The Parameters Affect On Power Coefficient Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
The Parameters Affect On Power Coefficient Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
The Parameters Affect On Power Coefficient Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
ABSTRACT: This study describes the design of a special type of vertical axis rotor wind
turbine with moveable vertically positioned vanes. The novel design increases the torque
in the left side of the wind turbine by increasing the drag coefficient. It also reduces the
negative torque of the frame which rotates contrary to the wind in the other side. Two
different types of models, having different vane shapes (flat vane and cavity shaped
vane), were fabricated. Each type consisted of two models with varying number of
frames (three and four frames). The models were tested in a wind tunnel with variable
wind speed in order to understand the effect of shape, weight, and number of frames on
the power coefficient of the wind turbine.
ABSTRAK: Di dalam kajian ini, rotor turbin angin berpaksi vertikel sebagai rangka
khusus telah direkabentuk dengan lokasi vertikel mudahalih oleh bilah kipas.
Rekabentuk ini meningkatkan tork di bahagian kiri turbin angin dengan meningkatkan
pekali seretan dan mengurangkan tork negatif rangka yang berputar berlawanan dengan
angin pada bahagian lain. Dua jenis model berbentuk berlainan telah difabrikasi (bilah
kipas rata dan bilah kipas berbentuk kaviti), dengan setiap jenis mempunyai dua model
dengan bilangan rangka yang berlainan (berangka tiga dan berangka empat). Model-
model telah diuji di dalam terowong angin dengan kelajuan angin yang berbeza bagi
mendapatkan kesan rekabentuk, berat dan bilangan rangka ke atas pekali kuasa.
Wind Energy is one of the most cleanly and reliable sources of renewable energy.
Nowadays, wind energy generates about one percent of total energy used worldwide. The
potential of wind energy is huge and study shows if 20 percent of the possible wind
resources are utilized. Most of the wind resources are harnessed by using propeller type
wind turbine, which power output efficiency is quite low about 20 percent only due to
shape, design, and other factors. Economically, it is quite expensive. World has now come
to an era with more inventors creating newer wind turbine with higher efficiency and
capability than the current ones.
This paper proposes two types of wind turbines, using vane type vertical axis rotation.
This type of wind turbine can increase the output of power with less wind kinetic energy
required. New design has simple construction, small size, simple technology, and
economical material usage. It forms cavity at one side of turbine while letting the other
side of turbine open to let go the wind, hence high drag can occur. This ensures higher
efficiency and low starting wind velocity.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012 Qasim et al.
There are various types of wind turbines with different efficiencies. The efficiency is
defined as the amount of wind kinetic captured by the wind turbines that can be
successfully generated into electrical power.
Our design consists of movable vanes to reduce the negative torque of the frame that
rotates contrary to the wind. The wind tunnel is used to measure the power coefficient,
torque coefficient and angular velocity as a function of wind velocity. It used different
shape, thickness and number of frames (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Over view vertical axis wind turbine A) scoop-vane frame B) flat-vane wind
The power of the wind is proportional to air density, drag coefficient (the shape of
subject), area of the segment of wind being considered, and the natural wind speed. The
relationships between the above variables are provided in Eq. 1 below [11].
. ½
. . . . (1)
where is the angular velocity, is the drag coefficient, is swept turbine area and
is density.
The two models have the same theoretical analysis. To determine the starting torque T
on wind turbine vanes, it is necessary to define the whole vane area, and distance from the
centre of the output shaft to the centre of wind pressure, then the formula has the following
. . . . . (2)
where R is the distance from the shaft centre line to the centre of pressure of the vane
surface, other parameters are as specified above.
The output power (W) is calculated by the following equation
.. . .. !"#$
. . . .
%&& (3)
Where is the angular velocity of the rotating turbine, is air density, is impeller
turbine radius.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012 Qasim et al.
The torque created by the frames with group of vanes calculated by the following
' ()* +, - /0 (4)
Where is drag coefficient, ' is wind pressure, and all the parameters are specified in
Fig. 2.
Results obtained by tests as depicted in Fig. 3, show that the frame with cavity shape
vane has higher drag coefficients than the flat vane frame.
Fig. 3 Drag coefficient for different vanes angle in frame versus wind speed.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012 Qasim et al.
Fig. 4 Number of revolutions of the wind turbine shaft versus the wind speed.
The experiments show that four frames have a higher angular velocity compared to
three frames (Fig. 4).
Results obtained in Fig. 5 show that the power coefficient for 3 frame and 4 frame wind
turbine with wind speed , we can see that maximum power coefficient for 3 frame is (0.18)
at wind speed of 9 m/s, and the maximum power coefficient for 4 frame is (0.21) at wind
speed of 9 m/s.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012 Qasim et al.
Fig. 5 Power coefficient various wind velocity for 3 and 4 frames flat vanes wind turbine.
Fig.7 Power coefficient for 3 and 4 frames Scoop-vane versus wind speed.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012 Qasim et al.
Figure 7 shows that three frames turbine model has higher power coefficient than four
frames turbine model.
Fig. 8 RPM of three and four frames impeller versus wind speed.
Fig. 9 Power coefficient for three frames different weight versus wind speed.
Results obtained in Fig. 9 show that the power coefficient wind turbine against wind
speed, we can see that maximum power coefficient for low weight impeller is (0.4) at
wind speed of 7 m/s, and maximum power coefficient for high weight impeller is (0.31) at
wind speed of 6 m/s.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012 Qasim et al.
The impeller type wind turbine with scoop-vanes has higher efficiency compares with
flat vanes. This is caused the wind turbine has the high drag factor enables to capture wind
energy. This type wind turbine has good technical properties and can be used for
generating a power more efficiently for the low speed of the wind.
Increase drag factor can increase the output power, and the vane type wind turbine can
be high efficiency.
In a flat vane rotor, increase number of frame can increase angular velocity of the rotor.
The power coefficient is measured experimentally to be equals to 0.18 and 0.21 for three
and four frames, respectively.
Figure 3 shows the cavity frame shape increase the drag coefficient to 3, when the drag
coefficient for flat vane is 1.3.
In cavity shape frame increase the number of frame will decrease angular velocity and
give a low-power coefficient. The power coefficient is measured experimentally to be
equals to 0.31 and 0.24 for three and four frames, respectively. When we used the different
thickness for three frames cavity shape the power coefficient is measured to be equals to
0.4 and 0.31 for thickness 1 mm and 2 mm, respectively.
The possible reasons for getting lower results for the four-frame than the three-frame in
the experiment are:
1. Higher weight (four-frame impeller 236 grams vs. the three-frame impeller at
172 grams)
2. Decreasing the distance between two vanes, then the limit has a lower drag force
as seen in Fig. 8.
3. When the number of blades is increased to four, the air that strikes the second
blade is reflected back onto the following blade, so that the following blade
rotates in a negative direction compared to the succeeding blade.
4. The vortex consists and still air area behind the vane gives high resistance, in
four frames more than three frames.
Fig. 8 Drag force versus wind speed in wind tunnel with different distance between the
two vanes.
IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012 Qasim et al.
Weight has significant effect on power coefficient, an increase in the thickness of rotor
from 1 mm to 2 mm (weight 114 grams to 172 grams) reduces the power coefficient by
around 8% (from 40% to 32%). The new turbine presents a simple construction and can
be manufactured from from cheap materials using simple technology.
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