Arms Rules 1924
Arms Rules 1924
Arms Rules 1924
51. Renewal fee and penalty.– A gratis arms license may be renewed after
the expiry of three months period subject to the payment of a penalty equivalent
to the renewal fee for each calendar year intervening the date of expiry and the
date on which it is renewed.
52. Manner of payment of fee.– On a date to be notified by the Government,
all fees relating to grant of arms licenses and ancillary matters shall be paid
through a scheduled bank specified by the Government.
53. Suspension of license.– The licensing authority may suspend an arms
license where, in its opinion, the licensee has become incapacitated or has
otherwise contravened any provision of the Ordinance, rules or instructions of
the Government and such suspension shall be enter in the central data.
54. Cancellation of license.– The licensing authority may, after due notice,
cancel an arms license where it is of the opinion that the licensee has become
ineligible or has otherwise contravened any provision of the Ordinance or rules
or any instruction of the Government or the license has not been renewed after
its expiry and shall enter the cancellation in central date for confiscation of arms.
55. Retainership permissions.– (1) ALIMS or NRC may on appearance of
the licensee along-with proposed retainer, allow appointment of not more than
one retainer of an arms license provided that if a person keeps more than one
licenses only one retainer shall be permitted on the basis of one license.
(2) Every retainer shall be otherwise qualified or eligible under the
56. Transfer of license.– All arms licenses shall be non-transferable but a
license may be transferred to one otherwise eligible legal heir of a deceased
licensee subject to acquiescence of other legal heirs and fulfillment of other
conditions applicable to a new applicant under the rules.
57. Record of licenses.– All arms licenses issued, shall be entered in a
central database in accordance with the instructions of the Government.
58. Right of representation against orders.– Any person, aggrieved by an
order under rules 55 and 56 may make a representation to the Government
whose decision on such representation shall be final.
59. Repeal.– The Arms Rules, 1924 are hereby repealed to the extent of the
Province of the Punjab.