Testate Estate of Abada vs. Abaja

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Caponong-Noble proceeds to
G. R. no. 14714531 January 2005 point out several defects in the attestation clause.
Carpio, J.: Caponong-Noble alleges that the attestation clause fails
FACTS: Abada and his wife Toray died without to state the number of pages on which the will is
legitimate children. Abaja, filed with CFI of Negros written. The allegation has no merit. The phrase "en el
Occidental a petition for probate of the will of Abada. margen izquierdo de todas
The latter allegedly named y cada una de las dos hojas de que estacompuesto el
as his testamentary heirs his natural children, Eulogio mismo" which means "in the left margin of each and
Abaja and Rosario Cordova. (respondent Abaja was the every one of the two pages consisting of the same"
son of Eulogio) One Caponong opposed the position on shows that the will consists of two pages. The pages are
the ground that Abaja left no will when he died and if numbered correlatively with the letters "ONE" and
such was really executed by him "TWO" as can be gleaned from
it should be disallowed for the following reasons: (1) it the phrase "las cuales estan paginadascorrelativamente
was not executed and attested as required by law; (2) it con las letras "UNO" y "DOS."Caponong-
was not intended as the last will of the testator; and (3) Noble further alleges that the attestation clause fails to
it wasprocured by undue and improper pressure state expressly that the testator signed the will and its
and influence on the part of thebeneficiaries. Citing the every page in the presence of three witnesses. She then
same grounds invoked by Caponong, the alleged faults the Court of Appeals for applying to the present
intestate heirs of Abada, Joel Abada et. al. also opposed case the rule on substantial compliance found in Article
the petition. The oppositors are the nephews, nieces 809 of the New Civil
and grandchildren of Abada and Toray. Code. The first sentence of the attestation
Respondent Abaja filed another clause reads: "Suscrito y declarado por eltestador Alipio
petition for the probate will of Toray.Caponong and Joel Abada como su ultimavoluntad y testamento en presen
Abada et. al opposed the cia denosotros, habiendo tambien el testador firmado
petition on the same grounds. Caponong en nuestra presencia en el margenizquierdo de todas y
likewise filed a petition praying for the cada una de las
issuance in his name of letters of administration of the i hojasdel mismo." The English translation is:
ntestate estate of Abada and Toray. RTC admitted the "Subscribed and professed by the testator Alipio Abada
probate will of Toray since the oppositors did not file as his last will and testament in our presence, the
any motion for reconsideration, the order allowing the testator having also signed it in our presence on the left
probate of Toray’s will became final andexecutory. The margin of each and every one of the pages of the
court also assigned oneCaponong- same." The attestation clause clearly states that Abada
Noble as special administratix of the estate of Abada signed the will and its every page in the presence of the
and Toray. Caponong – Noble moved for the dismissal witnesses.
of the petition for the probate will of Abada which was
denied by the Court.
During the proceeding, the judgefound out that the mat
ter on hand wasalready submitted for decision by anoth
er judge admitting the probate will of abada. Since
proper notices to the heirs has been complied with as
well as other requirements, the judge ruled in favor of
the validity of the probate will. RTC ruled only on the
issue raised by the oppositors in their motions
to dismiss the petition for probate that is whether the
will of Abada has an attestation clause as
requiredby law. It held that the failure of theoppositors
to raise any other matterforecloses all other issues.
Caponong-Noblefiled a notice of appeal. CA affirmed
RTC’s decision.

ISSUE: Whether or not the CA ruled in sustaining the

RTC admitting the probate willof Abada.
"witnesses may sabotage the will by muddling or bungling
it or the attestation clause."

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