When They Read What We Write
When They Read What We Write
When They Read What We Write
The Politics of Ethnography i
Richard P. Horwitz
they might say "properly disavowed") versus abused when the text displays the
right/avant garde versus wrong/canonical narrative strategy. For example, trust
the ethnography that displays a convincing mix of decentering moves. In ethics,
however, process is more important. For example, authority is earned when
samples are representative, footnotes are in order, and release fonns are signed.
Narrative ideals are moot because informants are in control. Trust ethnography
that has played by the rules.
Of course, also practically speaking, processes are imagined from texts, and
texts can be treated as processes. Informants never have total control, and no
one is utterly free to choose a narrative. In fact, at any particular moment the
distinction between ethnographer and subject or text and process is difficult and
perhaps undesirable to draw. Nevertheless, these differences in emphasis between
theory and ethics and their common promise of a just solution give me pause
as I set out for the field or face a Human Subjects Review Committee. If only
to satisfy the committee and keep myself out of litigation (but also to convince
myself that I am not an imperialist ignoramus), I feel pressed to opt for one or
the other in crafting a protocol and warrant for authoring ethnography as I do.
In response I have fashioned a serviceable protocol, a compromise. I cannot
gloss all of my procedures here, much less their variations or the thinking behind
each of them. 9 I can say, though, that particular circumstances have been as
important as my reading of the literature. For example, most of my fieldwork
has been in workplaces in the United States-shops, farms, factories, offices-
and a public university has paid the bill. So I have sparred with hack realists on
review committees and with corporate executives whose attorneys are saddled
nearby. I often feel tom between my own affections and convictions as well as
the demands of diverse subjects. Employers insist that I keep their cover. and
employees count on me to blow it, while my own employer hedges, ''Do the
right thing ... but don't say anything that will get us sued!" Although elements
of my protocol have long pedigrees in ethnography, as a whole it is unusual
enough to have occasioned great difficulty in qualifying for "minimal risk"
review. w
One source of the difficulty is well known among qualitative researchers.
Review committees (in consultation with university liability insurance compa-
nies) are accustomed to less improvisational designs such as controlled experi-
ments or questionnaires. Their worries increase when they face a person like
me, a critic as well as a student of culture who wants to be turned loose, not
on some impoverished tropical isle, but in an office tower with its own legal
Their worries may also be attributable to my unusual place in the academic
bureaucracy. Although affiliated with anthropology by disposition and training
(e.g., my mentor at the University of Pennsylvania was Anthony Wallace), my
degrees and most of my scholarly commitments are in American Studies, which
is an interdisciplinary "program" rather than a "regular department" like an-
thropology. I am the only member of the faculty at my university whose ap-
136 When They Read What We Write
tag interpretations and explicate alJusions as a reader may require. For that reason
quotations and events may be altered, certainly reorganized and compressed, but
the whole account is still supposed to seem true to life from the vantage of the
informant, the reader I can best imagine, and me.
I then present the story, with real names, to the infonnant for review, inviting
corrections. We edit the final draft together. These editing sessions have ranged
from the most congenial to the most acrimonious encounters of my adult life.
The congenial ones, fortunately, are most common. I am grateful to informants
for pointing out when I have made an innocuous mistake, oversimplified complex
conditions, or taken a local variant for a defining norm or irony for comedy.
The rarer and more contentious affairs center on informants' desires to appear
perfect or at least likable from the vantage of every friend and crank that they
can imagine in the audience. Theirs is an understandable i:lesire, but one that
may also argue both for falsifying the record and for reducing everyone to a fiat
For example, long after the usual extended discussions of risks and benefits
and the signing of a release form, I spent a week fielding late-night, panic-
stricken phone calls from a key informant, a manager of a motel with second
thoughts about my publishing the strategies he used in getting the maintenance
men to moderate their hallway antics: ''What if some housekeeper or her husband
says, 'You work for that guy!?' ... as ifl enjoyed it. You know, even if they're
wrong." I countered: "Well, those strategies are yours, aren't they? And they're
normal with managers, right? What else would you guys be getting paid for?
The piece talks about the pressures on you, too. Besides, do you think you and
the maintenance men or the housekeepers and their families or, for that matter,
academics who will actually read this stuff will be better off if we all pretend
that we don't know these things go on?" He responded, "You mean, if they
think I'm an asshole, they're assholes." "Yeah, I think so," I said. He bought
it. Years Jater we remain good friends, and he tells me that the project was one
of the most valuable things he ever did. Yet in this case as in others I have to
acknowledge that negotiating with informants can resemble pushing them around.
I still do not know what I would have done if he had not bought it.
In such cases I am tom between my respect, if not affection, for individual
informants and my sense of professional duty as a critic of the cultures to which
they/we belong. On the one hand I aim to please--print what flatters-but on
the other to challenge-print what "helps" even if it hurts. A key aim of my
protocol is to make the textual representation of that tension not only an object
of reflection but also a part of the fieldwork and writing process itself.
Three steps in particular--collaborative editing, favoring end-point versus
prior release forms, and using real names-are among the most challenging
aspects of my approach. They clearly signal ways that the theoretical literature
has convinced me to break with common codes of ethics. They also challenge
me to explain some of the implications of this literature to informants. Of course,
given my social position and experience as a fieldworker, I still have extraordinary
138 When They Read What We Write
Control over the report, and the consent of subjects in no way guarantees their
empowennent. But at least I do not begin demanding a blank check. Both the
informant and I have a story of what we might learn from each other, a version
of its basis, and veto power over the conclusion.
In negotiating a release, I usually have to make plain the difference between
facts about which we ought most easily to agree (specific things said and done)
and generalizations or interpretations of them about which we might well differ.
We have to talk quite concretely about those differences and how they should
or should not find their way into print. Clearly, such discussions affect the editing
process. In particular, infonnants may insist that I be a distinct, centered narrator,
even, say, if I am working in such a monophonic fonn as autobiography. For
example, one informant was so articulate about tensions in his community that
I could edit his own words to highlight a condition that, we agreed, amounted
to bigotry among his Middle American neighbors. While they echoed his claim
to have been accepted as "one of us," he was also known as "the Jew on Main
Street." When, in the name of getting along, he objected to my publishing this
contradiction as an experience he well knows, I agreed to serve as the expert
narrator who unmasks it. Some of the theoretical ideals, then, begin to break
down in practice. In such ways, field experience has shaped my reading of the
literature as much as the other way around.
In general, I think the protocol has worked very well, or at least better than
alternatives implied in ethics or theory alone. It has helped me and the people
I study to learn from each other and to demand the attention of readers for good
reason. It is "good" because it is defensible in ways that both infonnants and
I can articulate. including the contractual attention to process suggested in one
body of literature and the textual attention to authority suggested in the other.
In practical, especialJy micropolitical terms, I claim that the protocol best enacts
the spirit of both.
There are occasions, however, when the compromise has not worked so weJI.
The troubling cases may not be a large share of the whole, but they demand
The most common problems can be traced to particularly large social ine-
quities. There are cases when informants are so vulnerable and my work so
easily misappropriated that their need for protection vastly overshadows the face-
to-face niceties that the protocol presumes. People on the verge of being fired
or jailed should be urged to elect anonymity. They cannot be expected to share
the same responsibility for authoring cultural criticism as their employers or
prosecutors. For those who are so vulnerable, candor itself can be taken as a
kind of arrogance, being ''insubordinate'' or a snitch, and the sources of reprisal
may be too distant for them or for me to anticipate. Conversely, there are cases
when informants are so powerful that they may too easily deflect responsibility
for their acts. I have not felt compelled to negotiate the "empowennent" of
lofty executives by encouraging them to don a disguise. Of course, they deserve
protection like anyone else, but they are usually well situated to protect them-
Just Stories of Ethnographic Authority 139
selves, sometimes too well. They can condescend to candor. So, protocols and
theories bend in response to social inequity in the field. That seems to me neither
surprising nor unfortunate.
The more interesting cases are not so easily explained and present the most
difficult challenge when sitting down to edit notes and transcripts or when ne-
gotiating the final draft and release. Here I sketch just one example that suggests
the limits of the compromise I have struck. Like those featured in theory and
ethics, it is a cautionary tale. It may be a bit frustrating as a conclusion, since
it reopens questions that scholarly articles aim, albeit tentatively, to close. I,
too, am inclined to argue that I have found a solution that can be codified,
considered apart from the conditions that led me to it or that might discredit it,
and recommended to others. The argument above begins to do so. But even
going as far as I have risks implying that justice ought to be so routinized:
procedures can guarantee moral engagement; rules are superior to narratives;
statutes are superior to common or case law. On the contrary, such reasoning
deflects attention from circumstances that ought to be kept in mind if the practice
as well as the data of ethnography are to be responsive to the real world or at
least our narratives about it. That is why I close unapologetically with just a
In this case, for reasons that will be obvious, I must discard my usual protocol
and alter identifying information.
Over the course of about two years, in connection with a much larger project,
I got to know a man I'll call Bill. When the interviews began, he was a wealthy
forty-five-year-old Euro-American, and president and ownerof an entrepreneurial
realty development corporation. In this and associated companies I was especially
interested in the relations of business organization and practice to autobiographies
of participants. How did people refer to their position in or relationship to the
organization in explaining the "opportunity" they had to be "themselves"?
Most of my prior work was with Bill's employees, clients, and competitors,
who Jed me to guess that he was an egomaniacal, conniving businessman.
Although they respected his success and dissociated themselves from local big-
otry (e.g., "I've heard he's homosexual, but that has nothing to do with it"),
nearly everyone claimed to be his victim. Since I generally liked them, I suspected
that I would not like him very much. It would take some effort to give him a
fair hearing, and I was determined to do so. I prepared by anticipating ways
that first impressions might collude with surrounding lore to confirm a cruel
stereotype. For example, I guessed that he would recount his life in the manner
of Ben Franklin or Lee Iacocca, a tale of postured humility, desperate origins
left behind with common sense, luck, and pluck. So in dealing directly with
Bill, I was on the lookout for opportunities to belie that expectation.
But, in fact, despite my invitations to digress, to complicate or at least texture
his autobiography, he insisted on the Hat, luck-and-pluck version. He had it
down pat. In transcripts, nearly every sentence began with a prepositional phrase,
precisely locating his strides over adversity to success: ''On a Thursday morning
140 When They Read What We Write
in March 1971, l did X. At that time, I felt Y." His oral style alone, its jerky
robotics, could account for hearers' distrust of his integrity, even if, in fact, it
had little to do with his character. In print, where verbal ticks are more annoying,
the effect would be worse.
So, in drafting an autobiographical monologue, especially in preserving its
oral flavor, I felt compelled to soften its precision. Otherwise, it might too easily
lead readers to neglect the difference between oral and written tales or to mistake
verbal robotics for defective character. If I didn't at least increase the proportion
of "around thens" to "on that dates", I feared it would be boring to read or
be taken as a sign that I edited with an axe. To further remind readers about the
pitfalls of style, to encourage the possibility of reading against the autobiography,
and to implicate my active role as offstage editor/narrator (while getting in an
ironic jab on behalf of alleged victims), I also prefaced the draft with a paragraph
from a realty trade magazine, raving about Bill in comically pure Chamber of
Commerce hyperbole. In fact, when I first gave the draft to Bill I mainly worried
that he would object to the preface, either because he caught the implied insult
or because he wanted to appear humble.
The worry I had for readers was that they might not learn enough about Bill
or people in his position to credit the way they justify their own routines. In
particular, I worried that readers might just laugh off the trail of slain adversities
that Bill used to plot his course. Such a possibility could not be blamed alone
on the smugness of modem readers. In fact, the experiences that were most
useful to me in appreciating Bill's position did not appear in the draft.
Bill was gay, and at the time of the interviews he was in a monogamous
relationship with a much younger man who, from a heterosexual perspective,
played femme to Bill's butch. Although Bill avoided acknowledging his presence
almost as steadfastly as local homophobes, his lover was inescapably part of the
scene. While we sat in heavy leather chairs in the living room taping Bill's
conquests, his lover usually darted about the kitchen doting over canapes.
Such scenes easily undercut the sour expectations with which I began. My
initial understanding of his story-a fastidious chronicle of explosive ambition-
was very much tempered by an image of him growing up in a small fann-market
town in Nebraska, an unlikely place for a gay young man to find much com-
panionship or understanding. Rigidly gendered roles still invaded his love life.
His time as an entrepreneur was spent doing business with people, particularly
heterosexual men, who spread ugly gossip, framing feelings toward him in terms
of sexual deviance. This story, the one I told myself, was also a familiar fable
of triumph over adversity but one that came closer to pathos than bathos. It must
have been just as formulaic, but it was at least as true and natural as the one
that Bill offered, and it was certainly more useful for understanding him.
With that story in mind, Bill's compulsiveness, his rabid search for wealth
and security, his manipulation of homophobic associates, seemed far more rea-
sonable, even heroic, to me. But it also seemed to me not my place to broach
the subject, at the very least because publishing his homosexuality might hurt
Just Stories of Ethnographic Authority 141
This chapter germinated at the symposium, "Writing the Social Text," at the University
of Maryland, April 13, 1990, and it flowered in the NEH summer workshop on ''Narrative
142 When They Read What We Write
in the Human Sciences" and the associated conference, July 5-8, at the University of
Iowa. I am indebted to colleagues at the symposium, the workshop, and the conference
for their support, advice, and tolerance. I especially want to thank the other fellows in
the narrative workshop: Mitchell G. Ash, Barbara A. Biesecker, Richard H. Brown,
George J. Graham, Mary Francis Hopkins, William F. Lewis, Thomas M. Lutz, David
R. Maines, William Monroe, Allen Scull, and workshop directors Bruce E. Gronbeck
and Michael G. McGee. None of our work would have been possible without the ad-
ministrative assistance of Kate Neckennan, Loma Olson, and Jay Semel, the research
assistance of Kevin Burnett and John Sloop, and the example set by associates in the
Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry. Thanks are also due the workshop and conference
sponsors: the National Endowment for the Humanities, the University of Iowa (the Project
on the Rhetoric of Inquiry, the Office of Academic Affairs, the Department of Com-
munication Studies, and the A. Craig Baird Fund), Drake University (Center for the
Humanities), and the Speech Communication Association. I also wish to acknowledge
the support services provided by the Center for Advanced Study at the University of
Iowa. Further editonal assistance came from Caroline B. Brettell, John Calabro, Marian
Janssen, James McLeod, George F. Marcus, Kathleen M. Sands, John Stewart, Margery
Wolf, and sundry anonymous referees.
1. For one of many virulent examples of how ethnographers and critics have taken
global injustice on their shoulders, see Powers 1990. After a book reviewer who is a
linguist chastises him for failing to distinguish aspirated and unaspirated Lakota affri-
catives, Powers responds, "Lakota speakers, whom I see as one of the major readers of
Sacred Language, have been raised on orthographies inspired by whims and dictates of
missionaries, federal educators, and more recently linguists, each of which has introduced
various kinds of orthographies depending on the latest phonological fad of the day.''
2. See, for example , Caplan 1988; Clough 1992; Gilligan 1982; Golde 1986; D.
Gordon 1988; Haraway 1988; Harrison 1991; hooks 1989; McRobbie 1980; Mascia-Lees,
Sharpe, and Cohen 1989; Mies 1983; Minh-ha 1989; Modleski 1986; Reinharz 1992; M.
Rosaldo 1980b; Stacey 1988; Strathem 1987b; and M. Wolf 1992.
3. For a brief introduction to recent ethnographic theory, see Clifford 1983; Clifford
and Marcus 1986; Clough 1992; Marcus and Cushman 1982; Mascia-Lees, Sharpe, and
Cohen 1989; Strathem 1987b; and G. Watson 1987. A basic sampler might also include
Agar 1986; Asad 1973; Brady 1991; Clifford 1988; Fabian 1983; Fischer 1977; Geertz
1973:3-30; Geertz 1983: 19-70; Geertz 1988; Golde 1986; D. Gordon 1988; Hammersley
1992; Harrison 1991; Hemdl 1991; Hymes 1969; Keesing 1989; Langness and Frank
1981; Marcus and Fischer 1986; Rabinow 1985; M. Rosaldo 1980b; R. Rosaldo 1989;
Rose 1990; Ruby 1982; Said 1978; Sangren 1988; Sanjek 1990; Shankman 1984; Smith
and Kornblum 1989; Stoller 1989c; Tyler 1984; Van Maanen 1988; M. Wolf 1992; and
Woolgar 1988.
A multidisciplinary sampler of applications/instances of such theory might begin with
Berger 1985; DeBuys and Harris 1990; Glassie 1982; Horwitz 1985; Kennedy 1980;
Myerhoff 1978; Narayan 1989; Rabinow 1977; Rose 1987; Stoller 1989b.
4. The joke/admission/accusation comes from a dialogue between an anthropologist
and a sociologist set in 2089 by Paul Stoller (I 989a: 17). Clearly, Stoller is playing with
a familiar caricature of contributors to recent ethnographic theory.
5. Such inferences are in many 'ways easiest in the literature that is less avowedly
"theoretical" and that resists generalization across time and space (e.g., in Clifford's
essays on the history of rhetoric of particular ethnographies ). Often this literature identifies
Just Stories of Ethnographic Authority 143
stock moves and the ways they bespeak the particular context in which the fieldwork was
completed and the temperament of the author. The common denominator or residue of
a series of such analyses is often alleged to be the inherent potential of the form, which
can be explained in terms of narrative theory. This process has been essentially completed
in the case of ''ethnographic realism'' and has just begun on more ''experimental'' forms.
6. For a brief introduction to recent debates, see Caplan 1988; Clough 1992; Emerson
1983:253-311; Hammersley 1992; Harrison 199 l; Reinharz 1992; Sjoberg 1967; Spradley
and Rynkiewich 1976; Strathern 1987b; and M. Wolf 1992.
"Ethics" are also a stock topic of attention in field manuals for a number of related
disciplines (Gorden 1975; Hammersley and Atkinson 1983; Ives 1980; B. Jackson 1987;
McRobbie 1980). The literature on ethics in journalism is also relevant, though a special
case in the United States, where journalists have extraordinary legal rights and duties.
Humanistic social scientists might gain the most by reviewing the literature on ethics in
nonfiction filmmaking. Ethical criticism of film aesthetics, poetics, objectivity, reflexivity,
political economy, and representational practices more generally dates from the earliest
days of the medium. A good place to start would be the collection edited by Alan Rosenthal
(1988). See also Becker 1967; Becker and Freidson 1964; Cassell 1978; Cassell and Wax
1980; Duster, Matza, and Wellman 1979; Galliher 1973; Langness and Frank 1981:117-
155; Orlans 1973; and Rainwater and Pittman 1967.
7. Most professional associations in the social and psychological sciences adopted
fonnal codes of ethics in the 1960s (American Psychological Association in 1963, Amer-
ican Sociological Association in 1968, American Association on Mental Deficiency in
1969, Society for Research in Child Development in 1972). The American Anthropo-
logical Association adopted a rudimentary code as early as 1948 and full "Principles of
Professional Responsibility'' in 1971. The AAA amended the principles of November
1976, and thoroughly revised them in 1989-90. Among the differences in these versions,
1948-90, are bolder claims for the rights of subjects (vs. producers or consumers) of
ethnographic texts. The newsletter's "Ethics Column" covers interpretations of more
particular cases, and division reports include yet more specialized codes.
8. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established and continually
updates "Policy for the Protection of Human Research Subjects." See, for example,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1981. For an introduction to some of
the attending issues in jurisprudence, see Greenwald, Ryan, and Mulvihill 1982; or
Hershey and Miller 1976.
9. Their range might be suggested by contrasting two narrators of my fieldwork: the
side-stage nebish in Horwitz 1987 and the bar-graph-wielding absence in Horwitz 1989.
More commonly I try to combine such variations and others to effect a kind of cubism.
See Horwitz 1985.
IO. Loosely speaking, a study qualifies as "minimal risk" if the procedures so resemble
those of everyday life that, in agreeing to participate, a subject is not entering particularly
unfamiliar or dangerous terrain. In practice most committees imagine the terrain of
ordinary life to be something like the Cleavers' living room, a place with fewer surprises
and less bloodshed than any place I've actually. encountered. The payoff for qualifying
as minimal risk is radically shortened red tape.
11. Of course, too, published criticism may also help. See Adams 1989; Lauritsen
1989; Rappoport I 989; and Shilts 1988.
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