01 E-Government Comparative Study
01 E-Government Comparative Study
01 E-Government Comparative Study
The BPM timeline in Figure 1 presents the three waves of process evolution since its post-
industrial revolution inception. The timeline illustrates that the shaping of BPM into its present
state is the result of significant business drivers, business tools, organization development
methodologies, key technological developments, technology and measurement tools, standards,
and related controls.
The latter part of the timeline sees a shift from technology as one of the main process drivers to
technology as process enabler. BPM and BPM tools are evolving as a result of the innovation,
customization, increased one-to-one customer focus, and business growth that has been caused
by consolidation and 24-hour global manufacturing and service. Technology in the form of
evolving products, combined with Internet protocols, is beginning to enable the separation of
business management from systems management, the separation of process from systems, and
the development of the context-driven process models that are essential to BPM.
Information Age
Quality Multi-Industry Computerized TQM
Management Enterprises Automation Statistical
1st Wave Continuous Line of Management Process
70s - Flow Business Information Control
Improvement Task Organization Systems Process
Efficiency Mergers & MRP Improvement
Acquisitions Methods
Processes can now be identified in context; measured, managed, and aligned to the business –
i.e., integrated with technology; and used, in turn, to drive technology. This has led to increased
interest in the “Enterprise as an Adaptive System” concept. From this point of view, the
enterprise itself provides internal and external visibility, agility, and adaptability, based on process
feedback. From a standards and control standpoint, the combination of technology protocol
standardization, quality, international standards, benchmarking practices, and Sarbanes-Oxley
controls has driven requirements to model, evaluate, report, and integrate BPM.
As far back as 1911, Frederick Taylor focused on manufacturing tasks and time/motion studies,
which were measured statistically. In order to maximize profits, the primary business drivers
were efficiency and minimized cost. An organization would focus on training its workers to follow
specific steps that required narrowly focused skill and endurance. Standards and controls were
mechanistic. Process drivers were maximized around distinct, insular, repeatable tasks.
However, given the business environment at that time, the business areas were intentionally
In the 1960s, technology increasingly became a business driver and amplified the speed of
change. This launched the first wave of process orientation. International (Japanese) companies
became much more competitive, due, in part, to their focus on quality improvement programs and
reduced defects. US companies started to mirror the quality approach. The combination of
process scrutiny and technological superiority lead to technology as process driver. American
business changed its operational paradigm, and the process era began.
The second wave of process orientation covered the late 1980s to the early 1990s. Revenue
growth returned as American companies leveraged international process practices. Focus shifted
to TQM, and then to ISO compliance standards. Over a decade of statistical analysis increased
the need to manage data in a meaningful way. The organization shifted from a focus on corporate
mission and group brainstorming to cross-functional teams and to handoffs within the
organization as the “how” to do tasks replaced the “why.”
The third wave began in the mid 1990s and continues in the present as the “coming of age” of
process-centric business. Technology is shifting from being a process driver to a process enabler.
The identity of the customer changed from markets to individuals with customized solutions.
Just-in-time manufacturing of the first wave led to just-in-time supply chains of the third wave,
with the accompanying need to understand processes across disparate enterprises. The
company as a system became more important than an examination of its individual parts. With
the advent of thin-client applications and commonly used protocols, applications could be utilized
regardless of the operating system or work station. This allowed “business management” to start
to separate from “systems management” and enabled “process management” to exist separate
from the systems themselves.
Our challenge now as BPM practitioners and leaders is to establish a context in which to overlay
consistent practices, commonly shared principles, acknowledged measurements, and technical
solutions even while the field itself continues to evolve.
Therefore, the challenge for BPM is to craft a discipline with the same characteristics of flexibility,
transparency, and adaptability that corporate businesses intend to establish by using BPM
In order to answer this question, we first need to define what is meant by a “professional
discipline.” “Professional” is defined as “conforming to the standards of a profession,” while
“discipline” is “a branch of knowledge or teaching” and “a method of practice.” So, is Business
Process Management a professional discipline? Not quite yet. However, one thing is clear:
Companies struggling to reduce expenses and maximize their IT budgets are keen to deploy
Business Process Management as the latest means to achieve those goals.
There are so many interpretations for Business Process Management that twenty people might
well provide twenty different answers. Key words commonly include improvement,
documentation, and ownership, but there is still much confusion about what managing business
processes really means. In fact, while there is increasing clarity on what a business process is,
there remains much work to be done in gaining consensus on what it means to manage large
cross-functional business processes. Nevertheless, it is clear from all of the effort that
organizations are expending to identify and understand the fundamental flow of their business
activities, and from the deluge of papers, discussions, organizations, and vendors entering the
arena of business process management, that there is a lot of knowledge being shared and a lot of
teaching going on. So, while not a clearly defined discipline yet, the makings of a discipline are
there nonetheless.
The second part of our definition is about conforming to the standards. Here, not surprisingly, is
another area where there is a lot of discussion and lobbying but no clear consensus. After all, if
we cannot define what it is, how then can we adopt standards in either methodology or enabling
technology? There have been numerous papers and articles on proposed modeling standards,
such as BPMN or BPML, and much positioning among vendors to derive a common execution
language, such as BPEL and BPEL4WS, but so far there has been no agreement on universally
accepted standards.
What is ABPMP?
The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business
process management, to develop a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to
the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline.
We believe that BPM will rapidly evolve as a professional discipline, such that practioners will
understand the fundamental requirements involved in fulfilling roles at various levels, and that
there exists a standard framework of certification for a business process management
professional that will guide and assess an individual’s competence in fulfilling key roles.
ABPMP’s vision is to
• be the center for the community of practice in Business Process Management
• be the professional society for business process management professionals
• define the discipline and practice of BPM
• recognize, acknowledge, and honor those who make outstanding contributions to
our discipline
ABPMP has local chapters in several US areas, including Chicago, Philadelphia, Portland, and
Southeast Michigan, and has many more chapters forming in the US and internationally.
ABPMP is governed by an elected Board of Directors. Each chapter president is an ex-officio and
voting member of the International Board of Directors. ABPMP has a Board of Advisors made up
of some of the most well known authors, practitioners, and thought-leaders in the field. They are
also volunteers and periodically offer the Board of Directors and chapters advice on the industry
and how ABPMP can best serve its members.
On December 5, 2004, at the ABPMP Board of Directors meeting, Andrew Spanyi was asked to
form an Education Committee to help develop the components necessary to develop a BPM-BOK
and Professional Certification Program in BPM. The Education Committee held its first meeting
on January 17, 2005, and is made up of representatives from the academic community, as well
as practitioners and consultants working in the insurance, utility, and manufacturing industries.
The current demographic of the Committee is 50% practitioners, 25% academic, and 25%
consultants/other; it provides a well-balanced representation of BPM professionals.
ABPMP is dedicated to making a contribution such that BPM rapidly evolves as a professional
discipline, where practitioners will understand the fundamental requirements involved in fulfilling
roles at various levels, and where a standard framework of certification as a business process
management professional will guide and assess an individual’s competence in fulfilling key roles.
Accordingly, ABPMP has formed a committee to examine the current situation for the needed
evolution of BPM as a professional discipline. The intent is to use a structured approach to work
towards developing a “certification program” for BPM professionals. Along the way, the intent is
to examine
• a Definition of BPM (Focus of Study and World View)
• a List of Reference Disciplines (Theory and Application)
• a Body of Knowledge (Principles & Practices)
• current BPM Research Agendas
A further insight in developing the definition of Business Process Management was that Business
Process Management follows a comprehensive system that drives corporate value.
Figure 2 below represents an initial draft perspective, which depicts the alignment between
strategy, value-chain definition, business processes, and measurement within the context of a
cycle of institutionalized practices, standardization, and improvements.
It is contemplated that a full system would begin with enterprise strategy (light blue circle),
followed by value chain definition and ownership to establish corporate and business unit goals
(top curve). Next, it is necessary to establish metrics to baseline and measure process chain
performance (bottom curve). Finally, business processes can be standardized and automated
across the enterprise
Provide Leverage
continuous Business Processes BPM
improvement Products
Adopt common design /
reengineering methodology
Business Strategy Document processes
Business Strategy
Manage process diversity
Manage Enable
process Change Mgt
Concurrent with the work on defining business process management, the committee also
examined the issues and obstacles faced in implementing process management. Preliminary
survey results indicated that the following factors are some of the top of mind items for
Engaging senior management
These findings reinforced our dedication to the development of both a list of reference disciplines
and a common body of knowledge [BOK] for business process management.
The preliminary work on the key topics in a matrix of reference disciplines is summarized in Table
1 below.
Table 1
Management Science
Organizational Mgmt
Information Systems
General Systems Theory
Social Sciences
For each reference discipline, the intent is to define key content according to the definition,
analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment of business processes, which all
need to fit together to address customers’ needs.
Concurrently, the group working on the body of knowledge for process management conducted a
review of work on BOK done by other associations and organizations, including, but not limited to,
The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), The Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK), Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge (EABOK), and The Data
Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK). As a result of this review, a draft position and a plan
for the way ahead on a BOK for process management is in development.
The view on BOK content is that different BUILDING BLOCKS activity areas – e.g., definition,
analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment – all fit together to address
customers needs. BPM has execution or production oversight responsibility as well as process
change management responsibility. The BOK will likely address, at a minimum, the following
In terms of the work on current BPM Research Agendas, a draft summary of current research
initiatives in process management has been compiled, including descriptions of nearly 30
research projects being conducted by universities in North America, Europe, and Australia.
Finally, ABPMP has began an examination of certification program options, including, but not
limited to, reviewing program concepts from HP, Intel, and others with a view toward developing a
robust, practical, and exam-based certification program.
What’s Next?
The top priority will be to publish a first draft of an ABPMP BOK in the fall of 2005 that will provide
some guidance to ABPMP members and other interested practitioners.
It is understood that the first draft of the BOK will be revised in the form of a more comprehensive
second edition about a year later, and there will probably be requirements for further editions over
It is contemplated that this work will lead to the development of a very much needed,
independently developed and test-based “certification program” for process management
It is contemplated that this certification program will be structured so that business process
management professionals can represent their qualifications with confidence. The program is
expected to have several modules to address the needs of the BPM professional in different
roles, and certification will require
• multiple examinations to cover range of BPM roles and responsibilities,
• a combination of examination, education, and experience,
• adherence to a Code of Ethics, continuing in the education program to maintain
Readers interested in obtaining more information on the work being carried out by ABPMP’s
Education Committee are invited to contact [email protected] .
Staci Paley is an Architectural Consultant and the Supervisory Editor for the PacifiCorp corporate
Technology Blueprint. She introduced major processes into the IT business unit (currently
working on ITIL), and established the PacifiCorp business modeling standards. Her background
includes BPM, Technology Strategy, and Marketing/PR. Staci is the VP of Membership for
ABPMP, Portland Chapter.