Management of Erythematous Oral Lesions: 2 CE Credits
Management of Erythematous Oral Lesions: 2 CE Credits
Management of Erythematous Oral Lesions: 2 CE Credits
2 CE credits
This course was
written for dentists,
dental hygienists,
and assistants.
Management of Erythematous
Oral Lesions
A Peer-Reviewed Publication
Written by Jeff Burgess, DDS, MSD
This educational activity was developed by PennWell’s Dental Group with no commercial support.
Publication date: March 2015 Supplement to PennWell Publications This course was written for dentists, dental hygienists and assistants, from novice to skilled.
Expiration date: February 2018 Educational Methods: This course is a self-instructional journal and web activity.
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Educational Objectives: secondary problems arising from the initial lesion, (e.g.,
At the conclusion of this educational activity participants secondary infection, tissue morbidity, dry mouth, dental
will be able to: caries, periodontal disease) and support the patient’s
1. Describe interventions used to manage erythematous general health if more extensive medical intervention is
oral lesions. necessary. Home care should be an integral component of
2. Identify the appropriate medication for managing viral therapy and include the following recommendations: hy-
lesions causing erythema. giene maintenance, fluid and nutritional support, adequate
3. Implement treatment strategies for managing a variety rest and OTC pain control.11 Medical assessment should
of oral infections and conditions. be considered when oral erythematous lesions worsen from
4. Identify interventions that constitute palliative home dental intervention or systemic symptoms develop during
care. the course of treatment.
and reduces pain. For the patient with severe oral involve- the risk of resistance20. The current FDA recommendation
ment that prevents eating, nutritional supplements can be and best practices is that systemic acyclovir or valacyclovir
recommended. Meritene® and Ensure Plus® are protein, should be used only for the treatment of HSV-1 stomatitis
vitamin, and mineral food supplements that can be pur- in the immunocompromised patient.
chased over the counter. They are flavored with acceptable In terms of secondary lesions, treatment guidelines are
taste and it is recommended that three servings be taken suggested by the scientific literature. One recent study sug-
each day with their preparation per package labeling gests that frequently occurring secondary (i.e. recurrent)
lesions including intra-oral lesions may be suppressed
Prescribed medications successfully with administration of 500 mg of valacyclovir
There are a number of topical anesthetics16 available that delivered once a day over four months21. Systematic review
can be used alone or compounded with coating agents that of 17 randomized controlled studies further suggests that
effectively reduce pain associated with acute viral disease. acyclovir is equally efficacious as valacyclovir in treating
When prescribing these formulations the patient should be herpes simplex viral infections.22, 23
cautioned regarding potential aspiration as their gag reflex Recurrent lip lesions precipitated by sun exposure may
may be reduced by the anesthetic. be prevented by high SPF sunscreen application.
Topical anesthetic agents (and prescribing information) When oral pain of viral origin is moderate to severe,
include the following: systemic pain medication is also indicated. Acetaminophen
1. Diphenhydramine syrup (OTC) or Benadryl® elixir 325mg with codeine is helpful in reducing pain. Medica-
12.5 mg/5mls; Dispense 4 oz bottle; Sig: Rinse with one tion combinations containing aspirin should be avoided in
teaspoonful for two minutes before each meal and spit children.
2. Diphenhydramine syrup (OTC) 4 oz. with Kaopectate® Fungal Infection
(OTC) 4 oz. to make a 50% mixture of each by volume Candida albicans is the predominant organism that
(Maalox® – OTC, or sucralfate® suspension can be used causes fungal oral infection. However, in the immuno-
instead of the Kaopectate®); Dispense 8 oz.; Sig: Rinse compromised individual other candida species may also
with one teaspoonful every two hours and spit out. be involved. Candida albicans is opportunistic and will
3. Dyclonine HCL (Dyclone®).5% or 1% (One oz. of proliferate when normal oral homeostasis is altered via the
Dyclone® can be added to the topical mixtures listed use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs and im-
above for improved anesthetic efficacy); Dispense one munosuppression or as a consequence of conditions such
once bottle; Sig: Rinse with one teaspoonful before each as diabetes and xerostomia.
meal and spit out. There are several types of fungal conditions including
4. Lidocaine/Prilocaine (EMLA®) 5% cream. Dispense 30 candidiasis (thrush), erythematous candidiasis, median
gm tube; Sig: Apply cream to lesions before each meal. rhomboid glossitis, denture stomatitis and atrophic candi-
5. Benzocaine 20% gel (Ultracare®, Topex®) diasis among other fungal diseases.
Dispense 30 ml bottle; Sig: Apply on a cotton swab to Erythematous candidiasis is characterized by general-
specific lesions for 60 seconds before each meal. ized tissue redness and pain. When localized to the tongue
6. Lidocaine 2% gel. Dispense 30 ml tube; Sig: Apply the the condition is called median rhomboid glossitis or central
gel to the lesions before each meal. papillary atrophy. Denture stomatitis or chronic atrophic
The syrups, elixirs and suspensions listed above are candidiasis is a more generalized condition.24
generally more effective for multiple lesions where cov- In patients with removable prostheses, dental treatment
erage needs to extend over a broad area of mucosa. The should include not only prescription of medication but
creams and gels work best as treatment of single or a limited also instruction on the disinfection of appliances. Denture
number of lesions confined to a discrete area of mucosa. soaking solutions coupled with application of an antifungal
Adverse effects from topical anesthetics are rare when powder or cream to the contacting surface of the appliance
these medications are used judiciously. However compli- helps to prevent reinfection. As an example, an appliance
cations can occur if there is rapid absorption, hypersensi- can be soaked overnight in a one percent chlorhexidine/
tivity or an idiosyncrasy to the prescribed medication. Side hypochlorite solution. In the morning this is followed by
effects include central nervous system excitation or depres- the application of miconazole denture lacquer prior to its
sion, cardiovascular manifestations, and allergic reactions insertion.
(localized or anaphylaxis).17-19 In the patient with dry mouth and candidiasis, chew-
Antiviral medications are not recommended for man- ing gum or candy with xylitol is recommended to stimulate
agement of primary herpetic stomatitis because in the daytime salivary flow. Products that improve night (sleep)
immune competent individual the condition is self limiting dryness such as Xylimelts® help to stimulate flow and alter
and the use of antiviral medication potentially increases the perception of dryness. 3
Antifungal medications found to be useful in treating Systemic antifungal agents are usually prescribed when
oral candidiasis include nystatin (Mycostatin®), the topical agents are not effective or are not practical. They
imidazoles such as clotrimazole and ketoconazole, and are well tolerated but should be used with caution in the
triazole agents such as fluconazole.25,26 patient with impaired liver function. Best practices include
The following describes dosage considerations for a pre-treatment liver function testing and monthly reassess-
number of useful antifungal medications. Topical prepara- ment if ketoconazole or itraconazole is to be prescribed over
tions should be taken for 10-14 days. a prolonged period of time.29, 30 Chronic fungal infection is
1. Nystatin oral suspension 500,000 units/tsp (brand typically associated with suppressed immune function and
names Mycostatin®, Nilstat®, Nystex®); Dispense 240 debilitating disease so these patients will usually be under
mls; Sig: 1 tsp tid; rinse for two minutes and swallow. the care of a medical specialist. If systemic antifungals are
2. Ketoconazole cream 2% (brand name Nizoral®); being considered, consultation with the patient’s physician
Dispense 15 gm tube; Sig: apply to the affected area is imperative. These systemic drugs include: ketoconazole
once daily at bedtime. (Nizoral®), fluconazole (Diflucan®), itraconazole (Sporanox®),
3. Clotrimazole vaginal cream 1% (OTC brand names and amphotericin B (Fungizone®).31, 32
Gyne-Lotrimin®, Mycelex-G®); Dispense one tube;
Sig: apply to the denture or partial and the involved oral Bacterial Infection
mucosa four times a day. Bacterial infection involving the oral mucosa includes
4. Clotrimazole troches 10 mg (brand name Mycelex®); streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis; Group A ß-
Dispense 70 troches; Sig: dissolve one troche in the hemolytic streptococci (Scarlet fever), diphtheria, primary
mouth 5 times a day. Do not chew. syphilis, tuberculosis, and Cancrum Oris (NOMA). Pa-
5. Nystatin Pastilles – 200,000u (brand name Mycostatin® tients with these conditions will likely be under the care of
pastilles); Dispense 70 pastilles; Sig: dissolve one a medical infectious disease specialist; but if they are not,
pastille in the mouth 5 times a day. Do not chew. the best ‘treatment’ a dentist can deliver is recognition of
6. Miconazole nitrate vaginal cream 2% (OTC – brand the disease and prompt referral to a physician for appropri-
name Monistat®); Dispense one tube; Sig: apply to the ate follow-up care.
denture and to the involved oral mucosa four times a Periodontal disease is the most common erythematous
day. oral disease that is caused by bacteria. A complete review
Nystatin ointments and powders can be used to treat ap- of periodontal disease is beyond the scope of this course. In
pliances per the following instructions: brief, the classic dental management of periodontal disease
1. Nystatin ointment; dispense 15 gm tube; Sig: apply includes removal of local factors (e.g., plaque and calculus),
a thin coat to the denture and affected area after each diet and behavior modification and surgical intervention.
meal. Antibiotic usage has been studied as an adjunct to nonsurgi-
2. Nystatin topical powder; dispense 15 gm tube; Sig: cal debridement. The research to date suggests that systemic
apply to dentures/prostheses after each meal and after amoxicillin and metronidazole are effective in reducing the
cleaning the appliance. signs and symptoms of periodontal disease.35 Long-term
Antifungal medication has been associated with allergy use of antibiotic is discouraged because of potential adverse
and GI problems. Nystatin suspension also contains sugar effects and because of the increased possibility of resistance.
so if the patient has teeth, good oral hygiene is important to The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
prevent decay; particularly if treatment is extended over a and the CDC offer some useful periodontal treatment
prolonged period of time. A suspension of nystatin can also guidelines on their Web sites.33, 34
be used as a disinfectant for a patient’s acrylic prostheses (see Other localized infections that can be managed in the
above). It should be appreciated that ketoconazole absorp- dental office include pyogenic granuloma and peripheral
tion is reduced when antacid medication is taken concur- giant cell granuloma. These erythematous growths are non-
rently. The oral use of vaginal creams (miconazole nitrate neoplastic. Dental treatment is surgical. If surgery is to be
vaginal cream or clotrimazole vaginal cream) to treat oral pursued, successful outcome will depend on excising the
candidiasis remains controversial. However sugar content gingival tissue down to the periosteum. Both of these tumor
(in contrast to clotrimazole troches) is minimal in these for- types often recur and re-excision may be necessary. This is
mulations which may be advantageous in cases involving the especially true for pyogenic granuloma if removed during
need for long-term application. In addition, antifungal tro- pregnancy.
ches may not be well tolerated in the patient with dry mouth. One oral bacterial infection that is best co-managed
Pregnant or breast feeding patients should consult with their with the patient’s medical provider is necrotizing stomatitis
physician prior to use of any of these antifungal medications. associated with HIV-infection. Lesions associated with this
All of the troches described above provide good contact of condition typically respond to topical and systemic gluco-
drug with the mucosa over time.27, 28 corticosteroid therapy coupled with systemic antibiotics.
HIV patients can also develop severe recurring aphthous OTC Benadryl® 25 mg/ tsp; swish and spit) to help reduce
ulcers. Pain associated with these lesions is best managed pain and chronic inflammation.
with topical steroids or the topical anesthetic medications Geographic tongue is considered in this section with
detailed in the list under viral infections. In some cases re- contact allergy, even though the etiopathogenesis is un-
calcitrant deep ulcerative lesions can be effectively medically known. This is because there is limited evidence that the
managed and suppressed with systemic thalidomide.36-38 condition might represent a hypersensitivity reaction to
an unknown environmental factor in some individuals.
Contact Allergy Although the condition is typically non-painful and self-
This section covers the dental treatment of mucosal ery- limiting, in the patient that has moderate to severe pain,
thema caused by contact stomatitis (stomatitis venenata), management can be problematic. These patients should be
geographic tongue (areata migrans) and orofacial granulo- advised to avoid hot or spicy food and to reduce exposure
matosis which also causes tongue or lip swelling. In addition to cigarette smoke and certain toothpastes, including those
to erythema and swelling, contact allergy may be associated with whitening chemicals or which are excessively flavored.
with lichenoid change of the mucosa and ulceration. Muco- At present the treatment of symptomatic geographic
sal contact allergies usually take a long time to develop and tongue is based on empirical evidence rather than ran-
are thought to represent a delayed hypersensitivity reaction. domized controlled trials. Topical anesthetics, antihista-
Symptoms of allergy typically include a sensation of mu- mine rinses and corticosteroids such as fluocinonide gel
cosal burning, or dysesthesia and pain. There may also be applied four times daily can help to reduce symptoms. A
increased salivation. recent case study suggests that tacrolimus ointment may
Many foods, chemicals, medications and metals have also be an effective therapy.46 The results of this particular
been associated with oral allergy. For a list of some of these case study are potentially significant because in a recent
offending allergens the reader is referred to the articles by systematic review of studies assessing the efficacy of ta-
Wray and colleagues.39, 40 crolimus ointment in the treatment of atopic dermatitis it
If an acute mucosal allergy is suspected, the patient was found that the drug was as effective as corticosteroid
should be referred for testing. Sensitivity testing via the in reducing symptoms.47 Antihistamine rinses have also
RAST (radioallergosorbent) test is typically performed by been suggested as treatment.48 Another recent study sug-
a medical allergy specialist. If intraoral patch testing is being gests that refractory painful cases may be responsive to cy-
considered, it should be performed by a dentist familiar with closporine (cyclosporine microemulsion pre-concentrate,
such testing (e.g. Oral Medicine) as there is a risk of false 3 mg/kg/day for initial intervention with a reduction to
positive results. Solutions with standard percentages of vari- 1.5 mg/kg/day for maintenance).49 Of potential signifi-
ous metals can be obtained in a commercial patch test kit. cance, a patient with psoriasis and geographic tongue may
These metal samples are then combined with orabase and see the condition resolve with treatment of the psoriasis
placed against the lip or palatal mucosa via a modified splint. skin lesions.
The material is allowed to remain for 24 hours, after which The etiology of orofacial granulomatosis has not been
the tissue can be assessed for reactivity.41 determined and is likely to be complex.50 As the condition
Some of the conditions that should be differentiated may spontaneously remit, treatment is only necessary if
from mucosal allergy prior to treatment include: candidia- there is pain. If food or medication is determined to be
sis, leukoplakia, oral lichen planus, autoimmune blistering causative, it should be eliminated from the diet or use. In
disease, drug reactivity (e.g. lichenoid drug reaction), viral chronic cases involving severe cosmetic deformity or im-
infection and other oral ulcerative diseases. paired oral function, surgical intervention may be neces-
Allergic contact stomatitis is best treated by removing sary. Corticosteroids, including topical application as well
the offending sensitizing agent. This can mean replacing a as systemic delivery, can be helpful. Intralesional cortisone
dental material that is the source of the allergy; for example, injection is indicated for moderate swelling. The literature
restorative materials containing nickel, titanium implants or also suggests that oral tetracycline, anaerobic antibiotics
mercury found in amalgam.42-44 If a food is the cause of the (e.g. dapsone or metronidazole), and topical tacrolimus
allergy the offending agent should be eliminated from the may help to reduce swelling. Other drugs that modulate
diet.45 If a drug has been identified as the cause of oral ery- the immune system such as methotrexate and thalidomide
thema the patient should be cautioned regarding continued have also been reported to be helpful in reducing swelling
use; however, he/she should also be advised to seek medical in severe cases.51
consultation prior to discontinuation of a prescribed drug to
avoid potential systemic complications upon withdrawal. Aphthous Stomatitis
Topical anesthetics such as Dyclonine HCL and cortico- Aphthous stomatitis is characterized by the presence of
steroid such as fluocinonide gel or dexamethasone elixir can multiple ulcers of the oral mucosa with adjacent tissue
be used separately or combined with an antihistamine (e.g. erythema. The treatment of aphthous stomatitis remains 5
largely empirical and includes topical or systemic cortico- reduce secondary infection which can complicate healing
steroids and/or immunosuppressant drugs.52 Aphthous and increase pain.
lesions are self limiting and heal without scarring. Isolated The following list of topical steroids can be used to treat
ulcers, if small, do not typically need prescribed interven- oral ulceration.
tion and can be managed by OTC preparations. 1. Triamcinolone (brand – Kenalog in Orabase®); Dosage
Recurrent severe ulceration requires a more compre- 0.1% (provided in one tube).
hensive work up of the patient to rule out systemic disease. 2. Fluocinonide (brand – Lidex® gel or Lidex® ointment);
Some of the conditions that should be considered in the Dosage 0.05% (provided in one tube).
differential diagnosis include anemia, diabetes mellitus, 3. Clobetasol propionate (brand –Temovate® gel or
PFAPA (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, Temovate® ointment; Dosage 0.05% (provided in one
and adenitis syndrome), Behcet’s disease, inflammatory tube).
bowel disease and immunosuppressive disease. Systemic All three of these corticosteroid mediations should be
disease necessitates comprehensive medical and dental applied after each meal and at bedtime. Clobetasol propio-
management. nate should be applied for three or four days with a break of
If dental trauma is the cause of ulceration, this should three to four days before reapplication. This approach will
be corrected. Other causes such as stress and food allergy, reduce potential steroid side effects.
if deemed contributory, should be treated via stress reduc- For generalized erythema associated with multiple ulcers
tion or dietary restriction.53 an oral rinse may be the best way to achieve effective lesion
A number of topical OTC strategies for suppressing coverage. Dexamethasone (Decadron® elixir) incorporates
developed lesions have been studied and found to be effec- 0.5mg per 5 mls of solution and comes in 100 ml volumes.
tive in reducing lesion duration and pain. However these The patient should rinse with one tsp (5 mls) for 3-4 minutes
preparations do not appear to alter the frequency of recur- four times a day and spit. For severe cases it may be useful
rences or maintain remission. Application of a dissolving to prescribe 320 mls with 15mls swished with swallow four
gum-based patch containing glycyrrhiza (licorice) complex times a day for three days followed by 5mls taken in the same
herbal extract has been found to reduce lesion duration and manner for three days, then 5 mls used for three days with
pain.54 A paste containing Myrtus communis (Myrtle) has swish but with swallowing every other day and finally with
also demonstrated an effect on lesion size and pain sever- 5 mls used four times a day as a rinse with expectoration of
ity. 55 In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled the medication. With steroid use the patient should be moni-
trial, a mouthwash containing Rosa damascena extract tored carefully for emergence of candidiasis. With low doses
also demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of recurrent of steroid potential side effects should be minimal. However
aphthous stomatitis.56 they can be problematic and include CNS stimulation, sleep
Few drugs have been found to reduce the frequency disturbance, and gastrointestinal abnormality including ulcer
and severity of reoccurring aphthous ulcers, however, formation and bleeding. Additionally, in the diabetic patient,
two studies assessing this potential show promise. In one blood glucose levels should be carefully monitored with long
study, Irsogladine prescribed at 2-4 mg/day was found to term use.
be effective in reducing ulcer count and preventing reoc- Recurrent severe debilitating aphthous stomatitis may
curance.57 In a second study, rebamipide was delivered need to be managed with prednisone delivered systemically
at 300mg/day to 35 patients with Behcet’s disease in a at higher doses. A Medrol Dosepak® (methylprednisolone)
randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study. It titrates corticosteroid over a 7 to 10 day period. This option
was well tolerated, reduced the aphthous lesion count and should only be considered by experienced clinicians in co-
improved pain. There were no specific adverse drug reac- operation with the patient’s physician. Azathioprine (Imu-
tions.58 ran®) is a prednisone sparing agent that can be prescribed
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis has been associated concomitantly with steroid but if this course of therapy is
with reduced dietary intake of vitamin B12 and folate.59 to be implemented, a baseline CBC and liver enzyme panel
However vitamin B12 as a cause of aphthous stomatitis should be acquired prior to the start of treatment.64 Addi-
remains controversial and no effect has been observed tional preventative management for candidiasis needs to be
for multivitamin intervention.60 Nonetheless, vitamin B utilized.
12 supplementation has been found to reduce reoccur-
rence of aphthous lesions, even in the absence of clinical Oral Cancer
deficiency.61, 62 Immunomodulating medications such as Dental involvement in the patient with oral cancer usually
the tetracyclines and amlexanox sirolimus, when applied involves oral examination and if neoplasm is suspected,
topically, have anti-inflammatory activity that appears to biopsy of the tissue. Surgical management of carcinoma
reduce the severity of aphthous ulceration.63 Application of is determined by the clinical stage of the disease. Small
a tetracycline solution via cotton swab to a lesion may also lesions identified by biopsy such as squamous cell carci-
noma that are without nodal involvement can be surgically ate benefit. Hydrolytic enzymes appear to reduce moderate
excised (best practices is by an oral surgeon or ENT physi- and severe mucositis and ice chips can prevent mucositis.
cian) using a wide margin technique The treatment of large Other interventions with potential effect (based on only one
lesions or lesions with nodal involvement is complicated. study at the time) include calcium phosphate, honey, oral
Hence the patient with extensive involvement needs to be care protocols, povidone, and zinc sulphate.69
referred so that they can receive comprehensive manage- In general, a multifocal multi-pharmacy approach is
ment by oncology, ENT, and oral (maxillofacial) surgery. necessary in managing oral mucositis, oral pain, dry mouth
Treatment may include radiation and/or chemotherapy and opportunistic infection that can be associated with che-
and oral reconstruction. motherapy and radiation treatment.70
Head and neck cancer radiotherapy and chemotherapy Topical measures effective in reducing oral pain include
can directly impact the oral mucosa and saliva and result in 2% viscous lidocaine HCL (Xylocaine®), dyclonine (Dy-
oral mucositis (OM) which is characterized by ulceration, clone®) and diphenhydramine elixir (Benadryl®, Benalin®).
tissue slough, erythema, and pain. Mucositis can also follow Mouth rinses that may reduce oral discomfort include
chemotherapeutic intervention for other non-oral cancers. alkaline saline (salt/bicarbonate), Biotene®, and sucralfate
The oral conditions that may develop secondary to treat- (Carafate®) suspension. Chlorhexidine gluconate mouth-
ment of oral as well as other forms of cancer include cheilitis, wash (Peridex®, Periogard®) at 0.12% may help in reducing
gingivitis, herpetic gingivostomatitis, oral mucositis (OM), gingivitis. In patients with dry mouth a salivary substitute or
oral candidiasis, periodontitis, and ulceration.65 Recent evi- stimulant should be included to provide the needed protein
dence suggests that the incidence of OM will vary depend- binding to make it effective. Artificial salivas include Sage
ing on the type of chemotherapeutic agent used and the type Moist Plus®, Moi-Stir® and Xero Lube®. Oral moisturizers
of cancer treated.66 include OralBalance® gel and Sage Mouth Moisturizer®.
Dental intervention for patients receiving chemothera- Fluorides should be applied for caries control. These include
peutic agents and radiotherapy includes pre-treatment neutral NaF gel (Thera-Flur-N®) 1.0% which can be applied
preventative hygiene measures and restorative care. After one drop per tooth or via a custom tray, stannous fluoride
lesion development, dental treatment focuses on symp- gel (0.4%) which should be applied in the same manner.
tomatic support including pain relief, reducing periodontal Biotene® toothpaste (OTC), placed on a soft brush that
disease and caries and treating opportunistic infection. In can be made softer by placing it under hot water, can help
the hospital setting dental intervention may be more com- with plaque control. Antifungal medications previously
prehensive and include additional management strategies described will help reduce potential candidiasis.71
for mucositis.
For the dentist asked by a treating physician to provide Vesiculoerosive or Ulcerative Disease
a recommendation about the management of mucositis the
following information may be useful. In the treatment of Benign Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid (BMMP)
oral mucositis, recent evidence suggests that benzydamine Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid (BMMP) is an
hydrochloride (0.15%) used as an oral rinse, swished for autoimmune disease that cleaves the epithelium. This then
30 seconds four times a day, may be more effective than produces fluid filled bullae which rupture and leave the
chlorhexidine and povidone iodine in preventing the devel- mucosal surface raw and erythematous. The condition can
opment of severe mucositis.67 affect the eye, so immediate ophthalmology referral is im-
Results from systematic review of the research literature portant once the disease is confirmed by biopsy.72, 73
published prior to 2007 (Cochrane report) suggest that sev- Relatively small BMMP oral lesions can be managed
eral medications may be more effective in reducing OM than with topical steroids. Severe erosions may require systemic
benzydamine HCL, chlorhexidine and the ‘magic’ mouth steroids and/or azathioprine coupled with analgesics and
rinse (lidocaine solution, diphenhydramine hydrochloride antifungal medication. Since these lesions have significant
and aluminum hydroxide suspension).68 These include al- potential for morbidity, referral should be made to oral
lopurinol, granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating fac- medicine specialists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists and/
tor, immunoglobulin, and human placental extract. In fact, or rheumatologists.74
based on at least one study, allopurinol appears to eradicate
mucositis. The authors of this Cochrane review conclude Lichen Planus
that the evidence for the use of benzydamine HCL does sup- Although the etiology of erosive oral lichen planus (OLP)
port its use as adjuvant treatment. Nonetheless, they further remains unknown, accumulated evidence points to an auto-
conclude that the evidence for the above effective medica- immune problem with a genetic predisposition. The condi-
tions (e.g. allopurinol, etc.) is also weak and ‘unreliable’. tion appears to involve T-cell mediated inflammation of the
A Cochrane review published prior to the 2007 con- tongue, palate, buccal mucosa, and gingiva which leads to
cludes antibiotic pastes or pastilles can also provide a moder- tissue erythema, hyperkeratosis, and the erosions that char- 7
acterize the severe form of the disease.75 There can also be to rinse for 3-4 minutes after each meal with the drug spit
dermal involvement. out. The patient should be monitored for yeast infection and
Asymptomatic reticular lichen planus that does not in- treated accordingly if infection emerges during steroid use.78
volve erosion, erythema or esthetic concern does not need Topical cyclosporine has shown some promise in lim-
intervention. ited trials79. Topical and systemic retinoids (e.g., tretinoin
The rationale for treatment of erosive OLP includes and etretinate) do not appear to be particularly useful.80
suppression of oral lesions, pain control and prevention of Alternate-day treatment protocols, low doses, and adjunc-
secondary fungal infection. Research data regarding efficacy tive therapy have been suggested by at least one expert if the
suggests that there may not be a considerable difference condition is to be treated long-term.77
between current treatment strategies. In a Cochrane review, In a small study, local ultraviolet B phototherapy was
28 randomized controlled clinical trials that assessed symp- found to be effective in treating OLP, suggesting a nonphar-
tomatic treatments for OLP were reviewed. There was no macological approach to the management of the disease. A
specific therapeutic approach that stood out above the others larger randomized controlled trial is needed, however, be-
as a ‘go to’ approach to intervention.76 Topical and systemic fore this approach can be recommended for intervention.81
steroid application is considered a first-line treatment for Pain medications can include acetaminophen prepara-
erosive OLP. However, as was noted by the authors of the tions, including codeine (in severe cases) or other narcotics
Cochrane review, no randomized controlled trials have com- taken short-term.
pared this medication strategy with placebo.
A number of other medications have been suggested as Bibliography
treatment of erosive LP. Pimecrolimus is one of these drugs. 1. Muñoz-Corcuera M, Esparza-Gómez G, González-
Moles MA, Bascones-Martínez A.Oral ulcers: clinical
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67. Roopashri G, Jayanthi K, Guruprasad REfficacy of
benzydamine hydrochloride, chlorhexidine, and
povidone iodine in the treatment of oral mucositis Author Disclosure
among patients undergoing radiotherapy in head and
neck malignancies: A drug trail. Contemp Clin Dent. Dr. Burgess has no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
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1. In cases where oral erythema is associated 8. Which one of the following is not likely to 14. The advantage of using an antifungal
with systemic disease the dentist should: be a side effect of topical anesthetic? troche over a rinse is that:
a. Manage the condition without establishing a a. Depression a. The troche can be swallowed quickly.
diagnosis b. Cardiovascular problems b. A troche such as Mycelex® has no sugar in its
b. Prescribe steroids c. CNS excitation formulation.
c. Seek medical consultation prior to pursuing local d. Stomach ulceration c. A troche provides longer contact with the mucosal
management surface.
d. Perform a biopsy 9. Which of these statements is true in rela- d. A troche can be taken with antacid medication.
tion to the treatment of primary HSV-1
2. Home care should be an integral compo- oral viral infection? 15. Systemic antifungal agents are usually
nent of therapy. Which of the following a. Use of an antiviral medication may increase prescribed when:
is not included in the ‘best practices’ resistance a. Patients have concomitant liver disease or impaired
recommendations? b. Systemic acyclovir should only be used as a liver function.
a. Fluid and nutritional support treatment of HSV-1 stomatitis when the patient has a b. When topical agents are not effective or are not
b. Adequate rest compromised immune system practical.
c. OTC pain medication c. Both a and b c. Both a and b
d. Vitamin therapy d. Neither a or b d. Neither a or b
3. Which one of the following viral infections 10. Which of these statements is true in 16. Which of the following is not a systemic
is associated with localized reoccurrence relation to the treatment of secondary antifungal medication?
secondary to reactivation of latent virus a. Diflucan
HSV-1 lesions?
within nerve? a. Frequently reoccurring secondary lesions can be b. Sporanox
a. Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or 2) c. Fungizone
b. Morbillivirus suppressed with 500 mg of valacyclovir.
b. Acyclovir is not as effective as valacyclovir in treating d. Monistat
c. Human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6)
d. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) reoccurring lesions. 17. The most common erythematous oral
c. Both a and b disease caused by bacteria is:
4. Reactivation of varicella-zoster virus d. Neither a or b a. Streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis
(VZV) causes: b. Periodontal disease
a. Oral shingles 11. In the patient with a competent immune
system which of the following fungal c. Diphtheria
b. Postherpetic neuralgia d. Tuberculosis
c. Both of the above organism is most responsible for oral
d. None of the above erythema? 18. The standard dental treatment of
5. In patients with HSV-1 lesions, palliative a. Cladosporium pyogenic granuloma and peripheral giant
home care should include all of the follow- b. Saccharomycetales cell granuloma is:
c. Candida albicans a. Prescription of systemic antibiotic.
ing except: d. Aureobasidium b. Surgery
a. Gargling with cold water c. Both a and b
b. Drinking hot beverages 12. In the patient with removable prostheses d. Neither a or b
c. Avoidance of nail biting and erythematous candidiasis, overall
d. Use of a nutritional supplement management should include: 19. Which of the following is not considered
6. Which one of the following is not consid- a. Instruction to soak the appliance overnight in a a reasonable treatment of a symptomatic
ered a topical medication that can be used mouthrinse allergic stomatitis that is associated with
for desensitizing erythematous mucosa? b. Instruction not to use their prostheses during oral mucosal erythema?
a. Diclonine HCL intervention a. Prescription of systemic antibiotic
b. Lidocaine/prilocaine cream c. Instruction to soak the appliance in a one percent b. Removal of dental fillings or crowns
c. Diphenhydramine syrup chlorhexidine/hypochlorite solution c. An elimination diet
d. Vitamin C cream d. Instruction to apply an antibiotic denture lacquer d. Prescription of Dyclonine HCL and corticosteroid
prior to insertion 20. Which of the following has been recom-
7. Topical anesthetic syrups are typically
prescribed as rinses to be used before each 13. Topical antifungal medication should be mended for the treatment of symptomatic
meal and: used for how many days? geographic tongue?
a. Swallowed a. 10-14 days a. Tacrolimus ointment
b. Spit out b. 3-5 days b. Cyclosporine microemulsion
c. Both a and b c. 14-21 days c. Both a and b
d. Neither a or b d. 6-9 days d. Neither a or b
Notes 11
Management of Erythematous Oral Lesions
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3. Implement treatment strategies for managing a variety of oral infections and conditions,
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