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RADIOSS for Impact

Explicit Large Displacement Analysis

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Table of Contents
RADIOSS for Impact Analysis
Explicit Large Displacement Analysis
Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................... 11
1 – HyperWorks Overview ............................................................................................. 12

1.1 – HyperWorks Tool Descriptions ............................................................................. 12

1.2 – RADIOSS Integration with HyperWorks ................................................................ 14

2 – RADIOSS Overview ................................................................................................ 15

2.1 – RADIOSS Process ............................................................................................... 16

Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application ..................................................... 17

1 – Solving Real-World Problems Computationally ....................................................... 17

2 – Physical Laws ......................................................................................................... 19

2.1 – Mass Conservation ............................................................................................... 19

2.2 – Energy Conservation ............................................................................................ 20

2.3 – Momentum Conservation ..................................................................................... 21

2.3.1 – Linear Momentum Conservation (equilibrium) ................................................... 21

2.3.2 – Angular Momentum Conservation ..................................................................... 21

3 – Formulations ........................................................................................................... 22

3.1 – Space Discretization ............................................................................................. 22

3.1.1 – Finite Difference Method (FDM)......................................................................... 22

3.1.2 – Finite Volume Method (FVM) ............................................................................. 22

3.1.3 – Boundary Element Method (BEM) ..................................................................... 22

3.1.4 – Finite Element Method (FEM) ............................................................................ 23 – Principle of the Virtual Power .......................................................................... 23 – Physical Names of Virtual Power Terms ......................................................... 24 – FEA Formulations Diagram Hierarchy ............................................................ 25

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3.2 – Time Discretization ............................................................................................... 25

3.2.1 – General Form of the Newmark integration scheme ............................................ 26

3.2.2 – Explicit Central Difference ................................................................................. 28

3.2.3 – Implicit (mean acceleration) ............................................................................... 28

3.3 – Lagrangian Formulation........................................................................................ 29

3.3.1 – Updated Lagrangian Equations ......................................................................... 31

3.3.2 – Discrete Updated Lagrangian Equations ........................................................... 32

Exercise 2.1 – Pressure Bar using Lagrangian mesh .................................................... 33

4 – Explicit vs. Implicit ................................................................................................... 47

4.1 – Explicit and Implicit Flowcharts ............................................................................. 47

4.2 – Explicit and Implicit Scheme Capabilities .............................................................. 49

4.3 – Explicit and Implicit CPU Cost Comparison .......................................................... 50

4.4 – Explicit and Implicit Comparison Table ................................................................. 51

Chapter 3: Tools, Files, and Common Features .................................................. 53

1 – Pre-Processing Tools .............................................................................................. 53

2 –Processors ............................................................................................................... 53

3 – Post-Processing Tools............................................................................................. 54

4 – RADIOSS Files ....................................................................................................... 54

5 – RADIOSS Common Features .................................................................................. 55

5.1 – Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 55

5.2 – Rigid Walls ........................................................................................................... 55

5.3 – Rigid Bodies ......................................................................................................... 55

5.4 – Monitored Volumes .............................................................................................. 55

5.5 – Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................ 56

5.6 – Initial Velocity ....................................................................................................... 56

5.7 – Imposed Velocity .................................................................................................. 56

5.8 – Imposed Displacement ......................................................................................... 56

5.9 – Loads and Gravity ................................................................................................ 56

5.10 – Added Masses.................................................................................................... 56

RADIOSS for Impact Analysis 4 HyperWorks 12.0

5.11 – Skew Frames ..................................................................................................... 56

Exercise 3.1: First run with Radioss .............................................................................. 57

Exercise 3.2: Modified Crash Beam .............................................................................. 69

Chapter 4: Elements............................................................................................... 75
1 – Element Stress and Strain ....................................................................................... 75

1.1 – Stress and Strain Formulation .............................................................................. 75

1.2 – Small Strain Elements .......................................................................................... 75

2 – Element Hourglass .................................................................................................. 76

2.1 – Hourglass Modes ................................................................................................. 76

2.2 – Hourglass Checking ............................................................................................. 76

3 – Element Types and Controls ................................................................................... 76

3.1 – Basic Solid (3D) Elements .................................................................................... 76

3.2 – Degenerated Solid (3D) Elements ........................................................................ 77

3.3 –Solid (3D) Tetrahedron .......................................................................................... 78

3.3.1 – 4-Noded Tetrahedron ........................................................................................ 78

3.3.2 – 10-Noded Tetrahedron ...................................................................................... 78

3.3.3 – 4-Noded Quadratic Tetrahedron ........................................................................ 79

3.4 – Other Solid (3D) Elements .................................................................................... 79

3.5 – Solid (3D) Flags and Control Cards ...................................................................... 79

3.6 – Solid (3D) Element Applications ........................................................................... 80

3.7 – Basic Shell (2D) Elements .................................................................................... 80

3.7.1 – 4-Noded Quadrilateral Elements (Q4)................................................................ 80

3.7.2 – 3-Noded Triangular Elements (Q3) .................................................................... 81

3.8 – Shell (2D) Flags and Control Cards ...................................................................... 81

4 – Basic 1-D Elements ................................................................................................. 81

4.1 – Basic 1-D Element Types ..................................................................................... 81

4.1.1 – Beam Elements ................................................................................................. 81

4.1.2 – Truss Elements ................................................................................................. 81

4.1.3 – Spring Elements ................................................................................................ 82 – Type 4 (/PROP/SPRING) Springs .................................................................. 82

HyperWorks 12.0 RADIOSS for Impact Analysis 5 – Type 8 (/PROP/SPR_GENE) Springs ............................................................. 82 – Type 12 (/PROP/SPR_PUL) Springs .............................................................. 82 – Type 13 (/PROP/SPR_BEAM) Springs ........................................................... 82 – Spring Property Set ........................................................................................ 83

5 – Element Compatibility Table .................................................................................... 84

5.1 – Property Set List ................................................................................................... 84

5.2 – Material Law Description ...................................................................................... 85

5.3 – Element Compatibility Chart ................................................................................. 86

Exercise 4.1: Twisted Beam ......................................................................................... 87

Chapter 5: Materials ............................................................................................... 89

1 – Lagrangian Material Laws ....................................................................................... 89

1.1 – Isotropic Elastic Materials ..................................................................................... 89

1.1.1 – Linear Elastic (/MAT/LAW1 or /MAT/ELAST) ..................................................... 89

1.1.2 - Ogden-Mooney Rivlin Material (/MAT/LAW42 or /MAT/OGDEN)........................ 90

1.2 – Composite and Anisotropic Materials ................................................................... 92

1.2.1 – Tsay-Wu Comp. Solid Material (/MAT/LAW12 or /MAT/3D_COMP) .................. 92

1.2.2 - Composite Solid Material (/MAT/LAW14 or /MAT/COMPSO) ............................. 92

1.2.3 - Composite Shell Material (/MAT/LAW15 or /MAT/CHANG) ................................ 92

1.2.4 - Elastic Orthotropic Material (/MAT/LAW19 or /MAT/FABRI) ............................... 92

1.2.5 - Composite Shell Material (/MAT/LAW25 or /MAT/COMPSH) ............................. 92

1.2.6 - Honeycomb Material (/MAT/LAW28 or /MAT/HONEYCOMB) ............................ 92

1.2.7 - Hill Orthotropic Plastic Material (/MAT/LAW32 or /MAT/HILL) ............................ 92

1.2.8 - Hill Orthotropic Tabulated Material (/MAT/LAW43 or /MAT/HILL_TAB) .............. 92

1.2.9 – Visco Honeycomb Material (/MAT/LAW50 or /MAT/VISCO_HONEY) ................ 93

1.2.10 – Tsai Foam Material (/MAT/LAW53 or /MAT/TSAI_TAB) .................................. 93

1.2.11 – Barlat 3-Parameters Orthotropic Material (/MAT/LAW57 or /MAT/BARLAT3) .. 93

1.2.12 – Elastic Anisotropic Fabric Material (/MAT/LAW58 or /MAT/FABR_A) .............. 93

1.2.13 – Honeycomb Material (/MAT/LAW68 or /MAT/COSSER) .................................. 93

1.3 – Elasto-plasticity of Isotropic Materials ................................................................... 94

RADIOSS for Impact Analysis 6 HyperWorks 12.0

1.3.1 – Johnson-Cook Material (/MAT/LAW2 or /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS) .......................... 94

1.3.2 – Zerilli-Armstrong Elasto-Plastic Material (/MAT/PLAS_ZERIL) .......................... 95

1.3.3 – Rock-Concrete Material (/MAT/LAW10 or /MAT/DPRAG1)................................ 97

1.3.4 – Rigid Material (/MAT/LAW13 or /MAT/RIGID) .................................................... 98

1.3.5 – Rock-Concrete Material (/MAT/LAW21 or /MAT/DPRAG).................................. 98

1.3.6 – Elastic Plastic with Damage Material (/MAT/LAW22 or /MAT/DAMA) ................ 99

1.3.7 – Elastic Plastic with Damage Material (/MAT/LAW23 or /MAT/PLAS_DAMA) ..... 99

1.3.8 – Reinforced Concrete Material (/MAT/LAW24 or /MAT/CONC) ........................... 99

1.3.9 – Elastic Plastic Brittle Material (/MAT/LAW27 or /MAT/PLAS_BRIT) ................. 100

1.3.10 – Elastic Plastic Piecewise Linear Material (/MAT/LAW36 or /MAT/PLAS_TAB)100

1.3.11 – Cowper-Symonds Material (/MAT/LAW44 or /MAT/COWPER) ...................... 101

1.3.12 – Zhao Material (/MAT/LAW48 or /MAT/ZHAO) ................................................ 101

1.3.13 – Gurson Material (/MAT/LAW52 or /MAT/GURSON)....................................... 101

1.3.14 – Predit Material (/MAT/LAW54 or /MAT/PREDIT) ........................................... 101

1.3.15 – Elastic Plastic Piecewise NL Material (/MAT/LAW60 or /MAT/PLAS_T3) ...... 102

1.3.16 – Trip Steel Plastic Material (/MAT/LAW63 or /MAT/HANSEL) ......................... 102

1.3.17 – Ugine & Alz Trip Steel Material (/MAT/LAW64 or /MAT/UGINE_ALZ)............ 102

1.3.18 – Elastomer Material (/MAT/LAW65 or /MAT/ELASTOMER) ............................ 102

1.4 – Viscous Materials ............................................................................................... 103

1.4.1 – Visco-Elastic Plastic Foam Material (/MAT/LAW33 or /MAT/FOAM_PLAS) ..... 103

1.4.2 – Boltzman (Visco-Elastic) Material (/MAT/LAW34 or /MAT/BOLTZMAN) .......... 103

1.4.3 – Visco-Elastic Foam Material (/MAT/LAW35 or /MAT/FOAM_VISC) ................. 103

1.4.4 – Visco-Elastic Foam Tabulated Material (/MAT/LAW38 or /MAT/VISC_TAB) .... 103

1.4.5 – Generalized Maxwell-Kelvin Material (/MAT/LAW40 or /MAT/KELVINMAX) .... 103

1.4.6 – Hyper Visco-Elastic Material (/MAT/LAW62 or /MAT/VISC_HYP).................... 103

1.4.7 – Visco-elastic Foam Tabulated Material (/MAT/LAW70 or /MAT/FOAM_TAB) .. 103

2 – Failure and Rupture Models .................................................................................. 104

2.1 – Table of RADIOSS Failure Models ..................................................................... 104

2.2 – Johnson-Cook / Spalling Criteria ........................................................................ 108

2.3 – Strain Failure Model /FAIL/TENSSTRAIN........................................................... 109

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2.4 – Tuler Butcher Model /FAIL/TBUTCHER.............................................................. 110

2.5 – Chang Chang Model /FAIL/CHANG ................................................................... 111

2.6 – Wilkins Model /FAIL/WILKINS ............................................................................ 112

2.7 – Bao-Xue-Wierzbicki Model /FAIL/WIERZBICKI .................................................. 113

2.8 – Failure: Consequences of Reaching Failure Criteria ........................................... 114

2.9 – Combination of Failure Criteria ........................................................................... 115

Exercise 5.1: Tensile Test Setup using HyperCrash .................................................... 117
Exercise 5.1: Tensile Test Setup using HyperMesh..................................................... 129
Exercise 5.2: Gasket with HyperCrash ........................................................................ 141
Exercise 5.2: Gasket with HyperMesh ......................................................................... 157

Chapter 6: Interfaces............................................................................................ 165

1 – Contact Interfaces in RADIOSS............................................................................. 165

1.1 – Type 7 Contact ................................................................................................... 166

1.2 – Type 11 Contact ................................................................................................. 166

1.3 – Type 2 Contact ................................................................................................... 167

2 – RADIOSS Contact Penalty Method ....................................................................... 168

Exercise 6.1: Buckling of a Tube using HyperCrash .................................................... 169
Exercise 6.1: Buckling of a Tube using HyperMesh ..................................................... 183

Chapter 7: Time Step Control .............................................................................. 197

1 – Critical Time Step .................................................................................................. 197

1.1 – Nodal Time Step (/DT/NODA) ............................................................................ 197

1.2 – Element Time Step ............................................................................................. 197

1.3 – Interface Time Step ............................................................................................ 198

2 – Stability Condition.................................................................................................. 198

3 – Time Step Control in RADIOSS ............................................................................. 199

4 – Hints and Remarks ................................................................................................ 199

Exercise 7.1: Time Step Demo with an Example ......................................................... 201

Chapter 8: Best Practices .................................................................................... 203

1 – Warping ................................................................................................................. 203

2 – Aspect Ratio .......................................................................................................... 203

RADIOSS for Impact Analysis 8 HyperWorks 12.0

3 – Elements, Wave Length, and Time Step ............................................................... 204

4 – Percentage of Triangles ........................................................................................ 204

5 – Other Meshing Recommendations ........................................................................ 205

Exercise 8.1: 3- Point Bending with HyperCrash ........................................................ 209
Exercise 8.1: 3- Point Bending with HyperMesh ......................................................... 231
Exercise 8.2: Cantilever Beam with Bolt pre-tension ................................................... 253
Exercise 8.3: Simple Car Pole Impact in HyperCrash .................................................. 271
Exercise 8.3: Simple Car Pole Impact in HyperMesh................................................... 285

Appendix A: Optional Exercises ......................................................................... 297

Optional Exercise: Cell Phone Drop Test using HyperCrash ...................................... 299
Optional Exercise: Cell Phone Drop Test using HyperMesh ....................................... 309

Appendix B: Definitions....................................................................................... 325

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RADIOSS for Impact Analysis 10 HyperWorks 12.0
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1

1- HyperWorks Overview
HyperWorks®, A Platform for Innovation™, is an enterprise simulation solution for rapid
design exploration and decision-making. As one of the most comprehensive CAE solutions in
the industry, HyperWorks provides a tightly integrated suite of best-in-class tools for:
o Modeling
o Analysis
o Optimization
o Visualization
o Reporting
o Performance data management.
Based on a revolutionary “pay-for-use” token-based business model, HyperWorks
delivers increased value and flexibility over other software licensing models.
Below we list the applications that are part of HyperWorks, for extra information about
them go to web page or go to HyperWorks online documentation.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 – HyperWorks Tool Descriptions

Finite Element Meshing and Modeling

HyperMesh Universal finite element pre- and post-processor

HyperCrash Finite element pre-processor for automotive crash and
safety analysis
BatchMesher Geometry cleanup and auto-meshing in batch mode for
given CAD files
Multi-body Dynamics Modeling
MotionView Multi-body dynamics pre- and post-processor

RADIOSS Finite element solver for linear and non-linear problems
MotionSolve Multi-body dynamics solver
OptiStruct Design and optimization software using finite elements and
multi-body dynamics

Post-processing and Data Analysis

HyperView High performance finite element and mechanical system
post-processor, engineering plotter, and data analysis tool
HyperGraph Engineering plotter and data analysis tool
HyperGraph 3D Engineering 3-D plotter and data analysis tool
HyperView Player Viewer for visualizing 3-D CAE results via the Internet or

Study and Optimization

HyperStudy Integrated optimization, DOE, and robustness engine

Data Management and Process Automation

Altair Data Manager A solution that organizes, manages, and stores CAE and
test data throughout the product design cycle
Process Manager Process automation tool for HyperWorks and third party
software; Processes can be created with the help of
Process Studio.
Assembler A tool that enables CAE analysts to manage, organize,
and control their CAE mesh data

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Manufacturing Environments
Manufacturing Solutions A unified environment for manufacturing process
simulation, analysis, and design optimization
HyperForm A unique finite element based sheet metal forming
simulation software solution
HyperXtrude An hp-adaptive finite element program that enables
engineers to analyze material flow and heat transfer
problems in extrusion and rolling applications
Molding Provides a highly efficient and customized environment for
setting up models for injection molding simulation with
Forging Provides a highly efficient and customized environment for
setting up models for complex three-dimensional forging
simulation with DEFOM3D
Friction Stir Welding Provides an efficient interface for setting up models and
analyzing friction stir welding with the HyperXtrude Solver
HyperWorks Results Mapper Process Manager-based tool that provides a framework to
initialize a structural model with results from a forming

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.2 – RADIOSS Integration with HyperWorks

RADIOSS is part of the HyperWorks toolkit, as described earlier this is a finite element
solver designed to solve linear and non-linear simulations. It can be used to simulate
structures, fluid, fluid-structure interaction, sheet metal stamping, and mechanical systems.
Multi-body dynamics simulation is made possible through the integration with MotionSolve.
The solvers consist of loosely integrated executables (see picture below). To the user
the integration is seamless through the run script provided. Based on the file naming
convention, the right executable or combination of executables is chosen.

Solver Overview

The pre-processing for RADIOSS is done using HyperMesh or HyperCrash and the
post-processing is done using HyperView and HyperGraph.
During the next exercises, the HyperWorks integration with RADIOSS will be shown in
detail. For more information about it, the user should go to our online documentation.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

2 – RADIOSS Overview
Altair RADIOSS is a next-generation implicit and explicit finite-element solver for linear
statics and dynamics, as well as complex nonlinear transient dynamics and multi-body
dynamics. This robust, multidisciplinary solution allows manufacturers to maximize durability,
NVH, crash, safety, manufacturability and fluid-structure interaction performance in order to
bring innovative products to market faster.
RADIOSS’ comprehensive analysis capabilities for linear and non-linear finite element
analysis, sheet metal stamping, and multi-body dynamics are accessible via two input formats.
Finite element solutions via Nastran-type Bulk Data Format include:
o Linear static analysis
o Non-linear implicit quasi-static contact analysis
o Linear buckling analysis
o Normal modes analysis
o Frequency response analysis
o Random response analysis
o Linear transient response analysis
o Linear fluid-structure coupled (acoustic) analysis
o Linear steady-state heat transfer analysis coupled with static analysis
o Inertia relief analysis with static, non-linear contact, modal frequency response,
and modal transient response analyses
o Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) for the generation of flexible bodies for
multi-body dynamics analysis
o Reduced matrix generation
o One-step (inverse) sheet metal stamping analysis
A typical set of finite elements including shell, solid, bar, scalar, and rigid elements as
well as loads and materials is available for modeling complex events.
Finite element solutions via RADIOSS Block format include:

o Explicit dynamic analysis

o Non-linear implicit static analysis
o Transient heat transfer and thermo-mechanical coupling
o Explicit Arbitrary Euler-Lagrangian (ALE) formulation
o Explicit Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
o Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
o Incremental sheet metal stamping analysis with mesh adaptivity
o Linear static analysis
o Normal modes analysis
o Linear and non-linear buckling analysis

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Chapter 1: Introduction

A typical set of finite elements including shell, solid, bar, and spring elements, rigid
bodies as well as loads, a number of materials, and contact interfaces are available for
modeling complex events.
Multi-body dynamics solution integrated via Nastran-type Bulk Data format for rigid and
flexible bodies includes:

o Kinematics analysis
o Dynamics analysis
o Static and quasi-static analysis
o Linearization

All typical types of constraints like joints, gears, couplers, user defined constraints, and high-pair
joints can be defined. High pair joints include point-to-curve, point-to-surface, curve-to-curve,
curve-to-surface, and surface-to-surface constraints. They can connect rigid bodies, flexible
bodies, or rigid and flexible bodies. For this multi-body dynamics solution, the power of Altair
MotionSolve has been integrated with RADIOSS.

2.1 – RADIOSS Process

RADIOSS for Impact Analysis 16 HyperWorks 12.0

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

Chapter 2

RADIOSS Theory and Application

1 – Solving Real-World Problems Computationally
RADIOSS has a wide variety of applications, including, but not limited to safety
structures, metal and plastic structural mechanics, composite structures, material
characterization, stamping, NVH, CFD, and fluid-structure interaction (FSI). When dealing with
dynamic, nonlinear, and transient events, such as impact analysis, there are five requirements
for reducing a real-world problem into a computational space:

• Geometric modeling
• Application of physical laws
• Formulation of time and space discretization
• Space discretization
• Time integration

Geometric modeling deals with the overall representation of the structure and whether
the structure as a whole or subsections of the structure can be assumed to be idealized to
simplify the computational matrices. This also includes a determination of the relevant volume
of the computational area: i.e. model a failing bracket vs. the bracket as well as all surrounding
Application of physical laws is the second level of computational reduction. For many
linear statics problems, only the most idealized forms of conservation of energy, conservation of
mass, and equilibrium equations are necessary. As the empirical problem under review
develops more real-world behavior, the solution must take into account more complete
formulations of these laws of conservation.
Formulation of time and space discretization includes determining whether the problem
setup would best benefit from a Lagrangian representation, Eulerian representation, or an
Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) representation.
Space discretization uses the idealizations of the geometric modeling as well as the
forms of the physical laws required for the analysis type to represent the problem as FE entities.
This requires the engineer setting the problem up to provide all information required for any
nonlinearities, contacts, constraints, initial conditions, etc, not resulting or apparent from the
geometrical FE arrangement.

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

Time integration is simply a selection of whether Explicit formation with a Central

Difference Method or an Implicit formulation would be the best approach for the problem at
The whole solution process can be explained using the following diagram:

The five steps listed above walk through the top two tiers of complexity on this diagram.
Past that point, and once all selections have been set up to the satisfaction of the engineer, the
solver is responsible for using the information provided to assemble a mathematical model of
the system and calculating or iterating a numerical solution from the input deck.

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

2 – Physical Laws
2.1 - Mass Conservation

a – Lagrangian

ρ (X , t )J (X , t ) = ρ 0 (X )J 0 (X )

b – Eulerian

+ ρ∇ • v = 0 or ρ& + ρvi ,i = 0

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

2.2 - Energy Conservation

a – Lagrangian

ρ 0 w& int = F& T : S − ∇ 0 • q + ρ 0 s

 ρ 0 : Initial density
 w& int : Rate of internal energy per unit of mass
 F& T : Rate deformation gradient transpose.
 S : Nominal stress tensor (Total formulation); Cauchy or 2nd Piola
Kirchhoff stress (updated Lagrangian depending on how is the
constitutive equation implemented)
 ∇ 0 : Left gradient with respect to the material coordinates.
 q : Heat flux (Power/area)
 s : Heat source.

b – Eulerian

Dw int
ρ0 = D : σ − ∇ • q + ρs
 ρ 0 : Initial density
Dw int
 : Rate of internal energy per unit of mass
 ∂v ∂v 
 D : Rate of deformation. Dij =  i + j 
 ∂x j ∂xi 
 σ : Cauchy Stress tensor
 ∇ : Left gradient with respect to space coordinates.
 q : Heat flux (Power/area)
 ρ : Density
 s : Heat source.

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

2.3 – Momentum Conservation

2.3.1 – Linear Momentum Conservation (equilibrium)

a – Lagrangian

∂S ji ∂vi (X , t )
+ ρ 0bi = ρ 0
∂X j ∂t

 S ji : Nominal stress tensor (Total formulation) or Cauchy or 2nd Piola-

Kirchhoff stress (updated Lagrangian) component (i-direction).
 bi : Body force on (i-direction)
 ρ 0 : Initial density

 vi : Velocity component on Material coordinates (i-direction)

b – Eulerian

∂σ ji Dvi (x, t )
+ ρbi = ρ
∂x j Dt

 σ ji : Cauchy stress component (i-direction).

 bi : Body force on (i-direction)
 ρ : Density

 vi : Velocity component on Material coordinates (i-direction)

2.3.2 – Angular Momentum Conservation

a. Lagrangian F • S = S • F

 S – Nominal stress Tensor

 F - Deformation Tensor.

b. Eulerian σ = σ

 σ - Cauchy stress tensor

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

3 – Formulations
3.1 - Space Discretization
On this section we intend to describe the different ways that the partial differential
equation resulting from the continuum mechanics problem can be solved. There are different
methods that can be used to solve these equations and between them we distinguish 4
1 – FDM – Finite Difference Method
2 – FEM – Finite Element Method
3 – FVM – Finite Volume Method
4 – BEM – Boundary Element Method

3.1.1 – Finite Difference Method (FDM)

The Finite Difference Method (FDM) is a numerical technique used to approximate the
solutions to differential equations using finite difference equations to approximate the
derivatives. This method is not discussed on this training.

3.1.2 – Finite Volume Method (FVM)

The Finite Volume Method (FVM) is a method for representing and evaluating partial
differential equations as algebraic equations [LeVeque, 2002; Toro, 1999]. It is very similar to
FDM, where the values are calculated at discrete volumes on a generic geometry.
In the FVM, volume integrals in a partial differential equation that contain a divergence term are
converted to surface integrals, using the divergence theorem. These terms are then evaluated
as fluxes at the surfaces of each finite volume. Because the flux entering a given volume is
identical to that leaving the adjacent volume, these methods are conservative.
Another advantage of the finite volume method is that it is easily formulated to allow for
unstructured meshes. The method is used in many computational fluid dynamics packages. On
RADIOSS it is used for example for AIRBAGS “FVMBAG”. This method is not discussed on this

3.1.3 – Boundary Element Method (BEM)

The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is a numerical method of solving linear PDE
which have been formulated as integral equations. The integral equation may be regarded as
an exact solution of the governing partial differential equation.
The BEM attempts to use the given boundary conditions to fit boundary values into the
integral equation, rather than values throughout the space defined by a partial differential
equation. Once this is done, in the post-processing stage, the integral equation can then be

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used again to calculate numerically the solution directly at any desired point in the interior of the
solution domain.
The boundary element method is often more efficient than other methods, including finite
elements, in terms of computational resources for problems where there is a small
surface/volume ratio. Conceptually, it works by constructing a "mesh" over the modeled surface.
However, for many problems boundary element methods are significantly less efficient than
volume-discretization methods like FDM, FVM or FEM.
RADIOSS uses this methodology to solve some problems involving incompressible flows
(/BEM/FLOW). This method is not discussed on this training.

3.1.4 – Finite Element Method (FEM)

The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique used to determine the
approximated solution for a partial differential equations (PDE) on a defined domain (Ω). To
solve the PDE, the primary challenge is to create a function base that can approximate the
solution. There are many ways of building the approximation base and how this is done is
determined by the formulation selected. The Finite Element Method has a very good
performance to solve partial differential equations over complex domains that can vary with
RADIOSS is mainly based on this methodology, and we will develop more about this on
the nest sections where the Lagrangian, Eulerian, ALE and SPH approach will be described. – Principle of the Virtual Power

The basis for the development of a displacement finite element model is the introduction
of some locally based spatial approximation to parts of the solution. The first step to develop
such an approximation is to replace the equilibrium equations by an equivalent weak form, here
it is developed for the Eulerian formulation, but the same process can be applied to the
Lagrangian equations without problem. This is obtained by multiplying the local differential
equation by an arbitrary vector valued test function defined with suitable continuity over the
entire volume and integrating over the current configuration:
 ∂σ ij ∂v i 
∫ δu&  ∂x
i + ρbi − ρ
 dΩ = 0

Ω  j 
Using the rule chain the first term on the equation above can be expanded as:
  ∂σ ij    
 dΩ =  ∂ (δviσ ji ) −  ∂δvi σ ji  dΩ and using Gauss’s theorem:
∫Ω δvi  ∂x j  ∫  ∂x j  ∂x 
   Ω  j 
 ∂ 
∫  ∂x (δv σ )dΩ = ∫ [((δv )n σ )]dΓ
i ji i j ji this takes in account that stresses vanish on the
Ω  j  Γσ

complement of the traction boundaries.

Now we can substitute the equation above on the one before:

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  ∂σ ij   
 dΩ = [((δvi )τ i )]dΓ −  ∂δvi σ ji  dΩ
∫ δv  ∂x  ∫ ∫  
 ∂x j
Ω   j  Γ Ω 
Then we return these terms to the first equation:

 ∂δvi 
∫  ∂x σ ji dΩ − ∫ (δvi ρbi )dΩ − ∫ [(δvi )τ i ]dΓ + ∫ (δvi ρv&i )dΩ = 0 (PVP)
Ω  j  Ω Γ Ω

The preceding expression is the weak form for the equilibrium equations, traction boundary
conditions and interior continuity conditions. It is known as the principle of virtual power and it
is the basis to implement the finite element method based on PVP. – Physical Names of Virtual Power Terms

It is possible to give a physical name to each of the terms in the virtual power equation.
This will be useful in the development of finite element equations. The nodal forces in the finite
element equations will be identified according to the same physical names.
The first term can be successively written:
∂ (δvi )
σ ji = (δLij )σ ji = (δDij + δWij )σ ji = δDijσ ji
∂x j

One has used the decomposition of the velocity gradient Lij into its symmetric and skew
symmetric parts and that δWijσ ji = 0 since δWij is skew symmetric and σ ji is symmetric.

The latter relation suggests that δDijσ ji can be interpreted as the rate of internal virtual work or
virtual internal power per unit volume. The total internal power δP int is defined by the integral
of δDijσ ji :

∂ (δvi )
δP int = ∫ δDijσ ji dΩ = ∫ σ ji dΩ ≡ ∫ δLijσ ji dΩ
δx j Ω

The second and third terms in PVP equation are the virtual external power:

δP ext = ∫ (δvi ρbi )dΩ + ∫ [(δvi )τ i ]dΓ


The last term is the virtual inertial power: δP inert = ∫ (δvi ρv&i )dΩ

Then the PVP can be written as: δP = δP − δP + δP for all δvi admissible.
int ext inert

We can show that virtual power principle implies strong equations of equilibrium. So it is
possible to use the virtual power principle with a suitable test function as a statement of

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The virtual power principle has a simple physical interpretation. The rate of work done by
the external forces subjected to any virtual velocity field is equal to the rate of work done by the
equilibrating stresses on the rate of deformation of the same virtual velocity field. The principle
is the weak form of the equilibrium equations and is used as the basic equilibrium statement for
the finite element formulation. Its advantage in this regard is that it can be stated in the form of
an integral over the volume of the body. It is possible to introduce approximations by choosing
test functions for the virtual velocity field whose variation is restricted to a few nodal values. – FEA formulations diagram hierarchy

State Variable

Lagrangian Eulerian
F = F (X , t ) f = f ( x, t )

ϕ = ϕ (χ , t )

Updated Lagragian Corotational ALE

ϕ = ϕ ( X ref , t ) ϕ = ϕ ( x ref , t ) ϕ = ϕ (χ ref , t )

3.2 - Time Discretization

As we described on the last section there are many space discretization methods, this is
true when we lead with time domain too. Here we will focus on Newmark scheme that is the
technique used on RADIOSS. For simplicity here we will work only with linear system, but the
methodology could be applied to non-linear system in the same way.
The linear equations for a damped system are:

&& n + Cu& n + Ku n = f ext (t n )

For simplicity let’s suppose that our system don’t have any damping, then the equation became:

&& n + Ku n = f ext (t n )

3.2.1 – General form of the Newmark integration scheme

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Newmark's method is a one step integration method. The state of the system at a given time
tn+1=tn+h is computed using Taylor’s formula:

h 2 (2 ) h s (s )
f (tn + h ) = f (tn ) + hf ' (tn ) + f (tn ) + K + f (tn ) + Rs
2 s!
tn + h

f (s +1) (τ )[t n + h − τ ] dτ
Rs = ∫

s! tn

& ) and the displacements ( u )

Using the preceding formula it is possible to write the velocities ( u
in term of accelerations ( u
&& ):
t n +1

u& n +1 = u& n + ∫ u&&(τ )dτ


tn +1

u n +1 = u n + hu& n + ∫ (t
n +1 − τ )u
&&(τ )dτ

The approximation consists in computing the integrals by numerical quadrature:

t n +1

∫ u&&(τ )dτ = (1 − γ )hu&&

n + γ hu
&& n +1 + rn

tn +1
1  2 &&
∫ n +1
t − τ )u
&& (τ )dτ =  − β  h u n + β h 2
&& n +1 + rn′
tn 2 
Then we finally have the numerical expressions for velocities and displacements:

u& n +1 = u& n + (1 − γ )hu

&& n + γhu
&& n +1

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1  &&
u n +1 = u n + hu& n +  − β h 2 u n + β h u n +1
2 
According to the values of γ and β, different algorithms can be derived:
 β = 0, γ = 0 : Pure explicit algorithm. It can be shown that it is always unstable. An
integration scheme is stable if a critical time step exists so that, for a value of time step
lower or equal to this critical value, a finite perturbation at a given time does not lead to a
growing modification at future time steps.
 β = 0, γ = 1 / 2 : Central difference (Explicit).
 β = 1 / 2, γ = 1 / 2 : Fox & Goodwin algorithm.
 β = 1 / 6, γ = 1 / 2 : Linear acceleration.
 β = 1 / 4, γ = 1 / 2 : Mean acceleration. This integration scheme is the unconditionally
stable algorithm of maximum accuracy.

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3.2.2 – Explicit Central Difference β = 0, γ = 1 / 2

The central difference algorithm corresponds to the Newmark algorithm used in

&& n = M −1 (f ext (tn ) − Kun )


u& n +1 = u& n + hn +1 (u && n +1 )

&& n + u
un +1 = un + hn +1u& n + hn2+1u
&& n

where hn +1 the time step between tn and tn+1.

3.2.3 – Implicit (Mean acceleration) β = 1 / 4, γ = 1 / 2

The coordinates X at time t depend on some unknown values at this time. Need to solve a
matrix problem.

 1 2 
&& n +1 = f ext (t n +1 ) − K  u n + hu& n + h 2 u&&n  = f ext (t n +1 ) − f int (t n ) − K  hu& n + h 2 u
1 1
&& n 
M + 4 h K  u  4   4 

h (u && n +1 )
u& n +1 = u& n + && n + u

u n +1 = u n + hn +1u& n + hn2+1 (u && n +1 )

&& n + u
The displacement u n +1 and the velocity u
& n +1 at time n+1 depend on some unknown values at
this time:

 Velocity: u& n +1

 Acceleration: u
&& n +1

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3.3 – Lagrangian Formulation

Finite element discretizations with Lagrangian meshes are commonly classified as
either an updated Lagrangian formulation or a total Lagrangian formulation. Both formulations
use a Lagrangian description. That means that the dependent variables are functions of the
material (Lagrangian) coordinates and time. In the geometrically nonlinear structural analysis
the configuration of the structure must be tracked in time. This tracking process necessary
involves a kinematic description with respect to a reference state. Three choices called
“kinematic descriptions” have been extensively used:
1. Total Lagrangian description (TL) : The FEM equations are formulated with respect
to a fixed reference configuration which is not changed throughout the analysis. The
initial configuration is often used; but in special cases the reference could be an
artificial base configuration.
2. Updated Lagrangian description (UL) : The reference is the last known (accepted)
solution. It is kept fixed over a step and updated at the end of each step.
o Corotational description (CR) : The FEM equations of each element are
referred to two systems. A fixed or base configuration is used as in TL to
compute the rigid body motion of the element. Then the deformed current state is
referred to the corotated configuration obtained by the rigid body motion of the
initial reference.
The updated Lagrangian and corotational formulations are the approaches used in RADIOSS.
These two approaches are schematically presented in the following image:

Updated Lagrangian and Corotational description

By default, RADIOSS uses a large strain, large displacement formulation with explicit
time integration. The large displacement formulation is obtained by computing the derivative of
the shape functions at each cycle. The large strain formulation is derived from the incremental
strain computation. Hence, stress and strains are true stresses and true strains.

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In the updated Lagrangian formulation, the Lagrangian coordinates are considered

instantaneously coincident with the Eulerian spatial x coordinates. This leads to the following
∂xi ∂X j dΩ = dΩ 0
= = δ ij and
∂X j ∂xi

The derivatives are with respect to the spatial (Eulerian) coordinates. The weak form
involves integrals over the deformed or current configuration. In the total Lagrangian
formulation, the weak form involves integrals over the initial (reference) configuration and
derivatives are taken with respect to the material coordinates.
The corotational kinematic description is the most recent of the formulations in
geometrically nonlinear structural analysis. It decouples small strain material nonlinearities from
geometric nonlinearities and handles naturally the question of frame indifference of anisotropic
behavior due to fabrication or material nonlinearities. Some new generation of RADIOSS
elements are based on this approach.
A similar approach to CR description using convected-coordinates is used in some branches
of fluid mechanics and rheology. However, the CR description maintains orthogonality of the
moving frames and this allows achieving an exact decomposition of rigid body motion and
deformational modes. On the other hand, convected coordinates form a curvilinear system
that fits the change of metric as the body deforms. The difference tends to disappear as the
mesh becomes finer. However, in general case the CR approach is more convenient in
structural mechanics.
In Lagrangian meshes, mesh points remain coincident with material points and the
elements deform with the material. Since element accuracy and time step degrade with element
distortion, the magnitude of deformation that can be simulated with Lagrangian meshes is

Lagrangian formulation

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3.3.1 – Updated Lagrangian Equations

Let Ω be a volume occupied by a part of the body in the current configuration, and Γ the
boundary of the body. In the Lagrangian formulation, Ω is the volume of space occupied by the
material at the current time, which is different from the Eulerian approach where we examine a
volume of space through which the material passes. τ is the traction surface on Γ and b are the
body forces.
Force equilibrium for this arbitrary volume is then:
∫ τ dΓ + ∫ ρ b dΩ = ∫ ρ



where ρ is the material density.

The Cauchy true stress matrix at a point of Γ is defined by:
τ i = n jσ ji
Where n is the outward normal on Γ at that point. Using this definition we can rewrite the
equilibrium force equation as:
∂v i
∫n σ
j ji dΓ + ∫ ρbi dΩ = ∫ ρ

Now Gauss’s theorem allows transforming a surface integral as a volume integral so that:

∂σ ij
∫ n jσ ji dΓ = ∫
∂x j

As the volume is arbitrary, the expression can be applied at any point in the body providing the
Lagrangian equilibrium differential equation:
∂σ ij ∂vi
+ ρbi = ρ
∂x j ∂t

Use of Gauss' theorem with this equation leads to the result that the true Cauchy stress matrix
must be symmetric:

σ = σT
so that at each point there are only six independent components of stress. As a result,
moment equilibrium equations are automatically satisfied, thus only the translational equations
of equilibrium need to be considered.

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From the Lagrangian equilibrium differential equation using the Galerkin method we can
obtain the Variational form:

 ∂Pji ∂vi (X , t ) 
∫ δv  ∂X
i + ρ 0 bi − ρ 0
∂t 
dΩ = 0
Ω  j

 δvi : Virtual velocity field
Now if we replace the functions fields by the FE approximation it became a set of equations:

3.3.2 – Discrete Updated Lagrangian Equations

Discrete Momentum Equation:

M ijIJ v& jJ + f iIint = f iIext for (I,i ) ∉ Γvi

Internal Nodal Forces:
∂N I
f iIint = ∫ BIjσ ji dΩ where BIj =
Ω ∂x j

External Nodal Forces:

f iIext = ∫ N I ρbi dΩ + ∫ N I ti dΓ
Ω Γti

Mass Matrix:

M ijIJ = δ ij ∫ ρN I N J dΩ

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Exercise 2.1: Pressure Bar using Lagrangian mesh

This bar model is developed to show the importance of the mesh size for a problem
where wave propagation is important. As we can see below we have the model A with a uniform
mesh (5mm) and B is a model with 5mm size on the first half and 10 mm on the second half.


Problem description

Model Information
• UNITS are : mm / ms / Kg
• Dimensions: 1000 x 5 x 5 mmA
• Material: STEEL
• Sound speed: 6100 mm/ms
• DOF: X.

Problem Setup
You should copy these Files: and

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Step 1: Launch HyperMesh and set the Radioss Block User Profile
1. Launch HyperMesh.
A User Profiles… Graphic User Interface (GUI) will appear.
2. Select RADIOSS from the User Profile list.
3. Form the extended list, select Block 100.
4. Click OK.
This loads the User Profile. It includes the appropriate template, macro menu, and import reader,
paring down the functionality of HyperMesh to what is relevant for generating models in Block Data
Format for RADIOSS.

Step 2: Open the HyperMesh database

Homogeneous bar (5mm)

1. From the File pull-down menu on the toolbar, select Open….

2. An Open file… browser window pops up.
3. Select the file, located in the class model files directory.

Step 3: Create the MATERIALS

1. Click Model Browser tab on the Tab menu.
2. Right-click inside the Model Browser window and move the mouse over Create to activate the
extended menu and click Material.
3. In the Name: field, enter steel.

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4. For Card image type, select M4_HYD_JCOOK.

5. Check the box next to “Card edit property upon creation”.
6. Click Create. This will open the card editor with the newly created material.
7. Edit the values in the card editor window to match the values shown in the following image. In order
to enable a particular value, click on the value name.
8. Click return to go to the main menu.

Step 4: Create the bar property

1. Click Model Browser tab on the Tab menu.
2. Right-click inside the Model Browser window and move the mouse over Create to activate the
extended menu and click Property.
3. In the Name: field, enter BAR_PROP.
4. For Card image type, select P14_SOLID.
5. Check the box next to “Card edit property upon creation”.
6. Click Create.
The card image editor pops up.
7r. Edit the values in the card editor window to match the values shown in the following image. In
order to enable a particular value, click on the value name.
8. Click return to go to the main menu.

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Step 5: Assign the appropriate property and material to the “BAR”

1. Click Model Browser tab on the Tab menu.
2. Right-click inside the Model Browser window and expand the Component folder to show the
component collectors present in the model. Right-click on the component named BAR and select
A dialog box pops up allowing you to edit the property and material associated with the BAR
3. Click on the Property tab and check the box next to Assign Property. Under the drop-down list for
Name: select BAR_PROP.
4. Click on the Material tab and check the box next to Assign Material. Under the drop-down list for
Name: select steel.
5. Click Update.

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Step 6: Use the BC’s Manager to apply the boundary conditions

1. Click on Tools in the menu and navigate to Create > Sets. This brings up the entity set creation
2. In the Name field, enter All. Click the drop-down selector for Card image and select GRNOD.
3. Click on nodes and select all from the context menu and click on Create. This creates a node set
comprised of all nodes in the model.
4. In the Name field, enter End. Click the drop-down selector for Card image and select GRNOD if it is
not already selected.

5. In the Standard Views toolbar, click on the Top Plane View icon to orient the bar top-down.
Zoom in on the rightmost end of the bar and select all of the nodes at the end of the bar. Click
Create to make the second node set.
6. Click the Utility tab on the Tab menu.

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7. Click on the BC’s Manager button in the Tools section of the utility menu. This brings up the
boundary conditions manager tab.
8. In the Name section, enter the name ALL_YZ.
9. Ensure that Select Type is set to Boundary Condition.
10. Change the GRNOD selector to Nodes.
11. Click on the selector button in the toolbar to activate the nodes selector panel. Once in the panel,
click on the nodes button in the panel to activate the context selector and chose by sets. Select
the set All from the list, and click Proceed.
12. Under Boundary condition components section of the BCs Manager tab, check the boxes next to Ty
and Tz.
13. Click Create. The boundary condition is generated and now shows up in the graphics window and
the BCs Manager.
14. In the Name section, enter the name END.
15. Ensure that Select Type is set to Boundary Condition.
16. Change the GRNOD selector to Nodes.

17. Click on the selector button in the toolbar to activate the

nodes selector panel. Once in the panel, click on the nodes
button in the panel to activate the context selector and chose
by sets. Select the set End from the list, and click Proceed.
18. Under Boundary condition components section of the BCs
Manager tab, check the box next to Tx.

19. Click Create. The boundary condition is generated and now shows up in the graphics window and
the BCs Manager.

Step 7: Create pressure load to represent a pulse load

1. From the pull down menu XYPlots > Curve Editor… to open the Curve editor window.
2. Click New… at the bottom of the editor window. Enter Pressure in the Name field and
click Proceed to return to the Curve editor window.
3. Click on Pressure in the Curve List and the editor will enable you to enter values for this
curve. Enter the values shown below:

Point # X-Value Y-Value

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1 0.0 0.0
2 0.001 1
3 0.002 0
4 0.003 0

4. Click Update to enable display of the newly entered curve.

Pressure Curve {0.0,0.0; 0.001,1.0; 0.002,0.0; 0.003,0.0}

5. Click Close to close the editor window and return to the main menu.
6. From the Analysis page click the panel button contactsurfs.
7. Select the solid faces radio button on the left hand side of the panel.
8. Enter ContactEnd in the name input field, and set the card image to surfSeg.
9. With the elems button selected, drag-select the elements on the end of the bar. With these
elements selected, click on the yellow nodes button below the nodes on face toggle.
10. Select three nodes on the end face of one of the elements as shown in the image below,
and click Create.

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11. Click return to return to the main menu.

12. Click Model Browser tab on the Tab menu.
13. Right-click inside the Model Browser window and move the mouse over Create to activate
the extended menu and click Load Collector.
14. Enter PULSE as the name of the new load collector, and select PLOAD_Collector as the
card image. Ensure that the check box in front of “Card edit loadcollector upon creation” is

15. Click Create to bring up the card editor for this load collector.
16. Edit the values for this load collector as seen in the image below. Be sure to change the
Surface Type in the panel area to ContactSurfs before selecting the contact surface
created in Step 10.
17. Click return to go back to the main menu.

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Step 8: Create an output block PRESSURE to monitor the pressure of the 6

elements shown below
1. In the Analysis panel, click on output block to enter the output block editor panel.
2. Enter outblock1 as the block name, and use the drop-down selector to change the nodes
selection button to elems.
3. Click on the elems button and select by id. In the filter input box, enter 1-6 and hit the
Enter button on the keyboard. Elements 1 through 6 will be selected for output.
4. Click Create to create the output block.

Step 9: Create an output block NODES to monitor the displacement of the 6

nodes shown below
1. Enter outblock2 as the block name, and use the drop-down selector to change the elems
selection button back to nodes.
2. Click on the nodes button and select by id. In the filter input box, enter 1-6 and hit the
Enter button on the keyboard. Nodes 1 through 6 will be selected for output.
3. Click Create to create the output block.

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Monitored nodes.

Step 10: Create the engine file as showed below.

1. Click on the Utility tab in the browser area and select the Engine File button to bring up the
engine file editor.
2. Enter the information shown in the image below into the editor.

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3. Click on the ANIM tab in the Radioss Engine File Tool and enter the information shown in
the image below into the editor.

4. In the DT tab of the Radioss Engine File Tool, enter the information shown in the image
below into the editor.

5. Click Close to return to the main menu.

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Step 11: Export RADIOSS input file as BARHOM5_0000.rad.

1. In the File menu, select Export… to open the export tab. Click on the File: input button,
navigate to the solution directory, and enter BARHOM5_0000.rad as the file name for the
input file.
2. Check the box next to “Auto export engine file”.
3. Click the Export button to export the engine file and input deck.
4. Click Close to return to the main menu.

Step 12: Run the model using the option –both.

1. Double-click on the RADIOSS icon on the desktop or navigate to the Altair Hyperworks 10.0
directory in the Start Menu and select the RADIOSS icon.
2. In the Altair RADIOSS starter, click Browse… Navigate to the solution directory and load
the BARHOM5_0000.rad file.
3. Make sure that –both is listed in the options setting and click Run.

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Repeat Steps 1-12 to set up and run the model file.

Step 13: Open the T01 file with HV and create the report showed below.

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

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Chapter 2: RADIOSS Theory and Application

4 – Explicit vs. Implicit

4.1 Explicit and Implicit Flowcharts

Explicit Flow Chart

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Implicit Newmark Flow Chart

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4.2 Explicit and Implicit Scheme Capabilities

Trade Diagram plotting Implicit and Explicit schemes against non-linearity and velocity

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4.3 Explicit and Implicit CPU Cost Comparison

CPU Cost vs. Complexity for Explicit and Implicit solution types

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4.4 Explicit and Implicit Comparison Table

Explicit Implicit

(-) Conditional stability (+) Always stable

∆t < ∆tc

(-) Small ∆t (µ
µs) (+) Large ∆t (ms)

θ ≈ (∆t )2 θ ≈ (∆t )2
(+) Precision (+) Precision

-1 -1
(+) [M] (diagonal matrix) (-) ([M]+a[K]) (non diagonal)

(+) Low memory (10 MW) (-) High memory (6000 MW)

(+) Dynamic and Shock problems (+) Dynamic and Static problems

(+) « Element-by-Element » method (-) Global resolution

• Local treatment • Need of
convergence at
each step

(+) High Robustness (-) Low Robustness

• High and Coupled • Null pivots,
nonlinearities Divergence, …

(+) Relatively low cost (-) Too expensive

• « Low » CPU, • High CPU, High
« Low » Memory Memory

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Chapter 3: Tools, Files, and Common Features

Chapter 3

Tools, Files, and Common Features

1- Pre-Processing Tools
Shortcuts to RADIOSS pre-processing tools can be found in the Start menu or
installation directory for the Altair HyperWorks 11.0 suite. RADIOSS input decks can be
set up by two pre-processors in the HyperWorks suite: HyperMesh and HyperCrash.
HyperMesh is Altair’s primary pre-processing tool and is cross compatible with
RADIOSS and many other solvers for input and output of solver decks. HyperMesh
integrates a general pre-processing approach with the flexibility and extensibility of
user-defined macros and customized process managers that help you complete your
FE model setup quickly and easily. HyperMesh specializes in mesh creation and mesh
HyperCrash is a powerful RADIOSS specific pre-processing application specializing in
crash and safety model setup. It incorporates comprehensive model checking routines
and dummy positioning and orientation options that have raised the bar for the industry-
standard for crash applications.

2- Processors
RADIOSS has a pair of solution tools that function together as the main solution
processor: RADIOSS Starter and RADIOSS Engine.
The RADIOSS Starter is responsible for checking the consistency of the model,
generating any warnings or errors, and generates an initial restart file for the RADIOSS
Engine. It uses the *_0000.rad file as input and generates *_0000.out and *_0000.rst
The RADIOSS Engine is used to solve the model, generate animation, time-history, and
listing files, and restart the run if necessary. It uses the *_0000.rad, *_0001.rad, and
*_0000.rst files as input and generates *_0001.out, *_0001.rst, *T01, and *A01 files as

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Chapter 3: Tools, Files, and Common Features

3- Post-Processing Tools
HyperView and HyperGraph are the two post-processors mainly associated with reviewing
RADIOSS files output from a solution run. HyperView is used to post-process animation
files, including stresses, displacements, plastic strains, etc. The *A01 files are the solver
output files for animation. HyperGraph is used to post-process the time-history information,
including nodal energy results, forces, element energy results, etc.

4- RADIOSS Files

File Description Read by Written by Format

_0000.rad Input RADIOSS Starter/ HyperMesh HyperMesh

D00 (V4) File HyperCrash HyperCrash

_0001.rad HyperCrash
Engine input Engine ASCII
D01 (V4) /Text Editor

L00, Lnn List files Text Editor Starter/Engine ASCII

R00, Rnn Restart files Engine Starter/Engine
(by default)

Annn Animation files HyperView Engine Binary

Tnn Time history file HyperGraph Engine
(by default)

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Chapter 3: Tools, Files, and Common Features

5- RADIOSS Common Features

RADIOSS has a number of features that are useful in a number of different types of
analyses and which can be considered common to all of the types of analysis that RADIOSS
is able to perform. These include, but are not limited to, interfaces, rigid bodies, monitored
volumes, boundary conditions, loads, and general features. Each of these features will be
covered within this section, and where necessary, called out in further material within this
manual for in-depth study.

5.1 – Interfaces
Interfaces within RADIOSS are used for analyzing and solving the contact between two
parts. Different types of interfaces are used to establish the boundary between various pairs
of physical elements, properties, materials, and physical characteristic phenomena.
Interfaces are referenced within RADIOSS by number and some of the most common are
TYPE5, TYPE7, and TYPE11. Interfaces are covered in more depth within this manual in
Chapter 6.

5.2 – Rigid Walls

There are four types of rigid walls within RADIOSS: infinite planes, cylindrical rigid walls,
spherical rigid walls, or parallelograms. Each of these is defined by a master node and a
group of slave nodes and can be either fixed or moving. Slave nodes can be either listed
explicitly or generated by a distance for slave search. Rigid walls are kinematic conditions
within RADIOSS.

5.3 – Rigid Bodies

Rigid bodies within RADIOSS are undeformable structures defined by a master node and a
group of slave nodes and can be either fixed or moving. Like rigid walls, kinematic
conditions are also imposed on all of the slave nodes defined for a rigid body within
RADIOSS. Although a master node must be selected when creating a rigid body, RADIOSS
will automatically move the master node location to the center of mass of the rigid body.
Rigid bodies can be used to represent parts or connections between parts.

5.4 – Monitored Volumes

Monitored volumes are used to simulate gases or fluids in RADIOSS. Monitored volumes
are subject to a number of restrictions. First, the surface defined for the monitored volume
must be closed. Second, the shell normal vector must be oriented toward the outside of the
volume. Lastly, a monitored volume must contain only 3 or 4 shell element sets.
There are five types of monitored volumes in RADIOSS. Included in these types a Type 3
which is used for tires and fuel tanks. Type 4 monitored volumes are used for simple
unfolded airbags. Type 5 monitored volumes are used in RADIOSS to defined chambered

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5.5 – Boundary Conditions

Within RADIOSS, boundary conditions are kinematic conditions used to determine the
nodes at which DOFs will be constrained, what DOFs will be constrained at those points,
and the total value of that constraint.

5.6 – Initial Velocity

Initial velocities can be defined in RADIOSS by specifying a vector in XYZ coordinate values
that provides both direction and magnitude and a group of nodes that defines what this initial
velocity is applied to.

5.7 – Imposed Velocity

Similarly, imposed velocities are also defined in RADIOSS with a group of nodes and a
vector, although the vector is only used for directional purposes. The magnitude of the
velocity imposed over time is provided to the solver as a function of the time domain
specified by the user.

5.8 – Imposed Displacement

Imposed displacements are only available in RADIOSS block and may be defined in a
similar fashion to imposed velocities.

5.9 – Loads and Gravity

Loads are applied to nodes or elements to indicate deviations from the static unloaded state.
Within RADIOSS, loads can be concentrated loads, pressure loads, or gravity loads, and
can be applied as a vector with constant magnitude, or as a function of time.

5.10 – Added Masses

An added mass within RADIOSS is defined by the mass to be added and a node or group of
nodes. In the event that more than one node is defined as the location for the added mass,
the mass will either be evenly distributed between the nodes in an indicated group, or added
to each node within a list of nodes.

5.11 – Skew Frames

Skew frames are used within RADIOSS to define local coordinate frames of reference and
can be either moving or fixed. Fixed skew frames are created as coordinate systems and
use nodal/vector definitions. Skew frames are defined by three nodes: one to define the
origin, the second to define the local X-vector, and the third to define the XY-plane. As
these nodes move, the skew frame translates and rotates with these nodes.

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Chapter 3: Tools, Files, and Common Features

Exercise 3.1: First Run with RADIOSS

To introduce RADIOSS manager and post-processing tools. The model simulates an impact
of a half section box beam on a rigid wall with symmetric boundary conditions.

Model Description

• Simulation time: [0 – 50] ms

• The model is represented as a symmetric part (Z - axes).
• On the free extreme (x minor) where the 500,000 g is attached, an initial velocity VX = 5
mm/ms is applied.
• Box dimensions = 80 x 80 x 480 with a uniform thickness = 1.5 mm
• Input files for this tutorial: FIRST_RUN_0000.rad and FIRST_RUN_0001.rad
• Units: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (g), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
• Results requested:
o /ANIM/ELEM/EPSP Plastic strain
o /ANIM/ELEM/VONM Von Mises stress
• Johnson-Cook Elasto-Plastic Material /MAT/LAW2.
ρ = 7.9 g/mm
o [Rho_I] Initial density
o E = 199355 N/mm [E] Young’s modulus
o ν = 0.29 [nu] Poisson’s ratio
o σ0 = 185.4 [a] Plasticity yield stress
o Κ = 540.0 [b] Plasticity hardening parameter
o n = 0.32 [nu] Plasticity hardening exponent
o σΜΑΞ = 336.6 [SIG_max] Max Stress

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Step 1: Open RADIOSS Manager.

Step 2: Input the Starter file (*0000.rad), and select the option –starter.

Step 3: Review the listing file FIRST_RUN_0000.out and verify the model:
1. Check if the starter finished with no errors and/or warnings.
2. Find the minimum time step and write it down.
3. Retrieve the total mass of the model. Is it consistent with the unit system defined in
starter file?

Step 4: Edit the engine file with a text editor

1. If the check run finished with no errors, add the lines in bold below to request output on
to the end of the file FIRST_RUN_0001.rad:
• /ANIM/ELEM/EPSP ...........................................requests Plastic Strains
• /ANIM/ELEM/VONM ..........................................requests von Mises Stresses

Step 5: Run the engine file using the RADIOSS Manager with the option

Step 6: Review the listing FIRST_RUN.out file with a Text Editor.

1. Check the % energy error and Mass Addition at the end of the computation.

Step 7: Review the results file (FIRST_RUN.h3d) with HyperView

1. Open HyperView, load the file FIRST_RUN.h3d, and then Apply.

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2. Animate the results using the icon , and modify the speed of animation via the speed
slider scrollbar at the bottom of the animation locator.

3. Move the model in the graphic window, either using the 3D View Control toolbar or using
shortcuts: - CTRL+left click for rotation,
- CTRL+right click for translation,
- CTRL+middle scroll for zoom/unzoom

4. Modify the display mode, using the Result Browser:

a. Expand Components folder

b. Right click on at the right of RIGID WALL 1, then choose transparent.

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c. Select both FERMETUR and OMEGA, then right click on the color icon and
choose a new color. Also, display the mesh by using .

5. Display scalar result, using the Results browser:

a. Expand Results folder in the browser tree, then expand the Scalar subfolder.
b. Click on one icon to display the relevant contour

6. Repeat Step 5 to display velocity results using the vector panel.

7. Add information in the graphic window using notes:

a. In the Results brower, right click and then select Create > Note
b. Switch Attach to: to Entity, then set the switch below to Node. Click on it to
ensure that it is highlighted and select the By ID option. Enter 81500 in the box
provided and click OK to close the window.
c. Insert the fields Entity id and Entity vector value using the Field Names
d. Type in the Description box to complete the field such as shown it the following

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e. Click Apply to update the note with this information.

Notes are interactive, variable values are updated at each simulation step.
Contour values will show in notes as N/A for vector values.

8. Create a new contour using a custom expression to show the hourglass energy.
Hourglass is a numerical energy, which effect must be limited with
respect to internal energy such as HE/IE < 10%. This contour can
be created directly in HyperView. We will set up the Specific
Energy as Internal Energy per mass unit.
a. In the Results browser, right click and select Create > Derived Results. Ensure
that the dropdown under Select: is set to Show required.
b. Enter HE/IE (%) in the Label field.
c. For the Table field, choose Hourglass energy, then click Insert.
d. Next, choose Specific Energy from the Table, and click Insert.
e. To avoid a division by 0, complete the expression as shown below:

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f. Click on OK to close the dialog box.

g. In the Results browser, hide all components except shell parts, then hide the
velocity vector contour and the note, then display the new contour HE/IE

8. Once the HE/IE contour displayed, display only the elements above a value of 10.

a. Click on the button to enter the Iso panel,

b. Set Result Type to HE/IE then click Apply
c. Set the Current value to 10, and check the option to make the clipped geometry

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d. Animate the results. The number of displayed elements will change at each step.

Step 7: Review the time history file (T01) with HyperGraph

1. Add HyperGraph clients in the existing session.
a. Split your page into 4 window using the Page Window Layout:

b. On the 3 new windows, load HyperGraph 2D client if they are not automatically

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2. Plot the Mass as a function of time.

a. Click on the right top window to make it current.

b. From Build Plots panel , load the Time History File FIRST_RUN_T01
c. Select the Y-type, Y-Request, and Y-Component as Global Variables >
Mass > MAG and click Apply.

3. Plot energy curves using the Build plot panel:

a. Click on the left bottom window to make it current.
b. From Build plots panel, select the Global Variables, then Internal Energy,
Kinetic Energy, and Hourglass Energy and Apply.

4. Sum the three displayed energies to obtain the Total Energy:

a. Go to the Define Curves panel

b. Click Add to add a new Curve, and name it Total Energy
c. Switch the Source to Math
d. In the X= field, SHIFT+left click on a curve in the graphic window to insert the x-
values of that curve into the field.
e. Similarly in the Y= field, then SHIFT+left click on each of the the three curves,
adding a + between each vector.
f. Click Apply to show the new curve.

5. Create a curve using Math of the ratio of Hourglass Energy to Internal Energy in the
bottom right window.
a. The X= value should be the x-value of one of the previous curves

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b. The Y= value should be the y-value of the Hourglass Energy divided by the sum
of y-value of the Internal Energy curve and 1e-30 (added to prevent division by

6. Create a boundary curve

a. With right bottom window active, click Add to create a new curve named 10%
b. Set Source to Values
c. Enter two points with the values (0,0.1) and (60,0.1) respectively and click Apply
to set the values and update the window.

7. Use notes to display the maximum value of HE/IE

a. In the Note panel click Add to create a new note and name it max(HE/IE)
b. In the Attach to tab, switch Attach to: to curve and click on max button

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• Go back to the Text tab, replace "Note1" with {Y} and click Apply.

8. Rename window headers.

a. Go in the Session Browser.
b. Select the current, right click on it, and rename it Numeric Stability

c. For each HyperGraph 2D window, go in Headers/Footers panel . Rename

the three windows with curves respectively Mass Variation, Energy
Balance and Energy Ratio.

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9. Expected results

Step 8: Save the session to a file.

1. Once the post-processing done, it can be saved by writing a session file:
a. A .mvw file reloads exactly your post-processing
b. A .tpl file reloads your post-processing, with the possibility to modify some
parameters (input file, …)
2. Click on File > Save > Session enter the name numeric_stability and Save
3. Click on File > Save as > Report Template enter the name numeric_stability and
click Save.

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Exercise 3.2: Modified Crash Beam

Modify the crash beam to obtain better results.

Compare results to the previous ones.

Model Description

• Simulation time: [0 – 50] ms

• The model is represented on its ½ symmetric part (Z - axes).
• On the free extreme (x minor) where the 500,000 g is attached has an initial velocity
• VX = 15.6 mm/ms applied to it.
• Input files for this tutorial: CRASH_BEAM_0000.rad and CRASH_BEAM_0001.rad

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Step 1: Load the model

1. Launch HyperCrash using the RADIOSSV11 user profile with the N m s kg unit system
and the New interface.
2. In the overhead menu, select File > Import > RADIOSS… and navigate to the folder
containing the file CRASH_BEAM_0000.rad and click OK to import the file. Use Ignore
and import if HyperCrash requests a verification of the model units.

Step 2: Set up a self-contact interface on each part

1. In the menu, select LoadCase > Contact Interface > Create/Modify to open the
Contact tab.
2. For the Choose Contact section, select Multi usage (Type 7) to start creating a
new self contacting interface.
3. Check the box for Self-Impact located in the Selection tab.

4. In the overhead button bar, select the Display All button to show all parts in the

5. In the Selection tab, click the Include picked parts button to select the parts to
add to this contact using the mouse in the graphics area.
6. Click both meshed parts on the screen to add them to the contact definition and select
the Yes button in the lower right-hand corner below the graphics area.
7. Click the Properties tab to set the properties for this contact interface.
8. In the Title field, set the name of the contact to Self-Contact Interface.
9. In the field for Min. gap for impact activ. enter 0.5.
10. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Properties tab to save this contact interface

Step 3: Create the rigid wall

1. In the menu, select LoadCase > Rigid Wall > Create to open the Rigid Wall tab.
2. For the Select RWALL Type selection, choose Infinite Plane.
3. Name the rigid wall Rigid Wall.
4. Leave M0 X, Y, and Z coordinates as 0, and set M1 X coordinate to 1. Leave M1 Y and
Z set to 0.

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5. In the Selection tab, click the Include Picked Parts button and click on the hat
section and closure parts in the graphics area to add their nodes to the rigid wall as
slave nodes.
6. In the Properties tab for the Rigid Wall, set Friction Parameters to Tied and ensure
that the wall type is set to Fixed.
7. Click Save to create the rigid wall as part of the model.

Step 4: Create the rigid body

1. In the overhead menu, select Mesh Editing > Rigid Body > Create to open the rigid
body creation tab.
2. Under Rigid Body Creation, name the new rigid body NewRigid and click Ok to begin
creating the rigid body.
3. Orient the model so that the nodes at the far end of the boxtube are easily selectable as

4. Click the Add nodes by box selection button and select the nodes on the end
face of the boxtube as the node group, as shown.

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5. In the Properties tab, add a mass of 500 to add the mass to the master node of the rigid
6. Click Save to create the rigid body as part of the model.

Step 5: Create the translation boundary condition

1. In the menu, select LoadCase > Boundary Condition > Create to open the Boundary
Condition tab.
2. Name the boundary condition X_Trans_Free.
3. Click Ok to begin creating the boundary condition.

4. Click the Add/Remove nodes by picking selection button and select the master
node of the rigid body at the end of the boxtube. Note that the red dot indicating that the
node has been selected may be difficult to see under certain conditions.

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5. Click Yes at the bottom right of the screen to select this as your only node to apply this
boundary condition to.
6. Under Boundary Condition Components, check the boxes for Ty, Tz, Rx, Ry, and Rz.
7. Click Save to create the boundary condition at the master node of the rigid body.

Step 6: Create the initial velocity

1. In the menu, select LoadCase > Initial Velocity > Create to open the Initial Velocity
2. Name the initial velocity as InitialVelocity.
3. Click Ok to begin creating the initial velocity.
4. Again click Add/Remove nodes by picking selection and select the master node of
the rigid body at the end of the boxtube as the only node, clicking Ok in the lower right-
hand corner to add this node only.
5. Enter the velocity component for the initial velocity in the X-direction as 15.6 and click
Save to display the vector for the initial velocity on the screen. Note: the velocity vector
should point toward the wall – if it does not, the sign on the velocity component must be
edited and negated.

Step 7: Modify the element properties

1. In the menu, select Model > Property to open the Property tab.

2. Select the OMEGA part in the browser and click the View/Edit button to change the
3. Under Shell Element Formulation, change the value for the to QEPH
4. Repeat this process for the FERMETUR part to change the element formulation for those
elements as well.

Step 8: Create the time history requests for each part

1. In the menu, select Data History > Part > Create to open the Data History tab.
2. Name the new Time History Parts and click Ok to create the time history for the parts.

3. Click the Pick part to add button , select the hat section and closure parts, and
click Yes at the bottom of the screen to add the parts to the time history selection.

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4. Repeat this process to create a new time history for the master node of the rigid element
by using Data History > Node > Create.

Step 9: Create the time history requests for each part

1. In the menu, select File > Export > RADIOSS to open the file export dialog box.
2. Name the file CrashBeam and click Ok to export the model file.
3. Click Save Model when the header screen appears to continue to the Engine editor.
4. In the Write Engine File dialog box, edit the fields as shown in the figures below before
clicking Write Engine File.

Step 10: Post-process the model and compare with the results from the
previous exercise.

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Chapter 4: Elements

Chapter 4

1- Element Stress and Strain
When using RADIOSS for impact applications, an understanding of FE elements, their
types, and their capabilities is the first step to ensuring that the performance of the
model is as close to the performance of empirical study as the numerical model will
allow. The basic set of information output from a run includes stress and strain and
physical displacement and rotation.

1.1 – Stress & Strain Formulation

True stress and true strain can be calculated from the engineering strain and stress
according to the logarithmic true strain tensor and the Cauchy true stress tensor as
shown below:

ε true = ln  = ln(1 + ε eng )
 l0 

σ true = σ eng (1 + ε eng )

1.2 – Small Strain Elements
RADIOSS includes an option for using small strain formulations for certain element
types. These small deformation simulations are usually used for linear elastic studies
as opposed to analyses where high velocity, impact, or high-energy phenomena are
present. They may also be used in specialized situations to resolve numerical issues
due to large mesh distortion, decrease of timestep (due to decrease in element length),
and negative volume of brick elements. Generally, RADIOSS used in impact
applications will not utilize small-strain formulations for elements in the model setup
unless explicitly specified.

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Chapter 4: Elements

2- Element Hourglass
When dealing with elements represented in more than one dimension (plate/shell and solid
elements), hourglass behavior must be monitored. Hourglassing refers to a set of
translational and rotational motions common to under-integrated 2D and 3D elements that
allow shear without introducing any energy and in which the stress and strain are zero.
Hourglassing energy is introduced to the element to counter the shear hourglass effect, and
so a high hourglassing energy is an indication that there are issues with the model’s FE

2.1 – Hourglass Modes

Shell elements have 24 modes, 12 translational and 12 rotational, of which 3 are
translational rigid body modes, 6 are translational deformation modes, 3 are translational
hourglass modes. The rotational modes include 4 out-of-plane rotational modes, 2
deformation modes, 2 rigid body rotation modes, and 4 rotational hourglass modes.
By contrast, brick elements have 12 hourglass modes, 4 modes for each dimension.

2.2 – Hourglass Checking

Users may use HyperGraph or HyperView to check the hourglass energy for a model in
post-processing. Within HyperGraph, the time history files may be used to plot hourglass
energy against the internal energy for a model. The acceptable limit for this ratio is 10%.
Similarly, when plotting hourglass vs. internal energy for a part, the ratio should be below
Contour plotting of hourglass energy is possible in HyperView if the /ANIM/ELEM/HOURG
command is present in the engine file prior to solving. The Contour panel can then be
configured to display hourglass energy for the model as a visual spectrum contour.

3- Element Types and Controls

Each type of RADIOSS element has its own set of parameters, including number of nodes,
number of integration points (which may be variable depending on reduced or full
integration), and calculations for characteristic length.

3.1 – Basic Solid (3D) Elements

The basis for all solid elements is the standard 8-noded brick element. This element is
comprised of 8 nodes forming the faces, and is set by default to a 1-point integration, but
may be set to full integration (8-point).

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Chapter 4:: Elements

Simple brick hexahedron element indic

ating the node numbering and internal coordinate system

The characteristic length for the simple brick hexahedron is the element volume divided by
the largest face area.

3.2 – Degenerated Solid (3D) Elements

From the basic 3D hexahedron, putting nodes of tthe he same edge together will create
egenerated elements, commonly called pyramid (5 faces, 4 triangular, 1 quadrilateral),
penta (5 faces, 2 triangular, 3 quadrilateral), and tetrahedron (4 faces, all triangular).
Although these elements can be generated ffrom rom a hexahedron element in multiple ways, it
is important to respect elemental symmetry when creating these elements. To that end,
there are a few recommended ways to put nodes together to generate these elements, as
well as a number of non-recommended
recommended w ways.

Recommended degenerated pyramid, penta, and tetrahedral elements

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Chapter 4: Elements

Non-recommended degerated forms of RADIOSS elements

3.3 – Solid (3D) Tetrahedron

The 3D tetrahedron element is its own basic 3D RADIOSS element and does not need to be
generated from a degenerated hexahedron. It comes in 3 forms: 4-noded (linear), 10-noded
(quadratic), and 4-noded quadratic (with 6 dummy nodes).

3.3.1 – 4-Noded Tetrahedron

The 4-noded tetrahedron element can represent linear shape functions with a single
integration point and does not suffer from hourglass modes. The element also has shear
locking and low convergence. The characteristic length calculation is shown below:

lc = a = 0.816a
Characteristic length calculation for 4-noded tetrahedron

3.3.2 – 10-Noded Tetrahedron

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Chapter 4:: Elements

The 10-noded
noded tetrahedron element can represent quadratic shape functions and has 4
integration points. It also does not have hourglass modes, shear locking and
nd a low time-step
with high convergence. The characteristic length calculation is shown below:

Characteristic length calculation for 10-noded tetrahedron

3.3.3 – 4-Noded
Noded Quadratic Tetrahedron
The 4-noded
noded quadratic tetrahedron element uses enriched nodal variables to enable 6 DOF
for each node, and so can represent quadratic shape functions with 4 integration points. It
boasts a relatively high time step compared to the ten
node tetra element with the same
accuracy and low to negligible shear lockin
g effect. The rotational DOF for the nodes are
used to update the positioning information for the six dummy nodes.

Dummy node positioning with respect to integration points for 4

noded quadratic tetrahedron element

3.4 – Other Solid (3D) Elements

Other solid (3D) elements available through RADIOSS include:
• HA8:: 8 node linear brick with variable integration schemes from 2x2x2 to 9x9x9
• HEPH:: 8 node linear brick with 1 integration point , Elastic
plastic physical
stabilization method
• BRICK20:: 20 node quadratic brick with reduced 2x2x2 or full 3x3x3 integration
• SHELL16 : Thick shell element

3.5 – Solid (3D) Flags and Control Cards

ach property card relating to a set of solid elements in RADIOSS contains the ISOLID
keyword for controlling the integration points of the elements in that property set as well as
the ISMSTR keyword for controlling small strain formulation.

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Chapter 4: Elements

For ISOLID, the default value is 0, which uses 1 integration point (IP) per element. If
ISOLID is set to 12, the element will use 8 integration points, and setting ISOLID to 24
uses the HEPH formulation for all elements with that property.
The ISMSTR property defaults to 0, which uses large strain formulations. If ISMSTR is set to
1, small strain formulations will be utilized from time t=0. ISMSTR can also be set to 2,
which activates small strain formulation upon reaching some criteria within the model.

3.6 – Solid (3D) Element Applications

The applications of solid elements are varied and extensive. Uses include:
• Bushings
• Inserts
• Barriers
• Bumpers
• Dummies
• Seat Elements

3.7 – Basic Shell (2D) Elements

Because of their reduced dimension of representation, shell (2D) elements require more
information to properly model, and also come in more types. Some of the most common
will be discussed here. For a more extensive list, please see the RADIOSS Block Help, and
navigate to:
User's Guide > RADIOSS > Block Format Input > Explicit Finite Element Analysis

3.7.1 – 4-Noded Quadrilateral Elements (Q4)

Four noded quadrilateral elements come in three major types of formulations: Beltshko &
Tsay (BT), QEPH, and BATOZ.
Four node quadrilateral elements in RADIOSS are of type Belytshko & Tsay (BT) by default.
The BT formulation has one integration point over the surface, a constant normal across the
element face, and an unphysical hourglass control. In crashworthiness simulations, over
90% of shell elements are BT, since these elements are low-cost and save CPU time.
However, this formulation cannot couple bending and membrane behavior.
QEPH formulations are used to describe four-node curved elements. The normals for this
element are calculated independently at each of the four nodes, and this formulation
features physical hourglass stabilization.
BATOZ elements are fully integrated, including 4 gauss points over the element. BATOZ
elements feature no hourglassing as well as variable stress over the element face.
Generally, the majority of a model should be comprised of BT elements to avoid the CPU
expense when not necessary to achieve a well-convergent solution. QEPH should be the
next choice, with a good trade off between quality and cost. BATOZ should be used in fine
mesh areas, but sparingly enough to keep the CPU cost reasonable.

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Chapter 4: Elements

3.7.1 – 3-Noded Triangular Elements (Q3)

Basic triangular elements (C0) are flat facet elements without any hourglassing. Despite
their relative simplicity, they should be used as sparingly as possible, as they are
mathematically stiff. Triangular elements can also be formed by degenerating a Q4
element, reducing one of the side lengths to zero. The degenerated Q4 element form
suffers from non-homogenous mass distribution. The last form of tria-element is a BATOZ
triangle (DKT18) which features three in-plane integration points with Hammer scheme, no
hourglassing, and good bending behavior. The BATOZ triangle brings twice the CPU cost
of the C0 element, however.

3.8 – Shell (2D) Flags and Control Cards

RADIOSS shell property cards allow users to control the number of integration points
through the thickness of the element, plastically admissible stress, and thickness variation in
an element in addition to control over the element formulation and small strain control.
N value controls the number of integration points through the thickness of the element.

4- Basic 1-D Elements

4.1 – Basic 1-D Element Types
RADIOSS incorporates a set of 1D elements for use in FEA modeling. One-dimensional
elements are modeled by connecting two nodes together linearly and then assigning cross-
sectional properties to that element to define the element’s behavior. There are three
general types of one-dimensional elements available: truss elements, beam elements, and
spring elements.

4.1.1 – Beam Elements

Beam elements (1D) within RADIOSS are bending elements characterized by Euler-
Bernoulli equations and require three nodes. The first and second nodes denote the start
and end points for the beam, and the third node determines the orientation of the cross-
section specified in the beam’s property attributes. Each beam’s inputs are the cross
sectional area of the beam and the moments of inertia of the cross section about each axis.

4.1.2 – Truss Elements

Truss elements (1D) are two-node elements that react to axial compression and tension.
Truss elements are designated by two nodes: start and end. Truss elements can be either
linear elastic or elastic with plasticity effects. The only property required for a truss element
is a cross sectional area measured normal to the nodal vector of the element.

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Chapter 4: Elements

4.1.3 – Spring Elements

There are four distinct types of spring elements within RADIOSS: Type 4, which is a spring
with 1 DOF, Type 8, which is a mathematical spring, Type 12, which is a pulley-type spring,
and Type 13, which is a beam-type spring. – Type 4 (/PROP/SPRING) Springs

The Type 4 exhibits simple spring-dashpot behavior. These springs can also exhibit
nonlinearity and plasticity with varying hardening values to adjust the plasticity hysteresis.
For more information, see the RADIOSS, MotionSolve, and Optistruct Help entry for
\PROP\SPRING. – Type 8 (/PROP/SPR_GENE) Springs

The Type 8 is a generalized version of the Type 4 spring that allows most parameters to be
set to a function rather than a scalar value. For more information, see the RADIOSS,
MotionSolve, and OptiStruct Help entry for /PROP/SPR_GENE. – Type 12 (/PROP/SPR_PUL) Springs

The Type 12 defines a spring where the inputs and outputs, both motions and forces, are
not collinear: the spring definition requires 3 nodes. This behavior resembles a deformable
rope with friction applied at node 2. Output force vectors are then dependent on the angle
between the inputs. The spring behavior for a Type 12 is identical to a Type 4. For more
information, see the RADIOSS, MotionSolve, and OptiStruct Help entry for
/PROP/SPR_PUL. – Type 13 (/PROP/SPR_BEAM) Springs

The Type 13 spring extends the Type 8 spring and acts like a beam element, coupling
bending and shear. This element has 12 DOFs, allowing it to represent rigid body motion
and requires 3 nodes to represent: start and end length with the third node defining the local

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Chapter 4: Elements – Spring Property Set

The various behaviors that can be modeled by the springs within RADIOSS are shown by
their behavior characteristic curves below.

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Chapter 4: Elements

5- Element Compatibility Tables

5.1 – Property Set List

Fixed format number Description Keywords

0 Void element TYPE0, VOID
1 Shell element TYPE1, SHELL
2 Truss element TYPE2, TRUS
3 Beam element TYPE3, BEAM
4 Spring element TYPE4, SPRING
5 Old rivet TYPE5, RIVET
6 Orthotropic solid element TYPE6, SOL_ORTH
8 General spring element TYPE8, SPR_GENE
9 Orthotropic shell element TYPE9, SH_ORTH
10 Composite shell element TYPE10, SH_COMP
11 Sandwich shell element TYPE11, SH_SANDW
12 3 nodes spring element TYPE12, SPR_PUL
13 Beam type spring element TYPE13, SPR_BEAM
14 General solid element TYPE14, SOLID

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Chapter 4: Elements

5.2 – Material Law Description

Law Type Description

34 BOLTZMAN Viscoelastic Boltzman
25 COMPSH Elastic plastic orthotropic Composite shell
14 COMPSO Elastic plastic orthotropic Composite material
24 CONC Elastic plastic brittle Reinforced concrete
22 DAMA Elastic plastic Ductile damage
21 DPRAG Elastic plastic Drücker-Prager Law for rock or concrete, hydrodynamic behaviour is given by a function
1 ELAST Elastic Linear elastic model
19 FABRI Shell orthotropic Linear elastic orthotropic
33 FOAM_PLASTIC Viscous plastic Closed cell, elasto-plastic foam
35 FOAM_VISCOUS Viscous elastic Generalized Kelvin-Voigt
32 HILL Elastic plastic orthotropic Hill’s model
43 HILL_TAB Elastic plastic orthotropic Tabulated Hill model
28 HONEYCOMB Orthotropic Honeycomb material
4 HYD_JCOOK Johnson Cook Strain rate and temperature dependent yield stress
6 HYD_VIS Hydrodynamic Viscous Turbulent viscous flow
3 HYDPLA Elastic plastic hydrodynamic Von Mises isotropic hardening, polynomial pressure
40 KELVINMAXWELL Viscous elastic Generalized Maxwell - Kelvin law
10 LAW10 Elastic plastic Drücker-Prager Law for rock or concrete, hydrodynamic behaviour is polynomial
23 LAW23 Elastic plastic Ductile damage
42 OGDEN Hyperelastic Ogden - Mooney-Rivlin
27 PLAS_BRIT Elastic plastic brittle Brittle shell (aluminum, glass)
2 PLAS_JOHNS Elasto plastic (Johnson Cook) Von Mises isotropic hardening
36 PLAS_TAB Elastic plastic Piecewise linear
2 PLAS_ZERIL Elastic plastic (Zerilli-Armstrong) Von Mises isotropic hardening
29 USER1 User’s
30 USER2 User’s
31 USER3 User’s
38 VISC_TAB Viscous elastic Foam (Tabulated law)
0 VOID Void material Fictitious

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Chapter 4: Elements

5.3 – Element Compatibility Chart


34 BOLTZMAN yes yes
25 COMPSH yes
14 COMPSO yes yes
24 CONC yes yes
22 DAMA yes yes yes
21 DPRAG yes yes
1 ELAST yes yes yes yes yes
19 FABRI yes
33 FOAM_PLASTIC yes yes
35 FOAM_VISCOUS yes yes yes
32 HILL yes
43 HILL_TAB yes
28 HONEYCOMB yes yes
4 HYD_JCOOK yes yes
6 HYD_VIS yes yes
3 HYDPLA yes yes
10 LAW10 yes yes
23 LAW23 yes yes
42 OGDEN yes yes
27 PLAS_BRIT yes
2 PLAS_JOHNS yes yes yes yes yes
36 PLAS_TAB yes yes yes
2 PLAS_ZERIL yes yes yes
29 USER1 yes yes yes
30 USER2 yes yes yes
31 USER3 yes yes yes
38 VISC_TAB yes yes
0 VOID yes yes

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Chapter 4: Elements

Exercise 4.1: Hands on Twisted Beam

To test different shell element formulations available in RADIOSS with a twisted beam.

Model Description
• Simulation time
o D01 [0 – 0.02001]
o D02 [0.02001 – 0.05001]
• The model is a rectangular plate twisted on Axes X.
• The simulation consist on clamp on one extreme and on the other apply a force on the
middle node with the value = 1 on Y direction.
• Plate dimensions = 12 x 1.1 with a uniform thickness = 0.32 mm
• Elastic Material: /MAT/LAW1.

 ρ = 7.34e-3 [Rho_I] Initial density

 E = 29e6 [E] Young’s modulus

 ν = 0.22 [nu] Poisson’s ratio

• Input files for this tutorial:
o BT : TWISBEAM_0000.rad, TWISBEAM_0001.rad and TWISBEAM_0002.rad
o BATOZ: TWISBE12_0000.rad, TWISBE12_0001.rad and TWISBE12_0002.rad
o QEPH : TWISBE24_0000.rad, TWISBE24_0001.rad and TWISBE24_0002.rad

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Chapter 4: Elements

Step 1: Copy the folders BATOZ

BATOZ, BT and QEPH from the Model Files directory to the
solved folder.

Step 2: Open RADIOSS Manager

Step 3: Run the models TWISBE12

Manager on the class_exercise folder with the option: –both

Step 4: Review the listing files for each run and verify on the results:
1. Plot Dy (Y-Displacement)
Displacement) of the node in time history with HG (one window for each shell


Are QEPH, BATOZ, or BT formulations preferable when large amounts of element warping is
present? Why? What are the potential trade
offs associated with each formulation?

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Chapter 5: Materials

Chapter 5

1 – Lagrangian Material Laws
1.1 – Isotropic Elastic Materials (1, 42)

1.1.1 - Linear elastic (/MAT/LAW1 or /MAT/ELAST)

This material law is used to model purely elastic materials, or materials that remain in the elastic
range. The Hooke’s law requires only two values to be defined; the Young's or elastic modulus E,
and Poisson's ratio, υ.The law represents a linear relation between stress and strain.
o Constitutive Equation
σ = Cε
σ : is the Cauchy stress tensor
C : is the fourth-order tensor of material stiffness

ε : is the infinitesimal strain tensor.

∇u + (∇u )
Because of this is an isotropic material the constitutive equation can be simplified:
σ ij = λδ ij ε kk + 2 µε ij

λ : is Lamé’s first parameter (1 + υ )(1 − 2υ )
µ : is the shear modulus 2(1 + υ )

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.1.2 - Ogden-Mooney Rivlin Material (/MAT/LAW42 or /MAT/OGDEN)

This law is compatible with solid elements only and in general is used to model polymers and
The strain energy density W is computed using the following equation:

W =∑
µp α
( α α
λ1 + λ2 + λ3 − 3
p p p

λi being the ith principal stretch ( λi = 1 + ε i , ε i is the ith principal engineering strain).
The Cauchy stress is computed as follows:
λi ∂W
σi = −P
J ∂λi
J =
J = λ1 * λ2 * λ3 ρ
With being the relative volume:
The quantity P is the pressure: P = K * funct_IDbulk (J) * (J - 1)
The Bulk Modulus K is:
2(1 − υ )
3(1 − 2υ )
Where the ground shear modulus µ:

∑µ p ⋅α p
µ= p

An incompressible Money-Rivlin material having the following equation:
W = C10 (I1 - 3) + C 01 (I 2 - 3)
Where Ii is the ith invariant of the right Cauchy-Green Tensor can be modeled using the following

µ1 = 2C10

µ 2 = −2C01

o α1 = 2

o α 2 = −2
If funct_IDbulk is zero, the bulk function is a constant equal to 1.
Small strain option (Ismstr = 1 in solid property keyword) must be used if strain formulation is
engineering (Jstrain = 1).
The recommended Poisson’s ratio for incompressible material is ν = 0.495.

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Chapter 5: Materials

Further explanation about this law can be found in the RADIOSS Theory Manual and “Non-Linear
Elastic Deformations”, by R.W Ogden, Ellis Horwood, 1984 .

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.2 – Composite and Anisotropic Materials (12, 14, 15, 19, 25, 28, 32, 43, 50, 53,
57, 58, 68)

1.2.1 – Tsay-Wu Comp. Solid Material (/MAT/LAW12 or /MAT/3D_COMP).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in
the RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.2 - Composite Solid Material (/MAT/LAW14 or /MAT/COMPSO).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.3 - Composite Shell Material (/MAT/LAW15 or /MAT/CHANG).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.4 - Elastic Orthotropic Material (/MAT/LAW19 or /MAT/FABRI).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.5 - Composite Shell Material (/MAT/LAW25 or /MAT/COMPSH).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.6 - Honeycomb Material (/MAT/LAW28 or /MAT/HONEYCOMB).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.7 - Hill Orthotropic Plastic Material (/MAT/LAW32 or /MAT/HILL).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.8 - Hill Orthotropic Tabulated Material (/MAT/LAW43 or /MAT/HILL_TAB).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.2.9 – Visco Honeycomb Material (/MAT/LAW50 or /MAT/VISCO_HONEY).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.10 – Tsai Foam Material (/MAT/LAW53 or /MAT/TSAI_TAB).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.11 – Barlat 3-Parameters Orthotropic Material (/MAT/LAW57 or /MAT/BARLAT3).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.12 – Elastic Anisotropic Fabric Material (/MAT/LAW58 or /MAT/FABR_A).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.2.13 – Honeycomb Material (/MAT/LAW68 or /MAT/COSSER).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.3 – Elasto-plasticity of Isotropic Materials (2, 10, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 36, 44,
48, 52, 54, 60, 63, 64, 65)

1.3.1 – Johnson-Cook Material (/MAT/LAW2 or /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS).

This is an elasto-plastic law that includes strain rate and temperature effects.
The equation describing the state of stress is:

σ = (A + Bε np ) 1 + C ln
 ε& 
 1 − T *
ε&0 

 T −T 
where: T =  
* 0

 Tmelt − T0 
And the pressure uses the general state equation described on the chapter 2.
The parameters are:
C : Strain rate coefficient
ε&0 : Reference strain rate
m : Temperature exponent
Tmelt : Melt Temperature
Tmax : Maximum Temperature. For T > Tmax: m=1 is used.
Yield stress should be strictly positive.
When εp reaches εMAX, shell elements are deleted, solid elements of deviatoric stress are permanently
set to 0 (the solid element is not deleted).
The plasticity hardening exponent n must be less than 1.
There is no strain rate effect on truss elements.
If C is 0, there is no strain rate effect. Alternatively, one may set the strain rate coefficient C different
of 0 and E0 equals 1030 (no strain rate effect).
ICC is a flag of the strain rate effect on σmax:

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Chapter 5: Materials

The strain rate filtering input Fcut is available only for shell and solid elements.
Strain rate filtering is used to smooth strain rates.
If the temperature exponent, m, is 0; there is no temperature effect.
There is no temperature effect on trusses and beams.
If ρCp = 0, temperature is constant: T = Ti.
Temperature is computed assuming adiabatic conditions:

where, Eint is internal energy computed by RADIOSS.

To take into account the temperature effect, the strain rate dependence must be activated.

1.3.2 – Zerilli-Armstrong Elasto-Plastic Material (/MAT/PLAS_ZERIL).

This law defines an isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Zerilli-Armstrong plasticity model.

ε p : plastic strain
ε& : strain rate
T : Temperature
Yield stress should be strictly positive.
When ε p reaches ε MAX , shell elements are deleted, solid elements deviatoric stress is permanently
set to 0 (the solid element is not deleted).
n must be lower than 1.
If ε&0 is 0, there is no strain rate effect.

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Chapter 5: Materials

ICC is a flag of the strain rate effect on σmax:

Strain rate filtering input Fcut is only available for shell and solid elements.
The strain rate filtering is used to smooth strain rates.
Temperature is computed assuming adiabatic conditions:

where, Eint is internal energy computed by RADIOSS.

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.3.3 – Rock-Concrete Material (/MAT/LAW10 or /MAT/DPRAG1).

This law, based on Drucker-Prager yield criteria, is used to model materials with internal friction such
as rock-concrete. The plastic behavior of these materials is dependent on the pressure in the
material. This law is similar to LAW21 (/MAT/DPRAG); the only difference being that in this law,
the pressure is defined as a cubic function of volumetric strain, and hence requires the input
of certain coefficients. This law is compatible only with solid elements.
Pressure in the material is calculated from the following equation. Coefficient C0, C1, C2, and C3
should be provided as an input.

P = C 0 + C1 µ + C 2 µ 2 + C 3 µ 3

The Drucker–Prager criterion can be expressed as:

F = J 2 − (A0 + A1 P + A2 P 2 )
J2 is the second invariant of deviatoric stress
P: Pressure
A0, A1, A2: material coefficients

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.3.4 – Rigid Material (/MAT/LAW13 or /MAT/RIGID).

Not discussed within the scope of this training.

1.3.5 – Rock-Concrete Material (/MAT/LAW21 or /MAT/DPRAG).

This law, based on Drucker-Prager yield criteria, is used to model materials with internal friction such
as rock-concrete. The plastic behavior of these materials is dependent on the pressure in the
material. This law is similar to LAW10 (/MAT/DPRAG1); the only difference being that in this law,
the pressure is input as a user-defined function of volumetric strain. This law is compatible only
with solid elements.
Hydrodynamic behavior is given by a user defined function P = f(µ), where P is the pressure in the
material, and µ is the volumetric strain.

Drücker-Prager yield criteria uses a modified von Mises yield criteria to incorporate the effects of
pressure for massive structures:

F = J 2 − (A0 + A1P + A2 P 2 )
J2: Second invariant of deviatoric stress
P: Pressure
A0, A1, A2: material coefficients

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.3.6 – Elastic Plastic with Damage Material (/MAT/LAW22 or /MAT/DAMA).

This law is identical to Johnson-Cook material (/MAT/LAW2), except that the material undergoes
damage if plastic strains reach a user defined value εdam. This law can be applied to both shell and
solid elements (topic 2.3.1).
The damage appears in the material when the strain is larger than a maximum value εdam :


If ε < εdam ⇒ δ = 0 Law 22 is identical to law /MAT/LAW2.

δ + (1 − δ )υ
If ε > εdam ⇒ εdam =(1-δ)E and υ dam =

For solid elements, the damage law can only be applied to the deviatoric stress tensor and
E dam
Gdam =
2(1 + υ dam )

1.3.7 – Elastic Plastic with Damage Material (/MAT/LAW23 or /MAT/PLAS_DAMA).

This law models an isotropic elastic plastic material and combines Johnson-Cook material model with
a generalized damage model. The law is applicable only for solid elements.
σ ij
The damage law is applied to the stress tensor and damage occurs in tension, compression and
The input is the same as material law DAMA (/MAT/LAW22).

1.3.8 – Reinforced Concrete Material (/MAT/LAW24 or /MAT/CONC).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.3.9 – Elastic Plastic Brittle Material (/MAT/LAW27 or /MAT/PLAS_BRIT).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.10 – Elastic Plastic Piecewise Linear Material (/MAT/LAW36 or /MAT/PLAS_TAB).

This law models an isotropic elasto-plastic material using user-defined functions for the work-
hardening portion of the stress-strain curve (i.e. plastic strain vs. stress) for different strain rates.
The first point of yield stress functions (plastic strain vs. stress) should have a plastic strain value of
ε pmax
zero. If the last point of the first (static) function equals 0 in stress, default value of is set to the
corresponding value of .
εp ε pmax
When (plastic strain) reaches , the element is deleted.
If ε 1 (largest principal strain) > t1 , stress is reduced using the following relation:

If ε 1 > t 2 , stress is reduced to 0 (but the element is not deleted).
The hardening coefficient is used to describe the hardening model. Its value must be between 0 and
a. If set to 0, the hardening is fully isotropic;
b. If set to 1, the hardening uses the kinematic Prager-Ziegler Model;
c. For any value between 0 and 1, the hardening is interpolated between the two models.

The kinematic hardening model is not available in global formulation (N=0 in shell property keyword)
i.e hardening is fully isotropic.
In case of kinematic hardening and strain rate dependency, yield stress depends on the strain rate.
Strain rate filtering input Fcut is only available for shell and solid elements.
Strain rate filtering is used to smooth strain rates.

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The first function funct_ID1 is used for strain rate values from 0 to its corresponding strain rate, strain
rate 1. However, the last function used in the model does not extend to the maximum strain rate; for
higher strain rates, a linear extrapolation will be applied.
funct_IDp is used to distinguish the behavior in traction and compression for certain materials (i.e.
pressure dependent yield). This is available for both shell and solid elements. The effective yield
stress is then obtained by multiplying the nominal yield stress by the yield factor corresponding to the
actual pressure i.e. Sig_y = Sig_y * yield factor.
If ε& ≤ n yield stress is interpolated between ƒn and ƒn-1.

If ε& ≤ ε 1 function ƒ1 is used.


Functions describing strain dependence must be defined for different strain rates values.
Strain rate values must be given in strictly ascending order.

1.3.11 – Cowper-Symonds Material (/MAT/LAW44 or /MAT/COWPER).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.12 – Zhao Material (/MAT/LAW48 or /MAT/ZHAO).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.13 – Gurson Material (/MAT/LAW52 or /MAT/GURSON).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.14 – Predit Material (/MAT/LAW54 or /MAT/PREDIT).

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Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.15 – Elastic Plastic Piecewise NL Material (/MAT/LAW60 or /MAT/PLAS_T3).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.16 – Trip Steel Plastic Material (/MAT/LAW63 or /MAT/HANSEL).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.17 – Ugine & Alz Trip Steel Material (/MAT/LAW64 or /MAT/UGINE_ALZ).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.3.18 – Elastomer Material (/MAT/LAW65 or /MAT/ELASTOMER).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

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Chapter 5: Materials

1.4 – Viscous Materials (33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 62, 70)

1.4.1 – Visco-Elastic Plastic Foam Material (/MAT/LAW33 or /MAT/FOAM_PLAS).

This law models a visco-elastic plastic foam material. This law is applicable only for solid elements
and is typically used to model low density, closed cell polyurethane foams such as impact limiters.
Further explanation about this law can be found in the RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.4.2 – Boltzman (Visco-Elastic) Material (/MAT/LAW34 or /MAT/BOLTZMAN).

This law describes the Boltzman (visco-elastic) material. This law is applicable only for solid
elements and can be used to model polymers and elastomers.
Further explanation about this law can be found in the RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.4.3 – Visco-Elastic Foam Material (/MAT/LAW35 or /MAT/FOAM_VISC).

This law describes a visco-elastic foam material using Generalized Maxwell-Kelvin-Voigt model
where viscosity is based on Navier equations. This law is applicable only for shell and solid elements
and can be used for open cell foams, polymers, elastomers, seat cushions and dummy paddings.
Further explanation about this law can be found in the RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.4.4 – Visco-Elastic Foam Tabulated Material (/MAT/LAW38 or /MAT/VISC_TAB).

This law describes the visco-elastic foam tabulated material and can only be used with solid
Further explanation about this law can be found in the RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.4.5 – Generalized Maxwell-Kelvin Material (/MAT/LAW40 or /MAT/KELVINMAX).

This law describes the generalized Maxwell-Kelvin material.
Further explanation about this law can be found in the RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.4.6 – Hyper Visco-Elastic Material (/MAT/LAW62 or /MAT/VISC_HYP).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

1.4.7 – Visco-elastic Foam Tabulated Material (/MAT/LAW70 or /MAT/FOAM_TAB).

Not discussed within the scope of this training. Further explanation about this law can be found in the
RADIOSS Theory Manual.

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Chapter 5: Materials

Failure might be defined as any change in size, shape or material properties of a component or
system that make it incapable to perform its function well. When a structural member is subject to
loads, it can fail on suport the by excessive deflection, plastic deformation or other material
degradation that will make the response of this component or system not satisfactory.
On defense applications we are interested on events that occur in a very short period of time, then
the mainly mechanism of energy is the hydrodynamic forces (P), with it in mind we need to make sure
that the right failure mechanism are predict on the material law to capture it. Several failure criteria
can be applied (starting with version 9 SA1)

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Chapter 5: Materials

2 – Failure and Rupture Models

2.1 – Table of RADIOSS Failure Models

Up to 6 failure models can be applied to a single material, each failure model representing a failure

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Chapter 5: Materials

Law Compatibility with Failure Model

1 ELAST Y Y Y Y***
6 HYDRO Y Y Y***
10 DPRAG1 Y Y Y***
12 3D_COMP Y Y Y Y Y***
14 COMPSO Y Y Y Y Y Y***
21 DPRAG Y Y Y***
22 DAMA Y Y Y Y Y Y*** Y Y Y
24 CONC Y Y Y***
29 USER1 Y* Y Y Y
30 USER2 Y* Y Y Y
31 USER3 Y* Y Y Y
49 STEINB Y Y Y Y Y*** Y Y
60 PLAS_T3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

*: for shells only

**: for solid only
***: flag Istrain (defined in property card) must be activated

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2.2 – Johnson-Cook / Spalling Criteria

Derived from the following cumulative damage law:

ε f = [ D1 + D2 exp( D3σ * )][1 + D4 ln(ε&* )][1 + D5T * ]

σm ε& T − T0
σ* = ε&* = T* =
σ vm ε&0 Tmelt − T0

Spalling (/SPALL): If (P <= Pmin), the deviatoric stress is set to zero and pressure is required to
be compressive

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2.3 - Strain Failure Model /FAIL/TENSSTRAIN

The element is deleted, if D = 1 for one integration point.

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Chapter 5: Materials

2.4 – Tuler Butcher model /FAIL/TBUTCHER

Tuler and Butcher developed time dependent criteria of dynamic fracture for ductile materials. For
brittle materials it is known that the tensile stress needed to propagate a crack decreases with the
size of the crack size. Therefore, it is assumed that the tensile stress bearing capacity of an element
sometimes referred to as span strength, decreases while the element is being damaged. Dynamic
fracture is a time dependent phenomena in which the cumulated damage and spall strength depends
on the stress pulse duration. In the Tuler-Butcher theory, the condition for failure can be explained in
terms of cumulative damage,

(σ − σ c )λ ∆t = K
Applying this concept of cumulative damage it became an integral form:

D = ∫ (σ − σ c ) dt

o t is the fracture time,
o σ c is the spall strength at time t,
o σ is the current maximum principle stress, and
o D is a measure of the total cumulated damage.
During tensile failure, the maximum principle stress is determined from the maximum of the three
principal stresses of the stress state tensor.

σ = max (σ i ) > σ c
The damage parameter is evaluated as:

D& = (σ − σ c )
1 a

σ c = σ 0 (1 − D )b

D = D + D& ∆t
where σ 0 is the reference spall strength of intact material, a and b are material constants.

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2.5 – Chang Chang model /FAIL/CHANG

This failure model is available just for Shell.
Where 1 is the fiber direction. The failure criteria for fiber breakage is written as:
Tensile fiber mode: σ11 > 0

Compressive fiber mode: σ11 < 0

For matrix cracking, the failure criteria is:

Tensile fiber mode: σ22 > 0

Compressive fiber mode: σ22 < 0

If the damage parameter is equal to zero or greater than 1.0, the stresses are decreased by using an
exponential function to avoid numerical instabilities. We use a relaxation technique by decreasing the
stress gradually:

t is the time
tr is the start time of relaxation when the damage criteria is assumed
max is the time of dynamic relaxation

[σd (tr)] is the stress components at the beginning of damage

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2.6 – Wilkins model /FAIL/WILKINS

Plim is the limiting (maximum) pressure or Hydrostatic pressure limit
S1, S2, S3 are the principal deviatoric stress
α : Hydrostatic pressure exponent
β : Deviatoric coefficient

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2.7 – Bao-Xue-Wierzbicki model /FAIL/WIERZBICKI

o For Brick:

o For Shell:

σm: Hydrostatic stress
σvm: von Mises stress
J3 : Third invariant deviatoric stress

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2.8 – Failure: Consequences of Reaching Failure Criteria

o Element deleted (erosion)
o Very stable
o Medium accuracy, fine mesh required
o Deviatoric stress permanently set to 0
o For one integration point
 Average stability
 Good accuracy
o For all integration points
 Lower stability
 Higher accuracy
o Specific effects
o Spalling
o Delamination
o For high speed impacts or impacts on solid parts : elements must be deleted as
late as possible but :
o Highly deformed elements => low time step
o Deleted elements : the mass “disappears” => delete only “useless” elements

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2.9 – Combination of Failure Criteria

Spalling (element is not deleted)
Max strain with high value (element is deleted)
Deletion of elements based on time step criteria: /DT/BRICK/DEL
Check the “shape” of the deleted elements

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Chapter 5: Materials

Exercise 5.1: Tensile Test Setup using HyperCrash

This exercise demonstrates how to simulate a uniaxial tensile test using a quarter size mesh with
symmetric boundary conditions.

The model is reduced to one-quarter of the total mesh with symmetric boundary conditions to
simulate the presence of the rest of the part.

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time D01 [0 – 10.]
• Boundary Conditions:
o The 3 upper right nodes (TX, and RY, RZ)
o The center node on left is totally fixed (TX, TY, Rx, RY, RZ)
o A symmetry boundary condition on all bottom nodes (TY, Rx, RZ)
• At the left side is applied a constant velocity = 1 mm/ms on -X direction.
• Tensile test specimen dimensions = 11 x 100 with a uniform thickness = 1.7 mm

Johnson-Cook Elastic Plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (Aluminum 6063 T7)

-6 3
• = 2.7e Kg/mm [Rho_I] Initial density
• E = 60.4 GPa [E] Young’s modulus
• = 0.33 [nu] Poisson’s ratio
• a = 0.09026 GPa [a] Yield Stress
• b = 0.22313 GPa [b] Hardening Parameter
• n = 0.374618 [n] Hardening Exponent

• max = 0.175 GPa [SIG_max] Maximum Stress

• max = 0.75 [EPS_max] Failure Plastic Strain

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• Input file for this tutorial: tensile_0000.rad

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Step 1: Import the mesh

1. Open HyperCrash and select the Output format: RADIOSS_V11 and the Environment: environment_
2. From the pull down menu bar, select File Import RADIOSS…
3. In the browser window, select tensile.nas
4. Click OK.

Setting up the Problem in HyperCrash

Step 2: Create and assign a material

1. In the pull down menu bar, select Model Material.
2. Right mouse click in the material list and select Create New Elasto-plastic Johnson-Cook (2).
3. For Title, enter Aluminum.
Enter all the material data listed above.

4. In the bottom of the material window select the Include picked parts icon .
5. Select the part in the graphics area.
6. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
7. Click Save Close.

Step 3: Create and assign a property

1. In the pull down menu bar, select Model Property.
2. Right click in the property list and select Create New Surface Shell (1).
3. For Title, enter Pshell.
4. For Shell Thickness, enter 1.7.

5. Select the Include picked parts icon .

6. Select the part in the graphics area.
7. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
8. Click Save Close.

Step 4: Define boundary conditions representing symmetry

1. In the pull down menu bar, select LoadCase Boundary Condition Create.
2. For Name, enter constraint1 and click Ok.

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3. Use the Add/Remove nodes by picking selection button to select the nodes in the Graphic Window,
as shown in the figure below:

4. Then click Yes in the Dialog menu bar to validate your selection.
5. To constrain the nodes, toggle the buttons in Tx, Ry and Rz and finally click Save.
6. Repeat the same operations to create constraint2, as shown in the figure below:

7. Toggle the buttons Tx, Ty, Tz, Rx, Ry and Rz, and then click on Save.
8. Repeat the same operations to create constraint3, as shown in the figure below:

9. Toggle the buttons Ty, Rx, and Rz.

10. Click Save > Close.

Step 5: Define the imposed velocity

1. In the pull down menu bar, select LoadCase Imposed Velocity Create.
2. For Title, enter imposed_velocity, then click Ok.
Now a Function Window opens up.FunctionWindow
3. For Function name, enter FUNC_VEL.
4. Enter the first point (0,1) and click Validate.
5. Enter the second point (1e30,1) and click Validate.
6. Click Save in the dialog.
7. Using the Box Selection button, select the nodes in the graphic window, as shown in the figure below:

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8. Go to the Properties tab and enter an Y-Scale factor = -1.

9. Toggle Tx for the direction of the imposed velocity.
10. Click Save > Close.

Step 6: Select a node for time history output

1. In the pull down menu bar, select Data History Node Create.
2. Enter the name Node_79 and click Ok.
3. For Node id, enter 79 and click Ok.
Alternatively, You may use the Pick button to select a node in the graphic window.
4. Click Save Close.

Step 7: Create Control Cards, Export the Starter and Engine files
1. In the pull down menu bar, select Model > Control Card (See below):

2. Enter the values for the Control Cards as shown in the images below, saving after every step:

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3. Click File > Export > RADIOSS to export the solver file.
4. In the Write Block Format 110 RADIOSS File window that opens, navigate to your desired run directory, create
a new folder called TENSIILE_TEST, for filename enter TENSILE and click OK.
5. Leave the Header window empty and click on Save Model. The file TENSILE_0000.rad is written.

The model is now ready to run thru the Starter and the Engine. It will produce the result files TENSILEA* for
animation in HyperView and TENSILET01 for time history plotting in HyperGraph.

RADIOSS Computing

Step 8: Run RADIOSS Starter and RADIOSS Engine

1. Launch RADIOSS from the Start menu.
A HyperWorks Solver Run Manager window appears.

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2. In the Input file field, select TENSILE_0000.rad. from the folder you created
3.. Click Run.
The HyperWorks Solver View window is opened. The RADIOSS Starter will run and on completion the RADIOSS
Engine will automatically run.

Step 9: Review the listing files for this run and verify the results
1. See if there is any warning or errors on .out files.
2. Using HyperView, plot the displacement and strain contour.

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Exercise Expected Results

Total Displacement Contour (mm)

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Plastic Strain Contour

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Chapter 5: Materials

Exercise 6.1: Tensile Test Setup using HyperMesh

This tutorial demonstrates how to simulate a uniaxial tensile test using a quarter size mesh with
symmetric boundary conditions.

The model is reduced to one-quarter of the total mesh with symmetric boundary conditions to
simulate the presence of the rest of the part.

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time D01 [0 – 10.]
• Boundary Conditions:
o The 3 upper right nodes (TX, and RY, RZ)
o The center node on left is totally fixed (TX, TY, Rx, RY, RZ)
o A symmetry boundary condition on all bottom nodes (TY, Rx, RZ)
• At the left side is applied a constant velocity = 1 mm/ms on -X direction.
• Tensile test specimen dimensions = 11 x 100 with a uniform thickness = 1.7 mm

Johnson-Cook Elastic Plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (Aluminum 6063 T7)

-6 3
• = 2.7e Kg/mm [Rho_I] Initial density
• E = 60.4 GPa [E] Young’s modulus
• = 0.33 [nu] Poisson’s ratio
• a = 0.09026 GPa [a] Yield Stress
• b = 0.22313 GPa [b] Hardening Parameter
• n = 0.374618 [n] Hardening Exponent

• max = 0.175 GPa [SIG_max] Maximum Stress

• max = 0.75 [EPS_max] Failure Plastic Strain

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• Input file for this tutorial: TENSILE_0000.rad

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Step 1: Load the RADIOSS (Block) User Profile

1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop.

2. From the Preferences menu, select the User Profiles or from the toolbar, click on the icon.
3. Select RADIOSS (Block110) and click OK.

Step 2: Load the solver

olver deck

1. Click File > Import > Solver Deck or click on

2. Click the Select File icon, navigate to the correct directory, and select TENSILE
3. Open then click Import.
4. Click Close to close the window.

Step 3: Define material for the tensile test specimen

1. Access the Materials panel in one of the following ways:
• Right-click in the Model Browser and select Create > Material.
The Create material dialog appears.
• From the Material drop-down,
down, click Create.

• From the toolbar, click the Materials icon .

2. For Name:, enter MAT_1.
3. For Type, select ELASTO-PLASTIC
4. For Card image:, select M2_PLAS_JOHNS_ZERIL
5. Click Card edit material upon creation to activate the option.
6. Click Create to create the material and edit the card image.
7. Input the values as shown in the following image in the card image panel.

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8. Click return to get back to the main panel.

Step 4: Define property for the tensile test specimen

1. Access the Properties panel in one of the following ways:
• Right-click in the Model Browser and select Create > Property.
The Create property dialog appears.
• From the Properties pull-down, select Create > Property.

• From the toolbar, click the Properties icon .

2. For Name:, enter sheet_1.7.

3. In the Type field, select SURFACE.
4. For Card image:, select P1_SHELL.
5. Click Card edit property upon creation to activate the option.
6. Click Create to create the property and edit the card.
7. Input values as shown in the following image.

8. Click return to get back to the main menu.

Step 5: Assign material and property to the test specimen

1. In the Model Browser, select the Tensile_coupon component and then right-click .

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2. Select Assign.
3. For Property, select Sheet_1.7.
4. For Material, select Mat_1.
5. Click Apply.

Step 6: Create boundary conditions

1. From the Utility browser, start the BC’s Manager or from the pull-down menu, select Tools >
BCs Manager.
2. For Name, enter constraint1, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set GRNOD to

3. Click on the nodes, nodes selection appears. Select the three nodes as shown in the figure
below and click proceed.

4. Fix degrees of freedom Tx, Ry and Rz.

5. Click create tab to create the constraint. The created constraint appears in the table also handle
appear in graphics.
6. For Name, enter constraint2, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set the GRNOD to
7. Select node as shown in the image below.

8. Fix degrees of freedom Tx, Ty, Rx, Ry and Rz.

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9. Click create tab to create the constraint. The created constraint appears in the table also handle
appear in graphics.
10. For Name, enter constraint3, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set GRNOD to
11. Select nodes shown in the image below.

12. Fix degrees of freedom Ty, Rx and Rz.

13. Click create tab to create the constraint. The created constraint appears in the table also handle
appear in graphics.

Step 7: Create Imposed Velocity

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s manager.
2. For Name, enter velocity, set Select type as imposed velocity and set GRNOD to Nodes.
3. Select the nodes as shown in the image below.

4. Set the Direction as X with Scale X set to 1 and Scale Y scale as -1.0.
5. Click the Create/Select curve ID.
An XY curve editor appears.
6. Create a new curve with the Name Load with values as shown in table below.

7. Close the XY curve editor, the created curve is assigned to this constraint.
8. Click create to create the velocity boundary condition.

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Step 8: Create output requests

1. Go to the Utility menu by accessing View > Browsers > HyperMesh > Utility if the Utility
tab is not yet displayed and click Engine File.
2. In the RADIOSS Engine File Tool window, click the GENERAL tab and enter values, as shown
in the following image:

3. Click Apply.
4. In the ANIM tab, enter values as shown in the following image, open the panel if something is
not visible:

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5. Click Apply > Close.

Step 9: Export the model as TENSILE_0000.rad

1. From the File menu, click Export or click the Export icon .

2. For File:, click the folder icon and navigate to the destination directory where you want to
3. Enter the name TENSILE and click Save.
4. Click the downward-pointing arrows next to Export options to expand the panel.
5. Toggle Merge starter and engine file to export the Engine and Starter file as one file.

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6. Click Export > Close.

Step 10: Open RADIOSS Manager

Step 11: Run the model TENSILE_0000.rad using RADIOSS Manager

Step 12: Review the listing files for this run and verify the results
1. See if there is any warning or errors on .out files.

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2. Using HyperView, plot the displacement and strain contour.

Exercise Expected Results

Total Displacement Contour (mm)

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Plastic Strain Contour

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Exercise 5.2 - Gasket with HyperCrash

• This exercise demonstrates how to simulate a rubber gasket in sequential loading, given the
following load sequences: Translation, Transverse (10 mm)
• Translation, Longitudinal (5 mm)
• Torsion (20 Degrees)

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time: Engine [0 – 1.501] in steps of 0.05 ms for each load case
• The outer circumference area is fixed on all translational degrees of freedom (VX, VY, VZ) and
the center node is fixed in the X translation and the X and Y rotation (VX, RX, RY)
• The gasket dimensions are: thickness = 100 mm, External Diameter = 200 mm and internal
diameter = 50 mm.
• Hyper-Elastic Material /MAT/LAW42 (Rubber)

o ρ = 6.0 e-6 Kg/mm3 Initial density

o ν = 0.495 - Poisson’s ratio

o µ1 = 0.175 GPa Ground Shear mod. 1
o α1 = 2 - Alpha 1
o α2 = -2 - Alpha 2

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Step 1: Import the Radioss mesh Model.

2. Open HyperCrash 12.0.
3. For User profile: select RADIOSS V11.
4. For Unit system: select kN mm ms kg.
5. Click Run.
6. From the menu bar, select File > Import > Radioss
7. In the input window, navigate to the gasket example in the training directory and select
8. Click OK.

Step 2: Create and assign a material.

1. From the menu bar, pick Model > Material.

2. In the window right mouse click and pick Create New > Elastic > Hyperelastic (42).

3. For Title, enter Rubber.

Enter all the material data listed as shown in the following image:

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Chapter 5: Materials

4. In bottom of material window, click Include picked parts ( ) and select the part gasket in the
graphics area.

5. Click Yes in the lower right corner.

6. Click Save.

7. Click Close.

Step 3: Update a property

1. From the menu bar, pick Model > Property.

2. Select Gasket from the list.

3. Click See selected ( ) to see the property card.

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Chapter 5: Materials

4. Update the [Isolid] flag for element formulation to 24: HEPH as shown on the following image:

5. Click Save.

6. Click Close.

Step 3: Define rigid body in the inner circumference of the gasket.

1. In the menu bar, pick Mesh Editing > Rigid Body

2. Right mouse click on the window then Create New

2. In the Rigid body creation field, enter the Title Center_RB

3. Use the Add nodes by box selection button ( ) and the SHIFT keyboard button to pick the

nodes as a polygon in the graphic window, or use circle select as shown following:

Hint: P to change between perspective view and plane view and to select a view plane.

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Chapter 5: Materials

4. Click Save and Close.

Step 4: Define boundary condition on the outer circumference of gasket.

1. From the menu bar, pick LoadCase > Boundary Condition

2. Right mouse click in the window then Create New

2. For Title, enter OUTER_BC

3. Use the Add nodes by box selection button ( ) and the SHIFT keyboard button to pick the

nodes as a polygon in the graphic window, or select all nodes then use with right mouse button
to deselect all but outer face as shown following:

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Chapter 5: Materials

4. To constrain the nodes, click on the arrow next to Translation and toggle the buttons in VX, VY and
VZ, and then click Save.

5. Repeat the same operations to create Inner_BC, at the center node of the RBODY as shown in the
following figure:

Hint: press F6 to show the rigid bodies.

6. Toggle the buttons VX, RX, and RY, and then click Save and Close.

Step 5: Define the imposed displacements on the master node of the center rigid body.

1. From the menu bar, pick LoadCase > Imposed Displacement, right mouse click on the window then
Create New

2. For Title, enter DISPY,

In the [Ifunct] (Time function) right mouse click on “None” then Define Function

3. For Function name, enter DISP_Y_FUNC and enter the points as shown following:

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Chapter 5: Materials

4. Click Save to close the Function Window.

5. Press the F6 key to display the center rigid body.

6. Click on the Arrow next to [Gnod_id] Support and use Add/Remove nodes by picking selection (
) to pick the master node of the rigid body in the graphic window as shown following:

7. Toggle Y_(translation) for the direction of the imposed displacement.

8. Click Save.

9.. Repeat the same steps to create another imposed displacement in the Z direction with a time offset of
0.5 ms.

10.. Create the function as shown following:

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Step 6: Define the imposed velocity

ocity on the master node of center rigid body with a time
offset of 1.0 ms.

1. For Title, enter VELZ,

In the [Ifunct] open the Function Window

2. For Function name, enter VEL_Z_20DEG and enter the points as shown following:

(Value is 1.396263 rad/s)

3. Click Save to close the Function Window


4. Click F6 Key to display the center rigid body.

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Chapter 5: Materials

5. Click on the Arrow next to [Gnod_id] Support and use Add/Remove nodes by picking selection (

) to pick the master node of the rigid b

body in the graphic window as shown on the following

6. Toggle ZZ for the direction of the imposed velocity.

7. Click Save.

8. Click Close.

Step 7: Exporting the model, write Starter ((_0000.rad) and Engine (_0001.rad)
(_0001.rad files.

1. Click Model > Control Card and check the control cards shown in the images ( Be
B sure to save
before activating the next card):



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2. In the menu bar, select File, then Export, then RADIOSS ….

3. Leave the Header of Radioss File window empty and click Save Model.
The Starter file GASKET1_0000.rad is written.

The Engine file will be exported automatically

Step 8: Open RADIOSS Manager from the Windows Start menu

Step 9: Run the model GASKET1_0000.rad from your folder using RADIOSS Manager the
Engine file will automatically be run after this if Starter execution is successful.

It should take approximately 10 minutes to finish

Step 10: Review the listing files for this run and verify the results:
Using HyperView plot the displacement contour and write down the total angle value on the end of
the simulation:________________.


Displacement Contour for the 3 load steps (mm)

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Chapter 5: Materials

Von Mises Stress Contour at the end of the simulation

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Chapter 5: Materials

Exercise 5.2 - Gasket with HyperMesh

This exercise demonstrates how to simulate a rubber gasket in sequential loading, given the
following load sequence:
• Translation Transverse (10 mm)
• Translation Longitudinal (5 mm)
• Torsion (20 Degrees)

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time:
o Engine [0 – 1.501] in steps of 0.05 ms for each load case

• The outer circumference area is fixed on all translational degrees of freedom (VX, VY, VZ) and
the center node is fixed on X translation and the X and Y rotation (VX, WX, WY)
• The gasket dimensions are: Thickness = 100 mm, External Diameter = 200 mm and Internal
Diameter = 50 mm.
• Hyper-Elastic Material /MAT/LAW42 (Rubber)
-6 3 [Rho_I] Initial density
• = 6.0 Kg/mm
• = 0.495 [nu] Poisson’s ratio
• 1 = 0.175 GPa
• 1=2 (alpha2]
• 2 = -2

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Step 1: Load the RADIOSS (Block) User Profile

1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop.
2. From the User Profiles,
3. Select RADIOSS (Block110) and click OK.

Step 2: Load the solver deck

1. Click File > Import > Solver Deck or click on

2. Click the Select File icon, navigate to the correct directory, and select GASKET_0000.rad.
3. Open then click Import.
4. Click Close to close the window.

Step 3: Define and assign material, property to Rubber

1. From the Model Browser, select component Gasket, then select Edit from the context
sensitive menu.
2. Make sure card image is set to Part.
3. Click on the Material tab to create material.
4. Check the Assign material box on.
5. For name, enter rubber.
6. For type, select ELASTIC and for card image, select M42_OGDEN and click Create material.
7. Input the values, as shown below:

8. Click return to return to the component dialog.

9. Click on the Property tab to create property.
10. For Name, enter Gasket and for Type, select VOLUME.

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Chapter 5: Materials

11. For Card image, select P14_SOLID and click on Create property.
12. Set Isolid to 24.
13. Click return to return to the component dialog.
14. Click update to update the component with the newly created property and material.

Step 4: Create a component for the rigid body at center of Gasket

1. In the Model Browser, right-click and select Create > Component.
2. For Name, enter Center_RB and switch Card image to none.
3. Select any color for easy visualization.
4. Click create.
5. Click return to return to exit the panel.

Step 5: Create a rigid body at center of Gasket

1. Go to 1D page, select the rigids panel.
2. For nodes 2-n, switch to multiple nodes.
3. For primary node, switch to calculate node.
4. Click on the nodes and select a node in the inner face.
5. Click on the nodes and select by face.
HyperMesh will select all nodes on the inner face.
6. Click create.
7. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 6: Create gasket inner fixed boundary conditions

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter Inner_BC, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set the GRNOD to

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3. Select the master node of rigid body created in Step 5.

4. Check the Tx translational and Rx, Ry rotational degrees of freedom.
5. Click create to create the inner fixed boundary condition.

Step 7: Create gasket inner Y displacement boundary conditions

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter DISP_Y, set Select type to Imposed Displacement and set the GRNOD to
3. Select the master node of rigid body created in Step 5.
4. Set Direction as Y.
5. Click on create/select curve to take it to the XY curve editor.
6. Click on new and enter name as DISP_Y.
7. Click on the Name you just created and enter the following values for X,Y:
x = {0, 0.5, 1.0}
y = {0, 10, 10}
8. Click update and close the XY curve editor GUI.

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9. Click create to create the boundary condition.

Step 8: Create gasket inner Z displacement boundary conditions

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter DISP_Z, set Select type to Imposed Displacement and set the GRNOD to
3. Select the master node of rigid body created in Step 5.
4. Set Direction as Z.
5. Click on Create/Select curve to take it to the XY curve editor.
6. Click on new and enter name as DISP_Z.

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Chapter 5: Materials

7. Click on the Name you just created enter the following vales for X and Y:
x = {0, 0.5, 1, 1.5}
y = {0, 0, 5, 5}
8. Click update and close the XY curve editor GUI.

9. Click create to create the boundary condition.

Step 9: Define the imposed velocity on the master node of center rigid body with a time offset of 1.0 ms.
1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter VELZ, set Select type to Imposed Velocit1 and set the GRNOD to Nodes.
3. Select the master node of rigid body created in Step 5.
4. Set Direction as ZZ.
5. Click on create/select curve to take it to the XY curve editor.
6. Click on new and enter Name as ROT20DEG_Z.
7. Enter the following vales for X and Y:
x = {0, 1, 1.5, 2}
y = {0, 0, 1.396263, 1.396263}

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Chapter 5: Materials

8. Click update and close the XY curve editor GUI.

9. Click create to create the Imposed Velocity.

Step 10: Create gasket outer boundary conditions

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter OUTER_BC, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set the GRNOD to
3. Click on Nodes and select a node on the outer surface.
4. Click Nodes on the panel and then select by face to select all nodes on the outer surface.
5. Check all the translational degrees of freedom.
6. Click create to create the outer boundary condition.

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Chapter 5: Materials

Step 11: Create output request and control cards

1. In the Utility menu, click RADIOSS Tools > Engine File.
The Radioss Engine File Tool window appears.
2. Input the values in the GENERAL and ANIM windows as shown in the following images:

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Chapter 5: Materials

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Step 12: Export the model

1. Click File > Export or click the Export icon .

2. For File:, navigate to the destination directory where you want to run.
3. For name, enter Gasket and click Save.
4. Click the downward-pointing arrows next to Export options to expand the panel.
5. Click Merge starter and engine file to export solver deck as one file.
6. Click on Export to export solver deck.

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Chapter 5: Materials

Step 13: Open RADIOSS Manager from windows Start menu

1. Go to Start > Programs > Altair HyperWorks 12.0 > RADIOSS.
2. For Input file, browse to the exercise folder and select the file GASKET1_0000.rad.

Step 14: Review the listing files for this run and verify on the results
1. See if there are any warnings or errors in .out files.
2. Using HyperView plot the displacement and strain contour and vectors.

Exercise Expected Results

Displacement Contour for the 3 load steps (mm)

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Chapter 5: Materials

Von Mises Stress Contour at the end of the simulation

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Chapter 6

1 – Contact Interfaces in RADIOSS
Type Description Application Contact Treatment

ALE/Lagrangian with sliding (void

1&9 Fluid-structure interaction Master-Slave
opening for Type 9)

Change of mesh density

2 Tied interface, no sliding Master-Slave or LM

3&5 Contact impact between 2 parts Type 7 is preferred Penalty

4 Contact for a single part Type 7 is preferred

Contact impact between two rigid

6 User defined contacts Penalty

General purpose contact impact Solid contact impact at all

7 Penalty or LM
between two parts speed

8 Drawbead contact Stamping Applications Penalty

10 Type 7 with tied contact Special purpose interface Penalty

11 Impact between two lines For beams, bars, or springs Penalty

12 Fluid / fluid contact Fluid-to-fluid contact Penalty

14 Ellipsoidal surface-to-node contact RADIOSS/Madymo coupling

15 Ellipsoidal surface-to-segment contact RADIOSS/Madymo coupling

Contact between nodes and quadratic

Meshes with 8- or 16-node
16 / 17 shaped solids or shells and solids of LM
thick-shell or 20-noded bricks
quadratic shape

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Type Description Application Contact Treatment

18 CEL Lagrange / Euler interface Fluid-structure interactions LM

Combination of Type 7 and

19 Slave and Master Surfaces Penalty
Type 11

21 Rigid master surface to slave surface Fast interface for stamping

1.1 - Type 7: Node-to-Surface Contact

The RADIOSS Type 7 interface is a contact formulation that is used for both low- and high-
speed and allows self-contact behavior. The Type 7 contact allows symmetrical interfacing, so
included parts can be both master and slave. Also, when self-contact is enabled, nodes may
impact any master segments within the model so long as the node is not directly connected to
that segment.
The activation gap for Type 7 interfaces can either be explicitly set, specified to be within a
value range, or automatically computed by the solver. Type 7 interfaces do not allow initial
penetration. For more information about using the Type 7 interface, see the RADIOSS,
MotionSolve, and OptiStruct Help under the Index keyword /INTER/TYPE7.

An example of a self-contacting surface

1.2 - Type 11: Edge-to-Edge Contact

The RADIOSS Type 11 interface is an edge-to-edge or line-to-line contact formulation. For the
purposes of this contact, a line can be a beam, spring, or truss element but can also be a shell
edge. Lines can belong to both master and slave components, allowing part self-intersection.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Because Type 7 interfaces are limited in their ability to detect edge collision, Type 11 can solve
this limitation. For more information about using the Type 11 interface, see the RADIOSS,
MotionSolve, and OptiStruct Help under the Index keyword /INTER/TYPE11.

Edge-to-edge contact

1.3 - Type 2: Tied Interface Contact

The RADIOSS Type 2 interface is a kinematic formulation that is used to connect two dissimilar
meshes. Because it is kinematic, no other kinematic condition should be set on any nodes on
the slave surface. The Type 2 interface does support failure criteria, and once the segment
value has exceeded the failure criteria, the interface for that segment is deleted.
The distance to the slave node is contacted with respect to the master segment using the linear
shape form of the master segment. Once tied, the masses and forces of the slave nodes are
added to the master node, and these masses and forces affect acceleration and velocity
calculations. Kinematic constraints are then applied to slave nodes that keep the slave nodes in
their respective positions with respect to the master segments.
For more information about using the Type 2 interface, see the RADIOSS, MotionSolve, and
OptiStruct Help under the Index keyword /INTER/TYPE2.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

2 – RADIOSS Contact Penalty Method

The RADIOSS penalty method adds a spring between the slave nodes and master segments
that they are contacting. Each contact can then be treated as an element where the spring
stiffness and resultant force solves the contact through energy conservation while taking into
account as much of the kinematic conditions as possible.

Penalty calculation for a Type 7

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Exercise 6.1 - Buckling of a Tube using HyperCrash

This exercise simulates buckling of a tube using half tube mesh with symmetric boundary conditions.
The figure illustrates the structural model used for this tutorial: a half tube with a rectangular section (38.1
x 25.4 mm) and length of 203 mm.


Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time: Engine [0 – 10 ms]
• The tube thickness is 0.914 mm.
• An imposed velocity of 13.3 mm/ms (~30 MPH) is applied to the right end of the tube
• Elasto plastic material using Johnson-Cook law /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (STEEL).
-6 3
• = 7.85e Kg/mm Initial density
• E = 210 GPa Young’s modulus
• = 0.33 Poisson coefficient
• a = 0.206 GPa [a] Yield Stress
• b = 0.450 GPa [b] Hardening Parameter
• n = 0.5 Hardening Exponent

Files needed to complete this exercise: boxtube_0000.rad

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Step 1: Import the mesh

1. Open HyperCrash and set the User profile: to RADIOSS V11 and the Unit system: to kN mm ms
2. Select User Interface style as New.
3. Set the working directory to the class directory.
4. Click Run.
5. From the pull-down menu, click File Import RADIOSS.
6. In the input window, select boxtube_0000.rad.
7. Click OK.

Step 2: Create and assign a material

1. From the pull down menu bar, select Model Material.
2. In the window right mouse click and choose Create New Elasto-plastic Johnson-Cook (2).

3. For Title, enter Steel.

Enter all the material data listed previously as shown in the following figure.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

4. Click Include picked parts and select boxtube in the graphics area.
5. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
6. Click Save Close.

Step 3: Create and assign a property

1. From the menu bar, select Model Property.
2. In the window right mouse click and select Create New Surface Shell (1).

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

3. For Title, enter Pshell.

4. For Shell Thickness, enter 0.914

5. Click Include picked parts and select boxtube in the graphics area.
6. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
7. Click Save Close.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Step 4: Define Rigid Body

1. From the menu bar, select Mesh Editing Rigid Body Create.
2. In the Rigid body creation field, enter the name Rigid Body and click Ok.

3. Use the Add nodes by box selection button to select the nodes in the Graphic Window, as
shown below:

4. Click Save.

Note: For the remainder of th

e tutorial, you need to have the ID of the master node of the rigid

5. Click Show Node Info icon in the toolbar, and select the rigid body master node in the
graphic window.
The Node ID appears in the message window (node ID: 803).
6. Click Cancel in the lower right corner.
7. Click Close.

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Step 5: Define boundary condition applied on rigid body

1. From the menu bar, select LoadCase Boundary Condition Create.
2. In the Boundary condition creation field, enter the name Rigid_BC and click Ok.
3. In the Node by Id field, enter 803, then click Ok.
4. To constrain the nodes, toggle the buttons in Tx, Ty, Rx, Ry and Rz.

5. Click Save.

Step 6: Define boundary condition representing symmetry

1. In the Boundary condition creation field, enter the name symmetry and click Ok.

2. Use the Add nodes by box selection button to select the nodes in the Graphic Window, as
shown below:

3. Toggle the buttons Tx, Ry and Rz.

4. Click Save Close.

Step 7: Define the imposed velocity

1. From the pull down menu bar, select LoadCase Imposed Velocity Create.
2. For Title, enter VELOCITY, then click Ok.
A Function Window opens up.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

3. For the function name, enter FUNC_VEL.

4. Enter the first point (0, 13.3) and click Validate.
5. Enter the second point (1e30, 13.3) and click Validate.
6. Click Save in the Function Window to accept the function.
7. In the Node by Id field, enter 803 and click Ok, (or toggle the button Add RB master nodes).
8. Go to the Properties tab and enter a Y-Scale factor = -1.
9. Toggle Tz for the direction of the imposed velocity.
10. Click Save Close.

Step 8: Define a Rigid Wall

1. From the pull down menu bar, select LoadCase Rigid Wall Create.
2. For the Select RWALL type, select Infinite Plane.
3. For Title, enter RIGID WALL.
4. Enter the following values: M0: X=0, Y=38.1, Z=-204. M1: X=0, Y=38.1, Z=1.
5. In the Distance to search slave nodes field, enter 20.
6. Toggle (•) See option.
7. Click the See button to visualize it in the graphic window.

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8. Go to the Properties tab, and switch the Friction Parameter: Sliding to Friction.
9. For Friction, enter 0.200.
10. Click Save Close.

Step 9: Create a self contact for the tube

1. From the pull down menu bar, select LoadCase Contact Interface
2. Right click in the Contact Interface list and select Create New Multi usage (Type 7).
3. Click to toggle on Self Impact.

4. Click on the Include picked parts icon and select the part in the graphic window.
5. Click Yes in the lower right corner of the main window.
6. For Title, enter the name Contact
7. In the Coulomb friction field, enter 0.200.
8. In the Scale factor for stiffness field, enter 1.
9. In the Min. gap for impact activ
activ. field, enter 0.900.
10. Click Save Close.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Step 10: Export the model

1. Under the Model pull down menu select Control Card.

2. Check the Control Card to activate it. (Make
ake sure to save it before moving to the next Control

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

3. Click File > Export > RADIOSS …In the Write Block Format 110 RADIOSS File window that opens
up, enter the name BOXTUBE and click OK.
4. Leave the Header of Radioss File window empty and click Save Model. The Starter file
BOXTUBE_0000.rad is written.
Now the Write Engine File will be written automatically
The file BOXTUBE_0001.rad is written.
The model is now ready to run thru the Starter and the Engine.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Step 11: Open RADIOSS from Windows Start menu

Step 12: Select the file BOXTUBE_0000.rad as the input file and run the

Step 13: Review the listing files for this run and verify on the results
1. Using HyperView, plot the displacement and strain contour at 8 ms.


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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Total Displacement Contour (mm)

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Total Displacement Contour (mm)

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Exercise 6.1 - Buckling of a Tube using HyperMesh

This exercise simulates buckling of a tube using half tube mesh with symmetric boundary conditions.
The figure illustrates the structural model used for this tutorial: a half tube with a rectangular section (38.1
x 25.4 mm) and length of 203 mm.


Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time: Engine [0 – 10 ms]
• The tube thickness is 0.914 mm.
• An imposed velocity of 13.3 mm/ms (~30 MPH) is applied to the right end of the tube
• Elasto plastic material using Johnson-Cook law /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (STEEL).
-6 3
• = 7.85e Kg/mm Initial density
• E = 210 GPa Young’s modulus
• = 0.33 Poisson coefficient
• a = 0.206 GPa [a] Yield Stress
• b = 0.450 GPa [b] Hardening Parameter
• n = 0.5 Hardening Exponent

• max = 0.0 GPa Maximum Stress

Files needed to complete this exercise:

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Chapter 6: Interfaces


Step 1: Load the RADIOSS (Block) User Profile

1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop

2. From the Preferences menu, select the User Profiles or click on the icon on the
3. Select RADIOSS (Block11
(Block110) and click OK.

Step 2: Load the solver deck

1. Click File > Import > Solver Deck or click on

2. Click the Select File icon, navigate to the correct directory, and select
3. Open then click Import.
4. Click Close to close the window.

Step 3: Create Material for the tube

1. From the Model Browser,, right
right-click and select Create > Material.
A new dialog is displayed.
2. For Name, enter Steel.
4. Set the Card image as M2_PLAS_JOHNS_ZERIL
5. Ensure that Card edit material upon creation is checked.
6. Click Create and input the values, as shown below:

7. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 4: Create Property for the tube

1. From the Model Browser,, right
right-click and select Create > Property
A new dialog is displayed.
2. For Name, enter Pshell.
3. Set Type as SURFACE.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

4. Set the Card image as P1_SHELL.

5. Ensure that Card edit material upon creation is checked.
6. Click Create and input the values, as shown below:

7. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 5: Assign material and property to the component

1. Select the component Tube_box in the Model Browser and right-click and select
2. For Property, select Tube.
3. For Material, select Mat1_1.
4. Click Apply to assign the material.

Step 6: Create Rigid Body

1. Create a component collector RBODY with no card image.
2. In the 1D page, select rigids.
3. Set nodes 2-n to multiple nodes.
4. Set primary node tab to calculate node.
5. Select the nodes of one edge to tie all the degrees of freedom, as shown in image

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

6. Click create.

Step 7: Create Symmetry Boundary Conditions

1. From the Utility browser, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter Symmetry, set Select type as Boundary Condition and set GRNOD
to Nodes.

3. Click on the nodes, nodes selection appears; by window option, select the top layer of
the channel as shown below and the selection should appear as below:

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

4. Fix the degrees of freedom for symmetry condition as shown below:

5. Click Create to create the constraint.

The created constraint appears in the table also handle appear in graphics.

Step 8: Create Imposed Velocity

1. From the Utility browser, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter Velocity, set Select type as Imposed Velocity and set GRNOD to

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

3. Select the master node of the RBODY on which the boundary condition needs to be

4. Set the Direction as Z.

5. Click on Create/Select curve to create imposed velocity loading curve.
A new GUI opens.
6. Click on New... to enter name of the curve.
7. After entering the name Load, click proceed.
8. Enter the X value as 0,1000.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

9. Enter corresponding Y values as 13.3, 13.3.

10. Click create tab to create the constraint.

The created constraint appears in the table also handle appear in graphics.

Step 9: Create boundary condition on the rigid body

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s manager.
2. Enter Name as RBODY_constraint , set Select type as Boundary Condition and set
the GRNOD to Nodes.
3. Select the master node of the RBODY on which the boundary condition need to be
4. Fix the degrees of freedom not to allow movement in X and Y direction and no rotation
about Y and Z axis as shown below.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

5. Click create tab to create the constraint.

The created constraint appears in the table also handle appear in graphics.

Step 10: Create a Rigid Wall

1. Click Tools > Create cards > RWALL > Plane.
2. Enter a name and click OK.
3. Click on base node tab and select the extreme node opposite to the rigid body edge.

4. Click on edit tab and change the Z value to 10.0 to be away from the channel along the
Z axis.
5. Set the shape as infinite plane.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

6. Set the normal vector using the N1, N2, N3 option as shown below. Ensure that the
N3 is not active.

7. Click update button.

8. Move to the add page.
9. Set the dist to 20.0 and click update.
10. In the card subpanel click edit and set variable FRIC value of 0.20 for friction.

Step 11: Creating a Self Contact to avoid self penetration during

1. From the Analysis page, go to the interfaces panel. Enter the name as
Self_Interface and the type as TYPE7.
3. Click create and go to the add subpanel.
4. Set the option to comps for master entity and select Tube_box and click update.
5. Set the option to comps for slave entity and select Tube_box and click update.
6. Click review to show the master and slave in blue and red.
7. Go to the card image and click edit.
8. Set STFAC =1, FRIC =0.20 and Gap_min = 0.90.
9. Click return to return from the panel.

Step 12: Create output requests and control cards

1. In the Utility browser, click Engine File.
The Radioss Engine File Tool window appears.
2. Enter the values as shown below.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

3. Click Apply > Close.

Step 13: Export the model

1. Click File > Export or click the Export icon .

2. For File:, click the folder icon and navigate to the destination directory where you
want to run.
3. Enter the name boxtube and click Save.
4. Click the downward-pointing arrows next to Export options to expand the panel.

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

5. Click Merge starter and engine file to export the engine file within the model file.
6. Click on Export to export the file.

Step 14: Run the solver using RADIOSS Manager

1. Go to Start > Programs > Altair HyperWorks 12.0 > RADIOSS.
2. For Input file, browse to the exercise folder and select the file boxtube_0000.rad.

Step 15: Results analysis in HyperView


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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Total Displacement Contour (mm)

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Chapter 6: Interfaces

Total Displacement Contour (mm)

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Chapter 7: Time Step Control

Chapter 7

Time Step Control

1 – Critical Time Step
For the explicit analysis options, the critical time step is the time needed for a shock wave
(stress, pressure, etc.) to traverse the smallest distance in an element. According to Courant’s
stability condition, if the change in time is less than the critical time step, then the scheme is
stable. Therefore, the explicit time discretization method requires a time step smaller than a
critical value tcr. If the time step is greater than the critical time step, the solution of equations is
amplified artificially during the step-by-step procedure, due to the accumulation of discretization
error. In RADIOSS, for a finite element mesh, two approaches are available: nodal time step
and element time step. These two approaches represent using physical and numerical
phenomena, respectively, to drive the stability of the solution.

1.1 - Nodal Time Step (/DT/NODA)

The nodal time step is calculated after the computation of all the internal forces at each node
using the following:

where, m is the nodal mass; and k and equivalent nodal stiffness.

1.2 - Element Time Step (default)

This is the default setting for RADIOSS calculation. The element time step is computed at the
same time as the internal forces. The characteristic length and the sound speed are computed
for each element in every cycle.

where, l is the element characteristic length; and c is the speed of sound in the material.

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Chapter 7: Time Step Control

Nodal time step is mostly the average value of element time step coincident at a node. It is
generally greater or equal to element time step. With element time step some simplifications
are done to compute the sound speed and the critical length. These simplifications are not
allowed for nodal time step. It is possible for elements having bad aspect ratio to find a nodal
time step smaller than the element time step.

In general, a nodal timestep (/DT/NODA) should be used in order to save computation time.

1.3 – Interface Time Step

If an interface type 7 is used, RADIOSS computes an interface time step which will be
presented in the following sections. If an interface type 7 is used with element time step option,
nodal time step is also computed and the ssmallest time step is used. For non-impacted
impacted nodes,
element time step will be smaller (except above restriction). For impacted nodes, nodal
stiffness will include element and interface stiffness and will increase during impact. Nodal time
step can become smaller than element time step. In addition to nodal or element time step, a
specific kinematic time step is computed for interface type 7 to ensure the non
penetration of a
node through an element during a one cycle of explicit computation.

A Type 2 interface represents a kinematic condition for which there is no o need of a time step
condition.. For interfaces of types 3, 4, 5 and 8, a small stiffness is used. For types 7, 10 and
11, a variable stiffness is used that may be comparable
able to element stiffnesses. A stability
condition must be established.. For penalty
based contact interfaces, nodal time steps may be
calculated using:

∆t ≤ K = K Interface + K elements

By contrast, kinetic time steps are calculated using:

∆t ≤ 0.5
(g − p ) ∆t ≤
= 100 µs
(dp / dt ) 2(5000mm / s )

2 – Stability Condition
For a system without damping, the stability condition can be simplified to a closed form:

Where max is the highest angular frequency in the system. For a discrete system, the time step
must be small enough to excite all frequencies in the finite element mesh. Because of this the
time step must be small enough that propagating shock waves do not miss any y nodes
node when
traveling through the mesh.

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Chapter 7: Time Step Control

Where lc is the critical length of the element and c the sound


The stability condition is explained in greater detail in the RADIOSS Theory Manual.

3 – Time Step Control in RADIOSS

Within RADIOSS, users can control the time step by altering the scale factor for calculating
successive time steps. In principle, there is no need for user intervention – the calculations to
determine the time scale factor are automatic
automatic.. The minimum time step used for the computation
is set as the critical time step multipl
multiplied the predetermined scale factor, Sf. The scale factor
ensures stability of the solution and introduces nonlinearities in Courant’s condition.
Within the RADIOSS Engine (0001) file, the minimum time step can be defined for each element
yword which allows users to set the ∆T
type using /DT/ with a keyword T scale factor as well as the
∆Tmin. In this case, the second keyword refers to the element type for which the scale and
minimum timestep should be set and includes BRICK, QUAD, SHELL, SH3N, TRUSS, BEAM,

4 – Hints and Remarks

It is worthwhile to note that minimum time step computed by RADIOSS is based on theoretical
demonstrations. The use of options sideside-stepping
stepping the problem changes the definition of the
physical problem; therefore, it is not recommended (change in mass, in the stiffness, in the
energy balance, etc.).
hich contain the keyword /DEL change the model by deleting elements from it.
All options which it
Using /DT/NODA/CST and /DT/INTER/CST will add some mass to the model. Mass increase incr
will also increase kinetic energy. The user has to check if these mass and energy increases are
small enough and that they don’t affect the solution. With option /ANIM/DMASS, relative mass
increase can be visualized in ModAnim with contour plot. Wi With
th /ANIM/DMASS and
/ANIM/MASS, total mass increase can be visualized in ModAnim with balance option. With /TH
program energy and mass, time history can also be plotted.
The keyword /DT/INTER/CST will give a constant time step. This option will not correct
corre bad
interface type 7 behavior. If the time step decreases drastically (factor 10000 or more), without
time step control, the option /DT/INTER/CST will generate a near infinite mass and computation
will diverge.
DT/SH_3N/CST switch to a small strain option.
The RADIOSS Help under the entry for Finite Elements and Mesh contains limitations
concerning these options. In order to verify if the stability of time discretization is ensured, it is
recommended to plot thee total energy variation after the computation to detect any unexpected

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Chapter 7: Time Step Control

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Chapter 7: Time Step Control

Exercise 7.1: Time Step Demo with an Example


To understand the influence of time step commands by using tensile test model.


Only a quarter of the specimen is needed to be meshed:

Model Description

• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time
o 0001 [0 – 10]
• The model is Quarter size mesh with symmetric boundary conditions.
• Boundary Conditions:
o The 3 upper right nodes (TX, TZ and RZ, RY, RZ)
o The center node on left is totally fixed (TX, TY, TZ, RZ, RY, RZ)
o A symmetry boundary condition on all bottom nodes (TY, TZ, RZ, RY, RZ)
• Proof bar dimensions = 11 x 100 with a uniform thickness = 1.7 mm
• Elastic-plastic Material: /MAT/LAW2 (Aluminum 6063 T7)
 ρ = 2.7e-6 Kg/mm3 [Rho_I] Initial density
 E = 60.4 GPa [E] Young’s modulus
 υ = 0.33 - [nu] Poisson’s ratio
 σ0 = 0.09026 GPa [a] Yield Stress
 K = 0.22313 GPa [b] Hardening Parameter
 n = 0.374618 - [n] Hardening Exponent
 σmax = 0.175 GPa Maximum Stress

All other values that are not listed above are default values.

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Chapter 7: Time Step Control

Step 1: Run the model without time step commands.

Launch RADIOSS using the launcher located on Programs >> Atair
ir HyperWorks >>
1. On the input file select the starter file TENSI51_0000.rad
2. Enter with the options – both to run the starter and the engine at the same time.

3. Select Run.

4. After you run the model, open the file TENSI51_0001.out and look for the TIME-STEP
STEP values,
values write
down here the mean value you have found.

Element time step = _____________.

Step 2: Run the model with /DT/NODA.

Open the file TENSI51_0001.rad and add this command to it:
0.9 0
3. Repeat the steps 1.2 – 1.4.
Mean time step = _____________.

Step 3: Run the model with /DT/NODA.

Open the file TENSI51_0001.rad and add this command to it:
0.9 0.3E-3
4. Repeat the steps 1.2 – 1.4.
Mean time step = _____________.

DM/M = _____________

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

Chapter 8

Best Practices
1 – Warping
Warping is a measure of how non-planar a quadrilateral shell element is. The warpage of an
element is calculated by splitting the quad into two trias and finding the angle between the two
planes which the trias form. The quad is then split again, this time using the opposite corners
and forming the second set of trias. The angle between the two planes, which the trias form, is
then found. The maximum angle found between the planes is the warp angle of the element.

Warping should be kept to a minimum when meshing zones that are critical to the outcome of
the analyses being performed. In order to avoid areas of severe warpage, consider mesh
transitioning to smaller element sizes, using tria elements in limited quantities, or simplifying
geometric contour in that area. Warped elements will introduce weaknesses to the structure
and may cause buckling behavior at unphysical locations.

2 – Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio is the ratio of deviation from geometric regularity. The aspect ratio of quadrilateral
element is the length of its longest side, divided by the length of its shortest side. Similarly, the
aspect ratio of a triangular element is defined as the ratio of the maximum side length to the

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

minimum side length. The aspect ratio of a tetrahedral element is defined as the maximum of
the aspect ratio of its four triangular faces. The aspect ratio of a pentahedral element is defined
as the maximum of the aspect ratios of its three quadrilateral faces and two triangular faces.
The aspect ratio of a pyramidal element is defined as the maximum of the aspect ratios of its
four triangular faces and the quadrilateral base face. For hexahedral elements, the aspect ratio
of a CHEXA 1st-order element is defined as the maximum aspect ratio among its six faces. For
all 3D elements, including those with mixed face types, each triangular face is treated as a first-
order triangular element and quadrilateral faces are treated as a first-order quadrilateral

Within RADIOSS Block, elements with too high an aspect ratio can generate membrane
instability when nodal timestep control is used. Because each problem is unique, the value that
triggers instability may be variable from model to model, however, a general rule of thumb is to
avoid elements with an aspect ratio over 5.

3 –Elements, Wave Length, and Time Step

When performing impact analyses, it is critical to have a minimum of 6 elements through the
wavelength of any propogating phenomena. If the waveform includes less than six elements,
the buckling behavior may not be captured by the simulation. Because the time step can be
driven by energy, velocity, or element size, the recommended elements size is between 5 and
10 mm.

4 – Percentage of Triangles
Quad elements are the preferred method for representing thin-walled structures, as triangular
elements introduce a unrealistic stiffness in membrane behavior. It is recommended that
models contain less than 10% triangular elements by count and only use triangular elements to
force mesh transition or to replace highly warped 4-node shell elements.

An example of preferable mesh transitioning

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

5 – Other Meshing Recommendations

Generally, any shell structure should have no less than 3 elements across any face plane
dimension. Significant holes such as bolt locations and washer type elements should be
rendered with no less than six elements forming the diameter. Any less behavior may result in
bad bending behavior, stress concentrations, or hourglass modes.
gth edged 1D and 2D elements should be removed from the model prior to running.
The edge length will directly affect the time step and reduce it to zero – looking for an error that
the time step is equal to zero may be an indication of zero
zero-length 1D or 2D D elements within the
The effects of wave propogation can be used to determine the minimum element length. By
using the speed of sound through our target material, steel, as a reference, we can determine
the length of element needed to maintain our preferred minimum time step.

l l
∆te = =
c E

Setting ∆te to 1µs and using 5000 m/s, the speed of sound through steel, to solve for the critical
length, we find the minimum length to be 5e
5e-3 meters, or 5mm.
When completing a model from meshing through analysis setup to debugging and post-
processing, the following eleven steps can help resolve many types of issues.
1. Pay attention to the mesh size (for time step issues)
2. Simplify the model (geometry, symmetry)
3. Adjust your meshing style as a function of part Dimension
4. Choose a unit system and be consistent with it
5. Always check the model before running it (Listing File). Here is list of check that you
should be perform:
• Check the mass and center of gravity
• Time Step of different entities
• Check for free parts | the connectivity of the model
• Intersections / Penetrations
• Use ModelChecker in HyperCrash if possible
• Common mistakes : loose nodes of spring, incompatible kinematics conditions,
nodes in multiple rigid bodies, master node of rigid body on elements,
element null
6. Always check your energy balance and added mass percentage
For common structural problems (frontal crash, Impact,…):

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

• Added mass < 2%

• Energy error negative and < 5%
• Watch for sudden changes in time step and energy spikes
7. Check Energy Balance and Conservation of Energy in Initial Velocity Problems

8. Check Energies of parts critical to your analysis

• Specify parts critical to your analysis in Time History
• Turn on the time history for as many variables as may be useful: this will slow the
output because more data must be written to disk, but by reviewing the
information as the analysis is being run, users can gain an accurate
understanding of whether the problem is running as required or should be
9. Review Animations Closely
• Also, review Stress and Strain contours
• Perhaps other contours relevant to your analysis
• Some CAE Engineers have a bad habit of just reviewing the TH curves and
making a decision or changing the model – Not Recommended
10. Narrowing Technique Helps
• When debugging, begin by addressing the first error listed in the output file first: it
may be the issue which causes all of the others in cascade, and addressing it
may solve all the other issues.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

• If you cannot identify the problem with input deck, keep suppressing or deleting
entities to rule out possibilities
11. Track Changes and Document Results
• When modeling in teams or under rapid deadlines it is possible to lose track of
changes very easily
• Changes can be documented in the Header Card of the Radioss Deck
• Programs like Xdiff (linux/unix) and Compare (Windows) can also help

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

Exercise 8.1 - Three Point Bending with HyperCrash

This exercise demonstrates how to set up 3-point bending model with symmetric boundary
conditions in Y direction (across the XZ plane).

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
• Simulation time: in Engine file [0 – 7.01e-002s]
• Only one half of the model is modeled because it is symmetric.
• The supports are totally fixed. An imposed velocity of 1000 mm/s is applied on the
Impactor in the (–Z) direction
• Model size = 370mm x 46.5mm x 159mm
• Honeycomb Material /MAT/LAW28: HONEYCOMB
-10 3
• = 3.0e ton/mm [Rho_I] Initial density

• Eij = 200 MPa [E11], [E22] and [E33] Young’s modulus

• Gij = 150 MPa [G11], [G22] and [G33] Shear modulus

• Elasto-Plastic Material /MAT/LAW36: Inner, Outer and Flat
-9 3
• = 7.85 ton/mm [Rho_I] Initial density
• E = 210000 MPa [E] Young’s modulus

• = 0.29 [nu] Poisson's ratio

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

• Strain Curve:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

STRAIN 0 0.010 0.013 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045

STRESS 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 400

• Elastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS: Impactor

-9 3 [Rho_I] Initial density
• = 8e ton/mm
• E = 208000 MPa [E] Young’s modulus

• = 0.29 [nu] Poisson's ratio

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

Step 1: Import the RADIOSS mesh Model

1. Open HyperCrash12.0.
2. For User profile:, select RADIOSS V11
3. For Unit system:, select N mm s T
4. Select User interface style as New.
5. Click Run.
6. From the menu bar, select File Import RADIOSS….
7. In the input window, navigate to the correct directory and select BENDING_0000.rad.
8. Click OK.

Step 2: Create and assign a material

1. From the menu bar, select Model Material.
2. In the Window, right mouse click and select Create New Elastic Linear elastic

3. For Title, enter Rigid Material

4. Enter all the material data as shown in the following image.

5. Click Include picked parts and select the parts Impactor and Support in the graphics area.
6. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
7. Click Save.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

Step 3: Create and assign a material for Inner, Outer, and Flat parts
1. Right click in the Material list and click Create New Elasto-plastic Piecewise linear (36).
2. For Title, enter Shell Material.
3. Enter all the material data as shown in the following image:

4. Set [N_funct] Number of functions to 1 and press Enter.

5. Set the the [Fscale] Y-Scale factor for yield factor function to 1. Click on the arrow next to Yield
stress, right mouse click on “None”

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

to select a curve already present in the model.

7. In the Function file window, select the function with an ID of 2 then OK to import the curve; you can
edit the function to see as shown in the following image.

8. Click Save.
9. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Inner, Outer, and Flat on the tree.

10. Click to mask this part.

11. Click on Material tab.

12. Click Include picked parts and select the parts Inner, Outer and Flat in the graphics area as
shown in the following image.

13. Click Yes in the lower right corner.

14. Click Save.

Step 4: Create and assign a new material for HCFoam

1. Repeat the same material creation and Create New Other Honeycomb orthotropic (28).
2. For Title, enter Foam.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

3. Enter all the material data as in the following image:

4. Right click on the Yield stress function 11 field

5. Click “Select in Model…” to select a curve already present in the model.
6. In the Function file window, select the function with ID of 5 then OK. Repeat this process for the
Yield functions as shown in the following image.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

9. Click the Tree tab and select the part HCFoam (7) on the tree.

10. Click to show only this part.

11. Click on Material tab.

12. Click Include picked parts and select the part HCFoam in the graphics area as shown in the
following image.

13. Click Yes in the lower right corner.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

14. Click Save Close.

Step 5: Create and assign a property

1. From the menu bar, click Model Property.
2. Right click in the Property list and select Create New Surface Shell (1) as shown in the
following image.

3. For Title, enter Shell Property.

4. Enter Shell Thickness and Shell element formulation values as shown in the following image.

5. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Inner, Outer and Flat on the tree.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

6. Click to show only these parts.

7. Click on Property tab.

8. Click Include picked parts and select the parts Inner, Outer and Flat in the graphics area to
assign Shell Property.
9. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
10. Click Save.

Step 6: Create and assign a property for Impactor and Support

1. Repeat the same for another property.
2. For Title, enter Rigid Property.
3. Enter the Shell Thickness value as .9119, as shown in the following image.

4. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Impactor and Support on the tree.

5. Click to show only these parts.

6. Click on Property tab.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

7. Click Include picked parts and select the parts Impactor and Support in the graphics area to
assign Rigid Property.
8. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
9. Click Save.

Step 7: Create and assign a property for HCFoam

1. Repeat the same and choose Crea
Create New Volume General solid (14).
2. For Title, enter Foam.
3. Click the Tree tab and select the part HCfoam on the tree.

4. Click to show only this part.

5. Go back to Property tab.
6. In the Flag for solid elements formulation
formulation, select HEPH.

7. Click Include picked parts and select HCfoam in the graphics area to assign Foam Property.
8. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
9. Click Save Close.

Step 8: Create rigid body for Impactor and Supports

1. In the menu bar, select Mesh Editing Rigid Body
2. In the window right mouse click then Create New, enter the name Impactor.
3. Click the Tree tab and select the BENDING assembly on the tree.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

4. Click to show all parts.

5. Click on Mesh Editing tab.

6. Use the Include picked parts option to select Impactor on graphic screen as shown in the
following image.

7. Click Yes Save.

Step 9: Create rigid body for Support

1. In the Title field, enter the name Support.
2. Click Ok.

3. Use the Include picked parts option to select Support in the graphic area.
4. Click Yes to complete the selection.
5. Click Save.
The rigid body for Support should look like the following image.

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6. Click Close.

Step 10: Define boundary conditions for the model

1. From the menu bar, select LoadCase Boundary Condition
2. In the window right mouse click then Create New, press F6 to show the rigid bodies.
3. In the Boundary Condition creation field, enter BC for Title d click Ok.

4. Use either node selection buttons or to select master node of Impactor

pactor as shown in the
following image.

5. Constrain all DOF except translation in Z as shown in the following image. To constrain the nodes,
check VX, VY, RX, RY and RZ.

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6. Click Save.
7. Repeat the same process to create Support Fix and Symmetry BCs
s as shown below.

8. Use either node selection buttons or to select master node of Support as shown in the
following image.

9. Constrain all DOF by selecting VX

VX, VY, VZ, RX, RY and RZ as shown in the following image.

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10. Click Save.

11. In the Boundary condition creation field, enter Symmetry for Title.
12. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Inner, Outer, HCfoam and Flat on the tree.

13. Click to show only these parts.

14. Press p to change the perspective visualization.
15. Click on Boundary Condition tab.
16. From visualization tool bar select the view YZ as shown in the following Image

17. Click activate the window selection tool.

18. Select nodes as shown in the following image.

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19. To constrain the nodes, select VY, RX and RZ.

20. Click Save ► Close.

Step 11: Define Impactor Velocity

1. From the menu bar, select LoadCase Imposed Velocity
2. In the window right mouse click then Create New, for Title, enter IMPOSED_VELOCITY
3. For Time function, use the predefined curve in the model “Funct 1”
4. For Direction, select Z (translation) and -1000 for Y-Scale factor.
5. Press F6 to show the rigid bodies.

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6. Click and select the master node of Impactor.

7. Click Yes in the lower-right corner.

9. Click Save Close.

Step 12: Define contacts for the model
1. From the menu bar, select LoadCase Contact Interface
2. Right mouse click in the window and choose Create New > Multi usage (Type 7).
4. For Title, enter Support.
5. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Flat and Support on the tree.

6. Click to show only these parts.

7. Click Contact Interface tab.

8. Using select Flat component as Slave and Support as Master as shown in the following

9. Set Coulomb friction to 0.1.

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10. Set Min gap for impact activ to 0.2.

11. Click Save.
12. Repeat the same process to create contact between Outer and ImImpactor.
13. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Outer and Impactor on the tree.

14. Click to show only these parts.

15. Click the Contact Interface tab.

16. Using select Outer Part as Slave and Impactor as Master as shown in the following image.

17. In Title, enter Imp_Outer.

18. Set Coulomb friction to 0.1.
19. Set Min gap for impact active to 0.2.
20. Click Save.
21. Repeat the same process for self impact for Outer, Inner, Flat but as a self impact
22. Click the Tree tab and select the parts Outer, Inner and Flat on the tree.

23. Click to show only these parts.

24. Click the Contact Interface tab.
25. Check Self-Impact

26. Using select components Outer, Inner and Flat as shown in the following image.

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27. In the Title, enter Self.

28. Set the Coulomb friction to 0.1
29. Set the Min gap for impact active to 0.7.
30. Click Save.

Step 13: Clean the model

1. From the pull down menu, select Mesh Editing Clean.

2. Select All.
3. Click Clean Close.

Step 14: Export the model, write Starter ((_0000.rad) and Engine (_0001.rad)) files
1. Click Model > Control Card and select the control cards in the images below. (Be sure to save each
control card before moving on.)

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2. In the menu bar, select File Export RADIOSS ….

3. In the output window that opens, enter the name 3PBENDING and click OK.
4. Leave the Header of RADIOSS file window empty and click Save Model.
The Starter/Engine file 3PBENDING_0000.rad is written.

Step 15: Open RADIOSS Manager from windows Start menu

Step 16: Run the model 3PBENDING_0000.rad using RADIOSS Manager on the class_exercise

Step 17: Review the listing files for this run and verify on the results
1. Using HyperView, plot the displacement and strain contour.

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von Mises Stress Contour (MPa)

Plastic Strain Contour

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Contact Force for Impactor Interface

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Exercise 8.1 - Three Point Bending with HyperMesh

This exercise demonstrates how to set up 3-point bending model with symmetric boundary
conditions in Y direction (across the XZ plane).

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
• Simulation time: in Engine file [0 – 7.01e-002s]
• Only one half of the model is modeled because it is symmetric.
• The supports are totally fixed. An imposed velocity of 1000 mm/s is applied on the
Impactor in the (–Z) direction
• Model size = 370mm x 46.5mm x 159mm
• Honeycomb Material /MAT/LAW28: HONEYCOMB
-10 3
• = 3.0e ton/mm [Rho_I] Initial density

• Eij = 200 MPa [E11], [E22] and [E33] Young’s modulus

• Gij = 150 MPa [G11], [G22] and [G33] Shear modulus

• Elasto-Plastic Material /MAT/LAW36: Inner, Outer and Flat
-9 3
• = 7.85 ton/mm [Rho_I] Initial density
• E = 210000 MPa [E] Young’s modulus

• = 0.29 [nu] Poisson's ratio

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• Strain Curve:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

STRAIN 0 0.010 0.013 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045

STRESS 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 400

• Elastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS: Impactor

-9 3 [Rho_I] Initial density
• = 8e ton/mm
• E = 208000 MPa [E] Young’s modulus

• = 0.29 [nu] Poisson's ratio

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Step 1: Load the RADIOSS User Profile

1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop.
2. Select RADIOSS (Block110) and click OK.

Step 2: Retrieve the RADIOSS file

1. Click File > Import > Solver Deck or click on

2. Click the Select File icon, navigate to the correct directory, and select
3. Open then click Import.
4. Click Close to close the window.

Step 3: Create and Assign material and property for HCFOAM

1. From the Model Browser, select HCFoam, then select edit from the context
sensitive menu.
2. Make sure card image is set to Part.
3. Click on the Material tab to create material.
4. Check the Assign material box on.
5. For mat name, enter Foam.
6. Set type to OTHER, then for card image select M28_HONEYCOMB.
7. Click Create Material.
8. Input the following values:
Rho_I: 3.000e-10
E11: 200.000
E22: 200.000
E33: 200.000
G12: 150.000
G23: 150.000
G31: 150.000
Select all the corresponding function curve as seen in the image below

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9. Click return to exit the panel and return to component dialog.

10. Click on the Property tab to create property.
11. Check the Assign property box on.
12. For prop name, enter Foam.
13. Set type to VOLUME.
14. Select card image and set to P14_SOLID.
15. Click Create Property.
16. Leave all the field default but set Isolid to 24.

17. Click return to exit the panel.

18. Click update to update the component with created property and material.

Step 4: Create and Assign material and property for the component
1. From the Model Browser, select Inner, then select edit from the context sensitive
2. Make sure card image is set to Part.
3. Click on the Material tab to create material.
4. Check the Assign material box on.
5. For mat name, enter Inner.
6. For type, select ELASTO-PLASTIC., then for card image select M36_PLAS_TAB .

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7. Click Create Material.

8. Input the following values:
Rho_I: 7.85e-09
E: 210000.000
nu: 0.290
[N_func] = 1 click on [fct_ID1] and select FUNCT2, set the Fscale1 to 1

9. Click return to exit the panel and return to component dialog.

10. Click on the Property tab to create property.
11. Check the Assign property box on.
12. For prop name, enter Inner.
13. Set type to SURFACE, then for card image, select P1_SHELL.
14. For thickness, enter 9.119e-01.
15. Click Create Property.
16. Set Ishell to 4

17. Click return to exit the panel.

18. Click update to update the component with created property and material.

Step 5: Create and Assign material and property for the component
1. From the Model Browser, select Outer, then select edit from the context sensitive
2. Make sure card image is set to Part.
3. Click on the Material tab to create material.
4. Check the Assign material box on.

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5. For name, enter Outer.

6. Check the Same as check box on.
7. Select Inner.
8. Click the Create material to create the material Outer.
9. Click return to come back to the dialog.
10. Click on the Property tab to create property.
11. Check the Assign property box on.
12. For prop name, enter Outer.
13. Check the Same as check box on.
14. Select Inner.
15. Click the Create property to create the material Outer.
16. Click return to come back to the dialog.
17. Click update to update the component with created property and material.

Step 6: Create and Assign material and property for the component
Follow the procedure described in Step 5 with Outer replaced by Flat.

Step 7: Create and assign material and property for Impactor

1. From the Model Browser, select Impactor, then select edit from the context
sensitive menu.
2. Make sure card image is set to Part.
3. Click on the Material tab to create material.
4. Check the Assign material box on.
5. For name, enter Impactor.
6. For type, select ELASTIC.
7. For card image, select M1_ELAST.
8. Click Create Material.
9. Input the following values:
Rho_I: 8.000e–09
Ref_Rho: 0.000
E: 208000.000
nu: 0.290

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10. Click return to return to the component dialog.

11. Click on the Property tab to create property.
12. Check the Assign property box on.
13. For prop name, enter Impactor.
14. Check Same as check box on.
15. Select Inner.
16. Click Create Property to create the property Impactor
17. Click return to come back to the component dialog.
18. Click update to update the component with created property and material.

Step 8: Create and assign material and property for Support

Follow the same procedures as in Step 5. Create a copy of Impactor property and material
with name support and assign it to component support.
After completing Step 8, open the component view of the Model Browser or component
table to check the correct assignment.

Step 9: Create a rigid body to make Impactor and Support Rigid

1. From the Model Browser right-click and select Create > Component.

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2. For name, enter Impact rigid.

3. Select any color for easy visualization.
4. Set card image as none.
5. Click create.
6. Go to 1D page, then select the rigids panel.
7. Verify that you are in the create subpanel.
8. For dependent switch to comps.
9. For primary node switch to calculate node.
10. Click comps.
11. Select Impactor, then click select.
12. Click create.
13. Click return to exit the panel.

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14. Similarly, create rigid body for Support component in a collector with the name
“Support rigid” using sub-Steps 9.1 to 9.13.

Step 10: Define imposed velocity and boundary condition for the
1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter IMPOSED_VELOCITY, set Select type to Imposed Velocity and set the
GRNOD to Nodes.
3. Click nodes and select the master node of the rigid body as shown in the following

4. Set the Direction as Z.

5. Set Scale Y to -1000.0 as the direction of velocity is opposite to the global Z axis.
6. Set the Curve ID to Select curve.
7. Select the predefined curve to Func1.
8. Click create to create the imposed velocity.

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9. For the boundary condition Name, enter Impactor_constraints, set Select type to
Boundary Condition and set the GRNOD to Nodes.
10. Click nodes and select the master node of the rigid body.
11. Check all the degrees of freedom to constrain, except Tz.
12. Click create to create the boundary condition.

Step 11: Define fixed boundary condition for the support

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter Support Fix, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set the
GRNOD to Nodes.
3. Select the master node of the rigid body created on Supporter as shown in the
following image.
4. Check all the degrees of freedom to constraint.
5. Click create to create the boundary condition.

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Step 12: Define symmetry boundary condition for the foam, inner,
outer and flat
1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter Symmetry, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set the
GRNOD to Nodes.
3. Select the nodes of the foam, inner, outer and flat as shown in the following image.
4. Check the degrees of translational degrees of freedom Y and rotational degrees of
freedom X and Z to constraint.
5. Click create to create the boundary condition.

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6. Click close to exit the BC Manager.

Step 13: Define contacts between the beam and the support
1. Enter the interfaces panel or click Tools > Create cards > INTER > TYPE7.
2. For name =, enter Support.
3. Set type = to TYPE7.
4. Click create, then return.
5. Go to the add subpanel.
6. Switch master selector to comps.
7. Click the yellow comps button.
8. From the list of comps, select Support.
9. Click select > update.
10. Set the slave selector to comps.
11. Click the yellow comps button.
12. Select the component FLAT.
13. Click select > update.

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14. Go to the card image subpanel.

15. Click edit.
16. Enter the Coulomb friction the GAPmin values as in the following image:

17. Click return twice to exit the panel.

Step 14: Define contacts between the impactor and the outer
1. From Analysis page > interfaces panel > create subpanel.
2. For name =, enter Imp_Outer.
3. Set type = to TYPE7.
4. Click create.
5. Go to the add subpanel.
6. For master, select comps.
7. Click the yellow comps button.
8. From the list of comps, select Impactor.
9. Click select > update.
10. For slave, select Comps.
11. Click the yellow comps button.
12. From the list of comps, select Outer created previously.
13. Click select > update.
14. Go to the card image subpanel and click edit and Enter the Coulomb friction the
GAPmin values as in the following image:

15. Click return twice to exit the panel.

Step 15: Define the self contact between the beam components
1. From the Analysis page > interfaces panel >create subpanel.

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2. For name =, enter Self.

3. Set type = to TYPE7.
4. Click create.
5. Go to the add subpanel.
6. Set the master selector to comps.
7. Click the yellow comps button.
8. From the list of comps, select Inner, Outer, and Flat.
9. Click select > update.
10. Set the slave selector to comps.
11. Click the yellow comps button.
12. From the list of comps, select Inner, Outer, and Flat.
13. Click select > update.
14. Go to card image subpanel.
15. Click edit, and enter the Coulomb friction the GAPmin values as in the following image:

16. Click return twice to exit the panel.

Step 16: Create Interface time history

1. Go to Analysis page > output block panel.
2. For name=, enter IMPACTOR.
3. Switch the entity selector to groups.
4. Click groups and select the interface Imp_Outer from the list.
5. Click select > create > edit.
6. For VAR field, enter DEF.
7. Click return twice to exit the panel.

Step 17: Create output requests on control cards

1. In the Utility menu, click RADIOSS Tools > Engine File.

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Enter the values as shown in each of the windows:

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Select the master nodes of the two RBODY In the model for RBODY/ON nodes.
Note: The above values are the master node IDs of the respective RBODY of Impactor
and Support. These may vary for different models.

Step 19: Export the model

1. Click File > Export or click the Export icon .

2. For File:, navigate to the destination directory where you want to run.
3. For name, enter 3PBENDING and click Save.
4. Click the downward-pointing arrows next to Export options to expand the panel.
5. Click Merge starter and engine file to export solver deck as one file.
6. Click on Export to export solver deck.

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Step 20: Open RADIOSS Manager from windows Start menu

1. Go to Start > Programs > Altair HyperWorks 12.0 > RADIOSS.
2. For Input file, browse to the exercise folder and select the file bending_0000.rad.

Step 21: Review the listing files for this run and verify on the results
1. See if there are any warnings or errors in .out files.

2. Using HyperView, plot the displacement, strain contour and vectors.

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Exercise Expected Results

von Mises Stress Contour (MPa)

Plastic Strain Contour

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Contact Force for Impactor Interface

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

Exercise 8.2: Cantilever Beam with Bolt Pretension in


This tutorial demonstrates how to simulate a simple cantilever problem with a concentrated
load at the free end, using Dynamic Relaxation (/DYREL) method to obtain a static solution.

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (ms), Mass (kg), Force (kN) and Stress (GPa)
• Simulation time:
o CANTILEVER_0000.rad [0 – 25.1 ms]
• Steps to setup this model:
o Fix the Cantilever Beam to the support with a 10 kN pre-tension. The bolt attains
10 kN in 10 ms and remains constant thereafter.
o After Pre-tension, a concentrated load of 0.2 kN is gradually applied at the free
end of the beam from 10 ms to 25 ms and it remains constant thereafter.
• Material used:
Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/LAW2.
-6 3 [Rho_I] Initial density
• = 7.83e Kg/mm
• E = 205 GPa [E] Young’s modulus

• = 0.29 [nu] Poisson’s ratio

[a] Yield Stress
• 0 = 0.792 GPa
[b] Hardening Parameter
• K = 0.510 GPa
[n] Hardening Exponent

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• n = 0.26 [SIG_max] Maximum Stress

• max = 0.95 GPa [c] Strain rate coefficient

• c = 0.014 GPa [EPS_0] Reference strain rate

• =1

• Input file for this tutorial: CANTILEVER_0000.rad

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Step 1: Load the RADIOSS (Block) User Profile

1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop.
2. From the Preferences menu, select the User Profiles or from the toolbar, click on the
3. Select RADIOSS (Block110) and click OK.

Step 2: Load the solver deck

1. Click File > Import > Solver Deck or click on

2. Click the Select File icon, navigate to the correct directory, and select
3. Open then click Import.
4. Click Close to close the window.
5. Rename the components as follows: rename 1 to Plate, 2 to Support_Bolt,
Support_Bolt and 3 to
Spring.. You may also recolor the components to your preferences.

Step 3: Create a rigid body connecting spring ends to Bolt Support

1. Create
ate a new component named Rigids.
2. In the Model browser,, hide the component Plate.
3. Go to Tool page in the panel, then select mask panel, and select elems.
4. In the graphics area, select one element from the bolt.

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8. Click on elems > by attached to select the whole bolt.

9. Click mask to hide them and click return.
10. Go to 1D page and select rigids panel.
11. Click the selector arrow nodes 2-n: and select multiple nodes.
12. In the rigids panel, for primary node select the node at the end of one of the springs,
as shown in Fig 1 and for nodes 2-n, select the nodes as shown in Fig 2.

Fig 1

Fig 2

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13. With all the DOF’s checked, click create to create the rigid body.
14. Press F5 and click reverse to show remaining elements of the bolt and click return to
exit the panel.
15. Double-click the SPRING component in the model browser to display it onscreen, as
shown below.
16. Use Steps 3.10 through 3.13 to create a rigid body with the nodes shown in the
following image with the other ends of the springs as the primary node and the nodes on
the bolts as slave nodes.

Step 4: Create and assign material, property to Plate and Support

1. In the Model Browser, click PLATE > Edit from the context sensitive menu.
2. Make sure card image = is set to Part.
3. To create and assign material to the component, click the Material tab.
4. Check the Assign material check box.
5. Type STEEL into the name field and set the card image to M2_PLAS_JOHNS_ZERIL.
6. Click Edit.
7. Ensure that the values shown below are in the proper fields.

Rho_I -6 3
= 7.83x10 kg/mm

E = 205 GPa

Nu = 0.29 -

A = 0.792 GPa

B = 0.510 GPa

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N = 0.26 -

EPS_max 1x1030 -

SIG_max = 0.95 GPa

c = 0.014 -1

EPS_0 = 1.0 -

8. Return to the component dialog.

The material is assigned to the component.
9. To create and assign properties to the component, click on the Property tab.
10. Select PLATE from the drop-down, ensuring that type is set to VOLUME and Card
image to P14_SOLID.
11. Click Update to update the selected parts with new property and material card.
12. Right-click on the BOLT_SUPPORT component and select Edit. Ensure that the Type is
set to Part.
13. Right-click on the BOLT_SUPPORT component and select Assign. For Material select
Steel and for Property select Plate. Click OK to exit the dialog box.

Step 5: Update properties for Pre-tensioner Spring

1. Click XYPlots > Curve Editor.
A new GUI appears.
2. Click New....
3. For Name, enter stiffness in the panel and click proceed.
4. Ensure that the new curve is selected in the curve list and enter the values as shown
x = {0, 10, 250}
y = {0, 10, 10}
5. Click Update to see the curve in the GUI and click Close to finish entering the curve.
6. In the Model Browser, select the property Spring and select Edit from the context
sensitive menu.
7. Set Card image = to P32_SPR_PRE.
8. Click Update.
9. Right-click on the property Spring and select Card Edit from the context sensitive
10. Enter the values as shown below:

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Note: For IFUN2 select the curve that you created in Steps 5.1 - 5.5.
13. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 6: Defining Boundary Conditions to fix bottom of the

1. From the Tools menu, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter FIXED, set Select type to Boundary Condition and set GRNOD to

3. Click on the nodes, nodes selection appears; by window option, select the bottom layer
of the bolt support as shown below and the selection should appear as below in XY Plane

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4. Fix all translational degrees of freedom.

5. Click Create to create the constraint.

The created constraint appears in the table also handle appear in graphics.

Step 7: Defining the load (CLOAD) of the edge of the beam

1. From the Utility browser, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter LOAD, set Select type to Concentrated Load and set GRNOD to
3. Select the nodes in the edge of the beam as shown in the image below by window

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

4. For Direction, select X.

5. For Scale Y, set -1.0 to apply load in negative X direction.
6. Click the Create/Select curve tab.
A GUI to enter curve appears.
7. Create a curve with name LOAD and enter the values as below using the same
procedure explained in Step 5.
x = {0, 10, 25, 250}
y = {0, 0, 0.02, 0.02}
8. Return from the XY curve editor GUI, the created curve is assigned to the BC.
9. Click create to finish the creation of the load at the selected nodes.

Step 8: Define master surfaces for self contact

1. Go to Analysis page, click contactsurfs panel.
2. Go to solid faces subpanel.
3. In Model Browser, using the components display option, display only the parts
4. For name =, enter Master_Set.
5. Set card image = to surfSeg.
6. With elems entity selector active and using a left view, select the elements shown in the
graphic area, as shown in the following image:

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7. Toggle nodes on face option, and select the nodes belonging to the elements you
selected in the previous sub-step.

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8. Click create.
9. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 9: Define slave nodes for self contact

1. From the Analysis page, select entity sets panel.
2. For name =, enter Slave_Set.
3. Set card image = to GRNOD.
4. Toggle formula.
5. Click create.
6. Select entity > contactsurfs.
7. Click contactsurf and select Master_Set.
8. Click select > add.
9. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 10: Define a Type7 contact interface between Plate and

1. Go to Analysis page, click interfaces panel and toggle the create subpanel.
2. For name =, enter SELF.
3. Set type = to TYPE7.

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4. Set card image = to TYPE7.

5. Click create.
6. Toggle the add subpanel.
7. For master, use the pull-down and select csurfs as the entity.
8. Click the yellow contactssurfs button and select Master_set.
9. Click select > update.
10. For slave, use the pull-down and select sets as the entity.
11. Click the yellow sets button and select Slave_Set.
12. Click select > update.
13. Toggle the card image subpanel.
14. Click edit.
15. Select Igap = and select 0.
16. For FRIC = enter 0.1 and for GAPmin =, enter 0.04.
17. Click return twice exit the panel.

Step 11: Create time history to obtain displacement at free end

1. Go to Analysis page, then go to output block panel.
2. For name =, enter Deflection and select the nodes on the free end of the
cantilever, as shown in the following image:

3. Click create.
4. Click edit and enter the variable name DEF.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

5. Click return twice to exit the panel.

Step 12: Create output request and control cards

1. From the Utility browser, select Engine File.
The following GUI appears.
2. Enter values as shown in the images below:

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3. Click Apply > Close.

Step 13: Run the model checker

1. Click Tools > Model Checker > RadiossBlock to open the model checker tab.
2. The model checker will display a list of perceived errors within the model.
For most of these issues, the Model Checker is equipped to auto-correct many issues,
decreasing the possibility of a solver error.

3. Click the Apply Auto Correction button and click Run to auto-correct issues
within the model.

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Step 14: Export the model

1. Click File > Export or click the Export icon .

2. For File:, click the folder icon and navigate to the destination directory where you
want to run.
3. For Name, enter CANTILEVER and click Save.
4. Click the downward-pointing arrows next to Export options to expand the panel.
5. Click Merge starter and engine file to export both the Starter and Engine file in one
6. Click Export to export the file.

Step 15: Run the model in the solver

1. Go to Start > Programs > Altair HyperWorks 12.0 > RADIOSS.
2. For Input file, browse to the exercise folder and select the file

3. Post-process the results with HyperView.

4. Using HyperGraph, open the T01 file and plot the deflection at the free end of the

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

Exercise 8.3 - Simplified Car Pole Impact in HyperCrash

This exercise demonstrates how to simulate frontal pole test with a simplified full car.

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
• Simulation time: Engine file (_0001.rad) [0 – 0.0601 ms]
• An initial velocity of 15600 mm/s is applied on the car model to impact a rigid pole of radius 250
• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (WINDSHIELD)
-9 3
Initial Density = 2.5x10 ton/mm
Young's Modulus E = 76000 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio = 0.3

Yield Stress (a) 0 = 192 MPa

Hardening Parameter b = 220 MPa
Hardening Exponent n = 0.32

• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (RUBBER)

-9 3
Initial Density = 2x10 ton/mm
Young's Modulus E = 200 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio = 0.49
Yield Stress (a) 0 = 1e MPa
Hardening Exponent n=1

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• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (STEEL)

-9 3
Initial Density = 7.9x10 ton/mm
Young's Modulus E = 210000 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio = 0.3

Yield Stress (a) 0 = 200 MPa

Hardening Parameter b = 450 MPa
Hardening Exponent n = 0.5

Maximum Stress max = 425 MPa

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Step 1: Load the Model file

1. Open HyperCrash and set the User profile: to RADIOSS V11 and the Unit system: to N mm s. T.
2. Set User Interface style as New.
3. Set the working directory to the folder where your model file is
4. Click Run.
5. From the menu bar, select File Import RADIOSS…
6. In the input window, select FULL_CAR_rad
7. Click OK.

Step 2: Create WINDSHIELD material and assign to car windows

1. From the pull-down menu bar, select Model Material.
2. In the Material list, right mouse click and select Create New Elasto-Plastic Johnson-Cook (2).
3. For Title, enter WINDSHIELD.
4. Enter all the material data as shown in the image below.

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5. Click the Tree tab and select PSHELL3 and PSHELL9 in the tree.

6. Click to show only these parts.

7. Click the Material tab.

8. Click Selected Parts of Tree .

This will select all displayed parts in the graphics area.
9. Click Save.

Step 3: Create RUBBER material and assign to car tires

1. Repeat the same as above for Elasto-Plastic Johnson-Cook (2).
2. For Title, enter RUBBER.
Enter all the material data as shown in the image below.

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3. Click the Tree tab and select PROD13 to PROD16 in the tree.

4. Click to show only these parts.

5. Click the Material tab.

6. Click Selected Parts of Tree .

This will select all displayed parts in the graphics area.
7. Click Save.

Step 4: Create STEEL material and assign to all other parts

1. Repeat the same as above for Elasto-Plastic Johnson-Cook (2).
2. For Title, enter STEEL.
3. Enter all the material data as shown in the image below.

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4. Click the Tree tab and select PSHELL3, PSHELL9 and PROD13 to PROD16 in the tree.

5. Click to invert the tree selection.-1300

6. Click to show all the parts except the ones made with glass and rubber.

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

7. Click the Material tab.

8. Click Selected Parts of Tree

This will select all displayed parts in the graphics area.
9. Click Save > Close.

Step 5: Create a rigid wall to represent the ground

1. From the pull-down menu bar, select Loadcase Rigid Wall Create.
2. Under Rigid wall name, click Select RWALL type and select Infinite Plane.
3. Enter the rigid wall name, Ground.
4. Enter the following values for M0 and M1:

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5. In the Selection tab, set the Distance to search for slave nodes to 300.
6. Click the See button at the bottom of the panel to display the rigid wall.
7. Click Save.

Step 6: Create Pole Rigid Wall

1. Under Rigid wall name, click Select RWALL type and select Cylinder.
2. Enter the rigid wall name, Pole.
3. Enter the following values for M0 and M1:

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4. Set the Diameter to 500.

5. Set the Distance to search for slave nodes to 1500.
6. Click See at the bottom of the panel to display the rigid cylinder.
7. Click Save.
8. Click Close to close the Rigid Walls panel.

Step 7: Define interface with the whole car

1. From the menu bar, select Loadcase Contact Interface
2. In the window right mouse click and select Create New > Multi usage (Type 7).
3. In the Title field, enter CAR_CAR.
4. For Coulomb friction, enter 0.2.
5. For Min gap for impact activ, enter 0.7.

6. In the model display toolbar, click Display All to display the entire model.
7. Check Self-Impact box

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8. Click Add selected parts by box and use the mouse to drag a box to select the entire car in
the graphic window.
9. Click Save.

Step 8: Create an interface between engine and radiator

1. Right click in the Contact list and select Create new > Multi usage (Type 7).
2. In the Title field, enter ENGINE_RADIATOR.
3. For Coulomb friction, enter 0.2.
4. For Min gap for impact activation, enter 1.0.
5. In the Tree tab, highlight the part PSOLID21 (Radiator).

6. In the Contact Interface tab, click Add selected parts of tree icon for Slave Nodes
7. In the Tree tab, highlight the part PSOLID19 (Engine).

8. In the Contact Interfaces tab, click Add selected parts of tree icon for Master surface
9. Click Save
10. Click Close to close the Contact tab.
An additional symmetric interface is created.

Step 9: Define Initial Velocities

1. From menu bar, select LoadCase Initial Velocities
2. In the Velocity list, right click and select Create New.
3. In the Title field, enter 35MPH for the title.
3. In the Tree window, highlight FULL_CAR.

4. Click the Initial Velocity tab and click Add selected parts of tree .
5. Enter 15600 in the [Vx] field.
6. Click Save Close.

Step 10: Define Time History Nodes

1. From the menu bar, select Data History
2. In the Node for time history list, right click and select Create New., TH of nodes, enter RAIL for
3. In the Tree tab, select PROD12.

4. Click Isolate Tree Selections .

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5. Go back to the Data History Node panel and click Pick Add/Remove nodes… to add .
6. Select six nodes on the rails, for example as shown in the following image:

7. Click Yes in the lower right corner.

8. Click Save Close.

Step 11: Export the model

1. Create The Engine file: From the pull-down menu bar, select Model > Control Card
2. Check the cards as shown in the images. (Make sure to save all control cards before editing the next)

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3. Under Quality Pull down, Click Model Checker to check the quality then check All Solver Contact
interfaces, remove all the initial penetrations in the model.
4. Under Mesh Editing Pull down, click Clean, then clean the model before exporting.
5. Click File > Export > RADIOSS enter FULLCAR and click OK.
6. Leave the Header of RADIOSS File window empty and click Save Model.
The Starter file FULLCAR_0000.rad is written.

Step 12: Open RADIOSS from Windows Start menu

Step 13: Select the Starter file FULLCAR_0000.rad as Input file and Run the model with the
option: –both


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Final deformation and energy balance plot

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Chapter 8: Best Practices

Exercise 8.3 - Simplified Car Pole Impact in


This exercise demonstrates how to simulate frontal pole test with a simplified full car.

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
• Simulation time: Engine file (_0001.rad) [0 – 0.0601 ms]
• An initial velocity of 15600 mm/s is applied on the car model to impact a rigid pole of
radius 250 mm.
• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (Windshield)
-9 3
Initial Density [Rho_I] = 2.5x10 ton/mm
Young's Modulus [E] E = 76000 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio [nu] = 0.3

Yield Stress (a) 0 = 192 MPa

Hardening Parameter b = 220 MPa
Hardening Exponent n = 0.32

• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (RUBBER)

-9 3
Initial Density [Rho_I] = 2x10 ton/mm

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Young's Modulus [E] E = 200 MPa

Poisson’s Ratio [nu] = 0.49
Yield Stress (a) 0 = 1e MPa
Hardening Exponent (n) n = 1

• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/PLAS_JOHNS (STEEL)

-9 3
Initial Density [Rho_I] = 7.9x10 ton/mm
Young's Modulus [E] E = 210000 MPa
Poisson’s Ratio [nu] = 0.3

Yield Stress (a) 0 = 200 MPa

Hardening Parameter b = 450 MPa
Hardening Exponent n = 0.5

Maximum Stress [SIG_max] max = 425 MPa

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Step 1: Load the RADIOSS (Block) User Profile

1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop.
2. From the User Profiles,
3. Select RADIOSS (Block110) and click OK.

Step 2: Load the solver deck

1. Click File > Import > Solver Deck or click on

2. Click the Select File icon, navigate to the correct directory, and select
3. Open then click Import.
4. Click Close to close the window.

Step 3: Create and assign the material for the windshield

1. In the Model Browser, select PSHELL3.
2. Select Edit from the context sensitive menu.
A new dialog opens.
3. Go to the Material tab.
4. Check the Assign material box On.
5. For Name, enter windshield.
6. Set Type to ELASTO-PLASTIC.
7. For Card image, select M2_PLAS_JOHNS_ZERIL.
8. Click Create material.
Card image panel appears, as shown in the image below.
9. Enter the values, as shown in the card image.

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10. Click return to go to the dialog.

11. Click Update to update the selected components with the created material.
Repeat this process for PSHELL9.

Step 4: Create and assign the material for the rubber components
1. In the Model Browser, select Create > Material.
2. For Name, enter Rubber.
3. Set Type to ELASTO-PLASTIC.
4. For Card image, select M2_PLAS_JOHNS_ZERIL.
5. Ensure that Card edit material upon creation is checked.
6. Click Create to create the material and open the card editor.
Card image panel appears, as shown in the image below.
7. Enter the values, as shown in the card image.

8. Click return to go to the dialog.

9. Select PROD13 through PROD16 in the Model Browser, right-click on your selection
and select Assign. Select the material Rubber without changing the property listing and
click OK to update the selected components with the created material.

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Step 5: Create Steel Material and assign to all other parts

1. In the Model Browser, select Create > Material.
2. For Name, enter Steel.
3. Set Type to ELASTO-PLASTIC.
4. For Card image, select M2_PLAS_JOHNS_ZERIL.
5. Ensure that Card edit material upon creation is checked.
6. Click Create to create the material and open the card editor.
Card image panel appears, as shown in the image below.
7. Enter the values, as shown in the card image.

1. In the Model Browser select all components labeled with PSHELL except PSHELL3,
PSHELL9 and PROD13 to PROD16. Right mouse click, Select Assign from the
context sensitive menu.
3. For material, select Steel.
4. Click on Ok to assign the steel material to the selected components.

Step 6: Create a Rigid Wall

1. Enable the Solver Browser by selecting View > Browsers > HyperMesh > Solver,
and right-click Create cards > RWALL > PLANE.
2. For Name, enter Ground, for shape, select infinite plane.
3. Make sure you are in the geom subpanel of Rigid Walls.
4. Click on base node and select any node from the model.
5. Click the edit button and input X = -2300, Y = 1200, and Z = -1.
6. Toggle the switch under normal vector and select components.
7. Define the normal vector Z= 1.
8. Click update.
9. Go to the add subpanel, enter a distance of 300 for slave nodes search.
10. Click update and click return.

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Step 7: Create a Cylindrical Rigid Wall to represent pole

1. Click Tools > Create cards > RWALL > CYL.
2. For the Name, enter Pole, switch to cylinder for the shape.
3. Make sure you are in the geom subpanel of Rigid Walls.
4. Click on base node and select any node from the model.
5. Click the edit button and input X = -320, Y = 1250 and Z = 0.
6. Return to geom subpanel of Rigid Walls, enter -320 for radius
7. Toggle the switch under normal vector and select components.
8. Define the normal vector Z = 1.
9. Click update.
10. Go to add subpanel, enter a distance of 1500 for slave nodes search.
11. Click update > return.

Step 8: Defining Contact using TYPE 7 interface (Self Contact)

1. From the BCs menu, select Create > Interfaces or click Tools > Create cards >
2. Go to the create subpanel.
3. For name, enter CAR_CAR.
4. Set type to TYPE7.
5. (Optional) select a color and click create.
6. Toggle to add. For master surface, switch to comps.
7. Hide all the 1D (TRUSSES) and 3D (SOLID) parts in the model using mask by config
browser or Model Browser property view or Solver Browser PROP > SHELL,
8. Return to add; Click on comps and select displayed, click update.
9. For slave nodes, select comps in the drop-down menu.
10. Click on comps and select displayed, click update.
11. Click review to graphically view the entities in the interface.
The master entities of the interface are drawn in blue and the slave entities in red.
12. Toggle card image and click edit.
13. Input the values, as shown below.

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Step 9: Defining Contact using TYPE 7 interface between Engine and

1. From the BCs menu, select Create > Interfaces or click Tools > Create cards >
2. Go to the create subpanel.
3. Specify contact for name as ENGINE_RADIATOR.
4. Select type as TYPE7.
5. (Optionally) select a color and click create.
6. Define the master using the add subpanel.
7. For master surface, switch to sets in the drop-down menu and click edit to go to the
entity sets panel.
8. For name, enter engine and set the card image to SURF_EXT.
9. Set the entity selector to Comps and select PSOLID19 (engine).
10. Click Create to create the set and add to add the comps to the entity set.
11. Click Return to come back to add page of the interface panel.
12. Click on Update to update the master selection.
13. For slave set the entity selector to comps and select PSOLID21 (radiator).
14. Click Update to update the slave selection.
15. Toggle card image and click edit.
17. Input the values, as shown below:

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Step 10: Defining initial velocity

1. From the Utility browser, start the BCs Manager.
2. For Name, enter 35MPH, set Select type as Initial Velocity and set GRNOD to Parts.
3. Click on the Parts and select all in the model.
4. Set the Vx as 15600.

5. Click Create to create the initial Velocity and 35MPH appears in the table.

Step 11: Create Time History Nodes

1. Isolate PROD12 using Model Browser.
2. Click Tools > Create cards > TH > NODE.

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3. For name, enter Rail and select nodes on the Rail, as shown below.

4. Click create, followed by edit.

5. In the Var: field, enter DEF.
6. Click return to return to the main menu.

Step 12: Create output requests

1. In the Utility browser, click Engine File.
The Radioss Engine File Tool window appears.

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2. In the GENERAL tab, enter the values, as shown in the following image.

3. Click Apply.

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4. In the ANIM tab, enter values as shown in the following image:

5. Click Apply > Close.

Step 13: Export the model

1. Click File > Export or click the Export icon .

2. Enter a filename in the destination directory where you want to run.
3. Enter the name fullcar and click Save.
4. Click the downward-pointing arrows next to Export options to expand the panel.

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5. Click Merge starter and engine to export the engine file with the model in one file.
6. Click on Export to export both model and engine file.

Step 14: Run the solver using RADIOSS Manager

1. Go to Start > Programs > Altair HyperWorks 12.0 > RADIOSS.
2. For Input file, browse to the exercise folder and select the file fullcar_0000.rad.

Step 15 (Optional): View the results in HyperView

The exercise is complete. Save your work to a HyperMesh file.


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Appendix A: Optional Exercises

Appendix A

Optional Exercises

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Appendix A: Optional Exercises

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Appendix A: Optional Exercises

Optional Exercise 1: Cell Phone Drop Test using HyperCrash

To simulate a free fall of a cell phone due to gravity from a height of 1001mm using 1st order
tetra elements


1000 mm

1 mm


Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
• Simulation time: Engine [0 – 3.3e-3]
• This is a very simple cell phone model used to demonstrate how to set up a drop testing.
The model is an assembly of two solid parts meshed with Tetra 10 elements, connected
with spring elements, and contact defined between them.
• To reduce the simulation time, the cell phone is dropped 1 mm from ground with an
initial velocity of -4429.4469 mm/s representing the velocity that it would have attained
from a free fall of 1000 mm.
• Boundary Conditions: Gravity load + initial velocity of -4429.4469 mm/s on the cell phone
• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/LAW36 (Plastic)

o ρ = 1.16 e-9 ton/mm3 [Rho_I] Initial density

o ν = 0.3 - [nu] Poisson’s ratio

o E = 1000 MPa [E] Young’s Modulus

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Appendix A: Optional Exercises

Step 1: Import the Nastran mesh.

1. Open HyperCrash 12.0.
2. For User profile: select RADIOSS V11.
3. For Unit system: select N, mm, s, T (Mg).
4. You will assume that there is no drag (air resistance) for this example.
5. Click Run.
6. From the menu bar, select File > Import > RADIOSS….
7. In the input window, navigate to the correct directory and select cellphone_0000.rad.
8. Click OK.

Step 2: Create a material.

1. From the pull-down menu bar, pick Model > Material.
2. Under Choose Material Law, click RADIOSS >> Elasto-plastic >> Piecewise linear (36).
3. For Title, enter Cell_Phone_Material.
Enter all the material data as shown on following image:

4. Scroll down and set Number of functions to 1 and click OK.

5. Click yield stress function-1.
6. The Function window opens.
7. In the Function window, enter the following data:
Epsilon_P_MAX: 0, SIGMA: 16.
8. Click Validate.
9. Enter the following data:
Epsilon_P_MAX: 1, SIGMA: 17.
10. Click Validate.

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Appendix A: Optional Exercises

The stress strain curve is now defined.

11. Click Save.

12. In the Material tab, click Include picked parts ( ) and select both cell phone parts in
the graphics area.
13. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
14. Click Save.
15. Click Close.

Step 3: Update Solid properties.

1. From the pull-down menu bar, pick Model > Property.
2. Select one of the parts with the property SOLID from the list.

3. Click See selected ( ) to see the property card.

4. For Title, enter: Cell_Phone_property
5. Click on the Tree tab and select the parts Cell_Top and Cell_Bottom on the tree.

6. Click ( ) to show only these parts.

7. Click on Property Tab

8. Click and select the two cell phone parts in the graphics area..
9. Click Yes in the lower right corner.
10. Click Save., a HyperCrash message window pops up

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Appendix A: Optional Exercises

11. Click yes.

Step 4: Create and assign property for spring elements

1. Click on CELAS1 property at the Property tab.
2. Under Choose Property Law, click RADIOSS >> Line >> Beam type spring (13).
3. For Title enter Spring_Type13 and enter the values as shown on following image:

4. Click the D.O.F tab and enter the following data:

5. In the Transition sub-tabs (Tx, Ty, Tz):
Stiffness: 50 N/mm
Neg. rupt. disp.: -0.5
Pos. rupt. Disp.: 0.5
6. In the Rotation sub-tabs (Rx, Ry, Rz):

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Stiffness: 1000 Nmm/Rad

Neg. rupt. disp.: -0.5
Pos. rupt. Disp.: 0.5
7. Click on the Tree tab and select the part CELAS1 on the tree.

8. Click ( ) to show only this part.

9. Click on Property Tab

10. Click and select all spring elements in the model, and then click Yes.
11. Click Save.
12. Click Close.

Step 5: Create a rigid wall.

1. In the pull-down menu bar, click Load Case > Rigid walls > Create.
2. In the Rigid wall creation panel, set RWALL type to Infinite Plane and enter the name
3. Enter values as in the following image:

4. Click See.
5. Click the Properies tab.
6. Ensure that the Fixed option is active.
7. Click Save.
8. Click Close.

Step 6: Create a Gravity Load.

1. From the pull-down menu bar, select LoadCase > Gravity Load > Create.

2. For Name, enter Gravity_load and then click Ok.

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The Function window opens.

3. For Function name enter Gravity_function.
4. In the Function window, enter the following function values:
t: 0, f(t): 1
5. Click Validate.
6. Enter the following function values:
t: 1, f(t): 1
7. Click Validate.
8. Click Save.

9. Click on the Tree tab and select the ROOT assembly.

10. Click ( ) to show all parts.
11. Click on Gravity Tab

12. Click Add selected parts by box ( ) and select the cell phone parts.
13. For direction select Tz.
14. Click on Properties tab
15. On scale factor, enter -9810
16. Click Save.
17. Click Close.

Step 7: Define the initial velocity.

1. From the pull-down menu bar, pick LoadCase > Initial Velocities > Create.
2. For Title, enter cell_phone_Initial_velocity and click Ok.

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3. Set Vz to -4429.446900.

4. Click Add selected parts by box ( ) and select all cell phone parts.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Close to close the Initial Velocity window.

Step 8: Define the Interface.

1. From the pull-down menu bar, pick LoadCase > Contact Interfaces > Create/Modify.
2. From the Choose Contact pull-down menu, pick Multi usage (type7).
3. Activate the Self-Impact option as shown in the following image.

4. Click Add selected parts by box ( ), and then select the solid cell phone parts.

5. Click the Properties tab.

6. For Title, enter Self_impact.
7. Set Coulomb friction to 0.1
8. Set Min. gap for impact activ. to 0.3
9. Click Save.
10. Click Close.
11. From the pull-down menu, select Mesh Editing, then Clean.

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12. Click Clean and then click Close to close the Mesh Editing panel.

Step 9: Run the Model Checker.

1. From the pull-down menu bar, pick Quality > Model Checker.
2. You will see the model checker browser as shown in the following image.

3. Select Negative volume of Tetra4.

4. Click and select Correct automatically.

5. Click Close.

Step 9: Unit check.

6. From the pull-down menu bar, pick Model > Units Manager
7. You will see Unit Manager pop-up window, click ok to confirm mm Mg and s.

Step 10: Export the model, write Starter (_0000.rad) and Engine (_0001.rad)
1. From the pull-down menu bar, pick File > Export > RADIOSS.
2. In the output window that opens, navigate to the destination directory, enter the name
CELLPHONE and click OK.
3. Leave the Header of Radioss file window empty and click Save Model.
The Starter file CELLPHONE_0000.rad is written.
The Write Engine file, V100 window opens.
4. In the Generalities tab, enter the values as shown below.
5. Make sure to turn off the Constant nodal time step
6. In the Anim tab of the same window, toggle the buttons Von Mises stress and Velocities
and click Write Engine File.
The Engine file CELLPHONE_0001.rad is written.

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Step 11: Modify the Starter File.

1. Open the CELLPHONE_0000.rad in a text editor and modify the /MEMORY to as
shown, following:

Step 12: Open RADIOSS Manager from windows Start menu

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Step 13: Run the model CELLPHONE_0000.rad using RADIOSS Manager on the
class_exercise folder with the option: –both

Step 14: Review the listing files for this run and verify on the results:
− Using HyperView plot the displacement and strain contour.

Velocity (Z) contour (mm/s)

Von Mises stress (MPa)

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Appendix A: Optional Exercises

Optional Exercise - Cell Phone Drop Test using HyperMesh

To simulate a free fall of a cell phone due to gravity from a height of 1001mm using 2nd order tetra

Model Description
• UNITS: Length (mm), Time (s), Mass (ton), Force (N) and Stress (MPa)
• Simulation time: in Engine [0 – 3.3e ]
• This is a very simple cell phone model used to demonstrate how to set up a drop testing. The
model is an assembly of two solid parts meshed with Tetra 10 elements, connected with spring
elements, and contact defined between them.
• To reduce the simulation time, the cell phone is dropped 1 mm from the ground with an initial
velocity of -4429.4469 mm/s representing the velocity that it would have attained from a free fall
of 1000 mm.
• Boundary Conditions: Gravity load + initial velocity of -4429.4469 mm/s on the cell phone.
• Elasto-plastic Material /MAT/LAW36 (Plastic)
-9 3
• = 1.16 ton/mm [Rho_I] Initial density

• = 0.3 [nu] Poisson's ratio

• E = 1000 MPa [E] Young's modulus


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STRES 1 17

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Step 1: Load the RADIOSS(BLOCK) user profile

1. Launch HyperMesh Desktop.

2. From the Preferences menu, select the User Profiles or click on the icon in tool bar .
3. Select RADIOSS(BLOCK) 110 and click OK.

Step 2: Load the cellphone_0000.rad file

1. From the toolbar, click the Import Solver Deck icon and browse to select the file. Click Import.
The model loads into the graphics area.

Step 4: Creating the material curve

1. From XY Plots pull down menu, click on curve editor.
2. In the Curve editor window, click New.
3. For the curve name, enter stress_strain_curve.
4. Click proceed.
5. From the Curve editor window, select stress_strain_curve from the Curve List.
6. Enter the X and Y coordinates, as shown below.

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7. Click Update Close.

Step 5: Define and assign material, properties to cell phone parts

1. From the Model browser, select components Cellphone_Bottom and Cellphone_Top and choose
Edit from context sensitive menu.
2. Make sure card image is set to Part.
3. Click on Material tab to create material.
4. Check the Assign material box on
5. For name, enter cell_phone.
6. For type, select ELASTO_PLASTIC and for card image, select M36PLAS_TAB.
7. Click create Material.
8. Input the values, as shown below.
Density = 1.16e-9
Young’s Modulus = 1000
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

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9. Select N_func and set to 1.

10. Click I_func1 and select stress_strain_curve (the function curve previously created).
11. Click return twice to come back to the component dialogue.
11. Click the Property tab to create a property.
12. Check the Assign Property box on
13. For name, enter cell_phone and for type, select VOLUME.
12. For card image , select P14_SOLID and click on Create Property.
13. In card image, set the variable Irot to value of 1.
14. Click return to go back to the dialogue
16. Click update to update the component with the newly created property and material.

Step 6: Define and assign property for the spring links

1. From the Model browser, select component connection_spring and choose Edit from context
sensitive menu.
2. Make sure card image is set to Part.
3. Click on Property tab to create property.
4. Check the Assign property box on
5. For name, enter spring.
6. Set type to LINE.
7. Set card image to P13_SPR_BEAM.
8. Click create/edit.
9. Enter the following values:
Mass (MASS): 2e-6 ton
Inertia (Inertia): 2e-4 mm4

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Translation stiffness (K_Ten, K_ShrY, K_ShrZ): 50

Rotation stiffness (K_Tor, K_FlxY, K_FlsZ): 1000N

Use the scroll bars to input the other values:

10. Click return twice to return to component panel.

11. Click update to update the component with the newly created property.

Step 7: Define the Interface between cell phone parts

1. On Analysis page go to interfaces panel, create sub-panel or from Tools pull down, select create
cards Inter Type 7.
2. For name = enter self.
3. Set type = to TYPE7.
4. Click create/edit.
5. For FRIC, enter 0.1.

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6. For GAPmin, enter 0.3.

7. Click return.
8. Select the add sub-panel.
9. Set master: to set and click on edit to create the master surf.
10. For name =, enter Cell_Bottom.
11. Set card image to SURF_EXT.
12. Click on comps and select Cell_Bottom.
13. Click proceed.
14. Click create.
15. Click return to exit the panel.
16. Click sets and select Cell_Bottom.
17. Click Update.
18. Set slave: to comps.
19. Click comps and select Cell_Top.
20. Click Update.
21. Click review to confirm if the contact is well defined.

22. Click return to exit from the panel.

Step 8: Create a rigid wall

1. On Analysis page and go to rigid walls panel.
2. For name = enter GROUND.

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3. Set type = to RWALL.

4. Set card image = to RWALL.
5. Click create/edit.
6. Click return to exit the panel.
7. Press the F8 key. Enter the node coordinates: X=0, Y=0, Z=19.
8. Click create node.
9. Click return to exit the panel.
10. Go to the geom subpanel.
11. Select the created node as base node.
12. Make sure the normal vector is set to z-axis, as shown in the following image.
13. Set shape to infinite plane.
14. Click update.

15. Go to add subpanel.

16. For dist =, enter 50.
17. Click blue review button to confirm if the ground is well defined.

18. Click return to exit from the panel.

Step 9: Define gravity load

1. From the Utility page, start the BC’s Manager.
2. For Name, enter Gravity, set Select type as Gravity Load and set the GRNOD to Parts.

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3. Select all three parts.

4. Set the Direction to Z.
5. Set Scale Y to -9810.0 indicating a gravity in opposite Z direction.

6. Click on create/select to take it to the XY curve editor.

7. In the Curve editor window, click New.
8. For name =, enter gravity.
9. Click proceed.
10. In the Curve editor window, select gravity from the Curve List.
11. Enter the x and y as in the following image:

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12. Click Update Close to close the Curve editor window.

13. Click create to create the gravity load.

Step 10: Apply an initial velocity to the Cell Phone

1. In the BC’s Manager, enter Name as Initial_velocity, set Select type as Initial velocity and
set the GRNOD to Parts.
2. Select all three parts.
3. For Vz =, enter the value -4429.4469.

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4. Click create to create the initial velocity load.

Step 11: Creating output request and control cards

1. In the Utility menu, select Radioss Tools, and then select Engine File.
The Radioss Engine File Tool window appears.
2. Input the values in the GENERAL, ANIM and DT windows as shown in the following images:

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3. Click Apply Close.

Step 12: Selecting the control cards

1. Go to the Analysis page and enter control cards panel. You need to enable the following control
card (see following image):


2. Click MemoryReq card, input NMOTS = 40000.

3. Click return twice to exit from the panel.

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Step 13: Export the model

1. Click Export Solver Deck .

2. For File:, click the folder icon and navigate to destination directory where you want to run.
3. For name, enter Cellphone and click Save.
4. Click the downward-pointing arrows next to Export options to expand the panel.
5. Click Merge starter and engine file to export solver deck as one file.
6. Click on Export to export solver deck.

Step 14: Run the solver using RADIOSS Manager

1. Go to Start Programs Altair HyperWorks 12.0 RADIOSS.
2. For Input file, browse to the exercise folder and select the file cellphone_0000.rad.

Step 16: Review the listing files for this run and verify on the results
1. See if there are any warnings or errors in .out files.
2. Using HyperView plot the strain and stress contour.

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Appendix A: Optional Exercises


Von Mises Stress Contour (MPa)

Plastic Strain (mm/mm)

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Appendix B: Definitions

Appendix B


Stress Tensors

 Cauchy stress tensor: Relates forces in the present configuration to areas in the
σ ).
present configuration (σ
 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor: Relates forces in the reference configuration to
areas in the reference configuration (S)

S = JσF − T

F: Strain tensor
J: Determinant of F


L L ε
P P dL
U = ∫ dL = ∫ = ∫ σ dε
V 0
A L 0


σe =

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Appendix B: Definitions


εe =


σ e = Eε e



P dL
1  L
ε= or dε = ε = ∫ dL = ln 
A L L0
L  L0 


dP = 0 as P = σA
dP = σdA + Adσ
dσ dA
σ A
The last expression states that the states that the load and therefore the engineering stress will
reach a maximum as a function of strain when the fractional decrease in area becomes equal to
the fractional increase in true stress.

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Appendix B: Definitions

Engineering and True strain relation

During yield and plastic-flow regime following yield, the material flows with negligible change in
volume; increases in length are offset by decreases in cross-sectional area. Prior to necking,
when the strain is still uniform along the specimen length, this volume constraint can be written:

dV = 0 AL = AL 0 ⇒ =
L 0 A0

The ratio is the extension ratio, denoted as λ .Using this relation is easy to develop a relation
between true and engineering strain:

 L − L0 
σ = σ e (1 + ε e ) = σ e 1 +  = σ eλ
 L0 

ε = ln(1 + ε e ) = ln(λ )

Typical Elastomers (rubber) stress-strain relation

E 1 
σe = λ − 2 
3 λ 

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Appendix B: Definitions

Isotropic elasticity
Strain-Stress relation
 ε x   E1 − υE − υE 0 0 0  σ x 
 ε  − υ 1
− υE 0 0 0  σ y 
 y  E E
 ε z   − υE − υE 1
0 0 0  σ z 
 =
  or σ ij = λε kk δ ij + 2 µε ij
γ yz   0 0  τ yz 
0 0 G
γ zx   0 0 0 0 1
0  τ zx 
    
γ xy   0 0 0 0 0 G 
τ xy 

µ =G = and γ ij = 2ε ij
2(1 + υ )


E: Young’s Modulus

υ: Poisson’s ratio

µ, G : Shear Modulus

γij: Engineer shear strain

εij: Tensor Shear strain

Lamé Constants

υE 3υK
λ= =
(1 + υ )(1 − 2υ ) 1 + υ
2(1 + υ )
3(1 − 2υ )


λ: Lamé Modulus

K: Bulk modulus

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