
MRSA 3 (6.0%) 2 (4.3%) 2 (7.4%)
Staphylococcus coagulase -ve 2 (4.0%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (7.4%)
Streptococcus sp. 2 (4.0%) 2 (4.3%) 1 (3.7%)
Gram-negative organism 26 (52.0%) 28 (60.9%) 12 (44.4%)
Klebsiella pneumonia 17 (34.0%) 19 (41.3%) 8 (29.6%)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2 (4.0%) 4 (8.7%) 3 (11.1%)
Escherichia coli 1 (2.0%) 3 (6.5%) 0 (0.0%)
Acinebacter sp. 1 (2.0%) 2 (4.3%) 0 (0.0%)
Enterobacter intermedius 1 (2.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Bukholderia cepacia 1 (2.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (3.7%)
Bukholderia pseudomallei 1 (2.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Elizabethkingia meningosepticum 1 (2.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Mycoplasma pneumonia 1 (2.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Fungal 4 (8.0%) 7 (15.2%) 5 (18.5%)
Candida albicans 1 (2.0%) 5 (10.9%) 1 (3.7%)
Candida tropicalis 2 (4.0%) 1 (2.2%) 0 (0.0%)
Penicillium sp. 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (7.4%)
Phanerochaeta chrysosporium 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (3.7%)
Xylariaceae sp. 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (3.7%)
Fungal (species not available) 1 (2.0%) 1 (2.2%) 0 (0.0%)
presenting visual acuity (adjusted odd ratio 0.09; 95% CI conditions predisposing to ocular infection in 56 to 68%
0.021, 0.384). We also found a moderate correlation be- of cases [4]. Another study conducted by Wu and col-
tween presenting visual acuity and final visual acuity leagues revealed the identification of preexisting predis-
(Pearson r = 0.564, p < 0.001 (Fig. 4). posing condition in 90.9% of patients, and the most
Gender, age group, presence of underlying medical ill- common systemic condition found was diabetes mellitus
ness, existing DM, source of infection, culture positivity, (50%) [11]. In contrast, Connell et al. reported that intra-
types of organism, intravitreal antibiotics, vitrectomy, or venous drug abuse was the most common risk factor [1].
early vitrectomy were not significantly associated with Several East Asian studies reported that diabetes melli-
good final visual outcomes. tus was the most common, and hepatobiliary disease
was the second most frequent underlying disease [5, 12–
Discussion 14]. In a review of 57 cases of endogenous endophthal-
In this study, we wanted to determine whether the clin- mitis in Korea, diabetes mellitus (46.5%) was the most
ical profiles of EE at a tertiary hospital in Malaysia were common underlying disease followed by liver cirrhosis
similar to those reported from other countries. (20.9%) [15]. In a recent study in which all patients had
Previous studies had reported a male preponderance one or more preexisting medical conditions, the most
with unilateral involvement [7–10]. In contrast, our re- common was also diabetes mellitus (61.9%) [16]. Our
sults showed no difference between male and females. series revealed similar results, in which diabetes mellitus
Predisposing conditions are important in determining was the most common systemic disease (60.0%) followed
a patient’s risk for endogenous endophthalmitis. Okada by renal failure and malignancy. However, liver diseases
et al. reported 90% of patients had a positive history of were identified only in 6 patients.
underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiac In a review of cases by Wong et al., it was reported that
disease, and malignancy [2]. A major review of endogen- hepatobiliary tract infection was the most common source
ous endophthalmitis demonstrated underlying medical of bacteremia (13 patients, 48%) [5]. Similar results were
Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14 Page 6 of 17
Table 3 Microbiology of causative organism in endogenous Ratra et al. in their case series demonstrated that all
endophthalmitis eyes had severe diffuse endophthalmitis involving the
Number Percent posterior pole. Diffuse vitreous exudates were seen in 47
Gram-positive bacteria 27 32.5 eyes (77%). Retina could be visualized in 13 eyes (21.3%),
Staphylococcus aureas 17 20.5 and 3 (4.9%) had retinal detachment. None had panoph-
thalmitis [8]. In another case series in 18-year review of
MRSA 3 3.6
culture-positive cases in 34 affected eyes, the most com-
Staphylococcus coagulase -ve 4 4.8
mon findings were decreased visual acuity (91.1%), vitritis
Streptococcus sp. 3 3.6 (79.4%), conjunctival injection (67.6%), iritis or retinitis
Gram-negative bacteria 42 50.6 (61.7%), hypopyon (35.2%), and retinal detachment (5.8%)
Klebsiella pneumonia 27 32.5 [18]. In our study, 27 eyes (19%) had hypopyon, 64 eyes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 5 6.0 (44.8%) had fundus view, and 8 eyes (8.2%) were noted to
have retinal detachment on ultrasound. Lower percentage
Escherichia coli 3 3.6
of hypopyon in our patients could be due to the applica-
Acinebacter sp. 2 2.4
tion of topical steroids and antibiotics by the referring
Enterobacter intermedius 1 1.2 ophthalmologist.
Bukholderia cepacia 1 1.2 The diagnosis of endogenous endophthamitis is typic-
Bukholderia pseudomallei 1 1.2 ally made following microbiologic evidence of infection
Elizabethkingia meningosepticum 1 1.2 from intraocular samples (aqueous or vitreous). Positive
cultures from the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or any
Mycoplasma pneumonia 1 1.2
extraocular site can be highly suggestive. In our series,
Fungal 14 16.9
the organism causing endophthalmitis was identified by
Candida albicans 5 6.0 a positive culture from at least one body fluid source in
Candida tropicalis 3 3.6 82 patients (68.9%). Blood culture positivity rate varies
Penicillium sp. 2 2.4 widely, from 33 to 94% [4, 19]. Previous large case series
Phanerochaeta chrysosporium 1 1.2 have shown higher rates of positivity following blood
cultures as compared to vitreous aspirates possibly due
Xylariaceae sp. 1 1.2
to a larger volume sampled [2, 4, 11]. In contrast, Ratra
Fungal (species not available) 2 2.4
et al. had reported that ocular fluid samples tended to
give positive culture results more than blood (58.6% vs
found in other Korean case series [12, 15, 17]. Interest- 3.4%). This is because all the patients with suspected
ingly, our case series did not show similar findings with endogenous endophthalmitis immediately underwent an
other East Asian reports. We found that urinary tract in- aqueous tap in the outpatient department before any in-
fection (21, 17.5%) was the most common source of travitreal therapy [8]. High rate of positive cultures from
bacteremia followed by pulmonary infection (19, 15.8%). intraocular specimens was also demonstrated by Okada
Hepatobiliary tract infection was only identified in 12 pa- et al. (86%), Binder et al. (70%), and Ness et al. (81%) [2,
tients (10.0%). We also found that among patients who 20, 21]. Vitrectomy has a higher diagnostic yield for cul-
were younger than 40 years old, and older than 60 years ture (92%) compared to a vitreous aspirate (44%) [22].
old, the most common systemic infection was urinary Vitreous samples during vitrectomy were taken near the
tract infection at 17.4% and 30.0% respectively. In con- retinal surface, which can potentially explain the lower
trast, lung infection (17.5%) followed by hepatobiliary in- yield of needle biopsy. This is because early or localized
fection (14.0%) was the commonest infections among infection located near the retinal surface might be
those aged from 40 to 60 years old. missed by a needle biopsy [23]. We noted low vitreous
In a case series by Lim et al., the most common present- yield of organisms in our study. This could be because
ing complaint was decreased vision (68.8%) followed by some of our patients with systemic infection were ini-
ocular discomfort (44%), red eye (20.8%), and ocular pain tially managed by physicians depending on the source of
(17.4%) [15]. Ratra et al. also reported that reduced vision infection. During the time of referral, most of them were
(60, 98.4%), redness (47, 77%), and pain (42, 68.8%) were already on systemic antibiotics or partially treated. Fur-
the three most common presenting symptoms [8]. Similar thermore, the diagnosis may have been delayed in some
to these studies, our study too revealed blurring of vision, while others were generally not stable for early vitreous
eye redness, and eye pain or discomfort as the main pre- tapping. Thirty-six patients (30.0%) in our series were
senting ocular symptoms. However in a case series by culture negative.
Nishida et al., floaters was the second most common ocu- Causative organisms vary geographically. Studies from
lar symptom after blurring of vision [16]. the western population revealed that fungal infection was
Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14 Page 7 of 17
the main source in predisposed states, such as intravenous (42 patients, 50.6%) in which K. pneumonia was the most
drug abusers and immunocompromised patients [1, 19, common organism isolated (27 patients, 32.5%). Interest-
21]. In contrast, gram-negative microbes as the causative ingly, in contrast to several East Asian studies, urinary
organisms were overwhelming in the East Asian experi- tract infection including renal abscess (9 patients, 33.3%)
ence. In these Asian populations, Klebsiella was found to was the most common source of infection caused by K.
be responsible for approximately 90% of all endogenous pneumonia followed by lung infection (8 patients, 29.6%)
bacteria endophthalmitis cases [5]. Studies that were con- in our series. Liver abscess was identified in 7 patients
ducted in Korea showed that liver abscess was the most (25.9%). Necrotizing fasciitis, infected wound breakdown,
common infection source and Klebsiella was the most and acute gastroenteritis (AGE) were noted in one patient
common causative agent [15, 17]. A study from Japan in each. Apart from that, there was a relatively higher fre-
2015, however, demonstrated that gram-positive organ- quency of gram-positive cocci and fungal infection in our
isms were more common (76.2%) than gram-negative study, 32.5% and 16.9% respectively.
(19.0%), contrasted to the findings from other East Asian Most systemically administered antimicrobials that have
studies [16]. K. pneumonia which is predominant in East been used in the therapy of endophthalmitis do not pene-
Asia may be due to the high incidence of cholangiohepati- trate well into the non-inflamed vitreous humor. However,
tis. Therefore, the East Asian population is more prone to the penetration of several antibiotics into the eye may be
have liver abscess than Caucasians [24]. We found that increased by inflammation which occurs following sur-
gram-negative organisms were responsible for half of the gery, trauma, or infection. Kowalski and colleagues com-
cases of endogenous endophthalmitis in our case series pared the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of
Table 5 Clinical summary of endogenous endophthalmitis in the current study
Case Age/ Systemic risk factors Initial Culture Organism Source of Systemic antibiotics/antifungal IVT abk/ Vitrectomy Final
sex/eye VA infection antifungal VA
Blood Other body Vitreous
1 49/M/R – CF + + Sputum − Acinetobacter sp. Skin Ciprofloxacin Yes Yes 6/18
2 76/F/R – PL − + Skin − Candida albicans Skin Fluconazole Yes Yes NPL
3 49/M/L DM 4/60 − + Skin − Staphylococcus Skin Unasyn Yes No 6/36
aureus infection
4 46/F/L – NAV − + Sputum − Acinetobacter sp. Lung Ceftriaxone, sulperazone Yes No NAV
5 39/F/L Leukemia 6/36 − − − – – Amphotericin, fluconazole Yes yes 6/9
6 71/M/L – CF + − − Klebsiella UTI Cefuroxime Yes No 6/24
7 56/F/R DM NPL − − − – Lung Ciprofloxacin Yes No NPL
8 56/M/L Leukemia 6/60 + − − Enterobacter – Vancomycin, moxifloxacin Yes No HM
9 26/M/R – 6/36 + − Not Staphylococcus IE Cloxacillin, gentamicin No No 6/36
done aureus
Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14
aureus catheter
52 19/M/L Takayashu arteritis, renal failure 2/60 − − − – – Ciprofoxacin, ceftazidime Yes No 6/18
on steroid
53 56/F/R DM 6/18 + + Liver − Klebsiella HPB Cefuroxime Yes No 6/18
pneumonia infection
54 56/M/R DM HM + − − MRSA Infected Ciprofloxacin Yes No CF
55 56/M/L DM CF + − − Klebsiella Lung Ceftazidime Yes No NPL
pneumonia infection
56 57/M/R – CF − − − – – Ciprofloxacin Yes No 6/12
57 57/M/L – 6/12 − − Not – – Ciprofloxacin Yes No 6/12
58 38/F/L – 6/9 − + Urine − Escherichia coli UTI Ceftazidime No No 6/9
59 55/M/R DM CF − + Infected − Staphylococcus Skin Ceftriaxone Yes No CF
catheter aureus infection
60 7/M/R Leukemia 6/36 − + Infected − Fungal* Septic Itraconazole Yes Yes 6/9
catheter arthritis
61 42/F/R – CF + − − Bukholderia – Ciprofloxacin Yes No 6/24
62 63/F/R DM NAV + + Urine/infected Not Klebsiella Skin Ciprofloxacin No No NPL
Page 10 of 17
Table 5 Clinical summary of endogenous endophthalmitis in the current study (Continued)
Case Age/ Systemic risk factors Initial Culture Organism Source of Systemic antibiotics/antifungal IVT abk/ Vitrectomy Final
sex/eye VA infection antifungal VA
Blood Other body Vitreous
catheter done pneumonia infection
63 71/F/L – HM − − NAV – Lung Ciprofloxacin NAV NAV NAV
64 22/F/L Leukemia 6/24 + − Not Fungal* – Voriconazole No No 6/18
65 45/M/L DM, renal failure NPL + + Infected − Staphylococcus Infected Cloxacillin Yes No NPL
catheter aureus catheter
66 48/M/R DM CF + − − Klebsiella Lung Ceftriaxone, amoxicillin- Yes Yes 6/60
pneumonia infection clavulanic acid
67 31/M/L – CF − − − – – Ciprofloxacin Yes Yes 6/6
68 54/M/L – 6/60 + + Sputum, CSF + Klebsiella Lung Ceftriaxone, imipenem Yes No NPL
pneumonia infection
69 55/M/R DM, renal failure HM + + Infected − Staphylococcus Skin Ciprofloxacin Yes Yes 6/60
catheter aureus infection
70 55/M/L DM, renal failure HM + + Infected − Staphylococcus Skin Ciprofloxacin Yes Yes 6/36
catheter aureus infection
Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14
− − –
Table 5 Clinical summary of endogenous endophthalmitis in the current study (Continued)
Case Age/ Systemic risk factors Initial Culture Organism Source of Systemic antibiotics/antifungal IVT abk/ Vitrectomy Final
sex/eye VA infection antifungal VA
Blood Other body Vitreous
106 41/F/R DM HM − − − – Lung Ciprofloxacin Yes Yes PL
107 67/M/L DM 6/9 + + Urine + Escherichia coli UTI Ciprofloxacin Yes Yes CF
108 63/M/R – 1/60 + + Infected + MRSA Skin Vancomycin, ciprofloxacin Yes Yes 6/9
catheter infection
109 63/M/L – 6/24 + + Infected Not MRSA Skin Vancomycin, ciprofloxacin No No 6/12
catheter done infection
110 52/M/L DM, renal failure HM − − + Phanerochaete Skin Voriconazole Yes No CF
chrysosporium infection
111 45/M/R DM, renal failure PL + − − Staphylococcus Infected Cloxacillin Yes Yes NPL
aureus catheter
112 47/M/R Alcoholic liver disease on steroid 6/12 + − Not Staphylococcus Skin Cloxacillin No No 6/9
done aureus infection
113 47/M/L Alcoholic liver disease on steroid 6/12 + − Not Staphylococcus Skin Cloxacillin No No 6/9
done aureus infection
114 58/M/L DM PL + + Infected + MRSA Genital Ciprofloxacin Yes Yes HM
catheter infection
Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14
Fig. 4 Correlation between presenting visual acuity (LogMAR) and final visual acuity (LogMAR)
bacterial isolates from 66 patients with endophthalmitis virulent organisms was associated with good overall out-
and found that all of the gram-negative isolates would come [14, 17]. In our case series, 73 eyes (51.4%) under-
have been inhibited by levels of ciprofloxacin achievable went vitrectomy. Vitrectomy was performed within
following systemic administration [25]. 2 weeks in 38 eyes (52.1%) and more than 2 weeks in 35
In endogenous endophthalmitis, the rationale for use eyes (47.9%). The most common indication for early
of intravitreal injections as an adjunct to intravenous vitrectomy was poor presenting visual acuity of CF or
therapy is also because of reduced permeability of the worse in 31 cases (81.6%). Persistent or increased vitre-
retinal-pigmented epithelium to systemically adminis- ous opacities or anterior chamber cells despite systemic
tered drugs [26]. Yonekawa et al. showed that early and intravitreal antibiotics were other indications for
administration, e.g., within 24 h, was associated with a early vitrectomy. There was no significant difference
favorable visual outcome [27]. Most of our patients between early vitrectomy (within 2 weeks) compared to
received intravitreal injections within 24 h of diagnosis. delayed vitrectomy (more than 2 weeks) for favorable
Vitrectomy serves as a diagnostic and therapeutic visual prognosis (p = 0.327).
option. It is indicated in cases with severe vitreous opac- Generally, the visual outcome of endogenous endoph-
ities, diffuse retinal infiltration, and poor presenting thalmitis is poor due to early and extensive retinal
visual acuity and when there is no clinical improvement involvement. Virulent causative organisms, poor host
with systemic and intravitreal therapy. However, the role defense, misdiagnosis leading to delayed treatment, inad-
and timing of vitrectomy remain unclear in patients with equate treatment, inappropriate therapy, and occurrence
endogenous endophthalmitis. Sheu et al. reported no of complications such as panophthalmitis are associated
significant relationship between vitrectomy and visual with poor prognosis. Wu et al. reported that the eyes
outcome in Klebsiella endophthalmitis. However, they with bacterial endogenous endophthalmitis had a worse
suggested early vitrectomy should be considered in outcome compared to patients with fungal endophthal-
patients whose anterior chamber inflammation did not mitis [11]. Lim et al. concluded that gram-negative bac-
respond well to intravitreal antibiotics [28]. On the other teria had worse visual outcomes compared to gram-
hand, Yoon et al. demonstrated that following early positive bacteria or fungus [15].
vitrectomy for Klebsiella endogenous endophthalmitis, Visual outcomes in Klebsiella endophthalmitis has
50% achieved a vision of CF or better after 6 months been poor despite treatment with a combination of sys-
[14]. Early vitrectomy performed within 10 days of the temic and intravitreal antibiotics [12, 13]. Case series
appearance of ocular symptoms or signs resulted in a and literature reviews involving infection with K. pneu-
better visual prognosis (CF or better) than without monia showed that visual acuity achieved was CF or bet-
vitrectomy [17]. In other studies, early vitrectomy within ter in 34.0% of eyes, and 16.0% had evisceration or
2 weeks of presentation in severe cases or suspected enucleation [5]. Sheu et al. reported 19 eyes (35.8%) had
Muda et al. Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection (2018) 8:14 Page 16 of 17
final visual acuity of CF or better [28]. Connell et al. Ethics approval and consent to participate
found that all the patients in their study needing enucle- Ethics approval was obtained by the Medical Research and Ethics Committee
(MREC) prior to the initiation of the study.
ation were infected by Klebsiella [1]. In our series, 100
eyes (73.0%) achieved final visual acuity of CF or better. Consent for publication
However, in cases with Klebsiella endogenous endoph- Not applicable.
thalmitis, only 18 eyes (25.4%) achieved final visual acu-
Competing interests
ity of CF or better, which is comparable with other The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
studies. Ten eyes were complicated with panophthalmi-
tis, and 5 of them were due to Klebsiella pneumonia.
Publisher’s Note
In our series, a good presenting visual acuity was the Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
only prognostic factor associated with good visual out- published maps and institutional affiliations.
comes of CF or better. Lim et al., Nishida et al., and
Author details
Binder et al. in their case series also described that a good 1
Department of Opthalmology, Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala
presenting visual acuity was significantly associated with Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 2Department of Opthalmology, Hospital
good final visual acuity [15, 16, 20]. We found that DM, Sungai Buloh, Sungai Buloh, Malaysia. 3Department of Opthalmology,
Hospital Selayang, Batu Caves, Malaysia. 4Department of Opthalmology,
presence of a source of infection, organism, and intravit- Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 5Department of
real antibiotics were not related to poor visual outcome. Opthalmology, Hospital Shah Alam, Shah Alam, Malaysia.