Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications

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FRAppE: Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications

Md Sazzadur Rahman, Ting-Kai Huang, Harsha V. Madhyastha, and Michalis Faloutsos

Dept. of Computer Science, University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92507
rahmanm, huangt, harsha, [email protected]

With 20 million installs a day [1], third-party apps are a major rea- Facebook Apps, Malicious Apps, Profiling Apps, Online Social
son for the popularity and addictiveness of Facebook. Unfortu- Networks
nately, hackers have realized the potential of using apps for spread-
ing malware and spam. The problem is already significant, as we 1. INTRODUCTION
find that at least 13% of apps in our dataset are malicious. So far,
Online social networks (OSN) enable and encourage third party
the research community has focused on detecting malicious posts
applications (apps) to enhance the user experience on these plat-
and campaigns.
forms. Such enhancements include interesting or entertaining ways
In this paper, we ask the question: given a Facebook application,
of communicating among online friends, and diverse activities such
can we determine if it is malicious? Our key contribution is in de-
as playing games or listening to songs. For example, Facebook pro-
veloping FRAppE—Facebook’s Rigorous Application Evaluator—
vides developers an API [10] that facilitates app integration into the
arguably the first tool focused on detecting malicious apps on Face-
Facebook user-experience. There are 500K apps available on Face-
book. To develop FRAppE, we use information gathered by ob-
book [25], and on average, 20M apps are installed every day [1].
serving the posting behavior of 111K Facebook apps seen across
Furthermore, many apps have acquired and maintain a large user-
2.2 million users on Facebook. First, we identify a set of fea-
base. For instance, FarmVille and CityVille apps have 26.5M and
tures that help us distinguish malicious apps from benign ones.
42.8M users to date.
For example, we find that malicious apps often share names with
Recently, hackers have started taking advantage of the popularity
other apps, and they typically request fewer permissions than be-
of this third-party apps platform and deploying malicious applica-
nign apps. Second, leveraging these distinguishing features, we
tions [17, 21, 24]. Malicious apps can provide a lucrative business
show that FRAppE can detect malicious apps with 99.5% accuracy,
for hackers, given the popularity of OSNs, with Facebook leading
with no false positives and a low false negative rate (4.1%). Finally,
the way with 900M active users [12]. There are many ways that
we explore the ecosystem of malicious Facebook apps and identify
hackers can benefit from a malicious app: (a) the app can reach
mechanisms that these apps use to propagate. Interestingly, we find
large numbers of users and their friends to spread spam, (b) the app
that many apps collude and support each other; in our dataset, we
can obtain users’ personal information such as email address, home
find 1,584 apps enabling the viral propagation of 3,723 other apps
town, and gender, and (c) the app can “re-produce" by making other
through their posts. Long-term, we see FRAppE as a step towards
malicious apps popular. To make matters worse, the deployment
creating an independent watchdog for app assessment and ranking,
of malicious apps is simplified by ready-to-use toolkits starting at
so as to warn Facebook users before installing apps.
$25 [13]. In other words, there is motive and opportunity, and as a
result, there are many malicious apps spreading on Facebook every
day [20].
Categories and Subject Descriptors Despite the above worrisome trends, today, a user has very lim-
D.4.6 [OPERATING SYSTEMS]: Security and Protection—Ac- ited information at the time of installing an app on Facebook. In
cess controls; Verification other words, the problem is: given an app’s identity number (the
unique identifier assigned to the app by Facebook), can we detect
if the app is malicious? Currently, there is no commercial service,
publicly-available information, or research-based tool to advise a
General Terms user about the risks of an app. As we show in Sec. 3, malicious apps
Measurement, Security, Verification are widespread and they easily spread, as an infected user jeopar-
dizes the safety of all its friends.
So far, the research community has paid little attention to OSN
apps specifically. Most research related to spam and malware on
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for Facebook has focused on detecting malicious posts and social spam
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are campaigns [31, 32, 41]. A recent work studies how app permis-
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies sions and community ratings correlate to privacy risks of Facebook
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to apps [29]. Finally, there are some community-based feedback-
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific driven efforts to rank applications, such as Whatapp [23]; though
permission and/or a fee.
CoNEXT’12, December 10–13, 2012, Nice, France. these could be very powerful in the future, so far they have received
Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1775-7/12/12 ...$15.00. little adoption. We discuss previous work in more detail in Sec. 8.


1. App add request

2. Return permission set

required by the app
User 3. Allow permission set Facebook Servers
6. Using access token, 4. Generate and share
post on user's wall access token
5. Forward access token
to malicious hackers
Malicious Application
hackers Server

Figure 2: Steps involved in hackers using malicious applications to get

access tokens to post malicious content on victims’ walls.

Furthermore, hackers use fast-changing indirection: applications

posts have URLs that point to a website, and the website dynam-
ically redirects to many different apps; we find 103 such URLs
Figure 1: The emergence of AppNets on Facebook. Real snapshot of that point to 4,676 different malicious apps over the course of a
770 highly collaborating apps: an edge between two apps means that month. These observed behaviors indicate well-organized crime:
one app helped the other propagate. Average degree (no. of collabora- one hacker controls many malicious apps, which we will call an
tions) is 195! AppNet, since they seem a parallel concept to botnets.
• Malicious hackers impersonate applications. We were sur-
In this work, we develop FRAppE, a suite of efficient classifica-
prised to find popular good apps, such as ‘FarmVille’ and ‘Face-
tion techniques for identifying whether an app is malicious or not.
book for iPhone’, posting malicious posts. On further investiga-
To build FRAppE, we use data from MyPageKeeper, a security app
tion, we found a lax authentication rule in Facebook that enabled
in Facebook [14] that monitors the Facebook profiles of 2.2 million
hackers to make malicious posts appear as though they came from
users. We analyze 111K apps that made 91 million posts over nine
these apps.
months. This is arguably the first comprehensive study focusing
on malicious Facebook apps that focuses on quantifying, profiling, • FRAppE can detect malicious apps with 99% accuracy. We
and understanding malicious apps, and synthesizes this information develop FRAppE (Facebook’s Rigorous Application Evaluator)
into an effective detection approach. to identify malicious apps either using only features that can be
Our work makes the following key contributions: obtained on-demand or using both on-demand and aggregation-
based app information. FRAppE Lite, which only uses infor-
• 13% of the observed apps are malicious. We show that mali-
mation available on-demand, can identify malicious apps with
cious apps are prevalent in Facebook and reach a large number of
99.0% accuracy, with low false positives (0.1%) and false nega-
users. We find that 13% of apps in our dataset of 111K distinct
tives (4.4%). By adding aggregation-based information, FRAppE
apps are malicious. Also, 60% of malicious apps endanger more
can detect malicious apps with 99.5% accuracy, with no false
than 100K users each by convincing them to follow the links on
positives and lower false negatives (4.1%).
the posts made by these apps, and 40% of malicious apps have
over 1,000 monthly active users each. Our recommendations to Facebook. The most important mes-
sage of the work is that there seems to be a parasitic eco-system
• Malicious and benign app profiles significantly differ. We sys-
of malicious apps within Facebook that needs to be understood and
tematically profile apps and show that malicious app profiles are
stopped. However, even this initial work leads to the following rec-
significantly different than those of benign apps. A striking ob-
ommendations for Facebook that could potentially also be useful to
servation is the “laziness" of hackers; many malicious apps have
other social platforms:
the same name, as 8% of unique names of malicious apps are
a. Breaking the cycle of app propagation. We recommend that
each used by more than 10 different apps (as defined by their app
apps should not be allowed to promote other apps. This is the rea-
IDs). Overall, we profile apps based on two classes of features:
son that malicious apps seem to gain strength by self-propagation.
(a) those that can be obtained on-demand given an application’s
b. Enforcing stricter app authentication before posting. We
identifier (e.g., the permissions required by the app and the posts
recommend a stronger authentication of the identity of an app be-
in the application’s profile page), and (b) others that require a
fore a post by that app is accepted. As we saw, hackers fake the
cross-user view to aggregate information across time and across
true identify of an app in order to evade detection and appear more
apps (e.g., the posting behavior of the app and the similarity of
credible to the end user.
its name to other apps).
• The emergence of AppNets: apps collude at massive scale. We
conduct a forensics investigation on the malicious app ecosys- 2. BACKGROUND
tem to identify and quantify the techniques used to promote ma- In this section, we discuss how applications work on Facebook,
licious apps. The most interesting result is that apps collude provide an overview of MyPageKeeper (our primary data source),
and collaborate at a massive scale. Apps promote other apps via and outline the datasets that we use in this paper.
posts that point to the “promoted" apps. If we describe the collu-
sion relationship of promoting-promoted apps as a graph, we find 2.1 Facebook Apps
1,584 promoter apps that promote 3,723 other apps. Furthermore, Facebook enables third-party developers to offer services to its
these apps form large and highly-dense connected components, users by means of Facebook applications. Unlike typical desktop
as shown in Fig. 1. and smartphone applications, installation of a Facebook applica-


# of apps post does not take into account the application responsible for the
Dataset Name
Benign Malicious
post. Indeed, a large fraction of posts (37%) monitored by MyPage-
D-Total 111,167 Keeper are not posted by any application; many posts are made
D-Sample 6,273 6,273
manually by a user or posted via a social plugin (e.g., by a user
D-Summary 6,067 2,528
D-Inst 2,257 491 clicking ‘Like’ or ‘Share’ on an external website). Even among
D-ProfileFeed 3,227 6,063 malicious posts identified by MyPageKeeper, 27% do not have an
D-Complete 2,255 487 associated application.
MyPageKeeper’s classification primarily relies on a Support Vec-
Table 1: Summary of the dataset collected by MyPageKeeper from tor Machine (SVM) based classifier that evaluates every URL by
June 2011 to March 2012. combining information obtained from all posts containing that URL.
App ID App name Post count Examples of features used in MyPageKeeper’s classifier include
235597333185870 What Does Your Name Mean? 1006 a) the presence of spam keywords such as ‘FREE’, ‘Deal’, and
159474410806928 Free Phone Calls 793 ‘Hurry’ (malicious posts are more likely to include such keywords
233344430035859 The App 564 than normal posts), b) the similarity of text messages (posts in a
296128667112382 WhosStalking? 434 spam campaign tend to have similar text messages across posts
142293182524011 FarmVile 210 containing the same URL), and c) the number of ‘Like’s and com-
Table 2: Top malicious apps in D-Sample dataset. ments (malicious posts receive fewer ‘Like’s and comments). Once
a URL is identified as malicious, MyPageKeeper marks all posts
containing the URL as malicious.
tion by a user does not involve the user downloading and executing
an application binary. Instead, when a user adds a Facebook ap-
plication to her profile, the user grants the application server: (a)
2.3 Our Datasets
permission to access a subset of the information listed on the user’s In the absence of a central directory of Facebook apps 1 , the basis
Facebook profile (e.g., the user’s email address), and (b) permission of our study is a dataset obtained from 2.2M Facebook users, who
to perform certain actions on behalf of the user (e.g., the ability to are monitored by MyPageKeeper [14].
post on the user’s wall). Facebook grants these permissions to any Our dataset contains 91 million posts from 2.2 million walls
application by handing an OAuth 2.0 [4] token to the application monitored by MyPageKeeper over nine months from June 2011
server for each user who installs the application. Thereafter, the ap- to March 2012. These 91 million posts were made by 111K apps,
plication can access the data and perform the explicitly-permitted which forms our initial dataset D-Total, as shown in Table 1. Note
actions on behalf of the user. Fig. 2 depicts the steps involved in that, out of the 144M posts monitored by MyPageKeeper during
the installation and operation of a Facebook application. this period, here we consider only those posts that included a non-
Operation of malicious applications. Malicious Facebook ap- empty “application" field in the metadata that Facebook associates
plications typically operate as follows. with every post.
• Step 1: Hackers convince users to install the app, usually with The D-Sample dataset: Finding malicious applications. To
some fake promise (e.g., free iPads). identify malicious Facebook applications in our dataset, we start
with a simple heuristic: if any post made by an application was
• Step 2: Once a user installs the app, it redirects the user to a
flagged as malicious by MyPageKeeper, we mark the application
web page where the user is requested to perform tasks, such as
as malicious; as we explain later in Section 5, we find this to be an
completing a survey, again with the lure of fake rewards.
effective technique for identifying malicious apps. By applying this
• Step 3: The app thereafter accesses personal information (e.g., heuristic, we identified 6,350 malicious apps. Interestingly, we find
birth date) from the user’s profile, which the hackers can poten- that several popular applications such as ‘Facebook for Android’
tially use to profit. were also marked as malicious in this process. This is in fact the
• Step 4: The app makes malicious posts on behalf of the user result of hackers exploiting Facebook weaknesses as we describe
to lure the user’s friends to install the same app (or some other later in Section 6.2. To avoid such mis-classifications, we verify ap-
malicious app, as we will see later). plications using a whitelist that is created by considering the most
This way the cycle continues with the app or colluding apps popular apps and significant manual effort. After whitelisting, we
reaching more and more users. Personal information or surveys are left with 6,273 malicious applications (D-Sample dataset in Ta-
can be “sold" to third parties [2] to eventually profit the hackers. ble 1). Table 2 shows the top five malicious applications, in terms
of number of posts per application.
2.2 MyPageKeeper The D-Sample dataset: Including benign applications. To
MyPageKeeper [14] is a Facebook app designed for detecting select an equal number of benign apps from the initial D-Total
malicious posts on Facebook. Once a Facebook user installs My- dataset, we use two criteria: (a) none of their posts were identi-
PageKeeper, it periodically crawls posts from the user’s wall and fied as malicious by MyPageKeeper, and (b) they are “vetted" by
news feed. MyPageKeeper then applies URL blacklists as well as Social Bakers [19], which monitors the "social marketing success"
custom classification techniques to identify malicious posts. Our of apps. This process yields 5,750 applications, 90% of which have
previous work [41] shows that MyPageKeeper detects malicious a user rating of at least 3 out of 5 on Social Bakers. To match the
posts with high accuracy—97% of posts flagged by it indeed point number of malicious apps, we add the top 523 applications in D-
to malicious websites and it incorrectly flags only 0.005% of be- Total (in terms of number of posts) and obtain a set of 6,273 benign
nign posts. applications. The D-Sample dataset (Table 1) is the union of these
The key thing to note here is that MyPageKeeper identifies so- 6,273 benign applications with the 6,273 malicious applications ob-
cial malware at the granularity of individual posts, without group-
ing together posts made by any given application. In other words, 1
Note that Facebook has deprecated the app directory in 2011,
for every post that it crawls from the wall or news feed of a sub- therefore there is no central directory available for the entire list
scribed user, MyPageKeeper’s determination of whether to flag that of Facebook apps [9].


tained earlier. The most popular benign apps are FarmVille, Face- 100 %

% of malicious apps
book for iPhone, Mobile, Facebook for Android, and Zoo World. 80 %
For profiling apps, we collect the information for apps that is 60 %
readily available through Facebook. We use a crawler based on the
Firefox browser instrumented with Selenium [18]. From March to 40 %
May 2012, we crawl information for every application in our D- 20 %
Sample dataset once every week. We collected app summaries and
their permissions, which requires two different crawls as discussed 10
below. Sum of clicks of all links posted by the app
The D-Summary dataset: Apps with app summary. We col-
lect app summaries through the Facebook Open graph API, which Figure 3: Clicks received by links posted by malicious apps.
is made available by Facebook at a URL of the form https:
//; Facebook has a unique
identifier for each application. An app summary includes several 100 %

% of malicious apps
pieces of information such as application name, description, com- 80 %
pany name, profile link, and monthly active users. If any application
has been removed from Facebook, the query results in an error. We 60 %
were able to gather the summary for 6,067 benign and 2,528 mali- 40 %
cious apps (D-Summary dataset in Table 1). It is easy to understand 20 % Median MAU
why malicious apps were more often removed from Facebook. Max MAU
The D-Inst dataset: App permissions. We also want to study 0%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
the permissions that apps request at the time of installation. For ev-
ery application App_ID, we crawl https://www.facebook. MAU achieved by apps
com/apps/application.php?id=App_ID, which usually
Figure 4: Median and maximum MAU achieved by malicious apps.
redirects to the application’s installation URL. We were able to get
the permission set for 487 malicious and 2,255 benign applications
in our dataset. Automatically crawling the permissions for all apps
is not trivial [29], as different apps have different redirection pro- 3. PREVALENCE OF MALICIOUS APPS
cesses, which are intended for humans and not for crawlers. As
The driving motivation for detecting malicious apps stems from
expected, the queries for apps that are removed from Facebook fail
the suspicion that a significant fraction of malicious posts on Face-
here as well.
book are posted by apps. We find that 53% of malicious posts
The D-ProfileFeed: Posts on the app profile. Users can make
flagged by MyPageKeeper were posted by malicious apps. We
posts on the profile page of an app, which we can call the profile
further quantify the prevalence of malicious apps in two different
feed of the app. We collect these posts using the Open graph API
from Facebook. The API returns posts appearing on the applica-
60% of malicious apps get at least a hundred thousand clicks
tion’s page, with several attributes for each post, such as message,
on the URLs they post. We quantify the reach of malicious apps
link, and create time. Of the apps in the D-Sample dataset, we were
by determining the number of clicks on the the links included in
able to get the posts for 6,063 benign and 3,227 malicious apps.
malicious posts. For each malicious app in our D-Sample dataset,
We construct the D-Complete dataset by taking the intersection of
we identify all URLs in posts made by that application.
D-Summary, D-Inst, and D-ProfileFeed datasets.
We focus on URLs since offers an API [6] for
Coverage: While the focus of our study is to highlight the differ-
querying the number of clicks received by every link; thus
ences between malicious and benign apps and to develop a sound
our estimate of the number of clicks received by every application
methodology to detect malicious apps, we cannot aim to detect all
is strictly a lower bound. On the other hand, each link
malicious apps present on Facebook. This is because MyPage-
that we consider here could potentially also have received clicks
Keeper has a limited view of Facebook data—the view provided by
from other sources on web (i.e., outside Facebook); thus, for every
its subscribed users—and therefore it cannot see all the malicious URL, the total number of clicks it received is an upper
apps present on Facebook. However, during the nine month period
bound on the number clicks received via Facebook.
considered in our study, MyPageKeeper observed posts from 111K
Across the posts made by the 6,273 malicious apps in the D-
apps, which constitutes a sizable fraction (over 20%) of the ap-
Sample dataset, we found that 3,805 of these apps had posted 5,700
proximately 500K apps present on Facebook [25]. Moreover, since URLs in total. We queried for the click count of
MyPageKeeper monitors posts from 2.4 million walls on Facebook,
each URL. Fig. 3 shows the distribution across malicious apps of
any malicious app that affected a large fraction of Facebook users
the total number of clicks received by links that they had
is likely to be present in our dataset. Therefore, we speculate that
posted. We see that 60% of malicious apps were able to accumulate
malicious apps missing from our dataset are likely to be those that
over 100K clicks each, with 20% receiving more than 1M clicks
affected only a small fraction of users.
each. The application with the highest number of clicks in
Data privacy: Our primary source of data in this work is our
this experiment—the ‘What is the sexiest thing about you?’ app—
MyPageKeeper Facebook application, which has been approved by
received 1,742,359 clicks.
UCR’s IRB process. In keeping with Facebook’s policy and IRB re-
40% of malicious apps have a median of at least 1000 monthly
quirements, data collected by MyPageKeeper is kept private, since
active users. We examine the reach of malicious apps by inspect-
it crawls posts from the walls and news feeds of users who have ex-
ing the number of users that these applications had. To study this,
plicitly given it permission to do so at the time of MyPageKeeper
we use the Monthly Active Users (MAU) metric provided by Face-
installation. In addition, we also use data obtained via Facebook’s
book for every application. The number of Monthly Active Users
open graph API, which is publicly accessible to anyone.
is a measure of how many unique users are engaged with the appli-


100% 100%
Malicious apps Malicious apps

% of apps
80% Benign apps Benign apps
% of apps 60%
60% 40%
Pub O U E P
20% lish ffline ser bi mail ublish
stre acc rthd acti
am ess ay ons
Category Company Desc

Figure 5: Comparison of apps whether they provide category, com- Figure 6: Top 5 permissions required by benign and malicious apps.
pany name or description of the app.
100 %
Malicious apps

CCDF % of apps
80 % Benign apps
cation over the last 30 days in activities such as installing, posting,
60 %
and liking the app. Fig. 4 plots the distribution of Monthly Active
Users of the malicious apps in our D-Summary dataset. For each 40 %
app, the median and maximum MAU values over the three months 20 %
are shown. We see that 40% of malicious applications had a me-
dian MAU of at least 1000 users, while 60% of malicious appli- 1 10 100
cations achieved at least 1000 during the three month observation
No of permissions requested by the app
period. The top malicious app here—‘Future Teller’—had a maxi-
mum MAU of 260,000 and median of 20,000. Figure 7: Number of permissions requested by every app.

apps that do not configure the description parameter are typically
Given the significant impact that malicious apps have on Face-
less popular (as seen from their monthly active users).
book, we next seek to develop a tool that can identify malicious
applications. Towards developing an understanding of how to build 4.1.2 Required permission set
such a tool, in this section, we compare malicious and benign apps
97% of malicious apps require only one permission from users.
with respect to various features.
Every Facebook application requires authorization by a user before
As discussed previously in Section 2.3, we crawled Facebook
the user can use the app. At the time of installation, every app re-
and obtained several features for every application in our dataset.
quests the user to grant it a set of permissions that it requires. These
We divide these features into two subsets: on-demand features and
permissions are chosen from a pool of 64 permissions pre-defined
aggregation-based features. We find that malicious applications
by Facebook [16]. Example permissions include access to informa-
significantly differ from benign applications with respect to both
tion in the user’s profile such as gender, email, birthday, and friend
classes of features.
list, and permission to post on the user’s wall.
We see how malicious and benign apps compare based on the
4.1 On-demand features permission set that they require from users. Fig. 6 shows the top
The on-demand features associated with an application refer to five permissions required by both benign and malicious apps. Most
the features that one can obtain on-demand given the application’s malicious apps in our D-Inst dataset require only the ‘publish stream’
ID. Such metrics include app name, description, category, com- permission (ability to post on the user’s wall). This permission is
pany, and required permission set. sufficient for making spam posts on behalf of users. In addition,
Fig. 7 shows that 97% of malicious apps require only one permis-
4.1.1 Application summary sion, whereas the same fraction for benign apps is 62%. We believe
Malicious apps typically have incomplete application sum- that this is because users tend not to install apps that require larger
maries. First, we compare malicious and benign apps with re- set of permissions; Facebook suggests that application developers
spect to attributes present in the application’s summary—app de- do not ask for more permissions than necessary since there is a
scription, company name, and category. Description and company strong correlation between the number of permissions required by
are free-text attributes, either of which can be at most 140 charac- an app and the number of users who install it [8]. Therefore, to
ters. On the other hand, category can be selected from a predefined maximize the number of victims, malicious apps seem to follow
(by Facebook) list such as ‘Games’, ‘News’, etc. that matches the this hypothesis and require a small set of permissions.
app functionality best. Application developers can also specify the
company name at the time of app creation. For example, the ‘Mafia 4.1.3 Redirect URI
Wars’ app is configured with description as ‘Mafia Wars: Leave Malicious apps redirect users to domains with poor reputa-
a legacy behind’, company as ‘Zynga’, and category as ‘Games’. tion. In an application’s installation URL, the ‘redirect URI’ pa-
Fig. 5 shows the fraction of malicious and benign apps in the D- rameter refers to the URL where the user is redirected to once she
Summary dataset for which these three fields are non-empty. We installs the app. We extracted the redirect URI parameter from the
see that, while most benign apps specify such information, very installation URL for apps in the D-Inst dataset and queried the trust
rarely malicious apps do so. For example, only 1.4% of malicious reputation scores for these URIs from WOT [22]. Fig. 8 shows the
apps have a non-empty description, whereas 93% of benign apps corresponding score for both benign and malicious apps. WOT as-
configure their summary with a description. We find that the benign signs a score between 0 and 100 for every URI, and we assign a


100 % 100 %
80 % 80 %
% of apps

% of apps
60 % Malicious apps 60 % Malicious apps
40 % Benign apps 40 % Benign apps

20 % 20 %
0% 0%
0 1 2 3
0 20 40 60 80 100 10 10 10 10
WOT trust score No of posts in the app profile

Figure 8: WOT trust score of the domain that apps redirect to upon Figure 9: Number of posts in app profile page.

Domains Hosting # of malicious apps 4.1.5 Posts in app profile 34 53 97% of malicious apps do not have posts in their profiles. An 82 application’s profile page presents a forum for users to communi- 96 cate with the app’s developers (e.g., to post comments or questions 138 about the app) or vice-versa (e.g., for the app’s developers to post
Table 3: Top five domains hosting malicious apps in D-Inst dataset. updates about the application). Typically, an app’s profile page thus
accumulates posts over time. We examine the number of such posts
on the profile pages of applications in our dataset. As discussed
score of −1 to the domains for which the WOT score is not avail- earlier in Sec. 2.3, we were able to crawl the app profile pages for
able. We see that 80% of malicious apps point to domains for 3,227 malicious apps and 6,063 benign apps.
which WOT does not have any reputation score, and in addition, From Fig. 9, which shows the distribution of the number of posts
95% of malicious apps have a score less than 5. In contrast, we found in the profile pages for benign and malicious apps, we find
find that 80% of benign apps have redirect URIs pointing to the that 97% of malicious apps do not have any posts in their profiles. domain and therefore have higher WOT For the remaining 3%, we see that their profile pages include posts
scores. We speculate that malicious apps redirect users to web that advertise URLs pointing to phishing scams or other malicious
pages hosted outside of Facebook so that the same spam/malicious apps. For example, one of the malicious apps has 150 posts in its
content, e.g., survey scams, can also be propagated by other means profile page and all of those posts publish URLs pointing to differ-
such as email and Twitter spam. ent phishing pages with URLs such as http://2000forfree.
Furthermore, we found several instances where a single domain and http://free-offers-sites.blogspot.
hosts the URLs to which multiple malicious apps redirect upon in- com/. Thus, the profile pages of malicious apps either have no
stallation. For example, hosts the redi- posts or are used to advertise malicious URLs, to which any visi-
rect URI for 138 different malicious apps in our D-Inst dataset. tors of the page are exposed.
Table 3 shows the top five such domains; these five domains host
the content for 83% of the 491 malicious apps in the D-Inst dataset. 4.2 Aggregation-based features
4.1.4 Client ID in app installation URL Next, we analyze applications with respect to aggregation-based
features. Unlike the features we considered so far, aggregation-
78% of malicious apps trick users into installing other apps
based features for an app cannot be obtained on-demand. Instead,
by using a different client ID in their app installation URL. For
we envision that aggregation-based features are gathered by enti-
a Facebook application with ID A, the application installation URL
ties that monitor the posting behavior of several applications across
users and across time. Entities that can do so include Facebook se-
id=A. When any user visits this URL, Facebook queries the appli-
curity applications installed by a large population of users, such as
cation server registered for app A to fetch several parameters, such
MyPageKeeper, or Facebook itself. Here, we consider two aggregation-
as the set of permissions required by the app. Facebook then redi-
based features: similarity of app names, and the URLs posted by an
rects the user to a URL which encodes these parameters in the URL.
application over time. We compare these features across malicious
One of the parameters in this URL is the ‘client ID’ parameter. If
and benign apps.
the user accepts to install the application, the ID of the application
which she will end up installing is the value of the client ID parame-
ter. Ideally, as described in the Facebook app developer tutorial [8],
4.2.1 App name
this client ID should be identical to the app ID A, whose installation 87% of malicious apps have an app name identical to that of
URL the user originally visited. However, in our D-Inst dataset, we at least one other malicious app. An application’s name is con-
find that 78% of malicious apps use a client ID that differs from the figured by the app’s developer at the time of the app’s creation on
ID of the original app, whereas only 1% of benign apps do so. A Facebook. Since the app ID is the unique identifier for every ap-
possible reason for this is to increase the survivability of apps. As plication on Facebook, Facebook does not impose any restrictions
we show later in Sec. 6, hackers create large sets of malicious apps on app names. Therefore, although Facebook does warn app de-
with similar names, and when a user visits the installation URL for velopers not to violate the trademark or other rights of third-parties
one of these apps, the user is randomly redirected to install any one during app configuration, it is possible to create multiple apps with
of these apps. This ensures that, even if one app from the set gets the same app name.
blacklisted, others can still survive and propagate on Facebook. We examine the similarity of names across applications. To
measure the similarity between two app names, we compute the
Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance [30] between the two names


Reduction to % of clusters
100 %
100% Malicious Benign
80 %

% of apps
60% 60 %

40% 40 %

20% 20 % Malicious apps

Benign apps
0% 0%
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Similarity threshold External link to post ratio

Figure 10: Clustering of apps based on similarity in names. Figure 12: Distribution of external links to post ratio across apps.

100 % book can optionally include an URL. Here, we analyze the URLs
Malicious apps included in posts made by malicious and benign apps. For ev-
CCDF % of clusters

Benign apps ery app in our D-Sample dataset, we aggregate the posts seen by
MyPageKeeper over our nine month data gathering period and the
10 % URLs seen across these posts. We consider every URL pointing to
a domain outside of as an external link. We then
define a ‘external link to post ratio’ measure for every app as the
1% ratio of the number of external links posted by the app to the total
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 number of posts made by it.
Size of clusters Fig. 12 shows that the external link to post ratios for malicious
apps are significantly higher than those for benign apps. We see
Figure 11: Size of app clusters with identical names. that 80% of benign apps do not post any external links, whereas
40% of malicious apps have one external link on average per post.
and normalize this distance with the maximum of the lengths of the This shows that malicious apps often attempt to lead users to web
two names. We then apply different thresholds on the similarity pages hosted outside Facebook, whereas the links posted by benign
scores to cluster apps in the D-Sample dataset based on their name; apps are almost always restricted to URLs in the
we perform this clustering separately among malicious and benign domain.
apps. Note that malicious apps could post shortened URLs that point
Fig. 10 shows the ratio of the number of clusters to the number back to Facebook, thus potentially making our external link counts
of apps, for various thresholds of similarity; a similarity threshold over-estimates. However, we find that malicious apps rarely do so.
of 1 clusters applications that have identical app names. We see In our D-Sample dataset, we find 5700 URLs (which consti-
that malicious apps tend to cluster to a significantly larger extent tute 92% of all shortened URLs) were posted by malicious apps.
than benign apps. For example, even when only clustering apps’s API allowed us to determine the full URL corresponding to
with identical names (similarity threshold = 1), the number of clus- 5197 of these 5700 URLs, and only 386 of these URLs (< 10%)
ters for malicious apps is less than one-fifth that of the number of pointed back to Facebook.
malicious apps, i.e., on average, 5 malicious apps have the same
name. Fig. 11 shows that close to 10% of clusters based on identi-
cal names have over 10 malicious apps in each cluster. For exam- 5. DETECTING MALICIOUS APPS
ple, 627 different malicious apps have the same name ‘The App’. Having analyzed the differentiating characteristics of malicious
On the contrary, even with a similarity threshold of 0.7, the number and benign apps, we next use these features to develop efficient
of clusters for benign apps is only 20% lesser than the number of classification techniques to identify malicious Facebook applica-
apps. As a result, as seen in Fig. 11, most benign apps have unique tions. We present two variants of our malicious app classifier—
names. FRAppE Lite and FRAppE. It is important to note that MyPage-
Moreover, while most of the clustering of app names for ma- Keeper, our source of “ground truth" data, cannot detect malicious
licious apps occurs even with a similarity threshold of 1, there is apps; it only detects malicious posts on Facebook. Though mali-
some reduction in the number of clusters with lower thresholds. cious apps are the dominant source of malicious posts, MyPage-
This is due to hackers attempting to “typo-squat" on the names of Keeper is agnostic about the source of the posts that it classifies. In
popular benign applications. For example, the malicious applica- contrast, FRAppE Lite and FRAppE are designed to detect mali-
tion ‘FarmVile’ attempts to take advantage of the popular ‘Far- cious apps. Therefore, given an app ID, MyPageKeeper cannot say
mVille’ app name, whereas the ‘Fortune Cookie’ malicious ap- whether it is malicious or not, whereas FRAppE Lite and FRAppE
plication exactly copies the popular ‘Fortune Cookie’ app name. can do so.
However, we find that a large majority of malicious apps in our D-
Sample dataset show very little similarity with the 100 most popu- 5.1 FRAppE Lite
lar benign apps in our dataset. Our data therefore seems to indicate FRAppE Lite is a lightweight version which makes use of only
that hackers creating several apps with the same name to conduct a the application features available on-demand. Given a specific app
campaign is more common than malicious apps typo-squatting on ID, FRAppE Lite crawls the on-demand features for that applica-
the names of popular apps. tion and evaluates the application based on these features in real-
time. We envision that FRAppE Lite can be incorporated, for ex-
4.2.2 External link to post ratio ample, into a browser extension that can evaluate any Facebook
Malicious apps often post links pointing to domains outside application at the time when a user is considering installing it to
Facebook, whereas benign apps rarely do so. Any post on Face- her profile.


Features Source
Is category specified?
Is company name specified?
Is description specified?
Any posts in app profile page?
Number of permissions required
Is client ID different from app ID?
Domain reputation of redirect URI and WOT
Table 4: List of features used in FRAppE Lite.

Training Ratio Accuracy FP FN Feature Accuracy FP FN

1:1 98.5% 0.6% 2.5% Category specified? 76.5% 45.8% 1.2%
4:1 99.0% 0.1% 4.7% Company specified? 72.1% 55.0% 0.8%
7:1 99.0% 0.1% 4.4% Description specified? 97.8% 3.3% 1.0%
10:1 99.5% 0.1% 5.5% Posts in profile? 96.9% 4.3% 1.9%
Client ID is same? 88.5% 1.0% 22.0%
Table 5: Cross validation with FRAppE Lite. WOT trust score 91.9% 13.4% 2.9%
Permission count 73.3% 49.3% 4.1%

Table 4 lists the features used as input to FRAppE Lite and the Table 6: Classification accuracy with individual features.
source of each feature. All of these features can be collected on- Feature Description
demand at the time of classification and do not require prior knowl- App name similarity Is app’s name identical to a known
edge about the app being evaluated. malicious app?
We use the Support Vector Machine (SVM) [28] classifier for External link to post ratio Fraction of app’s posts that contain
classifying malicious apps. SVM is widely used for binary classi- links to domains outside Facebook
fication in security and other disciplines [35, 39]. The effectiveness Table 7: Additional features used in FRAppE.
of SVM depends on the selection of kernel, the kernel’s parameters,
and soft margin parameter C. We used the default parameter values
in libsvm [28] such as radial basis function as kernel with degree highest accuracy (97.8%) with low false positives (3.3%) and false
3, coef0 = 0 and C = 1 [28]. We use the D-Complete dataset negatives (1.0%). On the flip side, classification based solely on
for training and testing the classifier. As shown earlier in Table 1, any one of the ‘Category’, ‘Company’, or ‘Permission count’ fea-
the D-Complete dataset consists of 487 malicious apps and 2,255 tures results in a large number of false positives, whereas relying
benign apps. solely on client IDs yields a high false negative rate.
We use 5-fold cross validation on the D-Complete dataset for
training and testing FRAppE Lite’s classifier. In 5-fold cross vali- 5.2 FRAppE
dation, the dataset is randomly divided into five segments, and we Next, we consider FRAppE—a malicious app detector that uti-
test on each segment independently using the other four segments lizes our aggregation-based features in addition to the on-demand
for training. We use accuracy, false positive (FP) rate, and false features. Table 7 shows the two features that FRAppE uses in ad-
negative (FN) rate as the three metrics to measure the classifier’s dition to those used in FRAppE Lite. Since the aggregation-based
performance. Accuracy is defined as the ratio of correctly iden- features for an app require a cross-user and cross-app view over
tified apps (i.e., a benign/malicious app is appropriately identified time, in contrast to FRAppE Lite, we envision that FRAppE can
as benign/malicious) to the total number of apps. False positive be used by Facebook or by third-party security applications that
(negative) rate is the fraction of benign (malicious) apps incorrectly protect a large population of users.
classified as malicious (benign). Here, we again conduct a 5-fold cross validation with the D-
We conduct four separate experiments with the ratio of benign Complete dataset for various ratios of benign to malicious apps.
to malicious apps varied as 1:1, 4:1, 7:1, and 10:1. In each case, In this case, we find that, with a ratio of 7:1 in benign to mali-
we sample apps at random from the D-Complete dataset and run cious apps, FRAppE’s additional features improve the accuracy to
a 5-fold cross validation. Table 5 shows that, irrespective of the 99.5%, as compared to 99.0% with FRAppE Lite. Furthermore,
ratio of benign to malicious apps, the accuracy is above 98.5%. the false negative rate decreases from 4.4% to 4.1%, and we do not
The higher the ratio of benign to malicious apps, the classifier gets have a single false positive.
trained to minimize false positives, rather than false negatives, in
order to maximize accuracy. However, we note that the false posi- 5.3 Identifying new malicious apps
tive and negative rates are below 0.6% and 5.5% in all cases. The We next train FRAppE’s classifier on the entire D-Sample dataset
ratio of benign to malicious apps in our dataset is equal to 7:1; (for which we have all the features and the ground truth classifica-
of the 111K apps seen in MyPageKeeper’s data, 6,273 apps were tion) and use this classifier to identify new malicious apps. To do
identified as malicious based on MyPageKeeper’s classification of so, we apply FRAppE to all the apps in our D-Total dataset that are
posts and an additional 8,051 apps are found to be malicious, as we not in the D-Sample dataset; for these apps, we lack information as
show later. Therefore, we can expect FRAppE Lite to offer roughly to whether they are malicious or benign. Of the 98,609 apps that
99.0% accuracy with 0.1% false positives and 4.4% false negatives we test in this experiment, 8,144 apps were flagged as malicious by
in practice. FRAppE.
To understand the contribution of each of FRAppE Lite’s fea- Validation. Since we lack ground truth information for these
tures towards its accuracy, we next perform 5-fold cross validation apps flagged as malicious, we apply a host of complementary tech-
on the D-Complete dataset with only a single feature at a time. niques to validate FRAppE’s classification. We next describe these
Table 6 shows that each of the features by themselves too result validation techniques; as shown in Table 8, we were able to validate
in reasonably high accuracy. The ‘Description’ feature yields the 98.5% of the apps flagged by FRAppE.


Criteria # of apps validated Cumulative

1584 apps
Deleted from Facebook graph 6,591(81%) 6,591 (81%) Promoter
App name similarity 6,055(74%) 7,869 (97%)
Post similarity 1,664 (20%) 7,907(97%)
Typosquatting of popular apps 5(0.1%) 7,912(97%)
Manual validation 147 (1.8%) 8051 (98.5%)
Total validated - 8051(98.5%) Dual Role Promotee
Unknown - 93 (1.5%) Apps Apps
Table 8: Validation of apps flagged by FRAppE. 1024 apps 3723 apps
Figure 13: Relationship between collaborating applications
Deleted from Facebook graph: Facebook itself monitors its plat-
form for malicious activities, and it disables and deletes from the
Facebook graph malicious apps that it identifies. If the Facebook 100 %
API ( returns false 80 %

% of apps
for a particular app ID, this indicates that the app no longer ex-
60 %
ists on Facebook; we consider this to be indicative of blacklisting
by Facebook. This technique validates 81% of the malicious apps 40 %
identified by FRAppE. Note that Facebook’s measures for detecting 20 %
malicious apps are however not sufficient; of the 1,464 malicious
apps identified by FRAppE (that were validated by other techniques 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
below) but are still active on Facebook, 35% have been active on
Local clustering coefficient
Facebook since over four months with 10% dating back to over
eight months. Figure 14: Local clustering coefficient of apps in the Collaboration
App name similarity: If an application’s name exactly matches graph.
that of multiple malicious apps in the D-Sample dataset, that app
too is likely to be part of the same campaign and therefore ma-
licious. On the other hand, we found several malicious apps us-
ing version numbers in their name (e.g., ‘Profile Watchers v4.32’, fact that malicious apps do not operate in isolation—many mali-
‘How long have you spent logged in? v8’). Therefore, in addition, cious apps share the same name, several of them redirect to the
if an app name contains a version number at the end and the rest same domain upon installation, etc. Upon deeper investigation, we
of its name is identical to multiple known malicious apps that sim- identify a worrisome and, at the same time, fascinating trend: mali-
ilarly use version numbers, this too is indicative of the app likely cious apps work collaboratively in promoting each other. Namely,
being malicious. apps make posts that contain links to the installation pages of other
Posted link similarity: If an URL posted by an app matches the apps. We use the term AppNets do describe these colluding groups;
URL posted by a previously known malicious app, then these apps we claim that they are for the social world what botnets are for the
are likely part of the same spam campaign, thus validating the for- world of physical devices.
mer as malicious.
Typosquatting of popular app: If an app’s name is “typosquat- 6.1 The emergence of AppNets
ting" that of a popular app, we consider it malicious. For example, We identify 6,331 malicious apps in our dataset that engage in
we found five apps named ‘FarmVile’, which are seeking to lever- collaborative promotion. Among them, 25% are promoters, 58.8%
age the popularity of ‘FarmVille’. are promotees, and the remaining 16.2% play both roles. Here,
Manual verification: Lastly, for the remaining 232 apps un- when app1 posts a link pointing to app2, we refer to app1 as the
verified by the above techniques, we first cluster them based on promoter and app2 as the promotee. Fig. 13 shows this relationship
name similarity among themselves and verify one app from each between malicious apps. Intrigued, we study this group of applica-
cluster with cluster size greater than 4. For example, we find 83 tions further.
apps named ‘Past Life’. This enabled us to validate an additional AppNets form large and densely connected groups. Let us
147 apps marked as malicious by FRAppE. consider the graph that is created by having an edge between any
Validation of ground truth. Note that some of the above- two apps that collude, i.e., an edge from app1 to app2 if the former
mentioned techniques also enable us to validate the heuristic we promotes the latter. We call this graph the Collaboration graph. In
used to identify malicious apps in all of our datasets: if any post this graph, we identify 44 connected components among the 6,331
made by an application was flagged as malicious by MyPage- malicious apps. The top 5 connected components have large sizes:
Keeper, we marked the application as malicious. As of October 3484, 770, 589, 296, and 247.
2012, we find that, out of the 6273 malicious apps in our D-Sample Upon further analysis of these components, we find:
dataset, 5440 apps have been deleted from the Facebook graph. • High connectivity: 70% of the apps collude with more than 10
An additional 667 apps have an identical name to one of the 5440 other apps. The maximum number of collusions that an app is
deleted apps. Therefore, we believe that the false positive rate in involved in is 417.
the data that we use to train FRAppE Lite and FRAppE is at most • High local density: 25% of the apps have a local clustering coef-
2.6%. ficient 2 larger than 0.74 as shown in Fig. 14.

6. THE MALICIOUS APPS ECOSYSTEM Local clustering coefficient for a node is the number of edges
among the neighbors of a node over the maximum possible num-
Equipped with an accurate classifier for detecting malicious ber of edges among those nodes. Thus, a clique neighborhood has
apps, we next analyze how malicious Facebook apps support each a coefficient of value 1, while a disconnected neighborhood (the
other. Some of our analysis in Sec. 4 is already indicative of the neighbors of the center of a star graph) has a value of 0.


Layer 1 100

% of malicious apps
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Figure 15: Example of collusion graph between applications.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Malicious posts to all posts ratio
As an example, in Fig. 15, we show the local neighborhood of
the “Death Predictor” app, which has 26 neighbors and has a lo- Figure 16: Distribution across apps of the fraction of an app’s posts
cal clustering coefficient of 0.87. Interestingly, 22 of the node’s that are malicious.
neighbors share the same name.
App collusion happens in two different ways. The promoting
app can post a link that points directly to another app, or it can post ‘Share’ a malicious post to get promised gifts. When the vic-
a link that points to a redirection URL, which points dynamically tim tries to share the malicious post, hackers invoke the Face-
to multiple different apps. book API call
a. Posting direct links to other apps. We find 692 promoter prompt_feed.php?api_key=POP_APPID, which results in
apps in our D-Sample dataset which promoted 1,806 different apps the shared post being made on behalf of the popular app
using direct links. This activity was intense: 15% of the promoters POP_APPID. The vulnerability here is that any one can perform
promoted at least 5 promotee apps. For example, ‘The App’ was this API call, and Facebook does not authenticate that the post is
promoting 24 other apps with names ‘The App’ or ‘La App’. indeed being made by the application whose ID is included in the
b. Indirect app promotion. Alternatively, hackers use websites request. We illustrate the app piggybacking mechanism with a real
outside Facebook to have more control and protection in promot- example here: [3].
ing apps. Specifically, a post made by a malicious app includes a We find instances of app piggybacking in our dataset as follows.
shortened URL and that URL, once resolved, points to a website For every app that had at least one post marked as malicious by
outside Facebook. This external website forwards users to several MyPageKeeper, we compute the fraction of that app’s posts that
different app installation pages over time. were flagged by MyPageKeeper. We look for apps where this ratio
The use of the indirection mechanism is quite widespread, as it is low. In Fig. 16, we see that 5% of apps have a malicious posts
provides a layer of protection to the apps involved. We identify 103 to all posts ratio of less than 0.2. For these apps, we manually
indirection websites in our dataset of colluding apps. To identify all examine the malicious posts flagged by MyPageKeeper. Table 9
the landing websites, for one and a half months from mid-March to shows the top five most popular apps that we find among this set.
end of April 2012, we follow each indirection website 100 times a
day using an instrumented Firefox browser.
Apps with the same name often are part of the same AppNet. 7. DISCUSSION
These 103 indirection website were used by 1,936 promoter apps In this section, we discuss potential measures that hackers can
which had only 206 unique app names. The promotees were 4,676 take to evade detection by FRAppE. We also present recommenda-
apps with 273 unique app names. Clearly, there is a very high re- tions to Facebook about changes that they can make to their API to
use of both names and these indirection websites. For example, one reduce abuse by hackers.
indirection website distributed in posts by the app ‘whats my name Robustness of features. Among the various features that we use
means’ points to the installation page of the apps ‘What ur name in our classification, some can easily be obfuscated by malicious
implies!!!’, ‘Name meaning finder’, and ‘Name meaning’. Further- hackers to evade FRAppE in the future. For example, we showed
more, 35% of these websites promoted more than 100 different ap- that, currently, malicious apps often do not include a category, com-
plications each. Following the discussion in Sec. 4.2.1, it appears pany, or description in their app summary. However, hackers can
that every hacker reuses the same names for his applications. Since easily fill in this information into the summary of applications that
all apps underlying a campaign have the same name, if any app in they create from here on. Similarly, FRAppE leveraged the fact
the pool gets black listed, others can still survive and carry on the that profile pages of malicious apps typically have no posts. Hack-
campaign without being noticed by users. ers can begin making dummy posts in the profile pages of their ap-
Amazon hosts a third of these indirection websites. We in- plications to obfuscate this feature and avoid detection. Therefore,
vestigate the hosting infrastructure that enables these redirection some of FRAppE’s features may no longer prove to be useful in
websites. First, we find that most of the links in the posts were the future while others may require tweaking, e.g., FRAppE may
shortened URLs and 80% of them were using the short- need to analyze the posts seen in an application’s profile page to
ening service. We consider all the URLs among our test their validity. In any case, the fear of detection by FRAppE
dataset of indirection links (84 out of 103) and resolve them to will increase the onus on hackers while creating and maintaining
the full URL. We find that one-third of these URLs are hosted on malicious applications. On the other hand, we argue that several features used by
FRAppE, such as the reputation of redirect URIs, the number of
6.2 App piggybacking required permissions, and the use of different client IDs in app in-
From our dataset, we also discover that hackers have found stallation URLs, are robust to the evolution of hackers. For exam-
ways to make malicious posts appear as if they had been posted ple, to evade detection, if malicious app developers were to increase
by popular apps. To do so, they exploit weaknesses in Face- the number of permissions required, they risk losing potential vic-
book’s API. We call this phenomenon app piggybacking. One tims; the number of users that install an app has been observed to
of the ways in which hackers achieve this is by luring users to be inversely proportional to the number of permissions required by


App name # of posts Post msg Link in post

FarmVille 9,621,909 WOW I just got 5000 Facebook Credits for Free
Links 7,650,858 Get your FREE 450 FACEBOOK CREDITS
Facebook for iPhone 5,551,422 NFL Playoffs Are Coming! Show Your Team Support!
Mobile 4,208,703 WOW! I Just Got a Recharge of Rs 500.
Facebook for Android 3,912,955 Get Your Free Facebook Sim Card
Table 9: Top five popular apps being abused by app piggybacking.

the app. Similarly, not using different client IDs in app installation book users, Liu et al. [38] showed that privacy settings in Facebook
URLs would limit the ability of hackers to instrument their appli- rarely match users’ expectations.
cations to propagate each other. We find that a version of FRAppE To address the privacy risks associated with the use of Facebook
that only uses such robust features still yields an accuracy of 98.2%, apps, some studies [27, 45] propose a new application policy and
with false positive and false negative rates of 0.4% and 3.2% on a authentication dialog. Makridakis et al. [40] use a real application
5-fold cross validation. named ‘Photo of the Day’ to demonstrate how malicious apps on
Recommendations to Facebook. Our investigations of ma- Facebook can launch DDoS attacks using the Facebook platform.
licious apps on Facebook identified two key loopholes in Face- King et al. [34] conducted a survey to understand users’ interac-
book’s API which hackers take advantage of. First, as discussed tion with Facebook apps. Similarly, Gjoka et al. [33] study the user
in Sec. 4.1.4, malicious apps use a different client ID value in the reach of popular Facebook applications. On the contrary, we quan-
app installation URL, thus enabling the propagation and promotion tify the prevalence of malicious apps, and develop tools to identify
of other malicious apps. Therefore, we believe that Facebook must malicious apps that use several features beyond the required per-
enforce that when the installation URL for an app is accessed, the mission set.
client ID field in the URL to which the user is redirected must be App rating efforts. Stein et al. [42] describe Facebook’s Im-
identical to the app ID of the original app. We are not aware of mune System (FIS), a scalable real-time adversarial learning sys-
any valid uses of having the client ID differ from the original app tem deployed in Facebook to protect users from malicious activi-
ID. Second, Facebook should restrict users from using arbitrary ties. However, Stein et al. provide only a high-level overview about
app IDs in their prompt feed API: http://www.facebook. threats to the Facebook graph and do not provide any analysis of the
com/connect/prompt_feed.php?api_key=APPID. As system. Furthermore, in an attempt to balance accuracy of detec-
discussed in Sec. 6.2, hackers use this API to piggyback on popular tion with low false positives, it appears that Facebook has recently
apps and spread spam without being detected. softened their controls for handling spam apps [11]. Other Face-
book applications [5,7,15] that defend users against spam and mal-
ware do not provide ratings for apps on Facebook. Whatapp [23]
collects community reviews about apps for security, privacy and
8. RELATED WORK openness. However, it has not attracted much reviews (47 reviews
Detecting spam on OSNs. Gao et al. [32] analyzed posts on available) to date. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to
the walls of 3.5 million Facebook users and showed that 10% of provide a classification of Facebook apps into malicious and benign
links posted on Facebook walls are spam. They also presented tech- categories.
niques to identify compromised accounts and spam campaigns. In
other work, Gao et al. [31] and Rahman et al. [41] develop efficient
techniques for online spam filtering on OSNs such as Facebook.
While Gao et al. [31] rely on having the whole social graph as in- Applications present a convenient means for hackers to spread
put, and so, is usable only by the OSN provider, Rahman et al. [41] malicious content on Facebook. However, little is understood about
develop a third-party application for spam detection on Facebook. the characteristics of malicious apps and how they operate. In this
Others [37,44] present mechanisms for detection of spam URLs on work, using a large corpus of malicious Facebook apps observed
Twitter. In contrast to all of these efforts, rather than classifying in- over a nine month period, we showed that malicious apps differ
dividual URLs or posts as spam, we focus on identifying malicious significantly from benign apps with respect to several features. For
applications that are the main source of spam on Facebook. example, malicious apps are much more likely to share names with
Detecting spam accounts. Yang et al. [46] and Benevenuto et other apps, and they typically request fewer permissions than be-
al. [26] developed techniques to identify accounts of spammers on nign apps. Leveraging our observations, we developed FRAppE, an
Twitter. Others have proposed a honey-pot based approach [36, 43] accurate classifier for detecting malicious Facebook applications.
to detect spam accounts on OSNs. Yardi et al. [47] analyzed behav- Most interestingly, we highlighted the emergence of AppNets—
ioral patterns among spam accounts in Twitter. Instead of focusing large groups of tightly connected applications that promote each
on accounts created by spammers, our work enables detection of other. We will continue to dig deeper into this ecosystem of ma-
malicious apps that propagate spam and malware by luring normal licious apps on Facebook, and we hope that Facebook will benefit
users to install them. from our recommendations for reducing the menace of hackers on
App permission exploitation. Chia et al. [29] investigated the their platform.
privacy intrusiveness of Facebook apps and concluded that cur-
rently available signals such as community ratings, popularity, and 10. REFERENCES
external ratings such as Web of Trust (WOT) as well as signals
from app developers are not reliable indicators of the privacy risks [1] 100 social media statistics for 2012.
associated with an app. Also, in keeping with our observation,
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missions. They also found that ‘Lookalike’ applications that have [2] 11 Million Bulk email addresses for sale - Sale Price $90.
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