Department of Philosophy, Gujarat University: M.A. Semester-I To IV New Syllabus
Department of Philosophy, Gujarat University: M.A. Semester-I To IV New Syllabus
Department of Philosophy, Gujarat University: M.A. Semester-I To IV New Syllabus
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Syllabus [M.A.] Sem-I to IV
[ With effect from Academic Year – June 2017 ]
(PHI401) Indian logic and Epistemology-I
Unit-II Perceptions
Nyaya view on perception
Buddhist view on perception
Advaita Vedant view on perception
Recommended Books:
1. Annam Bhatt – Tarkasangraha with Dipika ed, by Anand Jha, Uttarapradesh Hindi
2. Jayanta Bhatt – Nyayaymanjari, I-III Ahnikas, translated (Guj.) by N.J. Shah L.D.
Institute of Indology. Ahmedabad.
3. Bhattacharya G., Studies in Nyaya – Vaisesika Theism, Sanskrit college, Calcutta.
4. S.C. Chatterjee – Nyaya theory of Knowledge, university Calcutta. 1955.
5. D.M. Datta : The six way of knowing, university of Calcutta, 1960.
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6. N.J. Shah – Sad – Darshana (Guj.) Vol. II Nyaya – vaisesika, University Granth
Nirman Board, Ahmedabad.
7. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, yðirËf ËþoLkku.
8. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLkku.
9. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
10. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îíç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
11. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
12. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ à¢}¢¢ü, |¢¢Ú¼è² ΢à¢üçÝÜU S¢}¢S²¢»¡ - Ú¢Á¢S‰¢¢Ý çã‹Îè x¢í‹‰¢ ¥ÜU¢Î}¢è, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
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(PHI402) Indian Ethics
Objectives: There are peculiar characteristics of Indian ethics, which are lacking in
the west. The objective of this paper is to introduce these characteristics
with a text and issue based oriented study, contain fundamental ethical
concepts. The course covers the cosmo- centric, universal and duty –
oriented nature of Indian ethics.
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(PHI403) Symbolic Logic
Objectives :
What is logic?
Truth and validity
Symbolic logic
Branches of symbolic logic
Simple and compound statements
Use of new symbols : conjunction – Implication
Proposition constant and propositional variables
Conditional propositions and material implication
Argument forms and Truth Tables
Kinds of statement forms
Material and logical Equivalence
Paradox of material Implication
Formal proof of validity
Elementarily valid Argument forms (rules of Inference)
The Rules of Replacement
Proving Invalidity
Conditional proof
Indirect proof
Predicate logic : Limits of propositional logic
Singular and general propositions
Individual variables and propositional function
Quantification and general propositions
Reference Books:
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5. Patric Suppes : Introduction to Logic (Van Nostrand, East – West press, New
6. Anderson J.N. and Henry Johnstone : Natural Deduction.
7. Church A : Introduction to mathematical logic (Princeton)
8. James A. Thomas : Symbolic logic (Mersrill A Bell & Howell co. Columbus,
9. Irving M. Copi and James Gould : Contemporary readings in Logical Theory
(Macmillan, 1967)
10. Strawson P.F. Introduction to logical theory (Mathuen, 1962).
11. J. Hintkker and others (ed.) : Essays on Mathemtical and Philosophical logic.
(Synthese library vol. 22, 1979)
12. Strawson P.F. (Ed.) : Philosophical Logic (Oxford).
13. Patrick J. Hurely : Introduction to Logic (words worth)
14. Chandra Chakraborti : Logic Informal, Symbolic And Inductive – Prentice Hall,
15. yuMk. yuMk. þ{ko, «kríkf íkfoþk† - ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
16. hksu©e Ëðu, íkfoþk† Ãkrh[Þ - ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
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(PHI404EA) Modern Indian thought-1
Objectives: The course aims to make students familiar with the development and
Concept which has determined Modern Indian thoughts.
The concept of Philosophy and modern Indian thought
Development of Modern Indian Thoughts
Characteristics of modern Indian thoughts
Raja Rammohan Roy’s contribution to modern Indian thought
Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s approach to other religions and his views
on Brahma, Shakti, and mysticism
Vivekananda : Practical Vedanta, Vedanta as universal Religion
Swami Dayanand –Interpretation of Veda
Ravindranath Tagore – Religion of Man, Ideas of Education
Ramanamaharshi : Search of the self
Aurobindo : Theory of evolution – theory of sacchidananda and its
relationship wtih Supermind, Overmind and mind, Purnayoga
Reference Books :
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(PHI404EB) Jain Philosophy
Introduction to Jainism
Jain Agamika Literature
Concept of Substance
Nine fundamental principals of Jainism
Syadvada and Anekantvada
Doctrine of Karma
Concept of Leshya
Jaina Ethics : Code of conducts for Monks, Code of conduct for
House holders
Concept of Liberation and means of liberation
Concept of Tapa
Concept of Anupreksha
Concept of – Dashavidadharma
Kinds of Dhyana
Reference Books:
1. Jaina Logic and Epistemology – H.M. Bhattacharya Pub. by : K.P. Bagchi and
company, Calcutta 1994.
2. Jaina concept of Omniscience – by Ramjee Singh Published y L.D. Institute of
Indology Ahmedabad, 1974, 1st Edition.
3. Jaina Theory of Perception – Pushpa Bothra.
4. Studies in Jaina Philosophy by Nathmal Tatia Pub. By Jaina Cultural Research
Society, Banaras 1951.
5. Traverses on Less Trodden path of Indian Philosophy and Religion – Dr.
Yajneshwar Shastri – L.D. Institute of Ideology, Ahmedabad.
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6. Acharya Umasvati Vacaka’s Prasanaratiprakarana – Y.S. Shastri L.D. Institute of
Indology, Ahmedabad, 1989.
7. Jain Tatvachintan : Dr. Naginbhai Shah
8. Jain Dharmnu Hard : Pandit Sukhlalji.
9. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, yðirËf ËþoLkku.
10. Íuz. ðe. fkuXkhe, siLk ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
11. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
12. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©
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(PHI405EA) Advaita Vedanta
Unit-III Jivatma
Concept of Jiva
Relation between Jiva, Jagat and Ishvara
Concept of Moksha
Means of attaining liberation
Place of Shruti and Tarka in Advaita Vedanta
Reference Books :
1. Brahmasutrabhasya of Sankara
2. Upanishadbhasya of Sankara
3. Bhamati – Vacaspati Misra
4. Citsukhi – Citsukhacarya
5. Sankarachrya : Sariraka Bhasya, ed. N.L. Shastri, Nirnayasagara Press, Bombay.
6. Veadantsutra with Sankarabhasya. Trans G. Thibaut, Vols, I-II, Sacred Books of
the east, 2nd, reprint Delhi. 1966.
7. Avidya : Naginbhai Shah
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8. Avidya : A. Solomon.
9. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, þtfhk[kÞoLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
10. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
11. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
12. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
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(PHI405EB) Philosophy of Ramanuja
Ramanuja is one of the great philosopher in Vaishnavism. This
philosophy is known as Vishishtadvaita. This course will give
complete picture of Ramanuja’s philosophy.
The course is aimed at introducing, with sufficient depth ,the
fundamental metaphysical concepts of Ramanuja .
Introduction to history and Philosophy of Vishishtadvaita Tradition .
epistemology of Ramanuja Philosophy
Metaphysics of Ramanuja Philosophy
Place of Vishistadvaita Philosophy in Vedantins Tradition
What Is Vedanta? Shri- Vaishnavism and Visistadvaita, its antiquity,
Predecessors of Ramanuna. Source of material for Visistandvaita
Vedanta . Alvars and their literature. Ubhaya -Vedanta
Meaning of 'Visistadvaita' Three realities (tattvatraya) Brahman as
Ontological Reality: The Relation of Brahman to Cit and Acit
Parabrahman as the paramesvara : Meaning of Saguna and Nirguna,
Nature and Attributes of God , Brahman as the Efficient, Material
and Auxiliary cause
Five forms of Parabrahman viz., Para, Vibhava, Vyuha , Antaryamin
And Archa. Brahman as Immanent and Transcendent
a) Ramanuja's criticism of Sankara's Nirguna Brahman as pure
b) Ramanuja's criticism of Sankara's Mayavada. Ramanuja's notion
of the nature and the status of the world, Satkaryavada-
Parinamavada. Relationship between God and world and Man
and World
Unit- IV
Nature of Individual Self (jivatman) plurality of Selves
Kinds of selves. Baddha, Mukta and Nitya. Ramanuja's explanation
of 'Tattvamasi'
Pathway to God (Sadhana)
Place of Jnan , Karma and Bhakti and their requirements
Bhaktimarga -Upasana , sadhanasaptaka
Praptti or Nyasa - vidya : The doctrine of surrender (Saranagati)
Superiority of Praptti over Bhakti
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Reference Books:
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(PHI406S) Seminar
To make them familiar with research methodologies.
How to present a research paper in seminars and conferences .
To make students aware about the research for writing.
Details of Seminars:
The subject of the seminar must be from philosophy in consultation
with the respective teacher
Two written research papers to be presented in the class room - in
the form of a seminar
At the end of the semester viva – will be conducted
Library work
1. Classification of knowledge
2. Nyaya View on Perception
3. Nyaya View on Inference
4. Fallacies of Inference (Hetvabhas)
5. Testimony or Shabdapraman
6. The Concept of Dharma
7. Concept of Swadharma & Loksangraha in Bhagwad Geeta
8. Moral Significance of Aryaashtangika Marga of Buddhism
9. Simple and Compound Statements
10. Elementarily Valid Argument Forms (Rules of Inference)
11. Conditional Proof and Indirect Proof
12. Characteristics of Modern Indian Thoughts
13. Vivekananda : Practical Vedanta, Vedanta as Universal Religion
14. Arrobindo’s Theory of Evolution.
15. Sankar’s View of Mayavada
16. Sankar’s View of Bhramhan
17. Ramanuja’s Refutation of Mayavada
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(PHI407) Indian Logic and Epistemology-II
Unit-I Comparison
Definition of Upamana
Classification of Upamana
Can Upamana be an independent source of valid knowledge?
Unit-IV Anuapalabdhi
Anuaplabdhi as an Independent Source of Knowledge
Abhava as a subject of perception
Kumarila's and Advaita Vedantin’s view on the perception on
Reference Books :
1. Annam Bhatt- Tarkasangraha with Dipika ed, by Anand Jha, Uttarapradesh Hindi
2. Jayanta Bhatt - Nyayaymanjari, I -III Anika, translated (Guj.) by N.J. Shah L.D.
Institute of Indology Ahmedabad.
3. Bhattacharya G. Studies in Nyaya- Vaisesika Theism, Sanskrit college, Calcutta
4. S. Chatterjee- Nyaya theory of Knowledge , university Calcutta. 1955
5. D.M. Datta : The six way of knowing, university of Calcutta, 1960.
6. N.J. Shah - sad - darsana (Guj.) vol. II Nyaya- vaisesika , Unversity Garantha
Nirman Board
7. D.N. Shastri- Critique of Indian Realism, Agra Univeristy, 19964.
8. Matilal B.K. - The Nyaya Doctrine of Negation, Harvard University press. 1968.
9. Bhattcharya K.- Studies in Philosophy Vol -I Progressive publishers, Colleges
street, Calcutta.
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10. Potter K.H. – Presuppositions of Indian Philosophies, Prentice Hall of India ( Pvt.)
Ltd., New Delhi. 1965.
11. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
12. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
13. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
14. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
15. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ à¢}¢¢ü, |¢¢Ú¼è² ΢à¢üçÝÜU S¢}¢S²¢»¡ - Ú¢Á¢S‰¢¢Ý çã‹Îè x¢í‹‰¢ ¥ÜU¢Î}¢è, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
16. Hÿ}¢è à¢}¢¢ü, ©Ð}¢¢Ý Ðí}¢¢‡¢ - ¼éHÝ¢y}¢ÜU ¥Š²²Ý, çã‹Îè }¢¢Š²}¢ ÜU¢²¢ü‹±² çÝÎïüࢢH², çÎËãè
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(PHI408) Western Ethics
Objective: The course is aimed to highlight the basic trends and concepts of
western ethics. The emphasis has been put on the ethical issues of
Utilitarianism, Intuitionism, Kantianism, Bradley, Moore A.J. Ayer,
Reference Books :
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(PHI409) Advance Symbolic Logic
Objectives: This course aims at highlighting the basic contents and techniques of
axiomatic methods in propositional and predicate logic. It provides a
rigorous treatment and enable the student to comprehend essential
metatheorems of propositional and first order predicate calculus.
Reference Books:
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3. S.S. Sharma : Pratika Tarkashastra (Guj.) University Granth Nirman
4. Patric Suppes : Introduction to Logic (Van Nostrand, East - West press New Delhi.
5. Anderson J.N. and Henry Johnstone -.Natural Deduction .
6. Church : A Introduction to mathematical logic (Princeton )
7. James A. Thomas : Symbolic logic ( Mersrill A Bell & Howell co. Columbus,
8. Irving M. Copi and James Gould : Contemporary readings in Logical theory (
Macmillan , 1967).
9. J. Hintkker and others (ed.): Essays on Mathematical and Philosophical logic.
(synthese library vol. 22,1979)
10. Strawson P.F. (ed.): Philosophical logic (Oxford).
11. hksu©e Ëðu, íkfoþk† Ãkrh[Þ – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
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(PHI410EA) Modern Indian thought-II
Objectives: The course aims to make students familiar with the development and
Concept which has determined by Modern Indian thinkers.
Gandhiji : Criticism of modern civilization, God & Truth, Non
violence, Satyagraha, Sarvodaya
K.C. Bhattacharya : ‘Svaraj in Ideas” Concept of Philosophy, subject
as freedom, Negation
S. Radhakrishnan : Intution and Reason, Notion of Good life
J. Krishnamurthi – Freedom from the known, Analysis of Self.
Ambedkar – Varna and the Cast System, Neo – Buddhism
Ikbal – Self, God and Nature of Intuition
Reference Books :
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(PHI410EB) Indian and Western Aesthetics
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(PHI411EA) Epistemological Problem of Indian Philosophy
Reference Books :
1. Annam Bhatt- Tarkasangraha with Dipika ed, by Anand Jha, Uttarapradesh Hindi
2. Jayanta Bhatt - Nyayaymanjari, I -III Anika, translated (Guj.) by N.J. Shah L.D.
Institute of Indology Ahmedabad.
3. Bhattacharya G. Studies in Nyaya- Vaisesika Theism, Sanskrit college, Calcutta
4. S. Chatterjee- Nyaya theory of Knowledge , university Calcutta. 1955
5. D.M. Datta : The six way of knowing, university of Calcutta, 1960.
6. N.J. Shah - sad - darsana (Guj.) vol. II Nyaya- vaisesika , Unversity Garantha Nirman
7. D.N. Shastri- Critique of Indian Realism, Agra Univeristy, 19964.
8. Matilal B.K. - The Nyaya Doctrine of Negation, Harvard University press. 1968.
9. Bhattcharya K.- Studies in Philosophy Vol -I Progressive publishers, Colleges street,
10. Potter K.H. – Presuppositions of Indian Philosophies, Prentice Hall of India ( Pvt.) Ltd.,
New Delhi. 1965.
11. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
12. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
13. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
14. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
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(PHI411EB) : Philosophy of Religion
Religion and Philosophy of Religion, Theology and Philosophy of
Unit- II
Concept of Religion from Indian point of view
(Vadic and non-vadic traditions)
Nature and Attributes of God (Indian and western views)
Proofs for the existence of God (Indian and western views)
Unit- III
Immorality of self (Indian – view)
Law of Karma, bondage, cycle of rebirth, Moksa
Nature and function of religious language Analogical – symbolic and
non cognitive
Unit- IV
Challenges to Religion, Atheism and Agnosticism, Positivism and
Modern science
Future of Religion, Role of Religion in contemporary Age
Reference Books:
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(PHI412S) Seminar
To make them familiar with research methodologies
How to present a research paper in seminars and conferences
To make students aware of the research for writing
Details of seminars:
The subject of the seminar must be from philosophy in consultation
with the respective teacher
Two written research papers to be presented in the class room - in
the form of a seminar
At the end of the semester viva – will be conducted
Library work
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Semester – III
(PHI501) Indian Metaphysics
Objectives :
The course aims at familiarizing the student with the broad outlines
of the distinctive ides of Indian Metaphysics.
Prameya and Padartha according to Nyaya - Vaisesika
Concept of self in Nyaya , Vaisesika and Jainism, Buddhism
God and the World in Indian Philosophical systems with special
reference to Nyaya - Vaisesika, Buddhism and Jainism
Concept of Brahman , Isvara, Jiva and the world in Vadantic Schools
with special reference to Shankar, Ramanuj
Reference Books:
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(PHI502) Philosophy of Bhagawad Geeta
Objectives :
The course aims at familiarizing the students with the broad outline
of the distinct ideas of Bhagavad Geeta
The emphasis has been put on the ethical issues of
Nishkamakarmayoga, Lokasangraha etc.
The Bhagavad Geeta and Upanisads, Geeta and Sankhya Yoga. The
Central theme of Bhagavad Geeta
Metaphysics of the Bhagvad Geeta : Nature of ultimate Reality
(Atman and Brahman), Concept of Kshara, Akshara and
Purusottama, Kshetra and Kshetrajna, the doctrine of incarnation
(avatara) : its metaphysical and ethical significance , individual self
Jivantman) : its nature, rebirth and immortality, the phenomenal
world and its relation with God
Ethics of Bhagvad Geeta : Divine and Demonic qualities (Daivi and
Asuri smapada), Concept of free will, the concept of Yajna, Dana
and Tap
Unit- IV
Paths of God - Realisation : Jnanayoga, Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga,
Geeta's Synthesis of three paths, Significance of Niskamakarma,
characteristics of Bhakta and Sthitaprajna
Concept of Liberation : The goal of life .nature of Bondage, concept
of Jivanmukta and Videhamukta
Reference Books :
1. RadhaKrishnan : The BhagvadGeeta (Allen & Unwin)
2. R.D. Ranade : The BhagvadGeeta as a Philosophy of God Realization, for
author’s own views and the views of Bhandarkar and other (Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Bombay)
3. Paradkar N.D. (Ed) Studies in the Geeta (Popular Prakshan, Bombay, for view of
Swami Chinmayananda and Ranganathananda)
4. rðLkkuçkk ¼kðu, økeíkk «ð[Lkku
5. [tÿþtfh þwf÷, økeíkk ËþoLk.
6. rfþkuh÷k÷ ½Lk~Þk÷÷k÷ {þYðk¤k, økeíkk{tÚkLk (LkðSðLk «uMk)
7. Ë¥kkºkuÞ çkk÷f]»ý fk÷u÷fh, økeíkkÄ{o (LkðSðLk «uMk)
Page 26 of 85
8. çkk¤øktøkkÄh rx¤f, ©e{Ë ¼økðËT økeíkk hnMÞ yÚkðk f{oÞkuøk þkMºk (xe¤f{tËeh,
9. økktÄeS, yLkkMkÂõík Þkuøk (LkðSðLk, y{ËkðkË)
10. ©e yh®ðË, økeíkk rLkçktÄku (yLkwðkË ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkwhkýe) (©e yh®ðË yk©{, Ãkktze[uhe)
11. rðLkkuçkk ¼kðu, ÂMÚkík«¿k ËþoLk (LkðSðLk, y{ËkðkË)
12. rðLkkuçkk ¼kðu, økeíkkE r[LíkrLkfk (Þ¿k «fkþLk, nÍhík {køko, ðzkuËhk)
13. rfþkuh Ëðu, økeíkk ík¥ð rð[kh (çkeS ykð]r¥k, 1993, ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo)
14. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, ¼økðík økeíkk ËþoLk.
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(PHI503) Contemporary Western Philosophy-I
Objectives: The course aims at familiarising the students with the Contemporary Western
Philosophy, the thought tradition that has determined the course of
Contemporary Western Thought.
History of Pragmatism
C.S. Pierce – Theory of Meaning
William James – Nature of Truth and Radical Empiricism
John Dewey – Instrumentalism
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(PHI504EA) Socio–Political Philosophy-I
Scope of Socio-political Philosophy
Nation, State and Sovereignty
Rights, Duties and Accountability with reference to Individual and
Reference Books:
1. Issues in Political Theory, Catriona McKinnon
2. Communism : A very short introduction, Leslie Holmes
3. Socialism : A very short introduction, Michael Newman
4. Political Philosophy : An introduction, Jean Hampton
5. Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, D.P. Chattopadhyaya
6. The Oxford Companion to Politics in India, Niraja Gopal Jayal and Pratap Bhanu Mehta
7. A New Politics of Identity, Bhikhu Parekh
8. Theory of Justice, Dr. Amartya Sen
9. An introduction to Socio-political Philosophy, Rammurthy Pathak
10. Ú¢}¢}¢é¼èü ТÆÜU, S¢¢}¢¢çÁ¢ÜU-Ú¢Á¢Ýèç¼ÜU Îà¢üÝ ÜUè MÐÚﶢ, ¥ç|¢}¢‹²é ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, §H¢ã¢Ï¢¢Î
Page 29 of 85
(PHI504EB) Yoga Philosophy
Objectives: Knowledge of yoga and its practical side is very important in modem
times. For this course student will be benefited by its philosophy,
Psychology and practical aspects.
Yoga as Chittavrttinirodha, Instrument for mental purification.
The relation between subject and object- Drasta and Drasya
Other mental modification
- Viparyaya – aprama
- Vikalpa, Nidra and Smrti
- Klista and Aklista
Control of Chittavrtti:
- Abhyasa
- Vairagya - Para and Apara
Chittabhumis :
Five kinds of Kleshas
Ashtangyoga : Yama , Niyama.Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahar,
Dharana, Dyana, Samadhi.
Type of Samadhi and their characteristics :
- Sabija
- Nirbija
Nature of Kaivalya : Samadhi and Kaivalya
Unit- IV
The Nature of Nirmanacitta
Rutumbhara Prajna
Reference Books:
1. The Yoga - system of patanjali (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali together with the
commentaries of Veda Vyasa and Vacaspatimisra, translated by J.H. Woods
(Motilal Banarasidas, 1992,)
2. M.R. Yardi: The Yoga of Patanjali (Bhandarkar Oriental Institute, Pune).
3. Patanjali Yoga sutra (Translated by N.B. Pandya in Gujarati) (Sastu Sahitya
Vardhak Karyalaya, 1958)
Page 30 of 85
4. Shree Patanjali Yoga Darshanam ( Patanjali yoga sutra ane tena mukhya bhasyo
Gujaratima , Sanksepa, by Kaniya Jekishendas . (Gujarat Vidhysabha,
5. Swami Omanandatirth : Patanjala Yogapradipa ( Hindi). (P.O. Geeta press,
Gorakhpur, 3 rd Edi. 2016)
6. Wood J.H. Patanjali Yoga Sutra
7. Dasgupta : The study of Patanjali
8. T.S. Rukmani: Yogavartika of Vijnanabhiksu.
9. Yoga sutras of Patanjali - Vol. I: Samadhi Pada by Pandit Ushar Budh Arya.
U.S.A. (Himalyan International Institute of Yoga)
10. The Science of Yoga - I.K. Taimni (The Theosophical publishing House,
11. Yoga Psychology - Swami Abhedananda (Ramkrishna Mission, Kolkatta )
12. lndian Psychology, Jadunath Sinha, Motilal Banarasidas, New Delhi
13. The text book of Yoga Psychology- Ramamurti S. Mishra.
14. Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali with Bhasvati - Swamiharianand Aranya ,
(University of Calcutta - 2000 - Samadhi Pada).
15. Yoga Sutras - Translated and commentd upon by Harihariharananda Aranya.
16. Bhartiya Manovigyan : Sampadak : N. Dravid & Chorasiya, Vishwavidyalaya
Prakashan, M.P.
17. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
18. LkøkeLk S. þkn, MkktÏÞ-Þkuøk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
19. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
20. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
21. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
Page 31 of 85
(PHI505EA) Buddhist Philosophy
Reference Books:
Page 32 of 85
7. The Six ways of knowledge - D.M. Datta ( Calcutta : University of Calcutta Pub.
8. Traverses on Less trodden path of Indian Philosophy and religion - .- Dr.
Yajneshwar Shastri. - L.D. Institute of Ideology, Ahmedabad .1991
9. Mahayanasutralankara - A study in vijnanvadabuddhism - Y.S. Shastri: (Indian
books center, New Delli 1989 )
10. Gautam Bhuddha : Dr. Radhakrishnan : Anu : Gopal Das.
11. Akalanka’s Criticism of Dharmakirti’s Philosophy : A study.
12. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
13. yu{. fu. ¼è, çkkiØËþoLk, ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
14. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
15. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
16. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
Page 33 of 85
(PHI505EB) Philosophy of Vallabhacharya
Objectives :
To understand the value of Vallabha Vedant and Its relevance for
Philosophical Thinking.
To understand the tradition of Bhakti as initiated by Vallabha
Reference Books
Page 34 of 85
(PHI506S) Seminar
To make them familiar with research methodologies.
How to present a research paper in seminars and conferences .
To make students aware of the research for writing.
Details of Seminars:
The subject of the seminar must be from philosophy in consultation
with the respective teacher.
Two written research papers to be presented in the class room - in
the form of a seminar.
At the end of the semester viva – will be conducted.
Library work.
Page 35 of 85
Semester – IV
(PHI 507) Contemporary Western Philosophy-II
Objectives: The course aims at familiarising the students with the Contemporary
Western Philosophy, the thought tradition that has determined the course
of Contemporary Western Thought.
Unit-I Early Wittgenstein
Facts, objects, names, propositions, signs and symbols
Picture Theory of Meaning
Ordinary Language, Philosophy and Formal Concepts
Solipsism and Science
Unit-IV Existentialism
Kierkegaard : Truth is Subjectivity
Nietzsche : Critique of Judaeo-Christian Ethics, Will to Power
Heidegger : Authenticity and Inauthenticity, Authentic Existence,
Being-in-the world
Sartre : Existence precedes Essence; Human Freedom
Reference Books
1. Contemporary Western Philosophy, B.K. Lal and Prof. Nityānanda Mishra
2. Chief Currents of Contemporary Philosophy, D.M. Datta
3. Existentialism, Thomas R. Flynn
4. Classics of Analytic Philosophy, Robert R. Ammerman
5. Çè. ¥¢Ú. Á¢¢Å±, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ ÜU¢ S¢}¢èÿ¢¢y}¢ÜU ç±ÔH﯇¢, }¢çHÜU »‹Ç ÜU}ÐÝè, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
6. Ï¢è. ÜïU. H¢H, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
7. çÝy²¢Ý‹Î ç}¢Ÿ¢, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
8. Ï¢ír¢S±MÐ ¥x¢í±¢H, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ, ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
Page 36 of 85
(PHI508) Philosophy of Kant
Historical background of Philosophy of Kant
Kant And European Enlightenment
Kant’s problem
Copernican Revolution
Synthetic and analytic judgments
Possibility of synthetic a – priori judgment
Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetic
Metaphysical and transcendental exposition of space and time.
Critique of priori forms – space and time.
Kant’s view on transcendental logic
Transcendental and metaphysical deduction of categories.
Kant and causation
Kant agnosticism- Phenomena and Noumena
Unit- IV
Paralogism of pure reason
Antinomies of pure reason
Reference Books:
Page 37 of 85
(PHI509) Philosophy of Navya Nyaya
Objectives :
To understand the unique technique of Nyaya known as Navya
A reform treatise on the old Nyaya theory.
History of Navya Nyay
School of Mithila
School of Nadiya (Navadwip)
School of Tanjor
Four Types of Relation
(1) Vrutti Niyamak Sambandh and Vrutti Aniyamak Sambandh
(2) Vyapyavrutti and Avyapyavrutti
(3) Sakshat and Parampara Sambandh
(4) Mukhya and Gauna Sambandh.
Nature of Vyapti
Various Definations of Vyapti
Is Abhav an Independent Category? Nyayasutra, Udyotkar,
Bhasarvgya, Shivaditya
Prashastapada, Mimansha & Buddha.
Reference Books :
1. Navya Nyay Pravesh / Dr. Laxmesh Joshi / University Granth Nirman Board.
Page 38 of 85
(PHI510EA) Environmental Philosophy
Objectives: Environment and ecology are very important issues in present day
world. Throw this course students will be familiar with India’s
Environment and ecological perspectives.
Reference Books :
Page 39 of 85
(PHI510EB) Socio-Political Philosophy-II
Unit-I Multiculturalism
Reference Books:
Page 40 of 85
(PHI511) Seminar
To make them familiar with research methodologies.
How to present a research paper in seminars and conferences .
To make students aware of the research for writing.
Details of Seminars:
The subject of the seminar must be from philosophy in consultation
with the respective teacher
Two written research papers to be presented in the class room - in
the form of a seminar
At the end of the semester viva – will be conducted
Library work
Page 41 of 85
(PHI512) Project
Reference Books :
Page 42 of 85
4. Shukla J.J. : Martin Heidegger nu tattvacintan, Granthanirmana Board, 1978.
5. Baxi Madhusudan V. : Sartrenun Tattvajnana, University Granth Nirman Borad,
Ahmedabad, Second Edition : 1999.
6. Ï¢è. ÜïU. H¢H, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
7. çÝy²¢Ý‹Î ç}¢Ÿ¢, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
8. Ï¢ír¢S±MÐ ¥x¢í±¢H, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ, ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
Page 43 of 85
(økwshkíke ðÍoLk)
Syllabus [M.A.] Sem-I to IV
[ With effect from Academic Year – June 2017 ]
(PHI401) ¼khíkeÞ íkfoþk† yLku ¿kkLk{e{ktMkk-1
Unit-II «íÞûk
LÞkÞËþoLkLkku «íÞûk ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷
çkkiØËþoLkLkku «íÞûk ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷
yîiíkðuËkLíkLkku «íÞûk ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷
Unit-IV þçË«{ký
‘þçË’Lke ÔÞkÏÞk yLku íkuLkk «fkhku
þçË yLku yÚko
Recommended Books:
13. Annam Bhatt – Tarkasangraha with Dipika ed, by Anand Jha, Uttarapradesh
Hindi Academy.
14. Jayanta Bhatt – Nyayaymanjari, I-III Ahnikas, translated (Guj.) by N.J. Shah
L.D. Institute of Indology. Ahmedabad.
15. Bhattacharya G., Studies in Nyaya – Vaisesika Theism, Sanskrit college,
16. S.C. Chatterjee – Nyaya theory of Knowledge, university Calcutta. 1955.
17. D.M. Datta : The six way of knowing, university of Calcutta, 1960.
Page 44 of 85
18. N.J. Shah – Sad – Darshana (Guj.) Vol. II Nyaya – vaisesika, University
Granth Nirman Board, Ahmedabad.
19. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, yðirËf ËþoLkku.
20. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLkku.
21. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
22. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
23. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
24. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ à¢}¢¢ü, |¢¢Ú¼è² ΢à¢üçÝÜU S¢}¢S²¢»¡ - Ú¢Á¢S‰¢¢Ý çã‹Îè x¢í‹‰¢ ¥ÜU¢Î}¢è, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
Page 45 of 85
(PHI402) ¼khíkeÞ Lkeríkþk†
Reference Books:
11. S.K. Maitra : The Ethics of the Hindus.
12. M. Hiriyana : The Indian concept of values.
13. I.C. Sharma : Ethical Philosophies of India.
14. Surma Dasgupta : Development of Moral Philosophy of Indian.
15. Y.S. Shastri : Foundations of Hinduism, Yogeshwar Prakashan, Ahmedabad, 1993.
16. Y.S. Shastri : Mahayanasutralankara – A study in Vijnanavada Buddhism, Indian
Book Centre, New Delhi, 1989.
17. Umavsti Vacaka – Parasamarati Prakarana – Ed. and Tr. by Y.S. Shastri, L.D.
Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad.
18. Dilip Charan : Acharya Anand Shankar Dhruva, Darshan Ane Chintan (L.D.
Indology), 2010.
19. Hidu Jivan Darshan : Anuvad : Chandrashankar Shukla.
20. S¢éÚï‹Îí ±}¢¢ü, çݼèࢢ› ÜUè S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ðí±ë眢²¢¡-}¢Š²ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè x¢í‹‰¢ ¥ÜU¢Î}¢è, |¢¢ïТH.
Page 46 of 85
(PHI403) «kríkf íkfoþk†
íkfoþk† yux÷u þwt ?
MkíÞíkk yLku «k{kÛÞ
«kríkf íkfoþk†
«kríkf íkfoþk†Lke þk¾kyku
MkkËk yLku MktÞwõík rðÄkLkku
Lkðk «ríkfkuLkku WÃkÞkuøk-Mk{wå[Þ, þhíke
rðÄkLkÃkhf y[÷ yLku rðÄkLkÃkhf Ãkrhðíkeo
þhíke rðÄkLkku yLku ðMíkw÷ûke økŠ¼íkkÚko
Ë÷e÷YÃkku yLku MkíÞíkk fku»xf
rðÄkLkYÃkkuLkk «fkhku
ðMíkw÷ûke yLku íkkŠff Mk{{qÕÞíkk
ðMíkw÷ûke økŠ¼íkkÚkoLkku yktíkhrðhkuÄ
«{ký¼qíkíkkLke YÃk÷ûke Mkkrçkíke
«{ký¼qík («kÚkr{f) Ë÷e÷Lkk YÃkku (yLkw{kLkLkk rLkÞ{ku)
«ríkMÚkkÃkLkLkk rLkÞ{ku
y«{ký¼qíkíkkLke Mkkrçkíke
þhíke Mkkrçkíke
Ãkhkuûk Mkkrçkíke
rðÄuÞÃkhf íkfoþk† : rðÄkLkÃkhf íkfoþk†Lke {ÞkoËk
rðrþ»x yLku Mkk{kLÞ rðÄkLkku
ÔÞÂõíkÃkhf [÷ yLku rðÄkLk {kxuLkwt rðÄuÞYÃk
EÞ¥kk«ËkLk yLku Mkk{kLÞ rðÄkLkku
Reference Books:
Page 47 of 85
22. Anderson J.N. and Henry Johnstone : Natural Deduction.
23. Church A : Introduction to mathematical logic (Princeton)
24. James A. Thomas : Symbolic logic (Mersrill A Bell & Howell co. Columbus,
25. Irving M. Copi and James Gould : Contemporary readings in Logical Theory
(Macmillan, 1967)
26. Strawson P.F. Introduction to logical theory (Mathuen, 1962).
27. J. Hintkker and others (ed.) : Essays on Mathemtical and Philosophical logic.
(Synthese library vol. 22, 1979)
28. Strawson P.F. (Ed.) : Philosophical Logic (Oxford).
29. Patrick J. Hurely : Introduction to Logic (words worth)
30. Chandra Chakraborti : Logic Informal, Symbolic And Inductive – Prentice
Hall, 2008.
31. yuMk. yuMk. þ{ko, «kríkf íkfoþk† - ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
32. hksu©e Ëðu, íkfoþk† Ãkrh[Þ - ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
Page 48 of 85
(PHI404EA) ykÄwrLkf ¼khíkeÞ ®[íkLk-1
ík¥ð¿kkLkLke rð¼kðLkk yLku ykÄwrLkf ¼khíkeÞ ®[íkLk
ykÄwrLkf ¼khíkeÞ ®[íkLkLkku rðfkMk
ykÄwrLkf ¼khíkeÞ ®[íkLkLke ÷kûkrýfíkkyku
ykÄwrLkf ¼khíkeÞ ®[íkLk{kt hkò hk{{kunLk hkuÞLkwt «ËkLk
yLÞ Ä{kuo «íÞu hk{f]»ý Ãkh{ntMkLkku yr¼øk{, íku{Lkk çkúñ, þÂõík yLku hnMÞðkË
rðþuLkk rð[khku
rððufkLktË : ÔÞðnkrhf ðuËktík, ðuËktík Mkkðorºkf Ä{o íkhefu
Mðk{e ËÞkLktË-ðuËkuLkwt yÚko½xLk
hðeLÿLkkÚk xkøkkuh- {kLkðÄ{o, rþûký rð[kh
h{ý {nŠ»k – ‘Mð’Lke ¾kus
yh®ðË – Wí¢ktríkLkku rMkØktík, MkÂå[ËkLktËLkku rMkØktík íkÚkk yrík{LkMk, yrÄ{LkMk yLku
{LkMk MkkÚkuLkku MktçktÄ, ÃkqýoÞkuøk
Reference Books :
Page 49 of 85
(PHI404EB) siLk ËþoLk
siLk ËþoLkLkku Ãkrh[Þ
siLk ËþoLkLkwt ykøk{ MkkrníÞ
ÿÔÞ ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷
siLk ËþoLkLkk Lkð {q¤¼qík rMkØktíkku
MÞkËTðkË yLku yLkufkLíkðkË
f{oLkku rMkØktík
÷u~ÞkLkku rMkØktík
siLk Lkerík{e{ktMkk-MktíkkuLke yk[khMktrníkk, øk]nMÚkLke yk[khMktrníkk
{kuûkLkku ÏÞk÷ yLku {kuûk«króLkk MkkÄLkku
íkÃkLkku ÏÞk÷
yLkw«uûkkLkku ÏÞk÷
ËþrðÄ Ä{oLkku ÏÞk÷
æÞkLkLkk «fkhku
Unit- IV
siLkËþoLkLke ¿kkLk{e{ktMkk
«{kýLke ÔÞkÏÞk
Ãkkt[ «fkhLkk ¿kkLk
«íÞûk yLku Ãkhkuûk ¿kkLk{kt ðøkeofhý
yLkw{kLk «{ký
þçË «{ký
Mkðo¿kLkku ÏÞk÷ íkuLke þõÞíkk ytøku rððkË
Reference Books:
13. Jaina Logic and Epistemology – H.M. Bhattacharya Pub. by : K.P. Bagchi and
company, Calcutta 1994.
14. Jaina concept of Omniscience – by Ramjee Singh Published y L.D. Institute of
Indology Ahmedabad, 1974, 1st Edition.
15. Jaina Theory of Perception – Pushpa Bothra.
16. Studies in Jaina Philosophy by Nathmal Tatia Pub. By Jaina Cultural Research
Society, Banaras 1951.
17. Traverses on Less Trodden path of Indian Philosophy and Religion – Dr.
Yajneshwar Shastri – L.D. Institute of Ideology, Ahmedabad.
Page 50 of 85
18. Acharya Umasvati Vacaka’s Prasanaratiprakarana – Y.S. Shastri L.D. Institute
of Indology, Ahmedabad, 1989.
19. Jain Tatvachintan : Dr. Naginbhai Shah
20. Jain Dharmnu Hard : Pandit Sukhlalji.
21. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, yðirËf ËþoLkku.
22. Íuz. ðe. fkuXkhe, siLk ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
23. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
24. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©
Page 51 of 85
(PHI405EA) yîiík ðuËkLík
Unit-III Sðkí{k
Sð ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷
Sð, søkík yLku Eïh ðå[uLkku MktçktÄ
{kuûk ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷
{kuûk-«króLkk MkkÄLkku
yîiík ðuËkLík{kt ©wrík yLku íkfoLkwt MÚkkLk
Reference Books :
Page 52 of 85
20. Avidya : A. Solomon.
21. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, þtfhk[kÞoLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
22. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
23. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
24. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
Page 53 of 85
(PHI405EB) hk{kLkwò[kÞoLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
ðuËkLík yux÷u þwt ?
©e ði»ýð ËþoLk yLku rðrþ»xktîiík, íkuLke «k[eLkíkk
hk{kLkwò[kÞoLkk Ãkqhkuøkk{eyku
rðrþ»xkîiík ðuËkLík MkkrníÞ-Mkk{økúeLkku Mkúkuík
y÷ðkhku yLku íku{Lkwt MkkrníÞ
‘rðrþ»xkîiík’Lkku yÚko, ík¥ðºkÞ
ðkMíkrðf MkíkT íkhefu çkúñ
çkúñLkku r[íkT yLku yr[íkT MkkÚkLkku MktçktÄ
Ãkh{uïh íkhefu Ãkhçkúñ-Mkøkwý yLku rLkøkwoýLkku yÚko
EïhLkwt MðYÃk yLku íkuLkk økwýku
WÃkkËkLk, rLkr{¥k yLku Mknfkhe fkhý íkhefu çkúñ
ÃkhçkúñLkk Ãkkt[ YÃkku- Ãkh, rð¼ð, ÔÞqn, ytíkÞko{e yLku y[ko
çkúñLkwt ÔÞkÃkfÃkýwt yLku ÃkhkíÃkhÃkýwt
þtfhk[kÞoLkk þwØ[iíkLÞ íkhefu rLkøkwoý çkúñLkk ÏÞk÷Lke hk{kLkwsu fhu÷e Mk{eûkk
þtfhk[kÞoLkk {kÞkðkËLkwt hk{kLkwsu fhu÷wt ¾tzLk
hk{kLkwsLkku «f]rík ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷ yLku søkíkLke ÂMÚkrík
Eïh yLku søkík ðå[uLkku MktçktÄ íkÚkk Sð yLku søkík ðå[uLkku MktçktÄ
Unit- IV
Sðkí{kLkwt MðYÃk yLku Sðkí{kLke yLkufíkk
Sðkí{kLkk «fkhku – çkØ, {wõík yLku rLkíÞ
‘ík¥ð{rMk’Lkwt hk{kLkwsLkwt yÚko½xLk
¿kkLk, f{o yLku ¼ÂõíkLkwt MÚkkLk íkÚkk yrLkðkÞoíkk
¼Âõík{køko – WÃkkMkLkk, MkkÄLk-MkÃíkf
«Ãkr¥k yÚkðk LÞkMk-rðãk-þhýkøkrík, ¼Âõík fhíkkt «Ãkr¥kLke Wå[íkk
Reference Books:
16. P.N. srinivasachari - Philosophy of Visistadvaita - Adyar, Madras.
17. A Critical study of Ramanuja's Philosophy- Dr. Anima Sengupta , Motilal
Page 54 of 85
18. Yatindramata Dipika ( of Srinivasdas )- Text in Sanskrit with English Tr.
Swami Adidevananda - Ramkrishna Mission publication, Mysore.
19. A History of Indian Philosphy : Vol. Ill - S.N. Dasgupta.
20. Ramanuja's Teaching in His Own words - prof. Yamunacharya , Bhartiya
Vidhya Bhavan.
21. God, self and world in Ramanuja - Eric Lot.
22. Theory of Ramanuja - John Carman.
23. Shri Bhasya (Original Text with Tr. In English) - by Swami Adidivnanda,
Ramkrishan Mission, Mysore.
24. Philosophy of Ramanuja – J.N. Sinha, Sinha Publishing House, Calcutta.
25. Gujarati Translation of Shree Bhashya – A.B. Dhruva
26. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, þtfhk[kÞoLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
27. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
28. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
29. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
30. S±¢}¢è ç~¢|¢é±Ý΢S¢Á¢è, ç±çà¢cÅ¢mñ¼ çS¢h¢æ¼ ÜU¢ ç±S¼ë¼ ç±±ïÓ¢Ý, Ó¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, çÎËHè.
Page 55 of 85
(PHI406S) Mkur{Lkkh
Mkur{LkkhLke rðøkíkku :
Mkur{LkkhLkku rð»kÞ ík¥ð¿kkLkLkk yÇÞkMk¢{Lku yLkwYÃk nkuðku òuEyu.
Page 56 of 85
(PHI407) ¼khíkeÞ íkfoþk† yLku ¿kkLk{e{ktMkk-2
Unit-IV yLkwÃk÷ÂçÄ
Mðíktºk «{ký íkhefu yLkwÃk÷ÂçÄ
«íÞûkLkk rð»kÞ íkhefu y¼kð
y¼kðLkk «íÞûk ytøku fw{krh÷ yLku yîiík ðuËkLíkeykuLkku {ík
Reference Books :
17. Annam Bhatt- Tarkasangraha with Dipika ed, by Anand Jha, Uttarapradesh
Hindi Academy.
18. Jayanta Bhatt - Nyayaymanjari, I -III Anika, translated (Guj.) by N.J. Shah
L.D. Institute of Indology Ahmedabad.
19. Bhattacharya G. Studies in Nyaya- Vaisesika Theism, Sanskrit college,
20. S. Chatterjee- Nyaya theory of Knowledge , university Calcutta. 1955
21. D.M. Datta : The six way of knowing, university of Calcutta, 1960.
22. N.J. Shah - sad - darsana (Guj.) vol. II Nyaya- vaisesika , Unversity Garantha
Nirman Board
23. D.N. Shastri- Critique of Indian Realism, Agra Univeristy, 19964.
24. Matilal B.K. - The Nyaya Doctrine of Negation, Harvard University press.
25. Bhattcharya K.- Studies in Philosophy Vol -I Progressive publishers, Colleges
street, Calcutta.
26. Potter K.H. – Presuppositions of Indian Philosophies, Prentice Hall of India (
Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi. 1965.
Page 57 of 85
27. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
28. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
29. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
30. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
31. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ à¢}¢¢ü, |¢¢Ú¼è² ΢à¢üçÝÜU S¢}¢S²¢»¡ - Ú¢Á¢S‰¢¢Ý çã‹Îè x¢í‹‰¢ ¥ÜU¢Î}¢è, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
32. Hÿ}¢è à¢}¢¢ü, ©Ð}¢¢Ý Ðí}¢¢‡¢ - ¼éHÝ¢y}¢ÜU ¥Š²²Ý, çã‹Îè }¢¢Š²}¢ ÜU¢²¢ü‹±² çÝÎïüࢢH², çÎËãè
Page 58 of 85
(PHI408) ÃkkùkíÞ Lkerík{e{ktMkk
Reference Books :
Page 59 of 85
(PHI409) yuzðkLMk MkeBçkku÷ef ÷kuSf
Reference Books:
Page 60 of 85
18. James A. Thomas : Symbolic logic ( Mersrill A Bell & Howell co. Columbus,
19. Irving M. Copi and James Gould : Contemporary readings in Logical theory (
Macmillan , 1967).
20. J. Hintkker and others (ed.): Essays on Mathematical and Philosophical logic.
(synthese library vol. 22,1979)
21. Strawson P.F. (ed.): Philosophical logic (Oxford).
22. hksu©e Ëðu, íkfoþk† Ãkrh[Þ – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
Page 61 of 85
(PHI410EA) ykÄwrLkf ¼khíkeÞ ®[íkLk-2
Unit-I økktÄeS
ykÄwrLkf MkÇÞíkkLke Mk{eûkk
Eïh yLku MkíÞ
Unit-II fu. Mke. ¼èk[kÞo
rð[khku{kt Mðhks
ík¥ð¿kkLkLkku ÏÞk÷
Mðík¥ð Mðíktºkíkk íkhefu
Unit-III yuMk. hkÄkr¢»LkLk
ytík:MVqhýk yLku íkfo
‘©uÞMfh SðLk’Lkku ÏÞk÷
su. r¢»Lk{qŠík
‘¿kkík’Úke {wÂõík
‘Mð’Lkwt rð&÷u»ký
Unit-IV yktçkuzfh
ðýo yLku òríkÔÞðMÚkk
Mð, Eïh yLku ytík:MVqhýkLkwt MðYÃk
Reference Books :
12. V.S. Narvane, Modern Indian Thoughts (Asia Publishing House)
13. Bhavna Trivedi (Trans.) : Adhunik Bhartiya Chintan, University Granth
Nirman Board, Ahmedabad.
14. R.S. Srivastva : Contemporary Indian Philosophy (Munshiram Manoharlal)
15. B.K. Lal : Contemporary Indian Philosophy (Motilal Banarasidass)
16. B.G. Desai : Adhunik Bhartiya Tattvajnana, University Granth Nirman Board,
17. Sharma Arvind : Modern Indian Thought – Oxford, 2002.
18. Mohanty J.N. Essay on Indian Philosophy, Oxford, 1995.
19. T.M.P. Mahadevan and C.V. Saroja : Contemporary Indian Philosophy,
20. Indian Philosophy In English : (From Renaissance to Independence) edited by
Nalini Bhushan and Jay L. Garfield (Oxford Uni. Press, 2011).
21. Ï¢è. ÜïU. H¢H, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
22. ¥¢ï}¢ÐíÜU¢à¢ Å¢ÜU, ¥¢{éçÝÜU |¢¢Ú¼è² ôÓ¢¼Ý - Ú¢Á¢S‰¢¢Ý çã‹Îè x¢í‹‰¢ ¥ÜU¢Î}¢è, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
Page 62 of 85
(PHI410EB) ¼khíkeÞ yLku ÃkkùkíÞ MkkIËÞo{e{ktMkk
Unit- II hMk-rMkØktík
¼híkLkwt ‘Lkkxâþk†’
¼híkLkku hMk-rMkØktík
¼kð, rð¼kð yLku yLkw¼kð
yr¼Lkð økwóLkku hMk-rMkØktík
Reference Books :
11. Indian Aesthetics – Edited by V.S. Seturaman / Macmillan India Ltd.
12. Dhvanyalok – Anandvardhan Dhvani vichar
13. Nagindas Parekh – Gujarat Sahitya Parishada
14. Dr. Nagendra – Bhartiya Bhoomika, Oriented Book Depot.Delhi.
15. Saundaryamimansa By R.B. Patnkar.
16. Aesthetics : Kala aure saundarya ka darsanika vivechana / M. Saksena.
17. Poetics – Aristotle
18. h{uþ rºkðuËe, ¼khíkeÞ yLku ÃkkùkíÞ MkkrníÞ{e{ktMkk, þçË÷kuf «fkþLk, y{ËkðkË.
19. hk.¼k. Ãkkxýfh, MkkIËÞo{e{ktMkk.
20. ÃkÕ÷ðe {kÁ, MkkIËÞo{e{ktMkfku, «fkþLk rð¼køk, ¼khík Mkhfkh.
Page 63 of 85
(PHI411EA) ¼khíkeÞ ík¥ð¿kkLk{kt ¿kkLk{e{ktMkfeÞ Mk{MÞkyku
Reference Books :
15. Annam Bhatt- Tarkasangraha with Dipika ed, by Anand Jha, Uttarapradesh
Hindi Academy.
16. Jayanta Bhatt - Nyayaymanjari, I -III Anika, translated (Guj.) by N.J. Shah
L.D. Institute of Indology Ahmedabad.
17. Bhattacharya G. Studies in Nyaya- Vaisesika Theism, Sanskrit college, Calcutta
18. S. Chatterjee- Nyaya theory of Knowledge , university Calcutta. 1955
19. D.M. Datta : The six way of knowing, university of Calcutta, 1960.
20. N.J. Shah - sad - darsana (Guj.) vol. II Nyaya- vaisesika , Unversity Garantha Nirman
21. D.N. Shastri- Critique of Indian Realism, Agra Univeristy, 19964.
22. Matilal B.K. - The Nyaya Doctrine of Negation, Harvard University press. 1968.
23. Bhattcharya K.- Studies in Philosophy Vol -I Progressive publishers, Colleges street,
24. Potter K.H. – Presuppositions of Indian Philosophies, Prentice Hall of India ( Pvt.)
Ltd., New Delhi. 1965.
25. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
26. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
27. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
28. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
Page 64 of 85
(PHI411EB) Ä{oLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
Ä{o yLku Ä{oLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
Ä{oþkMºk yLku Ä{oLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
Unit- II
¼khíkeÞ árü®çkËwÚke Ä{oLkku ÏÞk÷ (ðirËf yLku yðirËf ÃkhtÃkhk)
EïhLkwt MðYÃk yLku økwýku (¼khíkeÞ yLku ÃkkùkíÞ árü®çkËw)
EïhLkk yÂMík¥ðLke Mkkrçkíke (¼khíkeÞ yLku ÃkkùkíÞ árü®çkËw)
Unit- III
ykí{kLkwt y{híð (¼khíkeÞ árü®çkËw)
f{oLkku rLkÞ{, çktÄLk, ÃkwLksoL{, {kuûk
ÄkŠ{f ¼k»kkLkwt MðYÃk yLku fkÞo
Mkká~Þ{q÷f, «ríkfkí{f yLku yMkt¿kkLkkí{f
Unit- IV
Ä{o Mkk{uLkk Ãkzfkhku
LkkÂMíkfðkË yLku y¿kuÞðkË
«íÞûkðkË yLku ykÄwrLkf rð¿kkLk
Ä{oLkwt ¼krð, Mkkt«ík Mk{Þ{kt Ä{oLke ¼qr{fk
Reference Books:
Page 65 of 85
(PHI412S) Mkur{Lkkh
Mkur{LkkhLke rðøkíkku :
Mkur{LkkhLkku rð»kÞ ík¥ð¿kkLkLkk yÇÞkMk¢{Lku yLkwYÃk nkuðku òuEyu.
Page 66 of 85
(PHI501) ¼khíkeÞ ík¥ð{e{ktMkk
LÞkÞ-ðiþur»kf yLkwMkkh «{uÞ yLku ÃkËkÚko
LÞkÞ, ðiþur»kf, çkkiØ yLku siLkËþoLkku{kt ykí{kLke MktfÕÃkLkk
¼khíkeÞ ËþoLkku{kt LÞkÞ, ðiþur»kfku, çkkiØ yLku siLk ËþoLkkuLkk rðþu»k Mkt˼o{kt Eïh yLku
søkíkLke MktfÕÃkLkkyku
ðuËkLík ËþoLkLke þk¾kyku{kt þtfhk[kÞo yLku hk{kLkwò[kÞoLkk rðþu»k Mkt˼o{kt
çkúñ, Eïh, Sð yLku søkíkLke MktfÕÃkLkkyku
Reference Books:
Page 67 of 85
(PHI502) ¼økðËTøkeíkkLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
¼økðËTøkeíkk yLku WÃkrLk»kË
økeíkk yLku MkktÏÞ-Þkuøk
¼økðËT økeíkkLkku furLÿÞ rð[kh
¼økðËTøkeíkkLke ík¥ð{e{ktMkk
Ãkh{ík¥ðLkwt MðYÃk (ykí{k yLku çkúñ)
ûkh, yûkh yLku ÃkwY»kku¥k{Lke MktfÕÃkLkkyku
yðíkkhðkË yLku íkuLkwt íkkÂ¥ðf yLku Lkiríkf {n¥ð
Sðkí{k : MðYÃk, ÃkwLksoL{ yLku y{h¥ð
¼kiríkf søkík yLku íkuLkku Eïh MkkÚkuLkku MktçktÄ
Ëiðe yLku ykMkwhe MktÃkËk
MktfÕÃk MðkíktºÞLke MktfÕÃkLkk
Þ¿k, ËkLk yLku íkÃk ytøkuLke MktfÕÃkLkkyku
Unit- IV
Eïh MkkûkkífkhLkk {køkkuo : ¿kkLkÞkuøk, f{oÞkuøk yLku ¼ÂõíkÞkuøk
ºkýuÞ {køkkuoLkku Mk{LðÞ
rLk»fk{ f{oLkwt {n¥ð
¼õíkLkk ÷ûkýku, ÂMÚkík«¿kLkk ÷ûkýku
{wÂõík ytøkuLkku ÏÞk÷ : SðLkLkwt æÞuÞ, çktÄLkLkwt MðYÃk, SðLk{wõík yLku rðËun{wÂõíkLkku
Reference Books :
Page 68 of 85
22. çkk¤øktøkkÄh rx¤f, ©e{Ë ¼økðËT økeíkk hnMÞ yÚkðk f{oÞkuøk þkMºk (xe¤f{tËeh, ÃkwLkk)
23. økktÄeS, yLkkMkÂõík Þkuøk (LkðSðLk, y{ËkðkË)
24. ©e yh®ðË, økeíkk rLkçktÄku (yLkwðkË ytçkk÷k÷ Ãkwhkýe) (©e yh®ðË yk©{, Ãkktze[uhe)
25. rðLkkuçkk ¼kðu, ÂMÚkík«¿k ËþoLk (LkðSðLk, y{ËkðkË)
26. rðLkkuçkk ¼kðu, økeíkkE r[LíkrLkfk (Þ¿k «fkþLk, nÍhík {køko, ðzkuËhk)
27. rfþkuh Ëðu, økeíkk ík¥ð rð[kh (çkeS ykð]r¥k, 1993, ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økútÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo)
28. Mke. ðe. hkð÷, ¼økðík økeíkk ËþoLk.
Page 69 of 85
(PHI503) Mk{fk÷eLk ÃkkùkíÞ ËþoLk-1
Reference Books :
9. Contemporary Western Philosophy, B.K. Lal and Prof. Nityānanda Mishra
10. Chief Currents of Contemporary Philosophy, D.M. Datta
11. Classics of Analytic Philosophy, Robert R. Ammerman
12. Philosophy of Language : The Classic Explained, Colin McGinn
13. Çè. ¥¢Ú. Á¢¢Å±, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ ÜU¢ S¢}¢èÿ¢¢y}¢ÜU ç±ÔH﯇¢, }¢çHÜU »‹Ç ÜU}ÐÝè, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
14. Ï¢è. ÜïU. H¢H, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
15. çÝy²¢Ý‹Î ç}¢Ÿ¢, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
16. Ï¢ír¢S±MÐ ¥x¢í±¢H, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ, ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
Page 70 of 85
(PHI504EA) Mkk{krsf-hksfeÞ ík¥ð¿kkLk-1
Mkk{krsf-hksfeÞ ík¥ð¿kkLkLkwt ûkuºk
hk»xÙ, hkßÞ yLku Mkkðo¼ki{¥ð
ÔÞÂõík yLku Mk{ksLkk Mkt˼uo n¬ku, Vhòu, sðkçkËkhe
Reference Books:
11. Issues in Political Theory, Catriona McKinnon
12. Communism : A very short introduction, Leslie Holmes
13. Socialism : A very short introduction, Michael Newman
14. Political Philosophy : An introduction, Jean Hampton
15. Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, D.P. Chattopadhyaya
16. The Oxford Companion to Politics in India, Niraja Gopal Jayal and Pratap Bhanu
17. A New Politics of Identity, Bhikhu Parekh
18. Theory of Justice, Dr. Amartya Sen
19. An introduction to Socio-political Philosophy, Rammurthy Pathak
20. Ú¢}¢}¢é¼èü ТÆÜU, S¢¢}¢¢çÁ¢ÜU-Ú¢Á¢Ýèç¼ÜU Îà¢üÝ ÜUè MÐÚﶢ, ¥ç|¢}¢‹²é ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, §H¢ã¢Ï¢¢Î
Page 71 of 85
(PHI504EB) ÞkuøkLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
r[¥kð]r¥krLkhkuÄ íkhefu Þkuøk, {LkkuþwrØLkk MkkÄLk íkhefu Þkuøk
¿kkíkk yLku rð»kÞ, áük yLku á~Þ ðå[uLkku MktçktÄ
yLÞ r[¥kð]r¥kyku
- rðÃkÞoÞ-y«{k
- rðfÕÃk, rLkÿk yLku M{]rík
rf÷ü yLku yÂõ÷ü r[¥kð]r¥kyku
r[¥kð]r¥kLkku rLkhkuÄ
- yÇÞkMk
- ðihkøÞ – Ãkh yLku yÃkh
yüktøk Þkuøk
- Þ{, rLkÞ{, ykMkLk, «kýkÞk{, «íÞknkh, Äkhýk, æÞkLk, Mk{krÄ
Mk{krÄLkk «fkhku yLku íkuLkkt ÷ûkýku
- Mkçkes
- rLkçkeos
fiðÕÞLkwt MðYÃk : Mk{krÄ yLku fiðÕÞ
Unit- IV
rLk{koý r[¥kLkwt MðYÃk
Éíkt¼hk «¿kk
Ä{o{u½ Mk{krÄ
Reference Books:
22. The Yoga - system of patanjali (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali together with the
commentaries of Veda Vyasa and Vacaspatimisra, translated by J.H. Woods
(Motilal Banarasidas, 1992,)
23. M.R. Yardi: The Yoga of Patanjali (Bhandarkar Oriental Institute, Pune).
24. Patanjali Yoga sutra (Translated by N.B. Pandya in Gujarati) (Sastu Sahitya
Vardhak Karyalaya, 1958)
Page 72 of 85
25. Shree Patanjali Yoga Darshanam ( Patanjali yoga sutra ane tena mukhya
bhasyo Gujaratima , Sanksepa, by Kaniya Jekishendas . (Gujarat Vidhysabha,
26. Swami Omanandatirth : Patanjala Yogapradipa ( Hindi). (P.O. Geeta press,
Gorakhpur, 3 rd Edi. 2016)
27. Wood J.H. Patanjali Yoga Sutra
28. Dasgupta : The study of Patanjali
29. T.S. Rukmani: Yogavartika of Vijnanabhiksu.
30. Yoga sutras of Patanjali - Vol. I: Samadhi Pada by Pandit Ushar Budh Arya.
U.S.A. (Himalyan International Institute of Yoga)
31. The Science of Yoga - I.K. Taimni (The Theosophical publishing House,
32. Yoga Psychology - Swami Abhedananda (Ramkrishna Mission, Kolkatta )
33. lndian Psychology, Jadunath Sinha, Motilal Banarasidas, New Delhi
34. The text book of Yoga Psychology- Ramamurti S. Mishra.
35. Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali with Bhasvati - Swamiharianand Aranya ,
(University of Calcutta - 2000 - Samadhi Pada).
36. Yoga Sutras - Translated and commentd upon by Harihariharananda Aranya.
37. Bhartiya Manovigyan : Sampadak : N. Dravid & Chorasiya, Vishwavidyalaya
Prakashan, M.P.
38. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
39. LkøkeLk S. þkn, MkktÏÞ-Þkuøk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
40. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
41. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
42. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
Page 73 of 85
(PHI505EA) çkkiØËþoLk
Ãkkhr{íkkykuLkku ÏÞk÷
MkíÞLkku rMkØktík
MkíkTLke MktfÕÃkLkk
çkkurÄMkíðLke MktfÕÃkLkk
Reference Books:
17. Buddhist Logic- T. Scherbatsky Vols. I & II (New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas,
18. Budhist Logic and Epistemology Ed by B.K. Matilal and Robert D. Evans (
Holland : D. Reidel publishing compny, 1982.
19. Buddhist logic - Dr. Lata S. Bapat (Bhartiya Vidhya prakashan, 1989)
20. Indian Logic in Early Schools - H.N. Randle (New Delhi: Mushiram
21. The Philosophy of Nyay- Vaisesika and its conflict with the Buddhist
Dinganaga School D.N. Shastri (New Delli: Bhartiya Vidhya prakashan , 1976)
22. The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge - S.C. Chatterjee ( Caltutta : University of
Calcutta Publication 1950)
Page 74 of 85
23. The Six ways of knowledge - D.M. Datta ( Calcutta : University of Calcutta
Pub. 1972.
24. Traverses on Less trodden path of Indian Philosophy and religion - .- Dr.
Yajneshwar Shastri. - L.D. Institute of Ideology, Ahmedabad .1991
25. Mahayanasutralankara - A study in vijnanvadabuddhism - Y.S. Shastri: (Indian
books center, New Delli 1989 )
26. Gautam Bhuddha : Dr. Radhakrishnan : Anu : Gopal Das.
27. Akalanka’s Criticism of Dharmakirti’s Philosophy : A study.
28. Mke. ðe. hkð¤, ¼khíkeÞ ËþoLk – ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
29. yu{. fu. ¼è, çkkiØËþoLk, ÞwrLkðŠMkxe økúLÚk rLk{koý çkkuzo, y{ËkðkË.
30. Ý‹ÎçÜUࢢïÚ Îï±Ú¢Á¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
31. Ó¢‹Îí{Ú à¢}¢¢ü , |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - ¥¢H¢ïӢݢ ¥¢ñÚ ¥Ýéà¢èHÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢ ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý.
32. Á¢x¢Îèà¢Ó¢‹Îí ç}¢Ÿ¢, |¢¢Ú¼è² Îà¢üÝ - Ó¢¢ñ¶}Ï¢¢ S¢éÚ|¢¢Ú¼è ÐíÜU¢à¢Ý, ±¢Ú¢‡¢S¢è.
Page 75 of 85
(PHI505EB) ðÕ÷¼k[kÞoLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
Reference Books
Page 76 of 85
(PHI506S) Mkur{Lkkh
Mkur{LkkhLke rðøkíkku :
Mkur{LkkhLkku rð»kÞ ík¥ð¿kkLkLkk yÇÞkMk¢{Lku yLkwYÃk nkuðku òuEyu.
Page 77 of 85
(PHI 507) Mk{fk÷eLk ÃkkùkíÞ ík¥ð¿kkLk-2
Unit-IV yÂMík¥ððkË
rffoøkkzo : MkíÞ ðiÞÂõíkf Au.
rLkíþu : ÞnqËe-r¾úMíke Lkerík{e{ktMkkLke Mk{eûkk, Mk¥kkLke EåAk.
nuzuøkh : yrÄf]íkíkk yLku yLkrÄf]íkíkk, yrÄf]ík yÂMík¥ð, søkík{kt nkuðkÃkýwt, zkÍkELk
Mkkºko : yÂMík¥ð MkíðLke Ãkqðuo Au, {kLkðMðkíktºÞ
Reference Books
9. Contemporary Western Philosophy, B.K. Lal and Prof. Nityānanda Mishra
10. Chief Currents of Contemporary Philosophy, D.M. Datta
11. Existentialism, Thomas R. Flynn
12. Classics of Analytic Philosophy, Robert R. Ammerman
13. Çè. ¥¢Ú. Á¢¢Å±, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ ÜU¢ S¢}¢èÿ¢¢y}¢ÜU ç±ÔH﯇¢, }¢çHÜU »‹Ç ÜU}ÐÝè, Á¢²ÐéÚ.
14. Ï¢è. ÜïU. H¢H, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
15. çÝy²¢Ý‹Î ç}¢Ÿ¢, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
16. Ï¢ír¢S±MÐ ¥x¢í±¢H, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ, ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
Page 78 of 85
(PHI508) fuLxLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
fuLxLkk ®[íkLkLke ÃkùkËT ¼qr{fk
fuLx yLku ÞwhkuÃkLke Lkðòøk]rík
fuLxLke Mk{MÞk
fkuÃkhrLkfkuLkeÞLk ¢ktrík
Mkt&÷u»kf yLku rð&÷u»kf rLkýoÞku
Mkt&÷u»kf yLkw¼ð-rLkhÃkuûk rLkýoÞkuLke þõÞíkk
{q¤økk{e MktðuËLk{e{ktMkk
MÚk¤ yLku fk¤Lkwt íkkÂ¥ðf yLku {q¤økk{e rLkYÃký
MÚk¤ yLku fk¤Lkk yLkw¼ð-rLkhÃkuûk YÃkkuLke Mk{eûkk
{q¤økk{e íkfoþk† ytøku fuLxLkk rð[khku
rð[khYÃkkuLkwt íkkÂ¥ðf yLku {q¤økk{e «k{kÛÞ
fuLx yLku fkÞofkhý
fuLxLkku y¿kuÞðkË-«rík¼kMk yLku «rík¼kMkkíkeík
Unit- IV
þwØ íkfoLkk íkfko¼kMkku
þwØ íkfoLkk yktíkhrðhkuÄku
Reference Books:
Page 79 of 85
(PHI509) LkÔÞLÞkÞ ËþoLk
LkÔÞ-LÞkÞLke Ãkqðo¼qr{fk
r{rÚk÷k þk¾k
LkrËÞk (LkðrîÃk) þk¾k
íkktòuh þk¾k
[kh «fkhLkk MktçktÄku
ð]r¥k rLkÞk{f MktçktÄ yLku ð]r¥k-yrLkÞk{f MktçktÄ
ÔÞkÃÞð]r¥k yLku yÔÞkÃÞð]r¥k
Mkkûkkík yLku ÃkhtÃkhk MktçktÄ
{wÏÞ yLku økkiý MktçktÄ
ÔÞkróLkwt MðYÃk
ÔÞkróLke rðrðÄ ÔÞkÏÞkyku
y¼kð yLku Mðíktºk ÃkËkÚko Au ? – LÞkÞMkqºk, Wãkuífh, ðk[MÃkrík
¼kMkðo¿k yLku rþðkrËíÞ
«þMíkÃkkË, {e{ktMkk yLku çkkiØ
Reference Books :
1. Navya Nyay Pravesh / Dr. Laxmesh Joshi / University Granth Nirman Board.
Page 80 of 85
(PHI510EA) ÃkÞkoðhýLkwt ík¥ð¿kkLk
Reference Books :
Page 81 of 85
(PHI510EB) Mkk{krsf-hksfeÞ ík¥ð¿kkLk-2
Unit-I çknwMktMf]ríkfðkË
Reference Books:
Page 82 of 85
(PHI511) Mkur{Lkkh
Mkur{LkkhLke rðøkíkku :
Mkur{LkkhLkku rð»kÞ ík¥ð¿kkLkLkk yÇÞkMk¢{Lku yLkwYÃk nkuðku òuEyu.
Page 83 of 85
(PHI512) «kusuõx
Unit-IV {kLkð-MðkíktºÞ
MðkíktºÞLkku yÚko
{kLkð-MðkíktºÞLkk yðhkuÄku
MkkºkoLke Lkerík{e{ktMkk
Reference Books :
Page 84 of 85
12. Shukla J.J. : Martin Heidegger nu tattvacintan, Granthanirmana Board, 1978.
13. Baxi Madhusudan V. : Sartrenun Tattvajnana, University Granth Nirman Borad,
Ahmedabad, Second Edition : 1999.
14. Ï¢è. ÜïU. H¢H, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
15. çÝy²¢Ý‹Î ç}¢Ÿ¢, S¢}¢ÜU¢HèÝ Ð¢p¢y² Îà¢üÝ, }¢¢ï¼èH¢H ϢݢÚS¢è΢S¢.
16. Ï¢ír¢S±MÐ ¥x¢í±¢H, Тp¢y² Îà¢üÝ, ©œ¢Ú ÐíÎïࢠçã‹Îè S¢æS‰¢¢Ý, H¶Ý©.
Page 85 of 85