Chatterbox: What's On Community Garden

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Nuisance Helpline

Anti-Social Behaviour
Noise problems
CHATTERBOXwww.lochwinnoch info
Anti-Social Investigation
Support and Advice Office 8:45am – 4:45pm
Every day 9am – 10pm lochwinnoch no 159 March 2007 Ask for David McLaren or
Tel: 0800 169 1283 Lisa Simpson
Tel: 01505 325 030

Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

What’s On Community Editorial & copy for Chatterbox

Let us have your stories, notices, infor-

• March/April Garden mation, events and other items of inter-

est — either hand-deliver them to the
Chatterbox drop-box in the Library or e
See back page for RSPB and
A new season is upon us and with -mail: [email protected]
Castle Semple/Muirshiel events,
the work on the church building To advertise in Chatterbox
talks, walks and watersports Tel: 07899 746403 or e-mail:
courses etc. complete the garden has become [email protected]
• 29th and 30th March easily accessible once again.
The End of the End of the Pier The core group is having a clean
Show, McKillop Hall (more de-
tails inside)
up/preparation day on Saturday
17th March at 10.00 am.
• Advice Works - every
Tuesday from 10am—12.30 in
We are looking for more members Bakery
of the community to assist with
Lochwinnoch Library. the running of the garden or to
• 28th and 29th April On December 6th, a Salvation
take part in regular meetings -
Lochwinnoch Arts Festival 2007 working together- CAN YOU
Army band played for shop-
(see inside for full details)
HELP? pers outside the Garthland
If you can please contact Gordon Bakery. In half an hour the
Nicholl 842632. band managed to collect £300
Famous Residents A programme of events will be from the very generous folks
Dr Andrew Crawfurd must be up displayed on our notice board. of this village. A big thanks to
there with the great residents of all who donated.
the village. He wrote The Cairn o’ Over the years Robert at the
Lochwinnoch, a multi-volume
mixture of history, poetry, gossip Lochwinnoch bakery has collected around
£5,000 for various charities.
and scandal. Early in his medical
career Crawfurd had lost a leg and
Toddlers An effort that should be re-
The Lochwinnoch Toddlers Group warded by some kind of civic
spent his life writing for newspa- that meets in the McKillop Hall every
pers and magazines. The Cairn Monday and Wednesday (9.30 to award, at least that’s what I
used to be housed in the village 11.30am) have been awarded a lottery think.
museum it is now housed in Pais- grant to the value of £5,999 to enable It’s sad to think that when
ley Library. the purchase of new equipment. Robert retires shortly the last
Hugh Orr, a citizen of Lochwin- We would like to remind all parents working bakery in the village
noch, was the man who cast the who have children between the ages
of 0-5 that they are welcome to come will close and the curtain will
first cannon in the US, he later be- fall on an era as rich as tipsy
and join us.
came an American senator.
If you have any questions please con- cake.
Then there was Eckie Fenion, a
tact Karen on 843743.
well-known village worthy who
died a few years ago. Eckie should
have a plaque erected to his mem-
ory. He was the man in charge of MATTHEW NEW & SONS
wreaked havoc in the Blue Peter Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage
studio. The elephant that stood on Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs
John Noaks’s foot and shocked Roughcasting –UPVC Cladding—Guttering
Valerie Singleton by dropping
something on the studio floor as it
Tel No 01505 843400
FMB Certificate No 26366
headed for the door. Good on you
may be found in the Li- I'd be very grateful for any leads at
Local News brary, in the McKillop
Patricia Wood
from Hall and on the village E-mail: [email protected]
website. I also have a
Davie Arthur set of the drawings to
Stod Fold, Ogden, Halifax, West
Yorkshire. HX2 8XL
view and I am also ***
Lochwinnoch available to answer any Enquiry from Di Shore:
questions and receive My name is Di Shore and I am
George Wimpey Ltd have any comments on the tracing my Scottish ancestry. I
indeed been true to their proposal. have a photo of my great-
word and have donated I can be contacted on Tel:
grandfather, John Fraser, sitting
£20,000 to Lochwinnoch outside his home, Oldfield, Loch-
843507. Mobile: 07811
SPACE. This money will winnoch, with his second wife,
924 995 and by e-mail: Janet (not my great-
help to secure the pro- [email protected]
grandmother), his son, George, a
ject’s long-term future. daughter, Mary and another per-
As Chairperson of Loch- son called Mary Weir.
winnoch SPACE, I am
truly delighted with this Trying to John Fraser was originally from
Glasgow and from my research of
donation and would like
to thank Ian Nicholson, a trace Ancestry the census data would have
moved to Lochwinnoch between
Director of George Wim- Can any of our readers help with 1871 and 1891. He married my
pey, for not only sup- the following enquiries about great-grandmother, Margaret
porting Lochwinnoch Lochwinnoch ancestry. Daffron, in 1864 in Edinburgh.
SPACE but also for sup- My grandmother, Margaret Daf-
Enquiry from Patricia Wood: fron Fraser, was born in 1870 in
porting the community Like so many other people I have Glasgow and probably came to
groups who use the been looking into my family his- Australia about 1886. I do not
SPACE premises. tory and find that my grand-
know if she ever lived in Loch-
mother, whose maiden name was
Barbour, came from Lochwin-
Traffic Calm- noch. The earliest name recorded
ing/Parking was in 1660 - John Barbour of Would there be any descendents
As Lochwinnoch Commu- Risk Farm. of John Fraser still in Lochwin-
nity Council’s represen- I'm also in possession of a hand- noch? We plan to come to Scot-
some grandfather clock which land in July, this year (2007) and
tative, I have been very bears on its face the name would dearly love to make con-
involved with Councillor 'Robert Brunton' and tact.
Nimmo and officials from 'Lochwinnoch'. Di Shore, Sydney, Australia
I'm hoping to visit Lochwinnoch
Renfrewshire Council’s in the not too distant future, but
Planning and Transport in the meantime wonder if any- Editor - The team at Chatterbox
Department, discussing a one reading your paper has infor- are in touch with both of the above
proposal for traffic calm- mation on the above facts or can parties and would be happy to pass
tell me of any local history or-
ing at the foot of the ganisation or library which might
on any information you may have.
See our contact details on the front
Johnshill, in High Street help.
of this publication.
and at the Cross. The fi-
nal proposal has been
delivered and was dis-
cussed at the Community
Council meeting on Tues-
day 6th March.
The Community Council AERIAL & SATELLITE
will now publicise the INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS
proposal across our com- UPGRADES MULTIROOM
munity and openly seek Tel: 01505 842056
feedback on this. A
drawing of the proposal
Natural Touch CALDER DRAMA’S
Beauty, Health and Complimentary Therapy Salon Spring Production is Steve
Davies' comedy/drama
Susan and Jenny aim to promote wellbeing and offer a wide range 'The End of the End of the
of Decléor skincare treatments including aromatherapy facials, Pier Show.'
massage, reflexology, manicure, pedicure, wax, detox, self tan and
holiday treatment packages. Gift vouchers also available. Set in a west coast seaside re-
Call in or phone us for an appointment. Tel: 01505 842118 sort it concerns the trials and
Open Tuesdays to Saturdays and late on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. tribulations of a small cast of
12 Church Street, Lochwinnoch PA12 4AD circus performers and their
eternal struggle to keep their
heads above water. The pier is
old, the cast is old and their
New Contrary to local press state-
ments neither “bosses at CMRP” acts are old. The India Rubber
conservation nor “a family of Hen Harriers” man (Frank) is no longer sup-
are to get the financial nest egg. ple, the Fat Lady (Edna) is a
designation in The designation recognises that pale shadow of her former self
Clyde Muirshiel existing land management has
led to the current position so
and the Knife Thrower (David)
is a danger to life and limb.
farm practices and recreational
The Renfrewshire Heights Site The owner of the Troupe
access, for instance, are unaf-
of Special Scientific Interest
fected. The Hen Harrier TV pro-
(George) tries to keep every-
(SSSI) has recently been con- one and everything together
ject will be in its fifth year at
firmed after 18 months of con- against the odds.
Muirshiel Centre this summer
sultation, deliberation and as- The stakes are high when
and hopefully, if we are as lucky
sessment. The site also quali- catastrophe strikes one
as previous years, we can show
fies for European designation stormy night, which threat-
live footage of these magnificent
as a Special Protection Area and ens to close the show for
birds from mid June.
a decision on this is expected good.
C Woodward. Regional Park
soon. The SSSI is totally within Will there be a happy ending?
Manager. 21 Feb 2007.
the Clyde Muirshiel Regional Will anyone care?
Park and covers 32% of the Performances take place in the
Park area from Cornalees Cen- Editor—see back page for details of McKillop Hall on Thursday
tre in the north to Muirshiel events, talks and walks taking place 29th & Friday 30th March at
Centre in the south. Misty Law,
Burnt Hill, Duchal Moor, Wa-
in Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park 7.30 pm.
locations this month.
terhead Moor and Leap Moor Tickets £6.00 Children & sen-
are all included. Within the site ior Citizens £3.00
are nationally and internation-
ally important population of
Hen Harriers. These magnifi-
cent birds of prey are ground
nesting hawks that breed and
hunt in heather moorlands.

Along with the SSSI designation

comes a Moorland Manage-
ment Scheme, which offers fi-
nancial support to land manag-
ers for carrying out manage-
ment that will benefit the harri-
ers and other wildlife within the
site. The scheme, administered
by Scottish Natural Heritage,
has £346,000 available over 5
years and is open to about 15
owners and occupiers of the
All types of joinery work undertaken
Local pupils • Kitchens

achieve Gold in •
Stair balustrades
Built-in wardrobes
Duke of •

Hardwood windows
Edinburgh • Custom and general joinery Corporate

Award Free estimates Member

Lochwinnoch schoolgirl, Helen Tel: 01505 345809 Mob: 07817 717132

Mackay, writes a brief account of
the final stage of work under-
taken by all members of this
young team in achieving Gold in independence and allowed me to
chine. 'One black cap seen.'
the Duke of Edinburgh Award cope well in a confined and unusual
I was beginning to see what bird
situation. By working as crew on the
Scheme. watchers get excited about. Though I
ship, my three friends and I have
couldn’t tell what kind of bird the
completed our Gold Duke of Edin-
Helen writes: tiny dart of feathers was. It could
burgh award which has taken us
On Boxing Day, whilst others were have been a wren or a robin for all 1
four years to attain. The voyage was
tucking into their left over Christmas knew.
a once in a lifetime experience—one
dinner, myself and three classmates Earlier on in the morning a bird
that I shall never forget.
were jetting off to Tenerife! As part watcher lugging a weighty telescope
Helen Mackay
of our Gold Duke of Edinburgh on a tripod saw a tawny owl. This
award we were to spend 10 days on- created a wave of excitement and
Editor—Congratulations to all team
board the Stavros S Niarchos - a some of the staff and volunteers at
members on a great achievement.
classical Tall Ship with functioning the nature reserve rushed to see if
sails and riggings. they could see the bird. The owl did
not break cover. We searched, but
To raise money to fund this venture
we received many generous dona-
The Bird did not see a feather of the elusive
tions and participated in several Watcher I began to think bird watching was
fundraising activities: cake stall, car ‘THE BEST TIME to see birds is at more about what you didn't see than
boot sale and sponsored walk. There the start of spring, before the trees what you saw, like is often about the
are other aspects of the award that are in full leaf.' An enthusiastic bird- huge fish that slips the hook rather
we had already completed: sport, watcher I met told me one May as we than the tiddler you catch.
skills and service e.g. I helped at the peered through thick foliage to catch Part of the attraction of bird watch-
Lochwinnoch Anchor Boys and Sun- sight of a garden warbler. ing has to do with listening. Bird
day School. 'It's definitely a garden warbler,' watchers can identify birds by their
he said, 'you can hear its distinctive song. Some birds are extremely elu-
On the voyage there were 50 volun- call, quite like other warblers, but sive, you’d have a better chance of
teers and 10 qualified sailors. We different enough so you can tell what seeing JD Sallinger than seeing a
adapted to life onboard quickly and it is.' bird, but you can usually hear them.
were assigned tasks making us re- Peer though we did the bird re- Skilled bird watchers identify a bird
sponsible for the sailing of the mained out of sight. Then it flew from the opening of its aria just like
ship. We were allocated traditional over our heads to the left of where opera fans can identify a singer from
jobs such as scrubbing the deck and we were standing. We missed it. The the first note.
climbing the riggings, and trained to foliage defeated us. Bird watching is not an activity for
use the navigation system. Climbing We then walked to an area where the casual participant. It's serious as
the rigging was the highlight of my earlier in the day someone spotted a your life. I asked one binocular clad
tall ship adventure: I climbed all the black cap. My friend, an experienced watcher if bird watching interfered
way up to the crows nest where the bird watcher of ten years, recorded with his work or the other way
views were spectacular! the birds he saw on a pocket tape round. 'No question,' he said, 'work
recorder. 'Two young robins, a chaf- interferes with bird watching.'
The 10 days were spent travelling finch.' And, what turned out to be What makes a bird watcher tick?
around Tenerife, Grand Canaria and the catch of the morning, a wood- 'The same as makes us all tick. The
La Gomera. During shore leave we pecker. same urge that makes people want to
explored the beautiful beaches, He heard the call of the black cap scale Everest or take off in a hot air
tasted delicious ice-creams and also and stopped and peered into the balloon round the world.
watched a spectacular Hogmanay trees. I could have sworn the bird ‘To see the various species of birds in
fireworks display. was over on the right, but he said, a given area or region is a challenge.'
no, it was on the left. I bowed to his This came from a man who could not
The time onboard not only taught experience. He was correct. A branch get away form bird watching. Even
me how to sail a Tall Ship, but also rippled and a tiny bird flew like a the relaxing summer holiday was for
enabled me to meet people from all dart across the sky. ‘That's the black him an opportunity to add to his col-
across the UK. It gave me a sense of cap’. Out came the recording ma- lection of birds seen, birds heard.
Community loading and waiting restric- This month, we have featured the
tions will not apply on the achievements of four young peo-
Council News road opposite the Cashline ple from our local area in their
quest to attain Gold in the Duke
machine. This is to allow
of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
The reported crime figures lorries to gain access to the
for February were due mainly We know there are many more
Spar shop. No waiting and
talented youngsters in our midst
to a wave of vandalism to no loading means, of course, who also have a tale to tell about
cars. The police are actively that disabled drivers cannot their skills and achievements in
investigating these incidents park in these restricted ar- life. Perhaps your strengths lie
and are following up infor- in other areas such as writing po-
etry, watersports, voluntary
mation that may lead to an Consultation on these plans weekend work, nature trips or
arrest. The crime figures for will take place over the next going on adventurous or unusual
February (15 in total) are: few months, if no objections holidays. Whatever your inter-
ests in life, we would like to hear
1 vandalism, 7 vandalisms to are received the plans will go from you too.
cars, 4 thefts, 1 stolen car, 1 ahead in the summer.
breach of the peace, 1 assault So readers, get your children or
young friends to pen an article or
Members of the public are write to us with a piece of local
New plans for parking in the welcome to attend monthly news. Mark it ‘Young Chatter-
Main and High Streets were Community Council meet- box’ and send it in, either by
hand-delivering items to the
revealed. Officials for the ings, which are held at drop-box in Lochwinnoch
Roads Department have been 7.30pm in the Guild Room Library or e-mail it t0:
monitoring vehicle speeds of the Parish Church on the [email protected]
throughout the village. They Deadline for articles is the last
first Tuesday of each month. day of the month prior to the
have concluded that too month of publication.
many people drive through Young
the village at excessive THE BOWLING sea-
Chatterbox son gets underway for the gents
At present, Chatterbox is pro-
In an attempt to curb this duced by and aimed mainly at, April 24, for the ladies April 21.
speeding the plan is to stag- adults. Anyone interested in joining
ger the parking in sections on But what about younger peo- phone secretary Marion
both sides of the road. ple? Wouldn’t it be good to
Jamieson on 502975.
give them the opportunity to
If this works it will mean put their own news and views On March 24 Dean Park will be
drivers will not have a into print? Perhaps it would appearing in Cabaret in the
straight run through the vil- teach us a bit about what club. Tickets £8.00.
younger people think of life in
lage, as cars will, effectively, Call Margaret Wilson 843013
‘our’ village.
be parked on both sides of
the road. The other plan is to
put a traffic island at the foot
of Johnshill.
At the Cross it is planned to
extend the zig-zags at the pe-
destrian crossing, mark the
bus stop with a yellow line to
deter parking and make most
of the area around the Cross
no parking, no waiting areas.
This will mean no parking at
the Cashline machine though
past 3yrs and have happily been op- roses thanks to the attentions of
The Junction erating the Junction Caffè and BIS-
TRO in Lochwinnoch for the last
the windy Hag who, fuelled with
grim determination, tries every-
Licensed year. thing in her dastardly power to
Caffè & Bistro keep the lovers apart.
Joanna is responsible for all the
home baked products, which their
Open daily until 5pm loyal customers love; from the Em- Adrian’s distinctive woodcuts
pire biscuits, scrumptious Chocolate projected onto the back of the
BISTRO open 6pm on Chunk Brownies, delicious Carrot stage illustrate the action.
Cake, not to mention the Raisin The third part of the cocktail is
Fri & Sat evenings. Flapjack for the more health con- the music composed by Gordon
scious! Rigby, an extremely clever blend
• All meals cooked Ivan is involved in preparing the
from fresh using
of different musical styles from
traditional Italian dishes and has Baroque to modern. The Scottish
quality ingredients introduced a wide range of Italian
• Grilled Panini Philharmonic Orchestra played
products from his motherland, in-
• Daily Hot Specials cluding Italian Sodas, Beer, Wine the music.
• Jo’s Home Baking and a variety of shapes of pastas. He
• Homemade Soups is most comfortable chatting to Well-known Scottish actor David
• Range of Italian customers mainly about his favourite Anderson, louche in dinner jacket
products for sale subjects i.e. Italy and food and and unfastened tie, narrated the
• Eat in or Take Away how best to prepare it! piece in his distinctive Glaswe-
gian style, very good he was too.
Ivan and Joanna Minucci Ivan, Jo and the team pride them- The Scottish art world has
and the Team selves in preparing food from raw been shoogled up by this
2-4 High Street ingredients and believe that in to-
Lochwinnoch work no doubt in future we
day’s busy lifestyles of fast food and
Renfrewshire PA12 4DA always being on the move, we should will hear more from these
For bookings call sometimes take the time to prepare remarkable artists.
(01505) 842 225 meals with love, from scratch and If you get a chance to hear GBH
with good quality ingredients. This again – or for the first time -
is what “La Cucina Minucci” don’t miss it.
About Us (Minucci’s Kitchen) aspire to pro-
ducing at The Junction.
Joanna (née McMaster) grew up in
May we take this opportunity to say
a big Thank You to our team and to
the Bridge of Weir area and, after
a 10 year gap, has enjoyed being
our customers for their support Curling
over the last year.
back to her roots near friends and
Family. Ivan Minucci is a first gen- THE SCOTTISH Wheelchair
eration Italian-South African whose
late parents were born in the Cam-
Girl Boy Hag Curling team was skipped by
Lochwinnoch's Michael
pagnia region of southern Italy. BRILLIANT PRESS McCready at the World Champi-
Good food has played a big part in onships in SOLLEFTEÅ, Sweden
REVIEWS greeted the
his life from an early age. He grew on 17th - 24th Feb. At the time
up eating and speaking Italian performance of GBH at
of going to press, the team will be
within the large Italian community Oran Mor in Byres Road
defending their title, having won
in the northern suburbs of Johan- from 19 – 24 February. the world championships at
nesburg. GBH (Girl Boy Hag) is a multi-
Braehead in 2005 and the 2004
faceted entertainment devised,
Ivan (pronounced “Eevan”) met Jo- championships in Switzerland.
written and composed by two ex-
anna while working and studying in The Paralympic Games last year
tremely talented artists Adrian
Switzerland, France and later in meant that there were no world
Wiszniewski and Gordon Rigby,
England. After exploring several championships in 2006. With 3
different areas of the hospitality in- resident in Lochwinnoch. Adrian
new members in the team since
dustry around Europe and South Wiszniewski wrote the words and
then they are looking forward to
Africa, Ivan was finally convinced to produced the backdrop wood-
the challenge. The Scotland
move to London where Joanna cuts, Gordon Rigby wrote the
team are working towards points
was working for the Intercontinental music and conducted the orches-
group of hotels in 1997. Slowly for the GB Paralympic qualifica-
tral accompaniment.
but surely they migrated further tion in Vancouver.
north through England and got mar- GBH is about the search for love
ried in Scotland in 1999. They have Keep an eye on the competition via
by young goth Giselle and her the Royal Caledonian Curling Club
three beautiful children: Innes (5)
and Isla and Pierre (18months). hero the gallant Galahad. website... the official website for the
They have lived in Kilbarchan for the The affair is not all wine and sport in Scotland.
We are bursting with fresh new stock

A huge range of cards, gifts for all occasions and budgets -

Scottish crafts, handmade jewellery, handbags, Arran Arromatics and homewear.
By popular demand, we are now stocking Yankee candles and fragranced products.

Open 9-5 Monday to Saturday and 12 to 4 Sundays from Easter onwards

Now and Then, 8 Church Street, Lochwinnoch Tel: 01505 843311
Lochwinnoch Lochwinnoch Arts Festival
Out of School 2007
Buy-out Group Club
Here is the programme for the Saturday 28th and
Easter School Holidays. All chil- Sunday 29th April
Turning the old Struthers lem- Parish Church, Lochwinnoch
dren are welcome, even if they
onade factory into a commu-
are not a member during term
nity asset – sounds like a great
time. As a special offer LOSC are
idea? Yes? Saturday 28th April
offering members a 10% discount
Well, it can’t happen without you!
off the total holiday club bill if
you book before March 15. Non- 12noon -1pm Paintings, Prints and
We would like you to join us, the Crafts (Entry free)
members 15% discount.
Lochwinnoch Community Buy-out
Group, and help the project be- The Holiday Club opening 1-2pm Liz Lochhead
come a reality. Villagers came (Scottish writer and poet)
hours and costs are:
up with lots of ideas, such as a Presentation of primary school
7:45am - 6:00pm poetry competition
replacement for the Annexe, a Full Day £20.00
water bottling plant, a microbrew- 7:45am - 12:45pm 2-3pm Paintings, Prints and
ery, a child care centre and Half Day £10.00 Crafts (Entry free)
more. If this is to happen, we 1:00pm – 6:00pm Local authors and second hand books
need people like you to get in- Half Day £10.00
volved. 7.30pm-9.30pm Celtic music evening
The group meets regularly in the April 2 Puppet making and show Sunday 29th April
Old Museum, Craw Place at 7.30 April 3 Celebrate – arts and crafts
April 4 Show and tell – show off 1-2pm Paintings, Prints and
on alternate Wednesdays. The
your talents Crafts (Entry free)
meeting schedule is: February April 5 Easter egg painting – and
21st, March 7th & 21st, April 4th & rolling
18th etc. 2-3pm Classical music recital
April 6 Closed by Heather Corbett
April 9 Closed (BBC Symphony orchestra)
Just now, we await the decision April 10 RSPB Easter Eggstrava-
from the Scottish Executive on ganza
3-4pm Paintings, Prints and
whether or not the buy out is al- April 11 Teddy Bear Picnic
Crafts (Entry free)
lowed. In the meantime, we have April 12 Trip – weather permitting
– to Bowling or the Maritime Mu-
to assume we’ll get the go-ahead 7.30pm-9.30pm St Winnoch Singers
and therefore investigate sources Concert
April 13 Music Day
of funding, publicise the project to Celebrating 10years!!
April 16 Chill out
the village and beyond, have dis-
cussions with interested parties For further details contact:
07757 801042 or Tickets £15 Family (2 adults and
on how the project might proceed
and so on. e-mail: [email protected] 2 children)
£12 All events
We look forward to you joining
Completed booking forms can be £5 Single event
handed to LOSC at Kids SPACE, £3 Single concession
us at the next meeting. Thank
McKillop Institute or posted to
28 Lochhead Avenue, Tickets from Crafts of Calder, The
Lochwinnoch PA12 4AW Junction Bistro and Brown Bull Pub
News & Events at Monday 2nd – Friday 6th
Sunday 8th April
Easter Egg Extravaganza
RSPB, Castle Multi Activity Week An opportunity for all the fam-
Kids aged 8 and over can try 5 ily to enjoy the fresh Spring air
Semple & Muirshiel different outdoor activities on a mystery tour in Parkhill
over 5 half days. Courses run Wood.
Sunday 18th March - Hen most weeks of the school holi- Castle Semple: Anytime be-
Harrier Talk days, book early to avoid dis- tween 11:00 – 15:30 hrs
An illustrated talk on the appointment. tel 01505 842 882
Muirshiel Hen Harriers with Castle Semple: 10:00 – 12:30
CCTV footage from the 2006 or 13:30 – 16:00 hrs, depend-
season and earlier. ing on age. Sixty Celebrated
Muirshiel: 13:35 for 14:00 hrs: Advanced booking ASAP is es- DAVID MELLOR’S birthday/
tel 01505 842 803 to book. sential please tel 01505 842 fundraising night was held on Satur-
882 Ex20 day 10th February. Thanks to all
Saturday 17th & Sunday who made the evening a success -
music from the 4Alans, dancing with
18th March - Adult BCU 3 Thursday 6th to Wednes- Clamjamfrie, a beautiful solo song
Star Kayak Course day 19th April from Eilih Grant, nice buffet by
A two day course for those Photography Exhibition Lochwinnoch International Aid
who have already gained their Local photographers exhibit members, sausage rolls courtesy of
BCU 1 & 2 Stars. Castle Sem- their work in support of the Mr Wilson of Garthland bakery and
the bar was organized by Sandy from
ple: 09:30 16:00 hrs both days Lochwinnoch Book Festival. the Corner Bar.
£65. Advanced booking ASAP Castle Semple: Daily 10:00 – Over £900 was raised on the night
is essential please tel 01505 18:00. tel 01505 842 882 and the funds will be going to a chil-
842 882 Ex20 dren's orphanage in Ukraine and to a
Saturday 7th - Saturday stove project in Africa.
Sunday 25th March - Con- 28th April
servation Volunteers Sky Dancing Hen Harriers
It is the last meeting of the An opportunity to join RSPB Treasure Hunt
season but there is still time to staff for a moorland walk with GUIDE DOGS for the Blind
do a bit of healthy outdoor a chance of seeing these won- need your unwanted treasure for
work, it’ll keep you fit and help derful birds of prey. recycling. What they are looking
the natural environment at the Muirshiel. Guided walks start for is:
coins, jewellery, watches
same time. at 13:45 hrs for 14:00 depar-
and keys, foreign coins,
Muirshiel: 13:00 hrs. Call ture. tel 01505 842 803 for bank notes and mobile
01505 842 803 & bookings days of operation & bookings phones.
Collection point - the Lochwinnoch
Wednesday 28th March Library.
Lochwinnoch Cemetery Walk
Join Feeling Fitter Folk on a
level 1B walk following the
Calder River past old mills and
new housing to the cemetery
on the outskirts of the village
returning by way of the golf
club. (5km). Meet at Castle
Semple Centre For All Your Garage Door Needs
13:15 hrs. Call for more infor- Garage Doors . Remote Control Openers
mation 01505 842 882 Installation . Repairs . Spares


Chatterbox is produced for the Community Council FREE INSURANCE REPORTS 01786 820130 STIRLING
of Lochwinnoch through financial assistance by
Lochwinnoch Community Council, Renfrewshire
Council and advertisements. The editor welcomes all
items for possible inclusion but will reserve all rights
The Cross, Lochwinnoch PA12 4DB
over them. All views are of individuals. The editor
accepts no liability for errors
(10 mins from Glasgow Airport on A737)

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