Raymond 8000 Series Spec Sheet
Raymond 8000 Series Spec Sheet
Raymond 8000 Series Spec Sheet
The Model 8400 is the toughest pallet truck you can buy. Get these advantages with the Model 8400:
It features solid steel components. Extra steel gusseting to • Heavy-duty design
protect vital parts. Heavy-duty reinforcement for the battery
• Rugged steel components
box. And a large, tough motor for robust performance.
• Exclusive ACR System technology
You’ll also get exceptional productivity with our exclusive
ACR System™. Raymond’s advanced AC technology • Faster acceleration and travel speeds
provides faster acceleration, better control, and greater • More uptime
energy efficiency than DC systems, with less downtime
• Lower ownership costs
and maintenance.
The innovative Model 8400 pallet truck is designed for easy
operation and driver comfort. And you can have all this
dependability and performance at a lower cost of ownership
than other brands’ trucks.
T h e R a y m o n d ® M o d e l 8 4 0 0 P a l l e t Tr u c k
Exclusive ACR System.
• Advanced AC technology
• More energy efficient than DC
• Faster, smoother operation U