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All Rights Reserved

1 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Copyright © 2016 and beyond – Peter Tzemis Fitness. All rights are
reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it,
or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for
the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical

advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be

used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult

your physician before beginning this program as you would with any

exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of

your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of

your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to

accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions

on the part of Peter Tzemis Fitness, there are risks of injury or illness which

can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you

expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim

which you may have against Peter Tzemis Fitness, or its affiliates as a

result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or

as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.

2 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

I want to congratulate you right now on making a wise and
extreme profitable decision. It’s going to pay off for you BIG TIME.

This is the fast action-guide. For the elite action takers of the
group this will allow you to start building your badass body almost
instantly. I highly suggest you rad the full manual, but if you are
currently pressed fro time, this has all the ingredients to turn your
body into a badass worthy physique.

Welcome to the Team brother…


Peter Tzemis,
America’s Honest Fitness Coach

3 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness


Follow One Course Until Successful.

Being a finisher is one of the most important life skills you can learn. How
many times in the past have you started something and not finished it? Or
said you were gonna do something and not followed through.
It’s time it wipe the slate clean. By joining the Tzemis Empire, you are now
a finisher.
By reading this you are committed to becoming the most badass version of
yourself and bringing about that body, that badass head turning, panty
soaking body that commands respect. This body has been laying dormant
for years, pressed by society and their bullshit game…

Not anymore. Now your on my team. Get ready to meet the beast.

You want more, you deserve more.You’re destined for greatness.


Look, You may not want to admit it, but that excess fat can and will destroy
your most precious relationships, your health and even your career. It will
sap your energy and drain you of your manhood, 1 pound at a time…

I don’t want ANY of these things happen to you. And I don’t want to see you
end up like “everyone else” who goes through life WISHING they looked
leaner and felt better about themselves.

4 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
It’s a strange phenomenon, but when you find a way to break free and see
your body evolve every single week and master you body, your whole life
just tends to follow suit.

You’ll look better, feel better, and have more energy, while improving your
personal and social life in ways you could never imagine. It’s time to flip the
six pack switch now…

So what is YOUR Badass Body Vision?

It’s thing you want the most more than anyone else. It’s something that
pulls you everyday towards greatness. It’s something that you cant get out
of your head because you are destined to achieve it. Dreamers have
visions not dreams. Thats the reason they are able to live out and impact
the world in such dramatic function

So whats the difference between a dream and a vision then?

One Simple, Beautiful word

Your Vision must be crystal clear for you to achieve it. You have to be abel
to taste it, feel it, smell it before it comes about in your life. This compels
you to take action towards it every single day, which then actually brings it
into the physical world.

5 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Clarity is 100% power. When you are extremely clear on what you want you
know exactly when you don’t want. It’s when you can channel all your
energy towards the exact vision of what you want.


One of the best things about getting your health in order is that you start
looking more appealing to the opposite sex.

Your wife or girlfriend takes notice. You might even catch other girls looks
start to linger longer. Maybe sometimes too long…

It turns out that there is a mathematical formula known as - the golden ratio
- to depict the perfect proportions for functional aesthetics.

How to calculate the golden ratio for your body.

It starts with establishing reference points. These body parts will serve as
starting points to reveal what the other parts need to be to create what I like
to call The Aesthetic Athlete.

Reference point #1 - Your waist to height ratio (44.7% of your height)

Your ideal waist (in inches) is your height (in inches) x 0.447

Reference point #2 - Your shoulders should measure 1.618 x your ideal

waist (above)

Reference point #3: Your Flexed arm should be 150% larger than the
circumference of your non-dominant wrist or 50% of your ideal waist

Reference point #4 Your chest should measure 550% larger of than the
circumference of your non-dominant wrist or 1.4x your ideal waist

Reference point #5 Your upper leg circumference should be 75% larger

than your knee circumference.

6 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

Reference point #6 - Your calves circumference (in inches) should equal

your arms circumference (in inches)

Your Turn
Time to calculate your current measurements as well as your ideals.

Ideal Waist - 0.447 x height (in inches)

Ideal Shoulders - 1.618 x ideal waist measurement
Ideal Chest - 1.4 x ideal waist measurement
Ideal Arms/Calves 0.5 x ideal waist measurement
Ideal Legs - 1.75 x knee circumference measurement


Here’s the deal…

As a natural guy who's not on the juice, your goal is to get strong. The
stronger you get, the more you will grow.

However, 97.73% of muscle building programs out there have plateau’s

built right into them.

Hitting a plateau is inevitable. Like catching the common cold, eventually

it’s your turn.

However the common cold, like the plateau, becomes an issue when it
simply doesn’t go away.

Enter the dreaded Strength Resistance Syndrome...

Have you ever felt no matter how long you went to the gym, certain
exercises or workouts just aren’t working for you like they used too? Have
you tried every supplement or “shocking technique” under the sun and the
results still don’t come?

7 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Welcome to S.R.S.

Regular workout plans only guarantee strength resistance syndrome…

Remember, when you first started lifting you had very high “Strength
Sensitivity.” That’s a fancy way of saying your muscle cells were primed to

However, when that muscle growth started slowing down, your body hit a
small plateau which is the beginning stages of “Strength Resistance.” This
is where you stop growing no matter what you do. And for a guy not on
juice, it sucks. Like trying to row upstream without a paddle.

Eventually you’ll tire out and give up.

Following advice from the chemically enhanced, will do nothing to help your
body break through this wall. Leading you down a never ending rabbit hole
of disappointment, permanent plateaus and unfulfilled dreams.

Like we mentioned before we need to reignite your strength sensitivity. The

best way to do this is to increase your muscular efficiency and ‘practice’
lifting. But first let me give you a quick Muscle Masterclass. This will install
99% of the information that you will ever need to get the dream body.


When any movement is performed over and over, say moving your finger,
neurological pathways are strengthened and the movement becomes more
efficient. This is known as the Hebbian rule.

It makes sense that when you think to move your fingers, they move—not
your toes or your ear or some other body part. The same goes for lifting a
loaded bar. The more you practice a lift, the stronger the neurological
impulses become.

8 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

Reverse Pyramid Training

Most people will grab a weight and pump out 12-15 reps. After a brief rest
they will add weight and pump out another 10-12 reps. They will repeat this
process until they hit a weight that causes them to hit failure in the 5-8 rep
range. This is known as pyramid training.

The problem with this is that they become semi fatigued for their heaviest
set. As a result they end up using a weight that is lighter than their true 5-8
rep max. Because they are lifting below their true potential they never
promote optimal strength and muscle gains.

According to Vladimir Zatsiorsky (A world-renowned “sport biochemist” who

was a strength and conditioning coach for the Soviet Union Olympic

“Pyramid Training has been virtually abandoned by Olympic-caliber

athletes. The ascending part of such a routine induces premature fatigue,
while the descending portion is not efficient since it is performed in a
fatigued state. Since 1964, pyramids have been virtually excluded from the
training of elite strength athletes.”

The problem with this is that they become semi fatigued for their heaviest
set. As a result they end up using a weight that is lighter than their true 5-8
rep max. Because they are lifting below their true potential they never
promote optimal strength and muscle gains.
I recommend flipping the script and performing your heaviest set first while
you are completely fresh.

Your heavy set is really your money set and has the greatest capacity at
triggering maximum strength and muscle gains. However, in order to get
the maximum training effect it is essential that you perform the heavy set
while you are completely fresh to maximize performance output.

9 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

Submaximal Explosive Lifting

Ask anyone who’s put themselves your high-volume, high intensity training
for years and you’ll get an earful on how you can’t lift heavy each and every
workout. Your nervous system, joints, and tissues would start screaming at
you before too long. Luckily, there is a second way to maximize force/
tension when lifting

Lifts lighter weights faster. I know, very scientific.

Vladimir Zatsiorsky emphasized lifting at as high of a velocity as possible to

generate maximum force on the bar. This activates the maximum number
of motor neurons in the muscle. It also adds a bit of momentum to the lift.
( sourced from the science and practice of strength training).

After performing your heavy set and scoring a nice personal record you will
follow this up with a few more sets with gradually reduced loads.

The subsequent sets will be less demanding on your neural system since
you will be lifting lighter loads.

Now here is where the magic of reverse pyramid training and Submaximal
Explosive lifting comes in...

You will notice that your heavy set will make your subsequent sets feel very
light. The heavy set induces a high degree of central nervous system
stimulation, resulting in greater motor unit recruitment and force, which can
last for several minutes.

As a result you get better muscle fiber recruitment than normal with lighter
weights if do them after your heavy set.

Since you will get more muscle fiber activation in your lighter sets you will
stimulate hypertrophy much more effectively.

10 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness


Muscle failure is more than unnecessary— it is counterproductive!
Neuroscientists have known for half a century that if you stimulate a neural
pathway, say the bench press groove, and the outcome is positive, future
benching will be easier, thanks to the so-called Hebbian rule. The groove
has been ‘greased’. Next time the same amount of mental effort will result
in a heavier bench. This is training to success!

The opposite is also true. If your body fails to perform your brain’s
command, the groove will get ‘rusty’. You are pushing as hard as usual, but
the muscles contract weaker then before! To paraphrase powerlifting
champ Dr. Terry Todd, if you are training to failure, you are training to fail.

The most intelligent way to develop strength is to lift much heavier weights
than most weekend warriors play with but to terminate your sets before
your muscles fail. Doing a triple with a weight that you could have done five
reps with is a lot safer and more effective that an all-out set of ten.


The entire system is based on periodization and progressive programming
—it creates a system wherein the whole is greater than the sum of its parts;
the result is that each part of your training will benefit from everything else
you’ve done prior.


The Foundation

11 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Intelligent training is at the foundation of INDOMITABLE. This is a General
Preparatory Phase that systematically pairs lower & upper body exercises
with intelligent energy system exercises to create evil circuits. During
PHASE ONE, you’ll get considerably stronger; however, because of the
structure of the workouts, you’re going to lose fat and gain a bit of muscle.
This occurs because you’re doing hybrid workouts that have a strength
component with heavy weights early in the session, and metabolic work at
the end. Throughout the weeks of Phase One, you’ll always be challenging
yourself and building strength, but never pushing too far to inhibit
recovery.The idea is to build a bulletproof foundation upon which the rest of
your progress will rely. This is where badass begins.

Radiation Sets
Adjust all of your training parameters to help you get shredded. But not a
little bit shredded…full, unadulterated shred…so lean that you can watch
your pancreas produce insulin. Disown your body fat like an ugly step-child.
The foundation has been established. Now it’s time to get strong. Like,
stupid strong. Ox strong. This is a short term 42 day program to fully
activate your CNS while dropping body fat. This program is more like a
boot camp to rapidly develop muscle tone and drop body fat. After you go
through this program, you can maintain this condition for a long period of
time with a typical 3-4 day routine. In other words, this is the extra push you
need to transform your physique. Once you reach this new level of fitness,
back off and enjoy the outside world. It’s kind of got some kick ass
experiences you can dabble in.

12 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

Day 1: Legs, Back, Biceps
Day 2: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, & Abs

This looks like a lot per day, but we are going to cut back in volume a bit.
We will be sticking with just 2 exercises per body part. If a body part is
exceptionally developed then just one exercise will do the trick (or feel free
to do less sets per exercise for that body part). Aim for 4-5 workouts per
week and just alternate days. So “2 days on and 1 day off” will be ideal, but
it doesn't have to be exactly like that. Just roughly get into the gym about 4
times per week for most of this phase...and possibly 5 times for a couple of

Day 1: Legs, Back, Biceps

Exercise Reps Sets Notes

Deadlift 5 5

Chin up 5 5

Dumbbell Curls 5 5

Barbell Curls 5 5

HIIT 1:2 Work to Rest ratio 15 Min 30s Sprint, 60s Rest

Day 2: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, & Abs

13 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

Exercise Reps Sets Notes

Incline Bench Press 5 5

Flat Bench Press 5 5

Standing military 5 5

Lateral Raise 5 3

Weighted Dips 5 3

Plank 2 min 3

Hanging Leg raises 12 3

HIIT 1:2 Work to Rest ratio 15 Min 30s Sprint, 60s Rest

Rest Time
1 Min between Sets
2 Min between exercises

Proposed Schedule
Obviously you can change the days around, but just so you get
the idea…

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

OFF Day 1 Day 2 OFF Day 1 Day 2 OFF

14 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

Adjust all of your training parameters to help you get shredded.
But not a little bit shredded…full, unadulterated shred…so lean
that you can watch your pancreas produce insulin. Disown your
body fat like an ugly step-child.

This is a short term 42-day program to fully activate your CNS

while dropping body fat. This program is more like a boot camp to
rapidly develop muscle tone and drop body fat. After you go
through this program, you can maintain this condition for a long
period of time with a typical 3-4 day routine. In other words, this is
the extra push you need to transform your physique.
Once you reach this new level of fitness, back off and enjoy the
outside world. A lot of cool stuff out there :)

TNT Training will consist of the best of the best training systems,
cherry picked and assembled into an unstoppable formula.

The formula for METAMORPHOSIS is

Reverse Pyramid Training + Explosive Training

This gives the nervous system plenty of time to recover while still
exploiting the most out of your muscles and neural pathways.

15 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Day 1 - Back and Biceps

Exercise Reps Sets Notes

Deadlift 4,6,6 3 RPT

Wide Grip Pull up 4,6,6 3 RPT

Incline Dumbbell Curls 8 3 Radiation

Barbell Curls 8 3 Radiation

HIIT 1:2 Work to Rest ratio 15 Min 30s Sprint, 60s Rest

Day 2 - Chest, Triceps and Abs

Exercise Reps Sets Notes

Incline Bench Press 4,6,8 3 RPT

Squeeze press 8 3 Radiation

Rope Push Down 8 3 Radiation

Face pulls 8 3 Radiation

Plank 2-3 min hold 3

Hanging Leg raises 12 3 Weighted if possible

Day 3 - Shoulders and Legs

Exercise Reps Sets Notes

Squat 4,6,6 3 RPT

Military press 4,6,6 3 RPT

Bulgarian Split Squat 8 3 Radiation

Lateral Raises 8 3 Radiation

16 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Day 2 - Upper Body and Abs

Exercise Reps Sets Notes

Incline Bench Press 8 3 Radiation

Bicep Curl 4,6,6 3 RPT

Rope Push Down 8 3 Radiation

Face pulls 8 3 Radiation

Plank 2-3 min hold 3

Hanging Leg raises 12 3 Weighted if possible

Rest Time RPT

2 Min between Sets
2 Min between exercises

Rest Time Radiation

1 Min between Sets
2 Min between exercises

Proposed Schedule
Obviously you can change the days around, but just so you get
the idea…

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Day 1 Day 2 OFF Day 3 Day 4 OFF OFF

17 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness


On your off days, you may choose to transform them into active recovery
days. These days are meant to increase mobility, rest and strengthen all
the bodies systems while simultaneously expediting recovery. There are 3
options you may choose from (or choose all 3) depending on your lifestyle.

1. Walking for at least 1 hour

It is very clear by now that while the Badass Body Blueprint training system
is incredibly effective, it is also demanding and taxing. Because of that, it’s
necessary that we do more to facility recovery than just leave the gym and
hit the couch.
Instead, BBB uses a very mild form of active recovery. Simply, I want you to
walk. After EVERY SINGLE weight training workout 10 minutes, and at
some point on EVERY SINGLE off
day, I want you to walk for 30-60 minutes.

Whether it’s on a treadmill, or outside or in circles around your house; I

really don’t care. Just do it. You can also ride a bike or jump some rope.
Just 10 minutes of slow, easy movement and 30-60 on OFF days.

The extra movement may burn a few extra calories, but that’s not the point.
The idea is blood flow. After intense exercise, the single best thing you
need to do is keep the body moving. So you must walk or ride or whatever,
but just move. That’s mandatory.

In addition, you’re going to wake up after your first Badass Body workout
and be a bit sore, and when that happens, take a walk. Do some
bodyweight squats. The more blood you get to those muscles that are sore,
the faster they’ll recover. So if your arms are sore just bang out a few push
ups or just do some very light weight bicep curls.

My point is, be pro-active about your recovery—help your body heal, don’t
just lay around and wait to feel better.

18 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

2. Hot/cold showers

Also known as hydrotherapy, Cold showers have been around for

centuries, with Spartan warriors taking a cold shower each day to jolt them
into reality. A cold shower can raise testosterone levels, lower levels of
cortisol, boost your immune system, and increase your mental toughness.

Cold showers also work as a form of “cardio, as you’ll quickly find your
heart pumping to warm your limbs. Cold showers have even been used to
treat mild symptoms of depression and some hypothesize cold showers
may be beneficial in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

At the very least, a cold shower will wake you up.

Another side benefit of cold showers is cold water does not dry your skin.
Your skin will be softer and more hydrated after getting out of a cold

Having taken cold showers and contrast showers, I’ve learned contrast
showers work more effectively for me.
Contrast showers have been shown to help you recover from hard
workouts, as the increase the circulation of lymphatic fluid and improve
blood flow. Contrast showers also improve blood circulation and reduce
feelings of stress.

When taking a contrast shower, start off by running warm to hot water. Run
the hot water over your body for 30-60 second. Then switch the water all
the way to cold. For 30-60 seconds, remain under the cold water.

Switch back between hold and cold water 3-5 times, finishing with the water
set to cold.

3. Stretching

19 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
While static stretching doesn’t help prevent injury, increase strength, speed,
or muscle growth, and doesn’t reduce soreness or accelerate recovery…it
does have its uses. If you’re going to engage in a sport or activity that
requires a high amount of flexibility, then static stretching can help. It’s also
best to do static stretches when your muscles are warm (like after exercise,
for instance).
There is one form of stretching, however, that has actually been shown to
improve strength, power, muscular endurance, anaerobic capacity, speed,
and agility:

Dynamic i.e. active stretching.

Unlike static stretching, active stretching involves movements that

repeatedly put muscles through the expected ranges of motion, such as air
squats, leg kicks, side lunges, arm circles, and so forth.

Active stretching accomplishes several things that improve performance: it

increases the suppleness of and blood flow to the muscles, raises body
temperature, and enhances free, coordinated movement.

It can and should be done before any type of exercise, and this is why I
recommend several warm-up sets when weightlifting that progressively
increase blood flow to the muscles that will be trained, before you load your
working weight).

You can check out this link for a full video on follow along Dynamic

That being said, If you walk for an hour and take contrast showers daily,
you'll be 99.44% ahead of everyone else

20 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

HIIT: 15 Minutes of Interval Cardio. Aim for a ratio of 2 to 1 of active rest to
intense effort. For instance, if you were using a treadmill that would mean
walking for 60 seconds alternated with running for 30 seconds. This is a bit
more taxing than the HIIT I suggest in phase 2.

SS Cardio - 15 min light job pst interval training or incline walk

Optional HIIT: 15 Minutes of Interval Cardio

I don't think you want to do excessive cardio when gaining mass, but 15
minutes of short interval cardio with long rest periods in between sets will
increase HGH without taxing the system too hard. You are probably aiming
for a 3 to 1 rest-to-intense ratio on intervals. So 90 seconds of walking
alternated with 30 seconds of running. When you want to focus harder on
fat burning we will switch up the ratios to 1-to-1.

Nutrition for building muscle is actually very simple: eat plenty of food and
include lots of protein and carbs.

Determining Maintenance Level Calories

Without knowing your maintenance intake of calories, none of the

protocols will be very helpful. Fortunately determining your
maintenance calorie intake is rather simple. Assuming 60 minutes

21 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
of physical activity per day, most people burn 15 calories per
pound of bodyweight.

Therefore your current BW x 15 = Maintenance Calories.



35% Protein
35% Carbs
30% Fat


Rest Days (3x per week) - 400 calories over maintenance

Lifting Days (4x per week) + 300 calories over maintenance
Weekly Calorie Surplus = 0 calories


Maintenance calories for 180 pound male = 180 x 15 = 2700

2700 - 400 = 2300
2700 + 300 = 3000

22 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

Rest Day Macros

Protein 35% = (0.35x2300)/4 calories per gram = 201g/day
Carbs 35% = (0.35x2300)/4 calories per gram = 201g/day
Fat 30% = (0.30x2300)/9 calories per gram = 77g/day

Training Day Macros

Protein 35% = (0.35x3000)/4 calories per gram = 263g/day
Carbs 35% = (0.35x3000)/4 calories per gram = 263g/day
Fat 30% = (0.30x3000)/9 calories per gram = 100g/day


1. Multiply your goal bodyweight by 10 to determine your calorie

2. Calculate 35% of your total calorie target for protein (multiply
your total calorie target by 0.35, then divide that number by 4
to get the target for protein in grams)
3. Calculate 35% of your total calorie target for carbs (multiply
your total calorie target by 0.35, then divide that number by 4
to get the target for protein in grams)
4. Calculate 30% of your calorie target for fat (multiply your total
calorie target by 0.3, then divide that number by 9 to get the
target for fat in grams)

23 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
You don't have to hit your macros, exactly. Just try to be in the
ballpark, while staying around the calorie intake.

Refeed Day - Only for phase 2 nutrition.

Once per week, add about 600 calories to your diet. Ideally do
this on Friday. You can keep your first meal the same then get a
bigger meal for your second meal with plenty of carbs. This is to
keep metabolism high and reignite important fat burning
hormones such as leptin that may have dropped over the week.


Incline Bench Press
Baby – 1x bodyweight for 5 reps
Boy – 1.2x bodyweight for 5 reps
Badass – 1.4x bodyweight for 5 reps

Weighted Chin ups

Baby – 30% bodyweight attached for 5 reps
Boy – 50% bodyweight attached for 5 reps
Badass – 70% bodyweight attached for 5 reps

Standing Barbell Press

Baby – 0.7x bodyweight for 5 reps
Boy – 0.85x bodyweight for 5 reps
Badass – 1x bodyweight for 5 reps

Barbell Curl

24 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Baby – 0.55x bodyweight for 5 reps
Boy – 0.65x bodyweight for 5 reps
Badass – 0.75x bodyweight for 5 reps

Body Measurements Standards

Here are the measurements for being considered a badass:

Baby – 47% of height
Boy – 46% of height
Badass– 45% of height

Baby– 1.3x waist
Boy– 1.35x waist
Badass – 1.4x waist

Baby– 46% of waist
Boy– 48% of waist
Badass – 50% of waist

25 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness


Now, sometimes people want more. Sometimes, having a

program like this isn’t enough. If that’s YOU, then I’d invite you to
join my Badass Body Coaching Program.

This is a 3-month program where I create a customized meal plan

and workout protocol FOR you, then support you in your success
every single week. You can email me personally as often as you
like, and I’ll keep track of your progress and make tweaks to the
program as you go to ensure your success.

To join this program though, there are 4 prerequisites:

1. You must be able to access a gym 3x per week
2. You must count macros
3. You must track your progress
4. You must be a badass and an action taker

If you can do these 4 things and you want my personal help

taking your body to the muscular Badass Physique, then go here

Badass Body Coaching Program

I sincerely appreciate you investing in this program and am

looking forward to seeing your transformation!

I’m going back to the gym to “carve the diamond”…

26 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness
Peace Beast,

Peter Tzemis,
America’s Honest Fitness Coach

Two roads diverged in a wood and I; I took the one less travelled.
And that has made all the difference - Robert Frost

27 Copyright © 2016 & beyond Peter Tzemis Fitness

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