G S C - S D: Lobal Tability of Able Tayed Ecks
G S C - S D: Lobal Tability of Able Tayed Ecks
G S C - S D: Lobal Tability of Able Tayed Ecks
Keywords: ABSTRACT
The elastic global stability analysis of cable-stayed decks is considered in this re-
Elastic stability search. The bending instability in this type of elements is studied, as well as the
influence of some specific aspects in the design of the deck, towers and stays ar-
Cable-stayed rangement. The linear and non-linear analysis models considered are presented,
bridges and the nonlinearities associated to cable-stay bridges included in this research are
defined. The linear elastic stability of the deck is evaluated based on a model, using
Linear analysis the analogy of a beam on an elastic foundation (BEF). A simplified approach still
using the BEF is developed. To compare the results, geometrical non-linear elastic
analysis made by the finite elements software SAP2000 and ANSYS are used. The
bending stability analysis of a 420 m main span length deck is performed. The in-
fluence of some design aspects in the global stability of the bridge are evaluated by
a parametric study that considers: The deck live load pattern; the stays arrange-
ment; the towers height and geometry; the stiffness of the deck; the connection be-
tween deck and towers; and the intermediate piers on the lateral spans.
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
Fig. 2 420 m main span model used and deck cross-section considered [3]
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
Four more models were used in this research foundation, and the energy of the compressive
with the following main span lengths: 577.5 m; forces, allows, by solving an eigenvalues prob-
735 m; 892.5 m; and 1050 m. They were all lem, to determine the instability modes and the
based on the initial model (with 420 m main span respective critical loads [10]. However, Klein [2]
length), differing from it in that they include proposed a simplified method to estimate the first
higher towers and a greater number of stays, alt- buckling load factor based on the existence of a
hough the distance between stays remains the section along the main span, where the ratio be-
same at deck and tower level. Each new stay has tween the vertical elastic restraint due to the ca-
1.5 cm2 more than the last one. bles and the compressive load introduced by them
In the elastic stability analysis the only nec- is a minimum (Fig. 4). This critical section de-
essary parameter to define is Young’s modulus, fines the buckling mode of the “actual” BEF, in a
since it is assumed an elastic behavior to both way that the same behavior is attained by an
concrete and steel. The value of Young’s modu- “equivalent” BEF with constant elastic stiffness
lus for steel is Ea = 210 GPa and for the stay ca- and axial force of the critical section.
ble’s steel Ee = 195 GPa. The concrete’s Young’s The buckling axial load Ni,cr of the equivalent
modulus is Eco = 36 GPa, which refers to a BEF is given with sufficient accuracy, for a high
C45/55 concrete. number of half-waves of the buckling modes, by
Both the live and the permanent loads are de- the Engesser formula (eq. 4). The buckling verti-
fined as uniform throughout the deck. The first’s cal load (qcr) of the actual BEF is Ni,cr/Ni (eq. 5)
value is 171 kN/m and the latter’s is 54kN/m [3]. where Ni is the compressive load of the critical
Both loads are relative to half of the deck. section due to the vertical load q. Using the same
model, the number n of half waves of the buck-
3 LINEAR STABILITY OF CABLE- ling mode, and the equivalent buckling length Lcr
STAYED DECKS: BEAM-COLUMN ON are given by eq. 6 and eq. 7, correspondingly.
Table 1 presents the results for both method-
AN ELASTIC FOUNDATION ANALO- ologies when determining the critical load for all
GY decks’ lengths considered in this work, when the
decks are entirely loaded.
The buckling analysis of a cable-stayed deck
can be done based on the buckling model of a Table 1 BEF model and Klein’s simplified method results
beam on an elastic foundation (BEF). The main when the deck is entirely loaded
span of a cable-stayed bridge can be considered
as a simple supported beam with bending stiff- Main span
420 577.5 735 892.5 1050
ness EI and elastically supported along the span length (m)
by the cables, with variably vertical stiffness Kv, Klein simplified method
given by eq. 1, increasing towards the towers. For No,cr [kN] 403442 384159 336412 312865 286908
vertical loads q this beam is subjected to increas- BEF model
ing compressive forces introduced by the cables No,cr [kN] 407688 382575 343702 313647 289258
(eq. 2, Fig. 3). Since the cables are closely spaced Deviation (%)
(a = 13.125 m) a continuous vertical restraint βi 0.99 0.41 2.17 0.25 0.82
can be envisaged for the beam on elastic founda-
tion (eq. 3). The cables stiffness and axial forces
distribution are functions of the staying configu-
ration (Fig. 3).
An energy method for buckling analysis,
based on the deformation energy of the beam and
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
harp configuration
0,1β0 β(x)
β0 βi
Semi-fan configuration critical section
Fan configuration
20000 Ni,cr
K v,i [kN/m] βi
4 BEF MODEL MODIFICATION 𝛥𝛥1,𝑣𝑣 = (8) 𝛥𝛥2,ℎ = (10)
𝐸𝐸𝑖𝑖 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝛼𝛼𝑖𝑖 𝐸𝐸𝑖𝑖 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝛼𝛼𝑖𝑖
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
b) in this model. The maximum 600
main span Load scenario c)
vertical stiffness is provided by
the stay closer to the load pat-
tern border (Fig.8). The BEF 200
200 BEF model:
Coluna s/ Fund.Load
s/ Fund. scenario
Elástica a)
-- Carreg.1
Carreg.1 Hip.
Hip. Kleinsimp.
Klein -- Carreg.1
meth.: Load scenario a)
BEF model:
Coluna s/ Fund.Load
s/ Fund. scenario
Elástica b)
-- Carreg.2
Carreg.2 Klein’s
Hip. Kleinsimp.
Klein meth.: Load scenario b)
-- Carreg.2
model considering this hypothe- 00
BEF model:
Coluna s/ Fund.Load
s/ Fund. scenario
Elástica c)
-- Carreg.3
Carreg.3 SAP2000:
SAP2000 Load scenario a)
-- Carreg.1
1800 scenario a)
fan and harp configurations),
shows that when a bridge has a 1600
L = main span length
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
Deck height
Doubling the spacing be-
Girder height
tween stays does not affect the cross-girders
@ 4.375 m
stability of the deck (Fig. 10),
therefore, replacing a stay dur- BEF model h = 2.25m : Load scenario a)
BEF model h = 2.75m : Load scenario a)
ing the lifetime of the bridge BEF model h = 3.25m : Load scenario a)
will not risk its stability [10]. BEF model = 3.75m : Load scenario a)
deck influence
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
The bending stiffness of the Main span [m]
deck affects the critical load as Fig. 11 Buckling loads for different girder heights
shown in eq. 5 This equation
and the results shown in Fig 11 make it possible Table 3 Bending stiffness of the deck considered
to conclude that the greater the bending stiffness
of the deck is, the greater it’s critical load is as girder height (m) EI [kN/m2]
well. This increase of the bending stiffness of the
2.25 6.487E+07
deck is obtained taking into account higher gird-
2.75 9.901E+07
ers (Table 3).
3.25 1.417E+08
5.6 Towers geometry influence 3.75 1.936E+08
The geometry of the tower’s cross section the analysis’ results are similar for all types of
used in the initial model has the shape of an H. geometry [7].
The use of a nonlinear analysis, performed with However some authors [8] refer that towers
SAP2000, on tridimensional models with A and with A or inverted Y shapes provide an improved
inverted Y shapes leads to the conclusion that the global stability to the structure.
geometry of the tower’s cross section does not
seem to affect the critical load of the deck, since
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
bending stiffness. A nonlinear 1000 EI
analysis performed with EI deck instability
SAP2000 on the 420 m model 500
shows that a higher value on the EI
tower instability
tower’s stiffness leads to the 0
increase on the critical load of 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
the deck (Fig. 12). However, in EItower [kN/m2]
R.Feijóo / Global Stability of Cable-Stayed Decks (2011)
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