SV Cert

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You are on page 1of 3 TRANSMITTAL OF CERTIFICATES DANCOMECH ENGINEERING SDN BHD No. 19 Jalan Pelukis U1/46 Hicom Gienmarie Ternasya Industrial Park ‘40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia 1 LESER Product designation High Perfomance Sey Ret Valo, Type 44 DIN, coves bonnet gasignt cap #2, ‘or seam, gs and iu serve foustamers Odeo: erasure lLeseRtoo-nrs 20379695 90 lLeSeR.customeretio: 116149 lesen conace ool Hertomt! For 0402516573 Fax: 040251 65 500 omar c orto a wana | aes [saree Teste Tee Poa ean: ST = a sat Out. teist Sitt® arenas || Teme} —TraneRTSE oreo ona] PO TP 2 inspection certificates one besten ston scton Laser con imp Cee 31 be 2 zu Lesehemieecremsee sme, wana ean Lenn tec PERLE BE om BERETS Sehwesebiaie” SEAR BERGE LESER CERTIFICATE FOR GLOBAL APPLICATION Inspection certificate 3.1 according to DIN EN 10204 Declaration of conformity according to Pressure Equipment Directive 201 4/68/EU LSSERnH A Co.KG. Pnton 8 6512 DANCOMECH ENGINEERING SON BHD ‘customers Onder No: USTIBouB No. 19 Jalan Pelukis U1/46 : 20979695 90 Hicom Glenmarie Temasya Industrial Park sens 40150 Shah Alam. 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KG, Grote Bahnsae 3, 0-22525 Hamburg Cieaton No. 045 LESER ManegamentSistoms: _QualtyManacement System DIN EN 180 900% Eitonmentlonagemant Syston DIN EN 150 14001 Producson Qusly Assuanco PED 20%4I6/EU Mecul DIOt [ASME Cerin of Aunoreaton ASME Code Sec il, 1 3 Regulations 131 LESER cafe wi bis CGA that desgr, mating, prodoton an aporvel ofthis pressure equlsment conesponds fo the requtements of he falowng harmonized standards ane thee reputons Hemeonized standards: Oe egulaons: DINEN 80 4r26-1 Pep 2oveeacu vaTow sv 100 ASE Cade ee. APIRP S24 DIN EN 15041287 ‘AD 2000-Meibiat A2 |ASME-Code See VSIDW.4 APL SH. 525 DIN EN 1228 ‘AD zoocatenbiat At asus Pre25 et si 827 DINEN 122662 ‘AD2000.Mertit HPO PIR 520 AIRE 876 LESER omits co xo ent Aro 222189 ESR Tesaey ahem op 20979535 001 See Ne 11496854 /Pape2 Drecve [ EN [ow EN Ta ASME CoE [ar [aDz000 wera Eh, 82 Tata Co jess [cap iest is2s fas luctamana [a2 faa fozia [qq ies cama [Sea ignore tok iss [eariay lus rsaare) [es aaa [oar ies taare| [Back oat opineas oak la Pe [oa TaN lees caore| Testotopebiiy 7 ao) aS jeosoaire| [Spa griness est eso [cosaaor| oamtetaina 9g? (ggg [ro los Tae lee \cas ome] [Rendecrucive tng car aus Lager sora orca ae Les o2or=| anne usw ofa [easoni0.| [Sue frdmesional [ere [cosoniee| 4 Material suitability and marking “44, LESER certs that he suitbity ofthe used matariscoresponds othe regulations quoted in chapter 3.3. 5 Tests “Tho tes epee inthe folning one wore eazed on tals fo sited LESER standaws witout ary obec: A. 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