Close-Up B1 SB 14

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Ready, Steady, Go!

Word formation
A C om plete the table.

noun verb adjective adverb

(1) define defined definitely
competition / compete (2 ) competitor competitively
(3) /assistant assist assistant
(4) free free freely
follower (5) following
(6) concentrate concentrated
depth deepen (7) deeply
( 8) / supervisor supervise supervised
danger (9) dangerous dangerously
proper ( 10 )

В C om plete the text with the correct form of the words.

Free-diving: the big blue

The (1 ) --------- of free-diving is any underwater activity D EFIN E
which people do by holding their breath for a long time.
People (2 ) to dive down as far as possible on one CO M PETITIO N
single breath, without the (3 ) of air tanks. ASSIST
Many divers say the experience of free-diving gives them a
feeling of (4 ) while they are underwater. FREE
Also, many of the sport's (5 )__________regularly use yoga to FO LLO W
help them (6 ) and hold their breath for longer so they CONCENTRATION
can dive to a much greater (7 ) than normal. D EEP
Before you decide to try free-diving, you must go through
a lot of training first under the (8 ) of a professional. SUPER V ISE
This is because it can be a very (9 )__________sport if it's not D A NGER
done ( 1 0 ) __________ PRO PER

C om plete the sentences with the correct form of the w ords from the tab le in A.

1 My trainer always says if you're going to do something, you should always do it____________________
2 That man is a great yoga teacher; he's got thousands o f____________________ who listen to his every word.
3 You'll have to improve your level o f____________________if you want to take up tennis.
4 Kids, do not do this at home! You should only do this sport under th e ________________ of an adult.
5 I believe free-diving is one of the most ____________________ sports in the world - I wouldn't try it.
6 I wish I'd been a(n) ___________________ in that race! I know I could have won!
7 What is your ____________________ of a great athlete? Mine is someone who excels at sport.
8 Is anyone mad enough to jump from a plane without th e ____________________ of a parachute?
9 Who knows what strange creatures live in th e ____________________ of the ocean!
10 Don't you love the sense o f ____________________ you get when you're skiing?

Ideas Focus Do you think you would like to try free-diving?

W hy? / Why not?
76 Do you think it's important to do sports? Why? / Why not?
р И М й Г

Second Conditional
Read the sentences below.
I What tense is used with if?

1 You would be more relaxed if

1 you did yoga.
2 If I won Wimbledon, I'd be
I famous!
3 If I were you, I'd eat healthier
I food.

В Match the sentences in A

with the uses of the Second
Conditional below.

We use the second conditional

С Read the sentences and answer the questions below.

a for things we know will not 1 Jack could win the race if he had better running shoes.
i happen now or in the future. 2 You might not win the match unless you get another tennis racket,
b to give advice a What other words can we use instead of would?
с for things that probably won't b What word can we use that means the same as if not?
happen now or in the future.
О Grammar Focus p.167 (6.3 & 6.4)

Rewrite the sentences in your notebook using the Second Conditional.

I 1 I don't have a bike, so I get the bus to the football club. 5 We don't have enough players, so we
2 He doesn't get any exercise, so he's overweight. might have to cancel the match.
I 3She's not good at running, so she doesn't get chosen for teams. ^ The people don t have tickets, so they can t
. ., come into the stadium.
4 We don t have money, so we can t buy new team uniforms.

E Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use as many words as you need.

I 1 You might be off the team unless you say sorry for hitting the referee.
Unless you
2 If Stella doesn't start practising, she won't play in the match.
Unless Stella
3 Unless you get lots of exercise, you might get fat.
If you don't
4 They'll miss the start of the competition unless they leave right now.
If they don't
5 If James doesn't score soon, we'll take him off the pitch.
Unless Ja m e s ---------------------------------------------------------

F Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. A d d commas w here necessary.

1 A: Should I play basketball or football this evening? 4 A: We're going to be late for the match!

B: If I ___________________ (be) you, I B: Calm down. If we get Dad to drive us, we

___________________ (not play) either! (make)it on time.

2 A: If he gets one more point,________________________ 5 A: W h a t--------------(you / do) if you won

(he / win) the tournament? an Olympic medal?

B: No. He needs to win another game. В: I ------------------ (run) around the track for
3 A: I'm hungry. Do we have anything to eat?

B: Yes. If yo u ____________________ (open) the

cupboard door, yo u____________________(see) lots of
ID Correct the student's mistakes in your notebooks.

E Choose the correct words to com plete the sentences below. H ow did you know which words to choose?

1 He started playing basketball three years ago.

He has played basketball three years.
a started b during с ago d for
2 There was a swimming competition at my school last week
Last week my school a swimming competition.
| i have b at с had d there was

Read the Exam Close-up. Then read the Exam Task and underline the key words in the sentences.

| G Now complete the Exam Task. Rem em ber to check your answers when you have finished.

И Exam Task
I Here are some sentences about sport. For each question
111-5, complete the second sentence so that it means the Transforming sentences
I I same as the first. Use no more than three words. • Read the first sentence and see if it is in
1 She started playing volleyball for her health. the present, past or future.
• Underline the verb and any other key words.
1 She started playing volleyball to get
• Then read the second sentence and look at
2 Does this bat belong to you? the gap. What type of word is missing?
I Is this bat? • Complete each with a verb, noun,
preposition, adverb or adjective.
11 3 Alice liked team sports a lot.
• Remember, you may need more than one
■ Alice was very keen team sports.
word but don't write more than three.
I 4 David skied for 21 years before he hurt his back,
jI David skied for 20 years before he hurt his back.

5 She wanted a drink after the race.

C y c lis ts in the women's road race at

th e L o n d o n 2012 Olympic Games

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