The Potsdam Police Department blotter summarizes three incidents from January 9, 2019. Vincent Perelli, 46, was issued tickets for disorderly conduct and harassment after an incident at a hospital. Quintana Hart, 22, was ticketed for failing to yield after a two-car accident. Noah Robinson, 21, was ticketed for speeding at 43 mph in a 30 mph zone on Maple Street.
The Potsdam Police Department blotter summarizes three incidents from January 9, 2019. Vincent Perelli, 46, was issued tickets for disorderly conduct and harassment after an incident at a hospital. Quintana Hart, 22, was ticketed for failing to yield after a two-car accident. Noah Robinson, 21, was ticketed for speeding at 43 mph in a 30 mph zone on Maple Street.
The Potsdam Police Department blotter summarizes three incidents from January 9, 2019. Vincent Perelli, 46, was issued tickets for disorderly conduct and harassment after an incident at a hospital. Quintana Hart, 22, was ticketed for failing to yield after a two-car accident. Noah Robinson, 21, was ticketed for speeding at 43 mph in a 30 mph zone on Maple Street.
The Potsdam Police Department blotter summarizes three incidents from January 9, 2019. Vincent Perelli, 46, was issued tickets for disorderly conduct and harassment after an incident at a hospital. Quintana Hart, 22, was ticketed for failing to yield after a two-car accident. Noah Robinson, 21, was ticketed for speeding at 43 mph in a 30 mph zone on Maple Street.
Release/Return: Town of Potsdam Court; January 23, 2019 at 12:00pm.
The above listed subject was issued two Appearance Tickets for the above listed Narrative: charges, after patrols responded to a complaint for a disorderly male subject received on 1/8/19 at Canton Potsdam Hospital.
Name: Quintana L. Hart Age: 22
City/Town/Village Fort Covington State: NY Date: 01/09/19
Charge: Fail to Yield Right of Way When Entering Roadway Time: 9:14 pm
Location: Main Street
Release/Return: Town of Potsdam Court; January 23, 2019 at 10:00 am.
The above listed subject was issued a Uniform Traffic Ticket after patrols responded to a 2-car property damage accident. Listed subject was found to be Narrative: at fault for the accident due to failing to yield the right of way when entering Main Street
Name: Noah C. Robinson Age: 21
City/Town/Village Mississauga State: ON Date: 01/09/19
Charge: Speed in Zone Time: 9:00 pm
Location: Maple Street
Release/Return: Town of Potsdam Court; January 23, 2019 at 10:00 am.
The above listed subject was issued a Uniform Traffic Ticket after patrol observed Narrative: subject traveling at a high rate of speed on Maple Street. Radar confirmed a speed of 43 MPH in a 30 MPH zone. 0226 Potsdam Rescue dispatched to a call