Neuro Notes For The MCAT
Neuro Notes For The MCAT
Neuro Notes For The MCAT
To Neuroscience
Chapter 2- signaling
Chapter 4- channels
MS diagnosis
o More than one lesion on the brain or spinal cord
o More than one relapse separated by more than 1 month
4 types
o Relapsing/remitting
Temporary periods of disability followed by full or partial recovery
Pt returns to baseline
o Progressive relapsing
Significant recovery immediately following a relapse but gradual worsening of
Baseline gets worse
o Primary progressive
Gradual progression of disease from onset with no relapses or remittances
o Secondary progressive
Steady progression with relapses and minor remittances
o Unknown
o Ideas are
Autoimmune response
Virus/bacteria trigger
Genetic linkage
BBB damage
Results in
o Inflammatory response
o Demyelination
o Axonal loss and oligodendrocyte death
o APC leads to naive t cells to turn into TH1 and TH2
o TH1 cells go through BBB and kill myelin
o Killer T cells (CD8)
Can release molecules toxic to neurons
o B cells
Can release antibodies that lead to demyelination
Loss of myelin leads to AP failure
o Only a few Na channels in the bare region
o Get these new 1.6 and 1.2 channels
o They aren’t the greatest and have their faults
o 1.6
Lets in Na constantly
Get an AP
But more Ca comes in, triggers death of neuron later
Short term benefit only
o Can lead to energy failure
o The Na/K pump no longer works
o Get cell death
EAE model
o Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
o The model that fits MS, but kills very fast
o Daclizumab
Il2 receptor antibody
Decreases the amount of new lesions in the body
o Copaxone
Random polymer of 4AA’s from MBP (myelin binding protein)
Shift T cells from pro-inflammatory TH1 to a regulatory TH2 state
Suppresses inflammation
o Tysabri
Antibody against alpha 4 integrin
Prevents migration of lymphocytes into the brain
Blocks their adhesion molecule
PML can develop
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Demyelination disease that is more rapid and fatal than MS
Activates the JC virus sometimes because the immune system in the brain is
Chapter 5- Synapse
Two types of synapses
o Electrical
o Chemical
Post synaptic neuron
o Can fire with a short delay after the presynaptic neuron
o Not just ions
ATP, second messengers can flow
Chemical neurotransmission
o AP propagates to the terminals
o Voltage gated Ca channels
o Clathrin coated vesicles with neurotransmitters
o Exocytosis
o Whole process is Ca dependent
o Stimulated vagus nerve-slows the heart rate
o Known as ACH
o 2nd heart slowed down due to the presence of chemicals-get chemical stimulation in
absence of electrical
Types of signaling
o Endocrine
o Paracrine
o Ect
o Present in presynaptic cell
o Release Ca dependent
o Post synaptic cell has specific receptors
o Small molecule NT’s
Produced in the terminals themselves
Enzymes used to produce the NT’s are produced in cell body
Moved to terminal via slow axonal transport
Stored in clear core vesicles
Released with low level Ca stimulation
o Peptide transmitters
Found in the dense core of vesicles
Tend to look black on electron micrograph
Enzymes and NT precursors are in the same vesicle
Synthesized in the vesicles
Fast transport to the terminals from the cell body
Released with prolonged Ca activation
NT’s released at the axon terminal
o Binds to the receptors
o Removed from the synapse
Either diffusion away
Reuptaken by presynaptic neuron
o Taken up by astrocytes and converted to glutamine and transported back to neurons
o Toxic at high levels
Can lead to oxidative stress
Ca importance
o Rise in presynaptic Ca level
Necessary and sufficient for NT release
o Na/K flux moves signal from the hillock to terminal
o Ca then takes over info propagation
Neuromuscular junction experiments
o Stimulate motor axon using the AP produced
o End plate potential (EPP)
Depolarization above
Hyperpolarization below
o Get mini end plate potentials (MEPP)
Even without stimulation
Potential change from one vesicle of NT
Bathe muscle cell in low Ca
Normal EPP’s are reduced to subthreshold EPP’s
Not calcium dependent
o Large endplate potentials
Many vesicles released
Calcium dependent
Voltage clamp method
o Study NT release
TEA for K blockers
TTX for Na blockers
Cadmium-inhibits Ca channels
Kelator-blocks effects of Ca
o Presynaptic Ca current coming into the cell
Below the 0 mark causes an increase in membrane potential
When there is no depolarization, there is a graded potential
o Inject Ca directly into the presynaptic cell
Get depolarization that results in postsynaptic cell due to the propagation
o Presynaptic cell has large Ca levels and appears darker
Frequency of AP ensures the release of specific vesicles
o Why not use electrical synapses?
Chemical neurotransmission
o Modulation is powerful to NS
o Low frequency stimulation leads to small molecule NT release
o High frequency stimulation leads to both types released
Neuron has more than 1 type of NT-release differentially
Binding to the presynaptic proteins
o Synapsin crosslinks vesicles to actin cytoskeleton to keep them in place close to
o Cam kinase II will remove synapsis from actin
Ca dependent
o The vesicles move to the wall, dock then priming for release
Snare 25, synaptobrevin (in vesicle), syntaxin
Bind to help vesicle dock
o Needs Ca to fuse
NT release
o Need to act on the post synaptic activator
o Patch clamp
Each channel opens briefly-need a lot to open
Microscopic currents
o Post synaptic potential created by an EPC (End plate current)
o Current through channels produces the positive depolarization
Voltage clamp
o Inward current through ACH-r is positive (but below x axis since inward)
o At 0 mv, no current
o Then above zero reverses to outward current
0 mv is the reversal potential
Where the current not the ions reverse direction
o 0 mv not exactly halfway due to ion flow and driving force
o Remove Na or K, shift the reversal potential
o 10 Na to 1 K flow
Due to the driving force for Na being 10X larger
o End plate current almost always generates an AP
o Both inhibitory and excitatory in neurons
o Always depolarizing
o E rev above threshold
o Can be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing
o Always have an E rev lower than threshold
If only one ion flows through, the reversal potential is equal to the eq potential of the ion
Dendrites act as summators of EPSP’s and IPSP’s
Can use the length constant to calculate how far the potential propagates through the
dendrites/cell body (even if just a graded potential)
Spatial summation
o Summation in space
o The potentials arise from different sites at the same time and sum depending on where
they are located on the dendrite
Temporal summation
o Sum in time
o The same synapse firing close in time
o Off response
o Get an AP when releasing the cell from hyperpolarization
o Hyperpolarization moves the Na channels from inactivated to closed
o The depolarization via the Na leak currents to get back to resting potential is enough to
fire an AP
o Lowers the threshold level
Chapter 6- Neurotransmitters
Ionotropic receptors
o 3-4 membrane helicies
o Need 4-5 subunits for a structure
o 7 membrane domains
o No ion channel
o C termini bind intracellular g proteins
o 2nd messengers
o Longer lasting effect than ionotropic but take longer to activate
o Major inhibitor of the brain
o Glutamate (excitatory) is a precursor to GABA
o GAD converts glutamate to GABA
o Gabatransaminase converts GABA to glutamate
GABA receptor
o Ionotropic
o 2 sites for GABA to bind
o Many regulatory sites which end up being drug sites
o The current decays over time due to a stepped nature of response
o Catecholamine
o Excitatory
o L-DOPA precursor
BBB permeable while Dopamine is not
o Found in the Striatum of the brain
Substantia nigra and Ventral tegmentum area
o Excitatory
o Glutaminase- glutamine to glutamate in the neurons
o Transported into vesicles by V-Glut transporter
o Removed by EAAT’s or glutamate transporters
Excitatory AA transporters
o Glutamate receptors
NMDA receptor
o Blocked by Mg ion at resting potential
o Needs depolarization to unblock
o Allows Ca to flow in
o Allows Na to come in to depolarize
o Works with NMDA to bring in Ca
o Models schizophrenia
o NMDA abnormalities thought to be a cause
Ip3 releases Ca- see Ca waves through connected astrocytes
Excitatory Glutamate transporters
o Coupled to Na/K pump for energy
o Need secondary active transport
o Use the Na gradient to bring glutamate into the cell
o Reverse transport leads to excitotoxicity
o Uses glutamate flowing out of the cell to bring cys into the cell
o Excitotoxicity leads to cys being pumped out of cell
Works in reverse
o Cys is the rate limiting producer of SOD
SOD converts free radicals of Oxygen into H2O2
Then glutathione converts H2O2 into H2O
PSD95 blocks NO
o Some level of NO needed to help prevent excitotoxicity
Excitotoxicity is linked to diseases such as ALS due to the SOD mutation
Chapter 8- Plasticity
Synaptic plasticity
o Synapses not fixed-constantly changed
o LTP-long term potentiation
o LTD-long term depression
o Presynaptic AP’s close in time can increase the EPSP in the postsynaptic cell
o Short term change
Buildup of calcium in the presynaptic terminal
o This causes a greater NT release
o 10ms in between AP’s causes a greater NT release
o After 50 ms almost no effect
o Adjust the Ca level in the presynaptic cell
o Decrease-moderate stimulus trains
o Don’t run out of vesicles
o Boosting of the postsynaptic response over several seconds
o Potentiation on a longer time scale
o All short term plasticity is Ca related
Habituation of the sea slug
o Leads to a decrease in response
o Can get a return of the response if paired with something new like a shock
o Short term learning can be prolonged for days
o Serine binds to sensory neuron
o cAMP made by Adenyly cyclase
o cAMP binds to PKA and liberates catalytic subunits
o PKA phosphorylates many substrates and decreases opening of K channels after an AP
o Let more Ca into the cell
o More glutamate is released
Structural changes are long term changes
LTP-get a 300% increase in EPSP amplitude
o LTP can last for a year or longer in some places
Synapses change shape and can store memory
LTP properties
o State dependent
Depend on PSM voltage
Single presynaptic stimulus won’t change
Needs to be paired with a strong post synaptic potential
Create more EPSP
o Specificity
LTP is restricted to active synapses
An active signal is strengthened because it selectively strengthens important
o Associativity
Potentially a way to link different senses
Ca that flows in can lead to more AMPA receptors being placed in the membrane
o Thanks to Calmodulin kinase II
o Silent synapses only have NMDA receptors
o Framework for synapse pruning
o The ones that stay get AMPA receptors
o Others removed
Can inhibit protein synthesis-lose the EPSP in the postsynaptic cell
LTP depends on protein production
LTD (long term depression)
o Helps encode long term info
o Increase the difference between strengthened and non-strengthened synapses
o LTD results from low stimulation level to presynaptic cell
o LTD is not a zero stimulus
It is just a low basal level of vesicular release that may lead to LTD
Decrease in the EPSP amplitude
Low frequency stimulation
o Increase in Ca in the post synaptic cell
o Activates phosphatases rather than kinases
o Phosphatases dephosphorylate substrates and internalize AMPA receptors
o Get a reduced glutamate response
o Pre before post = LTP
o Post before pre= LTD because the receptor is already blocked
Overall 4 types of potentiation
o Facilitation
Increased presynaptic Ca
o Depression
Decreased vesicle strength
o Augmentation
Increased Ca binding for vesicular release (Munc-13?)
o Potentiation
Gene regulation
From Test2
Rhythmic movements such as swimming, walking, and breathing re generated by circuits in the
NS called CPGs
CPG’s studied in many animals
EMG wires stuck into the shell of a crab to record the electrodes as in vivo
Triphasic motor pattern
o LP, PY, PD (Pyloric rhythm)
o Rhythm changes attributed according to behavioral state
Somatogastric NS
o Study in vitro-put the NS flat in a dish and do separate recordings
o Intracellularly with microelectrodes
Cell body of the neurons
o Extracellularly with wires around nerve
Recording of AP times
No feedback when in vitro
Feedback is essential because it produces a fixed pattern
The connectivity of the rhythm can be understood through diagrams
Inhibition is necessary for pattern generation
Connectome-wiring diagram for all sorts of animals
o Need to see the dynamics to create the connectome
o Trying to understand the other way
o Need the strength and time course and properties of synapses
o 2 commissure ganglia (COG)
o 1 esophageal ganglia (EOG)
o Send projections down the nerves
o Left intact-see complex patterns
o PD-oscillations
o Slower gastric mill level
o Happening simultaneously with fast rhythm
o Gastric mill-moves teeth inside stomach
o Pyloric rhythm moves filter on the back end of stomach (ongoing)
Pyloric neurons
o Rhythm generators
Bursting pacemaker neurons
Depolarize without inputs
Oscillations can arise from circuit interactions
o Oscillation
Reciprocal inhibition can result in rhythmic alternations between functional
Half-center oscillators
2 or more cells that don’t burst
Connect with reciprocal inhibition
Add H conductance-hyperpolarization
o Activated inward current (depolarize) after inhibition
H current helps the cell escape from inhibition and allows it to cross the threshold
Emergent oscillation
o Doesn’t depend on bursting neurons but arises from synaptic connections
Timing determined by the circuit
o Period
o Latency
o Divide time by period to get the d phase
Variability of pyloric period
o Vary in period time among organisms
Invariance of phase relationships
o Invariant
o Relative timing
o Slow down or speed up
Multiple processes that determine when each part fires
o Interaction between multiple cell processes that allow a CPG to be phase constant
First spike is larger than the rest because the cells cant recover fully from the hyperpolarization
IPSP’s caused by an interneuron
Can swim because of alternations between bursts
Hyperpolarize one neuron
o -10ma will do it
o See the effect on the circuit
o The one that is directly affected will be silenced
Facilitation can be seen by a second AP firing when sub-threshold
Depression- second one doesn’t fire even when above threshold
o Doesn’t follow any other cell
o Begins the circuit
o Not affected by the hyperpolarization from any other cell
o Changes firing pattern when other cells are hyperpolarized
Declarative (explicit)
o Site is the hippocampus
o Responsible for facts/events
Non-declarative (procedural/implicit)
o Know sequences of events
o Don’t think about
o Skills and habits
There is a time aspect to memory
o No exact science
o Long term usually starts after 30 seconds
o Hippocampus can lose memories because it can only hold so much
o New info can cause the old info to be lost
Finite # of things can be stored in memory
o 7±2
o Can increase via practice
o Other way to increase is chunking
Interference tasks can remove previously learned things
Kim peek (rain man)
o Has an incredible memory
o Elaborate encoding that creates good retention
Lose aspect of the brain- study its effects
o Lost hippocampus
o Lost his ability to convert STM to LTM
o Did not lose his ability to do procedural tasks
Could still learn skills
Didn’t remember learning it
May be PKM-zeta that works as glue to fix connections between neurons that were active
o Shine light (using fiber optic cable)
o Wavelength of light activates specific proteins
o Change membrane potential of cells through light
Ed boyden (ted talk)
o 1 billion people with brain disorders
o Pharmacology treatments alleviate symptoms but cannot cure
o Neurons get installed solar panels
Respond to light after fiberoptic cables are put in
Rhodopsin-charged particles enter when opened by light
Can get this protein in these cells
o Light sensitive receptor
Deliver to some cells and not to others
o Brain signals that drive learning
o Over time the animal fears the tone
o By activating certain brain parts, get over fear
Can make a mouse see with light activation of bipolar cells
Parkinsons symptoms
o Motor symptoms
Stiffness and rigidity
Declarative memory problems
Substantia nigra
o Dopamine-some oxidation production in the cell
Motor cortex in general
o In Parkinson’s lot more inhibition to brain stem and spinal cord
o May have an effect during earlier years that predisposed you to PD
Mutations predispose to PD
o Lrrk2, pink1, park genes, alpha-synuclein
o Normally has a role in NT release and recycling of endosomes
o Similar role
o Degrades vesicles
o Phosphorylates for endocytosis
Lewy body aggregations
o Kill the cells off
o Intracellular-don’t allow for normal movement
Tabacco and coffee actually protect against PD?
Rural areas see an increased incidence rate
o Chemicals in the environment lead to PD
o Interactions between the genes and environment
Dedifferentiate somatic cells to stem cells (IPS)
Cells that don’t have the alpha-synuclein mutation weren’t as susceptible to mutations from
Music therapy
o Listening to music while doing tasks
o Helps the PD sufferers complete tasks
Deep brain stimulation
o Electrode that triggers the neurons to fire not randomly
o Drug that can help symptoms at first
o Eventually sensitized and need more and more
o Eventually get to a point where it is no longer useful to treat symptoms