Epileptic Seizures May Begin Clinical Study Hours in Advance of Clinical Onset: A Report of Five Patients
Epileptic Seizures May Begin Clinical Study Hours in Advance of Clinical Onset: A Report of Five Patients
Epileptic Seizures May Begin Clinical Study Hours in Advance of Clinical Onset: A Report of Five Patients
precursors of seizures far in advance of seizure onset nial electrodes during evaluation for epilepsy surgery.
on the EEG. We analyzed continuous intracranial EEG Subjects were the first five patients meeting these crite-
recordings over many days and used algorithms that ria admitted to the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit after univer-
are sensitive to the spikes, high-frequency rhythmic dis- sity approval of the research protocol. Patients included
charges, and high-amplitude slow waves that are typical four men and one woman. Mean age was 32 years (range
of the EEG in epilepsy. This preliminary investigation 21–50). The etiology of epilepsy was likely closed head
in five patients is a necessary first step in identifying injury in patient #1, although she also had febrile convul-
quantitative parameters worthy of more intensive study sions in early childhood, which have been associated
in a larger, prospective trial. with later development of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
We chose to study patients with mesial temporal lobe Patient #5 also had febrile convulsions, but no other risk
epilepsy, in whom seizures arose from the amygdala, factors for epilepsy. The other three patients had no
hippocampus, or adjacent cortex in one or both tempo- identified risk factors.
ral lobes because: (1) mesial temporal lobe epilepsy Intracranial monitoring was required in these patients
frequently cannot be controlled by antiepileptic drugs, because brain imaging, scalp EEG, and other noninva-
(2) it is common and is among the best understood of sive studies did not definitively identify the site(s) from
focal epilepsies, (3) it is common practice to record from which seizures originated. Evaluations included: (1) re-
intracranial electrodes in these patients during evalua- cording seizures with scalp EEG electrodes, (2) high-
tion for epilepsy surgery, (4) the likelihood of electrodes resolution brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
being placed in or very close to the region generating look for focal lesions, (3) brain positron emission tomog-
the earliest precursors of seizures is high in these cases, raphy scanning (PET, using FDG, or [18F]2-fluoro-2-
and (5) electrical seizure onsets are usually well localized deoxyglucose) to identify regions of decreased brain
on intracranial EEG in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, metabolism usually associated with epileptic foci, and
have high signal to noise ratio, and offer the best avail- (4) neuropsychological testing to identify focal impair-
able data for studying seizure generation in humans. ment of cognitive function corresponding to brain re-
gions that give rise to seizures. A clinical summary of
Clinical Background the study patients, including brain imaging results and
We analyzed data from five patients with mesial tempo- clinical outcome, is provided in Table 1.
ral lobe epilepsy who required monitoring with intracra- Location of seizure precursors was validated by clini-
Precursors of Temporal Lobe Seizures
cal outcome after epilepsy surgery in four of the five Each patient had one six-contact “depth” electrode
study patients (Table 1). Patient #2 chose not to have placed stereotaxically in each temporal lobe, using coor-
epilepsy surgery despite a majority of seizures arising dinates generated from a high-resolution MRI scan of
from the right hippocampus. This patient had normal the brain referenced to a coordinate frame fixed to the
brain imaging and seizures that spread from one side head of the patient for surgery. These electrodes were
to the other within several seconds, predicting a poorer placed through a burr hole in the occipital region of the
chance of significant reduction in seizures after epilepsy skull and advanced forward so that the most anterior
surgery. contact lay in the amygdala and more posterior contacts
were located along the head and body of the hippocam-
pus. Additional electrodes were placed directly on the
Table 2. Time between Seizures
surface of the brain (subdural electrodes) over and under
Mean Time to Standard the temporal lobes bilaterally through a single burr hole
Patient Next Seizure (Hr) Deviation (Hr) Range (Hr)
made in the temporal bone on each side of the skull.
1 12.7 10.2 0.9–22.8 Three patients (#3, #4, and #5) also had subdural elec-
2 16.3 30.9 0.7–102.3 trodes placed on the surface of the frontal lobes bilater-
3 19.2 12.7 1.7–35.1
ally. Figure 1 demonstrates placement of intracranial
4 27.5 35.2 2.3–103.7
5 9.8 15.1 0.6–35.6
depth and subdural temporal electrodes in one study
Spacing of seizures over time for each patient, listed as time to next All EEG recordings were reviewed visually by four
seizure, with standard deviation and range of values.
epileptologists certified by the American Board of Clin-
ical Neurophysiology in EEG (BL, TH, PP, CE), for contacts. Unequivocal EEG onsets of seizures were ste-
purposes of clinical decision-making. The first author reotyped for each patient, suggesting a reproducible,
visually reviewed the EEG for each seizure before quan- individualized pattern of initiation and spread.
titative analyses of these data and marked the following Measures of energy in the EEG signal formed the core
times: (1) the earliest EEG change associated with sei- of quantitative methods used to analyze seizure-related
zures: this point in time was found by identifying un- activity (see Experimental Procedures). These were cho-
equivocal seizure activity on the EEG and then moving sen because: (1) their calculation is simple and fast,
backward in time to the point at which the first clear, consisting only of squaring the voltage at each point
sustained change from the patient’s EEG baseline prior measured in the digital EEG and summing this up over
to the seizure was detected; and (2) the unequivocal a particular period of time; and (2) signal energy, as we
EEG onset of seizures: this marked the time at which defined it, is sensitive to EEG waveforms associated
an EEG pattern typically associated with seizures (Ris- with seizures and epileptic foci in the brain, such as
inger et al., 1989) first became unquestionably clear and epileptiform spikes, rhythmic sharply contoured wave-
could be identified independent of knowing that a sei- forms, and high-amplitude slow (0.5–4 Hz) activity seen
zure followed. Intracranial EEG, simultaneous video, and after bursts of epileptiform activity.
medical records were reviewed in their entirety for each In the first experiment, signal energy in the EEG was
patient. Important clinical activity, sleep-wake cycles, computed over the entire hospital stay in the three pa-
times, and doses of medication administered during the tients, #1, #3, and #4, who had highly localized earliest
monitoring period were recorded and analyzed. EEG changes prior to seizure onset. Mean time between
seizures was 12.7 hr for patient #1 (stdev ⫽ 10.2 hr,
Results range 0.9–22.8 hr), 19.2 hr for patient #3 (stdev ⫽ 12.7
hr, range 1.7–35.1), and 27.5 hr for patient #4 (stdev ⫽
In two patients (#1 and #4), all seizures began in one 35.2 hr, range 2.3–103.7 hr). This information is listed
temporal lobe and earliest EEG changes were very focal, for all patients in Table 2. Periodic elevations in signal
confined to one or two adjacent electrode contacts. This energy appeared to occur in the epileptic focus intermit-
implies that these contacts were placed in or very close tently throughout the hospital stay and increased in
to the epileptic focus in these patients. Seizures arose number beginning approximately 7 hr prior to seizures.
independently from both temporal lobes in the re- Figure 2 shows a representative long-term energy plot
maining three patients (#2, #3, #5). Earliest EEG changes beginning 8 hr prior to a single seizure in patient #1. The
were poorly localized in patients #2 and #5, indicating figure demonstrates several prolonged bursts of energy,
either less favorable electrode placement or that sei- some lasting more than 30 min, as seizures approach.
zures arose from a more diffuse area in these individuals. Bursts were defined as sustained elevations of signal
In patient #3, earliest EEG changes were localized after energy of greater than two standard deviations above
ⵑ0.5 s demonstrating a loss of normal EEG background the interburst baseline for periods of 5 min or more in
in the anterior hippocampal electrodes bilaterally. In all a running average of 5 min duration. Bursts occurred in
five patients, unequivocal onset of seizure activity on the epileptic focus region in patients #1 and #4, though
EEG was localized to one or two adjacent electrode substantially lower amplitude synchronous activity in
Precursors of Temporal Lobe Seizures
the opposite mesial and subtemporal electrodes were relationship between long-term energy bursts and time
often present. In patient #3, long-term energy bursts of onset of electrographic seizures. Bursts appeared to
often appeared with approximately equal amplitude bi- be concentrated between 7 hr and 30 min prior to seizure
laterally, perhaps related to the independent bitemporal onset. Conclusions could not be drawn about the inci-
unequivocal EEG seizure onsets seen in this patient, but dence of long-term energy bursts more than 12 hr prior
were more frequently seen in the right temporal region. to seizure onset, due to data inclusion criteria (see Ex-
Increases in long-term energy were not detected at con- perimental Procedures). Long-term energy was elevated
trol electrode sites in the frontal and posterior temporal after each seizure and remained increased for an aver-
lobes. Visual inspection of long-term energy bursts re- age of 4–6 hr. This agrees with the findings of Franaszcuk
vealed increasingly complex spikes accompanied by and Bergey, who found increased synchrony in the re-
high-amplitude low-frequency activity (0.5–4 Hz) and gion of the epileptic focus after seizures to the end of
loss of normal background activity in the epileptic focus their 2 hr analysis period (Franaszcuk and Bergey, 1999).
channel during these periods. Figure 3 displays raw EEG For this reason, long-term energy bursts could only be
in a single channel in the epileptic focus comprising a evaluated before the first seizure when seizures oc-
typical long-term energy burst that occurred 4.5 hr prior curred less than 6 hr apart. This suggests that mecha-
to seizure onset and lasted ⵑ25 min. The figure includes nisms giving rise to clustered seizures are likely different
a “close-up” of typical epileptiform discharges and slow from those leading to isolated seizures. These findings
activity seen during these bursts for patient 1. Prolonged suggest that seizure generation may begin far earlier
bursts of signal energy were more common while pa- than 1 hr prior to clinical seizures.
tients were asleep, as is typical of epileptiform dis- In a second observation, patient #1 demonstrated ste-
charges, but were not attributable to EEG patterns asso- reotyped 6–12 s runs of very focal, rhythmic, high-fre-
ciated with sleep. Figure 4 demonstrates the temporal quency activity in the left anterior hippocampus (the
Figure 5. Rate of Subclinical Seizures versus Time to Electrical Onset of Symptomatic Seizures
Focal subclinical seizures prior to one seizure of patient #1 recorded from left hippocampal depth electrode contacts LT2 and LT3 referenced
to a remote electrode. These electrical events began with stereotyped fast activity and were of variable length. The last subclinical seizure,
#4, leads to a clinical seizure with UEO marked by the arrow. Subclinical seizures did not occur within 6 hr after electrographic seizures
except when seizures clustered together over short periods of time. There was no evidence that these discharges were associated with the
postseizure period.
clusters initially mislabeled as “preseizure” were cor- cal to generating seizures in patient #3 was likely located
rectly reclassified as baselines, improving overall accu- in the right hemisphere, perhaps near pathways allowing
racy to 94%. There were no clear EEG changes responsi- rapid conduction or diversion of activity to the left hippo-
ble for the two remaining false positive declarations; campus under some circumstances. This hypothesis is
however, these could have occurred during prolonged supported by the patient’s seizure-free outcome after
long-term bursts of energy between seizures (see surgical removal of the right temporal lobe.
above), or asymptomatic seizures hidden by gaps in Visual inspection of preseizure EEG recordings did
recorded data found more than 3 hr prior to these base- not demonstrate obvious findings that corresponded to
line segments. There were no specific characteristics changes in accumulated energy. The actual number of
or obvious systematic errors to account for misclassifi- epileptiform discharges (spikes) during the 50 min be-
cation of three false negative epochs. The short predic- fore seizures did not differ statistically from baseline
tion horizon for patient #4 sets him apart from the other periods, in agreement with Lange et al. (1983) and Katz
study patients, as does the unusually short time delay et al. (1991). The frequency of these discharges during
between electrical and clinical seizure onset in this pa- longer periods prior to seizure onset and their correlation
tient. These findings are of unclear significance. with impending seizures was not analyzed. Changes
In patients with seizure onsets confined to one tempo- in accumulated energy were not clearly confined to a
ral lobe (#1, #4), and in two of the patients with seizures particular frequency band in the EEG.
arising independently from both temporal lobes (#2, #5), Further analyses were performed to determine if high-
increased accumulated energy was found only on the amplitude epileptiform activity during long-term energy
same side as unequivocal EEG onset for each seizure. bursts or focal subclinical seizures accounted for the
In patient #3, of the seven seizures that met inclusion rise in accumulated energy prior to clinical seizures.
criteria, unequivocal EEG onset was seen in the right Long-term energy bursts occurred prior to 8 of 30 sei-
temporal lobe for five events and on the left side in the zures during the 50 min before unequivocal electro-
other two. Pre-seizure changes in accumulated energy graphic seizure onset in which the accumulated energy
predicted onset on the right side for all seizures. These was calculated. Given that accumulated energy was ele-
findings suggest that the epileptic focus, or region criti- vated above threshold prior to seizure onset in 27 of
ronal excitability could be enhanced by slow accumula- and the corresponding processes could be modified
tion of extracellular K⫹ (Dichter et al., 1972), alkaliniza- prior to seizure onset, leading to specific, targeted new
tion (Tang et al., 1990), or changes in intracellular therapies. Our findings, for the first time, suggest the
osmolarity (Schwartzkroin et al., 1998), which could ef- need to evaluate these processes in broader time
fect slow potentiation of excitatory synapses via local windows.
electrical coupling or neuromodulatory substances.
Changes in the redox state of the focus related to altered The Next Experimental Steps
perfusion, O2 extraction or neuronal activity has been Because collection of human data is ethically limited to
shown to significantly affect NMDA receptor activity. clinical necessity, we are employing animal models of
Increases in energy could also trigger transcriptional human temporal lobe epilepsy in an attempt to under-
changes in neurons within the epileptic focus. The re- stand the preseizure cascade. Some models, such as
sulting gene products may initiate a cascade of intracel- systemically delivered pilocarpine and sustained electri-
lular changes leading to seizure onset (Liang and Jones, cal status epilepticus, cause widespread neuronal in-
1997). This idea is appealing, because communication jury. Others, such as intrahippocampal injection of kainic
between cell surface membrane and the nucleus may acid, are more focal. All are problematic because the
require minutes and sometimes hours to occur. In addi- frequency and severity of associated seizures is difficult
tion, long-term potentiation is known to influence gene to control. Genetically engineered animal models of epi-
transcription, providing one potential mechanism for lepsy (i.e., knockouts) are less variable, though most are
electrical activity at the synapse to affect protein expres- more similar to human primary generalized epilepsy than
sion (Bailey et al., 1996). These events could be analo- to seizures of focal origin (Noebels et al., 1990; Noebels
gous to changes that occur in cortical neurons when and Rutecki, 1990; Burgess and Noebels, 1999; Noebels,
memories are stored. 1999). Transgenic mouse epilepsy models may be trans-
Although speculative, these hypotheses are testable, ferable to primates (Kafri et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2000),
offering potential benefits for preclinical testing of algo- Though some of the variability in findings between
rithms and implanted devices. our five study patients is likely due to electrode place-
ment and clinical factors, each subject was found to
Clinical Research: Experimental Issues have a unique preseizure electrophysiology. Our experi-
All tapes were reviewed in their entirety to screen out ence suggests that individual variability will likely fall
artifacts and gaps in EEG data, which necessitated ex- within a small number of pre-ictal patterns, analogous
cluding some epochs from analysis (see Experimental to seizure onset patterns recorded from depth elec-
Procedures). In retrospect, strict review and inclusion trodes in temporal lobe epilepsy (Spencer et al., 1992).
criteria were justified, given our findings that postseizure This implies that prediction algorithms will likely need
elevations in EEG signal energy lasted up to 6 hr and to be individually optimized, though utilizing a limited
that a large percentage of apparent “false positive” pre- number of adjustable parameters.
cursors occurred in anticipation of previously unrecog- All of the findings described in this study refer to
nized subclinical seizures. These findings reinforce the temporal and not extratemporal epilepsy, a discussion
need for long, continuous, and complete data sets that of which is beyond the scope of this paper.
are as free as possible from artifacts and recording gaps
for this type of research. An Implantable Diagnostic-Therapeutic Device
All study patients underwent rapid tapering of their Understanding mechanisms of seizure generation will
antiepileptic drugs to precipitate seizures, which is ultimately produce the best therapies, however, an im-
standard during presurgical evaluation, and facilitates plantable antiseizure device is a natural interim goal.
seizure clustering. Haut et al. have demonstrated that Figure 9 displays a schematic of such a device, based
clustered seizures demonstrate different EEG charac- upon algorithms we have developed to predict seizures
teristics than single spontaneous seizures in the same and trigger therapy as they approach. The device contin-
patient (Haut et al., 1997). Studies of seizure precursors uously monitors features extracted from the intracranial
in the absence of medication withdrawal will be impor- EEG and computes the probability of an approaching
tant to validate prediction algorithms for application out- seizure, while continuously checking for electrical sei-
side of the monitoring setting. zure onset. A wavelet neural network is trained, and its
Accumulated energy measurements were only useful performance individually optimized, based upon multi-
in separating preseizure from baseline epochs when ple features extracted from continuous data containing
state of consciousness was taken into account. Other both seizures and long seizure-free and preseizure inter-
investigators have dealt with this issue by examining vals. The patient or physician sets the probability thresh-
seizures only during wakefulness. Future trials will need olds and rate of rise that will trigger a warning or inter-
to account for EEG changes during all states of vention.
awareness. Electrical stimulation and local drug infusion are two
Precursors of Temporal Lobe Seizures
main therapies being investigated in conjunction with arrhythmias. Implantable cardiac defibrillators process
these devices. As we envision this, when seizures ap- one channel of data, detect arrhythmias after their onset,
proach with low probability, lower amplitude stimuli that and deliver graded shocks to “reset” the heart’s electri-
are less likely to disrupt normal brain function might be cal system. Side effects such as pain and alteration or
applied. Algorithms might include standard or “chaos loss of consciousness are accepted, since the goal of
control” pacing (Glanz, 1994; Lopes da Silva et al., 1994; therapy is to preserve life. Epilepsy devices will likely
Heffernan, 1996), low-level depolarization or hyperpolar- require processing multichannel data in parallel, with
ization of the focus region. As the probability of seizure the goal of preventing clinical symptoms, such as loss
onset increases, stimulation intensity, duration, and area of awareness. Delaying therapy until electrical seizures
are increased, perhaps extending to subcortical struc- are detected may be too late to prevent clinical symp-
tures, which may modulate seizure generation. Care toms, given the rapidity with which seizures may spread.
must be taken to avoid stimuli that might cause tissue Finally, epilepsy devices will likely require optimization
injury or promote kindling of seizures in otherwise for each patient, and perhaps periodic retraining, given
healthy tissue (Lothman and Williamson, 1994). Of inter- the potential for seizures and electrical stimulation to
est, peripheral nerve stimulation and applying magnetic alter network dynamics in the brain over time.
fields to brain also hold therapeutic promise for treating
seizures (Fanselow et al., 2000; Gluckman et al., 2001).
Infusing small amounts of antiepileptic drugs locally Conclusion
in the epileptic focus may also inhibit seizure generation. Our results suggest that the changes in cellular and
Candidate drugs for infusion include benzodiazepines, network function that lead to epileptic seizures likely
lidocaine, standard, or newer antiepileptic agents. This develop over hours, providing exciting clues to potential
approach has been the subject of considerable interest mechanisms underlying seizure generation. Understand-
for the past several years (Eder et al., 1997; Ward and ing these mechanisms should produce new, more effec-
Rise, 1998; Stein et al., 2000). tive and specific therapies for epilepsy. Our results also
suggest that seizures in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Analogy to Cardiology are predictable within time horizons that make it possi-
Intelligent devices to treat seizures may prove more ble to prevent them, opening an immediate opportunity
difficult to implement than those used to treat cardiac to develop intelligent, implantable therapeutic devices.
As seizure precursors become better understood, it may energy at the given sample rate of 200 Hz. A sliding rectangular
become possible to trace the earliest precursors of sei- window was used to process the data.
Average energy values were computed by averaging every 250
zures back to their site(s) of origin, perhaps enabling
points, equivalent to 1.25 s of the instantaneous energy at the given
ablation of critical regions of abnormal function by mini- sample rate of 200 Hz. Results were computed in a moving average,
mally invasive surgery or other techniques to replace overlapping consecutive calculations by 0.8 s (160 points) to give
large-scale brain resections that are now standard. Most a higher resolution. This was accomplished by shifting the computa-
important, these results provide new neurophysiologic tion window in Equation 2 0.45 s (90 points) each time:
evidence that may bring researchers closer to under- 1
Ek ⫽ ⌺ x2[n], (2)
standing how epilepsy begins and perhaps how to pre- N
vent it.
where Ek represents the kth value of the average energy over a
window of 250 points, N is the total number of instantaneous energy
Experimental Procedures values averaged, in this case N ⫽ 250.
A second level of averaging was performed to calculate the accu-
Continuous intracranial EEG and video were collected using a digi- mulated energy. Ten consecutive values of the average energy are
tal, 64-channel, 12 bit Nicolet BMS-5000 epilepsy monitoring system added, divided by 10, and then added to the running tally of accumu-
and were stored on videotape. Referentially recorded EEG was lated energy. This process is equivalent to integrating the absolute
downloaded from tape and archived to CD-ROM for processing. value of the EEG voltage as it is recorded on the intracranial EEG.
EEGs were digitized at 200 Hz and recorded after filtering through An overlap of 50%, or five points, is used in this measure, again
a bandpass of 0.1–100 Hz. Data were processed using a combina- to improve resolution in time. Equation 3 summarizes how each
tion of MATLAB programs and custom-written C⫹⫹ code for more accumulated energy value is obtained:
prolonged, computationally intensive tasks on a network of four 410
MHz IBM personal computers running Windows NT and equipped AEm ⫽ ⌺ Ek ⫹ AEm⫺1, (3)
with parallel processors. Hospital stays varied from 3–14 days in
the five study patients, yielding roughly 50 gigabytes of raw data where AEm is the mth value of the accumulated energy, AEm⫺1 is the
available for processing. Bipolar electrode montages were used to mth ⫺ 1, or previous value, of the accumulated energy.
eliminate common mode artifact. A digital 60 Hz notch filter was
employed to eliminate line noise. Videotapes were watched in their Accuracy Calculation
entirety for clinically important events, and approximation of periods Classification accuracy was calculated as the percentage of total
of sleep and wakefulness. Finer resolution of sleep-wake cycles number of correct predictions with respect to total number of re-
was achieved by examining the EEG. cords analyzed (Echauz et al., 1998):
Strict inclusion criteria were used in the study of long-term energy
to ensure that the relationship between long-term energy bursts
and seizures could be properly explored. Seizures that occurred
A ⫽ 100 1 ⫺
1 N
N i⫽1 冥
兺 兩yi ⫺ ŷi兩 , (4)
with less than 6 hr between them were excluded from analysis, where A is the percentage of accurately classified data epochs,
except for the first seizure in each cluster. In addition, all processed where yi, is the true classification of the ith record (1 ⫽ preseizure,
data segments had to be preceded and followed by at least 6 hr of 0 ⫽ baseline), ŷi is the ith system’s classification of the same event
uninterrupted, contiguous EEG, containing no artifacts or gaps of (1 ⫽ preseizure, 0 ⫽ baseline), and N is the total number of records
5 min duration or longer. These strict criteria resulted in elimination classified.
of approximately 1/3 of baseline and preseizure data from the analy-
sis in the three patients evaluated in this portion of the study. Data Handling and Processing
In the study of accumulated energy, all preseizure epochs meeting The large computational burden of these experiments required
criteria for inclusion were used. Acceptable baseline epochs were adopting a system of procedures to deal with the more than 100
divided into hour-long segments, assigned numbers, and then ran- CDs, each containing 480 MB of digital data, processed for the
domly selected for analysis. To be accepted, preseizure and base- above experiments. A custom toolbox of programs, written in MATLAB
line epochs had to be preceded by at least 3 hr of uninterrupted and C⫹⫹ was developed, with an emphasis on flexibility, automa-
data, excluding brief artifacts lasting less than 10 s. This excluded tion of feature extraction from raw data, and tabulation of results.
14 preseizure epochs from processing. A 15th seizure that arose Two major groups of programs were developed: generic programs
outside of the temporal lobes (patient #5) was not included in the that were run on all data sets, including feature extraction, window
analysis. Not all excluded data epochs were rejected due to artifact. length adjustment, and data shifting routines; and patient-specific
Some occurred near the beginning or end of a tape where previous programs used to generate a set of individual features for each data
or trailing data were lost, interrupted, or obscured. Additionally, epoch and to compile results for each trial. Batch programs were
only one baseline epoch was allowed from a single 3 hr period, to generally run overnight on the network, and results were automati-
eliminate biasing results. Baseline epochs had to be recorded at cally saved into patient-specific work folders labeled by patient
least 80% during sleep or wakefulness. Target numbers for base- number. Of great importance, descriptive naming conventions were
lines were arbitrarily set at six each collected during sleep and established for each feature generated from each patient’s data,
wakefulness for each patient in this study. Table 3 demonstrates all for each data epoch, for different states of consciousness, and for
usable, randomly chosen baseline segments available for pro- different data classes (preseizure, baseline, control channels, etc.).
cessing, using the stringent selection criteria listed above. These naming conventions were vital to handling the enormous
amount of data processed for this study. Other issues, such as
Calculation of Signal Energy and Accumulated Energy organization and control of access to the CD library of raw data,
Signal energy was calculated in a sliding window of 1.25 s to assure organization of files on computer hard disk drives, and assembling
signal stationarity, chosen empirically, based upon the work of Qin descriptive logs of clinical and quantitative data for each patient
(1995). The instantaneous energy was obtained by squaring each were labor intensive, but essential to maintaining easy access to
value of the intracranial EEG sequence as follows: raw and preprocessed data, calculated features, and overall results.
where x[n] is the nth value of the intracranial EEG signal in the focus This work is supported by funding from the Whitaker Foundation,
channel within the ith time window, indexed by time. Average energy Epilepsy Foundation, American Epilepsy Society, University of
values were computed by averaging every 250 points (indexed by Pennsylvania Research Foundation, Jim Jacoby, and the National
n in Equation 1 above), equivalent to 1.25 s of the instantaneous Institutes of Health grant #MH-62298RO1. Drs. Litt, Esteller, Echauz,
Precursors of Temporal Lobe Seizures
and Vachtsevanos are founders of a small company, IntelliMedix, dependencies in the occurrences of epileptic seizures: a nonlinear
which supports this research. The authors express their apprecia- approach. Epilepsy Res. 17, 81–94.
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Iasemidis, L., Gilmore, R., Roper, S., and Sackellares, J. (1997).
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