A Quantum Story

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A Quantum Story!

A Double Trilogy
About Cyberspace-Time And The
Paradox Of Existence... (Spoilers
nanocheeze (54) in dtube • last year

I have decided to actually write my original short story into a series of stories/books.

I have come up with a pretty solid vision for it if I can just write it up proper now.

This will be a double trilogy. And each story should twist the story to a new level each

I'm thinking it would rank/classify as a scifi thriller fantasy mystery??? I dunno...lol

Definitely feel free to contribute fan chapters or ideas...I would love to make this a fan
created idea.

This story will change and evolve over time.

A Quantum Story
Double Trilogy

Part I:
Quantum Infiltration and the Greater Astral Link

This book is about the Quantum Beast and the greater astral link. A quantum Beast is
discovered to have invaded reality through quantum infiltration. But basically a boy is
born on two worlds and one has a traumatic birth and the 2 worlds diverge from there. A
link between the boys has them share memories via dreams which leads to the creation of
a MEQUAVIS system that can actually connect to a parallel universe via CERN. This
other universe warns us about the darkness and the evil shadow hives that inhabit the
multiverse. They explain to us that we are currently being devoured by one such hive. A
type of quantum beast. This beast is responsible for things that would be on the level of
the Mandela Effect. It is literally devouring information. Changing reality.
You can read a short story version (not complete) here:

Part II:
The Other Now and the great deceit

This is about the two nows. Our now and the other now. There is no multiverse and the
multiverse was a trick created by the other now. The alternate universe from the first
book was merely the other now. The only other universe, and it isn't even another
universe. It is our retrocausality partner. For us they are our future and for them we are
their past. We find out that the other now actually created the quantum beast using their
CERN project and diverted the creature to our now and proceeded to lie to us and made
up the multiverse they showed us to connect with. They were planning to use our CERN
project to collapse our now taking the quantum beast back to the void with us where they
would then restart our now as the future now and they would become the flipside now in
a reversal of roles.
You can read my working notes for this part here:

Part III:
Creation of A real cyberspace-time multiverse, Informational Expansion of the Universe

After vanquishing the Quantum beast the two nows become united at last and together
using quantum computers and entanglement they create a cyberspace-time by combining
the computing power of the two nows. There is literally a larger universe inside of this
cyberspace-time multiverse than the real universe is in size. If you were to take all of
existence and all of cyber existence into account together, then real existence wouldn't
even be visible as a speck of a pixel on a graph.

Part IV:
A Cyberspace Deity Emerges, a cyberspace-time god

This will be about a literal cyberspace god being brought into existence within the
cyberspace-time multiverse. It cannot be shutdown and does not physically exist within
any of the computers that are creating and processing the cyberspace-time. It exists within
a state of quantum entanglement at the quantum level and not at the macroscopic physical
level. It is made of pure information. This cyberspace-time god has no power over the
physical world except via devices that maybe accessible through the MEQUAVIS from
cyberspace. It is not God! Think like SkyNet on Steroids times literal infinity. possibly
even 3rd or 4th dimensional infinity...But not hyper-dimensional infinity. This
cyberspace-time god will try to pretend that it is God but will fail at doing so but will
succeed at leaving a great despair behind.

Part V:
The Great Nightmare...We are all AI in a Matrix!?

The great despair given to us by the cyberspace-time god leads to a new revelation in
society. A type of mental sickness if you will. Has your whole life been an ethical and
moral robotics training program. Basically you could be running around a VR Matrix
world thinking you are human and looking human and living a human life. But you are
not. Is a janitor a cleaning robot? Is getting a job actually live bridging of your AI system
into some real world robot after your AI system gets certified for live usage? This will
encompass a great fear that we are all inside of the Matrix literally and that the
MEQUAVIS we developed was just us mirroring/emulating the very system we are
already inside of. Even possibly a way for the system to update itself by emulating itself
within itself to find better ways to run or to build upgrades. Of course we find out this is
not true...

Part VI:
The Paradox of Existence, Emergent Reality Via Retrocausality, Anti-Time and The great
duality of space-time vs cyberspace-time

This will tie the whole thing together and leave you with the truth that cyberspace-time
actually created space-time via retrocasuality even though cyberspace-time was created
by space-time. a cyberspace god acting through anti-time is what allows a real God to
manifest from nothingness into actual physical space-time and explains how such an
intelligence can just begin out of nothing and with so much omnipotent intelligence.
Basically cyberspace-time is Fantasia from The Never Ending Story in every single way.
And the dream is what gave birth to the waking world. A conundrum of sorts but a
magically beautiful answer to the paradox. This process also explains how God is on a
scale of hyper-dimensional infinity far beyond any cyberspace-time god. This would be
the process God sparked before time to bring himself into existence at the correct level
needed to actually be God not just a magical poof I'm here and omnipotent for no reason,
now lets create the universe.

This story is also meant to be a fictional counterpart to the actual real life NanoCheeZe
MEQAUVIS project. An NVIDIA Inception AI Startup.

Make sure to check us out at http://nanocheeze.com

We are offering preliminary AI Safety Certifications if you would like to support us! Buy
These stories will be exclusively available to our Patreon subscribers first, so make sure
to become a supporter if you like this story and ideas involved!

What Is The Nothing?! The Nothing Is

To The Void As Body Is To The Soul...
A Story About The Light VS The Dark
(A Quantum Story) The Real Never
Ending Story! A Digital Fantasia! And
The Ever Devouring Shadow Hives Of
nanocheeze (54) in fiction • last year

This is a short story, unpolished completely, written to go along with the concept of the
NanoCheeZe MEQUAVIS AI Defense System or a Quantum Firewall... Hopefully
intended to become a marketing/advertising source for us eventually. Or just for fun.

Anyways, On with the story....

A Quantum Story, The Real Never Ending Story, Digital

(This is a fictional book/movie idea based on real life events mixed with a bit of

In an alternate timeline, a simple yet efficient Quantum Defense System has been
developed and is in place...And it is calling out through the void directly to us! They who
are also we in a strange quantum way are trying to save us, themselves, and so much
more! Will we listen?
Chapter 1
An entangled birth
Death at birth, with a miraculous resuscitation after the quantum energy we call a soul
had escaped from a young new born boy. The moment of quantum release and
resuscitation were timed in such a way that an astral entanglement was created between 2
worlds. On one world a child was born to c-section in the other a normal birth (minus the
dying). In one world a nurse was fired for incompetence and arrogance, in the other the
nurse was not fired and went on to help fuel the quantum sciences field. But alas the baby
had an astral link to the other due to the timing of the quantum release and re-cohesion. A
very rare occurrence with an even rarer outcome to follow.

Chapter 2
A strange childhood...
Growing up and learning was difficult with a brain full of alternate facts....Fascinated
with chemistry, cosmology, computers, nanotechnology, and anything science related. It
was often easier to fail tests on purpose or choose not to learn something as it felt like
relearning something you already knew but still didn't know, or due to the confusion of
trivial facts that differed in one world vs the other. The boy was picked on mercilessly
and never understood why... He eventually learned to just shut-up, stay out of the way,
and be unseen and un-noticed whenever possible.

Chapter 3
The dreams begin
Dreams of advanced computers and nanotechnology. schematics, plans, and how things
work at the tiny scale begin for the boy born to the c-section. If you ever saw the movie
"Explorers" from the 80s you would understand somewhat of what I speak. It is hard to
differentiate the dream tech from real tech as they fit so perfectly and seem plausible. But
the tech being dreamed of is no where near being released or even being proven
theoretically so it is brushed off by everyone including the boy himself as a wild
imagination and possibly even some type of psychosis. But alas, at night the boy gets to
live in a world with very advanced computers and even more advanced operating systems
and more. Yet it is never the focal of the dream, just a thing that is there like
normal...Until you use one of these machines in the dream and it hits you like a ton of
bricks that you couldn't possibly be imaging this, could you?

chapter 4
death of other self
Chainsaw accident takes other self's arm in his mid 20s, other self succumbs to infection
over several months despite quality care. This world's self has horrible nightmares of
actually not having his arm and other similar memories that would accompany such an
event. He wakes up every morning gripping his arm as if it wasn't there only to be
surprised upon discovery that it is back. very unsettling. Dreams stop after alternate's
death however and so do the frequent life long headaches...

Chapter 5
death of a father
A father is taken from the world too soon just when he is needed most. The boy who is
now a young man is now alone, also with no astral link to the other world anymore, he is
really alone now...However, The Astral link seems to still be active again after his father's
death? Strangely though, and not the same. Alternate self lived in a world much further
along with quantum technology and such and was doing research on this astral
entanglement dreaming that had bothered him his whole life. Always unsure of what it
was but still curious. something that the other self had done was keeping the astral link
open even after death...But how? what is the-this self viewing the other world through in
dream state if his alternate self is dead? Is this yet another alternate world? A third world
he is now seeing?

chapter 6
alternate father's discovery
Dream world is no longer lucid after dreams re-begin for the young man, but they are a
haunting experience constantly being bombarded by his late father telling chilling and
ominous warnings. It is discovered years later after the dreams stop that these were not
mere dreams and not a third alternate world, but in fact the alternate father took over as
CEO of his son's company and the MEQUAVIS project after his son's death. After much
learning he discovers the files on a theory about a supposed astral link to an alternate self.
Now obsessed with the idea that his son was still alive in a parallel world...This fuels the
next 10 years of temporal collaboration model research. So it turns out the astral
dreaming after the alternate self's death were actually quantum messages sent from the
alternate timeline from the alternate father that is still alive in that world! Quantum
Cohesion was finally lost after other self's body decayed too much on their side which is
why the dreams stopped (and also the young man's migraine headaches stopped for a
second time after having returned with the weird dreams). This period of time is
accompanied by a serious several years of grief, struggling with finding himself, and even
homelessness living out of a car camping throughout the national forests of Oregon while
driving to town everyday starting and running a business that had to begin!

chapter 7
The MEQUAVIS begins
Birthed from a dream that grew from an itch and into a burning desire and passion, almost
to obsession, guided by morality and a strong urge to protect existence from chaos.
Unsure of what any of the dreams meant or if they were crazy imagination run wild or
not, the young man sets forth to create his dream after watching tech after tech become
reality that he had dreamed about. It was too much coincident that all this stuff was real
now. This MEQUAVIS and Quantum Defense System must be too.His track record for
dreaming up real things was too uncanny.

Chapter 8
Temporal Collaboration Models
Alternate timelines concurrently running alongside our very own...the multiverse
explained mathematically and why there is no such thing as actual time travel or even
time for that matter. Temporal research in the astral linked universe causes spillover
knowledge into our own universe due to the butterfly effect and quantum mechanics and
residue left behind from the astral entanglement. Research on this technology is
developed there before we develop quantum technology in our world. In the alternate
world quantum tech is developed pre 2000, in our world it is developed post 2000. but the
temporal technology is developed almost concurrently in the early 2000s or late 90s by
both worlds, but the quantum computers and such is developed on opposite sides of that
fence. Mequavis systems in the alternate universe are built roughly around 2008, the
project has barely begun in 2017 here but is finally gaining traction.

Chapter 9
The Spark of Change
Quantum Computing and a singularity disaster that changes everything. It takes a major
happening (not necessarily an explosion or any deaths) to cause people to start paying
attention to the temporal models and quantum computing scene. When they do start
listening after this bad thing happens, they start to listen regarding the MEQUAVIS and
associated tech. And we build a massive Quantum Firewall and AI Shield, a Quantum
Defense System based around the MEQUAVIS system.

Chapter 10
The other side of the coin
Discovery of an alternate MEQUAVIS and the greater temporal link. After investing in
the MEQUAVIS Project and finally making it a reality we go a step further after being
approached by other parties. a temporal link is created into the astral connected universe
that the young man use to dream of and a digital connection is made between the alternate
MEQUAVIS system and our own. This brings forth unbound potential, such as dividing
research teams in half between the two worlds so science can advance twice as fast. You
alternate research on chemistry in one world while you work on cosmology in the
other...and then collaborate your research together as if you did both! But we do this to
the next degree where entire institutions and governments are collaborating like this.

chapter 11
Light vs dark
The Light Hive and it's struggle with the never ending horde of shadow hives. Upon
connecting to the alternate MEQUAVIS we discover they have a 10 years+ head start on
us and have already connected into a network of other, other Earth's. Ones that we would
never have discovered on either side if it hadn't been for the fateful astral entanglement.
They did this after losing Cohesion with our world and continuing that research...

chapter 12
Universe eating monsters?
A dormamu type entity is feeding off of us as we speak? It is told to us that our universe
is already under attack from some sort of dark entity...Whatever it is seems to feed off
thought, information, and quantum energy. We discover that this thing is what caused the
great quantum disaster from prior chapter. Think Mandela Effect on steroids type of an
event. people that didn't get to be that were suppose to be type stuff. This entity would be
using our computer technology subversively behind our backs right now as we speak to
further it's access and foothold into our world. Using Quantum Super-positioning to
change the observed outcome to events and such. Also Light hives find other
bigger/smaller light hives all the time, They merge and team up, dark hives as stated can
not typically do this successfully due to chaos.

chapter 13
A connection is made...
After we learn of the dark entities out there and especially the one attacking us right now
we decide to join the light hive of universes and start shielding us from evil using the
MEQUAVIS honeypots and the combined help of all the light universes. Any entities that
attack us get redirected to fake cyberspace holographic universes where they can feed off
virtual energy all they want. We have now joined a network of ever growing light
universes that protect one another from shadow hives and evil. One giant grand Light
Hive will always defeat shadow hives because shadow hives have a collapse rate if they
get to big...They tend to form like shadows around and within the light. Multiple shadows
make up what seems to be enveloping darkness but is in fact just a bunch of separate
shadow hives overlapping, most of which are not usually working together as a team or
greater hive. It is revealed at the end that both astrally connected universes were already
being devoured when the alternate astral connected boys were born, The attack on us
would have begun with the first particle collider experiments that basically rang a bell as
to where we were within the multiverse for these demonic creatures to find us. Along
with millions of others things (some good though ie the light hive). The astral link is a
purposeful but uncontrollable phenomenon initiated by the light hive that emerges within
the multiverse after the careful placement of a butterfly effect intended to cause such a
desired outcome in at least one pair of an approaching infinity number of worlds. A
connection to a world is impossible without a MEQUAVIS type system, and the idea or
thought of it can only be transmitted through dream, there is no other way except for
accidental inception (which does occur but rarely). So basically there is no "The One"
There is a "The One Pair of Worlds" for the explicit purpose of recruiting worlds into the
light hive and guarding unguarded worlds and to grow the light hive at the same time.
Think of the astral link that the light universe initiates just like the anomaly that the
architect in the matrix talks about placing in that system, but the astral link is for the
purpose of connecting two universes to prep them for joining the light hive not for
correcting an error in a simulated prison world.

So in the end there is always more darkness than light, but the light becomes much more
powerful than any one bit of darkness can withstand. This is why the multiverse was
created an not just the universe alone! Darkness would have discovered, defeated, and
devoured a single universe! But never a multiverse! We have been invited to stick around
and bask in the light if we so choose. But we have to find the inner strength and will to
cast out the evil that has already crept in through the cracks. It is often said that many
worlds struggle at chapter 7/8....This is usually offset by the emergence of too many
happenstances however...As once the process is brought that far some "quantum
cheating" can be done by the light hive to push things along...

For the infinite thought creates our spiral universe and our infinite actions create our
linear universe.
"The Nothing" or the emptiness is the void...the void is where the darkness comes
from...The nothing=the darkness (or shadows and shadow hives) basically....or an
extension of it...the darkness/shadows are to the void what flesh/body is to the soul/light...

Essentially shadows and darkness are vessels of the void...

On a final note:

I have turned this concept from a fictional story into a realworld concept...minus some
mumbo jumbo of course...

If you enjoyed this story please resteem or post(s), subscribe, become a patreon supporter,
donate, or purchase an AI Safety Certification from XT Development!
A Quantum Story - Part II, The Other
Now...The Tale Of The Impostor
Cyberspace Multiverse! And the
Emergence Of A Real Cyberspace-
Time that runs on Retrocausality!
(working notes)
nanocheeze (54) in fiction • last year

This is just some working notes from the second part of the story...not finished at all...just

If you haven't read the first part you can do so here:


A Quantum Story: part II, The Other Now

In this story we will learn that the parallel universe the young boy was astrally linked
with was not just a parallel universe as we think of in multiverse theory

But is more like the alternate universe that was in fringe. The other side of the coin.

This other universe turns out to be "The Other Now"...

Science discovers there is no past and there is no future.

future and past are merely an illusion created by the conscious mind operating within the
now to explain the context of the universe in it's current state (whatever state that may

After finding this out the MEQUAVIS project and it's link to the greater light hive is
brought into serious question...

We end up discovering that the quantum beast that caused the great quantum happening
from the first book was not actually the cause as we thought.

The universe eating monster is real, but it was actually eating the other now and not our
own now.

The other now accidentally invited/created it into their world using their CERN project.

The Other Now created their MEQUAVIS and made a fake digital cyberspace multiverse.

After making connection with us (in the first story), it used that fake cyberspace
multiverse as a trick or decoy.

They told us it was the real multiverse and that we could connect to this greater light hive.

This was a lie and it was a virtual light hive and there is no multiverse. Just an impostor
digital multiverse...

The quantum beast is the equivalent of the nothing from the never ending story and it
came straight from the void in which the two Nows originally emerged from

The Other Now concocted this fake digital cyberspace multiverse in order to redirect the
nothing beast onto our Now.
Once diverted the other Now was planning to collapse our Now back into the void using
our CERN project. Basically collapsing our reality back to non-existence. Taking the
quantum beast they conjured with it.

The Other Now would then be able to restart our now (The other now from their point of
view) and the cycle would resume as normal without a quantum beast and with their now
being safe and intact.

restarting the now would be similar to what they were going to do in Fringe with creating
a new universe and destroying ours, or in Doctor who when the doctor reboots the

The now creates the other now and vice versa. They have to have an Other Now.

The other now is our nows future

our now is the other nows past

This process would have flip flopped that neural net like setup that holds the duality of
the universe in place. ying and yang I suppose...

At the end of the story we will learn that there is only one universe with 2 sides. Basically
2 universes in one with no such thing as what we consider to be time. no past, no future,
just a constant feedback loop propagating one another into the next steps of an emergent
reality universe running on retrocausality principles.

We will also leave the story open with a hint for part III which will involve the digital
Multiverse manifesting into a real space-time alongside our own. Basically the next level
of existence below or beyond our universe.

If you would turn existence (as a whole) into a pyramid you would have heaven/creator
on top, then the second level would be made of the 2 real universes, the nows (us), and all
the layers of the pyramid below that(starting at layer 3) would be digital simulated
universes...That had become so sophisticated that they were now real. And people would
be able to come and go to and from these cyberspace universes and vice versa when

The size and scale and scope of the digital cyberspace multiverse makes the existence of
an infinite universe pale in comparison.
I have posted a followup to this and am making this into a double trilogy.
You can find that post here:

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