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Statistics 102 Multiple Regression

Spring, 2000 -1-

Multiple Regression

Project Analysis for Today

First steps
Transforming the data into a form that lets you estimate the fixed and variable
costs of a lease using a regression model that meets the three key assumptions.

Review of Multiple Regression from Last Week

Isolate the key factors that influence the response and separate their effects.
“Y” = β0 + β1 “X1” + ... + βk “Xk” + Error
Sales = β0 + β1 Adv$ + β2 Price + Error
- Independence
- Constant variance σ2 about regression line
- Normally distributed errors about the regression line.
– Model is additive
– Geometry of multiple regression
– Slopes measure effect of each predictor “holding others fixed”
“Simple” regression slope vs multiple regression slope
Relationship between R 2 and RMSE
– Both describe “goodness-of-fit”
– R2 is relative whereas RMSE is absolute.
– They are related as follows:
RMSE2 = Var (residuals) ≈ (1 – R2) Var (response)
– Same interpretation in simple (one predictor) and multiple regression.
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -2-

Inference in Multiple Regression

Inference in multiple regression
– One coefficient t-ratio (estimate/SE)
“Is this slope different from zero?”
“Does this variable significantly improve a model containing rest?”
– All coefficients overall F-ratio (anova table)
“Does this entire model explain significant amounts of variation?”
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) summary (page 141)
– Summary of how much variation is being explained per predictor.
– Example for the car data with weight and horsepower as predictors.

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio

Model 2 7062.5945 3531.30 288.3143
Error 109 1335.0408 12.25 Prob>F
C Total 111 8397.6353 <.0001

Why do we need different tests?

– Each addresses a specific aspect of the fitted model:
t-ratio considers one coefficient (intercept or slope)
F-ratio considers all slopes, simultaneously
– Why not just do a bunch of t-tests, one for each slope?
With 20 predictors and 95% CI, you can expect one significant (not
zero) by chance alone! Too many things will appear significant that
really are not meaningful.
– Recall the use of multiple comparisons in anova.
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -3-

Collinearity in Multiple Regression

What is collinearity? (Also known as multicollinearity.)
– Collinearity is correlation among the predictors in a regression.
– As such, collinearity does not “violate an assumption” in regression.
What does collinearity do in regression? Consequences?
– Complicates interpretation, making it hard to separate the predictors.
– Inflates the SE’s of the estimated coefficients.
σ 1
SE(slope estimate for Xj) ≈
√n SD(Adjusted Xj)
σ √VIFj
= √n SD(X )
= √VIFj ∗ (SE if no collinearity)

How can I tell if collinearity is present?

– Graphically: Scatterplots help, but leverage plots are better.
- Multiple “simple regression” views of one multiple regression.
- Essential for identifying leverage points in multiple regression.
-“Do I like the shown simple regression model?”
– Tests: Big F ratio, small t-ratio
– Diagnostic: Variance inflation factors (VIF)
What do I do about collinearity?
– Nothing. Collinearity weakens ability to interpret, but
in sample prediction works well (or at least is not injured!).
– Reformulate predictors. Identify distinct concepts.
– Get rid of one of the offenders. Stats help you decide which one.
– Summary discussion on page 147 of the casebook.
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -4-

Example of Multiple Regression

Automobile design, page 109

“What is the predicted mileage for a 4000 lb. design, and what characteristics
of the design are crucial?”

“How much does my 200 pound brother owe me for gas for carrying him
3,000 miles to California?” (Oops, it’s urban mileage in example)

– Initial one-predictor model

• Transform response to gallons per 1000 mile scale.
• Cannot compare R2’s since two model use different dependent
variables (MPG and GPM)
• Effect of scaling from GPM to GP1000M.
• RMSE = 4.23 (p 111)
• Skewness in residuals from regression with Weight. (p 112)
• Prediction @ 4000 lbs = 63.9, ⇑ 200 lbs for 3000 miles ≈ 8.2 gals

– Add variable for Horsepower (p 117)

• R2 increases from 77% to 84% (added variable is significant, t=7.21)
• RMSE drops to 3.50
• Predictors are related, both increase together, higher SE for Weight.
• Picture explains the increase in SE due to restricted range (p 120).
• ⇑ 200 lbs for 3000 miles ≈ 5.3 gals
• Prediction from multiple regression

– Add a predictor less correlated with Weight, use HP/Pound (p 123)

•Weight and HP/Pound less related, more distinct properties of these cars.
• Engineer can manipulate these separately, unlike HP and weight.
Residual plots
– Show residuals plotted on fitted values
– Inspect for deviations from assumptions (such as lack of constant variance)
Leverage plots (p 125)
– Diagnostic plot, designed especially for multiple regression
– Reveals leveraged observations in multiple regression.
Next steps for this model…
– What other factors are important for the design?
– How small can we make the RMSE?
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -5-

Example with Extreme Collinearity in Multiple Regression

Stock prices and market indices, page 138

“What’s the beta for Walmart when regressed on two indices?”

– Fitted slope of stock returns on market estimate the beta for the stock.
– Huge collinearity (correlation between VW and S&P is 0.993), so almost
no unique variation in either one given that other is in model.
– Either taken separately is a good predictor, but show weak effects
when used together.
– “Squished” leverage plots... little unique variation in either predictor
available to explain the variation in the response. (p 144)

– More complete VW index is better predictor, as financial theory suggests.

Next Time
Categorical predictors…
Categorical predictors allow us to compare regression models for different
groups, judging if the models for the different groups are comparable.
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -6-

Response: GP1000M City

Summary of Fit
RSquare 0.765
RSquare Adj 0.763
Root Mean Square Error 4.233
Mean of Response 47.595
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 112.000

Lack of Fit

Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 9.4323 2.0545 4.59 <.0001
Weight(lb) 0.0136 0.0007 18.94 <.0001

Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 1 6426.44 6426.44 358.6195
Error 110 1971.19 17.92 Prob>F
C Total 111 8397.64 <.0001

Response: GP1000M City

Summary of Fit
RSquare 0.841
RSquare Adj 0.838
Root Mean Square Error 3.500
Mean of Response 47.595
Observations (or Sum Wgts) 112.000

Lack of Fit

Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 11.6843 1.7270 6.77 <.0001
Weight(lb) 0.0089 0.0009 10.11 <.0001
Horsepower 0.0884 0.0123 7.21 <.0001

Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 2 7062.59 3531.30 288.3143
Error 109 1335.04 12.25 Prob>F
C Total 111 8397.64 <.0001
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -7-





1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

σ 1
SE(slope estimate for Xj) ≈ √n SD(Adjusted X )
σ √VIFj
= √n SD(X )
= √VIFj ∗ (SE if no collinearity)
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| VIF
Intercept 11.6843 1.72704 6.77 <.0001 0.000
Weight(lb) 0.0089 0.00088 10.11 <.0001 2.202
Horsepower 0.0884 0.01226 7.21 <.0001 2.202


5 5

0 0

-5 -5

30 40 50 60 70
GP1000M City Predicted
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -8-

Variable VW SP500 WALMART Sequence Number
VW 1.000 0.993 0.696 -0.036
SP500 0.993 1.000 0.682 0.002
WALMART 0.696 0.682 1.000 -0.055
Sequence Number -0.036 0.002 -0.055 1.000

Scatterplot Matrix
0.10 VW



0.10 SP500





Sequence Number


-0.20 -0.05 .10 -0.20 -0.05 .10 -0.2 -0.0 .2 .3 1 0 4 0 7 0 100

Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| VIF
Intercept 0.024 0.006 4.02 0.0001 0
SP500 1.244 0.123 10.10 <.0001 1

Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| VIF
Intercept 0.015 0.007 2.13 0.0356 0.000
SP500 -1.258 1.041 -1.21 0.2294 74.297
VW 2.458 1.016 2.42 0.0171 74.297
Statistics 102 Multiple Regression
Spring, 2000 -9-








-0.20 -0.10 -0.00 .10 .15
SP500 Leverage








-0.20 -0.10 -0.00 .10 .15
VW Leverage

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