Steamboat Springs West Steamboat Neighborhoods Info Sheet
Steamboat Springs West Steamboat Neighborhoods Info Sheet
Steamboat Springs West Steamboat Neighborhoods Info Sheet
Deed Restrictions
Under the Agreement, 158 of the residential units will be subject to workforce deed restrictions administered by
YVHA. The remaining 292 units will not have deed restrictions. The restrictions will include the following:
• The unit must be owned and occupied by at least one person who is employed or self-employed for a
minimum of 30 hours per week in Routt County, with provisions that location-neutral employees qualify.
• The unit cannot be rented for less than six months at a time (i.e. no VRBO or AirBnB)
• An appreciation cap of 3% (non-compounding) per year or the increase in area median income (AMI),
whichever is greater. Calculated annually by Housing & Urban Development, the AMI in Routt County is
$86,700 for 2018.
The workforce deed restricted units will also have target selling prices for the initial sale of the unit. 50 of the 158
deed restricted units would be built by YVHA with a sale or lease price that would target households making under
80% of AMI. Other restricted units would target households ranging from 100% - 150% of AMI.
Who pays for the infrastructure?
Like all new developments within the city,
the developer will be constructing and
paying for all of the infrastructure (roads,
utilities, sidewalks, trails, etc.) within the
development. All infrastructure will be
built to applicable city and utility company
standards and specifications.
The city’s water supplies are sufficient to
serve the proposed annexation and
development, as well as to continue
meeting in-fill development within the
existing city limits. Customers within the
annexation boundaries will pay standard
tap fees and monthly water bills, just like
customers within the current service area
Customers within the annexation
boundaries will pay standard tap fees and
monthly sewer bills, just like within the current service area. Incremental growth of the wastewater treatment plant is
funded through tap fees.
There are no specific details regarding transit (bus) service within the Annexation Agreement. However, the city’s
development review and approval process will include a detailed review of anticipated transit service. As such, the
development will undoubtedly include bus stops. City staff anticipates initially at least one bus stop along the main
entrance road, likely near the YVHA parcel. Steamboat Springs Transit will likely need to eliminate an existing bus
stop in order to accommodate the new stop within the schedule. The least used stop along the mainline route would
likely be eliminated in order to do this.
All neighborhood parks and all trails will be built by the developer, privately maintained by a Home Owners
Association (HOA), and open to the public.
2|W S N
December 11, 2018
Access Points - There will be two roadway access points. The primary access will come off of Highway 40, directly
across the highway from Sleepy Bear Mobile Home Park. This access will include a traffic signal. Gossard Parkway,
which eventually connects to Downhill Drive, will serve as the secondary access.
Offsite Contributions - In order to mitigate traffic impacts on Highway 40, Elk River Road, and Downhill Drive, the
developer will be paying a minimum of $3,504,000 into a new fund called the Transportation Firming Fund. This
fund will be administered by the city, and will be used to pay for road improvements to help alleviate traffic
congestion. The $3,504,000 represents the development’s proportionate share of those road improvements, and it will
be paid as follows: $292,000 paid up front, prior to issuance of the first building permit; $11,000 paid by the
developer at time of closing on every non-deed restricted unit (292 units). The $11,000 per unit amount will be
adjusted annually for inflation. The Yampa River Core Trail extension is not anticipated to be included in this
The Annexation Agreement requires that the developer pay the city $610,000 for the purchase of snow plowing
equipment prior to issuance of the 199th building permit, which is anticipated around the eighth year. Until that
payment is made, the developer will provide snow plowing services. After the additional equipment is purchased, the
city will provide snow plowing services to the development.
Where is WSN?
3|W S N
December 11, 2018