Draft AIP 2018 PDF
Draft AIP 2018 PDF
Draft AIP 2018 PDF
(AIP) CY 2018
The Annual Investment Plan is the work and financial plan of the Local Government Unit (LGU) for the
period of one year. It is imperative for LGUs to conduct the Annual Investment Plan as it is from which
the LGU administers and provides budgetary support to its Local Development Plan (LDP) and Local
This year’s Annual Investment Planning highlights a review on the concept of planning-budgeting cycle
which is a critical input in the annual budget. The Annual Budget shall be prepared on the basis of the
AIP. The AIP identifies projects and programs to be appropriated in the Annual Budget and the projects
and programs within the AIP are the producers of the results in the LGU. These projects and programs in
the AIP shall be distributed in the following sectors - economic, social and general public services.
This plan shall after approval and integration of the 9th Sangguniang Bayan in the Annual Budget shall
be the guide of the LGU particularly the executive department – the implementer - in its implementation.
Arriba Jagna!
The crafting of Annual Investment Plan for CY 2018 was done earlier this year and it was
participated by the executive department heads, members of the 9th Sanggunian Bayan, the Local
Finance Committee members and the support staff in-charge per department on the monitoring of
their budget expenditures held at Capt Goyo Caseñas Hall this municipality Jagna, Bohol on May 16-
17, 2018.
The following bullets are some of the points deliberated in the discussions:
Personal Services
Based on the 2016 Actual Income amounting P 95,485,339.61 (basis for PS limitation) The
Municipal Budget Officer ensures that 3rd Tranche of Salary Standardization law can be
implemented in full without excessing personal services limits plus the creation of SG-11
Planning Officer 1 for MPDC Office and creating Admin Aide 1 for Acting Tourism Officer SG –
Creation of Municipal Assistant Department Head 1 ( JBC Administrator) for CY 2018 were also
already included and anticipated in the appropriation of Budget. The Acting HRMO will endorse
to the 9th Sanggunian Bayan for the creation of permanent position.
Due to the PS limitations, creation of MGDH 1 MSWD Officer is now deferred because it
requires a bigger amount of allocation, instead a budget for a contractual Licensed MSWDO
will do in compliance to the Seal of Good Local Governance criteria;
The LFC will find ways to allocate important items such as Traffic Enforcement Head, Engineer
1, MNAO and Accounting Clerk 1 as among the priority items for creation next year.
ISSUEs and CONCERNS raised during the plenary of AIP Workshop Reporting
Engr Gerry V. Araneta , the Planning and Development Officer emphasizes and revisited the
Vision-Mission and development thrust of the administration. He ensures that every department
will keep track the development thrust and goals in the municipality’s 12 Pillars of Good
Governance; Sustain existing PPAs that are beneficial to Social Welfare and Common Good;
Prioritization of proposed department’s projects, programs and activities especially the frontline
offices; and following the result-based perspective planning in achieving our goal and policy-
based budgeting;
Details of the proceedings during the AIP Planning/Programming Workshop conducted was in a
separate file or Annex to this AIP document;
Local Finance Committee with the presence of Vice Mayor Bonifacio Virtudes, Jr. and the
department heads present agrees to have an additional three Million Pesos anticipation of IRA
increase for CY 2018 in order to satisfy the basic needs and MOOE requirements;
Current Budget Appropriations will be as is except to those departments who has new programs
and projects for CY 2018 will be given a priority;
The body agrees that what has been approved and agreed in the AIP Workshop will be the
primary basis in Annual Budget Preparation and Supplemental Budgets so that review of budget
proposals will be hasten, in the event there is a major changes, the task is lodge to the Local
Finance Committee.
External Source
CY 2018 IRA--------------------- 95,215,985.00
PCSO ---------------------------- 470,000.00 95,685,985.00
Local Source
Tax Revenue ----------------------
NonTax Revenue ---------------- 12,063,150.00
Total Economic Income
Market/Slaughter-------------- 8,500,000.00
JWS -------------------------------- 5,500,000.00
ISWM --------------------------- 600,000.00 13,850,000.00
Total IRA & Gen.Fund Income 107,749,135.00
Grand Total Income 121,599,135.00
45% Personal Services 42,968,402.82
20% Development Fund 19,043,197.00
5% GAD PPAs 5,387,456.75
5% MDRRM Fund 5,387,456.75
1% Senior Citizen & PWDs 952,159.85
1% MCPC 1,077,491.35
MDIF & Confidential Fund 1,800,000.00
Boholympics 100,000
Advertising 60,000
TOTAL 2,2,459,195.36
Jagna is a 3rd class municipality. The data below indicates the actual income of the LGU for the past
21 fiscal years and income estimates for fiscal year 2018
1998- -P 19,461,910.28
1999- P 22,588,602.38
2000- P 25,827,954.73
2001- P 26,912,461.51
2002- P 36,129,956.77
2003– P 32,758,503.22
2004– P 34,408,512.18
2005– P 51,688,734.43
2006- P 47,046,659.64
2007- P 49,176,258.70
2008- P 49,299,947.20
2009- P 63,656,414.74
2010- P 62,873,948.18
2011- P 72,275,040.39
2012- P 69,225,050.00
2013- P 75,035,000.00
2014- P 84,780,943.00
2015- P 90,031,700.00
2016- P103,566,500.00
2017- P117,814,452.00
2018- P121,599,135.00
Municipality of JAGNA
I mpleme Schedule of I NDI CAT I VE A M O U N T (I n Pesos) I NDI CATI VE AMOUNT of CLI MATE
Referenc Program/Project/Activity Complet Funding Climate Climate CC
Office/ Starting Expected Outputs Personal Capital
e Description ion Source MOOE Total Change Change Typology
Departm Date Services Outlay
Code Date Adaptation Mitigation Code
Services Construction of 18-meters Calamayon RCDG Type bridge constructed in BEA 2 Trust
Social Bridge, Pagina-Poblacion (for re- MPDC/MEO Jan-18 Dec-18 Quezon Bridge, Looc-Pagina Fund 18,000,000.00 18,000,000.00 18,000,000.00 A625-02
Services Construction of 12-meters RCDG Quezon RCDG Type bridge constructed in BEA 2 Trust
(30) Bridge, Pagina-Looc MPDC/MEO Jan-18 Dec-18 Quezon Bridge, Looc-Pagina Fund 13,000,000.00 13,000,000.00 13,000,000.00 A625-02
Rehabilitation/Concreting of Provincial 2.0 km provincial road External
Services MEO Jan-18 Dec-18
Road (Poblacion-Tejero) rehabilitated/cemented sources 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 A625-03
Provision of Potable Water Supply at Mayor's Acces of Water form Filtration Facility External
Services Jan-18 Dec-18
Tubod Mar and Eco Park Facility Office to Bgy Tubod Mar sources 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 A625-03
Development of Jagna Sports Complex Mayor's 1st Phase of Grand Stand External
Services Jan-18 Dec-18
at Tejero Office Implemented sources 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 A625-03
Social Improvement of Jagna Multi-Purpose
Engineerin External
Services Gymnasium - Provision of 2nd Level Jan-18 Dec-18 Bleachers 2nd Level Constructed
g Office sources
(30) Bleacher 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 A625-02
Construction of Tourism Office and External
Services MPDC/MEO Jan-18 Dec-18 Tourism Building constructed
Tourist Assistance Center sources 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00
Acquisition of New Brand New Brand new ambulance vehicle
Services GSO Jan-18 Dec-18 External Source
Ambulance vehicle acquired
External Source
Water transmission and distribution -Assistance to
Services Provision of Potable Water Supply JWS Office Jan-18 Dec-18
lines (Loop 1 - 3.0 kilometer) Disadvantage
Social 1-storey evacuation facility (approx. External Source
Evacuation Facility MDRRM Office Jan-18 Dec-18
Services 500 sq.m) -ADM
Economic Water transmission and distribution External Source
Provision of Potable Water Supply JWS Office Jan-18 Dec-18
Services lines (Loop 2 -1.7 kilometers) -ADM
Rehabilitation/Improvement of Engineerin External
Services Jan-18 Dec-18 Improved Balbalan Seafront A624-01
Balbalan Seafront, Pangdan g sources 100,000,000.00 100,000.00 100,000,000.00
Economic Creation of Municipal Assistant MGDH I premanent position created General
Market Jan-18 Dec-18 ##########
Services Government Department Head I (Market for Market Administrator Fund
Economic General
Ventilation of Market Atrium Market Jan-18 Dec-18 Improve air ventilation 300,000.00 300,000.00
Services Fund
Economic General
Fabrication of Canopy (frontage) Market Jan-18 Dec-18 Canopy for frontage provided 100,000.00 100,000.00
Services Fund
Economic Strengthening Municipal Price Coordinating General M530-01
Mayors Office Jan-18 Dec-18 Functional Price Coordinating Council 570,000.00 570,000.00 400,000.00 170,000.00
Services Council Fund A870-01
Municipality of JAGNA
Municipality of JAGNA
Municipality of JAGNA
Municipality of JAGNA
Municipality of JAGNA
Municipality of JAGNA
Municipality of JAGNA
I mpleme Schedule of I NDI CAT I VE A M O U N T (I n Pesos) I NDI CATI VE AMOUNT of CLI MATE
Referenc Program/Project/Activity Complet Funding Climate Climate CC
Office/ Starting Expected Outputs Personal Capital
e Description ion Source MOOE Total Change Change Typology
Departm Date Services Outlay
Code Date Adaptation Mitigation Code
General adjudicating of legal cases,
Public Municipal Court Services proceeding and justifiable General
MCTC Court Jan-18 Dec-18 40,000.00 40,000.00 A440-03
Services (see details in separate WFP) conversion, and provides general Fund
(10) clerical and administrative support of
take charge of the agricultural
services and ensures that maximum
Economic assistance and access to resources in
Agricultural Programs and Services General A860-01
Services MAO Jan-18 Dec-18 the production, processing and 2,787,478.00 971,900.00 100,000.00 3,859,378.00
(see details in separate WFP) Fund A810-01
(80) marketing of agricultural and aqua-
cultural and marine products are
extended to farmers, fishermen and
The Project will support the
Economic Integrated Coastal Resource and MAO/CRM-
Government’s efforts to address the General A541-01
Services Management Services TWG/ Jan-18 Dec-18 232,000.00 39,300.00 271,300.00
critical issues of sustainable Fund A712-01
(80) (see details in separate WFP) MPA-TWG
management of marine and coastal
Economic Municipal Tourism and Assistance Center Mun. Lead and initiate enderatkings on
General A541-01
Services Services Tourism Jan-18 Dec-18 tourism development and assitance 221,000.00 221,000.00
Fund A712-01
(80) (see details in separate WFP) Council center for tourists
Take charge of Jagna Public Market
(Jagna Business Center)
administration and ensures municipal
Economic Market Operation of Market and Slaughter A515-01
markets are competitive in terms of General
Services House Market Admin Jan-18 Dec-18 4,041,059.52 3,231,933.13 277,007.35 8,150,000.00 M511-02
qulity, availability and shopping Fund
(80) Services (see details in separate WFP) M511-05
convenience;take charge of the
slaughter house activities and
perform other functions as directed
Social Solid Waste Management Services ensures sustainable garbage General M330-03
ISWM Jan-18 Dec-18 500,000.00 500,000.00
Services (see details in separate WFP) collection services and proper final Fund M330-05
Provides effective and efficient A270-01
Engineering Works Services technical and logistic support services General A611-04
Services MEO Jan-18 Dec-18 1,470,381.04 1,049,700.00 55,000.00 2,575,081.04
(see details in separate WFP) to the infrastructure development Fund A521-01
projects A522-01
Social Assist the Municipal Engineer in the
Services Creation of Engineer 1 Casual Plantilla item MEO Jan-18 Dec-18 processing of Building Permits and
(30) implementation of engineering works
Social Stands to deliver safe, potable,
Jagna Waterworks Services General A270-01
Services JWS Jan-18 Dec-18 affordable and sustainable water 2,555,535.76 1,230,700.00 961,363.28 5,100,000.00
(see details in separate WFP) Fund A270-02
(30) supply
Social Health Services (MHO) Ensures delivery of basic health General A411-01
MHO (RHU1) Jan-18 Dec-18 7,263,225.36 988,848.00 90,000.00 8,342,073.36
Services (see details in separate WFP) services to the people through Fund A411-03
Social Health Services (RHU2) preventive and curative services to its General A411-02
RHU2 Jan-18 Dec-18 773,720.00 100,000.00 873,720.00
Services (see details in separate WFP) constituents Fund A412-02
Social Welfare Services
(See details in separate WFP)
* Senior Citizens Services
Social * Person with Disability Services A440-01
ensure dellivery of basic social General
Services * Out-of-School Youth Services MSWD Jan-18 Dec-18 750,681.92 529,040.00 100,000.00 1,379,721.92 A440-03
welfare and development services Fund
(30) * Children and Youth A440-01
* Daycare Services
* Women Empowerment
* General Welfare
Municipality of JAGNA
I mpleme Schedule of I NDI CAT I VE A M O U N T (I n Pesos) I NDI CATI VE AMOUNT of CLI MATE
Referenc Program/Project/Activity Complet Funding Climate Climate CC
Office/ Starting Expected Outputs Personal Capital
e Description ion Source MOOE Total Change Change Typology
Departm Date Services Outlay
Code Date Adaptation Mitigation Code
Municipal Gender and Development Council MGAD- gender-responsive PPAs that A440-02
5% GAD
Gender and Development PPAs C/GWP- Jan-18 Dec-18 promotes gender equality and 5,387,456.75 A440-03
Social (see details below) TWG womens economic empowerment A413-09
Services GAD related trainings and Orientation 70,000.00
MGAD- gender-responsive PPAs that
(30) Capacity development 5% GAD 100,000.00
C/GWP- Jan-18 Dec-18 promotes gender equality and
Financial Assistance-legal procedures Appropriations 50,000.00
TWG womens economic empowerment
Organ./of Re-organization of women 30,000.00
Comm. Educ. On RA 9710,GAD CODE 20,000.00
Social Capcity development for women MGAD- gender-responsive PPAs that 20,000.00
5% GAD
Services Conduct GST ++(LED & WEE) C/GWP- Jan-18 Dec-18 promotes gender equality and 30,000.00
(30) GAD monitoring & evaluation tools TWG womens economic empowerment 30,000.00
Operationalize Committee & rel. 10,000.00
Womens month celebration 100,000.00
Gender-basedd analysis & responsive 20,000.00
MGAD-C Meetings 20,000.00
Other general services 120,500.00
Conduct of value-formation 100,000.00
Social MGAD- gender-responsive PPAs that
Family day expenses 5% GAD -
Services C/GWP- Jan-18 Dec-18 promotes gender equality and
Team building Appropriations 100,000.00
(30) TWG womens economic empowerment
Conduct exect. Medical Check-up 250,000.00
Other MOOE -
Emergency cash assisstance-victims of
IEC Program 40,000.00
Childrens room facilities & supplies 50,000.00
Conduct brgy/school resp. parenthood -
Social Purchase of equipment MGAD- gender-responsive PPAs that 50,000.00
5% GAD
Services Construction of WCPD office C/GWP- Jan-18 Dec-18 promotes gender equality and 50,000.00
(30) Develop promotional materials TWG womens economic empowerment 50,000.00
Capacitate JaSMED Staff/benchmark 30,000.00
Agri-enterprise/product R & D 50,000.00
Inventory of existing enterprise 50,000.00
Organize WME's 50,000.00
Social Conduct GRVA MGAD- gender-responsive PPAs that 50,000.00
5% GAD
Services Part. On Trade Fair(selling mission) C/GWP- Jan-18 Dec-18 promotes gender equality and 100,000.00
(30) Conduct business management training TWG womens economic empowerment 70,000.00
Update of business profile 20,000.00
Regular convergence meeting 20,000.00
Social Senior Citizens & PWDs PPAs 1% of LGU General welfare of senior citizens and 1% Senior A440-04
Services Budget Jan-18 Dec-18 persons with disabilities in the Citizens Budget 952,159.85 A440-01
(30) (see details in separate WFP) municipality & PWD A440-01
Support programs on reports of
suspected child abuse and neglect;
Social Protection of Children (1% of the General assesses the risk to and safety of
1% of the Gen.
Services Fund Budget) MSWDO Jan-18 Dec-18 children; and provides or arranges for 1,077,491.35 A440-01
Fund Budget
(30) (see details in separate WFP) services to achieve safe, permanent
families for children who have been
abused or neglected or who are at risk
Municipality of JAGNA
Municipality of JAGNA
Mun. Planning and Dev't Coordinator Municipal Budget Officer Municipal Mayor
Date Signed : May 19, 2017 Date : May 19, 2017 Date : May 19, 2017
Water sources
Improve the adaptive capacity of
Potable water Supply under BuB Project inventory from FS
farmers and fisherfolk through
(Baragay Nausok, Larapan, Naatang, Tubod Mar and A212-07 drought conducted by USC- X X X
the provision of relevant
Alejawan) Water Resources
technologies and information
Conduct of CBMS Survey with DRRM/CCA indicators A422-05 Conduct of CBMS with DRRM/CCA All types of climate risks climate change data X X
Province of Bohol
Series 2017
WHEREAS, the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) is the annual slice of the Local Development
Investment Plan/ Executive-Legislative Agenda (LDIP/ELA), referring to the indicative yearly
expenditure requirements of the LGUs’ programs, projects and activities (PPAs) to be integrated into
the annual budget.
WHEREAS, the AIP shall constitute the total resource requirements for the budget year, including
the detailed annual allocation of each PPAs in the annual slice of the LDIP and the regular
WHEREAS, Section 5.1.5 of the DILG-NEDA-DBM-DOF JMC 1, s 2007 states that the LDCs shall
cull out the AIP from the current slice of the LDIP, which upon approval by the Sanggunian, shall
serve as the basis for preparing the executive budget.
WHEREAS, RA 7160 mandates each and every Local Government Units (LGU) to appropriate at
least 20% of the IRA for development projects consistent with the principles and devolution and
local autonomy.
WHEREAS, Section 21 of the Republic Act 10121 also mandate each LGU to appropriate of not less
than five percent (5%) of the estimated revenue from regular sources to support disaster risk
management activities such as, but not limited to, pre-disaster preparedness programs and as quick
response fund (QRF) or stand-by fund for relief and recovery programs.
WHEREAS, Local Budget Memo 28 (DBM) mandates LGU Budgets to allocate at least 5% of its
budgets to gender related PPAs that benefit women especially those from the marginalized sectors
even in the light of the economic and fiscal crises and the austerity measures of the national
WHREREAS, the Honorable Mayor who is the Chairman of the MDC informed the members that it
is really imperative for every Local Government Unit to adopt the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for
calendar year 2018 as an integral plan for Budget Year 2018 of the Municipality of Jagna, Bohol.
WHEREAS, after deliberation, the MDC decided to adopt the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) of the
Municipality for CY 2018 to be taken from the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA), local general
income and local economic funds including projects to be funded from outside sources and its
implementation are contingent to the availability of funds.
NOW WHEREFORE, on motion of Hon. Victorio Galiguer of Barangay Tubod Monte and duly
seconded by Hon. Pacheco L. Rances of Poblacion, Be it,
RESOLVED, that the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for Budget Year 2018 be adopted and
appropriating the amount of One Hundred Twenty One Million Five Hundred Ninety Nine
Thousand One Hundred Thirty Five Pesos (P 121,599,135.00) from the Internal Revenue Allotment
and local income be allocated and be utilized for personal services, maintenance and other operating
expenses, capital outlays, 20% development fund, gender and development fund allocation and for
disaster risk reduction and management fund for the municipality as basis in the annual budget
preparation for CY 2018 of the Municipality of Jagna, Jagna, Bohol.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this resolution be furnished the 9 thSangguniang Bayan of
Jagna, Bohol for its review and approval.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing resolution was duly approved by the Municipal
Development Council in a meeting held on May 22, 2017.