Crystal Ornament: Materials

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Crystal Ornament ©2010 Deborah Roberti

= 8/0 seed bead MATERIALS:

• 2 yards of 8 lb. FireLine
= 6mm bicone crystal
• 50 size 8/0 seed beads
• 9 size 6mm bicone crystals
= 8mm bicone crystal
• 8 size 8mm bicone crystals
• one 4-6mm jump ring
• ornament hook
STEP 1: Thread your needle
with 2 yards of FireLine.
STEP 5: Go through the next
String eight seed beads. seed bead on this circle of seed
Leaving about a 6- to 8-inch tail, beads (highlighted in RED):
tie the beads in a double knot,
forming a circle of seed beads:

STEP 2: Go back around through

this circle of seed beads: STEP 6: String a seed bead,
an 8mm bicone crystal, a seed
bead, a 6mm bicone crystal
and a seed bead.
Go around and back up through
STEP 3: Go through the next the 8mm bicone crystal and the If you would like to be notified
when new patterns are posted, go to
seed bead on this circle of seed seed bead that you added in and click
beads (highlighted in RED): Step 4 (highlighted in RED) and on the “Join the Mailing List” tab on the
left to subscribe to my mailing list.
then through the seed bead on
the circle of seed beads that you
exited at the end of the last step STEP 8: String a seed bead,
(also highlighted in RED): an 8mm bicone crystal, a seed
STEP 4: String a seed bead, bead, a 6mm bicone crystal
an 8mm bicone crystal, a seed and a seed bead.
bead, a 6mm bicone crystal, Go around and back through the
a seed bead, an 8mm bicone 8mm bicone crystal and the seed
crystal and a seed bead. bead that you added in Step 6,
Go around and back through through the seed bead that you
the seed bead that you exited exited at the end of the last step
STEP 7: Go through the next and then through the next seed
at the end of the last step
seed bead on this circle of seed bead on the circle of seed beads
(highlighted in RED):
beads (highlighted in RED): (all beads highlighted in RED):

Crystal Ornament ©2010 Deborah Roberti 1

STEP 9: String a seed bead, STEP 11: Repeat Step 10: STEP 15: Go through the seed
an 8mm bicone crystal, a seed bead, the 6mm bicone crystal
bead, a 6mm bicone crystal and the seed bead highlighted
and a seed bead. in RED:
Go around and back through
the 8mm bicone crystal and the
seed bead that you added in the
last step, through the seed bead
that you exited at the end of the
last step and then through the
next seed bead on the circle
of seed beads (all beads high­ STEP 12: Repeat Step 10:
lighted in RED):
STEP 16: String a seed bead.
Go through the seed bead, the
6mm bicone crystal and the
seed bead highlighted in RED:

STEP 10: String a seed bead, STEP 13: Go down through the
an 8mm bicone crystal, a seed seed bead and 8mm bicone
bead, a 6mm bicone crystal crystal highlighted in RED:
and a seed bead.
Go around and back through
the 8mm bicone crystal and the STEP 17: String a seed bead.
seed bead that you added in the Go through the seed bead, the
last step, through the seed bead 6mm bicone crystal and the
that you exited at the end of the seed bead highlighted in RED:
last step and then through the
next seed bead on the circle
of seed beads (all beads high­
lighted in RED): STEP 14: String a seed bead,
a 6mm bicone crystal and a
seed bead.
Go around and across through
the 8mm bicone crystal at
about 9 o’clock, the three seed
beads and the 8mm bicone
STEP 18: Repeat Step 17 the rest
crystal at about 7 o’clock (all
of the way around the ornament:
beads highlighted in RED):

Crystal Ornament ©2010 Deborah Roberti 2

STEP 19: Circle round through STEP 22: String a seed bead. Weave your way back into the
this outer ring of seed beads ornament, knot and cut your
Go back around through the
and 6mm bicone crystals twice thread.
outer ring of seed beads and
(highlighted in RED):
6mm bicone crystals high­ Thread your needle with the tail
lighted in RED: from Step 1, weave your way
into the ornament, knot and cut
your thread.

Attach your jump ring to an

ornament hook:

STEP 20: Go back around

through the seed beads and
6mm bicone crystals high­
lighted in RED:

STEP 23: Go back around

through the seed beads and
6mm bicone crystals high­lighted
in RED and the jump ring:

STEP 21: String two seed beads,

a 6mm bicone crystal and seven
seed beads.
Go through the jump ring and
then back down through the
seven seed beads, the 6mm
bicone crystal and the seed bead
that you just strung:

You may wish to go around

through the outer ring of beads
and the jump ring again.

Many more FREE patterns on my website here:

Crystal Ornament ©2010 Deborah Roberti 3

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