Marks Question No.2 (A) Efficiency and Effectiveness: 05

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Question No.2
(a) Efficiency and Effectiveness: 05
Efficiency refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs or resources. Managers
deal with scarce resources (including people, money, and equipment) and want to use those
resources efficiency. Efficiency is often referred to as ‘doing things right’, that is, not wasting
resources, using efficient techniques, decreasing the amount of time required and lowering
rejection rates.
It’s not enough to be just efficient, management is also concerned with effectiveness which is often
described as ‘doing the right things’, doing those work activities that will result in attainment of
organizational goals including meeting customer’s rigorous demands.
Efficiency is concerned with means of getting things done while effectiveness is concerned with the
ends. In successful organization, high efficiency and high effectiveness typically go hand in hand.
Poor management (which leads to poor performance) usually involves being inefficient and
ineffective or being effective but inefficient.

(b) (i) The omnipotent view:

Differences in an organization’s performance are assumed to the decisions and actions of its 04
managers. Good managers anticipates change, exploit opportunities, correct poor
performance, and lead their organizations. When profits are up, managers take the credit and
are rewarded with bonuses, stock options, and the like. When profits are up, managers take
the credit and are rewarded with bonuses, stock options, and the like. When profits are down,
top managers are often fired in the belief that ‘’new blood’’ will bring improved results. In the
omnipotent view, manager has to be held accountable when organizations perform poorly
regardless of the reasons. When things go well, managers also get the credit even if they had
little to do with achieving the positive outcomes. This view of manager as omnipotent is
consistent with the stereotypical picture of the take-charge business executive who
overcomes any obstacle in seeing that the organization achieves it goals. And this view isn’t
limited to business organizations.
(ii) The symbolic view:
The symbolic view says that a manager’s ability to affect performance outcomes is influenced 04
and constrained by external factors. According to this view, it’s unreasonable to expect
managers to significantly affect an organization’s performance. Instead, performance is
influenced by factors over which managers have little control, such as the economy,
customers, government policies, industry conditions and decisions made by previous
In reality, managers are neither all powerful nor helpless. But their decisions and actions are

Question No.3
(a) Human Resource Manager Competencies: 05
Human resources managers need the knowledge, skills, and competencies to be:
Capability builders:
By creating a meaningful work environment and aligning strategy, culture, practices, and
Change champions:
By initiating and sustaining change.

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HR innovators and integrators:
By developing talent, and optimizing human capital through workforce planning and analytics.
Technology proponents:
By connecting people through technology.

(b) (i) Boundarlyless Structure: 04

A structure not defined by or limited to artificial horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries;
includes virtual and network types of organizations.
• Highly flexible and responsive.
• Utilizes talent wherever it’s found.
• Lack of control.
• Communication difficulties.
(ii) Learning Structure 04
A structure in which employees continually acquire and share new knowledge and apply that
• Sharing of knowledge throughout organization.
• Sustainable source of competitive advantage.
• Reluctance on part of employees to share knowledge for fear of losing their power.
• Large numbers of experienced employees on the verge of retiring.

Question No.4
(a) Customer equity: 04
The ultimate aim of customer relationship management is to produce high customer equity.
Customer equity is the total combined customer lifetime values of all company’s current and
potential customers. As such, it’s a measure of the future value of company’s customer base.
Clearly, the more loyal the firm’s profitable customers, the higher its customer or equity. Customer
equity may be a better measure of a firm’s performance than current sales or market share.
Whereas sales and market share reflect the past, customer equity suggests the future.

(b) Marketing Myopia: 04

The mistake of paying more attention to the specific products a company offers than to the benefits
and experiences produced by these products.
The sellers often suffer from marketing myopia. They are so taken with their products that they
focus only on existing wants and lose sight of underlying customer needs. They forget that a
product is only a tool to solve a consumer problem. These sellers will have trouble if a new product
come along that serves the customer’s need better or less expensively the customer will have the
same need but will want the new product.

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Smart marketers look beyond the attributes of the products and services they sell. By orchestrating
several services and products, they create brand experiences for consumers. A world where
dreams come true and things still work the way they should. Even a seemingly functional product
becomes an experience. It’s an intensely personal user experience.
(c) Channel levels of distribution: 04
Companies can design their distribution channels to make products and services available to
customers in different ways. Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in
bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Because both the
producer and the final consumer perform some work, they are part of every channel. The number
of intermediary levels indicates the length of a channel.
A direct marketing channel has no intermediary level that is the company sells directly to consumer
whereas Indirect marketing channels contain one or more intermediaries.
The business marketer can use its own sells force to sell directly to business customer. Or it can
sell to various types of intermediaries, who in turn sell to these costumers. Although consumer the
business marketing channels with even more levels can sometime be found, these are less
common. From the producer’s point of view, greater number of levels means less control and
greater channel complexity. Moreover, all the institutions in the channel are connected by several
types of flows these include the physical flow of products, the flow of ownership, the payment flow,
the information flow, and the promotion flow. These flows can make even channels with only one
or a few levels very complex.

(d) 1. Product-Oriented 07
2. Market-Oriented
3. Product-Oriented
4. Market-Oriented
5. Product-Oriented
6. Product-Oriented
7. Product-Oriented

Question No.5
(a) Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge other groups according to the standards, behaviours, and 07
customs of one’s own group. Given the automatic influence of one’s own culture, when people
compare their culture to others, they often conclude that their own is superior. Clearly, business
people who take these views are not likely to communicate successfully across cultures.
Stereotyping is assigning a wide range of general attributes to an individual on the basis of
membership in a particular culture or social group. It also results in distorted views of other cultures
or groups.
Those who want to show respect for others and to communicate effectively in business need to
adopt a more positive view point, in the form of cultural pluralism—the practice of accepting
multiple cultures on their own terms. When crossing cultural boundaries, you will be even more
effective if you move beyond simple acceptance and adapt your communication style to that of new
cultures you encounter—even integrating aspects of those cultures into your own. A few simple
ways to avoid ethnocentrism and stereotyping are as follows:
(i) Avoid assumptions:
Don’t assume that others will act the same way you do, use language and symbols the same
way you do, or even operate from the same values and beliefs.

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(ii) Avoid judgments:
When people act differently, don’t concede that they are error or that their way is invalid or

(iii) Acknowledge distinctions:

Don’t ignore the differences between another person’s culture and your own.

(b) Strategies for business communication on social networks: 08

Social networks offer lots of business communication potential, but with those opportunities comes
a certain degree of complexity. Moreover, the norms and practices of business social networking
continue to evolve. Follow these guidelines to make the most of social networks for both personal
branding and company communication:
• Choose the best compositional mode for each message, purpose, and network:
Visit various social networks, observe the variety of message types you see in different parts
of each website.
• Offer valuable content to members of your online communities:
Social networks to be sales targets, of course. They join looking for connections and
information. Content marketing is the practice of providing free information that is valuable to
community members but that also helps a company build closer ties with current and potential
• Join existing conversations:
Search for online conversations that are already taking place. Answer questions, solve
problems, and respond to rumours and misinformation.
• Anchor your online presence in your hub:
Although it’s important to join those conversations and be visible where your stakeholders are
active, it’s equally important to anchor your presence at your own central hub—a web
presence you own and control. This can be a combination of a conventional website, a blog,
and a company-sponsored online community.
• Facilitate community building:
Make it easy for customers and other audiences to connect with the company and with each
other. For example, you can use the group feature on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social
networks to create and foster special interest groups within your networks. Groups are a great
way to connect people who are interested in specific topics, such as owners of particular
• Restrict conventional promotional efforts to the right time and right place:
Persuasive communication efforts are still valid for specific communication tasks, such as
regular advertising and the product information pages on the a website, but efforts to inject
blatant “”salespeak”” into social networking conversations will usually be rejected by the
• Maintain a consistent personality:
Each social network is unique environment with particular norms of communication For
example as a strictly business-oriented network, LinkedIn has a more formal” ”vibe”” than
Facebook and Google+, which cater to both consumers and business. However, while
adapting to the expectations of each network, be sure to maintain a consistent personality
across all the network in which you are active.

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Question No.6
(a) Effective communication strengths the connections between a company and all of its stakeholders, 05
(those groups affected in some way by the company’s actions: customers, employees,
shareholders, suppliers, neighbours, the community, the nation, and the world as a whole). To
make your communication efforts as effective as possible, focus on making them practical, factual,
concise, clear, and persuasive:
Provide practical information: give recipients useful information, whether it’s to help them
perform a desired action or understand a new company policy.
Give facts rather than vague impressions: use concrete language, specific detail, and
information that is clear, convincing, accurate, and ethical. When an opinion is called for, present
compelling evidence to support your conclusion.
Present information in a concise, efficient manner: Concise messages show respect for
people’s time, and they increase the chances of positive response.
Clarify expectations and responsibilities: craft messages to generate a specific response from
a specific audience. When appropriate, clearly state what you expect from audience members or
what you can do for them
Offer compelling, persuasive arguments and recommendations: show your readers precisely
how they will benefit by responding the way you want them to respond to your message.
(b) To be more effective in public conversations, remember these tips: 05
1. Speak slowly and clearly
2. Don’t rephrase until it’s obviously necessary
3. Look for and ask for feedback to make sure your message is getting through
4. Don’t talk down to the other person by oversimplifying sentence.
5. Double check to make sure you and the listener agree on what has been said and decided.
6. Speaker should adjust the content of their messages and the style of their delivery to
accommodate the needs of listeners.

Question No.7
(a) Unsolicited Business letter: 07
Unsolicited business letter are used for business proposals which are not being asked. No fixed
answer to this question can be framed. Various examinees would attempt the task differently.
However, the answer must include following information and requirement of the letter:
• Inside address
• Salutation
• Body
• Complimentary close
• Signature block

(b) Report writing: 13

Many reports are written in business. They are a very important method of gaining and giving
information. Formal reports are usually written by a committee or group after fairly detailed
investigation or research. No fixed answer to this question can be framed. Various examinees would
treat the task differently. The examinees’ report, however, must include the following features in it:
Report format:
Introduction: Discuss the problem or opportunity in brief and create a need for action.
Body: Present your findings and the analyses of problem.
Conclusion: Write your conclusion and give your recommendation accordingly. Provide summary
of the report.
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