Hsslive Xii Ch1 Accouting For Nop Organisation Signed
Hsslive Xii Ch1 Accouting For Nop Organisation Signed
Hsslive Xii Ch1 Accouting For Nop Organisation Signed
1. It is a real account
2. It is a summary of cash book
3. All receipts are debited and payments are credited
4. It usually begins with opening balance of cash in hand or at bank
5. It usually ends with closing balance of cash in hand or at bank
6. It doesn’t disclose the working results of the concern
7. It includes all receipts and payments of capital and revenue nature.
8. It records all receipts and payments relating to previous, current and subsequent years.
An Income and Expenditure account is a nominal account prepared by a non- Profit Organisation, in order to
ascertain the surplus or deficit of a particular period. It is prepared in the form of Profit and Loss account. All
expenses and losses are debited and all incomes and gains are credited. The surplus or deficit is transferred to
Capital Fund in the Balance sheet.
The balance sheet of a non-profit organisation is prepared for ascertaining the financial position of the
organisation. It shows assets and liabilities as at the end of the year. Assets are shown on the right hand
side and liabilities on the left hand side.
Non- cash transactions are not Non- cash transactions are made
Its closing balance is carried to Its balance (Surplus or Deficit) is transferred
the succeeding year. to Capital Fund.
It records both revenue and It records only revenue
capital items