VAT Exempt Transactions (TRAIN Law)
VAT Exempt Transactions (TRAIN Law)
VAT Exempt Transactions (TRAIN Law)
(a) Sale or importation of:
o Agriculture and marine food products in their original state;
o Livestock and poultry generally used for yielding or producing food
for human consumption; and
o Breeding stock and genetic materials.
(b) Sale or importation of:
o Fertilizers, seeds, seedlings or fingerlings;
o Fish, prawn, livestock or poultry feeds used in manufacturing of
finished feeds.
o Except: specialty feeds for race horses, fighting cocks, zoo animals
and other animals considered as pets.
(f) Services by agricultural contract growers and milling of:
o Palay into rice;
o Corn into grits; and
o Sugar cane into raw sugar.
(c) Importation of:
o Residents returning to Philippines; and
o Non-resident Citizens resettling in the Philippines.
(d) Importations of professional materials, tools of trade, personal and
household effects, etc. not in commercial quantity of persons coming to
settling in the Philippines, or Filipinos.