Hotel Proposals

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于峰飞 编 常文心 译

Preface Hotels of the Future
their “home”, rather than the usual character
of impersonal, monastic cells. The rooms
Luxurious Resort Atmosphere
at the Monaco Hotel on Lar votto Bay are
At thei r best, hotel s can of fe r a un ique Ernest Hemingway once said that “When I
configured in a shifting rhythm of “boxes
前 言 journey to a new, magical place. Around the
world, as our cities tend to look more and
in the sky” that provide a rich variety and
dream of an afterlife in heaven, it is always
set in the Ritz” – referring to the famous hotel
flexibility in layout. The units are transformed
more the same, travellers are increasingly in Paris. This desire for comfort and luxury is a
into individual, home-like environments, with
demanding to have a special, one-of-a-kind universal human condition, and represents
two-storey spaces, flowing spaces and walls
experience when choosing and staying in a c r uci a l i ng red i ent i n succes s f u l hote l
that open up to views of the coast.
hotels. design. Water front proposals such as the
This stunning book takes a fresh look at Monaco Hotel on Larvotto Bay effectively
current and future innovative approaches convey this elegant quality by configuring
that re-interpret hotel design. The projects 人情味的小隔间。摩纳哥酒店采用一系列具有韵律感的“空 spacious courts and sophisticated volumes.
contained in the following pages create 中盒子”打造了丰富而灵活的布局。客房被改造成个性的家 A sumptuous ambience i s opti m i sed by
spectacular environments that transcend 居环境,两层漂浮空间朝向海岸。 maximising the connection to the sea.
and transform the typical accommodation
of reception lobby, conference facilities, Iconic Urban Marker 兹酒店(巴黎著名酒店)为蓝图。”舒适和奢华是人类的普遍
banquet rooms, guest rooms and amenities 城市地标建筑 愿望,同时也是成功的酒店设计的重要元素。摩纳哥酒店等
such as restaurants, lounges, retail shops,
night clubs and spas. These hotel proposals Histor ically, a large propor tion of hotels 滨水设计方案,通过宽敞的庭院和精致的空间设计有效地传
provide some inspired answers to a timeless, have been business-oriented establishments 达了这一优雅的品质。与海洋最大限度的连接进一步优化了
un ive r sa l question – how to p rovide located in dense urban centres. Several hotel 酒店奢华的氛围。

comfor table and memorable places for designs in the book effectively respond to this
context by creating striking civic landmarks Dreams, Fantasy and Metaphors
visitors to stay.
T h e d i f fe re nt a p p ro a c h e s u s e d by t h e with their dynamic sculptural forms, while 梦想、奇幻和隐喻
James Mary O’Connor, AIA architects to create the fabulous solutions sheltering oases of serenity within the city. Entertainment and movies-related imagery
These include the International Hotel and h a ve b e c o m e a u n i ve r s a l p a r t o f o u r
Principal in this book can be grouped into several
Business Centre in Yerevan, Armenia and consciousness and popula r culture. The
prominent themes.
Moore Ruble Yudell Architects & Planners the Wanhao Century Centre and South West Code Un ique Hotel i n D uba i p resents a
在最佳状态,酒店能够为宾客提供全新的神奇之旅。全世界 Hotel in Beijing. strong character by evoking the matrix-like
的城市正趋近于相似,游客们越来越希望在选择和入住酒 vocabulary of computers and science-fiction
I n h i s 3 0 -ye a r ca re e r, a rch ite ct J a m es M a r y O' Co n n o r, A I A , h a s 店时能够享有独一无二的体验。 从历史上讲,一大部分酒店都拥有商务背景,坐落在人口密
elements. At the same time, its abstracted
demonstrated a steadfast, passionate commitment to design excellence. 本书以全新的视角探索了现在和未来的创新设计方案,重 集的城市中心。本书中的一些酒店设计反映了这一前提,以
design refers back to Arabic vernacular
James has provided inspired design leadership for numerous large-scale, 新诠释了酒店设计。本书所挑选的项目打造了奇妙的酒店环
境,超越并改造了典型的前台大堂、会议设施、宴会厅、客房 中打造了宁静的绿洲。本书中的此类设计包括:埃里温国际 architecture in a contemporary way.
innovative hotel, commercial, residential, mixed-use and planning projects 和娱乐设施(餐厅、休息室、零售商店、夜店和洗浴中心)布 酒店和商务中心、北京万豪世纪中心和西南酒店。
throughout the United States and the world. The current Grangegorman 局。这些酒店设计方案有创意地回答了一个永恒的问题——
Magnificent Amenities
怎样为宾客提供舒适而难忘的住宿空间。 电影元素。同时,它的抽象设计以现代方式诠释了阿拉伯本
Urban Quarter Master Plan in Dublin, Ireland represents the largest higher- 本书中建筑师所采用的各种非凡的设计方案可以被分为几个 华丽的娱乐设施 土建筑。
education campus development ever undertaken in the history of the 突出的主题。 All of the hotel designs provide attractive,
state of Ireland, and is likely to set an influential standard for future campus excit i n g fo ca l p o i nt s to a cco m m od ate Unique Sense of Identity
Exuberant Architectural Expression social activities and amenities including 独一无二的认同感
and urban development projects. The Master Plan design for the COFCO 丰富的建筑表现形式 restaurants, bars, and lounges. These special Although thei r specif ic site set tings,
Agricultural Eco-Valley Project outside Beijing envisions a state-of-the-art Whereas hotels in the past have tended elements are often located on the top floors geographical contexts and design
sustainable project that will become the first net zero-carbon project of its to be functional and standardised in their to optimise views and serve as lanterns for a p p ro a c h e s ca n b e ve r y d i f fe re nt, a l l
design and image, architects today are the hotel. In contrast, the South West Hotel in th e h ote l d es i g n s i n th i s b oo k s ucceed
kind in the world. constantly “raising the bar” in producing Beijing gradually reveals itself from within and brilliantly in achieving the same ultimate
highly expressive designs to make hotels below. The visitor is taken on a stimulating goal – creating a magnificent ambience
Awards highly individual and distinctive from each j o u r n ey o f i nte r n a l d i s cove r y, t h r o u g h and enhancing the sense of ar r ival at a
other. As abundantly made clear by the dramatic, light-filled atriums and sinuous unique destination. These contemporar y
James’ efforts as Principal-in-Charge on projects helped Moore Ruble Yudell designs in the book, the focus for hotels in passages. hotel projects illustrate how architects are
Architects & Planners in Santa Monica, California, win the coveted American the future will be less about branding and continually exploring innovation in terms
Institute of Architects (AIA) National Firm Award in 2006 – the highest uniformity, and more about diversity of styles, 所有酒店设计都提供具有吸引力的焦点来设置社交活动场
of s h a p i n g p u b l i c s p a ce, a rch ite ct u ra l
kinetic movement and conceptual audacity. expression, selecting materials, configuring
award bestowed by the AIA each year. For his outstanding achievements, T he Wa n hao Cent u r y Cent re p roj ect i n 于顶楼,以优化视野并作为酒店的明灯。与此相反,北京西
gardens and landscaping, incorporating
James has also received the AIA Young Architect Award, cited as "a virtual Beijing presents a powerful form of paired
state-of-the-art sustainable strategies, and
ambassador for American architects… he brings excellence, humanity, and towers evoking the gnarled, columnar rocks even using science-fiction metaphors.
in a traditional Chinese garden, to symbolise Woven Landscapes
honour to his profession." the project as a fulcrum, a turning point 尽管场地设置、地理环境和设计方案各有不同,本书的全部
between the past and future. 酒店设计方案都成功地实现了相同的终极目标——打造了华
Proposa l s l i ke the Hotel Reso r t M ivka i n 丽的氛围并提升了独一无二的到达感。这些现代酒店项目阐
詹姆斯・玛丽・奥康纳, 美国建筑师协会会员 过去的酒店注重功能价值以及设计和形象的标准化。如今 Sl oven ia and Aghobi l i Hotel i n Geo rg ia 释了建筑师是如何不断的在塑造公共空间、建筑表达、选择
负责人 的建筑师不断提升标准,打造具有高度表现力的设计,让酒 offer a relaxing atmosphere that is closely 材料、配置花园和景观、运用最新可持续策略、乃至采用科
摩尔・卢堡・尤戴尔建筑和规划事务所 店独树一帜。如本书中的设计所示,未来酒店将不再注重品 integrated into their lush natural surroundings. 幻隐喻等方面探索创新的。
牌化和一致性,而是更加注重风格、活力和概念创新的多样 The Mivka building utilises a “constructed
在三十年的职业生涯中,建筑师詹姆斯・玛丽・奥康纳坚定并热情地投入到对卓越设计的追求之中。詹姆斯已经为许多在美 化。北京万豪世纪中心项目呈现了双子塔的有力造型,模仿 landscape” concept of tree and foliage Cutting-edge design, weaving inside-outside
国及世界各地的大型的、创新的酒店、商业、住宅、多功能和规划项目提供了富有创造力的设计指导。目前,在爱尔兰都柏林的 了中式园林里扭曲的柱状岩石,象征着项目是一个支点,一
fo r ms on the façades to intimately fuse and blurring dreams, fantasy and reality – all
Grangegorman总体规划是这个国家有史以来最大的高等教育规划,并且有可能为未来的校园和城市发展项目树立一个有影 个连接过去和未来的转折点。 these elements can come together to shape
响力的标准。北京郊外的中粮农业生态谷项目的总体规划预计成为最先进的可持续发展项目,该项目将成为世界上同类项目 nature with the built environment – the hotel
essentially becomes part of the forested hills. the outstanding hotels of the future.
的第一个净零碳。 Home in a Foreign Land
异国他乡的家 斯洛文尼亚的米瓦卡度假酒店和格鲁吉亚的阿果比利酒店 先 锋 设 计、内 外 部 空 间 的 编 织、梦 想、奇 幻 和 现 实 的 模
奖项 糊——这些元素结合在一起,共同形成了未来的杰出酒店。
詹姆斯作为项目主要负责人所作的努力帮助加利福尼亚圣莫尼卡的摩尔・卢堡・尤戴尔建筑和规划事务所赢得了梦寐以求的 The inter ior and exter ior design of hotel 亲近苍翠繁茂的自然环境,为宾客提供了放松的氛围。米瓦
美国建筑师协会(AIA)2006年全国企业奖——每年由美国建筑师协会颁发的最高奖。出于他的杰出成就,詹姆斯也被授予 g u e s t r o o m s h a ve b e c o m e i m p o r t a n t 卡度假酒店采用“结构景观”概念,利用外立面的树木和植
了美国建筑师协会青年建筑师奖, 他被赞许为“美国建筑师的一位虚拟大使…… 他为他的职业带来了卓越、人性和荣誉”。 considerations for many travellers seeking 物将酒店与自然融合在一起,让酒店成为了青山的一部分。
an experience that is more an extension of
目 录
Business Hotels 102 Hilton Hotel, Ordos 194 Oceana Hotel
商业酒店 鄂尔多斯希尔顿酒店 海洋酒店
6 Beijing Wanhao Century Centre 106 Hotel IJDock, Amsterdam 202 “Plaza” Hotel in Darłowo
北京万豪世纪中心 阿姆斯特丹IJ码头酒店 达尔洛沃广场酒店
12 South West Hotel 112 Music and Lifestyle Hotel nhow Berlin 206 Hotel Resort Mivka
西南酒店 柏林恩豪音乐与生活酒店 米瓦卡度假酒店
20 Taj Lands End Hotel 118 Tehran Business Hotel 212 Mountain Hotel
泰姬陵大陆酒店 德黑兰商务酒店 高山酒店
26 International Hotel and Business 126 “H’Otello” Hotel Berlin 218 Crown Resort Montafon
Centre in Yerevan 柏林奥赛罗酒店 蒙塔丰皇冠度假村
埃里温国际酒店和商务中心 130 Hotel Le Petit Piaf 222 Aghobili Hotel
30 Studio City Hotel – Code Unique 小皮亚芙酒店 阿果比利酒店
Hotel Resort Hotels 226 Land Development for Complex
电影城酒店——密码特色酒店 度假酒店 “Šipčanik”
38 Bella Sky Hotel 136 Monaco Hotel 斯皮卡尼克度假村
贝拉天空酒店 摩纳哥酒店 Green Hotels
42 Delano + Mondrian 142 Isla Moda 绿色酒店
德拉诺+蒙德里安酒店 时尚岛 230 Ark Hotel
50 The Frame 148 Seven Star Hotel,Tianjin 方舟酒店
框架酒店 天津七星酒店 240 Hotel Ray
56 Continental Tower Stockholm 158 Headlands Hotel 光线酒店
斯德哥尔摩大陆酒店 海角酒店 246 Paineiras Hotel Complex
66 Regent Emirates Pearl 164 Rimini Seascape 佩内拉斯酒店
摄政埃米尔明珠酒店 里米尼海景 254 Complex Hotel Paineira
72 Spear Tower Hotel 170 Beirut Marina Resort 佩奈拉酒店
斯皮尔塔酒店 贝鲁特码头度假村 260 Xi’an Vip Hotel
78 Sochi Doubletree Hotel 176 Mermaid 2 西安园艺博览会精品酒店
索契逸林酒店 美人鱼2号度假村 264 “1” Hotel
88 Schwabinger Tor Hotel 180 Caya 1酒店
施瓦宾格石山酒店 卡亚酒店 272 Exhibition Centre Hotel
90 Puddle Dock Hotel 184 Resorts World Sentosa 展览中心酒店
水潭码头酒店 圣淘沙名胜世界 280 Mayland Seaside Hotel
98 Wembley Hotel 190 Taj Exotica – Golf Resort & Spa 美林海岸酒店
温布利酒店 泰姬珍品高尔夫度假村和水疗中心 286 Index
Beijing Wanhao Century Centre

Location: Beijing, China Designer: Moore Ruble horizontal proportions of the hotel. On the hotel 作为一个21世纪国际化大都市,北京面对着非凡的挑战和机会。
Yudell (Principal-in-Charge: Janes Mary O'Connor horizontal bay windows and a strong division 万豪世纪中心的有力位置让它成为了一个支点,一个过去和未来
AIA Partner: John Ruble FAIA Senior Associate: Halil of base, middle, and top floors help to express 之间的转折点,为北京的建设开创了一个重要的范例。
Dolan) Competition date: 2007 Competition name: the different parts of the complex programme, 世纪中心的建筑造型在办公楼的垂直度和酒店的水平比例之间
Design Competition for Beijing Wanhao Century Centre and keep the horizontal texture of the façades. 划分了明确的界限。酒店的水平凸窗以及建筑底座、中部和上层
Construction area: 272,713 sqm Place in the competition: 的分区表现了建筑的规划,保证了外墙的水平纹理。办公楼的底
The office towers are boldly formed with a base
First Prize 座由石材和玻璃带组成,上方是巨大的金属框架和玻璃幕墙,直
shaft of stone and glass bands, from which large 达天际。建筑与景观都采用了直线与曲线的对比。这一阴阳理念
项目地点:中国,北京 设计师:摩尔・卢堡・尤戴尔 (主要负责人:詹 vertical volumes of metal frame and glass are 在办公楼的设计中尤为突出,它对称的曲线玻璃造型成为了建筑
姆斯・玛丽・奥康纳AIA 合伙人:约翰・卢布FAIA 高级助理:哈利勒・ suspended and appear to move up towards the 最显著的特点。
杜兰) 竞赛时间:2007年 竞赛名称:北京万豪世纪中心设计竞赛 建筑 sky. Both the buildings and the landscape play 项目的商业规划和设计限制让两座塔楼和酒店(其他方案中称其
面积:272,713平方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖
straight-line geometries against soft curves. This 为第三座塔楼)采取了相似的设计。设计师对紫禁城中扭曲的柱
Awarded reason: formal yin-yang concept is grandly declared 状岩石(一些可达6米高)印象深刻。正如中国南部桂林令人眼花
Moore Ruble Yudell’s iconic design for the by the office tower, with its nearly-symmetrical 缭乱的小山一样,这些奇石独具中国特色,也是大规模城市造型
cur ved volumes of glass giving the towers a 的恰当比喻。这些奇石的造型是办公楼的设计模型,两座几乎对
Wanhao Century Centre offers the opportunity
memorable profile. 称的塔楼便由此抽象而来,弓形侧面以凸出的空间为特色。在分
to demonstrate how contemporary architecture
In this project, the commercial programme 裂的塔楼结构的十字轴线上,三楼的天桥连接了办公楼和酒店。
can meet this unique set of conditions, while and planning limits suggested two towers and
bringing exceptional value and prestige to an the hotel, which other competitors treated as a
important new project. third tower, producing very similar designs. The
designers had been impressed with the gnarled,
columnar rocks – some nearly twenty feet tall –
建筑是如何满足特殊的条件的,并且为项目带来了非凡的价值 that they saw in gardens in the Forbidden City.
和声誉。 Like the vertiginous mini-mountains of Qui Lin
in southern China, these grotesque forms seem
With its rapid transformation into a 21st-century uniquely Chinese, and a fine metaphor for a
world city, Beijing faces extraordinary challenges large-scale urban form. As the modelling of
and oppo r tunities. With its ver y auspicious the office buildings proceeded, these shapes
location in the city, Wanhao Century Centre can were abstracted in a nearly-symmetrical pairing
become a fulcrum, a turning point between the of the towers into a single monumental form,
past and future, setting an important example whose gently bowed sides featured massive
for new development in Beijing. projecting volumes. At the cross-axis of the split
T h e m a s s i n g o f t h e C e nt u r y C e nt r e’s tower a three-storey bridge links the offices to
architecture creates a clear distinction between the hotel.
the ver ticalit y of the office towers and the

main facade view along the street


night view of the hotel with lighting


exterior courtyard of the hotel

the hotel atrium with green plants


south section & elevation east elevation

南侧立面及剖面图 东侧立面图

landmarks and threshold dynamic and static-safe urban centres and texture
地标与门槛 动静皆宜 都市中心与纹理

vertical and horizontal movement couple hardness with softness contrast between hollowness and reality
垂直与水平动感 刚柔并济 虚实对比

flinch and take a view exterior façade and atrium plaza and green space
退缩 取景 外墙与中庭 广场与绿地

10 11
South West Hotel

Location: Beijing, China Designer: Henn Architects Design

& Research Studio Photographer: Henn Architects Design
& Research Studio Competition date: 2010 Competition
name: South West Hotel Competition Site area: 100,000
sqm Place in the competition: Second Prize

项目地点:中国,北京 设计师:汉恩建筑设计和研究工作室 摄影师:汉

恩建筑设计和研究工作室 竞赛时间:2010年 竞赛名称:西南酒店竞赛
占地面积:100,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:二等奖

The South West Hotel is situated at a major

traffic junction between West Fourth Ring Road
and Lianhua Road. The multipurpose complex
has three main functions: a five-star business
hotel with 340 beds, conference rooms and a
multipurpose hall; commercial space for stores,
cinemas, restaurants, clubs and cafés and a
department store; and office space for short-
term lease.
The complex is situated around a central inner
courtyard and culminates in the 15-storey hotel
tower, whose sweeping form picks up on the
dynamic urban context and from a distance
rises above the complex as a clearly visible
landmark. The shared inner courtyard connects
the different functions and offers guests and
visitors a place of retreat – an oasis amidst the
noise and hectic pace of the city.
The contrasting qualities of the exterior and
interior are reflected in the building envelope:
towards the inner courtyard, the transparent,
horizontally structured façade has recessed
ba l con ies and ga rdens fo r re l a xati on and
respite. By contrast, the outward-facing façade
is designed as a multipurpose skin spanning
th e va r i o us f u n ct i o n s of t h e co m p l ex a n d
uniting them in the appearance of a large and
consistent whole.
This homogeneous surface simultaneously serves
as a screen for a media and light installation
that is projected into the city day and night. A
matrix of LED modules forms a backdrop to a
large billboard, whose images are translated
i nto f i e l d s of co l o u r a n d l i g ht. T h e m e d i a
installation in this way acts as a visual amplifier,
echoing the advertising content over the entire
building façade and enhancing its architectural
and urban value: The South West Hotel – an
Architectural Advertising Amplifier.
的广告内容,同时也提升了建筑的城市价值——西南酒店是一 night view of the hotel
个超大的建筑广告。 夜幕中的酒店

12 13
main entrance of the hotel hotel roof garden
酒店主入口 酒店屋顶花园

the entrance of the shopping area


shopping area of the hotel


14 15
hotel lobby
1 total programme 2 shared centre 3 tower as a landmark
总方案 共享大厅 地标塔

4 dynamic silhouette 5 green public space 6 masterplan

动态剪影 公共绿地 总体规划

16 17
first floor plan second floor plan
一层平面图 二层平面图 third floor plan fourth floor plan
三层平面图 四层平面图

west elevations

south elevations

18 19
Taj Lands End Hotel
the hotel at dusk


Location: Mumbai, India Designer: Yazdani Studio the view of hotel with conferencing center
of Cannon Design Photographer: Yazdani Studio of 酒店与其附属会议中心
Cannon Design Competition date: 2010 Competition
name: Taj Lands End Hotel Competition Place in the
competition: Competition Entry

项目地点:印度,孟买 设计师:佳能设计中的雅兹达尼工作室 摄影师:佳

能设计中的雅兹达尼工作室 竞赛时间:2010年 竞赛名称:泰姬陵大陆酒
店竞赛 竞赛所获名次:竞赛入围

In a single sweeping gesture, the “wave” gathers

the multitude of public and private spaces within
the new hotel into a seamless composition,
immediately iconic against the rectilinear skyline
of Mumbai. This graceful arc also echoes the form
of multiple bays that make up the city’s western
edge, and makes visual reference to the new
Sea Link Bridge adjacent to the site.
At the trough of the wave along its western
and southern edges is a cascade of terraces
and decks, which extend the outdoor event
spaces of the hotel into the foreshore area and
connect them to the sea’s edge beyond. Within
its generous base, lobbies, banquet spaces,
restaurants and retail functions surround a rising
sky lit atrium. The arc of the wave rises towards
the north end of the site, offering the rooms
within dramatic city and sea views, and also
preserving views from Taj Lands End. At mid-
height are hotel guest suites, and above it are
articulated private residences with spectacular
views and windswept verandahs, which create
a distinguished termination point at the crest.
Rather than being composed of a set of façades,
the hotel is expressed as a refined volume shaped
by parallel fins which rise, fall, bend and extend
to encompass multiple spatial experiences. The
arrangement of the fins is responsive to solar hotel showing adjacency to existing hotel
direction – fins run vertically along the east and
west façades and horizontally along the south
façade, protecting the building from direct
The materials' palette extends the expression of
inherent luxury – the designers suggest the use of
local stone, polished wood and fabric that are
opulent by virtue of natural texture, tone, pattern,
and in the manner they reflect or transmit light.
By day, the stone-cladded forms of the hotels will
appear serene, at dusk they will turn opalescent
as they capture the colours of the setting sun,
and by night they will glow with light within.
This design approach reflects the understated
elegance of the Taj luxury brand, building upon
the site and its inherent potential, and presenting
a timeless architectural statement for a landmark
将建筑照亮。这一设计方式反映了泰姬陵品牌低调的优雅与其 site plan
内在的潜力,同时也打造了一座经典的地标式建筑。 酒店位置图

20 21
café, outdoor dining looking out on ocean

entry drop off


conceptual sketch of the wave and overall site


conceptual sketch of hotel at night


22 23
interior view of lobby

24 25
International Hotel and Business Centre in Yerevan

Location: Yerevan, Armenia Designer: Luís Banazol

Photographer: Luís Banazol Competition date: 2010
Competition name: Architectural Concept for an
International Business Centre with an InterContinental
Hotel in the City of Yerevan Site area: 17,806 sqm Place
in the competition: Proposal

项目地点:亚美尼亚,埃里温 设计师:路易斯・巴纳祖尔 摄影师:路易

斯・巴纳祖尔 竞赛时间:2010年 竞赛名称:埃里温国际商务中心和洲际
酒店建筑概念竞赛 占地面积:17,806平方米 竞赛所获名次:方案

In a high point of Yeveran, which is a privileged

and highlighted zone, the new inter-continental
complex will become an important city
the harmony of the hotel building
Art expresses the way that people live and think.
and its outside environment
It represents our own existence. Technology
transports us beyond that existence. We can feel
her everyday in our homes, crossing the planet, hotel façade
connecting everything and everyone. Man is over 酒店建筑外观
matter. Art and technology are acting together.
The image of a universal net is reflected in space
in a unique object. Space and light become one
in an experience we are part of. We belong to
such a space, we feel it with all our senses. We
are that net. This building is where that relation
come true.
As it was mentioned before, the designers
believed that this building would become an
architectural mark in the urban scenario of
the city. The expression of the concept in its
materialisation act, points to the creation of an
object that claims itself as a synthesised product
of art and technology, in which the designers
contribute strongly to realise this idea.
The façade becomes a fundamental element
to the iconic expression of the building and it’s
affirmation as a reference in the urban context.
It's the combination of a metallic mesh and bamboo.

26 27
the visible hotel logo


the outdoor beautiful scenery could be seen inside


28 29
Studio City Hotel – Code Unique Hotel
main facade view along the street

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Designer: Söhne
& Partners Photographer: Miss 3 Competition date: 2008
Competition name: Studio City Hotel – Dubai Site area:
40,000 sqm Place in the competition: First Prize

项目地点:阿联酋,迪拜 设计师:索耐事务所 摄影师:密斯3 竞赛时

间:2008年 竞赛名称:迪拜电影城酒店竞赛 占地面积:40,000平方米

Awarded reason:
One of the main reasons was that the Hotel was
the best organised in matter of all the functions it
had to include. The floor plans solved best.

Now Dubai is going to make films and create

fictions. Dubai Studio City will be the next Mecca
of the global illusions-industry. It is a logical
consequence of Dubai’s city history. Following the
essence of Paul Auster’s statement, Dubai found
his new way to create fictions in making movies.
In this context the strongest expressions for fictions
are science fiction movies, because in science
fiction movies the journey goes on and never aerial view of the hotel
ends; it’s just a question of creativity. The medium 酒店鸟瞰图
for the fiction trip is the spaceship. The Hotel is also
designed as a medium for hospitality, but not a
spaceship, because it can not fly – just in movies.
So it is the inverse of a spaceship – a space
harbour for business people, actors and people
who want to taste the atmosphere of illusions.
As a metaphore, the harbour stands for a way
through, an interface – a place where illusions are
coming true or become new challenges. Hotels
are quite similar, because people in a hotel are
also on a way through and looking forward to the
next future.
The Code Unique Hotel at Dubai Studio City is
a place for offering a premium service to all
travellers with the best amenities to make the stay
of the guests more pleasurable and especially
The façade gives the hotel the name, it is not only
an eye-catcher – the implication of the façade
structure is a code – a special matrix code to be
named – QR (Quick Response) Code.

30 31
night view of the hotel with lighting

side view of the façade


32 33
hotel lobby & reception
大堂及前台 hotel entrance

lobby hotel courtyard

大堂 酒店庭院

34 35
neighbourhood landscape
酒店周围的景观设计 fitness bar ball room business centre
健身 酒吧 球室 商务中心

rooftop bar / terrace


hotel suites
executive lounge

executive rooms

hotel rooms

restaurant lounge

main lobby parking back of the house

主大堂 停车场 后厅

ball room courtyard business centre

球室 庭院 商务中心

hotel suites

executive rooms

hotel rooms
hotel rooms 酒店客房
business centre
back of the house 酒吧
后厅 all day dining

back of the house

停车场 parking

delivery area

36 37
Bella Sky Hotel

Location: Copenhagen, Denma r k Designer: 3XN place for the two-tower hotel. The master plan is ready for large events like the Copenhagen
Photographer: Adam Mørk Design date: 2006 Site flexible and may be executed in several phases. International Fashion Fair - the time with rooms
area: 25,650 sqm Construction area: 42,000 sqm It draws upon the classical urban weave of for rent.
项目地点:丹麦,哥本哈根 设计师:3XN 摄影师:亚当・默克 设计时 rectangular streets and blocks, but leaves each
间:2006年 占地面积:25,650平方米 建筑面积:42,000平方米 field open to interpretation. 这座由3XN设计的地标式酒店和会议中心是哥本哈根最著名的
The two hotel towers stand close as a pair, yet 升级将为自身增添城市气息,其扩建工程得益于有利的地理位
A new landmark hotel and conference centre seem a little shy; the towers incline in opposite 置。中心坐落在旧城区和奥莱斯塔德之间,连接了两个重要的活
designed by 3XN is the first step of the long- directions. The reason for this is to obtain an 动区域,同时也临近地铁和哥本哈根机场。
anticipated ex tension of the Bel la Cent re, unobstructed view from all rooms in each tower 首先,3XN为整个贝拉中心地区设计了一个总体规划,以确立双
Copenhagen’s famous congress centre. The of the flat landscape. The sky was not the limit 子塔酒店的位置。总体规划具有灵活性,将分阶段进行。它以经
upgrade of Bella Centre will add an urban in this case; flight safety requires a max tower 典的矩形街道和街区网格为基础,每块场地都有开放式规划。
feeling to the place, and the extension will height of 75 metres (25 floors) - this site is close to 酒店的双子塔相互靠近,略显羞涩,二者朝向对立的方向。这一
immediately benefit from Bella Centre’s perfect 设计让每座塔中的房间都享有不受遮挡的风景。由于位置接近
the airport, so one tall tower was not an option. 机场,楼高不能超过75米,所以建筑并没有过高。
location: situated between the old city core and Wind considerations as well as a wish for a 其中一座塔顶端的扭曲造型解决了风力要求,也形成了地标造
Orestad; Copenhagen’s growth centre, Bella landmark signal caused the top twist of one 型;而另一座塔底部的扭曲造型则显示了清晰的入口。酒店大堂
Centre is connected to two important worlds of tower, while the wish for a clearly indicated 与贝拉中心原有的入口大厅融为一体,使酒店与中心真正地结
activities, and furthermore it’s close to the metro ent rance caused the g round floo r t w i st of 合在一起,可以举办各种大型活动,如哥本哈根国际时装节,而
as well as the Copenhagen Airport. the other tower. The hotel lobby is merging 其他的客房则可以出租。
Initially, 3XN has worked out a master plan for into the existing entrance lobby of the Bella
the entire Bella Centre area to establish the right Centre, making the hotel a true integrated part,

38 39
south elevation west elevation
南侧立面图 西侧立面图

40 41
Delano + Mondrian
bottom view of the hotel tower


Location: Las Vegas, USA Designer: Oppenheim Mondrian lobby floor plan
Architecture+Design, in association with Klai Juba 蒙德里安酒店大堂平面图
Renderings: Javier Galino and Dbox Competition date:
2006 Competition name: Delano + Mondrian Urban
Resort Hotel Competition Construction area: 163,000

项目地点:美国,拉斯维加斯 设计师:奥本海姆建筑设计公司和克莱・
朱巴 效果图:哈维尔・加利诺和Dbox公司 竞赛时间:2006年 竞赛名
称:德拉诺+蒙德里安都市度假酒店竞赛 建筑面积:163,000平方米

The cha l l enge set fo r th wa s to devi se t wo

di sti nct hotel ex pe r iences unde r si ng le
ownership, amplifying efficiency as well as the
distinction of each. Innovative manipulations
of programme maximise pleasure and
profitability. Both hotels capture the essence of
the world-renowned resorts of which they were
spawn – yet create an entirely new hospitality
ex pe r ience that w i l l d i sti ng ui sh th i s Vega s
property from all others on The Strip. Function
fuses with fantasy as an ethereal, white steel
diamond str uctured Delano floats 4 0 0 feet Comprising 1,40 0 rooms, suites, penthouses, 截然不同的酒店体验。功能性与想象力结合在一起,酒店呈
above the ground supported by the tip of the bungalows, a three-storey rooftop spa (Delano), 飘渺的白色钢铁钻石造型的德拉诺酒店距离地面120米,通
Mondrian and a delicate core encased by large rooftop skybar (Mondrian), activity deck and 过蒙德里安酒店的尖端和LED灯光环绕的精美核结构支撑。
pixeled LEDs. The light and wispy Delano forms 40 0 -foot rock climbing wall – ever y sur face 里安酒店则坚固而厚重,其灵感来自于库布里克导演的电影
a platform in the clouds for dreaming while the of the architecture has been finely tuned to 《2001太空漫游》中的庞然大物。阶式花园和水池在视觉和
Mondrian is solid and impenetrable, inspired by increase enjoyment in this adult playground. 位置上与塔楼结合在一起,与内在化的典型拉斯维加斯酒店
the monolith in Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey. 大相径庭。酒店由1,400间客房、套房、顶层公寓、别墅、
Cascading gardens and pools integrate visually 项目的挑战在于在同一座建筑中设计两种截然不同的酒店体 一个三层屋顶水疗中心(位于德拉诺酒店)、屋顶空中酒吧
and physically with the towers – a foil to the 验,并且放大二者的功效和个性。创新性的项目操作将最大 (位于蒙德里安酒店)、活动平台和120米高的攀岩墙组成。
typical internalised experience of a Vegas hotel. 化愉悦感和收益性。两家酒店拥有这个举世闻名的景点的本 建筑的每个平面都得到了精心设计,以增强这个成人游乐场
质特征,同时又打造了与拉斯维加斯条形区域上其他酒店所 的乐趣。

42 43
porte cochere

Delano pool & bungalows


outdoor pool of Mondrian


Delano Mondrian interstitial plan Delano lobby floor plan

德拉诺+蒙德里安酒店空隙部分平面图 德拉诺酒店大堂平面图

44 45
46 47
typical floor plan

spa floor plan


sky bar floor plan


Delano penthouse floor plan


48 49
The Frame

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Designer: IAD,

International Architecture Development Photographer:
Alberto Santa Maria Competition date: 2008 Site area:
70,000 sqm Competition name: Villa Moda Luxury Hotel
Competition Place in the competition: Second Prize

项目地点:阿联酋,迪拜 设计师:IAD,国际建筑开发公司 摄影师:阿

尔贝托・桑塔・玛利亚 竞赛时间:2008年 占地面积:70,000平方米 竞
赛名称:时尚别墅奢华酒店竞赛 竞赛所获名次:二等奖

Awarded reason:
Impact of the project, completion of the urban

The first step consisted in defining a visual and

constructive frame for the building. This frame
would determine not only the exterior façade of
the hotel but the physical limits of built-up areas.
The response to such a simple formal approach
was to create a complex dialogue between
each separate architectural or landscaping
An urban and vertical garden has been the
response to the massive hotel building, as
an inverse piece, a friendly opposite that
complements and allows the dark prism of the
hotel to breathe. The force of the metaphorically
plant-like structure cut-out from the constructive
frame it supports is what provides meaning for the
vertical garden. To walk among these structural
elements covered in vegetation is like living in
and amongst the trees.
The skin respects the plant-like structure and plays
with it. It is cut along the branches of the structure
and passes before and behind it, a movement
generated by the programmatic organisation.
In this manner, the structure disappears, allowing
the fenestration patterns of the curtain wall to
be seen in the tourist section of the hotel, only
to reappear and reaffirm itself as structure in the
area corresponding to the immense executive
hotel atrium. The skin, a prism that becomes
almost transparent in the exclusive hotel zone is
where one begins to see the peaks of "iceberg"
formations, exclusive penthouse duplexes among
a luxurious white and naturally green universe.
These same icebergs appear, as if in a déjà-vu
but this time from underneath, suspended from
the commercial floor of the main lobby.


50 51
greening atrium with plants greening atrium with plants
植物环绕下的酒店中庭 植物环绕下的酒店中庭

52 53
level 00 lobby gallery level 01 gallery
底层 美术馆前厅 一层 美术馆

level 08 business hotel level 14 exclusive hotel lobby

八层 商务酒店 十四层 独家酒店大堂

level 19 exclusive hotel level 21 bungalow hotel

十九层 独家酒店 二十一层 酒店别墅区

54 55
Continental Tower Stockholm
main facade view from the square


Location: Stockholm, Sweden Designer: C. F. Møller

Architects Photographer: C. F. Møller Architects
Competition date: 2009 Competition name: Competition
for Continental Tower Stockholm Construction area:
20,000 sqm Place in the competition: First Prize

项目地点:瑞典,斯德哥尔摩 设计师:C. F.穆勒建筑事务所 摄影师:C.

F.穆勒建筑事务所 竞赛时间:2009年 竞赛名称:斯德哥尔摩大陆酒店
竞赛 建筑面积:20,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖

The tower block constr uction in Stock holm

ha s been p l an ned i n con nect i on w ith the
extension of the City Line rail link. The hotel is
situated in central Stockholm and Stockholm's
Central Station with trains, buses, and metro
is conveniently located opposite the hotel.
The complex of 100 metres, the equivalent of
approximately 30 storeys, will include a hotel,
offices and possibly housing. The building will be
equipped with an entrance to a new station at
street level directly opposite the city’s old main
railway station, Centralen, and will therefore be
a landmark for Stockholm’s new metro.
C. F. Møller’s design is based on a concept of
multi-function, a building where many varying
uses can take place simultaneously. The tower
draws inspiration from the city of Stockholm, an
example of which is Stockholm’s largest church
Klara kyrka situated right next to the site.
The project reinterprets the city’s beautiful town
hall and classic church steeples, which make
up the city’s historic landmarks and create
Stockholm’s historic skyline, but at the same time
integrates the unique urban feeling defining the
area around the Central Station.
C. F.穆勒的设计以多功能为设计基础,可以同时拥有多种多样

56 57
exterior view of the hotel at night exterior view along the street
酒店外部夜景 外部街景

sky bar

58 59
roof garden hotel skin details
屋顶花园 酒店表皮细节

business area

hotel restaurant escalator view

酒店餐厅 自动扶梯间

60 61
level 06 conference centre level 11 standard rooms
六层 会议中心 十一层 标准间

level 15 restaurant roof garden level 16 deluxe rooms

level 03 entrance
十五层 屋顶花园餐厅 十六层 豪华客房
三层 入口

level 04 entrance level 05 reception level 17 luxury appartments level 29 skybar

四层 入口 五层 前台 十七层 豪华公寓 二十九层 空中酒吧

62 63
subway section escalator section section
地铁剖面图 扶梯间剖面图 剖面图

east facade west facade south facade north facade

东侧立面图 西侧立面图 南侧立面图 北侧立面图

64 65
Regent Emirates Pearl
the majestic hotel building


Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Designer: the Emirates Palace Hotel. The tower is placed F u r t h e r m o re, t h i s c re ate s a d y n a m i c a n d
DL architects in association Söhne & Partner architects on a plot of land 170 metres long and 65 metres fascinating three-dimensional appearance.
Photographer: miss 3, Alexander Koller, Studio Baff
Competition date: 2005 Competition name: Regent
wide, with the south end facing the bay of Each hotel room has a balcony with balustrades
Emirates Pearl Competition Construction area: 124,600 Khor al Bateen, with its characteristic island. of which are made of stripes of silver aluminium
sqm The three-storey podium is carried by a plinth. and glass. These balconies are the defining
This ground floor is totally glazed and contains elements of the façade. Coated stripes of glass
项目地点:阿联酋,阿布扎比 设计师:DL建筑事务所和索内建筑事务所
摄影师:miss 3 亚历山大・科勒 Baff 工作室 竞赛时间:2005年 竞赛
public facilities such as reception, lounge, all- enable transparency and protection from the
名称:摄政埃米尔明珠酒店竞赛 建筑面积:124,600 平方米 day dining. It for ms a g roove bet ween the sun whereas the metal stripes exclusively function
liquid black pre-cast concrete elements which as sun shields – all together they form an important
Awarded reason: clad the plinth and the streamlined form of the part of the concept for the interior climate.
The project fully shows the luxurious environment podium, cladded in silver-grey fibre-C. A second
for guests, meeting the requirement for a five-star groove is defined by the podium roof between 摄政埃米尔明珠酒店跻身于世界顶尖商务酒店行列,是阿布扎
hotel. the foot and the shaft of the sk yscraper. It 比的地标建筑。酒店位于闻名世界的埃米尔宫对面,其宽敞奢华
获奖原因: contains a juice pool bar, a terrace as well as 摄政埃米尔明珠酒店位于海岸大道西南端的滨海路上,正对埃
项目为宾客展现了奢华的环境,符合五星级酒店标准。 Jacuzzis. 米尔宫酒店。大楼建在长170米,宽65米的场地上,南朝霍尔阿
To a l l ow t h e ve r y - ve r y s p e c i a l g u e s t a 勒巴丁海湾和极具特色的海岛。三层高的平台之下是一个底座。
The Regents Emirates Pearl Hotel is a player comfortable arrival or departure, a helipad is 一楼采用玻璃幕墙,包含前台、酒店大厅、全天候餐厅等公共设
in the top league of business class hotels – a provided on the roof of the hotel which is an 施。底座明亮的黑色预制混凝土元素和银灰色平台的流线造型
landmark project for Abu Dhabi. Being situated icon shaped as a pearl. The elliptical core is 间,上方设有池畔饮品吧、露台和漩水浴缸。
vis-à-vis the world-renowned Emirates Palace enclosed by two hotel wings. They are circular 为了迎接特殊的贵宾,酒店的顶部设置了直升机升降场,其造
together with its spacious and luxury interiors the segments that twist around the core as the shaft 型宛如一颗明珠。酒店的椭圆形内核由两翼包裹住,它们呈圆弓
hotel offers a unique combination of modern rises up to height of 215 metres. 形,盘旋于215米高的内核表面。
design and superior comfort. The twisting in combination with the circular 盘旋的圆弓形结构以“最大化和特殊化风景”为基本理念,令项
The Regents Emirates Pearl Hotel is situated on segments is based on the concept “maximation 酒店客房都设有阳台,阳台配有银色的铝质和玻璃栏杆。这些阳
the southwest end of the Coastal Boulevard and specification of the view” in order to coexist 台是建筑外观的重要元素。玻璃条纹既保证了视野的透明度,
called Corniche Road, with its direct opposite, w ith devel opments i n the neighbou r hood. 又起到了遮阳板的作用,是室内气候概念的重要组成部分。

66 67
the beautiful scene around the hotel

waterfront landscape of the hotel


aerial view of the hotel building


facade details of the building


68 69
presidential suites 42-45
42到45层 总统套房
appartment floors 28-41
28到41层 公寓
mechanical floors 27-46
27到46层 机械维护
executive floor 26
26层 行政区域
hotel floors 01 -25
01到25层 酒店
fitness club
podium floors
basement & parking floors

70 71
Spear Tower Hotel
view of the hotel and its surrounding beautiful scenery


Location: Belgrade, Serbia Designer: Milica Stankovic,

Vuk Djordjevic Photographer: Vuk Djordjevic Design
date: 2010 Site area: 16,187 sqm Construction area:
73,600 sqm

项目地点:塞尔维亚,贝尔格莱德 设计师:米利卡・斯坦科维奇、吴克・
乔尔杰维奇 摄影师:吴克・乔尔杰维奇 设计时间:2010年 占地面积:
16,187平方米 建筑面积:73,600平方米

Spear Tower is a five-star luxury hotel designed

by Milica Stankovic and Vuk Djordjevic. Between
several locations they had to choose, they took
the War Island, a completely abandoned island
on the river Danube in the very heart of the city.
The main idea was to create a high-rise hotel as a
new landmark for the city. The tower is 201 metres
tall and has 80,000 square metres of space.
The structural system of the Spear Tower
articulates an inner core and an outer shell as a
chamfered triangle supported by seven rotated
trusses. This dynamic profile is reinforced by a
series of green floors and extended floors. The
green floors are repeated and rotated through
every six-floor plates while extended green floors
are open-space gardens accessible to guests
and visitors. This process results in a spiraling
tower that emerges in the city. The gap between
the inner core and the extended plates allows
a maximum level of natural ventilation to the
The hotel has four restaurants including one
main national restaurant and three international
restaurants with Italian, French and Chinese
cuisine. Three bars, a large conference area, a
wellness centre, an art gallery, a library, several
shopping areas, and over 250 rooms. The rooms
are categorised by size and service.
All the rooms are designed with materials of
highest quality meeting the standards of a
luxury five-star hotel. The interiors are futuristically
incorporated with the façade and form of the

72 73
standard rooms floor plan

president apartment floor plan


executive rooms floor plan second floor plan ground floor plan
贵宾套房层平面图 二层平面图 底层平面图

74 75

living room guestroom washroom meeting room

起居室 客房 浴室 会议室

76 77
Sochi Doubletree Hotel
the surrounding landscape design


Location: Sochi, Russia Designer: The Jerde Partnership

Photographer: The Jerde Partnership Design date: 2009
Site area: 25,000 sqm Construction area: 23,260 sqm

项目地点:俄罗斯,索契 设计师:捷得建筑事务所 摄影师:捷得建筑事

务所 设计时间:2009年 占地面积:25,000平方米 建筑面积:23,260平

The site is approximately 25,000 square metres

located within 3 0 0 metres of the Black Sea
and near the Mzinta River. A Soviet-era hotel
co m p l ex p re s e nt l y o ccu p i e s t h e s i te. T h e
complex comprises of the proper hotel tower
of eight storeys and a two-storey administration
and fitness building.
T h e p ro j ect i s l a i d out o n th e s ite to have
the least impact on the existing trees and to
maximise views. The hotel complex is located
diagonally on the site so the lobby faces the
l o ng es t pa r t of the pa r k to the southea s t.
The pool is visible from the lobby, while the
bungalows a re concealed behind ex isting
vegetation beyond the pool. The Grand Lobby
gives access to a series of paths that meander
through the existing forest and provide access
to the amenities on the grounds.
The massing of the project is divided into two
main blocks: the Doubletree Hotel complex and
the Hilton Meetings complex united by an open
air Arrival Court and drop off area. The visitors
will experience a continuous number of spatial
events beg i nn i ng w ith a cu r vi ng d r iveway
from Democratic Street that ends at the Arrival
Court. The complex is 11 storeys tall. It consists
of a two-storey public podium, eight floors of
guest rooms, and one floor of roof top bar and
outdoor deck area.
The design of the hotel’s Entrance Lobby and
Reception are inspired by the lobbies of the
great hotels of the world, with a grand interior
that is both comfortable and modern, and that
is finished in natural, organic materials. Guests
and outside visitors will come in to celebrate an
occasion or join in the fun and excitement of the
restaurant and bar. The Lobby will be oriented
towards the park on the south and will have a
series of seating areas with water and fire as
their focuses. The restaurant and the bar are
accessed directly from the Lobby. The Lobby also
will have the front desk, retail stores and access
to the Health Club and the indoor swimming pool.
The hotel tower is oriented such that half of the
rooms have mountain views and the other half
have sea views. The tower is raised above the
Lobby to reach for the views above the tall forest
of trees.

78 79
exterior courtyard of the hotel side view across the street
酒店外部庭院 街对面的侧外观图

view of the hotel entrance


entrance plaza

80 81
fourth floor plan fifth floor plan
四层平面图 五层平面图

sixth floor plan seventh floor plan

六层平面图 七层平面图
access diagram site plan
路线分析图 酒店位置图

eighth floor plan ninth floor plan

八层平面图 九层平面图

ground floor plan first floor plan

底层平面图 一层平面图

tenth floor plan eleventh floor plan

十层平面图 十一层平面图

second floor plan third floor plan

二层平面图 三层平面图

82 83
roof floor plan north tower elevation section a-a
屋顶平面图 北侧立面图 剖面图 a-a

west elevation section b-b

西侧立面图 剖面图 b-b

south elevation section c-c

南侧立面图 剖面图 c-c

hotel room layouts


east elevation section d-d

东侧立面图 剖面图 d-d

north podium elevation section e-e

北侧裙楼立面图 剖面图 e-e

84 85
86 87
Schwabinger Tor Hotel
garden plaza


Location: Munich, Germany Designer: schmidt hammer

lassen architects Photographer: schmidt hammer lassen
architects Competition date: 2010 Competition name:
Schwabinger Tor Hotel Competition Construction area:
40,000 sqm Place in the competition: First Prize

项目地点:德国,慕尼黑 设计师:SHL建筑事务所 摄影师:SHL建筑事

务所 竞赛时间:2010年 竞赛名称:施瓦宾格石山酒店竞赛 建筑面积:
40,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖

T h e 4 0 , 0 0 0 s q u a r e m et r e s f i ve - s t a r h ot e l
complex is situated in the newly developed
Schwabinger Tor area along the northern part
of the Leopoldstrasse in Munich, Germany. The
challenge in the competition was to bring the
architectural characteristics of Munich – with
the life and atmosphere that the historic centre
is known for – into the new and modern part of
the city.
T he des i g n co ncept ha s it s o r i g i n i n th ree
themes: the analysis of the historical city with its
arches, vaults and arcades; a close relation to
the master plan with its boulevards, plazas and
narrow streets; and a focus on human beings
as well as the overall experience offered to the
hotel guests. The arcade motif is well known in
Munich and emphasises the passage from a
public plaza to the more private urban spaces.
The arcade creates a semi-public space where
people can sit and observe the urban life. The
design integrates this architectural feature into
the ground floor level of the hotel.
To the north and south of the building complex,
two new urban plazas form natural entry points
to the hotel and the conference centre. The
entrances are accentuated in the building
design by two impressive, golden vaults. For
the hotel guests and the passers-by these very
unique spaces offer a feeling of being part of
something special. The vaults are fascinating,
spacious and luxurious.
The hotel rooms have been designed to become
unique. The integ rated la rge and luxur ious
bathrooms appear as private spa-rooms with
daylight and visual connection to the outside
greener y, and the atmosphere in the hotel
rooms become relaxing and impressive. The
use of daylight is a general theme throughout
the building complex. It offers the hotel guests
a unique experience and sets a whole new
standard for high-end hotels in general.

88 89
Puddle Dock Hotel
view of the new direct connection to the river walk via Blackfriars Passage


Location: London, UK Designer: ALSOP SPARCH view from the Millennium Bridge
Photographer: ALSOP SPARCH Competition date: 2009 从千年桥远眺酒店
Competition name: Puddle Dock Hotel Competition
Construction area: 28,000 sqm Place in the competition:

项目地点:英国,伦敦 设计师:奥尔索普・思邦建筑设计 摄影师:奥尔

索普・思邦建筑设计 竞赛时间:2009年 竞赛名称:水潭码头酒店竞赛
建筑面积:28,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:方案

The site for the new Puddle Dock Hotel is in a

strategic location in the City with prime frontages
on the River Thames to the south and Queen
Victoria Street to the north. To the west the site is
bounded by Blackfriars Passage and to the east
by Castle Baynard Street. The site is well served by
established transport links, principally the mainline
rail and underground services at Blackfriars
The new building shape and massing is primarily
defined by St. Paul’s Heights planning constraints
and the building steps up gently from south
to north in contrast to the existing buildings, view from the south bank river walk
which have marked changes in height. The 从河滨南岸远眺酒店
roof terracing and the triangulated skin of the
building are set out to respond to the height limits
defined by these constraints. The underside of the
building responds to the requirement for minimum
transportation road clearances and follows the
contours of the site from Queen Victoria Street to
the north down to Upper Thames Street adjacent
to the River Thames. Between these two defining
criterias is located the main shape of the new
building, describing a fragmented sculptural
building for hotel use and providing a dynamic
and unique profile to the development and the
The translucent marble façade that wraps around
the building consists of faceted cladding modules
based on a triangular geometry. An underlying
diagonal grid running in two directions defines the
basic double curved volume, each field being
divided vertically into a pair of triangular façade view of the main entrance on Queen Victoria Street
modules. Diamond-shaped windows open at a 维多利亚女王大街上的主入口
60-degree angle to the façade between most
of these modules to allow the hotel guest direct
views towards the River Thames. This adds a
characteristic movement to the north, east and
west elevations and is particularly attractive from
various oblique viewing positions outside the
building. The south elevation to the development
is treated as a single entity of flat glazing raised
above Upper Thames Street and appears to float
above the river when viewed from the South Bank
and Tate Modern.

90 91
view of the roof terrace, towards Tate Modern

view of the entrance hall


92 93
section through entrance hall and atria second floor plan club lounge and optional direct connection to Blackfriars Station
入口大厅与前厅剖面图 二层平面图 俱乐部休息室与通往黑衣修士车站的可选性的通道

fifth floor plan restaurant and roof terrace

五层平面图 餐厅与屋顶露台

first floor plan entrance hall and reception area

一层平面图 入口大厅与接待区

typical floor plan (third and fourth floor)

标准层平面图 (三层和四层)

94 95
first basement floor plan conference facilities
地下一层平面图 会议设施

second basement floor plan spa and gym

地下二层平面图 水疗与体育馆

site plan

96 97
Wembley Hotel
hotel roofscape


Location: London, UK Designer: MVRDV Photographer: ground floor plan

MVRDV Competition date: 2006 Construction area: 底层平面图
109,287 sqm

项目地点:英国,伦敦 设计师:MVRDV 摄影师:MVRDV 竞赛时间:

2006年 建筑面积:109,287平方米

The surrounding urban mix is echoed in the

complex programme. The combination of hotel,
casino, conference halls and parking allow for
a mutual synergy. This possible mixage with its
possible economical benefit can be enlarged
by creating the maximal connections, while
respecting there own functional requirements.
The programme is read as a three-layered
sandwich of parking, public functions (casino/
lobbies and conference centre) and hotel rooms
that can maximise the in-between relationships.
By “pushing up” the hotel programme locally,
a series of cupola spaces, the classical casino
space pur sang, can be created that allow to
characterise the programmatic differences of the
public layer, enlarging the volumes of the public
By giving every space of the public space its
distinct size and height, they all obtain their
unique qualities and appearances. It leads to a
sequence of inter-related cupola’s. By dipping
these spaces sometimes down they can even
have there own address in the garage space, if
These cupola spaces combine a great flexibility of
the possible usage and infill, with spatial quality.
The form of the space allows for perfect acoustic
qualities. When the cupolas meet the surrounding
streets, bigger openings are foreseen, thus
"showing" the internal activities and attracting
possible visitors. first floor plan view from the Olympic way
The cupolas allow for a more vertical organisation 一层平面图 从奥林匹克大道望向酒店
of the hotel rooms and office spaces. Every
cupola obtains its own cluster of programme. The
hotel can thus be seen as a series of “mini-hotels”
that allow for organisational benefits as it intrigues
people to come back...
The rooms are organised along single loaded
corridors. These corridors surround the public
spaces so that the otherwise obsolete and
introvert hotel corridors turn into a distinctive and
more public character: one can view from the
corridors into the cupola spaces. The corridors
that surround the restaurants, the lobbies and the
casino can be relatively open due to the nature
of the programme.
的公共特色:人们可以从走廊看到圆顶结构的内部。出于项目的 birdeye view from the stadium
特征,环绕着餐厅、大堂和赌场的走廊相对开放。 从体育场视角鸟瞰酒店

98 99
casino birdeye view to the stadium
博彩区域 从体育场视角鸟瞰酒店

hotel lobby & reception hotel plaza

酒店大堂及前台 酒店前广场

view from the stadium


100 101
Hilton Hotel, Ordos
bird view of the hotel


Location: Ordos, China Designer: VMX Architects

Photographer: Pixelpool Design date: 2008 Construction
area: 32,000 sqm

项目地点:中国,鄂尔多斯 设计师:VMX建筑事务所 摄影师:

Pixelpool 设计时间:2008年 建筑面积:32,000平方米

The concept maximises two existing qualities. The

first is the surrounding landscape and the city of
Ordos. The second is the adjacent country club
functions, which are already foreseen for this site,
especially the golf course.
The urban plan dictates a maximum height
of only three storeys. Applying the average
(rectangular) hotel plan would easily lead to long
corridors, hence: long walking distances. Also, a
rectangle is not the ideal form to integrate the
building in the landscape.
In proposing a round building, the designers
take maximum advantage of the view in every
direction, while at the same time minimising the
distances between rooms and hotel functions
such as lobby, dining areas, bars, concert stage
and swimming pool. The rooms are divided over
first floor plan four levels, three above and one below grade.
一层平面图 All rooms face the green landscape; all hotel
functions are centred in the heart of the building.
This inside space is designed as a spectacular
collective world on its own, partly covered by
a glass roof and so protected from the harsh
In the design the designers intend to combine
the rational, pragmatic, in a way of "Western"
perspective with a more "Eastern", oriental
approach. This Eastern approach has a strong
symbolic component. Considering this aspect the
designers conceptualised the form of the building
by referring to the Sun, an important Mongolian
symbol, and the Moon from the nearby
Moonlake. In its section, the silhouette of the yurt,
the archetypical Mongolian settlement, can be
recognised. The colours inside and on the outside
of the building refer to the local natural colours of
grass, sand and water.
From above, the hotel appears as a flower,
symbolising its function of an oasis in the desert.
This way the new hotel resort can be easily found
by Google Earth.

102 103
thrid floor plan

second floor plan

hotel lobby

seating area of the lobby

lower ground floor plan
hotel lobby 地下一层平面图

104 105
Hotel IJDock, Amsterdam

Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Designer: Bakers

Architecten in collaboration with architect Ben Loerakker
Photographer: ASR Vastgoed Ontwikkeling; Illustration:
zes x zes Visual Communication Design date: 2005
Construction area: 18,000 sqm

项目地点:荷兰,阿姆斯特丹 设计师:贝克斯建筑事务所;本・罗拉克尔
摄影师:ASR工作室; 插图:杰斯x杰斯视觉传播 设计时间:2005年 建

The urban plan for the Westerdokseiland is one

of the plans of the municipality of Amsterdam
for the conversion of the large dock area at the
IJ-river at the harbour of Amsterdam. The plan
is a closed, rectangular volume which cuts are
made in relation to sight lines and street profiles
from the historical city of Amsterdam. This creates
five volumes, designed by different architects.
The 300-room hotel and marina for about 60
boats are designed by Bakers Architecten in
collaboration with architect Ben Loerakker.
The IJDock project covers about 89,000 square
metres and includes an underground parking
garage with about 500 places, the Palace of
Justice, the National Police Agency with the State
Water Police, commercial space, a hotel with
300 rooms, approximately 5,800 square feet of
office space, 56 apartments and a marina with
60 berths for visiting yachts.
The hotel is located between the central road
of the volume and the marina. The goal of the
design was to find a structure to house 300 rooms
in a given volume and the functional and logical
The building with its narrow base is also
constructively challenging as the main volume
appears to be hovering over it. The entire façade
is made of glass, depending on the orientation
partly as a double façade. The narrow shape of
the building makes it possible that the water can
be experienced as an theme everywhere, on the
lower floors even through the marina, which gives
the project its unique identity.

106 107
108 109
110 111
Music and Lifestyle Hotel nhow Berlin
view from the waterside


Location: Berlin, Germany Designer: Sergei Tchoban,

nps tchoban voss and Karim Rashid 3-D visualisations:
nps tchoban voss (exteriors), Karim Rashid (interiors)
Photographer: Rène Hoch (nps tchoban voss) Design
date: 2009 Construction area: 21,463 sqm

项目地点:德国,柏林 设计师:谢尔盖・卓班,nps tchoban voss事务所

和卡里姆・拉希德 3D效果图:nps tchoban voss建筑事务所(室外),
卡里姆・拉希德 (室内) 摄影师:勒内・雷赫 (nps tchoban voss 事务
所) 设计时间:2009年 建筑面积:21,463平方米

Aligning with the existing storehouses the four-

star NHow Design Hotel by the Spanish hotel
company nh-group is located between the River
Spree to the south and Stralauer Allee to the
north, containing 304 rooms and two restaurants,
a convention centre including a ballroom, a spa
area, and an underground car park and offering
a fully equipped sound studio.
The volume has been divided into two blocks,
each of which opening to the water in a
U-shape. Both of the cubes contain seven floors,
connected with each other via glass bridges.
Another four floors have been set on top of the
western block, creating a huge cantilevered
structure of about seventy feet recalling the
image of a crane house in a spectacular way.
The organisation of the building and the special
design of the façade contribute to its location in
the former harbour area respectfully accounting
for the materiality of the neighbouring warehouses
and Kontorhäuser.
On street level a floor-to-ceiling glass band with
large-size panes distinguishes the hotel from the
older buildings in the vicinity. A terrace provides
for outdoor restaurant space on the ground view from the street
floor completing the urban outdoor space on 酒店街景
the banks of the River Spree. The volume's main
surface from the first to sixth floors has been
designed as perforated façade with irregular
arranged and partly grouped square windows
for the hotel rooms. The façade zone above is
formed by perforated brick coat with irregularly
arranged square windows. The chosen bricks
vary in colour as well as in their line-up adding
a vivid optical pattern to the massive volume.
Housing the premium suite and the recording
studio (optionally linked), the cantilevered
part has been cladded with highly reflective
aluminium elements and allow splendid views to
the southwest onto the river and along the banks
towards the city through an all-glass double
façade. These surfaces emphasise the modern
character of the structure and crowned the clear
brick cubic effective.

112 113
hotel entrance hotel façade details
酒店入口区 酒店外观细节

view from the street


114 115
116 117
Tehran Business Hotel
view from north

Location: Tehran, Iran Designer: Bonsar Architecture The first challenge came along at the very cannot be a landmark without considering all the
Studio Photographer: Bonsar Architecture Studio first glance over the programme brief; the four (even five considering Le Corbusier’s point of
Competition date: 2010 Competition name: Tehran project was two buildings in one; hotel and view) sides of it. Having a neighbour on the left
Business Hotel Competition Site area: 1,000 sqm its attachments and conference centre plus threatened the project to be nothing but a huge
Construction area: 12,850 sqm Place in the competition:
commercials. The latter contained more public wall on the west. As a result the west elevation
First Prize
functions. Introducing the idea of duality, the became an important issue to be considered in
项目地点:伊朗,德黑兰 设计师:邦萨尔建筑工作室 摄影师:邦萨尔建 way the project team was going to bind the two the design process.
筑工作室 竞赛时间:2010年 竞赛名称:德黑兰商务酒店竞赛 占地面 together, became a part of design process.
积:1,000平方米 建筑面积:12,850平方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖
Being semi-buried under the ground, regarding 根据竞赛要求,设计团队面临三个主要挑战。他们应对这些挑战

Awarded reason: the topography of the site, made the commercial 的方式在设计过程中起决定性作用。
seem less important than the way the client 项目的第一个挑战是项目的功能规划; 此项目由两座建筑构成。
Considering the forgotten side of the project; 酒店及其附属设施和会议中心及商业部分。后者包含更多的公
wanted it to be. Vitalisation of the commercial
adjacent to the west neighbour and paying 共功能。基于建筑的双重性能,设计团队必须将合二为一的理念
was the other challenge that the design group
special attention to the commercial part, were 融入到建筑当中。
was facing with. 商业部分位于坡地上,有一部分位于地下,客户认为,这样会让
reasons to win the competition as announced by The last challenge emerged from the programme 商业部分看起来很不起眼。因此,让商业部分获得活力是设计团
the client. itself. Being business and boutique hotel made 队所面临的第二个挑战。
获奖原因: the project different from ordinary hotels. 最后一个挑战来自项目本身。商务与精品酒店的预期不同于普
客户宣布本案获胜的原因在于此方案考虑到了设计中被人遗忘 Consequently, the programme brief should be 通的酒店。因此,项目应该以特殊客人为基本被重新规划以满足
的方面;与西邻保持统一并且着重了商业部分的设计。 reconsidered, based on the special users, to fulfill 客户的预期质量。这一修改为酒店增添了新的空间,如工作台、
the quality expected by the client. The result of 私人会议室和传统餐厅。
Looking into the competition brief, the design the revision was new spaces like working stations, 此外,委托人还期望建筑成为一个地标。而一个建筑如果不考
team faced with three main challenges. The ways 虑到它所有四个面 (考虑到勒・柯布西耶的观点,甚至五个面)
private meeting rooms and traditional restaurant.
they have treated these challenges, were the Moreover, the client has mentioned that they
main approaches defining the design process. wanted the building to be a landmark. A building

view from Gandhi Street


118 119
view from the courtyard night view from south
从庭院望向酒店 从南侧视角望向酒店夜景

42 square metres guest room


120 121
42 square metres guest room 24 square metres guest room
42平方米客房 24平方米客房

not all the functions need the same height the leftover space is used in vertical axis
并不是所有的功能都需要相同的高度 利用垂直轴来满足剩余空间

122 123
third floor plan forth floor plan fifth floor plan sixth floor plan
三层平面图 四层平面图 五层平面图 六层平面图

seventh floor plan eighth floor plan ninth floor plan tenth floor plan
七层平面图 八层平面图 九层平面图 十层平面图

eleventh floor plan twelfth floor plan roof plan

十一层平面图 十二层平面图 屋顶平面图

east elevation north elevation ground floor plan first floor plan
东侧立面图 北侧立面图 底层平面图 一层平面图

mezzanine plan second floor plan

夹层平面图 二层平面图

south elevation west elevation

南侧立面图 西侧立面图

124 125
“H’Otello” Hotel Berlin
north façade view of the hotel


Location: Berlin, Germany Designer: Collignon

Architektur Photographer: Collignon Architektur
Competition date: 2007 Competition name: Le Savigny
Construction area: 3,760 sqm Place in the competition:
First Prize

项目地点:德国,柏林 设计师:克里格诺建筑事务所 摄影师:克里格

诺建筑事务所 竞赛时间:2007年 竞赛名称:萨维尼竞赛 建筑面积:
3,760平方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖

Awarded reason:
Efficient and functional organisation; innovative
and appropriate cutting-edge design concept

Close to the Kurfürstendamm, the “H’Otello” Berlin

lies at the heart of Berlin’s pulsating City-West.
With its lively mixture of cafés, bars, restaurants,
galleries and shops, the Savignyplatz has a
particular appeal for the cosmopolitan visitor.
The architecture picks up the urban situation, fits
itself into the building blocks beside the railway
tracks, creating an evocative façade, which is
highly visible from the Kurfürstendamm. With its
clearly modern design it contrasts the surrounding
buildings with their origin in the start of the 19th
century, and increases the aesthetic value of this
The façade design of the upper floors of the hotel hotel entrance
breaks with the common appearance of most 酒店入口
strictly rasterised hotel façades with small windows
with a uniform and stiff look, as does not match
the constant vibrant hustle and bustle that takes
place within the hotel around the clock. Therefore
the façade concept is based on the idea to give
the building the same individual and strongly
varying character from the outside as what its
character is like from the inside. This is expressed
by the playful arrangement of full floor height
glass - and render - surfaces. The openly arranged
and communicative ground floor level and the
top level frame this zone, whilst strengthening the
building’s character by its dynamic shapes.
The upper floors of this 8-storey building house
84 double bedrooms with a size between 20
and 35 square metres. 8 Rooms are suitable for
wheelchair access. The penthouse on the 7th floor
houses spacious soundproof penthouses with a
scenic view to the city west and to the bypassing
trains running upon the 19th century highline.
The hotel is operated by the brand “H’Otello"
as an individual design and lifestyle-hotel.
Its elaborate architecture and furthermore
the interior design, also done by Collignon
Architectur, address to travellers with an emphasis
to design and style, which seek alternatives to
monotonous standardised hotels.
精美的建筑设计和室内设计由克里格诺建筑事务所完成。酒店 south façade view of the hotel
向游客展示了设计与时尚,与单调的标准化酒店大相径庭。 酒店南侧外立面

126 127
guest room

ground floor plan


hotel restaurant

north elevation section

北侧立面图 剖面图

128 129
Hotel Le Petit Piaf

Location: Begrade, Serbia Designer: re:a.c.t studio

(Dejan Milanovic, Grozdana Sisovic, Tanja Bajic)
Photographer: re:a.c.t studio Competition date: 2008
Competition name: Hotel Le Petit Piaf Competition Site
area: 650 sqm Construction area: 1,300 sqm Place in the
competition: First Prize

项目地点:塞尔维亚,贝尔格莱德 设计师:re:a.c.t工作室(德建・米拉诺
维克、格罗泽达纳・西索维克、汤加・巴及克) 摄影师:re:a.c.t工作室 竞
赛时间:2008年 竞赛名称:小皮亚芙酒店竞赛 占地面积:650平方米 建
筑面积:1,300平方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖

Le Petit Piaf is well located on a traffic-free street

of restaurants about five-mins walk from the
centre. The hotel is ultra-modern, spotlessly clean
and populated with the most courteous and
helpful staff; its ultra-professionalism really made a
difference on the tourists’ visit.
The hotel’s rooms have all the facilities of a five-
star hotel – air con, satelite TV (with CNN and
BBC) and comfortable queen-size beds. There is
a pleasant courtyard for drinks and breakfast was
excellent – yogurt, honey, coffee and a superb
plate of cut fruits was all the staff could manage
in the heat, but a cooked breakfast was offered.
As an introduction to “Old Belgrade” this hotel is
The subject of the competition was the extension
and adaptation of a small hotel Le Petit Piaf,
located in the historical core of Belgrade.
Skadarska Street is a frequent tourists' destination,
well known for its many old traditional restaurants,
Bohemian atmosphere and many architectural
objects of historical value. At the ground floor
level, the hotel is to open towards the street
over the coffee shop area. The main entrance is
located in the small inner courtyard of the hotel.
The competition proposal is offering a simple
gesture of transparent envelope covering both
old and new parts of the building. The structure,
the pattern of this steel canvas has its origin in
traditional Serbian lace knitting patterns.

130 131
attic floor plan

second floor plan


first floor plan


ground floor plan


132 133
134 135
Monaco Hotel
overview of the hotel

Location: Larvotto Bay, Monaco Designer: OMA
Photographer: OMA Competition date: 2008
Competition name: Urbanisation en mer Principauté de
Monaco Site area: 24,300 sqm Place in the competition:

项目地点:摩纳哥,拉沃托湾 设计师:OMA 摄影师:OMA 竞赛时

间:2008年 竞赛名称:摩纳哥城市规划竞赛 占地面积:24,300平方米

The hotel is the ultimate autonomous object of

the urban development: the building floats on top
of the water, in the middle of Bay of Larvotto. The
hotel residence is an autonomous architectural
system in levitation. Its activities, its circulations,
its uses, gathered and dense, offer a special
relationship to calm water, and the landscape.
Its principle of formation is a prolongation of the
archipelago: the objects interact with each other
freely. The outcome is an unspecified form. This
system of assembly is the architectural version of
a city.
The aggregation of the small entities forms a
homogeneous whole with a simple geometry.
More than one succession of spaces, the hotel
residence is an environment. The plan, the section
and the façade have equivalent geometries and
manufacture a medium with constant qualities,
forming an amalgam of architectural situations.
The limits between the interior and exterior do
not exist: the air penetrates the building; the
environment becomes a disconcerting succession
of dubious insides and outsides.
The private programme is divided into three parts:
rooms, apartments and villas. It is distributed on
all levels. The first three levels include rooms of 30,
40, 50 and 70 square metres. The third level offers
accommodations of 140 to 260 square metres.
Finally, the upper three levels house luxury villas of
600 square metres. Most of the rooms, apartments
and villas extend towards the outside by terraces
and balconies, with a view on surrounding
landscape. The public programme is also shared
on all levels. It is accessible for all users of the
hotel residence. It consists of a lobby, a swimming
pool, a spa and two restaurants. Each part of this
programme is specific and autonomous entity,
with an independent function. All public spaces
are traversable, linking inside and outside.

136 137
hotel on the water view

138 139
interior design and lounge living rooms
室内装饰及休闲室 客房起居室

bedroom and lounge


140 141
Isla Moda

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Designer:

Oppenheim Architecture + Design Renderings: Luxigon
Design date: 2008 Construction area: 104,330 sqm

项目地点:阿联酋,迪拜 设计师:奥本海姆建筑设计事务所 效果图:

Luxigon公司 设计时间:2008年 建筑面积:104,330平方米

In collaboration with the world’s most renowned

fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld and KOR Hotel
Group, Isla Moda is a resort complex that
comprises 3 hotels, and 150 residential units on
a manmade island 20 kilometres off the coast of
Dubai. Inspired by the floating palaces of India,
and the modern day equivalent – the cruise ship,
Isla Moda distinguishes itself from other thematic
reincarnations in “The World” by celebrating the
notion of “manmade” and attempts authenticity
within this simulacra of the real world. Utilising ship
building techniques, the fabricated island evolves
from an intrinsic understanding of the nuances
of style and fashion, and their inextricable link
to the possibilities of how life can and should
be experienced. When woven into the lived
environment, it reaches an apogee through a
symphonic balance between architecture and
an elevated natural environment. A monolithic
volume of physical embodiment of the Golden
Rule, is intricately carved to establish maximum
diversity of experience and typology.
The fundamental goal behind the conceptual
design proposal for Isla Moda is to achieve an
harmonious balance between some of the
most recognised fashion houses in the world
and spatial experiences consummate with their
distinct sensibilities. This will be reflected in each
of the residential houses they will appoint, each
relationship, between designer and space,
being paralleled with one of the five rudimentary
elements: Spring - Water, Summer - Earth, Cruise -
Air, Fall - Fire, Winter - Ether.
These residential reflections of each of the chosen
fashion houses are complimented with the
inclusion of a luxury hotel, ultra-luxury boutique
hotel and spa. Formally each programme
element has been individually shaped within
a carved monolith bearing the fundamental
proportions of the oft implemented and easily
系 里,体 现在设 计师和空间之间,与五个 基 本元素相对应:

142 143
144 145
146 147
Seven Star Hotel, Tianjin
south facade view of the hotel


Location: Tianjin, China Designer: Michael Sorkin Studio east facade view of the hotel
(Michael Sorkin, Makoto Okazaki, Luoyi Yin, Yanqing 酒店东侧外观图
Sun, Ryan Culligan, Qi Su) Photographer: Michael
Sorkin Studio Design date: 2008 Site area: 7,116 sqm
Construction area: 10,693 sqm

项目地点:中国,天津 设计师:麦可・索金工作室 (麦可・索金,Makoto

Okazaki, Luoyi Yin, Yanqing Sun,瑞恩・康力根, Qi Su) 摄影师:麦可
・索金工作室 设计时间:2008年 占地面积:7,116平方米 建筑面积:

The hotel takes the form of a small tower. Each

room commands superb views of the lake from its
glassy interior and its balcony. Atop the hotel is a
dazzling restaurant and bar, offering panoramic
vistas. Unusual in form, this intimate, yet expressive,
building promises to be a vivid marker on the
skyline and powerful image to attract the world
to its doors. The designers have also proposed to
locate the hotel and club at opposite ends of a
curved, sandy beach. During the summer, this will
be a place for sunbathing and swimming and in
winter, a spot for romantic walks.
By creating this waterfront condition, the villas
arranged along the beach will gain special value
and the architects imagine a shared social life of
hotel guests, occupants of these beach houses,
and members of the club. The designers envision
a luxurious spa, private dining, meeting rooms,
sports facilities, bar, and other amenities of a
first-rate club. This beach-front complex - with its
unique forms and facilities - will surely become
one of Tianjin’s places to be.

west facade view of the hotel


148 149
100 square metres guest room

100 square metres guest room


view of the living room


150 151
night view of the hotel

152 153
154 155
third floor plan fourth floor plan tenth floor plan eleventh floor plan
三层平面图 四层平面图 十层平面图 十一层平面图

fifth floor plan sixth floor plan twelfth floor plan thirteenth floor plan
五层平面图 六层平面图 十二层平面图 十三层平面图

seventh floor plan eighth floor plan fourteenth floor plan fifteenth floor plan
七层平面图 八层平面图 十四层平面图 十五层平面图

156 157
Headlands Hotel
ocean aerial view looking towards mountains and national park


Location: Austinmer, Australia Designer: Laboratory

for Visionary Architecture Photographer: Laboratory
for Visionary Architecture Design date: 2010 Site area:
10,000 sqm

项目地点:澳大利亚,奥斯汀莫 设计师:幻影建筑实验室 摄影师:幻影

建筑实验室 设计时间:2010年 占地面积:10,000 平方米

The Headlands Hotel development proposed

an International standard hotel asset that has
already attracted major Hotel Brand interest
from internationally respected hotel groups. The
projected investment and operational outlook
for the Headlands Hotel is positive. Regional
demand for the Headlands Hotel product has
been researched and outlined in government
commissioned economic studies that forecast
the local and regional direction of the hospitality
and tourism sector. An existing local clientele
has indicated support for the development
Headlands Hotel that will carry the extensive local
character and history into the Headland's next
The Headland represents a spectacular
opportunity for Austinmer to become a landmark
of coastal hospitality known for community
responsive, environmentally sustainable and
commercially viable development along the New
South Wales coastal edge.
The unique coastal location of the Headlands,
with its close proximity to Sydney Metropolitan
area road and rail network, allows visitors to easily
access the regions pristine natural beauty.
The local area is bordered by the a mountainous
state-owned Royal National Park to the north
and west, the South Pacific ocean to the east
site aerial view along coastal edge and the economic activity of Wollongong, the
沿着海岸的位置鸟瞰图 3rd largest city in New South Wales. The planned
development consists of 120 hotel rooms, 40
view of headland hotel from beachfront residential luxury apartments, spa rooms, public
从海滨眺望海角酒店 bar, restaurant, café, ballroom and corporate
conference facilities, all contained within an
allocated floor area of 10,000 square metres. The
Headlands Hotel proposal builds upon a currently
approved development proposal by analysing
and realising the sites' full development potential.
The currently proposed development size has
been calculated and balanced to fulfill brand
and operational requirements of recognised hotel
groups. This site unique opportunity, coupled with
state of the architectural design and a currently
assembled specialist development team, offers
investors and operators alike an exceptional
opportunity to capitalise on this distinctively
Australian Coastal Hotel asset.

158 159
160 161
view of hotel private courtyard sections through headland hotel site
酒店私人庭院 海角酒店位置平面图

sections through headland hotel site concept organisation of program, context and site plan
海角酒店位置剖面图 酒店规划,功能及位置概念图

162 163
Rimini Seascape
view of the rimini Seascape from the hotel terrace


Location: Rimini, Italy Designer: Julien de Smedt

Architects Photographer: Julien de Smedt Architects
Competition date: 2008 Competition name: International
Competition for Rimini Seascape Construction area:
72,000 sqm Place in the competition: Entry

项目地点:意大利,里米尼 设计师:朱利安・德・斯曼特建筑事务所 摄影
师:朱利安・德・斯曼特建筑事务所 竞赛时间:2008年 竞赛名称:里米
尼海景国际竞赛 建筑面积:72,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:入围奖

forest view of the hotel surroundings


the harmony of the hotel building and its outside seascape Julien de Smedt Architects have designed a new
酒店建筑与其周围海滩景色和谐统一 seascape for the coastal town of Rimini, Italy. The
project has been considered as an urban filmstrip -
linear sequence of urban frames all intertwined in a
boardwalk of interior and exterior activities. The
shape of the plan follows Burle Marx’s legendary
pattern of Copacabana’s boardwalk but re-
interprets it in a tridimensional way. The powerful
and recognisable pattern evokes sand ripples
and sea waves and has the incredible ability
to allow both longitudinal and transversal
connections which is exactly what is required
in the project: to facilitate the meanderings of
passers-by strolling along the boardwalk while at
the same time integrating the street connections
coming from the city.
The whole public concept is covering a large
parking facility half a floor underground and
therefore permits to view the horizon and sea
without having the feeling of climbing a floor
above the ground. The concept is meant as a
sectional solution to the abundance of sheds and
facilities laid out on the beach and blocking the
The project is comprised of a 7,000-square-metre
hotel, 15,000 square metres of commercial space,
and a 10,000-spectator accomodating arena in
addition to the 45,000 square metres of public
parking space requested by the city of Rimini.
seaside overview 和可容纳10,000名观众的会场,还附有45,000平方米的公共停
海滩鸟瞰图 车场。

164 165
waterfront landscape of the hotel

166 167
168 169
Beirut Marina Resort
bird eye view of the resort


Location: Beirut, Lebanon Designer: Julien de Smedt

Architects Photographer: Julien de Smedt Architects
Competition date: 2010 Competition name: Jnah Villa
and Marina Complex Construction area: 36,000 sqm
Place in the competition: Entry

项目地点:黎巴嫩,贝鲁特 设计师:朱利安・德・斯曼特建筑事务所 摄影
师:朱利安・德・斯曼特建筑事务所 竞赛时间:2010年 竞赛名称:贾纳
别墅和码头综合体 建筑面积:36,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:入围奖

The Marina, Hotel, Condominium, Villas and Park

Resort project one unifying logic that can stand
out as a clear iconic and unifying scheme for a
prominent site in Beirut.
While each element stands unique in its
characteristics and parameters, the designers
combine them in a bold and logical language.
The hotel requires beachfront views and easy
access to the waterfront terraces. The villas
require a more serene and peaceful view of the
sea hidden away from the road and far enough
away from the hotel not to experience any noise.
The condominiums need are placed away from
the villas and treated in such a way that they
become an autonomous entity. Each of these
factors are separated by landscape; a large cliff
divides the villas from the condominiums, and a
quiet park separates the hotel from the condos.
Each hermetic piece of the jigsaw matches the
conditions in single harmonious jigsaw.
A waving-weave pattern is used as the master-
planning device as it is easily manipulated for
change. By creating a flexible master-plan
system you can change or adapt the idea to
market forces over time, planning demands, user
feedback, or client wishes without changing the
overall concept or identity of the project.
170 171
beach villas swimming pool
海滩别墅 游泳池

guest room with large panoramic windows opening towards the sea cliff space
从客房的全景式窗户能够看见美丽的海景 悬空的空间

172 173
hotel gardens
terraced gardens
private gardens
sports / activity landscapes
green roofs
swimming pools

174 175
Mermaid 2
exterior terraces


Location: Middle East Designer: Julien de Smedt seaside view of the hotel
Architects Photographer: Julien de Smedt Architects 酒店及周边海景
Design date: 2009 Construction area: 100,000 sqm

项目地点:中东 设计师:朱利安・德・斯曼特建筑事务所 摄影师:朱利安・

德・斯曼特建筑事务所 设计时间:2009年 建筑面积:100,000平方米

Wellness Island is an all inclusive resort in the

Middle East where tourists enter through an
exclusive marina and beach. With various levels
of retail and a wellness spa, the island’s under
belly contains all the core programme for both
the spa and marina. Above exists a large valley
of terraced gardens, which form the hotel and
service apartments. Each unit has a panoramic
view of the entire area. Wellness Island is all
about experience. Each level, from the beach
entrance, to the wellness spa, to the gardens and
hotel, is designed to create a unique experience
and relaxing atmosphere. The frame through
which sea, air and light converge to stimulate
the senses, Wellness Island offers a unique focus
on quality of life, personal development and
individual space.
“Mermaid” is a private development project,
which aims to establish a large dolphinarium hanging corridors
and wellness-centre, together with hotel and 悬空走廊
holiday-apartments. The close relation between
these facilities, combined with a unique location,
makes Mermaid the frame in which sea, air
and light converge to stimulate the experience
of health and wellness. With dolphins as the
primary attraction, “Mermaid” will offer a unique
experience for the new “health tourists” with
focus on life quality, time, personal development
and plenty of space for the individual.
Mermaid has four main functions: dolphinarium
in the caves beneath the hills, wellness-centre
within the smallest hill, holiday-apartments in
the medium hill and hotel in the largest hill; a
unique combination of programme, combined
in the Mermaid Island. By using the previously
mentioned method to shape the island, the
optimal combination of views and internal
relations between the main programmes is
achieved: from outside the hills there are views
to both the horizon and to the other hills, while
the caves offer views to the horizon, through the
façade, and to the indoor saltwater basins.


176 177
atrium landscape

club / restaurant

marina /

fifty-sixth floor plan ground floor plan
五十六层平面图 底层平面图

entry by boat


shopping /

section A-A
剖面图 a-a pools / terrace
shopping / wellenss
restaurant / bar


178 179
exterior swimming pool of the hotel


Location: Providenciales, UK Designer: Oppenheim

Architecture + Design Photographer: Alpha Vision Group
Design date: 2008 Site area: 24,280 sqm Construction
area: 17,187 sqm

项目地点:英国,普罗维登西亚莱斯岛 设计师:奥本海姆建筑设计事务
所 摄影师:阿尔法视觉集团 设计时间:2008年 占地面积:24,280平方
米 建筑面积:17,187平方米

Caya seeks to capture the natural beauty

of Providenciales and the Turks and Caicos,
while capitalising on the casual elegance and
exceptional service set forth by Grace Bay
Resorts. Fragrant gardens, tranquil water features
and vibrant tropical foliage guides the simplicity
of the clean architectural forms. The design itself is
meant to be permeable to natural light, breezes
and people, creating a relaxed resort atmosphere
in tune with the natural environment. Luxury resort
accommodations and private hotel residences
are orientated towards sweeping views of the
turquoise waters of Grace Bay. Two-storey
Bungalow units offer intimate accommodations
around the main pool courtyards, some offering
private gardens. The Beach Club offers an
opportunity to encounter the sun rising over
the serene Caribbean sea, or bathe in the
afternoon sun under a gentle canopy of palm
trees. Spectacular Turks and Caicos sunsets can
be experienced and celebrated every evening
from the rooftop lounge, capturing breezes
from the trade winds. Beyond the typical resort
experience, Caya intends to create a sense of
place and community in Providenciales. A retail
component composed of luxury brands as well
as boutiques will be organised around a public
plaza, seeking to create a modern village centre
for the island. Caya portrays the pure essence of
the Turks and Caicos while setting a new standard
for modern, tropical design within Providenciales.

180 181
roof-top bar

guest room

south elevation east elevation

南侧立面图 东侧立面图

north elevation west elevation

北侧立面图 西侧立面图

182 183
Resorts World Sentosa
central zone of the resort


Location: Singapore Designer: Michael Graves &

Associates Photographer: Michael Graves & Associates
Design date: 2006 Site area: 325,160 sqm

项目地点:新加坡 设计师:迈克尔・格雷夫斯事务所 摄影师:迈克尔・格

雷夫斯事务所 设计时间:2006年 占地面积:325,160平方米

International architects and designers Michael

Graves & Associates (MGA) announced the
completion of the first phase of their Resorts World
Sentosa, a new global vacation destination
combining top-flight hotels, family entertainment,
fine dining, and world-class gaming on 121 acres
just across Keppel Harbour from downtown
Singapore. The project marks a significant
milestone for Singapore, as MGA’s client Genting
Singapore builds the country’s first large-scale
multi-recreational luxury park. The resort, which
includes a Universal Studio theme park, was
one of the first two projects to be certified with aerial view of central zone
the GoldPlus Award from Singapore’s Building 中心区域鸟瞰图
and Construction Authority’s (BCA) Green Mark
programme. It’s also a major accomplishment
for MGA - the largest project in the firm’s 46-year
history, and the best example of its unique
integrated design practice, with master planning,
architecture, interior design, furniture, products
and graphics.
Says the designer Michael Graves, “Sentosa brings
together so many parts of our practice - it draws
on the deep skill-set of my partners, and our
talented staff, and it allowed us to demonstrate
our architectural values on a larger canvas than
ever before.”
The US$4.32 billion project was conceived in two
parts: first, in the northeastern corner of Sentosa
Island, a Universal Studios theme park designed
by others; then, just west of that, a resort with
a mixed programme of leisure and hospitality
facilities including a casino, a museum, high-end
retail and more, all aimed at attracting a diverse
clientele from around the region and around the

184 185
Resorts World Sentosa sign waterfront retail and food & beverage
圣淘沙名胜世界标志 海滨食品零售区

waterfront amphitheatre and maritime museum entrance plaza at universal studios

海滨露天剧场与海事博物馆 环球影城入口广场

186 187
typical guestroom level of Crockfords Tower mansion suite room level of Crockfords Tower
康乐福豪华酒店标准间层平面图 康乐福豪华酒店套房层平面图

lobby floor plan of Hotel Michael


188 189
Taj Exotica – Golf Resort & Spa
view of the exterior pool deck and the staggered rooms


Location: Doha, Qatar Designer: GHD Photographer: The building is primarily designed in reinforced levels each are situated on either side of the
GHD – Doha Visualisation Team Site area: 110,696 sqm concrete. The intention was to give the ground central facility. The two lower levels of each
Construction area: 37,000 sqm floor of the building a heavier, stronger base wing are backed on the corridor side by landfill,
项目地点:卡塔尔,多哈 设计师:GHD 摄影师:GHD多哈视觉团队 占地 impression which starts to get lighter as you shaped as gentle landscape hills.
面积:110,696平方米 建筑面积:37,000平方米 elevate. This was achieved by using honed
Jordanian stone cladding on the ground floor 项目的总体目标是在地理位置和建筑造型独特的酒店中营造度
The overall aim of the project is to provide that has thicker and more solid walls. The level
a resort-style relaxed atmosphere within a above comprises of rendered and painted
geographically dramatic and architecturally 店,共有150间房间。从东北面进入,度假村看起来像坐落在
hollow block along with the addition of seasoned 青山之中的单层建筑,缓缓攀升的道路通往入口广场。游客从
unique hotel to attract local and international hardwood balustrades to give a lighter feel to 设计纷繁错杂的木拱门(受到了传统阿拉伯文化启发)进入中
tourists. the building. On the last level more hardwood 层空间。
The concept for the Taj Exotica Resort on the balustrades and pergolas are used having an oil 建筑主要由钢筋混凝土建造。建筑的一楼厚重而踏实,越往上
Doha Golf Course has been developed as a stain finish with less concrete and hollow block in 越轻盈。一楼的亚光约旦石墙面让它看起来厚重而结实。上层
stepping, terraced three-storey hotel of 150 the balconies and terraces areas.
rooms where upon approaching the resort, from The Resort is comprised of a central building
the northeast side, the resort appears as a single 区域则较少使用了混凝土和空心砖。
accommodating three restaurants, a small 度假村的中央大楼内设置着三家餐厅、一个小型职能部门、一家
level building sitting above green hills, with a function facility, a cocktail bar, cigar lounge, 鸡尾酒吧、一个雪茄吧、休息大厅、商务中心和全部后台设施。
gently climbing road up to the entry square. The lobby lounge, business centre and all the back of 两个独立的客房翼楼分为3层,分别坐落在中央大楼的两侧。下
visitor enters at the middle level under an intricate house facilities. 面的两层背靠着走廊,后方的填埋堆形成了舒缓的景观山丘。
wooden Porte Cohere inspired by traditional Two single-loaded guest room wings of three
Arabian architecture.

view of the reflection pool and floating pavilion


view of the swimming pool & sun deck


190 191
view from lagoon aerial view from main entrance
从泻湖远眺度假村 从主入口处鸟瞰度假村

first floor plan (rooms) ground floor plan with landscape layout
一层平面图 (客房) 底层平面图及景观布置

192 193
Oceana Hotel

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Designer: Studio

Marco Piva (Interior Design) Photographer: Studio Marco
Piva Design date: 2011 Construction area: 41,000 sqm

项目地点:阿联酋,迪拜 设计师:马科尔・皮瓦工作室 (室内设计) 摄影

师:马科尔・皮瓦工作室 设计时间:2011年 建筑面积:41,000平方米

Ours is the Planet of Water, oceans to be precise,

which cover almost all its surface. The sea is the
means between merged land. Its unstable and
magical surfaces have to be cut across in order
to discover and get to know other lands and
other territories. The concept derives from these
aspects, intertwined with the knowledge of the
sea, an interpretation for the Oceana Hotel. A
double and simultaneous reference to the naval
architectural forms – materials, colours and
textures, to the map of forms and colours that the
sea treasures.
The design route, for this fascinating complex,
arises from the functional interpretation of the
volume and spaces, to be then confronted in
a complex bow of references to the marine
atmosphere, the prospects of various spaces and
ambients, proposing a few formal surprises, which
articulate through the constitutive elements of
the architecture and interior design.
The Oceana Hotel will be the first hotel to be
realised on The Palm Jumeirah and therefore
will be an important “case” for architecture
and design. The prospect therefore proposes
with respect to the functional requirements of
a complex structure solutions, which aim at
surprising and astonishing its guests; solutions
which are researched and cultured, which
detach from the easy and disaccustomed kitsch.
The flooring of entrance hall is designed, cut and
placed upon the geometric trace of astrolabe –
the ceiling creates a star-lit sky illuminated by LED
and fibre optics – the glass staircases which link
the hall and the mezzanine level, are derived from
the forms and proportions of shells – the interior
design of the guest rooms and apartments,
adopts supple and flexible forms which wrap up
the space just like in the interior of a yacht. These
are a few examples of the enjoyable paths to be
discovered and lived pleasurably.
194 195
196 197
198 199
hall conference centre
大厅 会议中心

swimming pool and lounge wellness and gym

游泳池与休息室 健身与体育馆

bar fruit lounge and garden

酒吧 水果休息室及花园

200 201
“Plaza” Hotel in Darłowo

Location: Darłowo, Poland Designer: Zalewski "The land" – two lower floors which are intended Across the horizontal levels of the hotel vertically
Architecture Group Photographer: Zalewski Architecture for the main hotel service functions divided "flows" a seven-storey atrium. The atrium opens to
Group Design date: 2009 Site area: 12,000 sqm horizontally – is all hidden from the sea behind an organic-shaped wooden promenade (perfect
Construction area: 18,000 sqm
a sand dune. On the ground floor there are the place for beach cafés, bars and restaurants and
项目地点:波兰,达尔洛沃 设计师:扎尔维斯基建筑集团 摄影师:扎 most important public areas of the hotel: a lobby, observation decks) leading you to the dunes and
尔维斯基建筑集团 设计时间:2009年 占地面积:12,000平方米 建筑面 an indoor pool, a restaurant and a bar, spa eventually to the beach and the sea.
complex, club rooms and small shops. On the first
The project of a four-star hotel resort in Darłowo floor there is a conference centre (comprising 项目是一家位于达尔洛沃的四星级度假酒店,可为350名宾客提
500 seats) with an independent catering service 供全方位服务,是原有的三星级酒店的升级版。酒店综合体坐
for 350 guests and with a full service base was 落在风景如画的森林公园里,与主城区通过沙滩隔开。设计师旨
conceived and designed as a successor to the (bar, coffee shop). This horizontal mattress is
existing three-star hotel. The hotel complex is covered with a wavy ecological roof that regains 市的新地标。
located in picturesque green areas of forests and parts of natural areas occupied by the building 酒店设计有意识地将陆地和海洋的影响力结合在一起。这种组
parks that separate the main part of the town and creates a perfect place for recreation and 合反映在建筑的各个方面——功能性、造型和美观度。建筑的功
from the beach. The designers’ main intention relaxation in the fresh air. This artificial land is an 能区布局和造型都以垂直方式排列。
while working on the project was to make the extension of the coastal forests among which the “陆地”是建筑下面的两层,主要设置着酒店服务区,隐藏在沙
hotel was located and contrasts with the sand 丘的后面,远离海洋。一楼是酒店最重要的公共区域——大堂、
hotel, situated directly on the beach, a visible 室内游泳池、餐厅、酒吧、水疗中心、俱乐部和小商店。二楼是
from the sea and recognisable landmark of dunes stretching behind the hotel.
Darłowo. Moving upwards there are three six-storey 啡店)。这个水平空间上方是波浪造型的生态屋顶,可供休闲娱
The idea for designing the facility was based on residential parts of the hotel placed on "the land". 乐。这片人造陆地是海岸森林的延伸,酒店与后方的沙丘形成了
intentional merger of the "influences" of the land Their aesthetics are expressed in the form and 鲜明对比。
and the sea. This combination is reflected in every shape of the façade was inspired by the variation 向上是三座六层住宿空间,它们外墙的造型受到海浪和微风的
aspect forming the building – its function, shape of sea waves and the transience of breeze. 影响,充满了美感。三个椭圆形结构从视觉上缩小了酒店的规
Three oval residential blocks optically reduce the 模。每层楼都设有舒适而奢华的酒店客房和套房。
and aesthetics. Functional arrangement, as well 酒店的水平结构上方是七层高的中庭。中庭通往木板散步长廊。
as the form of the building, was planned and dimensions of the hotel. On each storey there are
organised vertically. comfortable and luxurious hotel rooms and suites. 前往沙丘、海滩和大海。

main facade view


seaside view of facade


distant view of facade


202 203
full view of the hotel and landscape

ceiling details ceiling details

吊顶局部 吊顶局部

site plan second to fifth floor plan

酒店位置图 二至五层平面图

guest room

first floor plan


204 205
Hotel Resort Mivka
hotel facade view

Location: Bled, Slovenia Designer: enota Photographer: unique hotel facade detail
enota Competition date: 2010 Competition name: Hotel 独特的外立面设计
Resort Mivka Competition Site area: 17,689 sqm Place in
the competition: Entry

项目地点:斯洛文尼亚,布莱德 设计师:艾诺塔 摄影师:艾诺塔 竞赛

时间:2010年 竞赛名称:米瓦卡度假酒店竞赛 占地面积:17,689平方
米 竞赛所获名次:入围

Hotel Mivka is set on an amazing location

near the city of Bled – one of the main tourist
destinations in Slovenia. The new hotel resort is
situated on a relatively large area in the middle of
the forest, completely isolated from any impacts
of other environment and surrounded only by
beautiful nature. The location also offers open
views to the surrounding mountain range. The
new resort forms a peaceful oasis in contrast with
other highly concentrated tourist zones of the
immediate vicinity.
Primary goal in designing the hotel was to provide
a complete natural experience. The designers
want to offer to the guests who chose this resort
for holiday destination the feeling of complete
connection with nature that surrounds them.
Perfect view on nature means the view on nature
only. If, for example, it is common sense, that hotel entrance
hotel users mustn’t see regional road passing the 酒店入口
resort, it is also important that they don’t see the
hotel access road either. It is as well important,
that being in the hotel room, we don’t see other
hotel guests in their rooms. Even more, from each
programme area, which is being used by hotel
guests, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted
views of nature only, without seeing users of any
other programme.
Of course, for enabling perfect connection
with nature it is not only important how the
users see nature from the hotel, but also how
nature penetrates into the interior space from
the outside. One of the most important such
parameters is natural lighting. It is necessary to
provide abundance of natural light in all areas
accessible to guests – including communications.
The feeling of being in connection with nature is
each person’s intimate relation. To stimulate it, it is
necessary to provide a sense of privacy to guests.
As the hotel is relatively large this seems to be
somewhat harder task to accomplish. The huge
volume must be divided in smaller parts and the
hotel designed as a set of separate, smaller units.
site plan

206 207
side facade view

hotel building and its neighbourhood


hotel interior design


208 209
fourth floor plan second floor plan
四层平面图 二层平面图

first floor plan ground floor plan

一层平面图 底层平面图

210 211
Mountain Hotel
on a smooth slope rocky blocks were laid out to create hotel for
guest expecting unusual aesthetic feelings and discreet comfort

高山酒店 极为舒适的居住感受

Location: Szklarska Poreba, Poland Designer: Kabarowski it look as if rocks are growing out of the slope, above water pond. Therefore nature is not only
Misiura Architekci Photographer: OMI Media Production as a natural part of mountain landscape. They outside the window - a pond and mountain creek
Site area: 12,900 sqm Construction area: 3,100 sqm
do not spoil it - they make it more attractive and become a part of the building, its visual foundation.
项目地点:波兰,斯科拉尔斯卡・波利巴 设计师:卡巴罗斯基・米修拉建 complete.
筑事务所 摄影师:OMI媒体制造 占地面积:12,900平方米 建筑面积: Seen from the north - the highest point - whole 这座位于斯科拉尔斯卡・波利巴的酒店,与破坏自然景观的大型
3,100平方米 度假村大不相同。酒店建在缓坡上,岩石楼体组成了不规则的Y
composition seems like collection of four micro-
This hotel, designed in Szklarska Poreba, is an complexes. First and the main is a double storey
opposition against large vacation resorts, often entrance segment, accessible to everyone, 公寓,与地下、地上的隧道相连。外墙和屋顶、单层和双层公寓
roughly interfering natural landscape. On a housing entry hall, restaurant, swimming pool with 以及周边绿地和水景所采用的岩板让岩石看起来像是从山坡上
smooth slope rocky blocks were laid out to create SPA. Through fully glazed vestibule, one can get 生长出来一样,形成了高山景观的一部分。它们没有破坏景观,
irregular Y shape. to private areas. Labyrinth of corridors effectively 而是让景观看起来更具吸引力,也更完整。
isolates each apartment with large panoramic 从北部最高点看去,整个酒店由四个部分组成。第一个也是最
These sharp rocks, completely clad with 主要的一个是一个具有双层大门的空间,任何人都可以进入,里
horizontal strips of natural grey slate, are windows opening towards English garden and
segments comprising 17 apartments, connected staggering views of Polish mountains. The longest 可以进入私人区域。迷宫似的走廊有效地隔绝了各个公寓。每个
with an underground and on ground system of corridor, dematerialised by fully glazed walls, 公园都享有英式花园和壮美的波兰山脉美景。最长的走廊全部
tunnels. Slate applied on façades and roofs, free leads to the third zone - the most to the south 采用玻璃幕墙,通往南部的私人区域。总统套房由柱子支撑的三
composition and single level and double level private area. So-called presidential suite consists 个结构组成,漂浮在水塘之上。这样一来,自然不仅仅存在于窗
of three blocks raised on columns, levitating 外,水塘和山间小溪成为了建筑的一部分,形成了视觉地基。
apartments, green surroundings and water, make

president suite levitating above water pond


212 213
swimming pool with large panoramic windows opening towards
English garden and staggering views of Polish mountains

view of the parking and entrance area view of the hotel from the road
停车场及入口区域 从道路的方向眺望酒店外观

214 215
basement floor plan ground floor plan
地下室层平面图 底层平面图

first floor plan roof floor plan

一层平面图 屋顶层平面图

rocky blocks, hiding intimate luxurious apartments


216 217
Crown Resort Montafon
arial view of the hotel


Location: Gaschurn, Austria Designer: ATP Architects and creative dialogue with the traditional building a landmark of the valley. The visitor is offered a
Engineers Photographer: ATP Architects and Engineers patterns of the valley and the road. The strong unique experience and special moments. He
Competition date: 2009 Competition name: Crown presence of the building coupled with a gentle sits protected and raised up in the protective
Resort Montafon Competition Site area: 11,600 sqm
Construction area: 15,000 sqm Place in the competition:
approach to the site lie behind the structure embrace of the hotel and is able to enjoy the
First Prize and o rganisation of the new bui ldi ng. The open spaces and the majestic pano rama.
individual elements are arranged across the The variety of options offered by the hotel are
项目地点:奥地利,加舒恩 设计师:ATP建筑工程事务所 摄影师:ATP site in a way which exploits its sloping nature enhanced by the number of separate locations
建筑工程事务所 竞赛时间:2009年 竞赛名称:蒙塔丰皇冠度假村竞赛
占地面积:11,600平方米 建筑面积:15,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:一 while logically arranging the more public and in the hotel where this relationship with the
等奖 more private functions. The placing of the two valley and special location is intensified – such
timber volumes on the plinth stone is derived as the fireside lounges in the residential areas
Awarded reason: from the local constructional tradition which with their views deep into the woods of the
The project is convincing in urban design terms a l so ta kes i nto acco u nt th e t y po l og y a n d valley side.
due to the clear positioning of the volumes functional requirements of the hotel.
in relationship to the slope of the site and Compactness, minimum travel distances and 物质化和空间比例是项目设计理念的决定因素。
the consequently minimal alterations in the operational efficiency were achieved without 酒店的造型与其地理位置使人们在相当远的距离都可以看见
landscape. The internal quality of the project taking anything away from the quality of the 它,令它成为了一个城市地标,与山谷和道路之间的传统建筑
owes much to the generosity of the six-storey location, the view and the generosity which 模式形成了极具创意的对话。建筑显眼的外观与场地温和地结
atrium and the resulting quality of light in the the facility offers to its guests. 合在一起。设计师利用建筑场地的坡地特征安排了项目的公共
reception lobby and circulations to the rooms. The connection with the mountains and the
Montafon val ley i s developed th rough the
项目通过清晰的结构布局与场地缓坡形成的关系,对景观的调 notions of fire and water and their relationship 影响场地、景观和客户服务的质量。
整达成了最小化。项目内部六层楼高的中庭、前台大堂的自然 with the generous and suggestive location. The 项目与山脉和蒙塔丰河谷的联系通过水火的概念和它们与地理
采光和客房的流通路径提高了其质量。 archaic qualities of these elements suggest a 位置之间的联系展开。其古香古色的设计元素在山脉和项目的
constant link with the clarity of the mountains 规模、壮观感和亲近性之间形成了恒定的联系。
Mate r ial it y and sca l e a re the dete r m i n i ng
and with their scale, majesty and proximity. 酒店的独特性体现在夜晚,壁炉闪耀的火焰和倒影池让酒店成
fa c to r s o f t h e c o n c e pt fo r t h e p r o p o s e d
T h e u n i q u e n e s s of t h e h ote l i s m a r ke d by 为了山谷中的地标。游客可以在此获得独特的体验。在酒店
the evening atmosphere when the glowing 中,游客可以享受辽阔的空间和风景。酒店内部独立的功能区
The hotel t ypology and the urban situation
flames of the fi replace and reflecting pool 提升了酒店的氛围,它们与山谷和特殊的地理位置紧密相连。
mean that this is a landmark which can be seen
underline that the hotel is both a product and 例如:住宿区的火边休息室可以看到山谷中树林深处的风景。
from a considerable distance and engaging a

the resort hotel in the dusk

夜幕中的度假酒店 side facade view

218 219
internal pool

guest room

hotel lobby

220 221
Aghobili Hotel

Location: Abastumani, Republic of Georgia Designer:

Henning Larsen Architects Photographer: Henning Larsen
Architects Competition date: 2010 Competition name:
International Competition for Aghobili Hotel Construction
area: 22,000 sqm Place in the competition: First Prize

项目地点:格鲁吉亚,阿巴苏马尼 设计师:亨宁・拉尔森建筑事务所 摄影
师:亨宁・拉尔森建筑事务所 竞赛时间:2010年 竞赛名称:阿果比利酒
店国际竞赛 建筑面积:22,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖

The Georgian town of Abastumani, located

on the southern slope of the Meskheti Range,
is home to three hyperthermic springs and
numerous resorts. Abastumani is located close to
the Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park, one of the
largest national parks in Europe. The Abastumani
summer is sunny with comfortable temperatures view of the hotel from the forest
while the winter offers a breathtaking snow- 从森林中望向酒店
covered landscape. The moderate climate of
aerial view of the building and its surrounding forest
the Otskhe River Valley makes the area ideal for
wellness and as a place of refuge.
Henning Larsen Architects has designed the
Aghobili Hotel, a sanctuary located on the
foothills of the Meskheti Range and featuring
accommodation, a wellness centre and mineral
spa. The Aghobili Hotel forms an integrated part
of a preserved historic hotel. In order to revitalise
the elegant luxury of the existing hotel, the design
of the Aghobili Hotel is rooted in the history of
Abastumani. This strong contextual identity makes
the new hotel stand out as a hybrid of historic
and modern design.
The aura of the original hotel lingers and interacts
with the new luxury destination: chic, modern
spa facilities coincide with historic splendour.
The new facilities feature mineral water pools,
which extend into the lush forest of the Meskheti
Range. The fresh air, mild climate and isolated
landscape of the Aghobili Hotel offer tourists the
rare opportunity to become immersed in nature
amidst a spa sanctuary setting.

222 223
first floor plan

first basement floor plan


second floor plan


fourth basement floor plan


second basement floor plan


ground floor plan


third basement floor plan


224 225
Land Development for Complex “Šipčanik”

Location: Podgorica, Montenegro Designer: Arh.

Bulatović Ksenija, Arh. Branko Jovanović dipl.
ing., Arh. Slađana Meseldžija, Arh. Ana Kos
Photographer: Arh. Bulatović Ksenija, Arh. Branko
Jovanović, Arh. Slađana Meseldžija, Arh. Ana
Kos Design date: 2007 Site area: 60,000 sqm
Construction area: 60,000 sqm

项目地点:黑山共和国,波德戈里察 设计师:布拉托维克・凯瑟尼加、布兰
可・约瓦诺维、斯拉达纳・梅斯尔迪斯加、安娜·科斯 摄影师:布拉托维克
・凯瑟尼加、布兰可・约瓦诺维、斯拉达纳・梅斯尔迪斯加、安娜·科斯 设
计时间:2007年 占地面积:60,000平方米 建筑面积:60,000平方米

This site was designed in a way that allowed for

modern architecture to be adapted to ethno-
style. Since the ground has organic configuration,
architectural forms, especially hotel, follow
organic lines and are completely integrated with
the surroundings. Modern architectural language
of modelling tells the story of unique urban
entity that makes dwelling very pleasant and is
designed to blend in with nature. Landscaping
elements were also carefully placed in a way
that accents and compliments the buildings and
spaces. All of the construction was designed
using ecological materials in way that makes
subtle conjunction between modern and
traditional, and contributes to better quality of
this ambience.

226 227
ground floor plan roof floor plan
底层平面图 屋顶平面图

second basement floor plan first basement floor plan

地下二层平面图 地下一层平面图

228 229
Ark Hotel

Location: Nizhneimeretinskaya, Russia Designer: The structural solidity is provided by compression regions, because the structure of the basement
REMISTUDIO Photographer: Alexander Remizov Design behaviour of the timber arches and tension represents a shell without any ledges or angles.
date: 2010 Site area: 4,500 sqm Construction area: behaviour of the steel ropes. The framework is A stressed structure of arches and ropes permits
14,000 sqm covered by a special foil made of Ethyl Tetra to distribute load along the whole bulk in case
项目地点:俄罗斯,尼泽奈美尔丁斯卡亚 设计师:REMI工作室 摄影 Fl uo ro Ethy l ene (E TFE). It i s a st rong h ig h l y of earthquake.
师:亚历山大・雷米佐夫 设计时间:2010年 占地面积:4,500平方米 transparent foil, self-cleaning, recyclable, more
建筑面积:14,000平方米 durable, more economical and lighter than 建筑设计有两个方面需要特别注意:一是应对极端环境条件和
glass. The foil itself is fixed to the framework by 气候变化的安全保证;二是人类活动对自然环境的保护。方舟酒
For architecture t wo aspects a re of higher special metal profiles, which serve at the same 店应对了这些挑战,以国际建筑师联合会工作项目“灾难救济建
concern: the first one is maintenance of security time as solar collectors for water heating and as 筑”的国际经验为基础,采用了生态气候建筑理念,拥有独立的
and precautions against extreme environmental gutters intended for collecting rainwater from 生活保障系统,保证了封闭的功能循环。
conditions and climate changes. The second the roof surface. 木拱的压缩力和钢索的张力保证了结构的稳定性。框架由一种
one is protection of natural environment from It’s a cupola building with a central bearing 特殊的乙基脂氟代乙烯薄片覆盖。这种材料具有高透明度,可自
human activities. The Ark project makes an i n a fo r m o f a t u b e w i t h a l l e n g i n e e r i n g 动清洁、可循环、耐用,并且比玻璃更经济、更轻。薄片通过特殊
attempt to answer these challenges of our time. communications passing inside it. Such a form 的金属配件固定在框架上,还可以吸收太阳能、收集雨水。
The Ark project was designed on the basis of pe r m it s to at ta i n a n opt i m um re l at i o n s h i p 这是一个圆顶建筑,中轴采用了管状造型,所有机械工程设施都
international experience received from the UIA between the building’s volume and its outer 由此穿过。这种造型保证了建筑体量和与外围空间的最优关系,
Work Programme “Architecture for Disasters sur face, which gives a substantial saving of 节约了材料,产生了有效的能量。预制框架让建筑施工过程变得
Relief” and according to the concept of a materials and produces effective energy usage. 迅速。
bioclimatic house with independent life support Prefab r icated f rame pe r m its to e rect such 建筑可以建在不同的气候环境和地震多发区域,因为它的地下
sources. In such buildings provision is made for buildings quickly. 室结构呈现出一个无边角的壳形。在地震时,加压圆拱和钢索将
an independent life support system including The building could be constructed in different 分散整个楼体的负荷。
elements ensuring a closed functioning cycle. climatic zones and in seismically dangerous

230 231
232 233
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236 237
fresh air
wind energy
solar energy

thermal energy

thermal water

238 239
Hotel Ray

Location: Venice, California, USA Designer: Belzberg

Architects Photographer: Belzberg Architects Design
date: 2008 Construction area: 9,290 sqm

项目地点:美国,加利福尼亚,威尼斯市 设计师:贝尔兹伯格建筑事
务所 摄影师:贝尔兹伯格建筑事务所 设计时间:2008年 建筑面积:

Hotel Ray is a 57-room green hotel that stands on

the site of the original Eames studio. It introduces
a new paradigm of ecotourism to the already
diverse Venice tourist culture.
While "green" is typically only associated with
engineering feats of recycled materials and
energy generation, Belzberg Architects took
their cue from the research and production
methodologies of the Eames’ and has combined
that with their interest in digital design techniques
to generate novel effects and spaces.
Hybrid recycled woods have higher twisting and
bending tolerances than conventional wood;
Recycled fibreboards expose new textural
surfaces when milled by a computer-numerically-
controlled (CNC) router, and subterranean
cogeneration plants and cooling systems free the
roof for multiple activities and amenity - a space
typically filled with mechanical equipment.

240 241
242 243
244 245
Paineiras Hotel Complex
general view of the complex


L o c a t i o n : R i o d e J a n eiro, Brazil Designer: Arkiz consists in a visitor centre for the monument and the complex as an efficient support platform
+ hiperstudio Photographer: Arkiz + hiperstudio the national park, an eco-tourism hotel, and a for tourist visitation for the park and the
Competition date: 2009 Competition name: Hotel
Paineiras National Competition Site area: 8,000 sqm convention centre. The visitor centre is composed monument. The existing infra-structure was under-
Construction area: 15,000 sqm Place in the competition: of covered public plaza, exhibition spaces, ticket dimensioned and overwhelmed by the intense
Honourable Mention booths, stores, a cafeteria, locker rooms for hikers, visitation, provoking great traffic jams in the
项目地点:巴西,里约热内卢 设计师:Arkiz + hiperstudio 摄影师: an open-air arena, a train station (which allows access roads and providing little comfort for the
Arkiz + hiperstudio 竞赛时间:2009年 竞赛名称:佩内拉斯国家级竞赛 access to the monument), 250 parking lots for visitors. The proposed design should allow for
占地面积:8,000平方米 建筑面积:15,000平方米 竞赛所获名次:荣誉 cars and vans, and transfer platforms. generous spaces that could receive the foreseen
This project’s primary concern was its relationship numbers of tourists, but spaces that could also
Awarded reason: with the pre-existing and surrounding environment allow perfect fruition of the beautiful panoramic
This proposal is conceptually consistent with in which it is inserted. Despite the intense visitation view and the close contact with nature.
a higher level of quality, and it’s a relevant the Christ Redeemer monument receives, the
complex still is situated right in the middle of a 项目位于提久卡国家公园中心,距离举世闻名的基督像1,600
contribution to the architectural debate. The 余米,由基督像和国家公园的游客中心、生态之旅酒店和会议
formal solution is unique, strong and compelling, national park and thus cannot allow significant
and at the same time it establishes a harmonious environmental impacts. Inversely, it should even
relationship with the surrounding area, with serve as a conscience-building example for a 像)、250个停车位和中转平台。
its natural landscape of great value. A great desired relationship between man and nature. 项目首要考虑的是它与原有环境之间的关系。尽管每天有大量
sensibility was applied to the design of the hotel, Secondly, much consideration was given to 的游客前来参观基督像,酒店始终是处在国家公园的中心,不
to relate the new building of light to the ancient the important historic character of the original 能对环境造成太大的影响。相反,它应该成为体现人与自然良
walls of historic heritage. Hotel Paineiras, which in intrinsically related to 好关系的建筑典范。
the collective memory of Rio’s inhabitants and 其次,项目还注重了老佩内拉斯酒店的历史特征,因为它深深
获奖原因: its many visitors. Although its conservation in its 地埋在里约热内卢居民和众多游客的记忆之中。虽然人们试图
项目质量上乘,在建筑上颇有建树。建筑外形独特、强烈而引 original state was much desired, the building 保留酒店的原样,但是建筑已经不适合再作为一个现代酒店使
人注目,同时还通过富有价值的自然景观与周边区域形成了和 用。这种状况要求设计师进行深刻而又尊重原貌的改造。
on the other hand was much degraded, and
的古老墙壁相互联系。 also obsolete in regards to the functioning of a
contemporary hotel like the one the competition 重的交通阻塞,为游客带来了不便。项目设计为将来的大批量
This project is located in the middle of the Tijuca promoters specified. Such situation demanded 游客提供足够的空间,同时也不会阻碍欣赏自然的美景,让人
National Park, less than a mile from the famous an incisive but respectful intervention. 亲近自然。
monument of the Christ Redeemer. The project Finally, there was also the concern of organising

public plaza and hotel entrance; porch


ariel view of the complex


246 247
public plaza and visitors center

public plaza and visitors center


site plan

248 249

building scheme

environmental efficiency analysis


250 251
garage floor plan garage floor plan
车库层平面图 车库层平面图

ground floor plan

hotel top floor (leisure)

hotel floor plan (rooms)


garage floor plan


hotel ground floor plan


252 253
Complex Hotel Paineira
aerial view of the building and its surrounding forest


Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Designer: Estudio complex hotel Paineiras and the hotel today
America Photographer: Estudio America Competition 佩奈拉酒店今昔对比
date: 2009 Competition name: Complex Hotel Paineira
Architectural Competition Site area: 14,000 sqm Place
in the competition: First Prize

项目地点:巴西,里约热内卢 设计师:美洲工作室 摄影师:美洲工作室

竞赛时间:2009年 竞赛名称:佩奈拉酒店建筑竞赛 占地面积:14,000平
方米 竞赛所获名次:一等奖

Awarded reason:
The Jury hereby preliminarily declares its
conviction that this proposal, conceptually
consistent and of superior level of quality, is
an important contribution to the architectural

To develop a complex project inside one of the

greatest urban forests in the world, the Tijuca
Forest, may seem contradictory at first. A territory
which is seen as one of the lungs of Rio de Janeiro
should, at first sight, be untouchable. The great
movement of people who, in a daily basis, have
one of the “seven wonders” of modern world as
their destiny, the Redeemer Christ, changes that
original point of view. The question that urges is
how to accommodate such an incompatibility.
A response to that question appears as a positive
opportunity. Besides finding a solution to a
complicated tangle of distinct flows and ways of
transportation, it is a chance to inform and bring
awareness to the 6,000 daily tourists of the forests’
richness and the importance of its preservation.
The competition emphasised a crucial point to
the project: the high number of cars and vans
that should find their place within the Tijuca Forest.
This consideration had two opposite solutions for
a project party: on one side the parking complex
would grow out of the terrain, obstructing
the landscape views and compromising the
local character, a landing on the ascension hanging garden
to the Christ, or on the other hand the parking 悬空花园
complex would be accommodated into the
terrain, freeing the landscape and the visitors’ ground floor plan
views, through a relatively small cut into the soil, 底层平面图
compared to the importance of the enterprise
and the monumental scale of the nature itself.
A building is a testimony of life and architecture
of its time. Taking that as a consideration,
the project’s strategy aimed to make a clear
distinction of the different periods of intervention.
It proposes the recuperation of the original
construction, which will receive clearly identified
and justified additions, considered necessary to
the new functions required.

254 255
hanging hotel garden transfer station
悬空的酒店花园 换乘车站

convention centre

256 257
transfer station and parking floor plan

transfer station floor plan


apartments floor plan restaurant floor plan

公寓平面图 餐厅平面图

office floor plan convention centre floor plan

办公区平面图 会议中心平面图

parking floor plan parking floor plan

停车场平面图 停车场平面图

258 259
Xi’an Vip Hotel
Location: Xi’an, China Designer: MADA s.p.a.m.
Photographer: MADA s.p.a.m. Design date: 2011
Construction area: 26,990 sqm

项目地点:中国,西安 设计师:马达思班建筑设计事务所 摄影师:马达

思班建筑设计事务所 设计时间:2011年 建筑面积:26,990平方米

Inspired by the historic walled city of Xi'an, the

Xi'an Horticultural Exposition Garden Reception
Centre prominently features a stone wall that
surrounds the hotel and spa complex that is
intended to emulate the form of a floating lily
on a pond. The stone wall forms five "petals" or
zones for the Centre’s hotel and spa facilities and
the landscape design expresses the Wu Xing, or
the Five Elements – Earth, Metal, Water, Wood
and Fire in each of the five petals. Each lobe of
the flower petal presents a distinct landscape
character, while the central plaza forms a large
public gathering space for cultural events and
the display of public art.
The Xi'an Horticultural Exposition Garden
Reception Centre landscape features spa pools
and outdoor therapy rooms, garden meeting
areas, plazas, walking paths, and venues for
events and public art. The Centre sculptural
paths, plazas and walls are inspired by traditional
and regional methods of craftsmanship and
natural landforms, yet present comptemporary
interpretations in the details of stone, wood,
and metals. Throughout the Centre, the garden
experience includes a broad range of plant
species, which are composed to create a variety
of artful landscape experiences throughout the
year. Each zone of the Centre has a distinct
planting character, which reflects colours and
textures of the Five Elements in the garden
patterns and tree bisques. During the site
development, many large specimen trees were
preserved and salvaged as part of an initiative
to promote the reuse of plant species within the
Horticultural Exposition.
During the design process, important aspects
of environmental stewardship were considered
including an emphasis upon improving water
quality of the lake surrounding the Centre
through the use of bioswales, reducing water
consumption through a high efficiency irrigation
system, and improved energy efficiency through
the use of LED lighting fixtures and lighting control

260 261
262 263
“1” Hotel
night view of the whole buliding with lighting


entrance landscape design


Location: Washington DC, USA Designer: Oppenheim organised by the volumetric play established by conserve natural resources. Capturing energy
Architecture + Design Renderings: Dbox and Olalekan the building massing and materiality. and balance from earth and sky, the project
Jeyifous Design date: 2007 Site area: 188,000 sqm Light and garden serve as organisational devices brings forth and new paradigm in green building.
Construction area: 18,580 sqm
that direct circulation, define urban articulations, The firm is responsible for the design of the DC.
项目地点:美国,华盛顿 设计师:奥本海姆建筑设计事务所 效果图: and maximise the sensations of pleasure and
Dbox公司和Olalekan Jeyifous 设计时间:2007年 占地面积:188,000 delight. A harmonious integration of architecture 项目在建筑和可持续设计之间建立了对话,试图将生态建筑与
平方米 建筑面积:18,580平方米 都市奢华酒店结合起来。三幢11楼高的建筑通过垂直玻璃花园
and engineering disciplines permits hyper-
This project engages a dialogue between efficiency in both structural and mechanical
architecture and sustainability in the attempt to systems – allowing for economies of time, building 拥有不同程度的私密感的空间。
establish a new hospitality concept that pushes material, and energy. Inspired by Victorian- 灯光和花园是引导路径的主要工具,它们加强了城市连接,还
the boundaries of eco-architecture in the context era Botanical gardens – the building employs a 将愉悦感最大化。建筑与工程规范的完美结合保证了结构和机
of an urban luxury hotel. Three 11-storey volumes delicate and lacy double glazed fenestration 械系统的高效率,实现了时间、建材和能量的节约。 建筑受维
connected by glass enclosed vertical gardens system that evokes both emotional and physical 多利亚时期的植物园影响,采用了精美的花边玻璃开窗系统,
comfort in all climatic conditions. Verdant rooftop 让人们在任何气候环境中都感到舒适。青翠的屋顶花园与内部
are arranged on the corner site in the central 垂直花园形成了一个“生态机器”,净化着水和空气,让项目
business district of DC to optimise efficiency, gardens in conjunction with the internalised
light, and openness. Zones of varying degrees vertical gardens act as a “living machine” to 绿色建筑的典范。
of privacy at the most public ground level are purify air and water allowing the project to

264 265
glasses facade details

hotel lounge relax garden

酒店休息室 休闲花园

266 267
guestrooms floor plan roof floor plan standard guestroom plan site plan
客房层平面图 屋顶层平面图 标准间平面图 酒店位置图

268 269
massing garden programme
集结 花园 构造

270 271
Exhibition Centre Hotel
bottom view of the hotel


Location: United Arab Emirates Designer: Oppenheim oppor tunities for the integ ration of va r ious 体布局。移位布局让每个单元都能够拥有最佳的景观,同时也保
Architecture + Design Renderings: Olalekan Jeyifous devices geared towards the overall sustainability 证了隐私层级。各个结构之间的空隙还形成了私人花园的空间,
Design date: 2007 Site area: 51,342 sqm of the project. A latticed veil, informed by the 提供了至高的空间体验。
项目地点:阿联酋 设计师:奥本海姆建筑设计公司 效果图:Olalekan beauty of Islamic geometries, serves as brise
Jeyifous 设计时间:2007年 占地面积:51,342平方米 soleil. This contextually passive response to the 了空间。从伊斯兰几何图形中获得灵感的格子外壳起到了遮阳板
environment alludes to cultural ornamentation 的作用。这一被动式环境元素既反映了区域文化装饰,又构成了
Exhibition Centre Hotel takes a more self-assured while ultimately generating construction and 建筑结构、起到了节能作用。此外,建筑的透明特性起到了海市
approach, moving beyond the one-dimensional energy savings. Additionally the cr ystalline 蜃楼的效果,在特定光线下,建筑仿佛即将解体,看起来极具视
landmark fetish and desire for iconography, to nature of the proposal with surfaces that have 觉效果。
arrive at an architecture that is simultaneously a mirage like response to light points to an 项目兼具生态和社会效益,对人类和环境都有进步价值,还展示
sensual, sustainable, and sensible; establishing attempted dissolution of the building mass 了过去的精妙的手工艺。紧密的庭院、室内和屋顶花园引人注
a guest experience second to none. Conceived therein eliminating any possibility of it being 目,塔楼的比例均衡,各具规模。建筑和城市规划优雅而高效,
of as cr ystall ine volumes of va r ying height vi sua l l y ove r i m posi ng. T he p roject i s both
wrapped in an ornamental lattice, the proposal 利用了有利的地理位置,环绕着青翠的花园之中,是公园尽头的
ecologically and socially attuned, beneficial to 感官地标。
extracts the essence of the site, capitalising on human and environmental conditions that are
its potential to deliver pleasure and delight, in progressive, yet derived from the ingenuities of
turn maximising return on investment. Through the past. Nestled courtyards, interior and rooftop
a thorough investigation of the site and the g a rden s, co m pos it i o n a l l y co m pe l l i n g, th e
views offered, the proposal takes as a point of towers establish a harmony of proportion and
departure a fragmentation of the rectangular experience at various scales. The architecture
plan suggested by the site constraints in both and urban strategy is elegant and efficient,
plan and section established by the single conceived to enhance the experience of both
room module. The formal displacement allows g uest and pa r tici pant (of the com me rcia l
each unit to get the best possible views while and cultu ral components). Capital ising on
permitting perpetually sought after levels of the location, the architecture is nestled within
privacy. The voids generated by these shifts verdant gardens and establishes a sensible
also provide opportunities for intimate private landmark at the end of the park.
gardens that offer a spatial experience towards
the sublime. 中心酒店具有鲜明的特征,不仅是单一的地标和图像,而是一座
Finding further inspiration in the function and 兼具感官、可持续性和敏感度的建筑,始终把客人的需要放在第
elegance of Islamic minarets, the proposal 一位。项目由高低不一的透明结构组成,外面包裹着装饰性栅
also shif ts ver tical ly fu r ther enhancing the 格,提取了场地的精髓,利用了其活泼和喜悦的潜力,将投资回
experiences of the gardens as well as providing

272 273
hotel terrace

274 275
276 277
presidential suite diplomatic suite king suite
second floor plan second floor plan 国王套房
executive club floor plan restaurant floor plan 二层总统套房 二层外交套房
行政俱乐部平面图 餐厅层平面图

presidential suite diplomatic suite standard suite

first floor plan first floor plan 标准套房
一层总统套房 一层外交套房
office floor plan guest room floor plan
办公层平面图 客房层平面图

lobby floor plan


278 279
Mayland Seaside Hotel
façade view of the hotel across the river


Location: Guangzhou, China Designer: Patel Architecture a style that can be instantly recognised, but an fuel cell power generator. It is safe, clean and
Inc. Photographer: Patel Architecture Inc. Design date: architecture that emerges through a specific quiet, running on clean natural gas to efficiently
2008 Site area: 3,560 sqm Construction area: 46,085 sqm team-based process. This includes sensibility to produce electricity and heat for hot water. It
项目地点:中国,广州 设计师:帕特尔建筑有限公司 摄影师:帕特尔 social responsiveness, energy use, urbanism and burns no fuel. Due to the greatly reduced carbon
建筑有限公司 设计时间:2008年 占地面积:3560平方米 建筑面积: ecological awareness. dioxide emissions and use of fewer natural
46085平方米 The geometry of the tower at MSH is straight resources, this system is better for the environment
forward, based on a simple faceted cylindrical and economical to run.
Prestigiously sited with Zhujiang River facing
geometry which maximises repetition in the
views, the Mayland Seaside Hotel is designed 美林海岸酒店面对珠江,位置优越,其设计目标在于成为一个中
glazing panels in most areas. The shape of the
to form an important centrepiece, and present 心地标,表象高端现代考究的商务酒店。扒州商业圈将因而增
south and eastern façades with its sweeping
an image of high-end, modern, sophisticated 色。塔楼的北面和东面的建筑与隔江相望的扒州商业区和临近
curve, produces increased floor areas. The
five-star business hotel. This will also rejuvenate 美林海岸花园,形成协调和呼应;同时显出其独特性,在广州天
extensions of the façades beyond the enclosure
and breathe life into Pazhou Business fair circle. 际线成为一个杰出的亮点。从各个方向和从河的对岸看,它的帆
of the tower building are called “fins” and “sails". 状立面和扇贝屋顶将吸引目光而且广受欢迎。美林海岸酒店的
Portions of the north and east side of the building
Trimmed like a sail on a yacht, the fins and sails 建筑并不是一看就可以归类,而是源自多层的考虑,包括社会责
have the architectural vocabulary to have
serve to lessen effects of wind, sun and rain 任,能源利用,都市发展和社会意识等等。
respect, harmony and communication with the
on the façade but most importantly, they are 美林海岸酒店塔身的几何关系是直接了当的多边圆筒形,相同尺
surrounding Pazhou business fair circle and the
cladded with photovoltaic panels. 寸的玻璃尽可能重复。南面和东面的圆弧使得楼面增加。从塔
complex of Mayland Seashore Garden. Yet, 楼外墙面伸出的板像鱼的鳍和船的帆,可以减少风雨直接达到
Unique to this building and rising to the challenge
it stands out as an iconic landmark with great 墙面,更重要的是这些板是发电的太阳能板。
of incorporating renewable energy solutions with
proud holding a bright spot on Guangzhou 此栋建筑以顶层的风轮和大量的太阳能板结合建筑造型来解
sustainable architecture, the design provides
skyline. Viewed from all sides, and across the river, 决可持续发展的绿色建筑挑战。在地下层则设有燃料电磁(Fuel
for wind turbines on the upper portion of the Cell)的发电机,干净安全又无噪音,发电之外的副产品只有热和
with its sail-like façades and scalloped crowns,
tower and massive array of photovoltaic panels 水,不烧石化燃料,不产生二氧化碳,即经济又符合环保原则。
it will be an arresting, welcomed new addition
covering the entire south façade. Also, in the
to the city form. Architecture of the MSH is not
basement, there is a provision to incorporate a

hotel entrance

280 281
hotel terrace pool

Integrated wind turbines


views to the river and

surrounding city

solar path:
photovoltaics oriented
to capture sunlight

282 283
hotel terrace pool

284 285
Index Bonsar Architecture Studio
No.11, Fakourian St., Yakhchal
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Fax: +44 (0)20 7978 7879
Djordjevic Stankovic 341 Nassau Street 245 NE 37th Street
Architects DEVELOPMENT Princeton, NJ 08540 Miami, Florida 33137, USA 913 Ocean Front Walk
Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller Calle EMILIO MUÑOZ, 3 Tel: 609.924.6409 Venice, California 90291
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Mob: +381 63 10 33 153
CVR 29244391 Spain
Tel: +45 8730 5300 Tel: +34 915 758 760
Enota Patel Architecture
Poljanska cesta 6 Fax: +34 915 759 059 Michael Sorkin Studio Los Angeles VMX Architects
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ATP Architects and Engineers New York NY 10014 1076 CM Amsterdam, the
Tel: +386 1 438 67 40 Rancho Mirage, CA US 92270
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Fax: +386 1 438 67 45 Tel: 760.776.5031
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estudio america de Tel: +45 3378 1010 Moore Ruble Yudell Architects re: a.c.t architects
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gal.jardim 645 cj.81 www. 933 Pico Blvd. 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Yazdani Studio of Cannon
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Bakers Architecten Kabarowski Misiura Architekci 1901 Avenue of the Stars
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Lange Nieuwstraat 109 Browar Mieszczanski Suite 175
Tel: 55 11 3237 1749 Tel: (310) 450-1400
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Av. Brig Faria Lima, 1616, Jardim +48 501 262 461 MVRDV
Paulistano, Fax: + 48 71 793 6753 Dunantstraat 10 schmidt hammer lassen
Belzberg Architects Zalewski Architecture Group
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Tel: +55 (11) 2337.4784 Postbus 63136 Aaboulevarden 37
Santa Monica, CA 90404 Laboratory for Visionary GLIWICE 3002 JC Rotterdam NL PO box 5117
Tel: 310.453.9611
Architecture Tel: +31 (0)10 477 28 60 8000 Aarhus C Tel/Fax: (32) 230 21 31
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