Pod Hintbook PDF
Pod Hintbook PDF
Pod Hintbook PDF
Dungeonsl\ilragons 3
A FORGOTIEN REALMS" Fantasy Role-Playing Epic, Vol. IV
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
Story Synopsis ..................................................................................................... 1
Journal Entries................................................................................................... 11
CREDITS Major Magic Items: Where to Find Them ....................................................... 11
Written by Adventures ....................................................................................................... 13
Chris Carr, Ken Eklund, Lori White, Tom Ono, Ken Humphries, Phlan (East and West) ................................................................................ 13
Gary Shockley, Dave Georgeson, Cynthia Hwang and Dave Shelley Limbo ........................................................................................................ 15
Edited by Overland Minis ......................................................................................... 15
Victor Penman Sasha and the Lands of Thar ...................................................................... 18
Art, Qraphic Design and Desktop Publishing Vala vs. Vaasa ........................................................................................... 20
LOVIS SAEKOW DESIGN: David Boudreau, Chris Mischak Temple of Tyr ............................................................................................. 21
Hill Ciiant Steading .................................................................................... 23
Pre-press Production
Lovis SAEKOW DESIGN: Kirk Nichols, Ray Garcia &Jev Rothe Fire Ciiant Cave ......................................................................................... 25
Dragon's Aerie ........................................................................................... 27
Thorne's Cave ............................................................................................ 29
American Lithographers, Inc.
Zhentil Keep .............................................................................................. 31
Manshoon's Tower .................................................................................... 32
Descent to the Depths ................................................................................. 34
Silk and the Slaves of the Drow .................................................................. 36
Kalistes' Temple ......................................................................................... 38
Strategic Simulations, Inc. reserves the right to make improvements in the product described in this due book
at anytirne and without notice.
Web Dimension Minis .............................................................................. 40
Strategic Simulations, Inc. makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to this clue book, its quality, Drow Testing Ciround ................................................................................ 44
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. This clue book is provided "as is."
Kalistes' Parlor ........................................................................................... 46
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, and FORGOTIEN REALMS are trademarks owned by and used
under license from TSR, Inc., Lake Geneva, WI USA. Nacacia and Myth Drannor ....................................................................... 49
Copyright 1991 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Copyright 1991 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Tower of Marcus ........................................................................................ 51
This clue book is copyrighted and includes proprietary information belonging to TSR, Inc. and Strategic Moander Minis ......................................................................................... 57
Simulations, Inc. No one is permitted to sell copies of this clue book to any person or institution except as pro-
vided for by written agreement with Strategic Simulations, Inc. and TSR, Inc. No one may copy, photocopy, Moander's Heart ....................................................................................... 60
reproduce, translate, or reduce to machine readable form this clue book without the prior written consent of
TSR, Inc. Mulmaster ................................................................................................. 63
~ny IJllrsons reproducing any portion of this due book for any reason, in any media, shall be guilty of copyright Cave of the Beholder .................................................................................. 65
VKJlatKJn and subject to the appropriate civil or criminal action at the discretion of the copyright holder(s).
Dark Phlan ................................................................................................. 69
The Palace of Qothmenes .......................................................................... 71
Dave's Challenge ....................................................................................... 73
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INTRODUCTION At the very end of the game, you will have As it leaves, a great storm encompasses the MINI ADVENTURES CONNECTED
the opportunity to go to a special challenge Realm and Phlan is torn from the land, leav- TO PRIME MATERIAL PLANE
POOLS OF DARKNESS concludes the adven- adventure that is not considered to be part of ing only a crater. Bane has moved against the In a small farmhouse, the party meets a mer-
ture began with the POOL OF RADIANCE the main story line. This adventure was cre- Realms in a massive attempt to assert his cenary who is badly wounded. It seems he
game. In playing this game, you are advised ated especially for those gamers who did not dominance. He speaks to the party, claiming had tried to join the army at the Hill Cjiant
to explore the adventure in the order given feel adequately challenged by the normal the Realm is now under his control.
by the story synopsis (the following section). steading and did not fare well in the street
game. If you do decide to accept the chal- The party is teleported into Limbo by fighting.
The adventure begins in Phlan. From there lenge, be advised that you will need at least
you should go east, conquering the chal- Elminster, Sage of Shadowdale, who enlisted At a small keep, the party finds its inhabi-
one of each class type: Thief, magic-user,
lenges as they appear. Once you have its aid in freeing the land of this new threat. tants are in desperate shape fighting mon-
cleric, and fighter (includes either a ranger or
helped Vala, you should then head west The call to high adventure has sounded once sters. When the party rescues the sole .
a paladin), in order to conquer it.
and move around the overland map in a again and the party embarks on what is remaining family, they give the party some
generally counter-clockwise direction. Finally, we want to thank all of you who undoubtedly its greatest challenge. useful information.
have adventured in our games from PooL
You should do the mini adventures as they OF RADIANCE, into CVRSE OF THE AzvRE Bane has secreted Phlan under Marcus' Dragons are terrorizing a small stockade
cross your path and not in the order in BONDS, through SECRET OF THE SILVER Tower where it is under siege from Tanetal where Captain Terrial has made a hopeless
which they appear in the story synopsis. BLADES and now into POOLS OF DARKNESS. and Marcus. It is putting up a stalwart stand. When he is explaining the situation to
We hope you have had as much fun playing defense under the leadership of Sha!, but she the party, the Dragons attack. The Dragons
All characters in your party should be able is captured by Marcus and leadership passes
to advance up to level 40. Magic-users these games as we have had creating them are defeated and the party is hailed as heroes.
for you. to Captain Vnhar's less experienced hands.
should have an intelligence of at least 18. A band of Cloud Cjiants try to waylay the
Otherwise they will not be able to cast the Let the game begin. The party cannot enter Phlan until Marcus'
party at a crossroad. Defeating them, the
most powerful spells provided in the game. Tower falls and the attacks lessened. Once
party finds stores of looted treasure and frees
the tower falls, the party will clear its streets
In part this means that you should use non- STORY SYNOPSIS FOK the Cjiants' prisoners.
of the remaining besiegers. Phlan then
human characters only as Thieves (the only POOLS OF DARKNESS becomes one of the centers for organizing the At a wayhouse, an innkeeper is quietly dis-
class where their level advancement is PH LAN resistance and the party can gain information patching Banites with poison. The party will
unlimited). If you are transferring existing The party begins its adventures in the revi- from Sha! (if she has survived) or Vnhar. meet a cleaning woman here as well. She
non-human characters who are not Thieves talized city of Phlan. New, sound structures gives the party some useful information.
or magic-users who have an intelligence of have been built and the city is a thriving PRIME MATERIAL PLANE
less than 18, you will find it very difficult to center of commerce. Sasha, the old clerk, is WILDERNESS SASHA AND THE LANDS OF THAR
successfully complete the game. now a Council Member. All of the cities not allied with Bane have Somewhere in the Lands of Thar is the leg-
If you find the game to be too hard, you been torn from region, leaving it overrun endary Taydome's Keep which is said to
The party afrives by boat and is greeted by with evil. Four armies of Bane are gathering harbor powerful magic. Having received
should make it easier by changing the level Rolf. He offers to give the party a tour to
of difficulty. This is done by first selecting the in the region which will sweep through the word from the Mages Quil and Kimarr that
show it the new sites.
Alter option, then selecting the Level option, depopulated countryside. they found the keep, Sasha journeyed to
At the town hall, the party meets Sasha, Thar to assess the situation.
and then selecting either the Novice or In the Dragonspine Mountains, the Dragons
who is preparing for a trip to the Lands of
Squire level of play. Please be advised that if and Cjiants are gathering. The Drow have Sasha, however, is kidnapped by Kimarr
Thar. Since there is little else going on dur-
you are playing with non-human characters gained control of the area around Zhentil (alas, our heroes cannot be everywhere at
ing this time of peace, she asks the party to
(other than Thieves) or with magic-users Keep. In the south, Marcus is assembling an once) who has turned traitor in a mad quest
provide escort for her.
whose intelligence is less than 18, we rec- army of Mages from various sects and disci- for power.
ommend that you change the level of diffi- The party can explore the new Phlan, sam- plines. Finally, Mulmaster is the center for
culty as the game was created on the ple its hospitality, and shop in its stores. It the Banites and Bane's minions. Long ago, Lord Taydome made a pact with
assumption that the characters who chal- quickly finds, however, that Phlan and the the Cjiants and Ogres in which he helped
lenged it would not be limited in these ways. Realm in general are uneventful in their There are, however, still some pockets of them in their war in return for their servi-
prosperity. The party will accept Sasha's resistance in the region where the -party can tude of a thousand generations. Kimarr has
escort duty and set of for the Lands ofThar. receive aid, and/or lend its assistance.
~~ ~E:::::===============f[i]F===============~
discovered the scroll left by Lord Taydome the ruins to find the objects, but the Vaasans HILL CilANT STEADINCi The party enters the Fire Ciiants Cave after
which allows him to enforce this servitude are near and the digging is disturbing mon- Before the civil war in Zhentil Keep, the it has defeated the Hill Ciiant Shaman,
and is using it to solidify his power. sters long hidden in the ruins. Hill Ciiant Steading was a fort guarding the where it got an inkling of the Fire Ciiant
caves and passes in the Dragonspine Mage's ambitions.
Quil, on the other hand, has discovered a The party joins Vala in her efforts to curb
map of the keep's secret passages and is in this threat: it must battle against the stupidi- Mountains. Vpon entering the Cave, the party finds it
quiet opposition to Kimarr. ty of the Giants as well as the ghosts of the The steading has now become a recruitment to be heavily laced with magic, where corri-
ruins fonner inhabitants to find the four center for the massive anny Bane and his dors are not what they seem or where they
The party enters the keep and embarks on its magical items. are under enchantments. It meets the Fire
quest to rescue Sasha. Kimarr attempts to lieutenants are assembling. The fact that it is
controlled by Hill Ciiants, however, makes Ciiant Mage, who is under the impression
join the party in order to mislead it with Finally, the party uses the items to control
the choice somewhat ill-advised since their that the party is as ambitious as she, and she
false infonnation, while Quil leaves helpful the Elementals and seal the tunnels. The
slow wits make them vulnerable to resource- tries to pay it off.
notes for the party to find. The party faces party is then able to repel the Vaasan anny.
attacks from monsters and other challenges, ful foes. The party meets two Hill Ciiants who had
not the least of which is finding where TEMPLE OF TYR The party bluffs its way into the steading been sent by the Hill Ciiant Shaman to
Sasha is being held. The party encounters Priam, once leader of and finds its way to a mead hall, The squash the Fire Ciiant Mage's plans. They
Hillsfar's Yulash forces and mayor of Twisted Horn. Here it meets Kardal, a spy join the party, telling it of their fail-safe plan.
Once the party frees the keep of Kimarr's Verdigris. Priam has mustered a small anny sent by Sasha to gather infonnation. He Unfortunately, the Ciiants are not too bright
grip and rescues Sasha, she uses the keep as and is on his way to the Temple of Tyr and the plan fails miserably.
a base of operations. tells the party how recruitment works in the
where he hopes to equip his fighters from steading: those who prove themselves in The party must then find its way through
VALA VS. VMSA the temple' annory. He asks the party to aid street brawls and gain a reputation for fierce- the maze of corridors to the Fire Ciiant
him in this and leads it to the Temple of Tyr ness are summoned by the Hill Ciiant
The Vaasans have hatched a plot to use Earth Mage's quarters. The Fire Ciiant Mage
which survived the theft of Hillsfar. Shaman, who assigns them to special units
and Fire Elementals to tunnel through the begins to grow worried by the party, and
mountains, and so bypass the snow blocked A group of marauders is also interested in in Bane's anny. At Kardal's suggestion, the lays ambushes for it. When this doesn't
passes. They hope to join in the fight against the annory and they have broken in and are party fights a party of Cloud Ciiants in one slow the party down, the Fire Ciiant Mage
the Realms and gain favor with Bane. plundering the temple. The party discovers of the mead hall's private rooms. By defeat- grows fearful and offers the party a deal to
the marauders as it enters the temple. ing these foes, the party gains instant notori- 'share the glory. Too late, the Fire Ciiant
Vala of the Silver Blades has discovered Ferreting them out, the party is able to ety, and is told to go see the Shaman. Mage realizes the party's true motives and is
their plot and is trying desperately to counter restore the temple to order. On the way, it learns that Kardal was cap- caught in her own machinations.
the threat. Her situation is bleak though,
and she has been forced to recruit Hill In its search for the annory, the party tured. When it rescues him it sets off an
alann, and must fight its way to the Hill DRAGONS' AERIE
Ciiants to fight the Vaasan anny. encounters Brimwulf, who Tyr appointed
Ciiant Shaman. Defeating him, the party The Dragons' Aerie is the gathering place
Fortunately, the Ciiants are easily tricked. guardian of the temple's holy relics accord-
learns that he feared the Fire Ciiants. It for the Dragons serving Thome. It is con-
ing to a pact made while Brimwulf was
Vala's one hope is to find four magical fights a Dragon guarding the steading trea- trolled by a wizard, Modthryth, from the
alive. Brimwulf poses tests of worthiness for
objects which will allow her to gain control sure, and then continues on to the Fire Cult of the Dragon. He has created a
the party before it is allowed to take the
of the Elementals. These objects (Crucible of Ciiant Cave. Dracolich which guards the dimensional
weapons in the annory.
the Tyrant's Flame, Lindenwood Staff, door leading to Thorne's Cave. Before the
Worldstone, and Oakroot Staff) were buried In addition, the party encounters Laurellin FIRE CilANT CAVE party can reach the Dracolich and the
in the mountains by time, along with the in the belfry. She is a Banshee who was The Fire Ciiant Cave is ruled by a Fire Qiant dimensional door, it must collect four keys.
ruins of the city where they were crafted. Brimwulf's true love in life. Brimwulf is not Mage who has designs on taking massive Because the different Dragon species prefer
Vsing the Hill Giants, Vala is excavating aware of her presence, but if the party amounts of territory for herself. To do this, different environments and generally do not
proves its worthiness, it is able to reunite the she has been siphoning off troops from those get along, they have segregated themselves
ill-fated lovers. sent to Thorne. With this personal anny, into four nesting areas. One of the four keys
she will sweep the countryside and establish can be found in each of the four nests.
strongholds under her command.
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In the center of the Aerie is a common room ZHENTIL KEEP DESCENT TO THE DEPTHS If the party helps Silk rescue the Swanmays,
where the Dragons intermix and where On Bane's orders, the Drow opened their The Drow in Zhentil Keep take the slaves she will aid it in this cause. The party pene-
Modthryth arranges duels between the tunnels and have taken over the city. They down into the Descent of the Depths. Empty trates deeper into the Drow stronghold, dis-
Dragons. now patrol the city and are capturing people slave wagons are kept near the entrance as rupting a sacrifice to Kalistes, and finally
to be taken into Manshoon's tower and the well as a carriage where the party can cap- coming to the fountain, which it destroys
As the party travels through the cave, it with the Essence of Pure Light it found in
slave pens. Wagons carrying these prisoners ture a Drow prince and princess. From them,
catches glimpses of Modthryth and learn of the alchemist's laboratory. From the fountain
rumble through the city, taking whom they the party learns of Marcus and Manshoon.
his plans to create another Dracolich. The chamber, the party can enter Kalistes'
please. The party rescues an old man from It can also use the pair as ransom for entry
duels between the Dragons serve to deter- Temple.
one of these wagons and his daughter tells it into the Drow stronghold.
mine which are the most powerful Dragons,
about what is going on. Following Mabril's instructions, the party
and the competition is fierce and deadly. KALISTES'TEMPLE
The party also meets Mabril who tells it finds Traned in the stronghold. The strong- Kalistes' Temple is where Kalistes' extends
THORNE'S CAVE about Kalistes and a halfling woman named hold also houses the Drow barracks and the her power into the Prime Material Plane.
The party must reach Thome and prevent Traned. He will also tell the party about a headquarters for the slaving operation. Cjateways to the Web Dimension and to
him from sounding the Hom of Doom three secret entrance to Manshoon's Tower. Vsing Vnbeknownst to Manshoon, the Drow various areas within the Forgotten Realms
times. The first blast on the Hom alerts the secret entrance, the party is able to avoid have hidden a dungeon in the Depths are located here. The temple, therefore, is
Bane. The second blast will cause a break in questioning by Manshoon's guards as well where they have imprisoned the Zhents. the center of many activities. Slaves and
the storms wracking the region, allowing as a heavy toll. Eventually, the party reaches the other suitable offerings to Kalistes are sent to
the Dragons to fly. The third blast will loose Winnowing room where slaves are divided the Web Dimension through the Cjate of
the Dragons on the Realms and allow them MANSHOON'S TOWER
up and sent to either Kalistes' temple for Darkness and Kalistes' Night Spawn are
access to the cities held in Limbo. The party enters Manshoon's Tower sent on their fell errands from the temple.
sacrifice or to the slave pens. Traned will
through either the main gate or a secret leave the party to help these prisoners
The Hom of Doom was made from the entrance. The main entrance leads to the When Drow are ready to undergo the tests
horn of a Ki-rin, whose spirit still haunts escape. The party then pushes on towards
security office where there is questioning, which will advance their power, they come
Thome's cave, waiting for heroes to right Kalistes' Temple, either through the main to the temple to make offerings and to be
examination and fee collection. If the party
the wrongs done with its magic. The party gate or through the slave pens. purified. They then proceed to the Drow
uses the secret entrance, it will bypass this.
must slay Thome after he has blown the Once in the tower, the party breaks up a foul Testing Cjrounds in the Web Dimension.
Hom twice, so the storms will cease, but SILK AND THE SLAVES OF
ceremony being held in the temple. THE DROW
before the third blast. The party will want to destroy the various
Ascending the tower, fanatical The slave pens below Zhentil Keep are gates that Kalistes' minions are using to
Helping the party, will be a Thief, Raize!. Manshooners try to keep the party from dis- where the Drow take prisoners for their evil weaken her grip on the Realms.
Raizel knows the cave's passages and is turbing Manshoon's great conjuring. purposes. Silk, a Rogue Drow of good align-
adept at finding hidden doors. The party Manshoon releases his "pet" on the third The main entrance to the temple is from the
ment, had been raiding Zhentrim and Drow
will be able to get to Thome more easily level. The "pet" is invisible save for its Descent into the Depths, and its is very diffi-
forces when most of her company, the cult to get through. It is heavily guarded by
with Raize!. shocking gaze. Swanmays, were captured. She has come to Drow and a magical force which allows
However, Raizel is more than a little enam- On the top level, the party finds a diagram the slave pens to rescue the Swanmays and only Drow and slaves sedated with Spider
ored of treasure, and she will frequently try drawn on the floor of a big room which enlists the party's aid when it arrives. poison to pass. Instead, the party will want
to lead the party to hordes, using up time the Manshoon is using to conjure foul beings. If The party soon discovers that the Drow are to enter from the slave pens.
party cannot afford. Once Thome is killed, the party does not succeed in stopping stealing the life force from lawful good peo-
the party can search out the treasure at its Manshoon in his chamber, it becomes There is a chance that the party will met
ple to make Essence of Pure Light. This, in
leisure. trapped in the diagram, subject to Traned again. She is rescuing the slaves held
tum, is used to create Fire of Night, which
Manshoon's ravings. It would meet its end in the temple and will lead them to safety.
is crucial to the transformation of Cjiant
there if were not for a woman Mage who Spiders into Pets of Kalistes. Protected.by a
helps the party break the diagram. series of lethal traps, there is a fountain of
Once Manshoon is stopped, the top level of Fire of Night which the party must destroy
his tower collapses. to stop this evil practice.
Once the transporters are destroyed, the DROW TESTINCi CiROVND The first level of the parlor is dedicated to imprisoning the Knights' life force and
Night Spawn will be trapped in the temple The Drow Testing c;round is where the satisfying Kalistes' larger-than-life appetites, Tyranthraxus is obliterated.
and will tum against the Drow. From the Drow come to advance their magical pow- as well as the subjugation of the Drow.
Returning to the forest, Nacacia thanks the
temple, the party travels through Limbo to ers. They undergo a series of tests to prove Exploring this area, the party discovers her
party for its help and rewards it. She is more
the Web Dimension. their worthiness. If they fail, they are turned whereabouts and how best to defeat her: by
confident for her experience, capable of
into Driders. These are half Drow, half destroying the eggs of her Night Spawn,
WEB DIMENSION AND assuming her role as leader of the Knights of
Spider creatures. Kalistes is driven to a suicidal attempt to
CONNECTED MINIS save the eggs. Myth Drannor.
This dimension consists of interconnected The party comes to the testing ground to
rearm itself and to retrieve the items it will The party arrives in time to save Arta, who TOWER OF MARCUS AND THE
weblike paths, separated by a void, and is provides the party with information. A dis- TEMPLE OF TRANSFORMATION
ruled by Kalistes. need to defeat Kalistes: amulets which repel
Ciiant Spiders and a Ward of Safe Passage, gruntled slave will also help the party, but Marcus, the unholy wizard who the party
When the party passes out of limbo, it which allows the party to enter Kalistes' once the party has defeated Kalistes, he has fought against before, has erected a red
meets Cynthia, the Swanmay that Silk is Parlor. reveals himself as Tanetal' spy and will try tower from whence he is sending hordes of
looking for. She has been cursed and forced to take the Crystal Ring from them. animated trees to scour the land. Come to
to serve as the Eyes of Kalistes. Cynthia tells To complete its mission, the party will stop this menace, the party battles its way
undergo several of the Drow tests. The mis- NACACIA AND MYTI-1 DRANNOR
the party what items it will need in order to into the tower and discovers that Phlan has
gain entrance to Kalistes' Parlor. sion culminates in a battle against the Nacacia is the princess of Cormyr who ran been entombed beneath its foundations.
guards of Daris, a murderous Drow Mage, away from home and joined the Knights of
As the party travels the paths of this dimen- followed immediately by a battle with Myth Drannor, wanting a more carefree life. At Phlan's besieged gates, it learns that
sion, it meets others: Shest, a psychic Spider who is Kalistes' con- Her royal heritage, however, has inspired Sha[, a wizard leading the defense of Phlan
sort and lieutenant among the Drow. the Knights to look to her for leadership, and an expert on Moander, holds the key to
Storm Harngrim, a dwarf who escaped
which she has tenuously accepted. defeating Marcus. The party has been
from the Drow slavers and is searching for Also in the testing grounds is Storm haunted by her apparition, as well as an evil
his sister, Arta, will join the party. (irimsword, a dwarf ranger who is seeking She is now in her late twenties and is feel-
version of the woman. The party searches
to kill Kalistes to avenge the deaths of other ing the burdens of responsibility. She doubts
Dennia, the mother of a young Drow who the dungeon and finds Sha[, who informs it
Dwarves and to prevent more of his kin her abilities, especially in the face of the
is to undergo testing, has discovered that her that Marcus is also creating foul automatons
from suffering the same fate. mounting threats around Myth Drannor.
brother Daris is trying to kill her son, Hem. from pieces of Moander's body in the
She will lead the party to a secret entrance to Daris has hired a human Assassin, Valardis, Walking trees have invaded the forest Temple ofTransformation. He is aided by
the testing ground if it promises to help save to kill his nephew, Hem. Dennia is Hem's which she is at a loss to explain, and the her evil twin, Petra, and Sha[ vows to stop
Hem. mother and Daris' sister. She is trying to Rakshasa who occupy Myth Drannor are this abomination.
save her son from her brother's machina- impressed by Bane's power and have decid-
Valardis, the Assassin hired by Daris, will ed to recreate Tyranthraxus to curry his favor. With Shal's help, the party ascends the
guide the party to a priests' entrance. tions. Either Valardis or Dennia may join tower. It destroys the evil magics that are
the party. Nacacia asks the party to help and it travels animating the Elven Court trees and the
A disgruntled slave, who is in reality a spy with her and a group of Knights into the
KALISTES' PARLOR manufactories of the Bits of Moander.
for Taneta[, will also lead the party into ruins of Myth Drannor. Exploring the once
Kalistes' Parlor. Kalistes holds the Crystal Ring, a powerful proud city, the party discovers that the Having disrupted the workings of the tower,
talisman which she uses to eclipse the sun. Rakshasa are stealing the life force from the the party confronts Marcus in his chambers.
Locaste, a Drow high priestess, is seen
entering the Kalistes' Parlor. By watching The party will need to retrieve the ring in Knights to use as a reanimation catalyst for There, it learns that Petra and Sha! are actu-
what happens, the party will know whether order to destroy the crystal, which will Tyranthraxus. This becomes too much for ally a single woman who has been divided
it is safe for it to enter. weaken Cjothmenes enough for the party to Nacacia to bear and the party must con- into an evil and a good self. His fight to pre-
kill him. vince her to accept her responsibilities and vent their reunification is desperate. When
authority or leave her behind. Marcus is defeated, Shal and Petra reunite
Using the Ward of Passage, the party enters and then leap into the gate. This pulls the
Kalistes' Parlor to begin its search and The party discovers the temple where the
gate away from the tower, causing it to
destroy mission. Rakshasa are reanimating Tyranthraxus with
little time to spare. It destroys the spheres
~3 ~================![@]~===============~
MOANDER AND CONNECTED MOANDER'S HEART The party flushes Tanetal causing him to lose tives to the overland, or chase Arcam.
MINIS Knowing that Tanetal and the Talisman of the Talisman of Bane. It chases him into the Defeating Arcam, the party runs a gauntlet
Moander is a being which fills an entire Bane are here, the party enters Moander's Watcher's trap (which goes awry), and defeats of three chambers. In each of these is a sen-
dimension and it is his body over which the heart by one of two methods. It may either Tanetal and his minions in a final battle. tinel watching for the three Talismans of
party travels. The true power behind cut through his lungs after travelling his Power: the Crystal Ring, the Horn of
Marcus is Tanetal, a Cilabrezu who holds breathing passages; or it may enter directly MVLMASTER Doom, and the Talisman ofBane. If the
court in Moander's heart and who possesses from the body by entering Moander's blood- The Banite priesthood uses Mulmaster as its party has these, it will be attacked by con-
the Talisman of Bane, which will allow the stream through one of his wounds. base, as do the largest known population of jured forces.
party to enter Cjothmenes' dimension. Beholders. The city is ostensibly ruled by the
It meets the Watcher, a female Elf Mage sta- Passing the gauntlet, the party reaches the
High lmperceptor, though in reality, it is the
Traversing Monader's body, the party tioned here by the Elves to watch over Pool of Darkness leading to Dark Phlan.
Beholders who control it. The entrance to
encounters the Cult of Moander, who are Moander and thwart any attempts to free the Beholder's lair lies through the city.
creating a temple out of His very flesh. him from this dimension. She agrees to lend DARKPHLAN
They are also 'recruiting' people to their cult assistance to the party. The Beholders have devised a system of Dark Phlan is an evil version of the true
by transforming them into vegetative slaves. weeding out those unworthy of entrance to Phlan, a taste of what the Realms will be
As the party travels through the heart's their tunnels. The party discovers that it like if Bane is successful. It exists in Bane's
They try to enslave the party, making them main arteries, ventricles and atriums it is
'one with Moander'. must fight in an Arena in order to continue Dark Dimenson. The Iron Wall, the first of
affected by the pumping action. This can on to the Beholder's caves. The difficulty of Bane's inner defenses is here. If the party has
Elsewhere, the cult is hunting down a priest- wash the party helplessly from chamber to the fight depends on how severely the party the Horn of Doom, it can use the horn to
ess, which they hope to sacrifice as an offer- chamber. Tanetal is aware of this, and can has offended the city officials. Once it tri- breech the wall. Beyond lies the final
ing to Moander. use the Talisman of Bane to control the umphs at the arena, it is met by a Beholder encounter.
heart, and wash the party from his head- and led into the depths.
In one of the wounds inflicted by Tanetal quarters in the left ventricle. Further, it is The city is ruled by the undead form of
minions, the party meets Aeghwaet. He has attacked by fake Tanetal copies. A mon- Porphrys Cadorna, formerly a council mem-
maintained his youth for many centuries CAVE OF THE BEHOLDER
strous arrow is embedded in some of the sur- ber of the true Phlan. He has kidnapped
using extracts he concocts from Moander's The party is lead from the Mulmaster arena
rounding muscle tissue. The party can fash- Sasha, with the intent of marrying her.
body fluids. Once the party has rid his home into the caves of Arcam, the greatest of the
ion weapons from this using tools found in Wedding preparations are underway as the
of marauding minions, Aeghwaet gives it the Beholders, to be interviewed by his
another area. party enters.
potions it will need to succeed in the heart. Chancellor. It can avoid this interview by
The Watcher tells the party that it must slow evading the escort. Cjothmenes, a Balor and a major ally of
The remnants of an army that preceded the the heartbeat otherwise it will be washed Bane, oversees the wedding. The party dis-
party gives it information on how to reach Arcam plans to take control of the Moonsea
from the arteries before it can reach the heart. rupts the wedding and rescues Sasha, caus-
the heart and Tanetal. region for himself. He is waiting for an
It must find the golden cornucopia and give ing him to lose faith in Cadorna.
opportune time where he can conquer both
The party can also gain useful information it to the Watcher, and help her cast sleep Cjothmenes leaves, giving the party free
Bane's minions, and the forces of good. The
by tapping into the synapses of Moander's spells to lull Moander into a deeper sleep. reign of the city.
actions of the party in combatting Bane have
brain with the devices that Marcus' wizards She rewards the party with a tuning fork that
furthered these plans. If the party meets with THE PALACE OF QOTHMENES
have installed. exposes the Tanetal copies, and directs it to the Chancellor, it is offered a series of rescue
retrieve an unguent that she needs. Passing through the iron gate, the party can
The party also runs into a hermit, who gives missions that send it out to complete adven-
use the Crystal Ring to find and destroy the
the party some sage advice. On the way, it attacks a group of magnetic tures. When these missions run out, or at its
mystical crystal which Bane has used to
Iron Cjolems which magnetizes the own choosing, the party fights the
block the good powers from intervening in
weapons. When the party returns the Chancellor and his guards.
his plans. With the crystal shattered, the
unguent, the watcher tells it to use the The party then searches for Arcam. Along final enemy, Cjothmenes, is weak enough to
weapons to shock the walls of the left ven- the way, it encounters prisoners that urge it be defeated by the characters. The party is
tricle and wash Tanetal from the heart. She to go rescue places where good is under teleported to Limbo where it watches the
shows it a trap that she has set up. siege. The party can either follow these cap- results of its victory.
~ ~E~===============f[[g]~===============~
With (iothmenes' defeat, the good powers Hill Ciiant Steading: Temple of Tyr: Kalistes' Temple:
can restore the stolen cities back to their arrows+4, dagger +4, bolts +4 (£), long hammer +4, quarterstaff +4, Ring of Battle Axe +4.
rightful places. In doing so, the good powers sword vs Ciiants +£, Ring of Fire Resistance, Protection +4, Wand of Lightning Bolts.
turn back time to a point before the events Clerical Scroll Tower of Marcus:
of the game take place. Because of this, no Moander Overland: Flail +4, two-handed sword +4, helmet +4,
one in the Realms remembers anything of Sasha and the Lands of Thar: javelin +4, two-handed sword +4, Elixir of ring mail +4, shield +4, Ring of Protection
Bane's conquest attempt; nor do they Mage Scroll. Youth. from Evil, Wand of ice Storms.
remember anything of the party's heroic
Fire Ciiant's Cave: Moander's Heart: Web Overland:
doings. Only the party, Elminster and the
greater powers know. Elminster closes the javelin +4, fine long bow, Ring of dagger +4, staff sling +4, scale mail +4, short sword +4, chain mail +4.
gates to the outer dimension. As the gates to Vulnerability-3 (you don't want this), Ring Cloak of Displacement, Javelin of Lightning.
of Cold Resistance. Drow Testing Ciround:
Limbo are closed, the party is moved to the Dark Phlan: composite long bow +4, chain mail +4,
restored city of Phlan. Dragons' Aerie: arrows +4, composite short bow +4, com- Ring of Invisibility.
It meets Elminster in the city library, and he battle axe +4, flail +4, scimitar +4, long posite long bow +4, darts +4, javelin +4,
sword +4, short sword +4, leather armor bolts +4, quarterstaff +4, staff sling +4, short Kalistes' Parlor:
tells it that there is a ship waiting , laden
with treasure. The party boards and sails off. +4, ring mail +4, Dart of the Hornet's Nest, sword +4, Cloak of Protection +4 (£), band- Elfin Chain +4.
Wand of Ice Storms, Wand of Paralyzation, ed mail +4, plate mail +4, shield +4, Bracers Zhentil Keep:
Scroll of Protection vs Dragon's Breath, of Defense AC £, Ring of (iaze Resistance,
JOURNAL BNTRIBS Mage Scroll. Ring of Protection+£, Ring of Protection +4.
The following Journal entires are false: Overland Minis:
Thorne's Cave: The Palace of Ciothmenes:
1, 6, £0, 23, 50, 75, 87, and 98. arrows +4 (£), javelins +4 (£), bolts +4,
arrows +4, light crossbow +4, flail +4, arrows +4 (£), hammer +4, javelin +4, sling
javelin +4 (£), mace +4 (£), bolts +4, sling chain mail +4, leather armor +4, blessed
+4, two-handed sword +4, helmet +4,
bolts (£).
MAJOR MAGIC ITEMS: +4, long sword +4, trident +4, banded mail leather armor +4, plate mail +4, shield +4,
WIIBKB TO f1ND THBM +4, helmet +4, Elfin chain +4, silver shield Ring of Protection +4. Web Dimension Minis:
+3, Stone of Luck, Necklace of Missiles, javelins +4 (£), scimitar +4, banded mail
Phlan: Bracers of Defense AC £, Ring of Fire Nacacia and Myth Drannor:
+4, ring mail +4, scale mail +4 (£), Drow
Wand of Magic Missiles, Clerical Scroll (3), Resistance. arrows +4 (£), light crossbow +4, bolts +4
long Sword +4, Drow Elfin Chain +4.
Mage Scroll. (£), Elfin Chain +4, blessed bolts (8), Ciirdle
Descent to the Depths: of Ciiant Strength, Drow Elfin Chain +4. Moander Minis:
Realms Overland: composite short bow +4, composite long arrows +4, darts +4 (£), hammer +4, scimi-
bow +4, cursed light crossbow -3.
Temple of Transformation:
composite short bow +4, sling +4, scale +4, tar +4, staff sling +4, trident +4, leather
mail. darts +4, Boots of Speed, Long Sword, Ring
Cave of the Beholder: armor +4, ring mail +4, scale mail +4,
of Wizardry, Elixir of Youth, Clerical Scroll,
Limbo: Boots of Speed.
scimitar +4, quarterstaff +4, long sword +4, Mage Scroll.
darts +4, Periapt of Health, Ring of Ciaze ring mail +4, Cloak of Displacement, silver
shield +3, Eyes of Charming.
Silk and the Slaves of the Drow:
Resistance, Ring of Invisibility, Ring of
Protection from Evil, Vorpal Long Sword darts +4, staff sling +4, Cloak of Protection
Vala vs Vassa: +4, ring mail +4, Boots of Speed, Drow
(from Sha!).
composite short bow +4, darts +4, plate Elfin Chain +4, Drow Long Sword +4.
mail +4, silver shield +4, Ring ofBlinking.
Manshoon's Tower:
light crossbow +4, dagger +4, darts +4 (£),
bolts +4 (£), trident +4, Necklace of Missiles,
Ring of Cold Resistance, Clerical Scroll.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 KEY 0 0 KEY
9 3 Wall
"='" - - . Wall
[O] 2
4 13
4 ~
u WD _I_ 3
Impassable ] 22 15 Impassable
~ R ~
Area Area
5 ~5 5
- - -
__ I .. 6
~ rCJ- • •
7 7 7
~ 7 4
24 8 To
c: 8 8 8 a Phlan
9 9 9 23 l 9
I- 10
7 10
11 - L.r--1 -
... - -.IL 10
12 11 12 12 12
13 13 13 I 20 21 13
14 14 14 18 ]19 14
12 10
15 15 15 0 0 15
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Phlan The party will find many temples for heal- retrieve weapons left in limbo and meet the scroll, and a wand of magic missiles can be
ing in the east side of town, as well as a ship which will take you to the challenge. found here.
Synopsis: Phlan has been rebuilt and revi-
talized in the ten years since it was freed. training hall. The west side of town is com- 2 The dock house 8 Valhegen Park
Sasha, the old Council Clerk, is now a prised mostly of residences and stores, where 9 Temple of Sune
the party will be able to equip itself. Due to 3 Training Hall
member of the council. The town is, in fact, 10 Temple of (jond
so peaceful that the only adventure available the party's fine reputation, all of the inns 4 Town Hall
will provide free lodging. 5 Council Chamber where Sasha asks the 11 Sunrise Inn
is escorting Sasha to the Lands of Thar.
Party to escort her to the Lands of Thar. 12 Temple ofTempus
Bane has other plans. Put off by his past Wandering Monsters: While Phlan is
Other useful information can be gained here 13 Temple ofTyr
defeats, he scoops up all the towns not allied under siege: Red Mages and Zhentil
once the Party finds it beneath Marcus'
with him and places them in Limbo. All, Warriors. Otherwise: none. 14 Parkside (jate
that is, except Phlan which he hides beneath Resting: At any inn. 15 Traitor's (jate where a soldier will
Marcus' Tower. Marcus and his adherents 6 The Council Clerk is here. There are no
explain the gate's odd name.
lay siege to the city, which is valiantly missions at the beginning of the game;
MAP LOCATIONS: though later, the clerk will assign missions Phlan (West)
defended by Sha!. Helping Phlan repel its
attackers means the party will have a safe Phlan (East) as they come up. 16 The fortune teller here will give the
haven that it can come to in time of need. 1 The docks where Rolf welcomes the 7 The Town Library where an old man party many useful hints as the game
party, and later escorts it to a ship. After you (Elminster) warns the Party to leave town unfolds.
have won the game, this is where you may (beginning of game). Later, a note, a Mage
~= ~==============~D]JF===============~
17 The Troll Toss Tavern where the party is and then return to the outer dimension OVER.LAND MINIS
invited to fight a group of Ettins for sport. without losing their items. Such destruction
18 The Spendthrift Inn occurs only during the full passage.
19 The Lakeside Inn Healing and training is available.
20 The Old (juild Armory - an all purpose Wandering Monsters: There are none.
Resting: You may rest safely.
21 Ohio's Mystic Devices - a store special-
izing in magical items. Overland Minis:
22 This is Kuto's (jate. The party meets
Sasha here to escort her to Thar. When the Small Keep
party accepts the mission, she gives it three
Cl eri ea[ scrolls.
23 When Phlan is under siege, a group of
7 6
nine Black Mages and a Bit 0 Moander are [ID
holding a family hostage. The gates are
sealed until these have been defeated.
3 ~ 4 ~
6 As the party enters, Ogres and Ettins are 3 Vampires and undead guard the farm-
24 This is a store specializing in clothing. 2 finishing off the last of the keep's guard. house entrance. The party is surprised unless
25 Smithy's Choice is a store which special- They turn to attack the party. it has found the bodies at location 1.
izes in armor. 7 Hill (jiants are poised to attack a woman 4 More undead attack in the corridor.
26 Bowyer's Supply is a store specializing is and her children. After the rescue, the moth- 5 The Vampires have stored their coffins in
archery. Synopsis: The party comes across a small er tells the party about the (jiant's steading. this room. They attack the party.
keep. Monsters have overcome the defenses,
and a battle rages inside. It rescues a family Large Farmhouse Small Set of Huts
Limbo -
Small Stockade Resting: Wandering Beholders may attack 2 Treasure. Qiants protect their stolen loot. MAP LOCATIONS:
Synopsis: The the party. 3 Cloud Qiants are interrogating a prisoner. 1 Main Hall. Initially, the Qiants and
party finds a stock- r:;ri, r']';;l MAP LOCATIONS:
If the party rescues him, he will tell it about Ogres will allow the party to leave without
ade that has been ~ ~ 3 the weapons at location 4. a battle, useful if the party is not up to
1 Entering the village, the party sees the
under attack by 4 A ransacked store. If the party saved the strength. If the monsters get a chance to lock
bodies of slaughtered humans. It hears cries
Dragons. The cap- storekeeper at location 3, it can find a trident the front gate, it is beneficial to attempt to
coming from the south
tain enlists the +3, a dagger +3, a light crossbow+ 1, and unlock it before the final confrontation.
party's aid. Dragon's attack, and the party 2 Beholders are tormenting some villagers. potions of speed. 2 Quard posts.
They attack the party.
rescues the stockade. 3 These places are connected to Quil's
3 There is loot gathered in this room. Sasha and the Lands of Tuar
Resting: It is safe to rest here. secret passages. There will be a chance that
Included are some arrows +4.
Synopsis: The legends speak of Taydome's Quil will leave the party a note here.
MAP LOCATIONS: spell which gave him power over the Ogres
Farm Building and Qiants of Thar. Sasha was last seen 4 Waiting Rooms.
1 Quards let the party in.
Synopsis: The party comes traveling towards the Lands of Thar to rally 5 Hallway. Ruoln, claiming to be a member
2 Peasants hide in these huts. 2
across a farm building. forces there. Her other task was to verify of Sasha's guard offers to join the party at this
3 Captain Dalas greets the party and asks it There it meets a dying that the Phlan Mages Kimarr and Quil had point. He is not what he appears to be, but
to help in the stockade's defense against the fighter who gives it infor- found Taydome's lost fortress as their last accepting him into the party can bring back-
Dragons. Afterwards, the keep will be 1
mation about the Qiant's message had claimed. The Mages have ground information about Taydome's Keep.
attacked by Dragons. steading. since parted company, their goals no longer On the other hand, evading him can gain
Resting: Wandering monsters may attack the same. Kimarr controls Taydome's spell the party safe camping times.
Way House
the farm building when the party rests. and the Ogres and Qiants with it. Quil 6 Taydome's Library.
Synopsis: The party comes
retains his loyalty to the Council and has 7 Study Chambers.
across a way house. It may MAP LOCATIONS:
stolen the spell, hiding in secret passages in
rest here and gain some useful 1 The entrance to the farm building. 8 Reception Hall. A group of Drow are
the Keep. Sasha stumbled into their conflict,
information. waiting to meet With Kimarr here. They are
2 The party meets a dying fighter. If it helps her party ambushed by Kimarr. Because she
Resting: It is safe to rest here. is a focus for the rallying forces of Phlan, impatient and unfriendly. The party can
him, he gives them information.
Bane's minions would benefit from her avoid a fight if it leaves when asked.
Crossroad death, and Kimarr uses her as a bargaining 9 Meeting Room. One of the guards
1 As the party enters, it is greeted by the Synopsis: Cloud chip in his dealings. Evil has given him pro- chained to the table, Bostel!, is alive but
innkeeper. He tells it not to enter the room Qiants have taken tection from Quil's spells. Quil has stolen unconscious. If the party frees him, he will
at location 2. over this crossroad Sasha from Kimarr, but cannot get her out of aid it in the final confrontation against
2 A room full of poisoned Banite warriors. settlement. The the keep. The party seeks to free Sasha and Kimarr.
3 The party meets the house keeper. She party rescues a defeat Kimarr's rising power. Although 10 Treasure Room. The only secret room in
tells it about Mulmaster. prisoner and finds Quil cannot use direct magic against the Keep known to Kimarr. There is treasure
the Qiants' trea- Kimarr, he will attempt to help the party here, but if Ruoln is with the party, the
Small Village sure hoard. whenever possible. group will take some damage getting it.
Synopsis: The party comes Resting: Qiants Resting: If the party avoids Kimarr's "sight", 11 Dining Hall. Another fight that can be
across a small village. ,...--...LCJ---1 avoided if the party leaves when given the
wander the settle- any room is safe. Otherwise, there is no safe
Beholders have taken opportunity.
ment and will 2 resting area until Kimarr is defeated.
over, and are terrorizing the attack the party's
citizenry. The party frees ~ camp. Wandering Monsters: Ogres, Ogre Mages, 12 Kitchen.
the village and recovers 2 2 Cloud Qiants, Hill Qiants, Hill Qiant
the Beholders' loot. 3
MAP LOCATIONS: Shaman, Fire Qiants, and Fire Qian! Mages.
1 A gang of Qiants ambushes the party at
the crossroad.
~ ~ ~================J[gQ)F===============~
o KEY 0 o KEY
2 2 2
3 3
Door 3 3
4 4
6 6 ~Secret
6 6
Door 7 Area
7 7 7
8 8 r?dJ
9 9 9 9
10 10 10
11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13
14 14 14 14
15 2 2 2 15
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
13 The Training Hall. powerful form to fight the party. A note Vala vs. Vaasa Wandering Monsters: Spectres, Wraiths
from Quil will inform the party of Sasha's Synopsis: Hoping to join with Bane's army, and Purple Worms.
14 Barracks.
location once it has defeated Kimarr as a the Vaasans have hatched a plot to tunnel Resting: Safe at locations 3 and 12.
15 Kimarr's wrath. Kimarr confronts the Black Dragon. After the party wins the final under the snow blocked passes using
party at this point, angry that it has not battle, Taydome's spell will be broken, and MAP LOCATIONS:
Elementals. Vala of the Silver Blades has
helped him locate Quil in its wanderings. the Ogres and Ciiants will leave the Keep as discovered their plans and is desperately try- 1 Hill Ciiants demand to know why you
He will have his monsters attack. soon as they are able. The party will be safe ing to counter the threat. are in the cave. They will let you pass if you
16 Servant's Quarters. An ancient servant to anywhere it chooses to rest. claim you are there to see the 'Silver Lady.'
Taydome had used his cupboard as paper for Her situation is bleak, though, and she has
19 Quil's Chambers. been forced to employ the dull witted Hill 2 Hill Ciiants warn you of Vaasans break-
his journal. The party can read about
20 Sasha's Chambers. It is best to please (iiants to fight the Vaasan army. Vala's one ing in at locations 10 and 19.
Taydome's original agreement with Ogre and
Ciiant tribes and get a clue about his demise Sasha at this point. If she is not angered, the hope is to find four magical items which 3 You meet Vala here in her office and she
at the hands of his enslaved monsters. Keep will become a safe haven for the party will allow her to gain control of the tells you about the four magical items that
if it needs to rest in the area. Elementals: the Worldstone, the Oakroot must be found. She will join your party if
17 Kimarr's Parlor. He has guards posted in
this room for protection. Staff, the Crucible of Flame, and the you wish, though if Vala is not with you,
Lindenwood Staff. Vnfortunately, all of the the Hill Ciiants will think you are Vaasans.
18 Kimarr's Chambers. The final confronta- digging has disturbed some ghosts. Vala will also give you a Silver Shield +4.
tion occurs here, with Kimarr using his most Vala's office is safe to rest in.
~=================~[I1J~==============~~::::::::il lPJ¥=:=7================f[Ig]F===============~
8 Q.
Elementals and they attack. you pursue immediately, you will gain sur-
12 These rooms are safe to rest in. prise on the marauders in location #3. ~ 12
8 8 ~
13 The Oakroot staff can be found here if 2 The high altar ofTyr has a black hand
the area is searched. Earth Elementals will painted on it. A ward prevents the hand
attack. from being erased until the Vampire priest in
location #3 has been killed. When you erase 4 Each of these cloisters has an iron brazier gained, ringing the bells is the last thing to
14 If this room is searched it will disturb a in it. These must be lit with the flame from do to free the temple from evil.
host of Wights and Skeletons. the hand you earn the blessing of Tyr and get
-2 to AC and+1 to hit while in the temple. the Lamp of Vigilance to free the temple 8 Keep searching these small rooms until
15 This is the entrance to the cave. from darkness. (See Location #17) you find a journal entry telling you about
3 Pursue the guard from location 1 into this
16 If this room is searched, you can find darts room or he will warn the Vampire. If you 5 The temple scribe's office is the only place the tragic story of l..aurellin and Brimwulf
+4, a Ring of Blinking and plate mail +4. allow the guard time to give a warning, you you can rest in the temple. Uoumal Entry 74).
17 Hill Ciiants run screaming from the east- will be hit by a blade barrier when you enter 6 You find a priest of Tyr's diary telling of 9 Temple plunder has been gathered here
ern door. the room (unless you wait outside the door). the last days of the temple before the dark- by the marauders. If you take any of it, you
18 The Crucible of Flame is in this room, The Vampire priest and a group of his ness fell upon the land. will earn the Curse of Tyr. (Any blessing
guarded by Fire Elementals. marauders are tearing up an office searching 7 Ringing the bell here will bring the gained at #2 will be negated and an addi-
19 Vampires guard their crypt. for the whereabouts of the hidden armory. Banshee, l..aurellin, down from the bell tional +2 AC and-2 to hit penalty is earned
The journal entry (#11) you get here tells you tower. Don't kill her. Wait until you've read while in the temple. Note: your armor class
how to perform the ritual at location #14. the journal entry at location #8 Uournal and to hit will be two worse.)
Entry 74) and then decide what to do about
her. After the Lamp of Vigilance has been
10 A man cowers in fear here from the ter- Hill Giant Steading HILL GIANf STEADING
rors he experienced in the catacombs below. Synopsis: The Hill Qiant Steading is a To Fire Qiant's Cave
Listen to his mumbles. recruitment center for the evil forces which 0 2345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
11 A group of marauders flees the wrath of Bane is amassing, where the mercenaries
and evil creatures vie for the Hill Qiant
0 I I 21 22 0 KEY
Brimwulfbelow. Their morale is terrible if
you want to fight them (they run away easily). Shaman's attention to gain advancement. I 17
l 19
20 OJ
Fights are common among them, even 2 I .
12 Neo-Otyughs made their way to the
catacombs after the priests left. The spirits encouraged as a way of proving themselves. 3
-- - 14 I I
will be (materially) grateful if you free them Wandering Monsters: Ettins, Hill Qiants, 4 l 4
from this scourge. Neo-Otyughs, Carrion Crawlers, Displacer ,., ~
13 This is the tomb ofBrimwulf, the Beasts, Medusa, Evil Knights, Swordsmen,
5 -
15 .. . 5
-. l
Resting: Any location 3 after you have -
killing Brimwulf if possible and volunteer to defeated the encounter in that room. Either 8 l 12 I I 8
be "tested." The secret door he guards is in 24 6 9 11
the north wall.
location 11 after you have defeated the 9 Ja - 5 9
Cloud Qiants at either location. -
14 This altar is where the purification ritual 10 7 10 10 10 10
will be performed. If you choose the third
option (as listed in the journal entry you
found at location #3, Journal Entry 11 ), you
1 This is the entrance to the Steading. Hill
Qiants guard the entrance, but will allow
3 3 23 1:0
- 3 3
will face a lesser number of Elemental you to enter if you convince them that you 13
guardians in locations #14 and 15. are mercenaries. - 13
2 ·~
2 This is a guard room with Ogres, Ogre
3 3
4 J 2 3 3
15 Earth Elementals prevent you from pass- 15 1 15
ing. If you defeat them in combat, you will Mages and a Large Iron Qolem.
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
gain the Vessel of Purity (needed in location 3 These locations are barracks for the new To Realms
#16). recruits. Once you have secured the room,
16 Fire Elementals rise from the floor. you can rest in it safely. Various monsters
Defeating them gives you the Spirit Flame are lodged here. kill the Hill Qiant Shaman. A letter can be The private rooms are safe to camp in.
needed at location #17. found on his desk revealing this. 11 This is the kitchen.
4 A group of Hill Qiants insults you.
17 When entering the armory, you see the 5 You encounter a pitched battle between 9 The Twisted Hom tavern. You will meet 12 This is the gate to the inner steading.
Lamp of Vigilance on a pedestal. The Spirit Kardal here, who is trying, unsuccessfully, You will not be allowed through the gate
Ogres and Ettins. If you interfere, both par-
Rame will light it. Once lit, Brimwulf will ties will join together and attack you. If you to gain information. He tells you how to until you defeat the Cloud Qiants at loca-
come (if you didn't kill him), and give you quickly gain a reputation which will bring tion 10.
wait it out, only the winning side will
instructions on how to free the temple from you to the Hill Qiant Shaman, namely, by
attack you. 13 Carrion Crawlers, Otyughs, Neo-
evil. After he disappears, step forward killing a group of Cloud Qiants.
6 This is the training hall. Training is free. Otyughs, and a Qreater Otyugh feast on the
another square and you enter the shelves of You can visit the tavern at any time and steading's garbage here.
weapons and armor that Priam was looking 7 A group of Assassins has taken over this hear various rumors.
area of the steading. They will try to keep 14 Kardal's dagger +4 can be found on the
for. There is valuable treasure here for you. 10 These are private rooms. The Cloud
you out of the area. ground here.
Then light the braziers in the four comer Qiants, as well as Cloud Qiant Shamans and
towers and ring the bell. 8 This is the Fire Knife Assassin 15 Hill Qiants, Ettins and Swordsmen are
Mages which Kardal referred to, are in one
Commander's office. He is talking to Fire questioning Kardal here. If you rescue him,
of the rooms. Once they are defeated, you
Qiants who have hired the the Assassins to he will tell you about a 'gathering' higher in
will be granted access to the inner steading.
the mountains.
..._ ----uu
J 13 12 - 0 13 2
bolts +4. 15
Vngleow thinks everyone's motives are as
18 A large force of Hill Cjiants, Ettins and
Skeletal Animals make a stand here.
base as hers and she will try to bribe you
and enlist you in her own plots. Vngleow's
- l
8J J
19 This is the antechamber to the Hill machinations, however, are turning sour. 6 16 .....__ 6 One Way
Cjiant Shaman's quarters. It is guarded by a
6 -
11 I 2 _, I 11
21 This is the Hill Cjiant Shaman's vault. It 1 This is the entrance to and from the Hill
contains a Clerical scroll, a ring of fire resis- Cjiant Steading.
I 10
. 12
tance, and a scimitar +3. 2 The floor rotates at these locations.
13 ] 13
C 1 .._
... .r-1.
22 This is the entrance to the Fire Cjiant's Traveling east once it stops will take you 14 14 I ~
Cave. deeper into the cave. 15 4
23 This is a store. If you do not buy or sell 3 Vngleow, the Fire Cjiant Mage, will give 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
something, the shopkeeper will try to steal you a small sum of money, hoping that will To Hill Giant Steading
your money. send you on your way.
24 Assassins stand guard. NOTE: part of the bribe is a Ring of
Vulnerability (-3). Don't put it on. 8 You are transported here from location 7. 15 An Assassin attempts to bargain with
4 An enchantment has been cast here 9 Assassins here debate the wisdom of you. He will become suspicious if you do
which traps you in an endless corridor. working for Vngleow. not demand more money.
Throwing the ring in the skull down the 16 Vngleow is in this room. She is some-
10 Fire Cjiants block your way here.
corridor will break the spell. what fearful of you and will try to send you
5 Two Hill Cjiants are in this room. They 11 Vngleow attempts to deter you once
away with false promises of treasure. She
can be persuaded to reveal their plan to kill again, this time with a force of Fire Cjiants
will also try to surprise you if you let your
Vngleow by causing a cave-in at location 6. and Assassins.
guard down.
6 The two Hill Cjiants have rigged a cave- 12 Fire Cjiants and Fire Elementals are
17 Red, black and green Dragons guard the
in here which they hope will kill Vngleow. waiting in ambush here. They can be sur-
passage to the Dragons' Aerie.
Vnfortunately, the Cjiants are not too bright prised by taking the initiative.
18 Assassins are honing their weapons.
and the cave-in will backfire. 13 These rooms are safe to camp in.
There is also a peephole in this room which 14 Medusa and Spiders haunt these
allows you to see into Vngleow's quarters. locations.
7 Stepping into these rooms will cause you
to be transported to location 8.
~================~[gZJI================~ ~================l~F===============~
DRAGONS' AERIE 4 This is the Blue Dragons' nest where you 14 The bodies of dead Dragons are here for
will find the steel key. Treasure: mace +4, possible use in creating Dracoliches. Burning
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 scimitar +4, bolts +2, and a hammer +2. the bodies will prevent their future use, but
0 0 KEY 5 This is the green Dragons' nest where a the smoke will attract other Dragons.
... .... ~
7 I ~
Dragon is giving Modthryth a vital ingredi-
ent for the making of another Dracolich.
15 Modthryth sets Qian! Snakes to guard
this room .
9 A 16 [IJ] Treasure: Cloak of Protection +2, flail +4, 16 These doors lead to the dimensional
3 3 long sword+ 1 and ring mail +4. The cop- gate. You must have the keys from locations
15 14
j - -
I~ 4 ml
per key is located here. 4, 5, 6, and 7 to unlock the doors.
6 This is the White Dragons' nest where
6 llil c 9 .........
One Way
Modthryth and his followers are recruiting
for the next Dracolich. They and the White
17 Modthryth and Dracolich guard the
dimensional gate.
- Secrnt 000f
18 The dimensional gate which will lead
8 I
l c;~
~ c~
10 7
Secrnt 000f
Dragons attack. Treasure: Wand of Ice
Storms, Mage Scroll, long sword +4, and a you to Thome's Cave .
short sword +2. The silver key is found here. 19 White Dragons are preparing for battle.
- 13 ~tF
7 This is the Black Dragons' nest where They attack.
10 I 8 10 the victor of the duel at location 3 is
11 being rewarded. Treasure: mace +4, Wand
11 lh lh tri 11
... 9 ......... 2 of Paralyzation, mace +3, and a Dart of
12 I l 8 12
the Hornet's nest. The iron key is also
13 0 13 found here.
14 I 4 5 14 8 The Dragons have stored some of their
] 1 , treasure at these locations. It includes: ran-
2 3 4 5 6 . 7
.... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
dom items +2, Clerical Scrolls, and plate
mail +1. Note: Search to find it.
9 These rooms are safe to camp in.
Dragons' Aerie Resting: You may safely rest at the map 10 Modthryth commands his followers to
Synopsis: The Dragons' Aerie is the gather- locations indicated by the number 9. attack you.
ing place for the Dragons serving Thome. It MAP LOCATIONS: 11 Modthryth warns you against interfer-
is controlled by a wizard, Modthryth, from ing in his plans.
1 This is the entrance to the Dragons'
the Cult of the Dragon. He has created a 12 A Qreen Dragonis imprisoned here. It
Aerie. White and green Dragons attack as
Dracolich which guards the dimensional will attack, showing little gratitude if you
you pass through the doors. You will catch a
gate leading to Thorne's Cave. Before you release it.
glimpse of Modthryth here as well.
can reach the dimensional gate, you must
collect the four keys held by the different 2 You can find a list of Dragons' names 13 Skeletons litter the floor here. If
Dragon subspecies in their nests. (Cult of the Dragon) that was dropped by searched, you can find a short sword +4.
Wandering Monsters: Blue, Black, Qreen,
3 This central area is a gathering place for
and White Dragons, Poisonous Snakes and
the different Dragon subspecies and various
Salamanders. There will always be at least
encounters can occur here. The first time
one Dragon with the wandering monsters.
you enter, you can watch a duel between
two Dragons who are vying for
Modthryth's favor.
~~==================f[g2Jl================~==:i] ~=================i~~===============~
mOKNB'S CAVB 3 These are the prisoners' cells. Once you 13 Red and green Dragons are assembling
have released the prisoners, Raizel will here.
approach you and offer to join your party for
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 The Ki-rin has made this room safe to
a share in the treasure.
0 0 KEY camp in.
4 A Red Dragon is hiding its treasure in
this room, including: shield +3, arrows +4,
15 Red Dragons guard Thorne's chamber.
2 2
[ID Necklace of Magic Missiles, Ring of Fire 16 This is Thorne's chamber. About to
3 3 Door Resistance, flail +4, mace +3, long sword sound the Horn of Doom, Thorne taunts
[1] +4, silver shield +3, and Bracers of Defense you. He is attended by Red Dragons.
4 4
Archwzt AC2.
17 Thorne's treasure horde is here.
5 Raizel will want to go south to a treasure
horde here, but you should go north to avoid
18 Red; white, green and Blue Dragons
8 Door will assemble here once the Hom of Doom
5 7 wasting time. There is no treasure horde.
8 8
Impassable 6 These are the treasure hordes. It is best to
has sounded.
wait until after Thorne has been defeated to
One Way
go to these since they only contain money
10 10 Door which will slow you down, and the time
11 11 wasted will allow the Dragons more time to
8 An old man, the Ki-rin's servant, is hid-
ing here. He tells you the Ki-rin's story and
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
gives you a trident +4 and a helmet +4 .
9 Raizel tempts you with treasure a second
Thorne's Cave Wandering Monsters: Red Dragons, green time. Again, you will want to continue
Dragons and Rogues. north.
Synopsis: Thorne, an ancient Red Dragon,
holds the Hom of Doom which controls the Resting: at location 14. 10 The Ki-rin questions your motives.
storms wracking the Realms. The Hom of
11 If you have followed Raizel to one of the
Doom was made from the horn of a Ki-rin, MAP LOCATIONS: hordes, Red Dragons will have had time to
whose spirit still haunts Thorne's Cave,
1 This is the dimensional gate leading to gather here.
waiting for heroes to right the wrongs done
and from Thorne's dimension. As you step
with its magic. 12 Red and Blue Dragons have gathered
through, Red Dragons are preparing for the
Raizel, a Thief from Phlan, also haunts the assault on the Realms. They attack you. here.
passages and will join your party, helping
2 The body of the Ki-rin is in this room
you find your way. She is more than a little
along with the prisoners' belongings,
enamored of treasure, though, and will fre-
quently try to lead you to hordes, using up including: two plate mail +2, short sword
valuable time. +2, arrows +4, sling +4, short sword +3,
banded mail +4, bolts +4, Elfin chain +4,
light crossbow +4.
!!iJ¥==7=================!~F==============~~ !!iJ¥==7================!~1================~
0 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13
gems. Keep lead to this waiting room.
2 Side Entrance, used by Banite Clerics.
9 6 5 15 Drow are torturing someone from the
- ... - lL DJ resistance. If he is rescued he will tell you Once the party moves forward, a secret door
- 8
about the Lamp of Vigilance in the Temple seals, and it cannot return by this path.
10 Lo ~
of Tyr. If any of the Drow survive the fight, 3 The Questioning. Seven Clerics interro-
3 I they will sound the alarm. If you have gate the party. Players must know how
2 .
- 4
already completed the Temple of Tyr, this
encounter will not occur.
many times they have entered Zhentil Keep
to pass. Parties without the Horn of Doom,
a "gift from Thorne," cannot pass, but will
6 14 2 11 6
Manshoon's Tower
12 I Secret
Door be allowed to leave.
7 15 ,_ 1- 7 Synopsis: The party passes through some
" 2 03 halls and enters the courtyard around the
4 The Examination. Ten apparent Liches
0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 scrutinize the party. If resisted, they will adopt
To Realms tower of the great Zhentil wizard increasingly fiercer and fiercer shapes, but
Manshoon. It then gains the tower, either will finally be exposed as Zhentil Mages. If it
through a strongly-defended front gate or via bears the Horn of Doom or the Crystal Ring,
Zhentil Keep 2 These are guard rooms manned by male the tower's postern. Here it may go down the party must fight them to pass. Treasure:
Synopsis: Zhentil Keep has been taken over Drow. The alarm will be sounded if you into the city of Drow, or ascend the tower to Cloak of Protection +2, darts +4 .
by the Drow serving Kalistes. They are cap- attack here. deal with Manshoon. If it ascends, it finds
turing the Zhents to use as slaves and worse bands of the wizard's servants barring the 5 The Taxation. Cjreedy guards here
3 This gate leads to the courtyard beneath demand 10 gems per character, but will set-
in Kalistes Temple below Manshoon's Manshoon's Tower. way, anxious that the party not interrupt
Tower. The Drow patrol the city, loading their master's conjuring. The party is also tle for anything over 3 gems apiece.
their captives onto wagons. Once Kalistes is 4 This is a secret entrance to Manshoon's blocked by a magical sentinel with a punish- 6 Wagons use this gate to return to Zhentil
defeated, the Drow will leave the city. Tower which Mabril will tell you about at ing gaze. Should it attain the wizard's cham- Keep. It is closed to the party.
location 11 . bers, the party can disrupt the conjuring,
Wandering Monsters: Zhentil Warriors 7 The Main Cjate of Manshoon's Tower.
and male Drow. 5 This is a Temple of Bane. forcing Manshoon to flee and causing the
To enter here, the party must defeat a large
Zhentim to abandon the tower.
.6 This is a store. force of Zhentil guards and Mages .
Resting: Mostly safe at the tavern aocation
(joals: The party may pass through the 8 The tower's postern, or rear entrance.
12). Less safe if you attack the Drow guards. 1 This is a magic shop. Tower, but may find it profitable to disrupt
the evil of Manshoon. 9 The party may see a wagon being trun-
MAP LOCATIONS: 8 A clerk demands that you pay 10 gems dled through this gate. Investigation will
1 This is the front gate of Zhentil Keep. It is before entering the training hall. NOTE: The party will find it easier to reveal the elevator shaft down which
guarded by male Drow who will try to 9 This is the training hall. defeat the wizard's sentinel if it brings up the wagon loads of slaves have disappeared.
extort money from you. Attacking them will halfling Traned from the Drow stronghold. There is no way down.
sound an alarm, after which you will be 10 These gates lead to areas of the city to
which you are denied access. Wandering Monsters: A mix of Zhentil 10 Corner towers. Manshoon's defenders
pursued by guards in ever increasing num- and mercenary fighters and Manshoon's
bers. If you do not care to bluff, groveling often form ranks here.
11 You meet Mabril here. He tells you monster servants. They eventually learn to
will allow you to pass unmolested, though about a halff ing, Traned, who will help you leave the party alone. 11 Fanatic troops defend these rooms.
your pride may be hurt. as you descend into the Drow areas.
Resting: Possible anywhere, the party may 12 Spiders wait overhead to drop upon the
12 A sleepy tavern where you can rest. If safely rest once after major battles. Once party. Beware: a large number of them wait
you attack the Drow in the keep, this tavern Manshoon is driven away, patrols and dis- in the gloom.
is less safe. tractions become much less common.
~==================1(11]F===============::::::~~ ~================ILl:i)F===============~
13 A battle line of Zhentil guards. They are 22 Zhents and Drow. Players may
MANSHOON'S TOWER encounter a group of Manshoon's servants
best attacked without delay.
here, or see them disappear from afar.
(jround Level 14, 15 A large force of Manshoon's
Treasure: Elfin chain +£, dagger +4, trident
Dragon allies have set an ambush on the
KEY +4, light crossbow +4, darts +4 and a
gate at 14. The party can break the ambush
Ba rn
by infiltrating through a door at 15.
Clerical scroll.
23 passage here descends to the Drow
16 Monsters, led by Manshoon's Beholder
adjutant, assail the party here. Prepare for a
tough fight, as Fire Ciiants, Ettins and
Descent To The Depths
Salamanders protect the Beholder. Treasure:
[}] magical darts, magical bolts and a Ring of Synopsis: Vnder Manshoon's Tower is a
En>- Cold Resistance. Drow stronghold where captives are pre-
pared for slavery deep underground. The
17 The party here undergoes the damaging party must make its way deeper and deeper
gaze of Manshoon's magical Cielt. Invisible into the Drow city. After a few big battles,
--.....;..·.;....·--- 10 CJ characters will not be affected, and the mon- the Drow will change tactics, and rely on
?a Umlerpaos
ster can be blinded with a Power Word. If hit-and-run skirmishes and cunning
Traned is present, her silver shield will reflect ambushes to wear the heroes down. The
To Descent 6 the monster's gaze and it will destroy itself. party should seek out the halfting woman
[!] Traned, who can help guide it through the
Slairs 18 Manshoon's Lower Chamber. If charac-
ters take the Necklace of Missiles lying various crafty traps laid by the Drow. When
here, they will be trapped inside the crystal the party reaches the Winnowing Room, it
walls of Manshoon's diagram. But the crea- should trust Traned to escort freed slaves to
To Zhentil Keep To Zhentil Keep
ture Manshoon conjures uses one of the safety, and proceed to the right to liberate
party to break the diagram. Manshoon flees the slaves kept in the Drow Slave Pens.
his tower, and the party must escape as the NOTE: The party should disrupt as much of
tower's upper level collapses. the Drow activities as it can; eventually the
Second Level Third Level Top Level
19, 20 This passage leads to the Wizard Drow will abandon the stronghold.
Chamber of Manshoon at 20. The party Wandering Monsters: Besides the Drow,
20 spies Manshoon far off, reading his conjury.
10 10 10 10 the party may encounter Zhentil patrols,
It should choose to volley the haughty wiz- Ogres, Salamanders, and Purple Worms.
12 11 ard; although he is immune to missile
attacks, his book will burst into flames if hit. Resting: Once the party passes through the
19 Other options will force them to fight hall at 5, the Drow will try to prevent long
18 guards or send them into the diagram at 18. rests. They may only allow long rests in small
In any event, the conjured creature will start rooms, and even then only once per room.
to shake the tower down, Marcus will flee Leaving the stronghold may relax the patrols.
and you must leave the upper tower.
10 10 10 17 10
21 This room is the safest place to rest.
~r================~[lfilF=================~= ~F===============~
DF..SCENT TO TIIB DEPTHS 10 Chambers of the Abbess. The Drow 17, 18 Magical guardians here threaten to
zealously defend her from the party. dump a character into an abyss. If Traned is
To Manshoon's Tower Defeating the abbess causes the Drow to present, she will be taken.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 largely abandon their stronghold.
19 This passage leads to the front gates of
rn W.11
11 War Room. The Drow plan their opera-
tions here. Alert, the Drow will hear the
the Temple of Kalistes.
20 This passage leads down to the Slave
[Q] party enter, and eavesdropping will only
Pens of the Drow.
reveal plans to attack the party.
III 12 Stuck Door. To get in, a strong character Silk and the Slaves of the Drow
5 "'ii
""" needs to force the door wide enough for a
Synopsis: In these Drow slave pits, there is
halfling, gnome or elf to slip through and a secret door leading to Kalistes' Temple.
~ Up
unblock. (Or enough forcing will spring the The party may use this entrance to avoid the
door open.) Note: if Traned squeezes guards at the temple's main gate. As it
through, she will rashly engage the Drow searches for this door, the party learns that
10 single-handed and be captured! the Drow are draining the life essence of
11 [fill Zhentil Keep citizens for use in the akhemic
l.J.dder 13 Drow Captains. lfTraned is alive and
not with the party, defeating these Drow process wherein Pets of Kalistes are created.
will free her. The party meets Silk, a Drow Rogue, who
14 7
14 Skirmishes. Drow archers will maneu- asks it to help her rescue the Swanmays, her
ver around the party in these rooms, and fire adventurer's band. Once the Swanmays are
on the party in hit-and-run attacks. To cor- rescued, Silk gives the party information that
ner them, the party needs to perform unex- aids it in destroying the Drow's ability to
pected maneuvers, such as turning away produce Pets of Kalistes. She also tells it the
MAP LOCATIONS: 5 Room of Legions. This hall is well- location of the secret door.
defended. If the Drow here are alerted to the from the source of the attacks and doubling
1 Entry. The passage from Manshoon's back and forth upon its trail.
Tower leads here. party's presence, entering this room from the Wandering Monsters: The party will meet
south arch is dangerous. 15 Ladders Into The Long Hall. After Drow guard patrols in the halls.
2 The Wagon Room. Slaves are unloaded descending here, the ladder will be drawn
here and subjugated with Spider poison. If 6 Rubble. A battle here with escaped slaves Resting: The party may rest at locations 4
left this room in ruin. Exploring here, the up behind the party. To ascend again, the and 26, otherwise it risks interruption.
you enter the room, be prepared for three party must use the ladder at the other end of
waves of attackers. party finds Traned, an actress and resourceful
escaped slave. She should be allowed to join the hall. MAP LOCATIONS:
3 Empty Wagons. The party can hide in an the party. 16 The Winnowing Room. Slaves are gath- 1 The party enters here from the tunnels
empty wagon and be transported back to ered here and the most beautiful are sent beneath Manshoon's Tower.
Zhentil Keep. Note: having lived through a 7 Shackle Room. The Drow may stock
these rooms with ravenous Vmber Hulks to north to Kalistes' Temple. Among the 2 Searching here reveals a small arrow
hellish trip down, Traned will refuse to Zombielike slaves are Drow ambushers.
escape this way. oppose the party. painted on the ground pointing east. This is
Alert to their methods, Traned should be a due from Silk.
4 The Drow Coach. Players are unlikely to 8 Drow Barracks. After entering, the party · allowed to expose the ambush, although
sneak by the sharp-eared Drow. If it hides in should use the LOOK command before pro- doing so will grievously wound her. The 3 Another arrow. This one points north.
the coach, it can take a Drow prince and ceeding further. This will reveal a Drow party should release her to escort the freed 4 The party meets Silk. If it agrees to help
princess hostage, and will receive ransom ambush. slaves to safety. her rescue the Swanmays, she will join the
for them at 5. Obe crossbow is cursed and 9 Guards of the Abbess. Drow make a party.
should be discarded.)
stand here to protect their head Cleric at 10.
The party can fight them or retreat.
~================f[g] ~================~~~===============~
SILK AND THE SLAVES OF THE DROW 11 Drow entering the temple at location 12 23 Drow guards rest here. They will attack
prepare themselves for ceremonies. This the party if it enters.
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
only occurs if the party goes north in the
KEY 24 Spiders waiting for transformation are
0 Q. room (via location 5) and has not yet gone
1 !-
2 ~
to location 12.
12 Drow are performing a ceremony here.
penned here.
25 Newly transformed Pets of Kalistes rest
here. Three will attack the party.
The party should attack, otherwise it will
3 ~ Door
meet these Drow at location 17. There, the 26 An empty barracks. It is safe to rest here.
4 I-
Spider will have been transformed into a Pet
5 9 5 of Kalistes. Kalistes' Temple
Secret 13 The party faces two sets of arches. To Synopsis: Kalistes' Temple located beneath
25 Door
pass through safely, it should follow the map Zhentil Keep, is a Drow temple consecrated
7 7 to Kalistes, the Marilith in the Web
26 11
from location 22 Uournal Entry 5).
Dimension who holds the Crystal Ring.
22 14 The character with the highest dexterity Young Drow who are preparing to undergo
5 10 9
23 [] should cross this spike filled pit. If the party the Test of the Drow must capture Qiant
10 10 OneWrt
Door helped Silk, it can avoid this trap. Spiders in the Web Dimension and bring
11 8 11 15 The floor of this room is covered with them here, thus proving their worthiness to
[i] teleporters. The teleporters will move the Kalistes. The Spiders are transformed into
party from the square at an arrow's base to Kalistes' Pets, and the Drow are prepared for
the arrow's point. The party should follow the Test. Also, captured slaves are prepared
the map from location 22 Uournal Entry 5). for Kalistes.
Missteps cause damaging arrow attacks. Afterward, they all return to the Web via a
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 An Iron Qolem stands guard in this teleporter at the center of the Temple, and it
To Descent room. It will attack unless the party has the is this teleporter that is the party's final goal
medallion from location 21 . in the Temple. It is the only means of reach-
ing the Web Dimension. However, during
5 Drow guard these posts. 17 Fire of Night, used to transform Spiders their search for this teleporter; the party can
6 The captain of the Drow guard is here into Pets of Kalistes is stored here. The party discover that the teleporter serves another
with some of his men. After the battle, the may destroy it with the Essence of Pure purpose - transporting monsters from the
party finds a letter, with a clue about Drow's Light found at location 10. Web Dimension to the Realms above. The
use of prisoners. 18 The secret door to Kalistes' Temple. party must destroy the teleporters leading to
Room 15 (enlarged view) the Realms before stepping through tele-
7 Drow guard the entrance to the prison. 19 If the party helped Silk, it can pass the porter leading to the Web (Kalistes')
They hold the key to the cells at location 8. Drow guards here. Dimension.
8 Vsing the key from location 7, t~e party 9 Drow alchemists and Pets of Kalistes are
draining the soul of a Zhentil Keep woman. 20 High priestess' chambers. Wandering Monsters: The party may
can release the Swanmays and other prison- encounter Drow of all levels, as well as vari-
ers. Silk will reward the party with Drow The party should attack immediately to save 21 A locked chest contains the iron medal-
her. lion used at location 16. ous types of Spiders, including Qiant
weaponry. The party should take these for Spiders, Enormous Spiders, Phase Spiders,
use against Kalistes. She also gives the party 10 Alchemist's equipment is stored here. 22 Priestesses' Barracks. Searching in the Qaze Spiders, Stone Spiders, and Electric
an amulet that gives it safe passage past Essence of Pure Light can be found in the southern room will reveal a map of locations Spiders. It may also encounter Pets of
location 19. southern room. 13-15. Kalistes and Drider.
~~==============~@:2)F=================~ ~~~==============~~F===============~
KALISTES' TEMPLE Spider venom, if necessary. If the party has a ceremony during which the monsters will
high-level Thief, the Thief should attempt to be ushered through the portal from the Web
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 steal the vial of antidote. The antidote can Dimension through the portals leading to
be administered to the slaves at location 8. the Realms. The party can question the
~o I 3 0 KEY
~1 rn 7 This is where a Drow candidate for the
priest about the ceremony.
CJ 12
I 11
Test prepares to sacrifice a slave to Kalistes.
If the non-player character named Traned is
still alive after her adventure with the party,
15 The inner chamber containing the tele-
porters. Here, the party disrupts a ceremony
and faces a fierce battle against Drow, Pets
the party can meet her again here. of Kalistes, qiant Spiders, and Phase
D [] EJ
4 4 E3
M.tgical Spiders. After defeating them, the party
5 5 Barrier 8 A holding pen for slaves. The slaves have
should destroy the hands of the statue. This
6 6 rm
been drugged with Spider venom. The party
should cure them with the antidote from
will dose Kalistes' teleporters to the
Moonsea region. The party should then
7 7 location 6 before rescuing them. If the slaves
enter the remaining portal leading to limbo
8 aren't cured, the guards will appear more
8 and Kalistes' dimension.
otJ Go
9 9
NOTE: Drow weapons and equipment will
9 Here, slaves are given antidote to Spider
10 10 safely pass into Kalistes' dimension (Web
poison to aid the guards in choosing those
11 Dimension).
11 best suited to go into Kalistes' service, and
12 12 those who should be destined for sacrifice. 16 Drow guards are barracked here. After
Once again, the party can rescue them. the party clears out this room, it may rest
CJ 2 2
1,. , ~11
,. ,
8 13
10 The final division of slaves. Here the
party finds out the slaves' ultimate destina-
tion. The party can rescue a few more slaves.
here safely.
WEB DIMENSION MINIS 3 Spiders are dragging away a long sword 3 You see brutes sorting through blood-
+4. Fight them to get it. stained dwarf clothes. You can fight or
4 Entrance/exit to the Web Dimension
(from Limbo). Entering for the first time, 4 You fight Spiders.
you meet the Eyes of Kalistes, who will
5 You meet a dwarf named Storm. He wants
report your presence to Kalistes and her
to rescue his sister Arta from Kalistes' Parlor.
minions. Battles will be difficult and fre-
Let him join your party, as he will help you in
quent unless you enlist her aid. If you have
combats. If you try to leave the Web
not yet been through Kalistes' Temple, she
Dimension with him before going to Kalistes'
will direct you there. If you have been
Parlor, he will stay behind in dismay.
through the Temple, and you tell her that
Silk helped you, she will rejoice that her sis-
Ramparts of Lava
ter is still alive, introduce herself as Cynthia,
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
and offer to help you. But she will need two
0 0
things: Spiders from the cavern of fireflies
(#5) and Drow prisoners (#1 or by random
encounter). If you bring these back to her, 2 2
NOTE: Once she joins, leaving this site will Ruined City 1 You come upon the seamless gossamer 2 You fight a Drow patrol.
take you directly to the Testing Cjrounds. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 exterior of Kalistes' Parlor. Locaste is seen
3 Spiders are fighting over something.
0 0 trying to gain entry. If she has the Ward of
5 A tumbleweb rattles as it blows past. If Seeing you, they flee with it. If you pursue
Safe Passage, she will succeed. Otherwise,
you investigate, you find scale mail +4. 3 them and fight, you will get banded mail +4
you witness her death. In either case, you
2 2
can try to enter as well or seek a better 4 You encounter a Drow patrol. If the slave
Forest VIilage 3 3 avenue. If you have the Ward of Safe is with you, he will divert them, and you
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 4 Passage, you can enter safelyi otherwise, will avoid a difficult battle.
0 0
5 5 you will be taken prisoner and be dumped
5 You run into Drow guards. If the slave is
in the larder.
2 6 6 with you, he will vouch for you, allowing
2 2
7 7 2 Spiders attack. you to kill several before the battle is joined.
3 3 5
8 8 3 Spiders attack.
4 4
Drow Testing Ground
4 9
5 5 4 You find an assortment of gems and Synopsis: The Drow Testing Cjround is a
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 money.
6 6 Drow stronghold in the Web Dimension.
4 1 Disguise yourselves as Drow to avoid a There, young Drow talented in the use of
7 7 5 Drow children pick your pockets. If you
large Drow patrol. Anything else and you lecture and release them, all is well. If you magic are tested. If they pass, they continue
8 8
3 must fight. toss them in webs, you will have a difficult up the ranks of Drow Mages. If they fail,
9 9
battle with Spiders. they become Driders, beings resembling
2 You encounter a Drider speaking non- Drow-Spider centaurs. Driders are outcast
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
sense. among the Drow - bitter and blood-thirsty
1 If Dennia is not with you (see Ramparts Spiderlike Structure
3 Open a trapdoor, which turns out to be creatures.
on Lava, #4), you meet a human named Elfin chain +4 . You must fight Spiders for it.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Valardis here. He is an Assassin, currently 0 0 When the party reaches the Web
employed to kill Dennia's son Hern in the 4 Open a long cocoon and find two Dimension it is urged to go to the Testing
Testing Cjrounds. He asks to join your party, javelins +4. 2 2
Cjround and capture the Ward of Safe
promising to sneak you into the Cjrounds. If Passage, a wand used by Drow priests and
5 You must battle Drow guards. 3 3
Mages to ensure safe passage into Kalistes'
you let him join your party, he will be true
to his word, but will cause you trouble once 4 2 4 Parlor and to protect themselves against
Roadside Village Kalistes' Pets. In order to reach the Ward,
inside. 5 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 6 the party must undergo the Test of the
NOTE: Once he joins, leaving this site will 0 0 Drow, winning through several ordeals
7 4 7
take you directly to the Testing Cjrounds. faced by the Drow initiates.
8 8
2 You open a cocoon and find a scimitar +4. 2 4 5 2 5 Wandering Monsters: In the compound
9 9
3 If you explore a funnel web, Spiders 3 3 surrounding the Test, the party may
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
attack. Defeat them and get the equipment 4 4 encounter Drow of several different levels,
of their earlier victims. 5 5 1 You meet a disgruntled slave of Kalistes as well as Driders and Spiders of several dif-
who offers to get you into Kalistes' Parlor ferent types. Once in the Test, more Spiders
4 You must fight Drow. 6 6
await, as well as a force of Drow magic
through a secret entrance. If you let him join
5 Spiders and Drow attack. 7
your party, he will be true to his word. But users. The final battle is with a Pet of
8 8
once inside, he will betray you. Kalistes, guarded by Enormous Spiders.
9 9
NOTE: Once he joins, leaving this site will
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
take you directly to the Parlor.
~================f~F================~= !PJ¥=7:::::::::::================f~F===============~
DROW TESTING GROUND 7 This is the room of Locaste, the most pow- 16 The final antechamber before the altar
erful Mage in the Testing Ciround. Here the room. Here the party can pick up daggers
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 party can overhear her tell an underling to and amulets that repel Spiders.
fetch the Ward for her, as she must speak to
0 0 KEY 17 The altar room. Here the fate of Hem is
Kalistes herself about a dangerous distur-
19 [] bance in the Web (the party itselfl.
decided and Daris, in the melee, grabs the
Wal Ward and ftees toward the final encounter,
8 The entrance to the Test. The party is
trapped inside until it either fails or completes
followed by guards. If the party does not fol-
low, it will not get the Ward. Be sure to fol-
4 4 mi
the Test. low and get the Ward.
5 5
Door 9 The first trial - Strength. The party must 18 Here the party fights Daris' guards and
6 6
choose a strong enough member to push
down the wall facing it. Vse a character
witnesses his transformation into a Drider.
Here also the party gains the Ward and does
7 7 ~
with at least 15 strength or have a Mage battle with the final horror of the Testing
8 8 Door cast a Strength or Enlarge spell. Ciround, a Pet named Shest who is Kalistes'
lieutenant in the Testing Ciround. Shest is
9 17 9 10 The second trial- Courage. The party
guarded by several Enormous Spiders.
must continue forward despite a profound
10 sense of dread. Failure to do so results in an 19 Drow Barracks. The party may safely
11 11 attack of Spiders. rest here after it defeats the Drow at these
12 12 locations.
11 The third trial - Battle Readiness. The
13 13 party must fend off an attack by Driders.
9 Kalistes' Parlor
14 8 14 12 The fourth trial - Magical Ability. The Synopsis: Kalistes' Parlor is the heart of the
15 3 15
party must fend off an attack by high-level Web Dimension, home and stronghold of
Drow Mages. This is a tough fight. Be sure Kalistes, the Marilith who holds the
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
to cast protective spells (Prayer, etc.) and do Crystal Ring. The party must defeat both
whatever else you can to prepare for it. her and her servants in order to capture the
Resting: The party can rest safely in any of 13 The fifth trial - Intelligence. The party ring and lift the darkness from the Realm.
will enter here if it met Dennia in the Web
the Drow barracks it dears out. Also, the Overland and agree to help her prevent must answer a riddle with the name of its The Parlor has two levels. The first is
party can rest in any section of the Test Hem's Assassination. ultimate adversary. The answer is Bane. Kalistes' living quarters, with such inno-
which it has completed. cent-seeming rooms as a kitchen, a dining
4 These are Drider pens. The Driders give 14 The sixth trial - Seeing through
Illusion. The party must advance through a room, a study, servants' quarters, and a
dues to events in the Test in exchange for
wall of flame. The wall, though illusory, is weapons room. The lower level is truer to
being released by the party.
1 This is the main gate into the Testing still capable of causing damage. her nature. A larder holds the unlucky
Ciround. Drow guard this. 5 This is the room of Daris, a powerful slaves she has chosen to furnish her supper.
Drow Mage. Here the party sees his 15 The seventh trial - Temptation. Hem It also holds quarters for her Pets, a torture
2 This is a private entrance used by priests arrangement with Valardis to Assassinate appears to meet the party, carrying the chamber and a nursery and hatching room
and Mages. The party will enter here if it Hem. Ward. If any member of the party approach- for her infernal Children - not more
met the Assassin Valardis in the Web es him, he is revealed as a Drider and more Marilith, but monsters of all types. The
Overland and agreed to be guided by him. 6 This is the room of Balia, another power- appear to attack. If the party destroys him, party must overcome them all.
ful Mage. It contains a scrying mirror, called his identity is revealed and the party has
3 This is a secret entrance known to Wandering Monsters: Besides Kalistes,
a Mirror of Kalistes, as well as the Ward. If successfully completed the test.
Dennia, Drow and mother of Hem, an ini- the party touches either item, an alarm will there are the ever-present Drow guards and
tiate about to undergo the Test. The party
sound and guards will come. servants, Drider, Pets (many, many Pets)
~==============~QZJF==============~~ ~~================tG[)F==============~
0 3 2 4 0 KEY 0 0
• I
Wal 11
12 13
2 ] 14 2
2 2
3 3
Door 3 3
4 4 [m 4 ml
- 5
9 [!] 17
6 10 6 6 6 6
I Stairs
Up 18 18
7 7 7 ] 7
L- _J 8 Stairs
8 16 8
8 i I I 9
9 9
7 [!] 9
17 18 18
10 9 10 Chute To
Lo..,rlevel 10 10
11 11 @]
11 I 11
12 12 Uppe<Level 12 12
13 13 13 l I 13
14 20 • • I 21 14 14 15 0 0 15
I 1 I 15 15 I 15
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
and Spiders of all types. Also, the party MAP LOCATIONS: them of the larder directly below. She also duplicate to the scrying mirror it may have
must face Kalistes' Children, including shows it the trapdoor to the lower level. seen in the Testing (jround. If it looks in it,
1 The main doors into the Parlor. The party it sees that the key to the locked door at the
Medusa, Salamanders, Ettin, Otyugh and can enter here if it captured the Ward in the 4 These are quarters for Drow handser-
Neo-Otyugh, Purple Worms, and base of the stairs is hidden in her Audience
Testing Cjround. Also in this foyer are two vants. They are a foppish lot. The party room. However, the slave warns it against
Poisonous Snakes. The cook in the kitchen chutes leading to a run for Kalistes' Pets on needn't be insulted.
is a surly Ogre, as is the head torturer. The that route. The route through the kitchen
the lower level. Pets can swarm up these 5 This is the Weapons room. This is not a and to the larder, he claims, is much safer.
Children's nanny is a Basilisk. After the cap- chutes, and the party can drop down,
ture of the Ring, the party may be chal- safe room. EveyY time the party enters this 7 This is the Strategy room. Here, Kalistes
although this route is not recommended. room, it will be attacked by a guarding force
lenged by a spy from Tanetal, who is able to keeps her tomes on war and militaT)' strate-
summon an Earth Elemental to his aid. 2 If the party meets the disgruntled slave in of Driders and Spiders. However, if it beats gy. The party can find a reference to the fact
the Web Overland and agrees to let him the force off, it can find a staiiway down to that a Marilith's one weakness is the urge to
Resting: The quarters for the guards, to lead it into the Parlor, it emerges here. the lower level. At the bottom of the stair-
either side of the main entrance, are safe to defend her children.
3 This is the kitchen. Here, a young dwarf way is a locked door that resists its efforts.
rest in after the party defeats the guards 8 The Spell room. The party can find some
inside. There is no safe resting place in the girl, Arta, is about to be kiUed. If the party 6 This is the Scrying room. Here, the party spells.
lower level. saves her, she tells her story, and warns can meet the disgruntled slave again. He
shows them another Mirror of Kalistes, a
~================f(i2JF================~ ~F================~lliQJF===============~
9 The Dining room. The party must beware, Nacacia and Myth Drannor
the food looks delicious, but is poisoned.
Synopsis: Nacacia, the Princess of Cormyr,
10 The Audience hall. Here, the party can is now the leader of the Knights of Myth 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
find the key to the locked room at the base Drannor. Though she is somewhat unsure of KEY
of the stairs.
11 This is the larder. Vnlucky slaves des-
her position as leader, the threats mounting
against Myth Drannor call her to duty.
16 ""
... w
A 2 rn
Lro. ~ [E
disgruntled slave, it enters the Parlor here, Bane's fortes and are attempting to reani-
mate Tyranthraxus. In addition, Walking I 1I 4
bound and with hit points deducted. Archway
13 Quarters for male slaves and prisoners. affected by magic weapons. They take half 12 6 Entrance
14 This is the Treasure room, the room that damage from+ 1 and +2 weapons. Higher - i ..,.
- ?> • 9
_I 11
""YI- ..-u- -
15 The quarters and run for Kalistes' Pets. ~
17 12
This is where the chute on the upper level Characters should have mirrors or silver
I -
9 • 8
ent monsters. 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Resting: At locations numbered 17.
17 The Egg rooms. Here, the party must
MAP LOCATIONS: remains of an elf. Leaving the remains
destroy the eggs of Kalistes' Children in 6 Searching this room will uncover a com-
order to draw her into battle, then defeat her 1 This is the front gate of Myth Drannor. posite long bow +3, arrows +4, bolts +4, undisturbed will give you experience points,
and claim the Crystal Ring. Once it does so, After you have thwarted the reanimation of blessed bolts, and a light crossbow +3. while robbing the grave will give you a Gir-
ifTanetal has not already fallen, the disgrun- Tyranthraxus and if you had earlier agreed to 1 A Rakshasa attempts to trap you by pos-
dle of Giant Strength, blessed bolts, bolts
tled slave shows himself to be a spy of help Nacacia, she will escort you to a glen +5, and a light crossbow +2.
ing as an elf. A detect magic spell will pene-
Tanetal and demands the Ring, calling on an where she will reward you with Elfin chain 12 You find the remains of several knights
trate the illusion.
Earth Elemental to aid him. The party must +4, arrows +4, fine long bow +2, light here. If Nacacia is with you, the sight will
overcome this final threat before being able crossbow +3, and bolts +4. If Nacacia has 8 Medusae and basalisks wait in ambush
cause her to break down is sobs. If you com-
to leave the Parlor and the Web Overland. died, the Knights of Myth Drannor will here.
fort her, she will rejoin your party, but with
take her body and give you the treasure. 9 Rakshasas are draining the life fon:e from a greatly reduced morale. If you stand her
18 Torture Chambers.
2 Rakshasa stand over the bodies of several a knight for use in the reanimation of up, she will realize her duty and rejoin your
19 Dead Teleporter. Shows you are hurting knights holding strange spheres of light. Tyranthraxus. party full of determination.
3 This is a ruined residence. 10 Banites are instructing Rakshasas in the 13 Giant Spiders have spun their webs
20 Guard Room. Drow fight here. ways of Bane. here, waiting for prey.
4 Rakshasas patrol the streets here.
21 Drow are waiting to fight here. 11 Spectres attack when you enter this
5 There is evidence here of a heavy object
room. If they are defeated, you will see the
being dragged south.
~:===============:;;;j[fil]F================~= ~rr================~l]I)F===============~
14 A Rakshasa poses as a knight. A detect halves are reconciled and she moves to TOWER OF MARCUS
magic spell will penetrate the illusion. destroy the tower. If Sha! is dead, an enraged
15 The door here is impassable, though it is Petra tries to destroy the party, but in so
possible for a character with a high dexterity doing destroys the tower and herself. The Level O
or climb walls ability to climb over the wall party leaps from the Temple of 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1
and secure a rope. You may be able to bash Transformation <m1QJbe Vessel of Moander 6 6
as the tower falls, and enters the Vessel to
8 8 KEY [!]
the door if a character is wearing the Cjirdle
of Cjiant Strength from location 11. meet Elminster in Limbo.
16 This is the temple where the Rakshasa Cioals: The party must find Sha! and protect 11 11 [j] Bllir•
Maharajah is reanimating Tyranthraxus. A her in the trek up the Red Tower. Once at Ooor
0 [] ~
12 12
dispel evil spell or smashing the globes will the upper levels, the party must disrupt each
13 13
free the knights' spirits. of the evil operations to force Marcus to """
make a stand in his chambers. After Marcus 14 14 [ID Kl
17 It is safe to rest here. is fallen, the party must move quickly to the 15
Temple of Transformation to avoid perishing
Tower of Marcus 0 5
in the Tower's ruin. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1
Synopsis: The gateway to the dormant god
Moander is in a vessel that is magically Wandering Monsters: Cjroups of Mages, Level 3
affixed high in the air above the Elven cultists and animated bits of Moander con-
Court. The villain Marcus, now a powerful stantly wander down to assail Phlan. Level 1 4 4
Cleric of Bane, has built a dazzlingly tall Resting: Areas away from this traffic, such 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 5
tower up to this Vessel, and commands fac- as small side rooms, are the safest to rest in. 8 8 6 6
tions of Red Wizards, Mages of the Black 9 3 9 7 7
Circle and devotees of the Cult of Moander. MAP LOCATIONS: 10
10 II 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Each group draws power from the dormant
11 11
god and creates dreadful automatons to send The Lower Tower: Levels 0-8
down into the Realms. 1 Entry from the Realms Overland to a 12 3 12 Level 4
Entering, the players discover that the city of Cjarden filled with Walking Trees. 13 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 0 0
Phlan is entombed below the tower, and NOTE: Sha! will not [eave the Tower. 14
key defender, a Mage named Sha!, has been 2 Main Entrance. Spiders in the rafters here 4 5 6 7 8 2 2
0 1 2 3
captured by Marcus. The party rescues Sha! will leap upon the party.
To Realms 3 3
from the dungeons, and she pleads to be 3 Side Entrances to the Tower. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
taken dead or alive to the Tower's pinnacle to
stop Marcus. The party sees that the 4 Chamber of the Open Hand. Minions use
woman's "twin sister,· Petra, is assisting this room to communicate with Marcus. If the Level 2 Level 5
Marcus. The players ascend to the upper lev- party stands in the room's centei; it can meet 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
els, and battle each of the factions supporting Shal's other self, Petra. If it alerts Marcus to its 0 0 4 4
the evil Cleric-Mage. They then comer presence, he will inff ict damage. 5 5
Marcus himself, and he falls defending Petra.
It is revealed that Petra is actually the magi-
5 Closet. By SEARCHINCi the party can
determine how often these small rooms are
O> 12
2 15 2 2
3 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 .? 8 9 10 11
Level 7 Level 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Level 8 Level 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
6 Blocked (jate. A voice may infonn the staying too long leads to discovery. 11 Sha[ In The Cell. Phlan's powerful 13 Drow Spies. The dark elves may be par-
party about the plight of Phlan and of the Encounter will only happen first time one of Mage has been stripped of her magical layed with, but offering infonnation about
Mage Sha!. these locations is entered. powers and imprisoned here, as far away Shal may cause a fight.
1 Waiting Troops. If found, this evil force from her other self as possible. If she leaves
9 Voice Through The Crack. If Sha! is in the party in good health, she may end up 14 Moander Berserkers. More cultists may
may detect the party if it attempts to with- the cell to the north, the party may hear her be found here.
back here. A capable fighter, she recovers
draw. Encounter will only happen first time whisper for help through a crack in the wall.
one of these locations is entered. her annor and a dagger, but should be given 15 Room of Eternal Night. This evil room
10 Dungeon (juards. Most will stand more weapons by the party. causes damage to the party. If the characters
8 Cleric With Troops. If found, the party against the party while a few go for help. If cross the room, they find treasure on a hap-
12 Moander's Monsters. The party may
may choose LISTEN twice to overhear the the party leaves by the same door it entered, less hero in the room to the east: two
Cleric talk of Petra's plans. Retreating or it will walk into evil reinforcements. encounter some of the animated bits of
Moander here. A wave of Moander cultists javelins +2, two-handed sword +4, Ring of
Treasure: flail +4. Protection From Evil.
follows the monsters.
~================f~F================~:;::::::::;i ~=
16, 17 Pincer. The party is trapped here 4 Lair of the Cultists. 15 The Dispersion Diagram. The party wit- 19 Secret Vnderpass. These two squares,
between enemy factions approaching from nesses monsters marching in a circle, and connected by a tunnel, are part of a secret
the east and west. If it taunts the foes and 5 Antechamber of the Red Wizards. The
party should choose to overhear a few being transported one by one to attack the approach to the Vessel of Moander.
immediately ducks into the room at 17, the enemies of Marcus.
two factions will destroy each other. Wizards tell of a brewing feud, and learn 20 The Vessel of Moander. This Pool of
Searching finds treasure: a Mage scroll and the code word "red." 16 Circle of Monsters. Moving closer; a Darkness is used to transport pieces of the
a Wand of Ice Storms. 6 Wizard Lofts. If the party listened, it can party member can slip into line and surrepti- dormant god Moander to the Realms. A
knock on a door and speak the code word, tiously attack the monsters one by one. flood of ichor will usually prevent the party
18, 19 Otyugh Cjuards. Sentinels duck into Once the monsters are all gone, an evil from entering.
the maze of arches. If the party pursues them sparking a magical battle among the
Wizards. Otherwise the party must invade a Cleric summons Bane Minions for battle.
by alternately moving through an arch, then After Marcus is defeated, Sha! or Petra will
not moving through an arch, it will intercept room to disrupt the activities of the Red 17 The Temple ofTransformation. The use her knowledge of Moander to move the
the guards before they warn the Otyugh Wizards. party may walk through the rapt devotees of Vessel, causing the slender Tower of
army at 19. 7, 8 Cjuard Room. Troops are stationed here Moander gathered here inside the arches, Marcus to collapse. The party must leap
to keep peace among Red and Black Mages, but risks sounding an alarm and alerting onto the Vessel itself to avoid perishing in
20, 21 Shrine Of The Vndead. The party guards. After Marcus is ki[[ed, the Temple the fall. Once aboard, the ichor will ebb and
may be transfixed here by the foul idol and and may sally forth from 8 to confront the
party as it passes by. will be in Pandemonium as Sha! (or Petra) the Pool of Darkness wi[[ be revealed.
not notice undead creeping out of the shrine. attempts to move the Vessel of Moander
Exploring behind the idol will break its 9 Lofts of the Black Circle Mages. The Note: If Sha! is alive, she will give the party
away from the tower.
power and reveal treasure at .21 : helmet +4, party can destroy many of the evil wizards a vorpa[ long sword which can survive pas-
ring mail +4, shield +4, chain mail +4. as small groups in these rooms. 18 Chambers of Marcus. A spectral servant sage through Limbo.
here will inform the party of the where-
22, 23 Sortie Against Phlan. Evil forces 10 Fountains of Moander. Defeating abouts of Marcus: he will not be present
have gathered here for an attack on Phlan. If Clerics and the Moander bits disrupts the until the party has disrupted his allies at 3 or
Sha! has not been rescued, Petra will be here; operations of the Black Circle. Any Black 4, at 6, 10, 1.2, 13, 14, and 15. Once these
she will shut the wizard gate at .23 against Mages not defeated in their lofts will gather battles are won, Marcus will hole up in his
the party. If Sha! is with the party, she may outside this room. chambers and launch waves of servants at
bluff these forces by impersonating Petra. The the party: Spectres, then bits of Moander;
force is a large one with many Mages. 11 Black Treasure. Clerics and Mages leave
some treasures here, including Boots of then human minions. Once these are defeat-
Speed. ed, flanked by Bane Minions and Black
The Upper Tower: Levels 9, 10, 11 Circle Mages, Marcus himself will emerge
1 The Wizard Cjate will lock behind the 12 Manufactory of Moander: The Black to protect his consort Petra. Treasure: elixir of
party, preventing escape. Circle Mages rest here with animated bits of youth and the Ring of Wiz.ardry. After
2 Room of the Domination of Lord Marcus. Moander. If the party attacks at once, it Marcus is defeated, Petra will come forth to
Statues here graphically depict progress fights Mages and the monsters, if it listens, face the party. If Sha! is alive, she will reunite
made by the evil Cleric-Mage in his bid to the Mages escape, and may bring guards with her other self and regain her magical
into a later encounter. powers. If Sha! is dead, Petra will go danger-
establish dominion over the Realms.
13 Manufactory of Moander: Cultists. The ously mad. The party must hurry to the
3 Altar of the Cult of Moander. Cultists Vessel of Moander before the tower falls.
have fed themselves to the vines here. party first is assaulted by the enraged
Attempting to cut them down draws cultists cultists, then the bits of Moander them-
out of their lair. selves.
14 Manufactory of Moander: Red
Wizards. The party is forced into a tough
battle with Red Wizards and bits of
~=================~llif]F===============~ ~~
Large Wound in Moander's Arm Hair Moander's Heart sari!y, the location where the specific event
Synopsis: Synopsis: Tanetal holds court in Moander's described by the indicated number will occur.
~: 9
Moander cultists heart from where he oversees the transfor- It is advantageous to have an elf in your
are chasing a mation of Moander's tissues into creatures of party. He/She will recognize those spots fre-
priestess, wanting evil. He possesses the Talisman of Bane, quented by the Watcher (an elf Mage). This
to sacrifice her. If which you need to enter Cjothemene's is especially useful when you get the cornu-
she is rescued, she dimension. As evidence of how fonnidable copia and are severely handicapped until
will tell you about Aeghwaet and his Tanetal is, the conduits of the heart are lit- you can give it to the Watcher. Note, how-
8 potions and about the amphora she dropped tered with the remains of the anny that pro- ever, that these spots can be used only once
which will cause Moander's heart to slow. ceeded you here. Your only ally in the heart
,. ...
is an elf Mage calling herself the Watcher,
after which the elf in your party will say,
'-----'------'-<.,_,..__ ___J "the Watcher no longer frequents this area."
MAP LOCATIONS: assigned (by the Council of Elves) the task
27 You will get clues to which way the of watching over Moander and thwarting Cautions: If you are in a ventricle or its
Synopsis: Aeghwaet, the strange man that
cultists have gone at these locations. At one any attempts to free him from this dimen- drainage vessel when lub occurs, you may be
the hennit tells you about, is living in the
of them, you can find the amphora which sion. She resents your trespass at the outset, flushed from the heart. If you are in an atri-
wound, making potions which allow him to
the priestess dropped. but if you can win her over, your chances of um or its access vessel when dub occurs, you
greatly extend his natural life span. Tanetal
outwitting the clever Tanetal are greatly may be drained into a ventricle. Otherwise,
minions are mining Moander's flesh from 28 Vmber Hulks will attack at these increased. !ub and dub will have no affect on you.
the wound, disturbing Aeghwaet's peace. If locations.
you get rid of the minions for him, NOTE: Before entering the heart, you must If you engage in combat in a tub-sensitive or
Aeghwaet gives you the potions you will 29 This is where you get in and out of the get two potions from Aeghwaet in "the _dub-sensitive part of the heart (the main
need in the heart. hair. great wound.· They are required. pumping system), the combat will end with
a !ub or a dub - whichever is next due.
MAP LOCATIONS: Depression Heart Mechanics: In the heart, your means This is an indicator that time has passed dur-
Synopsis: The dimensional [] of travel can take two fonns: through the ing the fighting . It also means that you may
6 This is where the wound is open to the
surface. gate is located in the south- main pumping system of ventricles, atriums be flushed or drained immediately upon fin-
1 and arteries or through the muscle tissue
west corner. In the northwest ishing the battle (you of course are allowed
7 Aeghwaet meets you and explains his corner is a place where you itself. If through the main system, you must to collect any spoils of war).
predicament. can climb in and out of the depression. beware LVB (ventricular contraction),
which can flush you from the heart, and Do not pick up the golden cornucopia until
8 Red Mages are using Bane minions, you need it, as the encumbrance is severe.
MAP LOCATION: DVB (ventricular filling), which can drain
Earth Elementals, to mine Moander's flesh Once you have it, find the Watcher quickly.
you into a ventricle - if you are in an
at these locations. Bits o Moander may also 1 This is the gate to limbo.
be encountered. affected area at that time. You should pick up a bit of Moander shaped
There are five spots where the Watcher can like a mouth. Though rude and damaging (it
9 Aeghwaet rewards you here once you is always hungry and bites you now and
be found: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Each spot will
have defeated all ofTanetal minions. He then), it does useful things, such as warning
work only once. If there is no need to find
gives you the potions you will need in the you of impending lubs and dubs when you
the Watcher at the given moment, none of
heart as well as two Elixirs of Youth and are in an affected area.
the spots will work. The spots are entirely
two Potions of Extra Healing. He also acts
interchangeable, and whatever business is Recommended Approach: You should
as a temple from here on and will heal you.
next on the agenda with the Watcher will proceed roughly as follows. Find Taneta! (he
occur on the next unused spot encountered. will slaughter two helpless soldiers before
For this reason, locations 11 through 15 give your eyes). Rescue the Watcher (this frees
the location of the spots and the order in you of the slime). (jet a map of the heart
which the events will occur, but not, neces- from a dying soldier in the right ventricle
~================~@IJF=================::~;:::::::;: ~~
MOANDEK'S HEART The Watcher then takes note of your mag- 5 You encounter the real Tanetal here (in
0 12 13 14 15
netic weapons. Per her instructions, now left ventricle) . He uses the Talisman of Bane
TI. venture into the left ventricle and use them to shock the muscle tissue, producing a
0 KEY to shock the wall membrane before Tanetal spontaneous LVB that flushes you from the
spots you. This will flush both you and heart. (fo outwit him, get magnetic
2 2 Tissue Tanetal from the heart and in the process he weapons at #3 and go to #6).
will lose the Talisman of Bane. Re-enter the
[]] heart and find the Watcher, who has pre-
6 You shock the muscle tissue here to dis-
Permeable lodge Tanetal from the left ventricle (requires
4 Left 16 4 Memlnne pared a trap in the right ventricle and needs
Atrium getting weapons magnetized at #3).
7 5
One Way
your help driving Tanetal into it. Help the
Watcher do this. Finally, when the trap goes 7 The blade and shaft of a monstrous arrow
awry, defeat Tanetal and his minions in a are embedded in the muscle. This near-fatal
7 final battle. injury to Moander oci:urred long ago in his
Underpus battle with the elves. You sense a residual
Aorta Wandering Monsters: Wherever you are,
13 magic in this weapon. If you have weapons-
9 Atrium you encounter Iron Cjolems, Moander
making tools (acquired at #8), you can try
Cultists, Fire Elementals, bits of Moander
10 Left 10 repeatedly to fashion magic weapons from
(crafted by Taneta[), and the natural defen-
Ventricle the blade and shaft (these weapons are req-
11 sive organisms of the heart (slimy things
uisite to fighting Tanetal and his minions).
12 that can hinder your movement).
12 You will succeed on the first four attempts,
13 13 Resting: Rest is a risky affair in the heart, as each time receiving two weapons +3. All
Tanetal likes to sneak up on people and slit further attempts will result in injury as the
their throats as they sleep. Avoid it if possi- arrow begins to glow.
ble. Also, you cannot rest in the conduits of
NOTE: In the process of making these
0 12 13 14 15 the heart, as you would quickly be flushed.
weapons, you irritate Moander's wound,
disturbing Moander's sleep and causing his
heart to speed up, which increases LVB and
(useful though not necessary). Find tools Find it, give it to the Watcher, and help her 1 You get a map of the heart from a dying DVB dangers.
with which to fashion weapons. Locate the cast spells into it that lull Moander back into soldier. He also gives you a staff sling +4.
huge arrow shaft containing residual magic a deep sleep. You will be rewarded with a 8 Here you find the weapons-making tools
and fashion weapons from it (this disturbs 2 You find a big gold cornucopia. It requires to be used at #7.
tuning fork. Ping it hereafter when you spot
Moander's sleep, speeding up his pulse). · Tanetal, which exposes him as a fake and all of you to carry it. You should only pick it
up after the Watcher tells you to (#12)1 oth- 9 You find an obnoxious bit of Moander
Find and fight Tanetal, only to discover that saves you the trouble of fighting him -
erwise, your encumbrance is severe. You shaped like a mouth. You should feed it and
he is a fake. Find and rescue the Watcher with the exception of the real Tanetal, who
should find the Watcher as quickly as possi- put up with its constant whining, and it will
from bits of Moander, which make off with lurks in the left ventricle.
ble after picking it up. warn you of impending lubs and dubs when
an unguent that she needs. To retrieve the
Now that the heart has slowed, go retrieve you are in an affected area.
unguent (stashed deep in the pulmonary 3 After #13, magnetic Iron Cjolems strip
artery), the Watcher tells you that you must the unguent from the pulmonary artery (you 11 This is the final showdown with
you of your weapons here. You must charge
first slow the heart; otherwise, you will will fight magnetic Iron Cjolems en route, Tanetal, which occurs in the right ventricle.
to retrieve them, in the process suffering
always be "lubbed" from the heart before which magnetize your weapons). Find and The Watcher and you have just chased him
injuries. After winning, you discover that
reaching it. This can be done with the gold- give the unguent to the Watcher, who all over the area and into this trap laid by
your weapons are now magnetized. As
en cornucopia. laments that Tanetal is untouchable in the the Watcher (see #15). After you win and
spoils of battle, you get scale mail +4.
left ventricle, able to spontaneously flush take the Talisman of Bane, you are done
anyone who comes near by using the 4 You find the unguent that the Watcher with the heart.
Talisman of Bane. lost at #12. You also find a dagger +4.
~================f~F===============~ ~
(SPECIAL NOTE: The following five loca- 15 The Watcher reveals the trap she has MULMASTEK
tions (11-15) are interchangeable, though set. In particular, she has seeded the right
each can be used only once.) ventricle with a mutated form of the bits of 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
11 The Watcher introduces self, demands Moander that will attack Tanetal himself. 0 0 KEY
This encounter is prerequisite to the chase 2 10 I 14 11
that you leave. When you decline, she tells
that starts at #16. -
·1 .. []]
you how to get rid of slimy organisms that
hinder your movement - mix the two 16 After learning of the trap set for Tanetal
2 I 1 9
potions you got from Aeghwaet. (#15), you discover Taneta[ here and must 3 '
- -..
12 After you've made magic weapons at chase him into the right ventricle (the 4 15 6 Ll 5 .._ 4 [I]
Watcher will yell directional commands 2 r' • 8 Impassable
#7, you rescue the Watcher from bits of r'J 7 13 000<
5 5
along the way), at which time the climactic
Moander here. These make off with her
4 I 7
unguent. When you offer to retrieve it, she
laments that they will stash it in the pul-
battle (#10) takes place. 6
3 I '----
]7 -71
... 6
monary artery, out of reach with the heart Mulmaster
beating so fast. She tells you that someone Synopsis: The Banite priesthood is based in
has disturbed one of Moander's old wounds, Mulmaster which is ostensibly ruled by the 12 This is a store. You can purchase ranged
how much you have offended the city offi-
so that Moander now dreams of the battle in High lmperceptor, though in reality it is
cials. If you refuse the interview with weapons +2. here.
which he suffered it (a battle with the elves). Arcam and the Beholders who wield the
Arcam, you will have to fight the Beholder
The Watcher asks you to find a gold cornu- power. They are wary of strangers and weed 13 This is an inn where you can rest.
and some Swordsmen. The types of mon-
copia into which you will be able to cast out the unwanted visitors by forcing them to 14 You must bribe the clerk (100 platinum
sters you may face are Black Dragons,
deep-sleep spells upon Moander. prove themselves in the Arena by fighting pieces) to get into the training hall.
Displacer Beasts, Purple Worms,
monsters. Arcam will interview those who
13 If you have the cornucopia (found at #2.), Salamanders, Pyro Snakes, Ettins, Ogres,
survive the Arena. This is the only way to 15 Banite Clerics recite a chant. The chant
you give it to the Watcher here. Then you Otyughs, and Carrion Crawlers. provides the instructions on how to get
get into the Cave of the Beholders, and ulti-
and the Watcher cast spells into the cornu- mately, the Dark Dimension. 5 A maimed warrior encourages you to through the labyrinth in the Beholder's cave
copia to put Moander into a deep, dreamless take the Arena challenge. (later in the game).
sleep. With this done and Moander's pulse Wandering Monsters: Banite Clerics,
slowed far down, the Watcher rewards you Swordsmen and Mammoths (post victory). 6 This is the First Justicar's office. He tries Post Victory:
with a tuning fork that will dispatch the to make you confess to crimes and send you
Resting: At the inn (location 13). Once the game has been won, you will find
countless fake Tanetal that confuse you, and to the Arena. If the alarm has been raised that the monsters have escaped their pens
asks you to retrieve the unguent from the MAP LOCATIONS:
and you do not take the Arena challenge, and are causing great havoc in the city.
pulmonary artery. Beholders will attack.
1 Swordsmen man the front gates here. If
14 You give the unguent to the Watcher, they are attacked, an alarm is raised. 7 These are the pens where the monsters
who laments that Tanetal is untouchable in are kept.
2 These are guard rooms manned by Banite
the right ventricle. She then takes note of 8 This is a rundown bar where a woman
Clerics, Swordsmen and Evil Knights. The
your magnetic weapons and tells you to warns you against being taken to Arcam.
alarm is raised if you do not obey them.
enter the left ventricle and use them to
shock the wall membrane before Tanetal 3 A man is recruiting mercenaries to fight 9 These gates lead to areas of the city to
sees you (#6). for Bane. which you are denied access. You will not
be able to get through them.
4 This is the Arena where you are required
to fight a series of battles to move on to the 10 This is the training hall.
Cave of the Beholders. The number of 11 This is a Temple of Bane.
rounds you must fight will depend upon
~ ~ ~
!!iJ¥=7 ~ ~
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 2 2
ez 2
f6!.+ 5 3 3
~3 3 Door Realms
~ 2 2 4
~4 4 !]] 3 Arcam's 5 5
Archway 3
Antechambers :;a"'
5 5
4 4 6 6 :r
6 2 6
[!) 5 7 19 18 7 11
Chancellor Tunnel 5
and Outer 7 4 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 a 5
Chambers 8
[!] 9 17 9 I-
8 Stai"
14 15 16 17
9 9
[!] Sentinel Halls To Labyrinth
10 6 10 Stai"
6 7
One Way
29 ~··
13 13 lg) <1 1 27 28 To
14 7 14
Exit from
to Artam's
~ ToArcam's
15 8 15 (north) 13
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ 6 7
To Hall of the Dead
High Lord Arcam in his Caves. The entry 5 The Chancellor of Arcam. When it
cave of the Beholder Wandering Monsters: These include chooses, the party can enter the large cham-
human mercenaries, Bane minions and even is sealed behind them.
Synopsis: The elder Beholder Arcam guards ber and assail the Chancellor, battling the
the Pool of Darkness that leads to Bane's Beholders and Death Tyrants. 2 You see large groups of mercenary forces mercenary squads, Margoyles, Iron Cjolems
Dark Dimension. In order to divert the party, NOTE: Avoid melee attacking Blue Bane beyond the arches. and the Chancellor himself- a Lich.
and to attempt to destroy it at no risk to him- Minions. Vse Magic and Missiles against 3 Tunnel to the Realms Overland. If it Arcam, an elder Beholder, flees. Treasure is
self, the crafty Beholder will inform it of them. leaves this way, the party may return to a magic quarter staff, long sword, and cloak.
other good heroes still oppressed by evil, and Arcam's Cave when it finds the tunnel
Resting: Small side rooms offer the best 6, 7 Captives. Following Arcam, the party
of powerful evil competitors as yet unbr~ entrance on the Realms Overland.
ken. The party is allowed to leave the cave chance to fix the party and recover spells. is met in these chambers by a released cap-
4 Voices Through The Arches. The Party tive. Each one urges the party to go to a
and return via tunnels from the Overland. NOTE: Helping other good heroes across the
may overhear a conversation that reveals place where good is being attacked. If it
Eventually the party will drive the Beholder Realms will deplete the size of Arcam's mer-
Arcam's design: by sending the party out chooses, the party will be led to the over-
into his chamber and defeat him. Beyond cenary army in the Chancellor's Chamber.
against other commanders of evil, he hopes land exit at 3. It is free to complete the
are three Sentinel Halls, which summon
monsters if the party is bearing Objects of to get the party killed at no loss to himself. episodes and return.
Power. The last Hall is closed by a tremen- The Chancellor notes that by defeating the
1 Ladder. After triumph in Mulmaster's other contenders for evil, there is an oppor-
dous fist that only opens in the presence of
the Talisman of Bane. Arena, the party descends here to meet the tunity for Arcam to control all the Realms.
~=================:f@ZJ~================~ ~~
CAVB OF TIIB HBHOLDBK (continued) 22 Beholders. Arcam's servants float about 30 Beyond this Pool of Darkness is the
the cluttered chamber and may surprise the Dark Dimension, where Bane's champion
party. Ciothmenes resides and where the evil repli-
Hall of the Dead Arcam's Chamber 23 Arcam. The party will find the elder orb ca of Phlan is being constructed.
To Outer Chambers and his bodyguards at one of these locations. 31 Chamber of the Chancellor. The party
..!!! 11 12 13 14 15
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
24 This passage leads back to Arcam's can observe as Arcam's Chancellor, coun-
0 ~ 0 0 seled by Arcam himself in the shadows,
Antechamber at 18.
13 1 14 receives reports and doles out missions to his
2 15
25 The Back Entrance to Arcam's Chamber. many squads of mercenaries. The
3 11 12 13 14 15 26 Entrance to the Sentinel Halls. If Arcam Chancellor will reveal to them where
To Arcam's Antechamber is alive, he will often send sallies here to Realm heroes and heroines are still vulnera-
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
oppose the party. ble to evil, and will offer to hire the party to
To labyrinth
go attack the good forces. The party may
27 Magical Sentinel: Dragon. This idol lis- choose to leave and attend to these uncom-
tens for the Hom of Doom. If present, sum- pleted tasks. Every task successfully complet-
moned Dragons will roar out of the room to ed by the party reduces the number of mer-
the north. cenary squads defending the Chancellor.
8 Ambassador of Arcam. In this room the tunnel entrance on the Realms Overland.
party is met by an emissary of Arcam. His 28 Magical Sentinel: Spider. This idol 32 The party may find Arcam and his body
bag is filled with Fire Elementals. 16 Entrance to Arcam's wily Labyrinth. To watches for the Crystal Ring. If present, guards here. Arcam's treasure is at this loca-
successfully negotiate the magical maze, the Spiders and Pyro Snakes will tumble out of tion. It consists of a potion, Eyes of
9 The Brave Prisoner. In Arcam's cruel party should recall the chant of Bane's the room to the north. Charming, a scimitar, and a cloak.
prison, the party learns from a dying prison- Minions recorded as Journal Entry 46. "Left"
er that the slow-moving Beholder is and "Right" mean to tum in that direction; 29 Magical Sentinel:Bane's Fist. This idol
attempting to distract the party in order to "step" means to move one square forward. senses the presence of Bane's Talisman. If
win time to construct a strong defense present, the fist will open, releasing Bane
against it. Treasure includes a silver shield. 17 Arcam's Antechamber. The party may Minions to oppose the party. A portal in the
choose here to go north into Arcam's palm, shaped like a fierce eye, leads to a
10 The Hall of the Dead. Arcam's undead Chambers, or east to the Sentinel Halls. If Pool of Darkness at 30.
allies defend here. Arcam is alive, he will often send sallies
11, 12 Vndead Ambush. The undead will into this room to oppose the party.
ambush the party at 11 from either side, 18 This tunnel leads to the Sentinel Halls
unless the party first flushes out the and to the back entrance to Arcam's
ambushers at 12. Chambers.
13 Other groups of undead may be encoun- 19 Arcam's Defenders: Margoyles, Ettins,
tered here. Medusa, and a Beholder. The less the party
has rested since 8, the fewer the number of
14 Vndead lairs filled with Spectres and foes facing them.
20 Arcam's Defenders: Medusa and a
15 Second Overland exit. If it leaves this Beholder. The less the party has rested since
way, the party may return when it finds the 8, the fewer the number of foes facing them.
21 Arcam's Chambers. Spectres and a
Beholder will stand against the party when
it enters the Chamber.
!PJ¥=7 @2J ~~================~[ZQ]~===============~
9 9 +4, shield +4, javelins +4, banded mail +4,
and plate mail +4.
grounds here.
0 10 7 10 16 You become trapped in a throng of mon-
I- 1------"
... 7 You meet Ciragnak Vlfim here and he sters which carries you along to the town
12 18 tells you how he betrayed Sasha into hall where Prophrys Cadoma announces his
12 2 12 wedding to Sasha. Attacking or trying to
Cadoma's hands out of jealousy.
13 13 sneak away will result in a fight with black
8 Swordsmen, Evil Knights, and Evil Bane minions, Wights, and Wraiths.
14 14 Champions are stationed here. It may be
13 14 3 17 Bane minions are erecting monuments.
15 15 possible to bluff them.
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 A Dark Lord is instructing blue, black 18 Ciothmenes invites you to enjoy Dark
and red minions. They will attack. Phlan, sending a welcoming party of red,
blue, and black minions.
Dark Phlan ions, Blue Bane Minions, Liches, Wraiths, 10 You see Sasha being paraded around
Ciiant Zombies, Wights, Spectres, and town.
Synopsis: Bane has created an evil version
of the true Phlan in the Dark Dimension. Ciiant Skeletons. 11 Ciothmenes presides over Cadoma's
West of Dark Phlan is the Iron Wall, wedding, attended by Dark Lords, Banite
Resting: You may rest at the inn at
through which you must pass to reach Oerics and Red Bane Minions. If you
location 2.
Ciothmenes, a Balor and Bane's most highly watch the wedding take place, the Banites
placed lieutenant. The only way to pass this will take Sasha away for good. Rescuing her
barrier is with the Hom of Doom. will earn you many experience points and
1 Passing through the Dimensional (iate, Sasha will give you two Rings of Protection
The city is ruled by the undead form of you find female Drow tormenting Sasha. +2, and promise you more when you return
Prophrys Cadoma, formerly a council mem- One takes her away while the others attack. to Phlan.
ber of the true Phlan. He has kidnapped In addition to their standard items, the
Sasha with the intent of marrying her. The Drow are carrying a Cloak of Displacement, 12 These gates lead out of the city to the
wedding is presided over by (iothmenes. darts +4, quarterstaff +4, composite short Iron Wall. To break the wall, you must
bow +4, arrows +4, and arrows +3. blow the Hom of Doom once for each
Wandering Monsters: Vampires, Vampire member of your party. (iothmenes, seeing
Mages, Vampire Clerics, black Bane min- 2 This is a rather unpleasant inn where you Your intentions, will send red, blue and
can rest. black Bane minions against you.
party. When he is destroyed, the Crystal 9 Entrance to the Inner Palace; "Elminster."
THE PALACE OF GOTHMENES turns to sand, and good powers rush in to Players are met by a Rakshasa mimicking
restore balance in the Realms. the gray wizard. After this encounter, the
To Darl< Phlan party hears Gothmenes reveal his aim to
Wandering Monsters: In the outer Palace, find and defeat Elminster, a foe he fears
KEY the party may encounter Bane minions, more than the party. Gothmenes then winds
7 rn
Vampires, Beholders and Dracoliches. There
are no wandering monsters in the inner
the Tantalus Clock. If the party has not
divulged information to the Rakshasa, his
Palace if the clock is ticking. search takes longer. Players trying to exit the
Resting: Resting is possible only in the Inner Palace discover that swarms of Bane
3 4 14 11 ~
Archway outer Palace. Minions, summoned from all over the Dark
Dimension, bar the path out of the Palace.
NOTE: Without the Crystal Ring, the party
cannot recover Bane's Crystal, and 10 The Arti fact Hall. There are many dis-
Gothmenes will not bother to appear. plays here of mankind's achievements that
mankind would just as soon forget. They
14 Door
crumble into ruin as the party searches
through them. The party may find some
8 ~
1 Cracked Wall. Passages here lead to weapons, including staff slings and arrows,
Arna Dark Phlan. among the artifacts.
2 Secret Doors (use LOOK to find them). 11 The Library. All walls are covered floor-
Characters divide up the Objects of Power
they carry; they may redistribute the Objects
at any time by selecting LOOK.
to-ceiling with books. They dissolve to dust
when opened. The party will find more mis-
sile weapons in the Room of Flags.
3 Whispers. Sounds heard in this area are 12 Gothmenes' Chambers. Xoham, the
overheard conversations echoing in the Beholder attendant of Gothmenes, will
Horn of Doom. escape the party over the deadly pool at 16.
4 "Sasha: Rakshasa impersonating 13 The Alcove of Tapestries. Servants bear-
Phlanerians will ask questions about ing magic items hide among the hanging
The Palace of Gothmenes sion in one hour, starts a clock ticking, and Elminster, then attack. tapestries. The quickest way to flush them
Synopsis: Blowing the Horn of Doom promises to destroy the party upon his out is to torch the curtains. Rich treasure.
return. The party races to find the Crystal of
5 Dragon Guards. A large force waits here.
cracks the iron wall and allows entry to A blast on the Horn of Doom undermines 14 Cowering Monsters. Various groups try
Gothmenes' palace. After distributing the Bane, the key to Gothmenes' power, before
the Balor returns. It searches through elegant their morale. to hide from the party in these comers. They
items of power, the party is tested in a first will only fight if forced.
encounter with Rakshasa disguised as Sasha horrors in Gothmenes' chambers, and even- 6 Minion Guards. A large force waits here.
and Phlanerians. The party meets tually uses the Crystal Ring to recover They can be daunted by brandishing the 15 The Tantalus Clock. Stopping the clock
Gothmenes' guard in an entry hall, and Bane's Crystal from a dark pool in a rock Talisman of Bane. will free a large number of undead creatures.
then proceeds into the inner palace to face garden. Gothmenes reappears with 16 The Pool of Death, a low dark pool
Elminster gamely struggling within his 7 Beholder Lair. They must be defeated
Rakshasa again, this time disguised as before the party can rest here. ringed by crystalline stones, surging to the
Elminster. Gothmenes confirms his suspi- whip. Elminster escapes and duels the Balor, pulse of Gothmenes. The Crystal of Bane
cions about Elminster, and the party then allowing the party to deal with Gothmenes' 8 Slither Room. Seemingly empty, resting gleams under the icy water. Braving terrible
h~rs him plan to go and capture the good , servants, Eye Tyrant and bodyguards. here will allow large numbers of Snakes and damage, a character wearing the Crystal
wizard. Bragging, he wagers with the Salamanders to creep into the chamber. Ring can reach into the icy waters to recover
After the tyrant is defeated, Gothmenes
underling that he can accomplish his mis- throws Elminster into the pool to drown, Bane's Crystal.
and summons minions to help defeat the·