01 Ind Iee 04
01 Ind Iee 04
01 Ind Iee 04
Initial Environmental Examination for AEP4 T13 and T17 (Jagalgur – SH 19)
Project Number: 42513
October 2010
Prepared by Public Works Department, Government of Karnataka for the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in
LIST OF ACRONYMS and Definition of Terms
E EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................vii
E1 Project background: ..............................................................................................................vii
E2 Scope of Works.....................................................................................................................vii
E3 Improvement proposal...........................................................................................................vii
E4 Key Environmental Laws & Policies: ....................................................................................viii
E5 Applicability of EIA Notification 2006 and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 ............viii
E6 Clearances required for the project: .....................................................................................viii
E7 Baseline Environment: .......................................................................................................... ix
E8 Analysis of Alternatives: ......................................................................................................... x
E9 Anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures: ................................................ x
E10 Stakeholder Consultation: ....................................................................................................xiii
E11 Environmental Management Plan: .......................................................................................xiii
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Project Background................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study: ......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Extent of IEE .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 IEE Content............................................................................................................................ 3
1.6 Organisational structure of Project Implementation Unit (PIU) ............................................... 3
2 DESCRIPTION OF SUBPROJECT ............................................................................................... 6
2.1 Subproject Location ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Scope of Works............................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Improvement proposal .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Corridor of Impact (CoI) and Right of Way (RoW) ........................................................... 6
2.1.4 Traffic Details per Route ................................................................................................. 8
2.1.5 Alignment and Profile ...................................................................................................... 8
2.1.6 Realignments and Bypasses........................................................................................... 8
2.1.7 Major and minor junctions ............................................................................................... 8
2.1.8 Road Construction Materials ........................................................................................... 8
2.1.9 Street Furniture ............................................................................................................... 9
2.1.10 Bus Lay-bays ................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.11 Constructions and replacement of bridges and culverts ................................................ 10
2.1.12 Railway Crossing: ......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.13 Design Cross Sections and Road widening and improvements: ................................... 10
2.2 Schedule for Implementation................................................................................................ 14
3 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION FRAMEWORK ......................................................... 15
3.1 Policies and Regulatory Framework of the Government of India.......................................... 15
3.1.1 Constitutional Provisions ............................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974: ................................................. 15
3.1.3 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 ....................................................... 15
3.1.4 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 ....................................................................... 16
3.1.5 EIA Notification (September 2006 and February 2009): ................................................ 16
3.1.6 Interpretation and applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 for subproject road: ................ 16
3.1.7 Environmental Clearance Process ................................................................................ 17
3.1.8 The Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989................................. 19
3.1.9 Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 ......................................................................................... 19
3.1.10 The Indian Forest Act, 1927 .......................................................................................... 19
3.1.11 Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (as amended in 1988) ................................................ 19
3.1.12 The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958 .................. 20
3.1.13 Fly Ash Notification, 1999 ............................................................................................. 20
3.1.14 Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991............................................................................... 21
3.1.15 The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 ....................................................................................... 21
3.2 Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Statement (June 2009).................................. 21
3.3 Administrative Framework:................................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Ministry of Environment and Forest............................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB),....................................................................... 22
3.3.3 Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB), ...................................................... 22
3.3.4 The Environmental Management Plan Implementation Unit (EMPIU) ........................... 22
Table 1-1: Details of ADB funded Subproject roads under KSHIP II..................................................... 1
Table 2-1: Present and projected traffic by vehicle types along the subproject road (in Nos.) .............. 8
Table 2-2: Details on realignments/bypasses of the subproject road.................................................... 8
Table 2-3: Details of road construction materials and their locations. ................................................... 9
Table 2-4: Details on treatment proposals for culverts of the subproject roads (Nos.)........................ 10
Table 2-5: Details on treatment proposals for bridges of the subproject roads (Nos.)......................... 10
Table 2-6: Guiding Parameters for up gradation of Road in project area............................................ 10
Table 3-1: List of clearances required for the subproject .................................................................... 23
Table 4-1: The normal and actual average rainfall (in mm) in the project enroute. ............................. 26
Table 4-2: Average Mean Maximum and Mean Minimum Temperature (0 C) of the Project Area....... 26
Table 4-3: Water Contours and water Yield........................................................................................ 28
Table 4-4: Demographic features of the Study Area........................................................................... 31
Table 4-5: Workforce in project area .................................................................................................. 31
Table 5-1: Various alternatives of the project ..................................................................................... 34
Table 5-2: Cross sectional alternatives considered in the subproject. ................................................ 35
Table 6-1: Flood prone areas along subproject .................................................................................. 37
Table 6-2: Emission factors of different vehicles (g/Km)..................................................................... 39
Table 6-3: Pollution load of pollutants along the project routes (in Tons/Km) ..................................... 39
Table 6-4: Noise sensitive locations along the subproject .................................................................. 41
Table 6-5: Noise level (in dB (A)) due to Traffic along the project Road links ..................................... 41
Table 6-6: Water supply sources likely affected link wise in the project area (in Nos.) ....................... 46
Table 6-7: Girth wise likely impact on avenue trees (in Nos.) ............................................................. 48
Table 6-8: List of utilities being affected by the proposed roads (in Nos.)........................................... 52
Table 6-9: The Religious and cultural structures under impact in the project area (in Nos.) ............... 52
Table 6-10: The Community structure under impact in the project area (in Nos.) ............................... 53
Table 7-1: Major findings of consultations - T13 – Jagalur – NH 13 ................................................... 59
Table 8-1: Environmental Management Plan (Part-A) ........................................................................ 62
Table 8-2: Environmental Management Plan – Bridges (Part-B) ........................................................ 83
Table 8-3: Environmental monitoring for Air, Water, Noise and Soil ................................................... 95
Table 8-4: Performance Indicators and monitoring plan ..................................................................... 97
Table 8-5: Reporting System............................................................................................................ 100
Table 8-6: Summary Details of Reporting Formats........................................................................... 101
Table 8-7: Training Modules for Environmental Management .......................................................... 105
Table 8-8 : Bill of Quantities for Implementation of Environmental Management Action Plan to be
executed under Civil Works Contract ............................................................................................... 106
Table 8-9: Bill of Quantities for Environmental Management Action Plan - Mandatory Works to be
implemented by Government Departments/ agencies as per regulatory requirements. ................... 108
Figure 1-1: Organisation Structure of Project Implementation Unit (PIU)............................................. 5
Figure 2-1: Geographical location of the subproject roads ................................................................... 7
Figure 2-2: The rural and urban cross sections of the road in the proposed subproject road ............. 12
Figure 2-3: Implementation schedule of the subproject road .............................................................. 14
Figure 3-1: The procedure for obtaining environmental clearance...................................................... 18
Figure 4-1: Wind-rose Bellary Meteorological Station......................................................................... 26
Figure 8-1: Relationship among Environmental Specialist of CSC, KSHIP and the contractor ......... 104
ANNEX 1: PHYSIOGRAPHY OF THE PROJECT AREA ................................................................. 111
ANNEX 2: CLIMATIC CONDITION OF THE PROJECT AREA. ....................................................... 112
ANNEX 3: DRAINAGE AND RIVER BASINS OF THE PROJECT AREA........................................ 113
ANNEX 4: IRRIGATION AND HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE PROJECT AREA ................................. 114
ANNEX 5: ROCKS AND MINERALS IN THE PROJECT AREA....................................................... 115
ANNEX 6: SOIL TYPE OF THE PROJECT AREA ........................................................................... 116
ANNEX 8: FORESTLAND TYPE IN THE PROJECT AREA. ............................................................ 118
E1 Project background:
1. The Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project (KSHIP) is an initiative by the
Public Works Department (PWD) of the Government of Karnataka (GoK), to undertake
improvement of roads consisting of State Highways (SH) and Major District Roads (MDR).
These roads were selected on the basis of a Strategic Option Study (SOS) carried out in
2003. Total stretch of 615.03 km of State Highways and MDRs has been considered for
upgradation under the assistance of ADB funding. The proposed project roads constitute
nine project corridors (Subprojects) that are spread across the state of Karnataka. The
project is scheduled to be taken up for implementation in 2011 at the total estimated cost of
Rs. 13,619 million. Initial Environmental Examination report has been prepared to address
those stipulations fully and comprehensibly for upgradation of project corridor T 13 & 17
covering a road length of 9.25 and 5.13 km stretching from Jagalur - NH-13 and Molkalmur -
SH 19 respectively in the districts of Davanagere and Chithradurga of Karnataka state. The
Environmental Assessment (Initial Environmental Examination) for the project corridor is
done as per the EIA Notification, 2006 by Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), GoI
as well as Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), June 2009.
E2 Scope of Works
2. The scope of works involve Upgradation works of improving existing single-lane and
intermediate lane roads to 12m roadway with standard 2-lane 7m carriageway and alignment
improvements to relevant IRC standards and other associated road and bridge works
including improvement of major and minor bridges, culverts, road intersections, drains, road
geometrics and road furniture.
E3 Improvement proposal
3. The improvement proposal for the project includes upgradation of existing
carriageway. The main elements of the construction processes are given below.
4. Upgradation: Widening & Strengthening (including raising of embankment): The
elements are:
Remove high shoulders & grub out bushes (some trees may get removed);
Remove existing pavement and widening to the required width;
Raise existing embankment where ever the possibility of seepage across the
road line exists; presence or likelihood of field irrigation close to the road and
where nature of soil is expansive in nature;
Widen road formation to the required width depending on the cross section types;
Construct new wider pavement with paved or unpaved shoulder, including
surfacing and providing footpaths, ditches and drains, covered drains wherever
The upgradation works also include geometric improvements, structural
improvements, repair/construction of bridges and culverts, junction
improvements, etc.
E8 Analysis of Alternatives
10. The subproject road is an existing State Highway with very limited alignment
alternatives for selection. However analysis of alternatives have been done for bypasses,
realignments, cross section types and construction materials alternatives to avoid the places
of congestion, human settlements, environmentally sensitive areas, different construction
materials etc. keeping in view traffic condition, obligatory points, geometric designs,
congestions and socio economic viability and other environmental aspects of the region.
There are no bypasses considered along the subproject. Four cross section types have been
considered for various stretches of the subproject. Discussion also includes consideration of
alternatives such as no project scenario; project with alternatives and project with mitigation
measures and alternatives Project with alternatives and project with mitigation measures
were found acceptable. Following cross section type alternatives have been considered for
the subproject.
C/S Type Description
UR1A Rural cross-section
UR1B Rural cross-section
UR2 Rural cross-section (Through Village)
UR7 Rural cross section in cutting
E9 Anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures:
11. Some of the significant environmental impacts of Jagalur to NH-13 and Molkalmur to
SH 19 subproject road on the natural environment and nearby communities are discussed in
the section. These impacts could be largely mitigated through engineering designs, good
construction practices accompanied by a site specific mitigation measures.
12. Though no change in the macro-climatic parameters (precipitation, temperature and
wind) is envisaged due to the subproject, cutting of approximately roadside trees, laying of
paved surface and other construction activities temporarily modify the microclimate.
13. There would be an increase in daytime temperature near the newly paved surfaces
of the road due to increase in the surface area of blacktop of widened road. This impact shall
be mitigated by planting rows of avenue plantations.
14. Raising of embankment height and improvement of both longitudinal and cross
drainage shall be done to avoid flooding of flood prone section. Run off water recharge pits
shall be constructed to facilitate the infiltration of runoff water into the ground.
15. Air quality along the subproject road alignment; congested major settlements
locations like Jagalur, Molkalmur and at construction establishments such as batching
plants, hot mix plants, crushers, etc. will be adversely impacted temporarily during
construction activities. Asphalt plants, crushers and batching plants shall be sited at least 1
km in the downwind direction from the nearest human settlement. Vehicles delivering loose
and fine materials like sand and fine aggregates shall be covered to reduce spills on existing
roads. Water will be sprayed on earthworks, temporary haulage and detour roads on a
regular basis. The hot mix plants will be fitted with dust extraction units and
cyclones/scrubbers to reduce exhaust gases.
16. There will be gradual enhancement of air pollution due to increase in number of
vehicles on the improved roads. Avenue and median plantation along the road sides and
medians respectively should help to control dust and fugitive emissions by operating
vehicles from reaching the receptors.
17. The impacts on noise due to the project will be of significance in both the
construction as well as the operation stages. The community abutting subproject road and
construction establishments will be adversely affected by increase in noise level due to
operating equipments and construction activities of subproject road. All mitigation measures
such as use of enclosures, walls, installation of mufflers around noisy equipment;
substituting quieter equipment or construction methods; timing of noisier construction and
demolition activities; providing Personnel Protective Equipments (PPE) to the workers;
locating construction establishments away from sensitive receptors; construction of noise
barriers at sensitive receptors; etc.
18. Soil compaction and contamination is envisaged at locations such as construction
camp, labour camp, concrete batching plant, hot mix plants, borrow areas, quarries and
along access roads to these construction establishments. Soil erosion is anticipated at
bridge and culvert construction sites. The major land use in the project area is
agriculture and some stretches of the subproject constitutes built up areas /settlements at
Jagalur and Molkalmur having active commercial and economic activity along the roadside.
The agricultural and commercial activities will be disturbed temporarily during construction
phase. As part of mitigation measures top soil shall be preserved and back filled after the
rehabilitation of quarry/burrow areas Natural geographical contours and natural landscape
shall be preserved and maintained. If haulage roads are inevitable on productive agricultural
land, it shall be reclaimed to the original nature after the completion of construction activity.
All construction establishments such as construction camps, labour camps, and material
storage areas shall be rehabilitated to the original condition after the completion of
construction work. Domestic solid waste from construction and labour camps shall be
segregated into biodegradable and non biodegradable before being sent to treatment.
Biodegradable wastes are treated by composting and non biodegradable wastes are either
recycled or disposed off to authorised land fill site.
19. Paved surface of the road will reduce the percolation of runoff water and decreases
the ground water recharge. Ground water recharge pits shall be provided at suitable
intervals to facilitate the recharge of runoff water in to the ground to counter the impact of
decreased percolation and increased runoff from the paved surface of the subproject road.
20. There is ChinnaHagari river (T13) and four ponds in the impact zone which are
impacted temporarily during construction of road embankments, cuts and fills, construction
of cross drainage structures temporarily increases the silt inflow to the surface water bodies
affecting the aquatic ecology of the water bodies. Some of the water supply units adjacent to
subproject road within proposed RoW will be impacted. Waste water generated at the
construction camps and labour camps will pollute the surface water bodies if disposed
untreated. The impact on surface water bodies and other water supply resources shall be
mitigated by constructing cross drainage structures during the lean flow periods of summer
to minimize the impacts and provision for silt traps made at regular intervals, especially at
major cross drainage structures to trap the silt before it reaches the water bodies. All the
water resources and water supply connections such as bore wells, taps, water cisterns,
pipelines, etc. being impacted by the project shall be relocated before the construction starts.
All liquid wastes generated from the construction camp and labour camp shall be treated to
meet the prescribed norms before disposal.
21. Total of 716 trees are impacted due to the project. Rows of approximately 2,876
avenue trees shall be planted on both sides of the subproject for the entire length of
subproject road.
22. Road projects aim to improve urban and rural area connectivity, which in turn will
improve economic and social welfare of rural communities by improved access of rural
communities to markets, jobs, and education and health services. Tourism of the region will
be boosted contributing to the local economic activities. Good roads reduce travel time, fuel
consumption and pollutants emitted by the operating vehicles.
23. A variety of utilities serving the regional needs like electric poles, electric
transformers, telephone poles, telephone junction boxes which are within impact zone shall
be impacted. Some of the religious structures such as temples, mosque, church, shrines,
arali kattes and community structures such as schools, hospitals, bus shelters, etc. along
subproject road are impacted directly or indirectly. Mitigation measures include shifting of all
utilities before the start of construction; relocation of religious and community structures after
consulting the public.
24. During construction of roads there will be major or minor accidents envisaged by lack
of knowledge on handling of new equipments, workers functioning without proper personal
protective equipment and without possessing first aid facilities at work sites. Workers at
construction and batching plants shall be compulsorily equipped with personal protective
equipments along with first aid facilities for all the construction workers. Periodical health
check-up of the workers are to be arranged by the contactors to ensure good health for
workers. Implementation of road safety plan during project implementation is an important
mitigation measure. Labour camp shall not be located within 1000m of major habitations to
avoid disease outbreak and communicable diseases. Arrangement for storage and supply of
potable water shall be made to the workers.
25. During construction it is usual that the operating traffic will be affected to some extent
and near by public and commuting transportation will suffer the inconvenience, additional
time, cost and distance. Contractor shall at all times carry out construction work on the road
in manner creating least interference to the free flow of traffic as per the approved Traffic
Management Plan for the diversion of traffic on the subproject road.
26. Significant positive and negative impacts due to project are summarized in the
following impact matrix.
Physical Biological
Environment Environment Topo-
Environmental Attributes
Nois Natural graphy
Air Water Flora Fauna Soil
e Drainage
I. Construction Phase
Labour Camp Activities -ve/t
Quarrying -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/p -ve/p
Material Transport & Storage -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t
Drilling and Blasting -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/p
Pavement works -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/p -ve/t -ve/p
Physical Biological
Environment Environment Topo-
Environmental Attributes
Nois Natural graphy
Air Water Flora Fauna Soil
e Drainage
Use of Construction
-ve/t -ve/t -ve/t
Cutting of Trees -ve/p
Plantation +ve/
+ve/p +ve/p +ve/p
Culvert and Bridge
-ve/t -ve/t -ve/p
Stripping of Topsoil -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t
Debris Generation -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t -ve/t
Oil and Grease -ve/t -ve/t
II. Operational Phase
Vehicular Movement +ve/
+ve/t +ve/t -ve/p
Note: t – Temporary; p- Permanent; Impacts indicated in bold letters are Significant Impacts.
E10 Stakeholder Consultation
27. Consultations during feasibility studies and environmental assessment stage have
been conducted with the objective of involving local communities in the project planning
(participatory planning). Many a times, suggestions and options given by people improves
technical and economic efficiency of the project. Execution of suggested improvement from
stakeholders also generates the sense of ownership among the communities of the region
and eases the implementation process. Consultations are usually conducted with a sample
section of the community with a good representation from the affected communities.
E11 Environmental Management Plan
28. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) deals with the implementation procedure of
the guidelines and mitigation measures recommended to avoid, minimize and mitigate
foreseen environmental impacts of the project. The implementation of environmental
management plan needs suitable organization set up and the success of any environmental
management plan depends on the efficiency of the group responsible for implementation of
the programme. It is proposed to carryout regular environmental monitoring to provide
information to the management for periodic review and alternation of the environmental
management plan as necessary so as to ensure that environmental protection is optimized
at all stages of the mining
29. Environmental monitoring is an essential component for sustainability of any
developmental project. It is an integral part of any environmental assessment process. The
monitoring programme consists of performance indicators, reporting formats and necessary
budgetary provision. For each of the environmental condition indicators, the monitoring plan
specifies the parameters to be monitored, location of the monitoring sites, frequency and
duration of monitoring. The monitoring plan also specifies the applicable standards,
implementation and supervising responsibilities. The monitoring will be carried out by PIU
through the approved agency and will be supervised by the Environmental Experts of the
Construction Supervision Consultants and PIU.
30. Environmental Management Plan Implementation Unit (EMPIU) constituted under
KSHIP with the assistance of the Environmental Specialist of Project Design and
Environmental Officer (EO) of the CSC is responsible for implementing all environmental
monitoring and management works during implementation of road improvement project to
achieve certain level of quality in the project and ensure that all statutory requirements are
met during the project implementation. Organizational setup for PIU and EMPIU is illustrated
in the Figure 1.1.
31. The engineering staff of PIU, supervision consultancy and the contractor who would
be responsible for the implementation of the EMP, need to be trained on environmental
issues of specific road development project. Suitable training programmes have been
worked out for the project as well as capacity building needs. The programme consists of a
number of training modules specific to target groups. Looking into the potential requirements
of each of the target groups, several training modules have been planned. The training
would cover the basic principles and postulates of environmental assessment and mitigation
plans; implementation techniques; monitoring and management methods and tools.
32. The budgetary provision for the implementing EMP of the road project has been
made in 2 parts based on the responsibility of the execution.
33. The Part ‘A’ works to be undertaken has been quantified and quantities included in
the respective BOQ items in the civil works contract packages. These cover items such as
safe disposal of unserviceable materials with suitable top soil treatment; dust mitigation
during construction phase; recharge pits; silt fencing; sign boards for tourist and ecologically
sensitive areas if any; safe disposal of scarified bitumen in clay lined pits; construction of
noise barriers for silent receptors; monitoring of air, water, noise and soil qualities; oil
interceptors; personal protective equipments for labourers, etc.
34. Part ‘B’ works of redevelopment of oxbow lands and other leftover lands; raising
median plantations; compensatory plantation; compensatory provisions in terms of Net
Present Value (NPV) for diverted forest lands, if any; providing environmental management
training at all levels are discussed under mandatory works to be implemented by
Government Departments or other agencies as per the regulatory requirements, as.
35. Cost for Part A & B works of EMP implementation are estimated and given in the
following table.
Cost for Part A works Cost for Part B works Total cost in Rs.
of EMP (Rs.) of EMP (Rs.) (Part A + B)
T 13 & 17 3,408,699 4,907,092 8,315,791
1.1 Project Background
1. The Second Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project (KSHIP-II) is a part of
the ongoing road improvement programme in Karnataka State to support the growing
economy and social development programme. KSHIP-II is a continuation of the State’s
earlier initiatives including World Bank assisted KSHIP-I programme under which 2,406 km
roads were improved, under the control of the Public Works Department. The techno-
economic feasibility study evaluated various types of improvement works and established a
priority ranking of 3,411 km of roads under subsequent improvement programme of state
roads. These roads were selected on the basis of a Strategic Option Study (SOS)1 carried
out in 2003. The objective of the SOS study was to formulate a policy for developing an
effective network of regional roads in the state.
2. Total length of 615.03 km State Highways and MDRs has been considered for
upgradation under the assistance of ADB funding. The proposed project roads under the
initiative “Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project” (KSHIP) constitutes nine project
corridors (Subprojects) that are spread across the state of Karnataka. The highway
improvement project is scheduled to be taken up for implementation in 2011 at the total
estimated cost of Rs. 13,619 million. The proposed subprojects under KSHIP are given in
the following table.
Table 1-1: Details of ADB funded Subproject roads under KSHIP II.
Corridor Link Length
SH No. Subproject road Districts
No. ID (km)
21 21C 34 Saundatti – Ramdurg 38.47 Belgaum and
21D 14 Ramdurg – Badami 45.73
21E 14 Badami -Pattadakal 23.72
21F 14 and MDR* Pattadakal – Kamatagi 22.28
27 27A 45 Shelwadi – Gadag 30.54 Dharwad and
27B 45 Gadag - Mundaragi 32.90
31 31A 29 Mudagal – Tawaragere 31.21 Raichur and
31B 29 Tawaragere – Gangavathi 42.89
42 42A 76 Davanagere – Channagiri 53.63 Davanagere and
42B 76 Channagiri – Birur 51.98
48 48A 1 Padubidri – Karkala 27.80 Udupi
57 57A 84 Gubbi – Yediyur 49.03 Tumkur and
57B 84 Yediyur - Kowdley 26.43
57C 84 Kowdley - Mandya 33.16
64 64C 3 Magadi – NH 48 13.88 Ramanagara,
Bangalore (Rural)
64D 3 NH 48 – Dobbespet 19.90 and Tumkur
64E 3 Dobbespet – Koratagere 33.89
64H 64H 3 Pavagada – AP Border 23.21 Tumkur
T13 T13 45 Jagalur – NH-13 9.25 Davanagere
T17 T17 2 Molkalmur – SH 19 5.13 Chithradurga
Total length (km) 615.03
Strategic Option Study (SOS) was carried out by IDS cell headed by Mr. G. C. Tallur in 2003
implementation and operation with the assistance of the Environmental Specialist of Project
Design and Environmental Officer (EO) of the CSC.
Project Director
Superintendant Engineers
2.1 Subproject Location
13. The proposed subprojects Jagalur to NH 13 on State highway 45 and Molkalmur to
SH 19 on state highway 2 lie in Davanagere and Chithradurga districts of Karnataka state
provides vital connectivity between the taluk head quarters (Jagalur and Molkalmuru) and
the nearest national and state highways. The roads traverse in East – West direction.
Improvement of these subproject roads provide for better level of service for commuters and
movement of goods trucks in the region. Figure-2.1 shows the geographical location of the
subproject road.
2.1.1 Scope of Works
14. The scope of works involve upgradation works of improving existing single-lane and
intermediate lane roads to 12m roadway with standard 2-lane 7m carriageway and alignment
improvements to relevant IRC standards and other associated road and bridge works
including improvement of major and minor bridges, culverts, road intersections, drains, road
geometrics and road furniture.
2.1.2 Improvement proposal
15. The improvement proposal includes upgradation of existing carriageway. The main
elements of the upgradation - widening and strengthening are:
Remove high shoulders and grub out bushes (some trees may get removed);
Remove existing pavement and widening to the required width;
Raise existing embankment where ever the possibility of seepage across the road
line exists; presence or likelihood of field irrigation close to the road and where nature
of soil is expansive in nature;
Widen road formation to the required width depending on the cross section types;
Construct new wider pavement with paved or unpaved shoulder, including surfacing
and providing footpaths, ditches and drains, covered drains wherever necessary.
2.1.3 Corridor of Impact (CoI) and Right of Way (RoW)
16. The proposed subproject road width varies from about 14.0 to 30.0 M depending on
the typical road cross-section types applied. In isolated instances where the embankment
heights are significant, a wider road width is necessary to accommodate the embankment
17. Existing RoW information is furnished by local PWD offices and it has been verified
subsequently as a part of social surveys and LA plan preparation. The available RoW is not
consistent and varies significantly along the length of the subproject route. The IRC
recommended RoW for State Highways is 45 and 30 m for open and built-up area
respectively but clearly this is not available throughout the length of the subproject road.
Wherever the required width (CoI) for the proposed road is not available, KSHIP is acquiring
only the required width of land to limit the compensation cost and in turn the project cost.
The fly ash will be used in subproject roads which are within 100 km radius from the thermal
plants as per MoEF’s Fly Ash Notification, 1999 depending on its availability. Asphalt will be
prepared in hot mix plants with bitumen brought from Mangalore Port, Mumbai and Chennai
depending on the shortest lead to the proposed subproject road. Information on existing
quarries and other sources of potential road construction materials have been collected
during field visits and from local offices of the Public Works Department of the project area.
Details of road construction materials and their locations for the proposed subproject road
are in the Table 2.3.
Table 2-3: Details of road construction materials and their locations.
Sl Chainage
Quarry No. Name of Quarries
No (Km)
Subproject – T13
Bangarigudda Granite Stone Metal Quarry is Available @
1. QII-1B -208 9+500
distance of 5.10Km from project Road.
Kanikuppe Gavimatha Granite Stone metal quarry is
2. QII-1B -209 0+00
available at a distance of 8.0Km from project Road.
Locally available Nalla sand is available at a distance of
1 SII-1B-112 0+000
10Km (LHS/RHS) from project Road.
Harihara (Tungabadhra) River sand Quarry is available at a
2 SII-1B-113 0+000
distance of 72.0 Km from Project Road.
Hagari River sand Quarry is available at a distance of 75.0
3 SII-1B-114 9+250
Km from Project Road.
Locally available Roadside murram borrow pit is available at
1 MII-1B-223 1+500
a distance of 0.10Km from project Road.
Locally available Roadside murram borrow pits is available
2 MII-1B-224 8+00
at a distance of 0.20Km from project Road.
Subproject – T17
Moralubande Granite stone quarry (Hanagal quarry) is
1. QII-1B -210 5+60
Available @ distance of 2.50 Km from project Road.
Locally available Nalla sand is available at average lead of
1 SII-1B-115 2+000,5+600
10 km and 15 km From Project Road
Hagari River sand Quarry is available at distance of 29 km
2 SII-1B-116 5+600
from SH-2, of Project Road.
Locally available Roadside murram borrow pit is available at
1 MII-1B-225 4+900
a distance of 0.20Km from project Road.
Locally available Roadside murram borrow pit is available at
2 MII-1B-226 3+000
a distance of 0.20Km from project Road.
Figure 2-2: The rural and urban cross sections of the road in the proposed subproject road
Activity Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Defects Notification
Civil Works Pre-construction Phase Construction Phase
Award and CSC
Demobilization and
3.1.6 Interpretation and applicability of EIA Notification, 2006 for subproject road:
40. Since the proposed subproject road is an existing state highway, requiring
improvement with no new alignment except a few realignments for avoiding congestions at
major settlements or comply with IRC standards or to provide adequate bridge approach and
smoothen the road curvature at some section of the subproject road. Therefore the road is
treated as expansion of existing State Highway for examining the applicability and relevance
of the MoEF Notification.
41. The issue of ‘additional RoW greater than 20 m involving land acquisition’ needs to
be seen in the context of the linear nature of road projects. The 20 m of additional right-of-
way as indicated in the Notification has been considered on an average basis rather than a
location-specific figure for examining the applicability and relevance of the MoEF
42. Realignments under this subproject are minor and limited to providing required
approach roads to new bridges improving road alignment geometry and avoiding congested
and narrow town/built-up areas. These realignments/bypasses are contiguous with the rest
of the Corridor and form part of the existing highway improvement. Therefore all
realignments are considered as a part of the project corridor for the purposes of calculating
the additional right-of-way required and not as stand-alone lengths for examining the
applicability and relevance of MoEF Notification.
43. Keeping in view the above considerations both Jagalur to NH 13 (T 13) and
Molkalmur to SH 19 (T 17) subprojects are less than 30 km in length and ‘additional right-of-
way required for subprojects is less than 20m involving land acquisition. Hence both
subprojects are not under the purview of EIA Notification, 2006 and February 2009.
Environmental clearance is not required for the subprojects T 13 and T 17.
3.1.7 Environmental Clearance Process
44. The procedure for obtaining environmental clearance is depicted in Figure 3.1. for
category B projects.
authority shall make such diversions, except with the prior approval of the Central
50. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 also pertains to the cases of diversion of forest
areas and felling of roadside plantations. Depending on the size of the tract to be cleared,
clearances are applied at various levels of government: If the area of forests to be cleared or
diverted exceeds 40 Ha (or, 10ha in hilly area) then prior permission of Central Government
is required; If the area of forest to be cleared or diverted is between 5 to 40ha, the Regional
Office of Chief Conservator of Forests is empowered to approve; If the area of forest to be
cleared or diverted is below or equal to 5ha, the State Government can give permission; If
the area to be clear-felled has a forest density of more than 40%, permission to undertake
any work is needed from the Central Government, irrespective of the area to be cleared. The
act refers to the project roads that are adjacent to the reserved forest and involving forest
land diversion for the non forestry purpose. Subprojects T13 and T17 do not have forest
stretches along the links.
3.1.12 The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act 1958
51. This Act provides for the preservation of ancient and historical monuments and
archaeological sites and remains of national importance and for the regulation of
archaeological excavations and for the protection of sculptures, carvings and other like
objects. According to this Act, areas within the radii of 100m and 300m from the “protected
property” are designated as “protected areas” and “controlled areas” respectively. No
development activity (including building, mining, excavating, blasting) is permitted in the
“protected areas”. Development activities likely to damage the protected property are not
permitted in the “controlled areas” without prior permission from the Archaeological Survey
of India (ASI) if the site/remains/ monuments are protected by ASI or the State Directorate of
Archaeology. None of the notified archaeological monuments recognised by the UNESCO or
World Heritage Monuments intercept with the road improvements.
3.1.13 Fly Ash Notification, 1999
52. The MoEF, GoI has issued a Notification regarding the utilization of fly ash/bottom
ash generated from coal/lignite based thermal power plant in 1999 and amended it in 2003,
with an intention to protect the environment, conserve top soil and prevent the dumping and
disposal of fly ash discharged from coal or lignite based thermal power plants. Further it
states the need for restricting the excavation of topsoil for manufacture of bricks and
promotes the utilization of fly ash in the manufacture of building material and in construction
activity within the radius of 100 Km from coal or lignite based thermal power plants.
53. No agency, person or organization shall, within a radius of 100 km of a thermal
power plant undertake construction or approve design for construction of roads or flyover
embankments in contravention of the guidelines/specifications issued by the Indian Road
Congress (IRC) as contained in IRC specification No. SP: 58 of 2001. Any deviation from
this direction can only be agreed to on technical reasons if the same is approved by Chief
Engineer (Design) or Engineer-in-Chief of the concerned agency or organization or on
production of a certificate of “pond ash not available” from the thermal power plant(s) located
within 100 km of the site of construction. Subprojects T 13 and T 17 are within a distance of
100 km from Grasim Industries near Harihara and Jindal Thermal Power Plant near Hospet.
Fly ash from the plants is used in the project subjected to availability of fly ash at the time of
3.1.14 Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
54. This Act provides for public liability insurance for the purpose of providing immediate
relief to the persons affected by accident occurring while handling any hazardous substance
and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The transportation of hazardous
substances by vehicle use is also included. This statute would apply on the implementers of
Project road.
3.1.15 The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
55. The Indian Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 empowered the State Transport Authority
(usually the Road Transport Office) to enforce standards for prevention and control of
vehicular pollution. The authority also checks the emission standards of registered vehicles,
collects road taxes and issues licenses. The Pollution under Control Certificate (PUC)
programme was launched In August 1997as an attempt to crackdown on the vehicular
emissions. This act is applicable for the road projects.
3.2 Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Statement (June 2009)
56. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released new Safeguard Policy Statement
– June 2009 that consolidates and builds upon the earlier ADB policies on Environment,
Indigenous Peoples and Involuntary Resettlement. ADB’s new Safeguard Policy Statement
intends to enhance the effectiveness of ADB’s safeguard policies and to ensure that these
policies remain relevant to the changing client needs and to new business opportunities
being funded by ADB.
57. The Safeguard Policy Statement has sought to
i. Better articulate the safeguard policies to improve their clarity, coherence and
ii. Balance a front-loaded procedural approach with one also focused on results during
iii. Adapt policy implementation to an evolving range of lending products and innovative
financing modalities;
iv. Work towards greater harmonization with safeguard policies across Multilateral
Financing Institutions (MFI) and tailor safeguard approaches to different clients with
varying capacities and
v. Improve internal processes and resource allocation.
58. The proposed subproject cause potential adverse environmental impacts which are
less adverse in nature and few of them are reversible and mitigation measures can be
designed more readily for the identified impacts. As per the ADB’s Guidelines on
Environmental Assessment the proposed Jagalur – NH 13 (T13) and Molkalmuru – SH 19
(T17) subprojects having lengths of 9.25 km and 2.13 km with minimal impacts are classified
as Category ‘B’ project requiring Initial Environmental Examination (IEE).
3.3 Administrative Framework
59. The Government through specific legislations regulates the environmental
management system in India. The Ministries/Statutory bodies responsible for ensuring
environmental compliance by project promoters include following agencies.
Bituminous Pavement Construction, IRC: 72-1978 and Road Accident Forms A-1 and 4,
IRC: 33-1982.
3.5 Clearances required for the subproject
66. After reviewing the various applicable acts and statutes, as mentioned above, some
clearances and permissions are required for subproject. A summary of clearances required
for the subproject is shown in the Table 3-1.
Table 3-1: List of clearances required for the subproject
Sl. Authority Granting When
Subject Remarks
No. Clearance required
1 Environmental State Environmental Before EC is not required as the
Clearance Appraisal Committee, Construction subproject is not under the
GoK. purview of EIA Notification 2006.
2 Tree cutting Department of Forest, Before KSHIP’s responsibility.
permission. GoK Construction Application for tree cutting
clearance has been submitted
on 3rd August 2010.
3 Consents under Water Karnataka State Before KSHIP’s responsibility.
(P&CP) Act, 1974 & Pollution Control Construction Consents have been obtained
Air (P&CP) Act, Board (KSPCB), vide letter no.
Bangalore PCB/05/CNP/09/558 dated 29th
January 2010.
4 Permit for installation KSPCB Before Contractor’s responsibility.
of crusher Construction
5 No Objection KSPCB, Inspectors of Before Contractor’s responsibility.
Certificate (NOC) for Factories Construction
batching plant
6 Clearance for KSPCB Before Contractor’s responsibility.
establishing Asphalt Construction
7 Installation of Karnataka Electricity Before Contractor’s responsibility.
Generators company of Installation
respective regions
8 Clearance for Department of Mines Before Contractor’s responsibility.
excavation & & Geology/ Local Quarrying
transporting soil Bodies
9 Permission for Department of Mines Before If the extraction of boulder is
extraction of boulder & Geology. Quarrying being procured from the existing
Government of quarry/supplier, it shall be
Karnataka ensured that, requisite license/
lease has been obtained from
the concerned Authority.
10 Permission for Department of Mines Before If the extraction of sand is being
extraction of sand & Geology. Quarrying procured from the existing sand
Government of quarry/supplier, it shall be
Karnataka ensured that requisite
license/lease has been obtained
from the concerned Authority.
11 License for storing Commissioner of During Contractor’s responsibility.
diesel Explosives & KSPCB Construction
12 Labour camps District Health Officer During Contractor’s responsibility.
13 Clearance for crossing Irrigation Department, During Contractor’s responsibility.
other waterways Government of Construction
Karnataka at the specific
14 If water has to be Concerned Water During Contractor’s responsibility.
moves from South to North. During the south west monsoon season 80-85 percent of the
annual rainfall precipitates. The average actual annual rainfall recorded in Davanagere
district during 2007 is 824 mm. The annual number of the rainy days is about 45 days. The
normal annual rainfall in Chithradurga district based on 30years is 574mm. However, during
1996-2005, the district received an average annual rainfall of 631.7 mm. Further, there was
deficient rainfall in the years 2003, whereas the year 2005 received excess rainfall. Rainfall
is lowest in Challakere taluk and highest in Hosadurga taluk. Normal annual rainfall varies
between 668mm in Holalkere in western part to 457mm in Chellakere, in the northeastern
part. The normal and actual rainfall of the project en route is given in Table 4.1.
Table 4-1: The normal and actual average rainfall (in mm) in the project enroute.
Cor Annual Normal Annual Actual Rainfall
Corridor description District
. ID Rainfall (mm) (mm) (2004)
T13 Jagalur – NH 13 644 608
T17 Molkalmur – SH 19 632 552 Chitradurga
Source: Indian Meteorological Department,
4.1.4 Temperature
71. Davanagere district experiences the temperature variations of 190C to 390C. The
temperature increases from the month of January. Highest temperature is noticed during
April – May and ranges from 260C mean maximum to 280C mean minimum. In the cold
season temperature ranges average mean of 160C to 170C. Among the different taluks of the
Davanagere district, highest temperature and less humidity is found in Harappanahalli and
Jagalur taluks (320C to 380C) whereas in Channagiri and Honnali taluks temperature and
humidity ranges from 260C to 320C. Chithradurga district has a record of mean maximum
temperature of 38.310 C and mean minimum temperature of 18.010 C. The average mean
maximum and minimum temperature of the project area is presented in Table 4.2.
Table 4-2: Average Mean Maximum and Mean Minimum Temperature (0 C) of the Project Area
Cor. ID Mean Maximum Mean Minimum
Link Description IMD Station
(oC) (oC)
Jagalur – NH 13 and Chitradurg
Molkalmur – SH 19
38.31 18.01
T17 a
Source: Indian Meteorological Department
8.30 Hours-Calm-26%
W 0 E
17.30 Hours- Calm-11%
Bellary - Station
Direction % %
N 1 1
NE 3 6
E 9 12
SE 16 23
S 1 1
SW 8 9
W 13 13
NW 23 24
Calm 26 11
Mean Wind Speed 8.40 KMPH
Source: Indian Meteorological Department
Major part of Chithradurga district lies in Krishna basin and is drained by Vedavathi River.
The reservoir is built across the Vedavathi River near Vanivilaspura, in Hiriyur taluk. The
other streams are Janagahalli, Chikhagari, Swarnamukhi, Garain and Nayakanahalli halla.
Agriculture is mainly dependent on the timely and adequate rainfall in the district. Across
Vedavathi river and its tributaries, Vanivilas Sagara, Gayathri reservoir, Rangayanadurga
reservoir and Narayanapura anicut irrigation projects are commissioned. In addition to the
above, there are about 300 tanks in the district providing irrigation facilities to small stretches
of lands. The drainage density varies from 0.72 to 1.70 km/km2 and general ground
elevation ranges from about 500 m amsl to 800 m amsl. The drainage and river basins of the
project area is presented in Annex - 3.
4.1.8 Hydrogeology
75. In Davanagere district groundwater occurs under phreatic and semi-confined
conditions in the weathered and fractured rock formations of the ‘Peninsular Gneissic Group’
of rocks comprising of granites, gneisses and schist. The thickness of weathered zone varies
from 4.0 – 36.74 m. The main source of ground water occurring in the district is through
precipitation and return flow from applied irrigation. Ground water occurs within the
weathered and fractured rocks under water-table conditions and semi-confined conditions.
Groundwater in Chithradurga district occurs under phreatic condition in the weathered rock
formations of the ‘Peninsular Gneissic Group’ of rocks comprising of Granites, gneisses and
schist. The thickness of weathered zone varies from less than a meter near hill slopes and
higher altitudes to about 39 m. in valleys and topographic low areas. In Molakalmur taluk,
granites, granitic-gneisses and amphibolites gneisses are the main water bearing
formations. Depth of weathered zone ranges from 12.3 m to 24 mbgl. Yield ranges from <1.0
to 7.1 lps. The water contours and ground water yields in the project area are given in Table
4.3 and irrigation and hydrogeology of the project area is presented in Annex - 4.
Table 4-3: Water Contours and water Yield
Subpro Grond water Contours (M
Subproject description Yield (L/Sec)
ject ID Above MSL)
T13 Jagalur – NH 13 600 - 700 1.0 to 5.0
T17 Molkalmur – SH 19 500 1.0 to 5.0
4.1.9 Geology
76. In Davanagere district, the basement gneisses and small patches of younger granites
are exposed in the eastern half. These rocks have been classified as crystalline formations.
The gneisses are overlaid by conglomerate, quartz, chlorite schist, greywacke, meta-
volcanics, limestone and iron/manganese formations in the southern part of the district.
Chithradurga district is distributed with mainly three types of rocks such as granites;
charnockites, gneisses and unclassified crystallines and third group of rocks constitute
slates, phyllites and schists. Granites are seen as patches in the centre of the district and
Molkalmuru taluk; Major part of the district is covered by charnockites, gneiss and
unclassified crystallines; slates strikes the central part of the district in NW – SE direction.
Major minerals such as Managanese, Gold and Barytes are known to occur in the district.
Map showing the Rocks and Minerals of the project area is exhibited in Annex – 5.
4.1.10 Soils
77. Davanagere district consists of mainly 3 types of soils, viz., black alluvial soil, red soil
with shallow to medium depth gravel and clay soil. The black soil has high water retaining
capacity, is self aerating with small to medium depth and rich in clay. It is suitable for crops
like cotton, paddy, sugarcane etc. Both black and red soils found in the district are generally
fertile. Major part of the district is covered by red soil and followed by black soil and Clay soil.
Red soil is spread through out the district except in a small area in the northeastern part of
the district where the area is covered by black soil. Soil types of the Chithradurga district
comprises of deep and shallow black soil, mixed red and black soil, red loamy and sandy
soil. Southern part of the district is covered with mixed red and black soils. Eastern and
western parts of Chithradurga district is distributed with red loamy soils. Molkalmur taluk and
eastern part of district are covered by red sandy soils. Types of soil in the project area are
presented in Annex – 6.
4.2 Land use pattern
78. The total geographical area of Davanagere district is 5,97,597 hectares. Area under
forest constitutes 89,640 hectares (15 %); Area not available for cultivation is 59,162
hectares (9.9 %); Cultivable waste land constitutes 8,964 hectares (1.5 %); Uncultivated land
is about 24,501 hectares (4.1 %); fallow land constitutes about 49,003 hectares (8.2 %) and
followed by net sown area of 3,65,729 hectares (61.2 %) of the total area. The total
geographical area of Chithradurga district is 7,70,702 hectares. Area under forest constitutes
73,987 hectares (9.6 %); Area not available for cultivation is 76,300 hectares (9.9 %);
Cultivable waste land constitutes 21,580 hectares (2.8 %); Uncultivated land is about
1,00,191 hectares (13 %); fallow land constitutes about 76,300 hectares (9.9%) and followed
by net sown area of 4,22,345 hectares (54.8 %) of the total area. The land use pattern of the
project area is shown in Annex – 7.
4.2.1 Agriculture and cropping pattern
79. Agriculture is the main occupation in the rural parts of Davanagere district. The main
food crops are paddy, maize and ragi while the important commercial crops are sugarcane,
chilly, onion, and cotton. The net sown area of 3.84 lakh hectares constitutes about 64 per
cent of the geographical area. The total cultivable area is 3.87 lakh hectares (65 per cent).
The net irrigated area is 1.13 lakh hectares, which account for 29 per cent of net sown area.
The gross cropped area is 4.81 lakh hectares. Cereals occupy about 76 per cent followed by
pulses 6 per cent, oilseeds 12 per cent, and commercial crops 6 per cent. Paddy, ragi, maize
and jowar are grown in all the taluks. About 82 per cent of the total cropped area is under
food crops. Cash crops such as sugarcane, onion, chilly, cotton and plantation crops i.e.,
arecanut and coconut are also grown in 18 percent of the total cultivated area. Fruit crops
and sericulture is gaining popularity in the district. About 70 % of the total cultivated area in
Chithradurga district is annually sown with food crops. Ragi, and jowar are grown in plenty
and paddy in a very small quantity. Cotton, groundnut, oilseedsm tur, tobacco are also
grown in the district. Chitradurga district has been in fore-front in respect of horticultural
production particularly in fruit crop production viz. pomegranate, sapota, mosambi, banana,
fig, mango etc., Present area under horticulture crops is nearly 1.00 lakh hectares.
here. Manufacturing of machine tools, cotton textiles, oil mills, cement, leather works, coir
and sugar are some of the industries of the district.
4.4.1 Demographic Features
84. As per 2001 India census, Davanagere and Chithradurga districts have a population
of 1,790,952 and 1,517,896 respectively. Males constitute 51.24 % and 51.14 % and
females 48.76 % and 48.86 % of the total population respectively. Districts have a literacy
rate of 67.43 % and 64.45 % with 76.37 % and 74.66 % of the males and 58.04 % and 53.78
% of females literate respectively. The basic features of demography along the study
corridor have been indicated in the Table 4-4. Due to the absence of better data, the figures
as of 2001 Census of Population have been used. The demographic data given in the
following tables has been worked out considering all villages’ and towns’ administrative
boundaries within which the proposed subproject passes.
Brahmagiri village is the ancient site of Ishila, one of emperor Ashoka's provincial capitals.
His earliest rock edicts in Brahmi script and Prakrit language (3rd c. BC) containing Kannada
words were discovered here. Chandravalli is an ancient archeological site where painted
pottery and coins from the Shatavahana empire and prehistoric times were discovered.
Hiriyur situated on the right bank of Vedavathi river is famous for its Tirumalleshawara
temple. Jogimatti hill station is situated to the south of Chithradurga town. Molakalmuru is a
fortified town of the Kadambas.
5.1 Introduction
89. This chapter presents a comparative analysis of various alternatives considered to
avoid, prevent or minimize impacts that would be inevitable if technically (based on design
speed and geometrics) best-fit alignment is followed. The consideration of alternatives to a
proposal is a requirement of the EIA report. During the scoping process, alternatives to a
proposal can be generated or refined, either directly or by reference to the key issues
identified. A comparative analysis of alternatives will help to determine the best method of
achieving project objectives while minimising environmental impacts. Various alternatives
selected for analysis usually includes the ‘no project’ or ‘no action’ alternative. The relative
impact of each alternative is compared against the baseline environment to select a
preferred alternative.
90. The constituent subprojects Jagalur to NH 13 and Molkalmuru to SH 19 were
considered after finalization of various options such as realignments, bypasses and different
construction material options keeping in view objectives of the project, traffic condition,
obligatory points, geometric designs, flood regions, congestions and socioeconomic viability
and environmental safety aspects. The discussion includes no project scenario; project with
alternatives and project with mitigation measures. The objective of this chapter is to highlight
some of the salient issues considered for exercising options.
5.2 Project Alternatives
5.2.1 No project scenario
91. The ‘No project scenario’ is analysed with respect to the development of the state as
a requirement of reliable quality infrastructure for sustained growth of economy and
consequent well-being of its citizens. Providing better connectivity within the state will ensure
that, goods and people from areas accessed by the road can commute quicker and save
time. Increase in trade and commerce activity is expected. The savings in the vehicle
operating costs makes the subproject viable.
92. The connectivity between the taluk head quarters Jagalur of Davanagere with NH 3
and Molkalmuru of Chithradurga district with SH 19 by the proposed subproject roads. The
economic activity employment potential for people in the region will increase. However, there
would be an increase in the vehicular pollution - air and noise, in the vicinity of the road.
Some agricultural land will have to be diverted for road widening, realigning and bypassing.
Where the road is passing through villages and towns, some people will lose their properties
close by the road to accommodate the proposed widening.
93. If the subproject is not implemented, there is every likelihood that the existing bad
pavement of the corridor deteriorates further. In the absence of the proposed subproject, the
districts will also find it extremely difficult to generate revenue. Increased air pollution, due to
bad road condition, slow moving traffic and congestion, will increase as the time goes by.
Noise levels will rise due to deterioration of the pavement as well as increased honking.
Without the improvement of subproject, the traffic would continue to pose a safety risk for the
road users.
94. Therefore, ‘project with alternatives’ scenario, with its minor adverse impacts is more
acceptable than ‘No project scenario’ which would mean an aggravation of the existing
problems. Potential benefits of the proposed road improvements are substantial and far-
reaching both in terms of the geographical spread and time. Hence, it is clear that, the
implementation of the subproject will be a definite advantage to Karnataka state in order to
achieve all-round development of its economy and progress for its people.
5.2.2 Project with alternatives
95. Although the subproject alternatives in terms of location (alignment) option is very
limited as the project objective is to improve the existing roads except that some lengths of
route require alternatives such as change of alignments from congested locations within
towns or major human settlements to avoid impact on the public and community properties;
traffic congestion; air pollution; noise levels and accidents; ribbon developments to safe
guard social and commercial integrity of the region and to avoid exorbitant resettlement and
business re-establishment costs; to smoothen existing sharp curved (poor geometrics)
alignments for facilitating traffic movement. However, impacts from proposed realignments
would not be severe in magnitude to the extent of warranting analysis for alternative
alignments if the realignments are shorter in length. There are no major
realignments/bypasses proposed for the subproject warranting analysis for alternative
5.2.3 Project with mitigation measures
96. Project with mitigation measures is most acceptable alternative in many cases. In this
alternative, emphasis is given to minimise the impact due to project implementation on the
environmental features. This alternative is most suitable where the option of ‘project with
alternatives’ is limited.
5.3 Evaluation of project Alternatives
97. The alternatives considered with respect to alignment, routing, construction methods,
materials used, landscaping, human values such as health and education, land use impact
and keeping business and commercial integrity for construction of road. Frequently two to
three alternatives are chosen and these alternatives are presented in Table 5.1 given below:
Table 5-1: Various alternatives of the project
Issues Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Alignment Congestion Bypass Realignment Tunnel
Air pollution Widen Bypass Vegetative Screen
Design Noise Solid barrier Bypass Vegetative barrier
Animal/Traffic Cattle crossings in Chicanes in forest
conflict rural area land
Route Forest Compensation on Realignment on non- Bypass
NPV forest land
Water logged Embankment Drainage Realignment
Material Expansive Soil Complete removal Use of fly ash within Lime stabilization
regions Black cotton soil up to 100 km from thermal
1 meter and laying plant for
with good Gravel embankment
Landscape Stone quarry As much as possible Back filling and Redevelopment and
to carry out quarries developing into restoration of closed
underground recreational spots quarries into to a
water retention
Issues Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Obligatory Temples/cultural Realignment Shifting and
points heritage reconstruction with
monuments public consultation
Human Land use Provide adequate Provide alternative
values compensation for the lands
land loss
Commercial Realignment at Adequate Training
integrity congested locations in compensation for the programmes
urban towns buildings and for Project Affected
business re- Persons (PAPs)
Health and Connectivity to Connectivity to
education nearest Health care Nearest School
5.4 Bypass alternatives
98. There are no bypasses considered along subprojects Jagalur to NH 13 and
Molkalmuru to SH 19.
5.5 Analysis of cross section type alternatives
99. Four different cross sectional type alternatives are considered for the subproject to
suit the requirements of the region that the proposed subproject road is passing through.
The alternatives considered for cross section types are basically rural and urban. Further,
cross section types are classified into different types to suit the land use and minimize
resettlement and number of structures affected. Cross section type alternatives considered
for the subproject are given in the following Table – 5.2.
Table 5-2: Cross sectional alternatives considered in the subproject.
Earthen Shoulder (m)
Embankment Slope
Width (m) – typical
Width of Darin (m)
Blocks / Parking
Width of
Median (m)
Bays (m)
Type of Carriageway
Cross (m)
2– 4-
Lane Lane
UR1A 7 - 1.5 1 - - 2.12 0.5 2.75 22.2
UR1B 7 - - 2.5 - - 2.12 0.5 2.75 22.2
2.5 to 13.8 -
UR2 7 -
4.5 17.8
UR7 7 1.5 1 14.6
5.6 Preferred Alternative:
100. The proposed Jagalur to NH 13 and Molkalmuru to SH 19 subprojects are existing
State Highways and they are being up-graded and no new alignment is being proposed
except for minor realignments for improving the road geometrics and for smoothening the
sharp curves and avoid vehicular accidents along the subproject road. The scope for project
alternatives as a whole is very much limited.
have significant effect over the road structure and lead to fast deterioration of pavement and
shoulder of the roads. Flood prone stretches identified along the subproject is given in the
Table – 6.1.
Table 6-1: Flood prone areas along subproject
Length of the
Cor Chainage
reach to be Remarks
ID (Km)
4.700 50m on either side Road level raised with balancing culvert
T 13
8.600 30m on either side Road level raised with balancing culvert
T 17 0.300 50m on either side Road level raised with balancing culvert
106. As per earth quake prone zoning, whole of Karnataka State falls under zone II and III.
The subproject area falls in zone II (Low Damage Risk Zone) meaning least prone to
Mitigation measures
The height of the embankment along with both longitudinal and cross drainage shall be
improved in all areas of flood prone section in such a way that the raise in the
embankment height should not act as barrier for the free flow of runoff water and
should avoid flooding and water logging that could have negative impact on the traffic,
local community damaging the road surface and the embankment. Run off water
recharge pits have been proposed to facilitate the infiltration of runoff water into the
ground (Appendix – 2).
As the subproject road falls in zone II (Low Damage Risk Zone) no special design
considerations are warranted for civil structures.
6.1.3 Air quality
107. Air quality along the subproject road alignment and at congested major settlement
locations like Jagalur, Molkalmuru and Hanagal will be adversely impacted both during
construction and operation stages.
Impacts during Construction Stages
108. Most of the dust (suspended particulate matter) during construction arises from
operations such as excavation and filling during site preparation works, loading, unloading
and transportation of construction material, drilling use of heavy equipments and machinery
in the earthworks and pavement works. Large quantities of dust become wind borne and are
carried away depending on the wind velocity and wind direction. The fugitive dust released
during the construction activities cause immediate effect on the construction workers as well
as on the settlements adjacent to the alignment, especially those in the downwind direction.
109. Increased suspended particulate matter and fugitive gaseous emissions like, oxides
of sulphur (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC)
will be released from vehicles, hot mix plant, batching plants and diesel generator sets;
stone crushing units in the stone quarries, etc also add to the problem. Most of the
generated pollutants from the above activities are limited to construction phase and confined
to impact zone in downwind direction of the site hence no significant is envisaged.
Mitigation measures
Consent for Establishment (CFE) and Consent for Operation (CFO) shall be obtained
for construction establishments such as hot mix plants, batching plants and stone
crushers from the SPCB. All project activities are adhered to the contractual obligations
under clearances and approvals
All vehicles and construction equipments operating for the contractor and the
consultant shall obtain “Pollution Under Control” (PUC) Certificates. Good maintenance
of all vehicles and machines used in construction activities must be conformed to the
National standards.
Vehicles deployed for borrow material, sand and aggregate haulage shall be covered
with tarpaulins to be spillage proof.
Location of all construction establishments such as hot mix plants, WMM plants,
Crusher plants, Construction camps and offices etc shall be located at least 1 km away
from the human habitations and preferably on the leeward side ensuring all legal
requirements and standards (Appendix - 21).
In order to curb the increased fugitive dust emissions in the area due to excavations,
loading, unloading, vehicular movement and raw material transport, provisions shall be
made for periodical sprinkling water on all the haul roads on a regular basis during the
entire construction period (Appendix – 16).
Pollution control devices such as cyclone separators /scrubbers shall be installed to
control emissions from hot mix plants, crushing units and concrete batching plants.
Height of the stacks shall be as per the statutory requirements.
Construction labours shall be provided with nose masks and other personnel protective
equipments (Appendix – 9).
LPG or low sulphur diesel shall be used in the Diesel Generator sets and DGs are
fitted with the chimney stack of required height.
To ensure the efficacy of the mitigation measures suggested, all operational areas
(work sites, haul roads, hot mix plants, quarries, borrow sites and disposal sites) under
the road construction works are to be regularly monitored for air quality parameters so
that suitable mitigation measures can be taken up if any of the parameters exceed the
prescribed limit.
Impacts during Operation Stage
110. Operation stage impacts will not be as severe as the construction stage impacts and
they will be confined generally to a ribbon development close to edge of the pavement.
111. After the completion of road project, smoothened new pavement and widened roads
reduces fugitive dust emissions. Reduction in the vehicular emissions is due to more uniform
speed and less frequent acceleration and deceleration of vehicles. The levels of SO2, NOx,
CO and HC are likely to come down to a greater extent by the operating vehicles of new
roads with extensive savings on consumption of fuel. However there may be localized impact
with increase in number of vehicles (traffic) running on the road, adulterated fuel supply and
poor maintenance of vehicle, which spreads down depending on wind direction and wind
112. There will be continued enhancement of air pollution due to increase in number of
vehicles on the improved roads over a period of design life. It is difficult to predict the
pollution levels from vehicle since it is not known how the adoption of new technology
vehicles would proceed. However it is possible to assess the future pollution load on the
assumption that old technology vehicle would persist. The unit load of pollutants from
different types of vehicles have been estimated under the same assumption by the Indian
Institute of Petroleum which is presented in Table 6.2.
Table 6-2: Emission factors of different vehicles (g/Km)
Types of Vehicle CO HC NOx SOx Pb TSP
Two Wheeler 8.3 5.16 - 0.013 0.004 -
Cars 24.03 3.57 1.57 0.053 0.0117 -
Three Wheelers 12.25 7.77 - 0.029 0.009 -
Buses-Urban 4.381 1.327 8.281 1.441 - 0.275
Trucks 3.425 1.327 6.475 1.127 - 0.45
Light Commercial Vehicles 1.3 0.5 2.5 0.4 - 0.1
Source: Indian Institute of Petroleum, 1985
113. Based on the emission factors and predicted increase in the number of vehicles, the
loads of vehicular pollution in the project road for the year 2009 as well as those expected in
2015 have been estimated in Table 6.3.
Table 6-3: Pollution load of pollutants along the project routes (in Tons/Km)
Link description Year CO HC NOx SO2 Pb TSP
k ID
T13 Jagalur – NH 13 0.01241 0.00492 0.00233 0.00047 0.00000 0.00011
5 8 2 0 6 6
0.02130 0.00799 0.00366 0.00071 0.00001 0.00017
6 6 8 5 0 4
T17 Molkalmuru – SH 0.04582 0.02521 0.00291 0.00065 0.00002 0.00014
19 0 9 5 3 5 7
0.07481 0.03935 0.00487 0.00101 0.00004 0.00022
4 7 3 1 1 1
Note: TSP: Total Suspended Particulate, CO: Carbon Monoxide, HC Hydrocarbons, NOx: Oxides of
SO2: Sulpher dioxide, Pb: Lead.
Mitigation measures:
During operation stage of the project, vehicular emissions of pollutants (SPM, RSPM,
CO, SO2, NOx and Pb) shall be monitored at approved representative locations
against the National Standards (Appendix – 7). Regular monitoring of air quality along
the project area should help to ensure air pollutants within permissible limits.
Avenue and median plantation along the road sides and medians respectively should
help to control dust and fugitive emissions from reaching the receptors. Compensatory
plantation could be taken up in the available space within RoW. Tree plantation for
attenuating pollution levels shall include pollution tolerant species with thick foliage
(Appendix – 10).
6.1.4 Noise
Impact on Noise levels during construction stage
114. The community abutting subproject will be adversely affected by increase in noise
level due to road development projects Road noise depends on factors such as nature of
construction activity, traffic intensity, type and condition of the vehicles plying on the road,
acceleration/deceleration/gear changes by the vehicles depending on the level of congestion
and smoothness of road surface (IRC: 104-1988).
115. Pre construction stage activities such as establishment of workers camps, stockyards
will generate a little noise in addition to localised (base) noise levels. There will be increased
noise levels due to diversion of traffic and movement of heavy equipments on unpaved roads
for a short duration during the pre-construction stage. As these noise generating activities
are not likely to be placed near settlement locations, the noise impact is bound to be
116. Various road construction activities increase noise levels in the impact zone of the
project corridor. The construction activities such as excavation for foundations, grading of the
site, construction of structures and facilities, movement of heavy vehicles, loading,
transportation and unloading of construction materials and also activities such as blasting at
stone quarry sites, crushing plants, asphalt production produce significant noise during
construction stage. Noise is a major area of concern, especially where a number of sensitive
receptors are located within Impact zone and close to RoW.
117. The impact on ambient noise due to the project is not of significance during both
construction as well as the operation stages.
Mitigation measures:
Use of enclosures, walls, installation of mufflers around noisy equipment and the noise
sources reduce noise generated during construction and demolition activities.
Substituting quieter equipment or construction methods; minimizing time of operation
and locating equipment farther from sensitive receptors.
Timing of noisier construction and demolition activities to between 6 AM and 10 PM
would reduce construction noise impacts during night.
Detouring construction trucks away from noise-sensitive areas such as schools and
hospitals would eliminate construction truck noise from those areas.
Personnel Protective Equipments (PPE) such as Ear plugs and earmuffs shall be
provided to the workers operating or working near noise generating machines
(Appendix – 9).
Equipping construction equipment engines with adequate mufflers, silencers, and
engine enclosures would reduce their noise by 5 to 10 dB (A).
Turning off construction equipments during the prolonged periods of nonuse eliminates
noise from construction equipment during those periods.
Regular maintenance of all equipments and training to equipment operators would
reduce noise levels and increase efficiency of equipments.
Locating stationary equipment away from sensitive receptors would decrease noise
considerably and
Consideration of bypass to avoid the road construction near Gadag town will reduce
the impact of noise during construction.
All requisite clearances shall be obtained from State Pollution Control Board, Mines
and Geology Department before starting quarrying and borrowing activities.
Controlled blasting techniques like restricted quantity of explosive to be charged per
delay detonator in stone quarries, shall be adhered to restrict the range of fly rock
(Appendix – 18).
The information on quarries opened exclusively for the purpose of the subproject shall
be brought to notice of the Government to ensure that these quarry leases are not
renewed after expiry.
During construction phase there will be diversion of traffic at these quarry locations.
Sprinkling water for the earthen haul roads to minimize the fugitive dust and good
traffic management is necessitated (Appendix – 14).
Abandoned or closed quarries can be used as final receptors of unserviceable
construction waste with required compaction. The area should be rehabilitated with
good soil for 30 cm thickness and turfing or plantation shall be done in the area.
Topsoil should be preserved and back filled after the rehabilitation of quarry/borrow
areas Natural geographical contours and natural landscape shall be preserved and
The earth material required should be borrowed from the wasteland or barren land and
should not be excavated from the productive agricultural lands and forestland
(Appendix – 13).
The crusher units are to be covered with windbreaker sheet or fitted with cyclone
scrubber to decrease the suspended particulate matter. Frequent sprinkling of water in
the premises of the crusher will reduce the fugitive dust and growing vegetative belt
around the crushers will control the suspended particulate matter (Appendix – 19). Compaction and contamination of Soil
Construction Phase
130. Soils of productive agricultural area adjoining subproject road, haul roads,
construction camp area, labour camp area and at other construction establishments will be
compacted due to the movement of heavy equipments, transportation vehicles and other
construction activities.
131. Soil may be contaminated due to spillage and inappropriate storage of oils and
lubricants at workshop areas. Soil also gets contaminated by the spills of bitumen waste at
hot mix plants. Unscientific disposal of liquid waste (sewage) and domestic solid waste from
construction camps and labour camps will contaminate the soil.
Mitigation measures
Soil compaction beyond RoW shall be avoided by controlling the movement of
construction vehicles.
Existing roads shall be used for hauling the construction materials and new haulage
roads are routed on the barren lands.
If haulage roads are inevitable on productive agricultural land, it shall be reclaimed to
the original nature after the completion of construction activity.
Construction camps, labour camps, material storage areas shall be rehabilitated to the
original condition after the completion of construction work.
A construction camp layout plan shall be developed with designated area for storage of
fuel, oil and lubricants with required slope directing it to oil interceptor before washings
are let into the waste water chamber. The collected oil and grease residues are
collected and stored and disposed off as per the Hazardous waste (Management and
Handling) Rules, 1989 (Appendix – 20).
Waste water treatment plants shall be constructed at labour camps to treat the sewage
to the prescribed CPCB standards (Appendix – 7) before disposing it on the land or
Domestic solid waste from construction and labour camps shall be segregated into
biodegradable and non biodegradable before being sent to treatment. Biodegradable
wastes are treated by composting and non biodegradable wastes are either recycled or
disposed off to authorised land fill site.
6.1.6 Impact on Ground water
Construction Phase
132. Water required for construction of road and for domestic uses of labour camps and
workers drawn from existing community bore wells and nearby irrigation canals may impact
the local users. Paved surface of the road will reduce the percolation of runoff water and
decreases the ground water recharge. Sources of ground water such as bore wells and hand
pumps are getting affected by the widening of the project road. Unscientific disposal of the
untreated waste water generated in the construction camp and labour camps may
contaminate the ground water.
Mitigation measures
In view of the special situation in Karnataka, contractor shall prepare and implement
the approved Water Management Plan in accordance with the Appendix – 15. The
contractor shall provide a list of locations and type of sources from where water for
construction shall be extracted.
Ground water recharge pits shall be provided at suitable intervals to facilitate the
recharge of runoff water in to the ground augmenting the water table of the project area
(Appendix – 2).
The contractor shall use ground/surface water as a source of water for the construction
and may set up own bore well facility for construction work with requisite permission
from State Ground Water Authorities. To avoid disruption/disturbance to availability and
supply to nearby communities, contractor shall extract water from approved locations.
Contractor may take surface water from the Irrigation Canal with the written consent
from the Irrigation Department.
Construction camps and labour camps shall be provided with suitable storage and
treatment facility to treat the sewage. Before it is disposed off (Appendix – 21).
All ground water supply sources which are impacted by the subproject road are
relocated to a suitable location in consultation with local community.
Operation Stage
133. No significant impact on ground water during operation phase except reduction in the
recharge of ground water due to paved surface of subproject road.
Mitigation measures
Provision for Ground water recharge pits are made at suitable location along the
subproject road to facilitate the runoff water to percolate in to the ground (Appendix –
2). Regular maintenance of these recharge pits shall be done during the operation
stage to prevent choking of recharge pits.
6.1.7 Impact on surface water bodies
Construction Phase
134. There is ChinnaHagari river (T13), four ponds in the impact zone and there are no
major rivers in the influence zone except a tributary of hagari river (T17) of the subproject
roads. There are a few small streams and small irrigational canals crossed by the subproject
road. There are five ponds along the project road. Disturbance to flows; alteration of
drainage causing erosion; sewage and oil/grease/lubricant contamination from construction
camps may occur.
135. Some of the water supply units adjacent to subproject road within proposed RoW will
be impacted. The affected water supply units such as hand pumps, wells and agricultural
bore wells within proposed RoW are given in Table 6.6.
Table 6-6: Water supply sources likely affected link wise in the project area (in Nos.)
Bore MWS/ Over Public
Hand Wate
Link Wells and Water Water Head Toilet/
Link description Pump r
ID Pump cister Lines Tank/GL Man
s Taps
house n Reservoir hole
T13 Jagalur – NH 13 3 3 - - - - -
T17 Molakalmuru – SH - - - - - - -
136. Use of local water resources for road construction activities may disturb water supply
Mitigation measures
Construction works of culverts and bridge (cross drainage structures) are taken up
during the lean flow periods in summer to minimize the impacts on drainage.
All the water resources and water supply connections such as bore wells, taps, water
cisterns, pipelines, etc. being impacted by the project shall be relocated in such a
manner that it should not hamper the access to drinking water. Relocation of bore wells
shall be done with consent of concerned water supply authority or the owner.
Water for construction shall not be tapped from the surface water resources like non-
perennial rivers, lakes and water tanks which are being utilized for drinking purposes.
Ponds and other cattle feed tanks should be conserved by effective planning and
design modifications. If so affected new ponds have to be constructed by taking the
public opinion and revenue authority. The locations should be such that it should be on
barren land.
Provision for enhancement of one water body along the stretch of the subproject road
has been made (Appendix – 11).
Construction waste shall not be dumped in to the rivers as it constricts the passage to
the flow of water and ecosystem of the water body is disturbed (Appendix – 16).
Appropriate location should be sited for the construction camp, workers camp, etc. to
prevent the waste water from entering these water resources and prevent incidence of
spreading of communicable diseases through water. Provision for treatment of
wastewater shall be made (Appendix – 21).
Cleaning of construction vehicles and construction equipments shall be prohibited at
rivers, canal and other water bodies.
When the excavation is undertaken in the wet area of the water body, the banks shall
be protected, such that the slopes are not steeper than 1 vertical to 2 horizontal.
Protection works such as geo-textures, silt traps shall be used to control the erosion at
these points.
Provision for silt traps has been made at regular intervals of the subproject road
(Appendix – 3)
All efforts shall be maintained to use the hazardous scarified bituminous material in the
construction of approach roads and disposed off in the landfill or dumping into clay
lined bitumen disposal pits so that that leachate does not reach the ground water and
pollute (Appendix – 5).
Provision for oil interceptors shall be made at all the construction camps/workshop
areas to separate the oil and grease waste generated from servicing of equipments
and vehicles used in the construction (Appendix – 8).
Operation stage
137. Surface water contamination may result from storm water containing oil and grease,
metals and other pollutants released by vehicles on the roadway. Storm water may also
contain nutrients and herbicides used for management of vegetation in the right-of-way.
138. Proposed widening also contributes to consolidation of embankment decreasing the
permeability of the paved and unpaved shoulder area by decreasing the ground water
recharge and increasing in run off aftermaths of road construction. Surface runoff also
increases due to paved impervious surface of main carriageway.
139. The accidental spills of oils, fuels and other hazardous chemicals on the roads during
operational phase will pollute near by water courses of the area.
Mitigation measures
During operation stage, regular cleaning of chocked / blocked or damaged drainage
provision are necessary to avoid operational impact.
Monitoring of water quality to comply with Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act will have better control over the quality maintenance.
146. During construction of subproject road, there will be inconvenience for local road
users and domestic animals and also cause health problems by the dust and gaseous
pollutants for a short period.
Mitigation measures:
Trees impacted due to the project shall only be cut after requisite permission from
State Forest Department is obtained.
Trees impacted by the project shall be compensated by planting of endemic tree
species which are highly tolerable to vehicular emissions and dust will be taken up as
per IRC: SP 21.
The median in urban sectors are landscaped with small tree/bushes and blooming
shrubs to avoid future tree cutting when the road is upgraded further.
All necessary measures such as siting of construction establishments away from
human habitations; increase of stack height; regular maintenance of construction
equipments and vehicles; etc. shall be taken up to reduce the dust and gaseous
emissions during construction activities.
Rows of approximately 2,876 avenue trees shall be planted on both sides of the
subproject for the entire length (Appendix – 10). Indigenous species are selected for
plantation, which will suit the local environmental conditions. Some species of trees,
shrubs and herbs recommended for plantation are given in the following table.
Trees Shrubs Herbs
Acacia arabica (Kateria babul) Bougainvillea (Baganvilas) Achyranthes aspera
Acacia auriculiformis (Pencil tree) Calotropis procera R. Br. Jacq. (Latjira)
Samanea saman ( Rain tree) (Madar) Amaranthus
Terminalia arjun (Arjuna) Cassia sophera Wall. (Kasunda) graecizans Auct.
Pongamia pinnata (Honge) Clerodendron infortunatum. Argemone mexican L.
Peltophorum pterocarpum (Yellow (Bhant) (Sialkanta)
gulmohar) Ipomoea fistulosa (Behaya) Croton sparsiflorus
Casuarina equisetifolia (Sarve mara) Lantana camara L. (Ghaneri) Morong.
Michelia champaca (Sampige) Murraya exotica L. (Kamini) Solanum
Nerium odorum Ait. (Lal Kaner) xanthocarpum Schard
Polyalthia longifolia (Ashoka)
and Wendl.
Delonix regia (Gulmohar) Ricinus communis L. (Arand)
Butea monosperma (Muthuga) Tabernaemontana coronaria Wils.
Jacaranda mimosaefolia (Jacaranda) (Chandni)
Plumeria kubra (Deva kanagale) Thevetia nerifolia Juss. (Peela
Bauhinia variegate (Kanchivala) Kaner)
Aegle marmelos Correa. (Bilpatra)
Azadirachat indica. (Bevu)
Ficus religiosa Forsk. (Arali)
Operation stage
147. Impacts to terrestrial ecology during project operation are either minimal or positive.
Trees will be established along the road such that it does not affect the visibility and improve
micro-climate (see Appendix-10) and sequester greenhouse gases.
Mitigation measures
All efforts shall be made for survival of planted trees. A Memorandum of Understanding
has been signed with Karnataka State Forest Department to take up the plantation
work along with maintenance of trees for 7 years. Selection of big tree species having
lateral growth should be avoided to ensure vertical clearance on the subproject road to
avoid any obstruction to the visibility for the operating vehicles. Small avenue trees
shall be preferred over big trees. Fruit bearing avenue trees shall be avoided.
The traffic – animal conflicts during the operation stage shall be resolved by
implementing speed calming mitigation measures such as road humps, rumble strips,
speed limits, sign boards etc (Appendix – 14).
It is necessary to comply with Hazardous Waste (Handling and Management) Rules,
1989 during road construction projects to protect animals by consuming contaminated
water. Accidental chemical spills shall be handled by emergency spill procedure such
as stopping the flow; removing ignition source; initiating emergency response; cleanup
and safe disposal will be followed (Appendix – 20).
It is essential to make provisions for the transportation of agricultural equipments and
animal crossing wherever necessary by providing service roads, speed breakers (road
humps, rumble strips, signboards, etc.). Although situation does not warrant for the
provision of exclusive underpasses, all possible efforts shall be made to avoid animal-
traffic conflict arising out of proposed improvement of project roads.
6.2.2 Aquatic Ecology
Construction Stage
148. Impacts on the aquatic ecology during construction include increase in the silt inflow
to the surface water bodies and disposal of liquid wastes and untreated sewage from
construction camps and labour camps into the surface water bodies.
Mitigation measures
Construction of road embankments shall be adhered to 1:2 slope ratio and turfing on
the slopes will reduce the embankment erosion. Construction of cross drainage
structures will be taken up during lean flow period to avoid the silt inflow to the surface
water bodies.
Liquid wastes and sewage from the construction establishments will be treated to meet
the CPCB standards (Appendix – 7) before disposing it into water bodies.
Operation stage
149. There is no significant impact on aquatic ecology during operation stage except
during accidental chemical spill in the project area entering the surrounding water bodies
and proving detrimental to aquatic fauna.
150. There will be impact on aquatic ecology due to flow of sediments from the
embankment slopes if turfing done on slopes are not regularly monitored and maintained.
Mitigation measures
Accidental chemical spills shall be handled by emergency spill procedure such as
stopping the flow; removing ignition source; initiating emergency response; cleanup
and safe disposal will be followed.
Provision for silt traps has been made at regular intervals, especially at major cross
drainage structures to trap the silt before it reaches the water bodies along the
subproject road (Appendix – 3 and 16).
6.3 Management of Construction Debris/Waste
151. Construction debris/waste is generated due to demolition of existing structures,
scarification of existing pavement and excavation at some section of the subproject road.
Improper disposal of scarified bitumen causes decrease in soil fertility and water pollution.
Careless disposal of debris can obstruct waterways causing siltation of reservoirs and
reduce capacity. Unleaded demolition wastes will cause traffic blockage and dust causing
inconvenience and health risks.
Mitigation measures
During the site clearance and disposal of debris, the contractor shall take full care to
ensure that public or private properties are not affected; there are no dwellings below
the dumpsite and the traffic is not interrupted.
The Contractor shall at all times ensure that the entire existing canal and drains within
and adjacent to the site are kept safe and free from any debris.
Construction waste debris shall be utilised for backfilling embankments, filling pits,
construction of cross roads, approach roads and landscaping before being disposed
into disposal pits.
Debris disposal sites shall be sited away from sensitive locations like settlements,
water body, forest areas and any other sensitive locations (Appendix – 1 and 13).
The debris dumpsites have to be suitably rehabilitated by planting local species of
shrubs and other plants so that the landscape is coherent with the local environment.
Care should always be taken to maintain the hydrological flow in the area and dumping
sites do not contaminate the water sources such as rivers and ponds.
152. The locations of Disposal sites have to be selected such that (Appendix – 1):
At least 1000 m away from residential area and located leeward side of wind.
Disposal sites are located at least 1000 m away from sensitive locations like
Settlements, forest areas (Appendix – 13) and other sensitive locations.
Disposal sites do not contaminate any water sources, rivers etc for this site should be
located away from water body.
Public perception about the location of debris disposal site has to be obtained before
finalizing the location. Permission from the Village/local community is to be obtained for
the Disposal site selected.
6.4 Socioeconomic Impact
6.4.1 Positive Impacts
153. Road projects aim to improve urban and rural area connectivity, which in turn will
improve economic and social welfare of rural communities. Improved pavements will invite
transport operators connecting remote areas improving access to markets, jobs, and
education and health services. Crop pattern may change so that the perishable cash crops
have an easy access to the markets and get better prices for their agricultural products.
154. Tourism will improve contributing to the local economic activities through
sign/information boards with regarding ecological, tourism and pilgrimage areas (Appendix
– 4). Good roads will reduce travel time, fuel consumption and pollutants emitted by the
operating vehicles.
155. Roads promote social and gender equity through non-traditional channel. Access to
transportation on safe roads has direct impact on economic standing and quality of life in
affected community. Road improvement projects increases buying and selling opportunities,
availability of emergency health care, and promotes stronger familial links. These benefits
accrue differently to women than men. With increase buying and selling opportunities,
women become more independent and lessen the risk associated with their vulnerabilities.
Economic empowerment often means life or death for most vulnerable group in society. With
access to better roads maternal mortality in affected communities due to access to health
care, and the cost of transport is reduced, which is one of the key barriers to those in need of
medical assistance. Usually taken for granted are impacts of roads allowing women to travel
and visit extended family members which has proven to be critical in reducing risk of
isolation and deterrent against domestic violence.
6.4.2 Negative Impacts
156. Improvement of existing road requires acquisition of agricultural land and also impact
on the agricultural productivity at the fringe of RoW.
157. A variety of utilities serving the regional needs like electric poles, electric
transformers, telephone poles, telephone junction boxes which are within impact zone shall
be impacted. The categories of such impacted utilities are given in Table – 6-8.
Table 6-8: List of utilities being affected by the proposed roads (in Nos.)
Link Electric Electric Telephone Telephone
Link description
ID poles Transformer pole Junction Box
T13 Jagalur – NH 13 64 2 4 -
T17 Molakalmuru – SH 19 25 1 6 -
158. There are many religious structures such as temples, mosque, church, shrines, and
arali kattes along the subproject corridor. Some of these structures are impacted directly or
indirectly during construction of road project. The impact on religious structures due to
project road is shown in following Table 6.9.
Table 6-9: The Religious and cultural structures under impact in the project area (in Nos.)
Link Link Samadi/ Community Arali
Temple Mosque Church Shrine
ID description Graveyard Hall/Ashrama katte
T13 Jagalur – NH
2 - - - - 1 -
T17 Molakalmuru –
3 - - - - - -
SH 19
159. Some of the community structures such as Schools, hospitals and bus shelters will
be disturbed is shown in following Table 6.10.
Table 6-10: The Community structure under impact in the project area (in Nos.)
Primar Bus
Link Hospit Arc Compoun Fenc
Link description y Shelter/Stan Library
ID al h d wall e
School d
T13 Jagalur – NH 13 - - 3 - - - -
T17 Molakalmuru – SH
- - - - - - -
Mitigation measures
Concerned owners of the utilities will be informed in advance to shift the utilities in co
ordination with the project proponents before construction starts to avoid disruption of
regional services.
Alignment shift to minimise the impact on the religious and community structures.
Where it is unavoidable and the community is willing to relocate the religious property,
relocation will be undertaken after adequate consultations.
Discussions with the community and various stakeholders shall be conducted for
relocation or shifting of cultural properties. The details of the cultural properties being
relocated are given in the RAP.
6.5 Impacts due to Construction Camp and Immigration of Workers
Construction phase
160. During construction phase, various types of equipment will be brought to the site.
These include D G Sets, batching plant, drillers, earthmovers, rock bolters, etc. The storing
and working space requirement of these construction equipments would be significant. In
addition, land will also be temporarily acquired for the duration of project construction for
storage of the quarried material before crushing, crushed material, cement rubble, etc.
161. The proposed road project would envisage construction of temporary camps to
accommodate construction workers from out side. This immigration of the labours for the
project is known to cause the problem for arranging the space for their stay and livelihood.
Labour camps require space nearby construction site to house the laborers.
162. The immigration of large number of labour force will create problems of storing,
treating and disposing the sewage waste and solid waste management. This may result in
discharge of sewage into the nearby water body.
163. Some times within the labour camp, increase in breeding sites of mosquitoes,
increases the incidence of spreading various diseases such as malaria and pathogenic
diseases. If adequate control measures are not undertaken, there could be increase in the
incidence of malaria, especially during construction phase. Further, the labour camps could
be vulnerable to increased incidence of water-borne diseases.
164. Labour camps also act as the potential centers for spreading diseases such as HIV
by having contact with local population.
165. The labors in the labour camps tend to be dependent on fuel wood requirement for
cooking and heating purposes by clearing the nearby trees and vegetation.
Mitigation measures
A storage area shall be selected in such a way that it leads to minimal impacts on
human habitations, forest cover, wildlife etc. The operation of these equipment is to
take place mostly in the underground components, which is not likely to be near
It is proposed to commission adequate number of septic tanks for treatment of
domestic sewage before its disposal in to the water bodies. Therefore, no adverse
impacts on water quality are anticipated due to discharge of sewage from construction
worker camp.
The credible sources of potential impacts may also arise from uncontrolled runoffs from
the labour camps and accidental spills of oil etc. into surface and ground water bodies.
Contractor shall plan for water supply for drinking and other domestic purposes without
hampering existing water usage by the villagers for drinking, irrigation or other
purposes. Sufficient and appropriate sanitary facilities should be provided in the labour
camps in order to maintain hygienic conditions in the labour camps. The contractor
shall be obligated to follow the stringent procedures so as not to pollute surface and
groundwater with respect to disposing of liquid and solid wastes generated from labour
camps (Appendix – 21).
The sufficient quantity and timely supply of Liquid Petroleum Gas shall be done to the
labourers for cooking and cutting of trees and vegetation shall be discouraged.
6.6 Impact on Safety and Health of Construction Workers and Accident Risk to
Local Communities
6.6.1 Impacts on Occupational Health and Safety
Construction Stage
166. Accidents may occur due to lack of knowledge on handling of new equipments,
workers functioning without proper personal protective equipment and without possessing
first aid facilities at work sites. Fire hazard due to absence of fire protective equipment at site
of storage of oils, bitumen, diesel and any other form of chemicals storage may impose
safety concerns.
167. During road paving, workers are subject to physical, chemical and noise hazards due
to work activities as vegetation clearing, placing of the asphalt coat, curing, placing of
asphalt mix and compaction. Workers are exposed to physical hazards from operating
machineries and moving vehicles. Some may be exposed to elevated working condition
particularly in clearing vegetation. Almost all workers will be exposed to weather elements,
noise and working in limited area to minimize traffic obstruction.
Mitigation measures
All the workers at construction and batching plants shall be compulsorily equipped with
personal protective equipments like Gum boots, Helmet, Ear plugs, air mask and
goggles (Appendix – 9).
Provision of first aid facilities for all the construction workers at construction camps and
all workplaces first aid equipment and nursing staff must be provided (Appendix – 16).
Operation stage
168. Most of the project road stretch passes through agricultural areas, frequented by
transportation of agricultural equipments, harvested crops and domestic animals for grazing
purposes. The common traffic – animal conflict is accidents by rash driving or breakdown of
vehicles leading to death of cattle and domestic animals.
169. Accidental chemical spill or indiscriminate disposal of bituminous materials in the
project area may impact the terrestrial ecology and enter surrounding water bodies proving
detrimental to local fauna.
Mitigation measures
Commuters and road using community will be educated on the road safety issues to
reduce the accidents involving traffic – animal.
Accident Safety and Hazardous Chemical Spill Management Plan shall be prepared by
the contractor and submitted to Environmental Engineer, PIU. The plan should also
have details of detours in case of emergency.
6.6.2 Impacts on Community Health and Safety
Construction Phase
170. Traffic will be affected causing inconvenience, longer travel time and higher cost. The
traffic diversions on unpaved roads will also increase the dust generation in the surrounding
areas. The accidents are also increase due to traffic disruption.
171. Communities traversed along the subproject road will be subject to a range of health
and safety risk during road paving. These impacts include dust, noise and vibration from
construction vehicle transit, communicable diseases from influx of temporary migrant
workers. The more significant health and safety issues from road project are pedestrian
safety, traffic safety, and emergency preparedness.
Mitigation measures
Contractor shall at all times carry out construction work on the road in manner creating
least interference to the free flow of traffic. Contractor shall provide and maintain,
during execution of the work, a passage for traffic either along a part of the existing
carriageway under improvement or along a temporary diversion constructed close to
the subproject road (Appendix – 14).
The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during
construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, marking,
flags, lights and flagmen for the formation and protection of traffic approaching or
passing through the section of the road under construction.
Before taking up any construction, an agreed Traffic Management Plan for the
diversion of traffic on the subproject road shall be drawn up in consultation with
Environmental Engineer of CSC.
Upon completion of the works for which the temporary traffic arrangements or
diversions have been made, the Contractor shall remove all temporary installations and
signs and reinstate all affected roads and other structures or installations to the
conditions that existed before the work started, as directed by the Engineer.
Provision for temporary traffic diversions shall be made on the paved and well
compacted surfaces to avoid the interruptions to the flow of traffic and minimise the
dust generation.
The contractor will ensure availability of safe corridors and crossings of pedestrian and
bicyclists where paving activities are located in inhabited areas. Consultations will be
made by the contractor with affected communities on location preferences of safe
crossings. The contractor will also install barriers, traffic calming devices, signs, signals
and markings to avoid pedestrian from crossing hazardous sections.
Emergency preparedness shall be discussed with the traversed communities and
coordinate efforts with the PIU, KSHIP through the contractor, local police, and
community in addressing emergency situations like vehicular accidents, pedestrian
accident, or release of oil and chemical spills.
Operation Phase
172. The more significant health and safety issues from road project are pedestrian safety,
traffic safety, and emergency preparedness.
Mitigation Measures
The KSHIP, in coordination with communities shall be responsible for the maintenance
of signs, signals, markings, speed limits, warnings of sharp turns, including signs to
alert drivers of road sections that are known for animal crossing. KSHIP shall create
the awareness among the communities on emergency preparedness in addressing
emergency situations like vehicular accidents, pedestrian accident, or release of oil and
chemical spills.
Most of the people were not happy with the existing road infrastructure and they need
improvement of the roads.
People wanted the road of minimum width so that much of their land property is not
Road works should be completed at the earliest and people should not be
After construction, proper maintenance of the road should be carried out.
Noise pollution control measures during construction shall be devised at village
settlements, particularly at schools.
7.3 Major findings of consultations
179. The consultations for the links were held at Donihalli – T13 and Soolenahalli -T17 on
11.07.2010, there were 55 participants. Key findings of the consultations are given below.
Table 7-1: Major findings of consultations - T13 – Jagalur – NH 13
Name of
Sex Profession Issued Discussed Response
MN M Ex- Gram Compensation of affected It was explained that the project
Borappa Panchayti properties should be according to had a policy and compensation
member the demand of the people – the would be paid according to the
people will not accept policy. The the policy provided
compensation value as decided for compensation at market
by the Project Authorities. rates. On reduction of width of
He also asked if it possible to road – it was explained that
reduce the width of the road where ever it is technically
Asked that those losing shops will feasible it will be done.
be affected by loss of business It was explained that those
thus more compensation should losing shops will be assisted by
be paid. the project to re-establish their
H M Farmer Asked for the project outside the It was explained only where
Hanumantha village as a lot of people lose impact was large bypass as an
iah their houses, shops. Asked for alternative was looked into.
bypass as it helps the public
Kotra M Business Wanted to know what It was explained that those
Basappa compensation will be paid for without legal title will be
those losing their shops in govt. assisted by the project to re-
land. establish their livelihood.
Wanted to know what It was explained that the project
compensation was there for Entitlement Policy addressed
tenants. the issue of tenants and
assistance will be paid to
tenants according to the project
He asked for compensation for Policy.
the land acquired and assistance It was explained that land
also the land which he would buy. compensation will be paid
according to negotiation.
However for nay land that the
person purchases the stamps
and registration duty will be
Basavarajap M Ex Asked whether compensation It was explained that
pa Chairman was related to BPL card. He said compensation was not based
GP a lot of poor did not have BPL on the BPL card, but on the
card. Asked for proper type/category of loss.
compensation for the poor It was confirmed that notices
Name of
Sex Profession Issued Discussed Response
people. will be issued to all losing
Wanted to know whether notices property.
will be issued to all losing
Jagadish M Farmer Mentioned that BPL card holders Those with houses/shops on
construct big houses in govt. land govt land will be treated as
– and wanted to know what kind squatters according to the
of valuation will be done for such Policy. Any assistance to them
structures. will be according to the Project
Kotreshaiah M Service Mentioned that he did not have It was explained that that during
any property records. His house Section 15 Notification if the
is on private property. He wanted person had any objection to
to know what compensation will acquisition he should raise it
be paid. with the Sp DC LA KSHIP.
180. There were only two displaced families in Link T17 (Molakalmur – SH 19). No
residential or commercial structures are affected. Majority of the village people did not
participate in the consultation meeting. There were only two persons who agreed to sign the
attendance sheet.
7.4 Follow-up consultations
181. Subsequent to project preparation, a follow up formal consultation should be
organized by the project proponents during the actual implementation of the project to
involve the community and develop and promote the sense of local road ownership for its
operation and maintenance.
P.8.3 Arrangement for In view of the special situation in Karnataka, Contractor shall Throughout As per the Contractor Environment
Construction prepare and implement the approved Water Management Plan the subproject contract al Specialist
Water in accordance with the Appendix-16, Appendix-24 and BoQ document and of CSC
Environment mitigation works Clause No.
The contractor shall use ground/surface water as a source of 1010 EPA,
water for the construction and may set up own bore well facility 1986
for construction work.
Contractor may take surface water from the Irrigation Canal with
the written consent from the Irrigation Department.
To avoid disruption/disturbance to other water users, the
Contractor shall extract water from fixed locations and consult
Environmental Specialist of CSC before finalizing the locations.
The Contractor shall provide a list of locations and type of
sources from where water for construction shall be extracted.
The Contractor shall need to comply with the requirements of
the State Ground Water Department for the extraction and seek
their approval for doing so and submit copies of the permission
to CSC and KSHIP.
P9 Sand The Sand shall be procured from identified sand mines as far as Sand quarries As per the All riverbeds
possible. If the Contractor wants to obtain from source other being used contract recommended
than listed in EMP, substitution shall be provided with the details for the document4 for sand
of the aggregates source and lead distance. construction extraction for
The Contractor shall obtain copy of the Lease Agreement of the the project.
The Contractor, under any circumstances shall not cut or
damage trees and forest reserves. Trees identified under the
project shall be cut only after receiving clearance from the
Forest Dept./DoEF/MoEF (as applicable) and after the receipt of
KSHIP’s written permission in this regard.
Vegetation only with girth size of over 30 cm shall be considered
as trees and shall be compensated, in the event of KSHIP’s
instruction to undertake tree cutting.
C.1.2 Disposal of Appendix-1 provides guidelines for the preparation of the All debris MoRTH 202 Contractor Environment
Debris from contractors Debris disposal plan. This is mainly to deal with disposal sites al Specialist
dismantling surplus debris materials that would be available after adjusting and Resident
structures and for all insitu applications. Engineer of
road surface Other debris generated due to dismantling of the existing road CSC, EC,
shall be suitably reused in the proposed construction zone, KSHIP
subjected to the structure suitability of the materials and
approval of the Resident Engineer and Environmental Expert of
CSC as follows:
For filling and leveling of School grounds and proposed parking
The sub grade of the existing pavement shall be used as
embankment fill material.
Existing base and sub-base material shall be recycled as sub-
base of the haul road or access roads.
The existing bitumen surface may be utilized for the paving of
cross roads, access roads and paving works in construction
sites and campus, temporary traffic diversions, haulage routes
The Contractor shall suitably dispose off unutilized debris
materials either through filling up of borrows areas located in
wasteland or at pre-designated disposal locations, subject to the
approval of the Environmental Expert of CSC.
At locations identified for disposal of bituminous wastes, the
disposal shall be carried out over a 30 mm thick layer of
rammed clay so as to eliminate the possibility of scarified
percolation of leachate into the ground water. The Contractor
shall ensure that the surface area of such disposal pits is
covered with a layer of soil and subsequent turfing.
All arrangements for transportation during construction including
traffic diversions the Resident Engineer and Environmental Specialist of CSC. the project and its al Specialist
and detours Detailed Traffic Control Plans shall be prepared by the corridor Amendments and Resident
Contractor and approved by Environmental Specialist and especially at Engineer of
Resident Engineer of CSC seven days prior to commencement intersections CSC, EO,
of works on any section of road. The Traffic Control Plans shall and KSHIP
contain details of temporary diversions, traffic safety settlements
arrangements for construction under traffic, details of traffic and schools
arrangement after cessation of work each day, safety measures
for night time traffic and precaution for transportation of
hazardous materials and arrangement of flagmen.
The contractor shall ensure that the diversion/detour is always
maintained in running condition, particularly during the monsoon
to avoid disruption to traffic flow.
The Contractor shall also inform local community of changes to
traffic routes, conditions and pedestrian access arrangements
with assistance from CSC and KSHIP. The temporary traffic
detours shall be kept free of dust by sprinkling of water three
times a day and as required under specific conditions
(depending on weather conditions, construction in the
settlement areas and volume of traffic).
C.2 Procurement of Construction Material
C.2.1 Earth from No borrow area shall be opened without permission of the All borrow MoRTH: 305.2 Contractor Environment
Borrow Areas for Environmental Specialist of CSC. The location, shape and size areas al Specialist
Construction of the designated borrow areas shall be as approved by the of CSC,
Environmental Specialist of CSC and in accordance to the IRC KSHIP
recommended practice for borrow pits for road embankments
(IRC: 10: 1961). The borrowing operations shall be carried out
as specified in the guidelines for siting and operation of borrow
The unpaved surfaces used for the haulage of borrow materials,
if passing through the settlement areas or habitations; shall be
maintained dust free by the Contractor. Sprinkling of water shall
be carried out twice a day to control dust along such roads
during their period of use.
During dry seasons (winter and summer) frequency of water
sprinkling shall be increased in the settlement areas and
Environmental Specialist of CSC shall decide the sprinkling time
depending on the local requirements.
Contractor shall rehabilitate the borrow areas as soon as
Materials and equipment and machineries as précised. All vehicles delivering haulage of contract of CSC,
Haul Road fine materials to the site shall be covered to avoid spillage of construction documents KSHIP
Management materials. materials
All existing roads used by vehicles of the Contractor or any of
his subcontractor or suppliers of materials and similarly roads,
which are part of the works, shall be kept clear of all dust/mud or
other extraneous materials dropped by such vehicles.
Contractor shall arrange for regular water sprinkling as
necessary for dust suppression of all such roads and surfaces.
C.2.5 Construction Contractor need to implement the finally approved contractors Through out Environmental. Contractor Environment
Water Construction Water Management Plan as per the guidelines the project Protection Act al Specialist
provided in Appendix 15. This is linked to the contractor’s work corridor 1986 and of CSC,
plan. MoRTH Spec. KSHIP
Contractor shall arrange adequate supply and storage of water for Roads and
for the whole construction period at his own cost. The contractor Bridges
shall submit a list of source/s from where water shall be used for
the project to CSC and KSHIP.
The Contractor shall source the requirement of water
preferentially by conjunctive use of Surface water and
groundwater but with prior permission from the Groundwater
Authority. A copy of the permission shall be submitted to CSC
and KSHIP prior to initiation of construction.
The Contractor shall take all precaution to minimize the wastage
of water in the construction process/operation.
C.3 Construction Work
C.3.1 River training While working across or close to any perennial water bodies, Near major MoRTH:304.3.2 Contractor Environment
and disruption to Contractor shall not obstruct/prevent the flow of water. cross al Specialist
other users of Construction over and close to the non-perennial streams shall drainage of CSC,
water be undertaken in the dry season. If construction work is structures KSHIP
expected to disrupt users of community water bodies, notice (River
shall be served well in advance to the affected community. crossings)
C.3.2 Drainage and Contractor shall ensure that no construction materials like earth, Construction MoRTH:305.3.7 Contractor Environment
flood control stone, or appendage disposed off in a manner that block the sites of cross MoRTH:306 al Specialist
flow of water of any water course and cross drainage channels. drainage of CSC,
Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent any structures KSHIP
blockage to the water flow. In addition to the design
requirements, the Contractor shall take all required measures as
directed by the Environmental Specialist of CSC to prevent
temporary or permanent flooding of the site or any adjacent
C.3.3 Siltation of water The Contractor shall not excavate beds of any Construction MoRTH:06 Contractor Environment
bodies and stream/canals/any other water body for borrowing earth for sites of cross al Specialist
degradation of embankment construction. drainage of CSC,
water quality Contractor shall construct silt fencing at the base of the structures KSHIP
embankment construction for the entire perimeter of any water
body (including springs and wells) adjacent to the project road
and around the stockpiles at the construction sites including
ancillary sites close to water bodies. The fencing shall be
provided prior to commencement of earthwork and continue till
the stabilization of the embankment slopes, on the particular
sub-section of the road.
Contractor shall ensure that construction materials containing
fine particles are stored in an enclosure such that sediment-
laden water does not drain into nearby watercourse.
C.3.4 Slope protection All temporary sedimentation control works and maintenance At bridge MoRTH: Contractor Environment
and control of thereof shall be deemed as incidental to the earth work or other approaches; 305.2.2.2 al Specialist
soil erosion items of work and as such no separate payment shall be made high MoRTH: 306.2 of CSC,
for them. embankment KSHIP
Contractor shall ensure the following aspects: sections (Low
After construction of road embankment, the side slopes lying areas)
shall be covered with grass and shrubs (refer Appendix-10 and borrow
and 18) as per design specifications. pits
Turfing works shall be taken up as soon as possible
provided the season is favorable for the establishment of
grass sods. Other measures of slope stabilization shall
include mulching netting and seeding of batters and drains
immediately on completion of earthworks.
In borrow pits, the depth shall be so regulated that the sides
of the excavation shall have a slope no steeper than 1
vertical to 2 horizontal, from the edge of the final section of
the bank.
Along sections abutting water bodies, pitching as per design
specification shall protect slopes.
C.4 Pollution
C.4.1 Water Pollution
C.4.1.1 Water Pollution The Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to prevent At all surface MoRTH: 111.4 Contractor Environment
from entering of wastewater into streams, water bodies or the water bodies MoRTH: 111.1 al Specialist
Construction irrigation system during construction. Contractor shall avoid intercepting of CSC,
Wastes construction works close to the streams or water bodies during with the KSHIP
monsoon. project
Contractor shall not wash his vehicles in river water and shall corridor
not enter riverbed for that purpose.
C.4.1.2 Water Pollution The Contractor shall ensure that all construction vehicle parking At all surface MoRTH: 111.4 Contractor Environment
from Fuel and locations, fuel/lubricants storage sites, vehicle, machinery and water bodies MoRTH: 111.1 al Specialist
Lubricants equipment maintenance and refueling sites shall be located at intercepting (Oil of CSC,
least 500 m away from rivers and irrigation canal/ponds. with the Interceptors) KSHIP
The Contractor shall submit all locations and layout plans of project Petroleum Act
such sites prior to their establishment and shall be approved by corridor; and Rules
the Environmental Specialist of CSC. refueling MoEF/CPCB
Contractor shall ensure that all vehicle/machinery and stations and Notifications
equipment operation, maintenance and refueling shall be construction
carried out in such a manner that spillage of fuels and lubricants camps
does not contaminate the ground. Wastewater from vehicle
parking, fuel storage areas, workshops, wash down and
refueling areas shall be treated in an oil interceptor before
discharging it on land or into surface water bodies or into other
treatment system.
In all, fuel storage and refueling areas, if located on agricultural
land or areas supporting vegetation, the topsoil shall be
stripped, stockpiled and returned after cessation of such
Contractor shall arrange for collection, storing and disposal of
oily wastes to the pre-identified disposal sites (list to be
submitted to CSC and KSHIP) and approved by the
Environmental Specialist of CSC. All spills and collected
petroleum wastes shall be disposed off in accordance with
Petroleum Rules and PCB guidelines.
C.4.2 Air Pollution
C.4.2.1 Dust Pollution The Contractor shall take every precaution to reduce the level of Construction MoRTH:111.1 Contractor Environment
dust from construction plants, construction sites involving sites and MoRTH:111.5 al Specialist
earthwork by sprinkling of water, encapsulation of dust source. construction MoRTH:111.9 of CSC, EO,
Due to the acute water scarcity in certain areas, Contractor establishment MoRTH:111.10 KSHIP
should limit water sprinkling once in the early morning hours. such as Contract through
Contractor should erect warning boards on dust nuisance to the batching Agreement Engineer
road users. plants, hot
The Contractor shall procure the construction plants and mix plants
machinery, which shall conform to the pollution control norms
specified by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB.
The concentration of suspended particulate matter at a distance
of 40m from a construction plant located in a cluster of
industries should be less than 500 µg. The environmental
monitoring is to be conducted as per the monitoring plan.
Alternatively, only crushers licensed by the KSPCB shall be
used. The Environmental Specialist, EO and KSHIP through the
Engineer shall submit required certificates and consents.
C.4.2.2 Emission from Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles, equipment and The Air Contractor Environment
Construction machinery used for construction are regularly maintained and (prevention Annexure ‘A’ to al Specialist
Vehicles, confirm that pollution emission levels comply with the relevant and control of MoRTH 501 of CSC,
Equipment and statutory requirements of CPCB and/Motor Vehicles Rules. pollution) Act, KSHIP
Machineries The Contractor shall submit PUC certificates for all 1981 and
vehicles/equipment/machinery used for the Project. EPA, 1986
C.4.3 Noise Pollution
C.4.3.1 Noise Pollution: The Contractor shall confirm the following: Trhough out The noise Contractor Environment
Noise from All Construction plants and equipment used in construction the project pollution al Specialist
Vehicles, Plants shall strictly conform to the MoEF/CPCB noise standards. corridor and (regulation and of CSC,
and All Vehicles and equipment used in construction shall be other control) rules, KSHIP
Equipments fitted with exhaust silencers. construction 2000
Servicing of all construction vehicles and machinery shall be establishment
done regularly and during routine servicing operations, the s
effectiveness of exhaust silencers shall be checked and if
found defective shall be replaced.
The equipment available in the market should be procured,
if the Contractor plans to purchase new equipment. For the
old equipment, necessary or possible alterations must be
carried out to reduce the noise levels to the possible extent.
Maintenance of vehicles, equipment and machinery shall be
regular and up to the satisfaction of the Environmental
Specialist of CSC to keep noise levels at the minimum.
At the construction sites within 150 m of the nearest habitation,
noisy construction work such as crushing, operation of DG sets,
use of high noise generation equipment shall be stopped during
the night time between 10.00 pm to 6.00 am. Working hours of
the construction activities shall be restricted around educational
institutions/Health Centers (silent zones) up to a distance of 100
m from the sensitive receptors i.e., School, Health Centers and
Hospitals etc.
C.6.1 Road side The Contractor shall do turfing on embankment slopes, Throughout As per the Contractor Environment
Plantation plantation of shrubs as specified in the Contract. the length of contract al Specialist
Strategy The compensatory plantation shall be carried out by the State project document and of CSC,
Forest Department. corridor MoRTH 301.3.3 KSHIP
Minimum 80 percent survival rate of the saplings shall be
acceptable otherwise the Contractor/Forest Department shall
replace dead plants at his own cost.
The Environmental Specialist of CSC shall inspect regularly the
survival rate of the trees planted by the Contractor in
accordance with the plantation strategy suggested.
C.6.2 Flora and The Contractor shall take reasonable precaution to prevent his Throughout Contractor Environment
chance found workmen or any other persons from removing and damaging project al Specialist
Fauna any flora (plant/vegetation) and fauna (animal) including fishing corridor of CSC,
in any water body and hunting of any animal. If any animal is especially KSHIP
found near the construction site at any point of time, the near forest
contractor shall immediately upon discovery thereof acquaint in stretches
the Environmental Specialist of CSC and carry out his including
instructions for dealing with the same. surface water
Environmental Specialist of CSC shall report to the near by bodies
forest office (range office or divisional office) and shall take
appropriate steps/measures, if required in consultation with the
forest officials.
C.6.3 Chance Found All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity, structures and Throughout The Ancient Contractor Environment
Archaeological other remains of archaeological interest discovered on the site project Monuments al Specialist
Property shall be the property of the Government and shall be dealt with corridor and of CSC,
as per provisions of the relevant legislation. Archaeological KSHIP
The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his Sites and
workmen or any other persons from removing and damaging Remains
any such article or thing. He shall, immediately upon discovery Act, 1958
thereof and before removal acquaint the Environmental
Specialist of CSC of such discovery and carry out the CSC’s
instructions for dealing with the same, waiting which all work
shall be stopped. The CSC shall seek direction from the
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) before instructing the
Contractor to recommence the work in the site. The
Archaeological structures identified along the road sides should
be protected/ preserved or enhanced as per the law.
C.7.1 Accommodation Contractor shall follow all relevant provisions of the Building and Labour The Building Contractor Environment
the other Construction Workers (Regulations of Employment camps and Other al Specialist
and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 for construction and Construction of CSC,
maintenance of labour camp. workers KSHIP
The location, layout and basic facility provision of each labour (Regulation of
camp shall be submitted to CSC and KSHIP prior to their Employment
construction. and Conditions
The Construction shall commence only upon the written of Service) Act,
approval of the Environmental Specialist of CSC. 1996
The Contractor shall maintain necessary living accommodation
and ancillary facilities in functional and hygienic manner and as
approved by the CSC.
C.7.2 Potable Water The Contractor shall construct and maintain all labour Construction The Building Contractor Environment
accommodation in such a fashion that uncontaminated water is site, Labour and Other al Specialist
available for drinking, cooking and washing. camp Construction of CSC,
The Contractor shall also provide potable water facilities within workers KSHIP
the premises of every camp at an accessible place, as per (Regulation of
standards set by the Building and other Construction Workers Employment
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, and Conditions
1996. of Service) Act,
The Contractor shall also guarantee the following: 1996
a) Supply of sufficient quantity of Potable Water (as per IS)
in every workplace/labour camp (Site at suitable and
easily accessible places and regular maintenance of
such facilities.
b) If any water storage tank is provided that shall be kept
such that the bottom of the tank at least 1 m above the
surrounding ground level.
c) If water is drawn from any existing well, which is within
30 m proximity of any toilet, drain or other source of
pollution, the well shall be disinfected before water is
used for drinking.
d) All such wells shall be entirely covered and provided
with a trap door, which shall be dust proof and water
e) A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well. The
trap door shall be kept locked and opened only for
cleaning or inspection, which shall be done at least
once in a month.
f) Analysis of water shall be done every month as per
parameters prescribed in IS 10500-1991.
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
stored in canal bed, embankment slopes except material which shall be
reused in Construction. All debris requiring disposal shall be directly taken to
the Pre identified disposal site and deposited as per approved
Comprehensive Waste Disposal Locations.
Debris generated shall be reused in the construction of temporary diversion
of traffic, filling in embankment, slope protection work etc subject to the
suitability of the materials and approval of the Engineer and Environmental
All arrangements for dismantling, clearing debris and its transportation shall
be considered incidental to the work and shall be planned and implemented
by the Contractor as approved and directed by the Environmental Officer.
Construction of temporary traffic diversions shall be carried out in
accordance with the plans prepared and approved during pre-construction
Temporary diversions shall be constructed after receipt of approval from
concerned authorities and under supervision of Environmental Officer.
Warning boards should be placed at least 500 m and 200 m from the
construction sites on both sides along with battery operated lamp/retro
reflective lamps.
Flashlights are provided at least 200 m before the construction site on either
side giving warning to drivers before reaching construction sites.
Signs, lights, barriers, cones, and other traffic control devices, as well as the
CSC and
Construction of riding surface of diversions shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition till IRC:SP 55;
C.1.2 temporary traffic such time they are required as directed by the engineer. MoRTH 112.4 Contractor
al Officer,
diversions Contractor shall keep the temporary traffic diversions free of dust by and 5
sprinkling of water three times a day and as required under specific
conditions (depending on weather conditions, construction in the settlement
areas and volume of traffic).
Contractor shall prepare a Detailed Traffic Control Plans and shall submit it
to the Environmental Officer for approval, five days prior to commencement
of works on any bridge. The traffic control plans shall contain details of
temporary diversions, traffic safety arrangements i.e. lighting arrangement,
signage, arrangement of flagmen etc. The Contractor shall provide specific
measures for safety of pedestrians and workers as a part of traffic control
plans. The Contractor shall ensure that the diversion/detour is always
maintained in running condition, particularly during the monsoon to avoid
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
disruption of traffic flow.
The Contractor shall also inform local community of changes to traffic routes,
conditions and pedestrian access arrangements with assistance from local
bodies and KSHIP.
Contractor shall not store/dump the construction material in water course.
Area of storage of material near the work site shall be earmarked in
consultation with Environmental Officer of CSC. This area shall not be at a
distance of less than 50 from bank of the water course.
The access road should be free from water logging.
Storage area should be leveled ground; stacking area should be planned CSC and
Handling and
and have racks, stands, sleepers, access traces etc and properly lighted, all IS: 7293 Environment
C.1.3 storing of Contractor
materials consumables, including raw steel or fabricated materials shall be IS: 7969 al Officer,
stored properly on platforms, skids or other supports IS: 7293 and IS: 7969 KSHIP
dealing with handling of materials and equipment for safe working should be
Contractor shall prepare a plan for handling and storing of material at bridge
construction site and shall submit it for approval from Environmental
Contractor shall no obstruct the flow of water while constructing/rehabilitating
bridges. Contractor shall ensure that velocity in the constructed portion does
not increase more then twice the lean season velocity. This shall help
turbidity control in downstream and minimum disruption of flora and fauna.
Contractor shall carry out the excavation for foundation and construction of
substructures during lean season to reduce turbidity levels and soil erosion,
which may cause disruption to flora and fauna.
Water Training CSC and
Construction over and close to the non-perennial streams shall be
and Disruption Environment
C.1.4 undertaken in the dry season. MoRTH 2501 Contractor
to Other Users al Officer,
Contractor shall construct river training and protection work i.e. construction
of Water KSHIP
of guide bunds, guide walls, bank protection, flooring and approach
embankment protection etc. as given in engineering design/drawing in such
a fashion that shall provide safety to the bridge structure and its approaches
against damage by flood/flowing water and at the same time shall not pollute
Contractor shall prevent the soil erosion by minimizing the amount of
exposed soil, minimizing the time the soil is exposed, avoiding steep cutting
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
of slope (steeper than 1:2), and constructing all slope protection measures
whether incidental or payable, temporary or permanent in time.
The Contractor shall serve notice to the down stream users well in advance
if construction work is expected to disrupt users of community water bodies
or flow of surface water body is diverted. The Engineer/CMU shall ensure
that contractor has served the notice to the downstream users of water well
in advance.
The Contractor shall take prior approval of the Irrigation Department or CMU
(KSHIP) for any such activity.
Since the rivers along the project road are most of the time dry, Aquatic CSC and
Fauna are very limited. Any impacts to the aquatic fauna shall be avoided. Environment
Aquatic Fauna MoRTH 111 Contractor
al Officer,
Minimum required labour should stay at night at bridge site and Contractor AS per the
Labour shall make necessary arrangement of toilets, waste sanitation, and Drinking Labour laws of
Water requirement at site. the Nation
C.2 Pollution
C.2.1 Water Pollution
The Contractor should not discharge wastewater, generated during
construction, into streams, water bodies or the irrigation system without
Clause No
preliminary treatment and should conform to Karnataka State Pollution
Control Board.
Water Pollution Cofferdams or formwork shall be such as to ensure still water conditions. All CSC and
Specification for
from waste arising from the bridges construction activity is to be disposed off in Environment
C.2.1.1 Road and Contractor
Construction the manner that is acceptable to the State Pollution Control Board and as al Officer,
Bridge Works
Wastes per approved Comprehensive Waste Management Plan. KSHIP
W (PandC) P
Wastes must be collected, stored and reused in the construction/taken to
Act 1981
approved disposal sites.
The Environmental Officer shall certify that all wastes generated on bridge
site have been disposed off as per norms or in environment friendly manner.
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
To avoid contamination from fuel and lubricants, the vehicle and equipments Clause No
shall be properly maintained and refueling/maintenance of vehicles shall not 501.8.6 MoRTH
Contamination CSC and
be done near the bridge sites. Specification for
of water from Environment
C.2.1.2 Diesel Generator set shall be placed on a cement concrete platform with oil Road and Contractor
fuel and al Officer,
and grease trap to control the oil ingress into soil/water bodies. Bridge Works W
lubricants KSHIP
(PandC) P Act
Contractor shall ensure that no construction materials like earth; stone or
any other obstructing construction material is disposed in watercourse and
CSC and
shall take all necessary measures to prevent the blockage of water flow
Drainage and MoRTH:305.3.7 Environment
C.2.1.3 blocking the flow of water. Contractor
runoff MoRTH:306 al Officer,
In addition to the design requirements, the Contractor shall take all required
measures as directed by the Environmental Officer to prevent temporary or
permanent flooding of the site or any adjacent area.
Siltation of The Contractor shall not excavate beds of any stream/canals/nala for
CSC and
Water Bodies borrowing earth for embankment construction.
C.2.1.4 and Silt fencing shall be provided at bridge locations where rehabilitation /New MoRTH:06 Contractor
al Officer,
Degradation of construction is proposed as per drawing and locations attached in Appendix-
Water Quality 3 to avoid siltation of water bodies.
C.2.2 Air Pollution
The Contractor shall follow good engineering practices during demolishing of
bridges or part thereof and during Construction and rehabilitation of bridges.
(Refer Appendices EA and EMP)
Clause No 111
The Contractor should provide screen around the demolition sites wherever
and 501.8.6
The Contractor shall reduce dust nuisance from construction sites by CSC and
sprinkling of water, encapsulation of dust source and by erection of Environment
C.2.2.1 Dust Pollution for Road and Contractor
screen/barriers. al Officer,
Bridge Works
Vehicle delivering material shall be covered. End boards in loaders shall be KSHIP
Air (PandCP)
provided to prevent spillage. Water shall also be sprayed on temporary
access roads and diversions.
The air pollution monitoring shall be carried out as per monitoring and
reporting programme detailed in Environment Assessment and Management
C.2.3 Noise Pollution
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
The demolition of bridges/rehabilitation of bridges shall be done using good The noise
Noise Pollution: CSC and
engineering practices so that noise levels are kept at acceptable levels. pollution
Noise from Environment
C.2.3.1 If required screens shall be erected around the construction sites. (regulation and Contractor
Vehicles, Plants al Officer,
control) rules,
and Equipments KSHIP
C.3 Safety
Tool box meeting shall be held at least once a week in order to brief workers
about safety, do’s and don’t during construction. Toolbox safety meetings
are on the job meetings and shall keep employees alert to work related
accidents and illness. A toolbox meeting helps alert employees to workplace
hazards, and by preventing accidents, illness and on the job injuries. The
Tool Box MoRTH
meeting should involve groups of people who work together and face same
Meetings 2804.10
sort of injury risks. The meetings should be so designed to raise employee’s
awareness following hazardous incidents, a recent injury or near miss.
Toolbox meeting improve workplace safety and health, provide information
and instructions, improve consultation and help identify hazards and
deciding what action needs to be taken to reduce the risks.
Contractor shall provide:
Protective footwear, goggles and clothing to all workers employed on
laying of wearing coat, preparing cement mortars for brick work,
concreting, painting etc.
Welder’s protective eye shields to workers who are engaged in welding
Earplugs to workers exposed to loud noise, and workers working with
jack hammer, joint cutting machines, vibrators etc. CSC and
Personal Safety
Adequate safety measures for workers during handling of materials at MoRTH Environment
C.3.1 Measures for Contractor
site are taken up. 2804.10 al Officer,
The Contractor shall comply with all regulations regarding safe KSHIP
scaffolding, ladders, working platforms, gangway, stairwells,
excavations, trenches and safe means of entry and egress.
At every workplace, good and sufficient water supply shall be maintained
to avoid waterborne/water related/water based diseases to ensure the
health and hygiene of workers.
Persons working should wear safety helmets and rubber gloves
Contractor at his own expenses shall put up necessary shoring,
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
shuttering and planking or cut slopes to a safer angle or both with due
regard to the safety of personnel and workers and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer
The Contractor shall comply with all the precautions as required for ensuring
the safety of the workmen as per the International Labour Organization (ILO)
Convention No. 62 as far as those are applicable to this contract.
The Contractor shall make sure that during the construction work all relevant
provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and the Building and other Construction
Workers (regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996
are adhered to.
The Contractor shall not employ any person below the age of 14 years for
any work and no woman shall be employed on the work of painting with
products containing lead in any form.
The Contractor shall also ensure that no paint containing lead or lead
products is used to except in the form of paste or readymade paint.
Contractor shall provide facemasks for use to the workers when paint is
applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint dry is rubbed and
The Contractor shall mark ‘hard hat’ and ‘no smoking’ and other ‘high risk’
areas and enforce non-compliance of use PPE with zero tolerance. These
shall be reflected in the Construction Safety Plan to be prepared by the
Contractor during mobilization and shall be approved by SC
Contractor shall install a warning device in the area to be used to warn the
workers in case of mishap/emergency.
Contractor shall provide Safety Helmets conforming to IS 2925 to all the
workmen engaged in dismantling work.
The shed and tool boxes should be located away from work site.
Goggles preferably made up of celluloid’s and gas masks shall be worn at
the time of dismantling, especially where tools like jack hammers are
deployed to protect eyes from injuries form flying pieces, dirt, dust etc.
The workers shall wear leather or rubber gloves during demolition of RCC
work. Screens made up GI sheets shall be placed wherever necessary to
prevent the flying pieces from injuring the workers
Water should be sprayed to reduce the dust while removing concrete
wearing course with jackhammer.
No work shall be taken up under the span when dismantling work is in
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
Contact numbers of Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Police Station,
Engineer, EO CSC Consultant and KSHIP should be displayed at every
bridge Site.
Any skin contacts with epoxy materials; solvents and epoxy strippers should
be avoided. Epoxy resin can cause irritation of skin particularly epoxy
hardeners (B component) may cause a rash on skin in sensitive persons if
incorrectly handled. The resin and hardener should not be allowed to come
into direct contact with skin. The most effective protection is achieved by
wearing polythene gloves, rubber gloves, with a cloth liner, and protective
The official toxicity classification on container labels may be looked for
before starting work.
Barrier creams are recommended but are not substitutes for protective
clothing. Eyes shall be protected where splashing could occur while
Handling of CSC and
spraying. Good ventilation shall be ensured and inhalation of vapors
Hazardous Environment
C.3.2 avoided. If materials are sprayed, a respirator shall be used. If skin contact MoRTH 111.6 Contractor
Materials / al Officer,
occurs, it shall be immediately washed with a cleaner, followed by soap and
Chemicals KSHIP
water. Should eye contact occur, it shall be flushed immediately with plenty
of water for 15 minutes and a doctor called for
If contact occurs with the clothing, it shall be immediately changed to prevent
further skin contact, and if the contact occurs with component A or B, the
clothing shall be thrown away. Hardened epoxy is not harmful but shall break
the clothing.
All emptied used buckets; rags and containers shall be removed from site.
These shall be stored in waste disposal bags and suitable disposed.
The Contractor shall prepare a hazardous waste management and disposal
plan and shall submit a copy of it to Environmental Officer (KSHIP) for
review and supervision.
The Contractor shall ensure that temporary bridges constructed for diversion
of traffic are as per norms and safe and approved by Environmental Officer. CSC and
Traffic IRC:SP 55;
Speed limits shall be set for movement of traffic on temporary bridges. Environment
C.3.3 Management MoRTH 112.4 Contractor
The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic al Officer,
and Safety and 5
during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, KSHIP
including sign, markings, flags, lights, warning boards and flagmen as
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
proposed in the Traffic Control Plan/Drawings and as required by the
Environmental Officer for the information and protection of traffic
approaching or passing the bridge under construction or through the
temporary diversion.
The Contractor shall ensure that all signs, barricades markings are provided
as per the MoRTH specifications. Before taking up of construction on any
bridge site, a Traffic Control Plan shall be devised and implemented to the
satisfaction of the Environmental Expert. The Contractor shall take all
necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide,
erect and maintain such barricading, including signs, markings lights and
flagmen etc. For the information and protection of traffic.
A readily available first aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized CSC and
dressing materials and appliances as per the Factories Rules at every Environment
C.3.4 First Aid MoRTH 121.3.1 Contractor
Bridge Construction site. al Officer,
The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain informatory/safety signs, CSC and
Informatory IRC:SP 55;
hoardings written in English and Hindi, wherever required or as suggested Environment
C.3.5 Signs and MoRTH 112.4 Contractor
by the Environmental Officer. al Officer,
Hoardings and 5
CMU shall monitor water quality both upstream and downstream of bridges Environmental
thrice a year at the site of new bridges. Protection Act, CMU through
1986 and The approved
C.3.6 noise pollution Pollution EO KSHIP
(regulation and Monitoring
control) rules, Laboratory
C.4 Contractor’s Demobilization
Contractor shall prepare site restoration plans, which shall be approved by
the Environmental Officer. The clean-up and restoration operations are to be
Cleanup implemented by the Contractor prior to demobilization. All spaces excavated As per the CSC and
Operations, and not occupied by the foundation or other permanent works shall be contract Environment
C.4.1 Contractor
Restoration and refilled with earth up to surface of surrounding ground. document and al Officer,
Rehabilitation The Contractor shall clear all temporary structures; dispose all surplus RAP KSHIP
material laying in waterway or around bridge site as per Comprehensive
Waste Management Plan and approved by Environmental Officer.
Environmental Reference
Sl. No. Mitigation Measures Planning and Supervision/
Issue law/guidelines
Execution Monitoring
The bridge construction site shall be left clean and tidy, at the contractor’s
expense, to the satisfaction to the Environmental Officer.
Activities to be Carried Out by the CMU (Construction Management Unit)
The KSHIP shall monitor the operational performance of the various
Monitoring mitigation measures carried out in the form of river training works as a part of As per the
O.1 Operation the project contract KSHIP KSHIP
Performance The indicators selected for monitoring include the water quality status, Soil document
erosion etc.
The periodic monitoring of the surface water quality at the selected locations Pollution
as suggested in pollution monitoring plan shall be responsibility of KSHIP. Environmental Monitoring
O.2 These locations shall be monitored once during operation stage. Protection Act, Agency KSHIP
1986 through
Contractor shall submit Accident Safety and Hazardous Chemical Spill
O.3 Management Plan and shall get it approved by the “EO KSHIP”. The plan MoRTH 111.6
should also have details of detours in case of emergency.
as per the action plan indicated to the stakeholder. The action taken and the outcome shall
form a part of quarterly report to ADB.
8.4 Environmental Monitoring programme
188. Monitoring is an essential component for sustainability of any developmental project.
It is an integral part of any environmental assessment process. Any development project
introduces complex inter-relationships in the project area between people, natural resources,
biota and other developing forces. Thus, a new environment is created. It is very difficult to
predict with complete certainty the exact post-project environmental scenario. Hence,
monitoring of critical parameters is essential in the post project phase.
189. The monitoring programme consists of performance indicators, reporting formats
(Appendix – 12) and necessary budgetary provision. Out of this, the budgetary provisions
are confidential and are not supposed to be part of the disclosure statement. The budgetary
statements are provided in section 8.9 for the purpose of evaluation of the EMP.
190. The contractors monitoring plan should be in accordance with the baseline
environmental monitoring locations provided in the environmental impact assessment report.
191. The monitoring plan has the following objective
To ensure effective implementation of EMP
To comply with all applicable environmental, safety, labour and local legislation
To ensure that public opinions and obligations are taken in to account and
respected to the required satisfaction level
To modify the mitigation measures or implementing additional measures, if required
192. For each of the environmental condition indicators, the monitoring plan specifies the
parameters to be monitored, location of the monitoring sites, frequency and duration of
monitoring. The monitoring plan also specifies the applicable standards, implementation and
supervising responsibilities. The monitoring plan and details of monitoring locations for
environmental condition indicators of the project during the construction and operation stage
are presented in Table 8.3. The monitoring will be carried out by PIU through the approved
agency and will be supervised by the Environmental Experts of the Construction Supervision
Consultants and PIU.
Table 8-3: Environmental monitoring for Air, Water, Noise and Soil
No of
Attribute Parameter Special guidance Standards Frequency Duration Location Implementation
Air CO, NOx, SPM, High volume Air (prevention Once in every Two Construction Sites 24 or as KSHIP
RPM, Pb and SO2 sampler to be and control of four months years and major directed
located 50m from pollution) during establishments along
the plant in the Rules. CPCB, construction the subproject
down wind 1994 and operation including base line
direction. Use stage. monitored stations
method specified
by CPCB for 24 hr
Water Please refer Grab sample IS for Inland Once in every Two Drinking water 24 or as KSHIP
Appendix 7 for water collected from surface waters four months years samples from the directed
quality parameters source and analyze (IS:2296,1982) during labour camps and
to be monitored or as per standard and for construction from hand pumps,
parameters as methods for drinking water and operation Surface water from
decided by the examination (IS: 10500- stage. the water courses
Environmental 1991) along the road
Specialist of the project.
Noise Noise quality as per Equivalent noise MOEF Noise Once in every Two Near the construction 24 or as KSHIP
National Ambient levels using and Rules 2000 four months years camps, working desired
Noise Standards on integrated noise during zones, sensitive
db (A) scale level meter kept at construction receptors at major
a distance of 15m and operation human settlements
from edge of stage. along the road.
pavement Leq in db
(A) of day time and
night time
No of
Attribute Parameter Special guidance Standards Frequency Duration Location Implementation
*Soil Monitoring of pH, Sample of soil Threshold for One sample Two Construction camp 16 or as KSHIP
Nitrogen, collected and each each during years /plant sites, Labour desired
Phosphorus,, analyzed using contaminant the pre and camps, Batching
Potassium, Sodium, absorption set by IRIS post monsoon plants and productive
Chloride, Organic spectrometer database of for agricultural lands
Carbon and Lead USPEA until construction abutting traffic
standards are and operation detours and traffic
available to stage. diversions and major
use. intersections.
*Accidental spillage of hazardous and non-hazardous substances need to be dealt with as special cases largely depends on the circumstances including
state of the substance (liquid or solid)
Monitoring shall be carried out at all locations used for collection of primary data in the study
S. plan/ Responsibili
Description of Item Indicator Stage
No Performance ty
has been completed
7 Performance No. of Trees to be cut Tree Pre PIU
indicators No. of Trees cut cutting constructio
% Progress on the tree n
8 Performance No. of locations identified for Storage of Pre Contractor
indicators temporary storage of the excavated constructio
excavated materials to be used in materials n and
embankment and sub grade constructio
9 Monitoring Statutory environmental monitoring Environm Constructio Contractor
plan as per the conditions stipulated in ental n
the consents/ permission issued by status at
PCB constructi
on Sites
10 Monitoring Environmental parameter Air, Noise, Constructio PIU through
plan monitoring in accordance with the Soil and n and external
frequency and duration of Water Operation agency
monitoring as well as the locations quality
as per the Monitoring plan given in
Table 8.3
11 Monitoring Before the onset of monsoon all Silting of Constructio Contractor
plan the debris/excavated materials water n supervised by
shall be cleaned from the work bodies the
sites and disposed of at the pre – Environmenta
identified approved locations l specialist of
12 Performance Implementation of enhancement Enhance Constructio Contractor
indicators measures for ments n
Parking areas
Cultural properties
Religious properties
Other oxbow land
S. plan/ Responsibili
Description of Item Indicator Stage
No Performance ty
Signage (by type and No.)
Guard Rails
Guide Rails
17 Performance No. of chute drains provided Work Constructio Contractor
indicators sites n
18 Performance Soil erosion prevention measures Work Constructio Contractor
indicators Silt fencing (No. of locations sites n
and quantity)
Stone pitching (No. of
locations and quantity)
Any other (Grass seeding
19 Performance Utility ducts Utility Constructio Contractor
indicators Length provided ducts n
No. of Locations
20 Performance Water sources Work Constructio Contractor
indicators No. of sources protected sites n
No. of sources relocated
21 Performance No. of HIV awareness sessions Labours Constructio PIU
indicators conducted n Stage
22 Performance No. Safety awareness sessions Labours Constructio PIU
indicators conducted n Stage
23 Monitoring No. of awareness sessions for Public in Constructio PIU
plan educating the public about road the n Stage
safety and other environmental vicinity of
aspects (such as waste dumping, project
preservation of enhanced sites, road.
pollution and health impacts etc.)
8.6 Reporting system
194. Reporting system for the suggested monitoring programme operates at two levels
1) Reporting for environmental condition indicators and environmental management indicators
2) Reporting for operational performance indicators at the PIU level.
195. Environmental monitoring involves regular checking of the environmental management
issues detailed in the EMP and to ascertain whether the mitigation measures are achieving their
objectives, according to the EMP, with the progress of the works. It provides the necessary
feedback for project management to keep the programme on schedule will still achieving the
expected outcomes.
196. The contractor, CSC and PIU operate the reporting system for environmental conditions
and environmental management indicators. The reporting system is presented in Table 8.4.
Reporting formats (Appendix – 12) for contractors and CSC have been prepared, which will
form the basis of the implementation by the Contractor and monitoring by the CSC and PIU. The
list of reporting formats prepared for the project is presented in Table 8.6 and formats are
presented in Appendix – 12.
The reporting system will start with the construction contractor who is the main executor of
the implementation activities. The contractor will report to the CSC who in turn shall report
to the PIU. The Contractor will submit monthly and quarterly environmental compliance
reports along with formal monthly and quarterly reporting to the CSC.
The CSC will submit separate quarterly environmental monitoring reports to PIU in
addition to submission of the summary of the activities of the month in the formal monthly
report including any deviations and corrective actions.
PIU will be responsible for the preparation of the targets for identified non-compliances for
the EMP compliance.
197. A full record of construction activities will be kept as a part of normal contract monitoring
system. Reporting and Monitoring Systems for various stages of construction and related
activities have been proposed are to ensure timely and effective implementation of the EMP.
The operation stage monitoring reports may be annual or biannual, provided the Project
Environmental Completion Report shows that the implementation was satisfactory.
198. This reporting will be as follows:
Reporting by the contractor to the CSC
Reporting by CSC to PIU
Reporting by PIU for the information of all interested parties.
Table 8-5: Reporting System
Construction Supervision
PIU to oversee
consultant (CSC)
Item Contractor compliance
Reporting to PIU monitoring
Construction Stage
Monitoring of Before start of Regular Quarterly Regular
construction site and work
construction camp
Pollution monitoring As required As Quarterly Quarterly
Debris disposal area Weekly As Quarterly Quarterly
Monitoring Implementatio Regular Quarterly Quarterly
Enhancements n
Top soil preservations Weekly Weekly Monthly Quarterly
Borrow area/quarry Regular Weekly Monthly Quarterly
area / Debris disposal
Tree cutting Weekly Weekly Monthly Quarterly
Tree plantation Monthly Monthly Monthly Quarterly
Operation stage
Pollution Monitoring Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly As per monitoring
Contractor Supervision Consultant
Item Stage Implementatio Implementatio
n and n and Supervisio Reportin
Reporting to Reporting to n g to PIU
Engineer PIU
water n
courses and
EMS10 Details of Constructio Monthly - Regular Quarterly
Water n
EMS11 Details of Constructio Monthly - Regular Quarterly
personal n
EMS12 Status of Constructio Half yearly - Half yearly Half
consent for n yearly
EMS13 Deviations Constructio - Monthly Quarterly
and n
EMS14 Tree Constructio Quarterly Quarterly
plantation n and
EMS15 Plantation of Constructio As applicable Quarterly As As
shrubs and n and applicable applicable
grass Operation
EMS16 Implementati Constructio Monthly - Regular Quarterly
on of n
t measures
for cultural
parking areas
Status Operation - Half
Regarding yearly
of Borrow
Noise barrier Operation As applicable - Quarterly Quarterly
Survival rate Operation Quarterly Quarterly
of plants
EMS17 Debris During Through out the - Regular Quarterly
generated construction construction
due to road period during
widening widening
199. The Environmental officer of CSC can make required changes in the formats specified in
Appendix 12 to ensure effective reporting of environmental issues. Some of the formats should
be included in the request for inspection such as Debris disposal area approval request. For
making any required changes in the frequency of reporting and change in the contents of the
report for effective and simple for implementation and monitoring, CSC should discuss the
reporting formats with the Contractor and PIU. This will not only ensure that the environmental
provisions are addressed but also link the satisfactory compliance to environmental procedures
prior to approval of the Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) by the Engineer. In the regular monthly
meeting the environmental aspects should also be discussed and the staff responsible for the
implementation of the environmental management from the contractor, PIU and CSC should
also be present.
200. Project Implementation Unit is responsible for implementing the road improvement
project to ensure and achieve certain level of quality in the project, during implementation of
project and in turn will make sure that the statutory requirements are not violated during the pre
construction, construction and Operational (defect liability period) stages of the project.
Organizational setup for PIU and EMPIU is illustrated in the Figure 1.1.
201. The Chief Project Officer heads KSHIP. He will be responsible for the successful
implementation of the Project. The Chief engineer is also the Project Director in the KSHIP set
up for the implementation of the project. The project director (PD) is assisted by Project
Implementation Unit (PIU), Environmental and Social wings at the head office. Various sub units
are functioning under PIU such as Environmental Social Management Unit (ESMU);
Environmental Management Plan Implementation Unit (EMPIU) and Social Development
Resettlement Cell (SDRC). The SDRC is headed by a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). The
Project Director will be heading the overall functioning of the Environmental and Social
Management Unit (ESMU).
202. The Executive Engineers (EEs) and supporting staff as employer’s representatives
nominated for the project will be responsible for the implementation of the project under the
divisions. The Executive Engineer (Environment) and Social Development Officer of KSHIP will
look after the environmental and social issues during the project preparation, implementation
and operation with the assistance of the Environmental Specialist of Project Design and
Environmental Officer (EO) of the CSC.
203. During the operation stage monitoring will be carried out by PIU with the help of
environmental monitoring agencies approved by the State or Central Pollution Control Board.
204. Relationship among Environmental Specialist of construction supervision consultancy
(CSC), Karnataka Road Improvement Project (KSHIP) and the contractor with respect to
supervision and monitoring of EMP is depicted in the following Figure 8.1.
Figure 8-1: Relationship among Environmental Specialist of CSC, KSHIP and the contractor
Contractor, Environmental
Engineer, EHS
Duties and responsibilities of the Contractors, Supervision Consultants and staff of PIU
involved in the project.
Public/community consultation and its role during the implementation of the project.
Supervision of the implementation of the EMP and environmental issues during
Monitoring during construction stage.
Weekly, monthly and quarterly report preparations and submission.
8.8.2 Training Programme:
207. A training programme needs to be worked out incorporating the project needs as well as
the intermediate term capacity building needs. The programme should consist of a number of
training modules specific to target groups. The training would cover the basic principles and
postulates of environmental assessment, mitigation plans and programmes implementation
techniques, monitoring and management methods and tools. Looking into the potential
requirements of each of the target groups, several training modules have been suggested. The
training modules are given in Table-8.7.
Table 8-7: Training Modules for Environmental Management
Mode of Aspects to be
Sl. No. Training Recipients Conducting
Training covered in training
Module-I Environmental staff of PIU Lecture Environmental External
involved in the project, staff Sessions, overview and trainers,
of construction supervision Workshops Environmental Environmental
consultant, contractor, and and Regulations and Acts specialist,
collaborating Government Presentation
Module-II Environmental staff of PIU Lecture Environmental Impact External
involved in the project, staff Sessions, Assessment: Road trainers,
of construction supervision Workshops Projects and Environmental
consultant and contractor and Environment Issues specialist,
Module-III Environmental staff of PIU Lecture Environmental Specialist
involved in the project, staff Sessions, Management Plan for Trainers;
of construction supervision Workshops Road Projects Environmental
consultant and Specialist
Module-IV Environmental staff of PIU Lecturers; Environmental Issues External
involved in the project, staff Group in the Project Agency
of construction supervision Discussions
consultant, contractor, and
collaborating Government
Module-V Environmental staff of PIU Lecturers; Environmentally External
involved in the project, staff Demonstration Sound Construction Agency
of construction supervision sessions; Management
consultant and contractor Group
Mode of Aspects to be
Sl. No. Training Recipients Conducting
Training covered in training
Module-VI Environmental staff of PIU Lecturers; Planning for External
involved in the project Group Environmentally Agency
Discussions Sustainable
Operation of Roads
Module-VII Environmental staff of PIU Lecturers; Long Term External
involved in the project Demonstration Environmental Issues Agency
sessions; in Road Management
208. The budgetary provision for the implementation of the environmental management plan
of the subproject road is presented in Table 8.8 and Table 8.9 and can be categorized in to two
A) Environmental Management Plan Works to be implemented by the contractor under
civil works contract (not included in civil works BOQ)
B) Environment Management Plan Works to be implemented by Government
Departments or other agencies as per the regulatory requirements.
Table 8-8 : Bill of Quantities for Implementation of Environmental Management Action Plan to be
executed under Civil Works Contract
Sl. Amount
Description Unit Quantity Rate (Rs)
No. (Rs)
1 A. Carting away the unserviceable materials from Cum 4,938 58 284,429
work site to the nearest disposal site (up to a lead of
5km) and disposing the same in disposal pits or
borrow areas including depositing unserviceable
materials in layers and manual compaction.
Appendix: 1
B. The 30 cm top layer of disposal pit shall be Sqm. 27,434 28 761,294
provided with good earth, suitable for development
of vegetation/plantation. All work shall be carried out
as per specifications and approval of the Engineer in
2 Turfing at ground level at disposal pits for un- Sqm 27,434 27 740,718
serviceable material as per specifications and
approval of the Engineer in Charge.
3 Regular water sprinkling (at least 4 times) per day at Km 14.38 12,000 172,560
all construction sites for suppression of visible dust
Note: This item is to be operated after the
completion of earthwork to suppress the visible dust
levels. Cost of watering during compaction of
earthwork is deemed to be already covered under
civil works.
Sl. Amount
Description Unit Quantity Rate (Rs)
No. (Rs)
4 Construction of Recharge pits within the selected Nos. 7 26,000 182,000
water bodies along the project road as per approved
design and drawing as developed by Central Ground
Water Board (Ref Appendix-2 for details).
5 Construction of silt traps at the discharge points of M 7 1,250 8,750
channels into to fresh water bodies across the
project road as per the Standard Details provided in
the Appendix-3
6 Providing informatory sign boards (informatory Sqm 2 10,192 20,384
/caution messages) for road users for providing
information about ecologically sensitive areas, wild
life crossing points (if any), important tourist
locations, etc as applicable. The specifications of
sign boards shall conform to relevant IRC
specifications. The probable locations for
informatory sign boards are given in Appendix-4
7 Construction of 30cm thick clay lined (at bottom and Nos. 7 83,410 583,870
sides) pits for safe disposal of scarified bitumen
including carriage (up to a lead of 10km), depositing
bitumen in layers of 15 Cms with manual compaction
and covering the pit with 20cm thick good earth as
top layer at ground level all complete as per
specifications and details given in the Appendix-5
8 Turfing at ground level at disposal pits for scarified Sqm 2,366 28 65,657
bitumen as per specifications and approval of the
Engineer in Charge.
9 Periodic air quality monitoring during construction Nos. 24 7,500 180,000
stage at construction camp sites, bitumen hot mix
plants, crusher plants (if specifically established for
Project), at major settlement areas along project
road. The parameters to be monitored are SPM,
RPM, SO2, NOx and CO, Lead. Each monitoring
schedule shall be over a duration of 24 hours (in 8
hour shifts), once in four months for 2 Years). The
tests are to conducted in accordance CPCB norms
at locations given in Appendix - 7)
10 Water quality monitoring during construction phase Nos. 24 2,000 48,000
at locations given in Appendix - 7. The sampling
shall be carried out once four months for 2 years
and cover all parameters as per IS10500 including
heavy metals as per details given in Appendix-7.
11 Noise quality monitoring at specified silent receptors Nos. 24 500 12,000
along Project Road, at construction camp sites,
bitumen hot mix plants, crusher plants(if specifically
established for Project), and at major settlement
areas along project road. – Each monitoring
schedule shall be over a duration of 12hours (6Am
to 6PM), once in four months for 2 Years). The
monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with
CPCB norms at locations given in Appendix-7)
Sl. Amount
Description Unit Quantity Rate (Rs)
No. (Rs)
12 Soil quality monitoring at Construction camp /plant Nos. 16 3,500 56,000
sites, Labour camps, Batching plants and productive
agricultural lands abutting traffic detours and traffic
diversions and major intersections along Project
Road. Parameters shall include pH, Nitrogen,
Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Organic
Carbon and Lead and carried out twice in a year
(Pre and Post Monsoon) at all locations for 2 years
as per details given in Appendix-7
13 Providing Oil Interceptors at the fuel/oil storage Nos. 1 5,000 5,000
camps or Construction camps. Typical Drawing
given in Appendix-8
14 Providing Personal Protective Equipment to the cost/ 100 1,000 100,000
labours during the construction phase of the project. person/
Appendix-9 annum
15 Provision for two health check ups for the cost/ 100 1,500 150,000
carcinogens from bituminous fumes, which may person
inhaled during road paving works. The first health
check up prior to induction of the personnel into the
construction works and the last health check up prior
to the discharge of the personnel from the
construction works
16 Utilisation of unserviceable material obtained from Cum 494 77 38,038
Road way excavation for widening and construction
of cross roads.
Total (Rs.) 3,408,699
Table 8-9: Bill of Quantities for Environmental Management Action Plan - Mandatory Works to be
implemented by Government Departments/ agencies as per regulatory requirements.
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. (Rs) (Rs)
1 Raising Avenue Plantation along the project road Km 14.38 143,400 2,062,092
length @ 200 tress per Km. The Plantation
programme shall be prepared, implemented and
maintained for total of 7 (2+5) years.
2 Raising of Median Plantation along selected Km. 0.00 65,000 0
stretches of project road. The plantation program
shall be prepared, implemented and maintained for
total of 4 (1+3) years.
3 Construction of noise barrier(s) at specified M 655 4,200 2,751,000
locations along Project Road as per the
specifications and drawing given in the Appendix -6
4 Raising of Plantation to act as vegetative noise M 0 490 0
barrier at select locations as per specifications and
details given in Appendix - 6. The plantation
program shall be prepared, implemented and
maintained for 6 years as per plan.
5 Enhancement of roadside pond including gardening, Nos. 0 4,120,00 0
construction of parking lots, internal roads, as per 0
drawing No. Complete with all leads and lift and as
directed by the Engineer.
6 Re-Development of oxbow land with and other left Ha 1.00 94,000 94,000
over land at realignment locations along project road
taken up.
Hazardous driving Site specific traffic management plans will be prepared.
conditions where Assistance from local police will be taken. Temporary diversions
construction interferes will be provided by maintaining adequate carriage way for
with pre-existing X diversion traffic. Barricades, Traffic Safety Signs, Caution
roads? boards, markings, flags, lights and flagmen as may be required
will be provided to avoid interference to the flow of traffic at pre-
existing roads.
Poor sanitation and Construction camps will be provided with sanitary latrines and
solid waste disposal in urinals. The sewage system will be operated properly to avoid
construction camps health hazards, ground water and soil contamination. Compost
and work sites, and pits will be constructed for the disposal of the garbage and other
possible transmission X biodegradable wastes generated from the camps. Proper
of communicable collection, transportation and disposal of the wastes will be
diseases from workers ensured. Construction and labour camps will be sited away from
to local populations? human settlements to avoid possible transmission of
communicable diseases from workers to local populations.
Creation of temporary
Better sanitation will be provided in construction and labour
breeding habitats for
X camps. Open pits near settlements will be filled with
mosquito vectors of
construction debris and covered with soil.
Gaseous and odor As the size of subproject is only 9.25 km (length) and
emissions to the construction period is short (approx. 9 months), quantity of
atmosphere from X gaseous and odor emissions to the atmosphere are very less.
processing Hot Mix Plants and Batch Mixing Plants will be sited away from
operations? settlements. Chimney height will be raised as per design.
Dislocation and Subproject involves compulsory resettlement of only 2 people
compulsory living within right of way near settlements along the project
resettlement of people road. Resettlement Plan is prepared in accordance with the
living in right-of-way? X guide-lines of National Policy on Resettlement and
Rehabilitation 2007 and Asian Development Banks Safeguard
Policy 2009 to address dislocation and compulsory
Uncontrolled in-
migration with opening Subproject do not open any new roads to forest area. Hence,
of roads to forest area X the question of uncontrolled in–migration and overloading of
and overloading of social infrastructure on the subproject doesn’t arise.
social infrastructure?
Accident risks
associated with
Should an accidental spill occur, the applicable emergency spill
increased vehicular
procedure such as stopping the flow; removing ignition source;
traffic, leading to X
initiating emergency response; cleanup and safe disposal will
accidental spills of
be followed.
toxic materials and
loss of life?
Increased noise and After the completion of subproject, there will be a reduction in
air pollution resulting noise and air pollution due to smooth and uniform flow of traffic.
from traffic volume? However, there will be a gradual increase in air pollution due to
X increased number of vehicles on the improved roads. Proposed
avenue and median plantation along the road sides and in
medians should help to control dust, fugitive emissions and
noise from reaching the receptors.
Increased risk of There is no increased risk of water pollution from small
water pollution from X quantities of oil, grease and fuel spills and other materials from
oil, grease and fuel vehicles using the road. The accidental spills of oils, fuels and
spills, and other other hazardous chemicals from the vehicles using the road
materials from during operational phase will pollute nearby water courses of
vehicles using the the area.
road? Small quantities of oil and fuel get emulsified in large quantities
of runoff and cannot be removed effectively by oil interceptors.
Oil interceptors have been proposed for all the construction
camps. Emergency Services will be engaged for the
containment, cleanup and disposal of contamination release
into the environment.
The dumpsites have to be suitably rehabilitated by planting local species of shrubs and
other plants. Local species of trees has also to be planted so that the landscape is
coherent and is in harmony with its various components.
In cases where a dumpsite is near to the local village community settlements, it could be
converted into a play field by spreading the dump material evenly on the ground. Such
playground could be made coherent with the landscape by planting trees all along the
periphery of the playground.
Some of the dumpsites could be used either for plantation or for growing agricultural
produce such as ginger, turmeric or oranges etc.
Care should always be taken to maintain the hydrological flow in the area.
Identification of Disposal Areas:
The Contractor should also try to make use of all disposal areas identified during the project
preparation stage. If the road execution is approaching hilly area, rolling terrain,
mountainous area or rocky area then importance should be given to screening i.e., to screen
the debris into useful materials. Useful stones can be utilized as construction material and
non-useful can be used as development of the public, social and cultural properties as
already written above such as parking places, school playground, bus bays, ground near any
temple and Mosque so that people participation can be assured in the implementation of the
project. So it would be good if NGOs are introduced to perform this task more efficiently.
In order to maximize the profits or at least to reduce the expenditure, the contractor usually
resorts to his own methods. In that process Contractor could find a more number of feasible
Following are some of the burrow pits nearby subprojects JAgalur to NH 13 and
Molakalmuru to SH 19, which can be used as disposal sites for unserviceable materials
derived from the project.
Sl Chainage
Quarry No. Name of Quarries
No (Km)
Subproject – T13
Locally available Roadside murrum borrow pit at a distance
1 MII-1B-223 1+500
of 0.10 Km from project Road.
Locally available Roadside murrum borrow pits at a distance
2 MII-1B-224 8+00
of 0.20 Km from project Road.
Subproject – T17
Locally available Roadside murram borrow pit at a distance
1 MII-1B-225 4+900
of 0.20 Km from project Road.
Locally available Roadside murram borrow pit at a distance
2 MII-1B-226 3+000
of 0.20 Km from project Road.
Disposal methods and its limitations:
There are several constraints in the disposal of materials in the identified locations. They are
Disposal areas are uneven and irregular in shape in the hilly terrain
Most of the disposal areas would require construction of retaining walls
Disposal areas would require compaction
Disposal areas would require plantation
No overloading and should be in small trucks or dumpers
Need to transport safely with covered trucks using tarpaulin
Consultation with all concerned
Written permission form all concerned
To transport through difficult haul roads- may require maintenance
Some of the locations for silt fencing on the proposed road are given in the following
table. Silt fencing locations have been selected such that each recharge pit will have
one silt fence to prevent silt from entering the nearest water bodies and also prevent
choking of recharge pit by the silt coming from runoff water increasing the life of
recharge pits. Silt fence are mounted in guiding drains at a distance of 3 to 5 M in the
upstream direction depending on the gradient of the guiding drains. However location
of silt traps will depend on contractor’s proposal for site facilities and work sites and should
be taken away. Machinery required for this purpose being bulky in nature, sufficient right-
of-way is required. This becomes an important consideration for in-place recycling within
the city areas.
In cold in-place recycling process, first, the pavement is scarified with a scarifier. The
scarified material is crushed to the required gradation. Then the required amount of fresh
aggregates and binder in cold form (emulsion or cutback) is added. It is compacted and
left for aeration. During this process additives like, cement, quick lime, fly ash may be
used. The cold mix recycling takes care of local geometric correction, correction of
pavement distresses like surface cracks. Being an in-situ process the hauling cost is
considerably low. The air quality related problems during construction is almost
negligible as compared to hot mix process. Similar to hot in place recycling process the
machinery required being bulky, sufficient maneuvering space should be available for
operating the equipment. Also, the lane needs to be closed for certain time so that
sufficient time is available for curing of freshly laid course. Moisture content (when
bitumen emulsion is used) needs to be given importance as it influences gradation
control, mixing and workability of recycled mix to a large extent.
In this process, RAP is combined with required quantity of bituminous binder, and fresh
aggregates in a hot mix plant. The resultant mix is heated to an elevated temperature
and mixed thoroughly. The hot mix is transported to paving site, placed, and compacted
to the required compaction level. The main advantage of this process is that the mix
properties and performance is comparable to that of virgin mix. It is noted that the quality
control in this process is better when compared to hot in-place recycling. As RAP is
susceptible to moisture, care needs to be taken while storing it. Less workspace is
required for laying the recycled mix, hence this is suitable for the roads where the right-
of-way is somewhat restricted. The RAP should not be exposed to extremely high
temperature as it causes pollution due to smoke emission.
This is the similar process as is the hot central plant mixing except it does not involve
any heating and therefore emulsion bitumen is used binder in most of the cases. Precise
control on the mixing time is important. Over-mixing may cause premature breaking of
emulsified bitumen, under-mixing results in insufficient coating of aggregates.
Details of scarified bitumen generated from the proposed road project and the number of
Bitumen Disposal Pits (of volume 547 Cu m) required for the disposal are given in the
following table.
Quantity of Scarified Number of
bitumen generated (Cum) Pits
T13 2,873 5
T17 829 2
1 Ambient Air Quality Standards (National)
Concentration in ambient air
Pollutants Industrial Residential, Rural Sensitive
Area & other Areas Area
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Annual Avg. 80µg/m3 60µg/m3 15µg/m3
24 Hours** 120µg/m3 80µg/m3 30µg/m3
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Annual* 80µg/m3 60µg/m3 15µg/m3
24 Hours** 120µg/m3 80µg/m3 30µg/m3
SPM Annual 360µg/m3 140µg/m3 70µg/m3
24 Hours** 500µg/m3 200µg/m3 100µg/m3
RPM (Size<10µm) Annual 120µg/m3 60µg/m3 50µg/m3
24 Hours** 150µg/m3 100µg/m3 75µg/m3
Lead (Pb) Annual 1µg/m3 0.75µg/m3 0.5µg/m3
24 Hours** 1.5µg/m3 1µg/m3 0.75µg/m3
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 8 Hours** 5mg/m3 2mg/m3 1mg/m3
1 Hour 10mg/m3 4mg/m3 2mg/m3
Source: Standards for liquid effluents, gaseous emissions, automobile exhaust, noise and Ambient
Air Quality, Central Pollution Control Board,PCL/4/1995-96
* Annual Arithmetic Mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year taken twice a week 24 hourly at
uniform interval
** 24 hourly/8 hourly values should be met 98% of the time in a year. However, 2% of the time, it may
exceed but not on two consecutive days.
2 Water quality Standards (IS 10500: 1991)
1 COLOUR, HAZEN UNITS, 5 25 Extended to 25 if toxic
MAX substance are not suspected in
absence of alternate sources
2 ODOUR Unobjectionabl a) Test cold and when heated
b) Test at several dilution
3 TASTE Agreeable Test to be conducted only after
safety has been established
4 TURBIDITY N T U, Max 5 10
5 pH value 6.5 to 8.5 No
6 TOTAL HARDNESS (as Ca 600 600
CO3 mg/lit)
7 IRON (as Fe mg/lit, Max 0.3 1.0
8 CHLORIDES (as Cl mg/lit 250 1000
9 RESIDUAL FREE 0.2 To be applicable only when
CHLORINE, mg/lit Max water is chlorinated. Treated at
consumer end. When protection
against viral infection is
required, it should be Min 0.5
10 DISSOLVED SOLIDS mg/l, 500 2000
11 CALCIUM (as Ca) mg/l, 75 200
12 COPPER (as Cu) mg/l, 0.05 1.5
13 MANGANESE (Mn) mg/l 0.1 0.3
Appendix : 8
Location of Oil Interceptors has been considered such that each construction camp having
refueling stations, oil and lubricants storage places will have one oil interceptor to stop &
separate the floating oils. However the number of interceptors shall be increased as the
situation demands or during the accidental spillages with the consent of Environmental
Engineer of Construction Supervision Consultants. Provision has been made to provide one
oil interceptor for each construction campsite in the EMP BoQ.
2) Use sound level meters to measure. If the sound level exceeds 85 dB(A), then
preventive and protective measures should be taken
3) Make personnel aware of noisy areas by using suitable warning signs and insisting that
ear protective devices should necessarily be worn.
4) Reduce noise at source by improved maintenance, replacing noisy machines, screening
with noise absorbing material, making changes to the process/equipment, controlling
machine speeds, ensuring that two noise-generating machines are not running at the
same time, using cutting oils and hydraulic breakers.
5) Appoint a competent person to carryout a detailed noise assessment in the site,
designate ear protection zone, and give instructions on the necessary precautionary
measures to be observed by site personnel, including the use of suitable type of ear
6) Wear and maintain ear muffs and ear plugs as required
7) In construction or repair works, noise should be kept to a low-level bearing in mind the
disturbance to local residents.
1) The use of signage is most important to caution the road users of possible unsafe
conditions due to the road works.
2) Use appropriate signage devices as required by the site conditions/situation. The
devices include regulatory signs, delineators, barricades, cones, pavement markings,
lanterns and traffic control lights.
3) While using signs, make sure that they are (i) simple, easy-to-understand and convey
only one message, (ii) luminescent and with reflective properties and (iii) prominent and
of appropriate size.
4) While using barricades, make sure that you keep traffic away form work areas and you
guide the drivers to keep along a safe and alternative path.
5) Ensure that proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided to all the workers.
6) Cover existing road signs and install new ones at appropriate locations taking into
account the distances that would be required and reaction times.
7) Plan layout and traffic management so that hazards do not occur.
8) Deploy flagmen to control traffic at the work areas. The flag should be 600mm x 600mm
fastened to a 1m length staff.
9) Flagmen should wear reflective safety vests along with hard hats.
10) If required, use wireless devices for flagmen to co-ordinate form either ends of the road,
where works are being carried out.
1) Treat all wires as live wires
2) Never touch dangling wires but report them to the manager
3) Unless you are a qualified electrician do not attempt electrical repairs
4) Never use electrical equipments if your hands are wet or you are standing in water
5) If electrical equipment is sparking or smoking, turn the power off and report the condition
to the supervisor
6) Never use electrical wires having physical damage
7) Never allow equipment or traffic to run over the electrical wires.
1) Store filled gas/LPG cylinder in an open area or outside the building
2) Transport, store, use and secure cylinders in upright position
3) Ensure proper ventilation at the ground level where the gas/LPG is in use
4) Avoid physical damage to the cylinder
5) Never weld or cut on or near the cylinder
6) Store empty cylinders secured and in upright position.
7) Make sure that the cylinder is closed immediately after use.
8) Investigate immediately if there is thea smell of LPG or gas.
4) Inspect helmets for cracks, sign of impact or rough treatment before each usage and
replace defective or damaged helmets.
Hearing Protection
1) Provide ear plugs or ear muffs as required. Use re-usable ear plugs when the reduction
required (15-25 dB (A) is not excessive. Use ear muffs where a large attenuation of up to
40 dB (A) is demanded.
2) Do not use dry cotton wool for hearing protection because it cannot provide protection.
3) Provide disposable ear plugs for infrequent visitors and ensure that they are never re-
4) Provide re-usable ear plugs for those who need to work continuously for a long period in
a high noise area.
5) Use ear muffs with replaceable ear cushions because they deteriorate with age or may
be damaged in use.
6) Avoid wearing spectacles with ear muffs.
7) Use soap and water or the recommended solvent for cleaning ear muffs.
8) Provide ear muffs for those who may need to get in and out of a high noise area
1) Wear suitable respirable mask for protection against small particles entering the lungs,
e.g. while emptying of cement bags.
2) Provide training to all persons using the respirators for their correct fitting, use, limitations
and symptoms of exposure.
3) Clean and inspect all respirators before and after use.
4) Store respirators properly when it is not in use.
Safety Footwear
1) Wear suitable footwear while working.
2) Use safety footwear on site or in dangerous areas.
3) Wear suitable safety shoes or ankle boots when working where there is a high risk of foot
injuries from slippery or uneven ground, etc.
4) All Safety footwear including safety shoes, ankle boots and rubber boots should be fitted
with steel toecaps.
5) Avoid wearing flip flops, high heeled shoes, slippers, light sport shoes in situations where
there is a risk of foot injury.
6) Keep shoe lace knots tight.
Hand Protection
1) Wear suitable gloves for activities such as welding & cutting and manual handling of
materials & equipment.
2) Do not wear gloves where there is a risk of them becoming entangled in moving parts of
3) Wash hands properly with disinfectant soap before eating & drinking. Wash hands
immediately after each operation on site & when the situation warrants.
Before fire breaks out
1) Store flammable material in proper areas having adequate fire protection systems.
2) Display sufficient warning signs.
3) Train selected personnel to use these fire extinguishers.
4) Inspect fire extinguishers regularly and replace as necessary.
5) Fire escape route should be kept clear at all times and clearly indicated.
6) Know the escape route and assembly point.
7) Display escape route maps prominently at prominent places.
8) Carryout fire drill regularly. Designate fire Officers.
Sl. Stage and Nature of construction Safety measures expected to be taken by the
no. Hazard contractors and site Engineers
opening the form – work accident due to be very careful while formwork is removed. Only
fall of materials during removing the trained carpenters should be deputed for the work.
forms. A safe resting place outside the area of slab as a
temporary measure should be constructed from
where the slab can be removed safely. Removal of
form-work during night should not be permitted
under any circumstances.
8 Scaffolding – Fall of work–man, This is a very common negligence on the part of
supervision staff, standing on challis not labour who do scaffolding work. The Challis on
tied properly or toed only at one end. which they work either span over its complete
(Challis mainly made of Bamboos) length or is tied loosely and many a times at one
end only. Hence, care must be taken that the
challis do not span over the full length but some
middle support should be provided and also the
same is tied properly on both ends.
9 Ladders - Balli or bamboo ladders – The The ladders should be strong enough to bear the
horizontal member breaks and the weight of a labour with materials on head. As for as
person falls. Some times the top face possible a hand rail should be provided at one end.
just rests on wall and the whole ladder The horizontal member should be preferably fixed
tilts causing an accident. with bolt & nuts or strong nails. When the ladder is
placed across a wall the top portion should be tied
firmly to a strong support so that the ladder does
not move laterally.
10 Dismantling – Dismantled materials may When work of demolition is to be taken up the area
fall on passer by or the person engaged should be closed for all outsiders. No one should
in dismantling work may fall due to be allowed up to 50m from the place of demolition.
slipping. The dismantled materials may The workers engaged in demolition should be
fall on persons working below. asked to wear safety belts. Helmets must be worn
by all the workers engaged in dismantling work.
The place should be strictly guarded at night with
red lights at prominent places, and watchman
should be posted.
11 Electrical connections/ cables etc., - HT The work in such places should not be allowed to
/ LT electric wire passing near the slab the workers themselves, but in such position the
structure – while bending, lifting or tying work must be executed under the strict supervision
reinforcements the bar benders may of a responsible Foreman or a Supervisor.
sustain the electric shock, causing fatal
12 Electric- connections/cables, etc., - Before taking up the work all available drawings
cables below ground may get punctured should be studied, local enquiry to be made to
during excavation & thus electrocute the know the position of cables and work in such area
labour working. Similarly when should be got executed under strict supervision of
connecting is in progress the punctured an experienced Foreman or a supervisor.
cable may prone to be fatal to the
13 Electric connections/cables etc.,- The Electric wires should be maintained by an
Temporary Electric lines near damp electrician who should regularly check up the
walls, near joinery stretched on a insulation of wires especially placed near steel
considerable length – There is every items & damp areas.
chance that the wire may get cut due to The temporary wiring should be supported properly.
usage and may develop short As far as possible a good quality wire should be
circuits/leakages etc., and may used which may not get damaged easily.
electrocute the person touching the
wire accidentally.
14 Electric and gas welding work – Drilling, All wiring works to be inspected by experienced
polishing work – Done by temporary electrician. All wires to be properly insulated and
cables used on a number of works – fixed at height on temporary poles. No welding
Due to the fact that the wires are old & work should be permitted near damp area. The
when they come in contact with water welders to be provided with welder’s goggles &
Sl. Stage and Nature of construction Safety measures expected to be taken by the
no. Hazard contractors and site Engineers
even in the process of curing the gloves. As far as possible machine in good
surrounding area may get affected due condition should be used.
to leakage in the electric current thus
causing damage to the workers &
supervision staff.
15 Construction machinery – Concrete The Mixers with hopper should be operated by an
mixers – Safety precautions. A mixer experienced mixer operator and such mixers
with hopper tried to be operated by an should not be allowed to be handled by a helper or
helper could not release brake in time a labour.
thus causing injury to the person near
hopper – some times fatal one.
16 Water storage Tank for general use & The water tanks constructed on site should be
curing - chances of children of workers protected by at least 1.0m high walls on four sides,
falling in the tank with fatal accident. so that the children do not fall.
17 Site cleaning – Cleaning top floors of This dangerous practice should not be allowed at
buildings – Upper portion of any all. The materials should be brought to the ground
structure – throwing waste materials with the help of lift or the use of rope over pulley
broken concrete pieces, brick bats, sand with a bucket, thus bringing down materials safely.
etc., straightway fro top to ground
injuring person below or even a
18 Bar bending work – Helpers of bar This is a very bad practice. The helpers should
benders to follow short cut method, bring the rods to ground with help of lift or rope &
throw surplus steel pieces from top pulley.
floors to ground and may cause fatal
Median Plantation:
No median plantation as cross section types proposed for the sub project have no median.
2. Purpose of tree plantation
The objectives of planting trees and shrubs at selected enhancement sites against the felled
trees are as follows.
To reduce the impacts of air and dust pollution and act as a natural filter to traffic
To provide shade for the traffic as well as the pedestrians
To reduce the impact of vehicular noise caused by vehicles
To arrest soil erosion on slopes
Beautification of sites by planting selective ornamental shrubs, landscaping and
turfing with grasses.
Planting trees on the roadsides is to produce a softer greener landscape.
To act as a natural filter to the traffic emissions
3. Impacted Trees
3.1 Public owned trees
These are trees within the legal ROW of project road within the control of PWD.
All these trees with in the forest reserves are also termed as public trees. However the
procedure for cutting of these trees is different from the normal trees within the PWD ROW.
3.2 Private owned trees
The number of private owned trees to be acquired outside the right of way will be high
compared to the public trees within the right of way. The private trees that will be affected
during widening and improvement will be subjected to compensation at the appropriate
market rates. In addition to this the project will plant two trees for every tree removed as a
compensatory tree planting measure irrespective of the size, species etc.
Indigenous species of trees recommended above are most suited for the tree plantations. In
order to make it tourist friendly and beautiful same types of trees would be planted in the
same location so that for every Kilometer the trees would change to new species.
6. Tree planting during construction
6.1 Tree planting along the roadsides
Tree plantation will be the responsibility of the Forest department. Necessary budget has
been allocated in the EMP.
6.2 Tree planting along Oxbow lands
In some areas, the improvement of roads will result in the formation of ‘oxbow lands’ all
along the roads due to suitable curve improvements and realignments. The oxbow lands are
the existing roads where the road realignments are proposed. This is similar to the Oxbow
Lakes formed during the evolution of rivers hence the name for easier identification for
environmental management. The importance of the proper management of these oxbow
lands is there for an unavoidable outcome of the project. Tree planting all along these oxbow
lands could be very useful for the environmental enhancement of the region. This will help
positively for tourism industry. The oxbow lands along the corridors are available as
described in the Environmental management plan for individual corridors.
7 Protection Measures
The protection measures are as follows.
7.1 Barbed wire Fencing
Barbed wire fencing around the plantation area will be provided to protect the plants. Iron
Angles will be fixed at a spacing of 5m with 3-stand stretched barbed wire.
7.2 Precautionary Measures
Plantation will be made in the monsoon months (July-August)
The height of the plants should not be less than 30 cm and should be supplied in
polythene bags which are not to be removed until the moment of planting
All plants supplied must be planted within three days of removal from the nursery
Arrangements must be made to water in case of insufficient rains after planting
Provide compost/manure suggested quantity for each pit before plantation
7.2.1 Shrubs
Prior to planting it is suggested to remove all loose debris, fill up with good soil and level the
area. To ensure better growth and survival of grasses and shrubs, the surface should have
sufficient layer of good quality soil (up to 45 cm). Shrubs which are suggested for the
roadside and open area spaces where available should be selected from the following and
agreed with the Environmental Specialist of the construction supervision consultants.
1 Bougainville
2 Nerium odorum ait
3 Carissa spinarum
4 Capparis decidua
5 Capparis zeylanica
6 Zizyphus nummularia
7 Artemisia species
8 Xanthium strumarium
9 Cassia tora
10 Capsicum fruitescens
11 Tabernaemontana coronaria
12 Achyranthes aspera
The contractor will be responsible for planting of shrubs at enhancement sites and along
bridge approaches during construction phase.
Camp - II
Crusher -I
Plant Site - I
Construction works
Figure : 2
Figure : 3
(Drawn for Driving on Left)
Safety jackets and helmets should be provided to all the workers/ Engineers working
on the road.
Fixed mobile solid barricades must be placed between the workmen and traffic or
pedestrian and traffic.
All the safety signs should be according to IRC: 67 and IRC: SP: 55: 2001
Dos and Don’ts for the contractor
There are a number of dos and don’ts for the contractor as provided below
Contractor’s vehicles shall not be allowed to wash in the river or stream. This is to
avoid potential pollution from oil residues.
Contractors shall not use water from the community drinking water sources such as;
Public water supply schemes
Community spring water sources
Community hand pumps
Community bore wells / shallow tube wells
Location of the streams from which the Community takes drinking water
Contractor shall obtain all legal approvals and clearances from the concerned
Contractor shall consult the local communities where the water source has been
If the source is a spring – check discharge, dependency in consultation with local
If the source is river/stream- discharge data for the past several years need to be
analyzed, whether source is perennial, or non-perennial, any irrigation scheme is
running over it or not, if IPH* department is using it, or local people are using it or not.
NOC* from all concerned authorities will be required.
If the source is Major River - In addition to the local permission, Contractor may
require obtaining written permission from State level authorities at Bangalore.
If the sources is groundwater (a hand pump/bore well or open deep well)- then its
chemical composition and water related tests are required to be obtained from the
competent authority and an NOC* is obtained from the competent authority.
Post Construction Stage
Once the Contractor finishes his job, this can be handed over to the local panchayath or for
local communities. The possible alternate uses of this structure would be
Local communities of this area can use the same source to meet their water needs
If road passes through a plain water scarcity prone area and if no nearby water
source has been identified, transportation is uneconomic, then contractor should go
for Underground water option. If it is feasible and will not lead to a serious depletion
of the ground water.
x) Where the execution of the works requires single –lane operation on public road
the contractor will provide and maintain temporary traffic diversions subject to the
approval of the CSC.
xi) Where the execution of the works requires single-line operation on public road the
contractor will provide and maintain all necessary barriers, warning signs and traffic
control signals to the satisfaction of the CSC.
xii) Wherever traffic diversions, warning signs, traffic control signals and barriers are
required, the contractor will install them to the satisfaction of CSC prior to
commencing the work, in that area.
xiii) Contractor shall install asphalt plants and other machineries away from the
populated areas as per laid down regulations.
xiv) Permit for felling of trees will be obtained from the forest department before the
execution of any work.
xv) Trees and plants going to be uprooted will be duly compensated and maintained
up to 3 years.
xvi) Mist sprays should be provided at appropriate places for preventing dust
pollution during handling and stockpiling of stones and loose earth.
xvii) Overburden waste dumps shall be sprayed with water, as they are the major
source of air borne particulate matter.
xviii) Overburden waste dumps shall be reclaimed / afforested to bind the loose soil
and to prevent soil erosion. The frequency of sprinkling should be fixed as per the
seasonal requirement and in consultation with engineer.
xix) Regular water spraying on haulage roads during transportation of construction
materials by water sprinklers. The frequency of sprinkling should be fixed as per the
seasonal requirements in consultation with engineer.
xx) Transfer point for transporting construction material shall be provided with
appropriate hoods/ chutes to prevent dust emissions.
xxi) Dumping of construction material should be from an optimum height (preferably
not too high), So as to reduce the dust blow.
xxii) Innovative approaches of using improved machinery designs, with in-built
mechanism to operator’s cabin.
xxiii) Procurement of drillers, loaders, dumpers and other equipment with noise proof
system in operator’s cabin.
xxiv) Confining the equipment with heavy noise emissions in soundproof cabins, so
that noise is not transmitted to other areas.
xxv) Regular and proper maintenance of noise generating machinery including the
transport vehicles to maintain noise levels.
xxvi) Provisions should be made for noise absorbing pads at foundations of vibrating
equipments to reduce noise emissions.
The Contractor shall obtain materials from quarries only after the consent of the Forest
Department or other concerned authorities and in consultation with the Engineer. The quarry
operations shall be undertaken within the purview of the rules and regulations in force.
During construction silt fencing (consists of geo-textile with extremely small size
supported by wire-mish mounted on a panel made up angle frame) could be used
along the road at all canals and rivers to prevent sediments from the construction
site to enter into the watercourses.
(xi) The execution of suitable arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of
risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage, transport and
disposal of articles and substances,
(xii) The provision of lighting, including standby facilities in the event of failure that,
in the opinion of the Engineer, is adequate to ensure the safe execution of
any works that are to be carried out at right.
(xiii) The provision of protective clothing and safety equipment, with such
personnel and equipment and such information, instruction, training and
supervision as the necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all
persons employed on or entering on the site in connection with the works,
including the Engineer’s supervisory staff, all in accordance with the laws.
(xiv) Near towns, villages and all frequented places, trenches and foundation pits
shall be securely fenced provided with proper caution signs and marked with
lights at night to avoid accidents. Contractor shall take adequate protective
measures to see that the excavation operations do no affect or damage
adjoining structures.
(xv) The Contractor shall not use or generate any materials in the works, which
are hazardous to the health of persons, animals or vegetation. Where it is
necessary to use some substances, which can cause injury to the health or
workers, the Contractor shall provide protective clothing or appliances to his
(xvi) The Contractor will take all measures necessary to safeguard the health;
safety and welfare of all persons entitled to be on site and will ensure that
works are carried out in a safe and efficient manner.
(xvii) The Contractor will provide, and ensure the utilization of appropriate safety
equipment for all workmen and staff employed directly or indirectly by the
Contractor. Such safety equipment will include but not be limited to the safety
harnesses, safety equipment for working over water, rescue equipment, fire
extinguishers and first-aid equipment. The personnel working at vulnerable
locations at site will wear safety helmets and strong footwear.
(xviii) The Contractor will provide an adequate number of latrines and other
arrangements at areas of the site where work is in progress and ensure that
they are regularly cleaned and maintained in a hygienic condition.
(xix) The provision and maintenance of suitably equipped and staffed first aid
stations throughout the extent of the works to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall allow in his prices and the responsible for the costs of all
such site welfare arrangements and requirements.
(xx) Injuries might occur during the construction period. It is therefore pertinent to
provide first aid facilities for all the construction workers. At construction
camps and at all workplaces first aid equipment and nursing staff must be
provided. Since many of the workplaces may be far away form regular
hospitals, an indoor health unit having one bed facility every 250 workers
needs to be provided.
(xxi) Adequate transport facilities for moving the injured persons to the nearest
hospital must also be provided in ready to move condition.
(xxii) The first-aid units apart form an adequate supply of sterilized dressing
material should contain other necessary appliances as per the factory rules.
(xxiii) All buildings, rooms and equipment and the grounds surrounding them shall
be maintained in a clean and operable condition and be protected form
rubbish accumulation.
(xxiv) Each structure made available for occupancy shall be of sound construction,
shall assure adequate protection against weather, and shall include essential
facilities to permit maintenance in a clean and operable condition. Adequate
heating, lighting, ventilation or insulation when necessary to reduce excessive
heat shall provide for comfort and safety of occupants.
(xxv) Each structure made available for occupancy shall comply with the
requirements of the Uniform Building Code. This shall not apply to tent
The Contractor shall submit the following information to the Engineer for approval at least 7
working days before commencement of compaction
The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content obtained in
accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 7) or (Part 8), as the case may be, appropriate for
each of the fill materials he intends to use.
A graph of density plotted against content from which, each of the values in (i) above
of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content are determined.
The Dry density-moisture content – CBR relationships for light, intermediate and
heavy compactive efforts (light corresponding to IS: 2720 (Part-7), heavy
corresponding to IS: 2420 (Part-8) and intermediate in between the two) for each of
the fill material be intends to use in the sub-grade.
After identification of borrow areas based on guidelines. Contractor will fill reporting format
Annexure-III and submit the same for approval of the “Engineer”.
After receiving the approval Contractor will begin operations keeping in mind following;
1) Haulage of material to the areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient spreading and
compaction plants is operating at the place of deposition.
2) No excavated acceptable material other than surplus to requirements of the Contract
shall be removed from the site. Contractor should be permitted to remove acceptable
material form the site to suit his operational procedure, then be shall make good any
consequent deficit of material arising there from.
4) The Contractor shall ensure that he does not adversely affect the stability of excavation
or fills by the methods of stockpiling materials, use of plants or siting of temporary
buildings or structures.
(ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in
stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not
steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal).
(iii) Borrowing of earth will be carried out up to a depth of 1.5m from the existing ground
(iv) Borrowing of earth will not be done continuously through out the stretch.
(v) Ridges of not less than 8m widths will be left at intervals not exceeding 300m.
(vi) Small drains will be cut through the ridges, if necessary, to facilitate drainage.
(vii) The slope of the edges will be maintained not steeper then 1:4 (Vertical: Horizontal).
(ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in
stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not
steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal).
(iii) The depth of borrow pits will not be more than 30 cm after stripping the 15 cm topsoil
(ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in
stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not
steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal).
(iii) At location where private owners desire their fields to be leveled, the borrowing shall
be done to a depth of not more than 1.5m or up to the level of surrounding fields.
(ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in
stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not
steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal).
(iii) Borrow area near to any surface water body will be at least at a distance of 15m from
the toe of the bank or high flood level, whichever is maximum.
(ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in
stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not
steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal).
(iii) Borrow pit location will be located at least 0.75 km from villages and settlements. If
un-avoidable, the pit will not be dug for more then 30 cm and drains will be cut to
facilitate drainage.
(iv) Borrow pits located in such location will be re-developed immediately after borrowing
is completed. If spoils are dumped, that will be covered with a layers of stockpiled
topsoil in accordance with compliance requirements with respect MOEF/PPCB
(ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in
stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not
steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal).
(v) Ridges of not less than 8m widths should be left at intervals not exceeding 300m.
(vi) Small drains shall be cut through the ridges of facilitate drainage.
(vii) The depth of the pits shall be so regulated that there bottom does not cut an
imaginary line having a slope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from the edge of
the final section of bank, the maximum depth of any case being limited to 1.5m.
(viii) Also, no pit shall be dug within the offset width from the toe of the embankment
required as per the consideration of stability with a minimum width of 10m.
Re-development plan will be prepared by the Contractor before the start of work inline with
the owner’s will and to the satisfaction of owner.
Borrow pits will be backfilled with rejected construction wastes (unserviceable materials)
compacted and will be given a turfing or vegetative cover on the surface. If this is not
possible, then excavation slope should be smoothened and depression is filled in such a
way that it looks more or less like the original ground surface.
Borrow areas might be used for aquaculture in case landowner wants such development.
In that case, such borrow area will be photographed after their post-use restoration and
Environment Expert of Supervision Consultant will certify the post-use redevelopment.
The Contractor will keep record of photographs of various stages i.e. before using materials
form the location (pre-project), for the period borrowing activities (Construction Phase) and
after rehabilitation (post development), to ascertain the pre and post borrowing status of the
The Contractor will finalize the locations in consultation with CSC and KSHIP. The
Contractor shall establish a new quarry with the prior consent of the CSC only in cases when
The Contractor shall prepare a redevelopment plan for the quarry site and get approved by
the CSC.
The construction schedule and operation plans to be submitted to the CSC prior to
commencement of work shall contain a detailed work plan for procuring materials that
includes procurement, transportation and storage of quarry materials.
Option-A: Revegetating the quarry to merge with surrounding landscape: This is done
by conserving and reapplying the topsoil for the vegetative growth.
Option-B: Developing exhausted quarries as water bodies: The pit shall be reshaped
and developed into pond, for harvesting rainwater. This option shall only be considered
where the location of quarry is at the lowest point, i.e. surrounding areas/ natural drainage
slopes towards it.
Construction stage:
Development of site:
To minimize the adverse impact during excavation of material following measures are need
to be undertaken
ii) At the stockpiling locations, the Contractor shall construct sediment barriers to
prevent the erosion of excavated material due to runoff
iii) Construction of offices, laboratory, workshop and rest places shall be done in the
up-wind of the plant to minimize the adverse impact due to dust and noise.
iv) The access road to the plant shall be constructed taking into consideration
location of units and also slope of the ground to regulate the vehicle movement
within the plant.
v) In case of storage of blasting materials, all precautions shall be taken as per The
Explosive Rules, 1983.
ii) During excavation, slopes shall be flatter than 20 degrees to prevent their sliding.
In cases where quarry strata are good and where chances of sliding are less this
restriction can be ignored.
iii) In case of blasting, procedure and safety measures shall be taken as per The
Explosive Rules, 1983.
iv) The Contractor shall ensure that all workers related safety measures shall be
done as per guidelines for workers and Safety attached as Annexure-8
Topsoil will be excavated and preserved during transportation of the materials measures
shall be taken to minimize the generation of dust and prevent accidents.
The PIU and the CSC shall review the quarry site for the management measures during
quarry operation, including the compliance to pollution norms.
Post construction stage:
The Contractor shall restore all haul roads constructed for transporting the material from the
quarries to construction site to their original state.
The PIU and the CSC shall be entrusted the responsibility of reviewing the quarry site for the
progress of implementation of Redevelopment plan. These shall include the following two
In the first case, the Contractor shall be responsible for the Redevelopment plan prior to
completion after five years, during the defect liability period. The CSC and PIU shall be
responsible for reviewing this case of redevelopment prior to the issuing the defect liability
In the second case, the redevelopment of exhaust quarry shall be the responsibility of
the agency providing the permit to ensure the implementation of Redevelopment Plan.
Taking into consideration the overriding principle of protection of ecology and environment,
to ensure that not a single stone crushing unit in the state causes any pollution of any type
and in consonance with the River/Stream Bed Mining Policy Guidelines for the state of
Karnataka, the State Government hereby makes following Policy Guidelines for control of
location, installation, workings of stone crushers and their registration thereof.
Mining lease mandatory for running a stone crusher
1.1 In order to ensure legal and regular supply of minor minerals, every owner of stone
crusher, shall have a valid mining lease for this purpose.
1.2 In respect of River/Stream Bed Mining leases over larger area of ten hectare or above
shall be given priority for setting up of stone crushers.
For Hill Slope mining, lease area shall depend upon the size of crusher, availability of
mineral and annual requirement of mineral in relation to scientific mining.
The period of lease shall be determined, based on reserves calculated and annual
requirement as per the proposals given in the Working-Cum- Environmental Management
Plan, which every leaseholder shall have to prepare.
Provisional Registration of stone crusher
No person shall install or run any stone crusher in any area within the State of Karnataka
unless he obtains a provisional registration from the Geological Wing, Department of
Based on the documents submitted ‘Provisional Registration’ shall be issued by the
Geological Wing, Department of Industries that shall form base for obtaining pre-production
clearance from other Government Departments.
After provisional registration and joint inspection, the consent to Establish from the
Karnataka State Environment Protection & pollution control Board should be obtained. The
unit shall submit the Working-cum-Environment Management Plan before the issuance of
consent for operate (CFO) by the State Board.
Karnataka State Electricity Board shall give electric connection to the crusher owner only
after obtaining Provisional Registration from the Geological wing.
Already established stone crusher shall registered themselves within a period of 3months
from the date of issuance of these Policy Guidelines and for this registration they have to
produce consent issued by Karnataka State Environment Protection & Pollution control
Joint inspection of the areas applied for mining lease and for setting up of stone
a) Joint Inspection of crusher site.
The site for setting up the stone crusher shall be appraised and approved by a joint
Inspection committee, consisting of the following members
1. Sub- Divisional Officer (Civil) concerned Chairman.
2. Divisional Forest Officer or his representative Member
3. Representative of the State Environment protection and Pollution control Board.
4. Executive Engineer, PWD or his representative Member
5. Executive Engineer, I&PH or his representative Member
6. Representative of the Department of Tourism Member
7. Representative of KPTCL- Local SDO (E) Member
8. Geologist or Mining officer Member Secretary
b) Joint inspection shall be conducted at least by four member viz. Chairman,
representative of Karnataka State Environment protection & pollution control Board,
DCF or his representative and Geologist/ Mining Officer on a prescribed Checklist.
Other members may issue separate NOC’s as per the check list.
Joint Inspection of the area applied for mining lease.
a) The area applied for lease shall be inspected by a committee consisting of the
following members
Sub- Divisional Officer (Civil) concerned Chairman.
Assistant Conservator of Forest/Range officer Member
Representative of the State Environment protection and Pollution control Board.
Executive Engineer, PWD or his representative Member
Executive Engineer, I & PH or his representative Member
Representative of the Dep’t. of Tourism Member
Mining officer Member Secretary
iv) No mining shall be allowed where danger to site of culture, religions, historical,
archeological or scenic importance is likely.
v) No mining shall be allowed near habitation, where it is likely to cause noise and
vibration problems, due to blasting or operation of machinery.
vi) No mining shall be allowed where proper disposal of mine waste cannot be arranged.
vii) Conditions shall be imposed that the leaseholder will take adequate steps to control
and check soil erosion, debris flow etc., by raising various engineering structure.
II. Geological and Geomorphologic considerations:
i) No mining shall be allowed where the slope angles are more than 45 degree from
horizontal and in case of mid slope mining, the foot wall should be of hard strata.
ii) No mining lease shall be granted where the ore to overburden ratio is not economical
i.e. 1:0.2 that is the waste generation should not be more than 20%
iii) Proper appraisal of the deposit for its qualitative and quantitative assessment shall
be made in the form of Geological and topographical plans.
III. Technical consideration:
i) The area should not be highly jointed, fractured on consisting of weak planes.
ii) Relation of slope angle to angle of repose should be within mining parameters where 6x6
m benches by keeping overall angle of repose as 45degree can be made.
iii) No mining shall be allowed where subsidence of rocks is likely due to steep angle of
iv) No overhangs shall be allowed to be formed during the course of mining.
v) The gradient of approach roads shall be gentle with hill-ward slope, side drains and
parapet walls. Adequate number of waiting and crossing points shall be provided for safe
plying of vehicles.
vi) No blasting shall be resorted to without taking proper license under Explosive Act.
d) General conditions:
i) Mining site shall only be handed over to the leaseholder, after it is duly demarcated by
permanent boundary pillars and certified by concerned mining officer.
ii) Junction at take off point of approach road with main road shall be developed with proper
width and geometric required for safe movement of traffic by crusher owner at his own cost
in consultation with Executive Engineer, KPWD.
iii) No leaseholder shall store/ stack any material in the acquired width of PWD road without
the specific permission of the competent authority.
iv) In addition to above the mining operation shall be subjected to provisions of various Acts
and Rules in force.
v) Dumping of waste shall be done in earmarked places as per the working plans.
Truck or suitable containers will bring in all fuel and fluids. There will be no storage of
fuel, oil or fluids within 100M (or 50M) of the permanent water line.
Prior to re-fueling or maintenance, drip pans and containment pans will be placed
under the equipment. Absorbent blankets may also be required to be placed under
the equipment and hoses where there is a possibility of spillage to occur.
All used oils or fluids will be properly contained and transported to appropriately
licensed (authorized) disposal facilities;
Following re-fueling and maintenance, the absorbent blankets (if any) and spill pans
will be picked up and the fuel truck or container moved outside of the 100m (or 50m)
wide area.
Should a spill occur, trough spillage or equipment failure, the applicable emergency spill
procedure outlined in sections A-2 to A-4 must follow.
In the case of a spill, overflow or release of fluid into the stream waterway (whether water is
flowing during the spill or not), do what is practical and safely possible to control the
situation, then get help.
o Shutdown equipment
o Plug hoses
Do not allow tiger torches, vehicles, smoking or other sources of ignition near
the area. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand but keep it a safe distance away
from the potential ignition source (if a fire starts, the extinguisher must be
easily accessible)
o Notify the site supervisor and the Contractor’s Environmental Officer as soon
as possible
o The Environmental Officer will review the situation and decide if Emergency
services like Fire Brigade are required
The Client
Emergency Services will be engaged for the containment, cleanup and disposal of
contamination release into the environment.
The Contractor’s Environmental Officer will document the event and submit repots to
the Engineer, the client and appropriate regulatory agencies like the Pollution Control
Procedure Review
The Engineer will review the report, determine if changes are required to procedures
and recommended implementation of all required changes …
In the case of a spill, overflow or release fluid onto land, do what is practical and safety
possible to control the situation and then get help.
Plug hoses
Do not allow tiger torches, vehicles, smoking or other sources of ignition near the
area. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand but keep it a safe distance away from the
potential ignition sources (if a fire starts the extinguisher must be easily accessible).
The Client
The Engineer’s Environmental officer will ensure that a proper cleanup and disposal
method is determined. Absorbent pads will soak up the spilled material. The pads will
be contained and removed from site for disposal at a licensed (authorized) facility.
The Contractor’s Environmental Officer will document the event and submit reports to
the Engineer, the Client and appropriate regulatory agencies like the Pollution control
Procedure Review
The Engineer will review the report, determine if changes are required to procedures
and recommend implementation of all required changes.