Adv Space Propulsion For Interstellar Travel
Adv Space Propulsion For Interstellar Travel
Adv Space Propulsion For Interstellar Travel
HR 8799
140 LY
Updated 2/22/2010
Presentation Objectives and Caveats
Provide a high-level, “evolutionary”, information-only overview of
various propulsion technology concepts that, with sufficient
development, may lead mankind to the stars.
Only candidate concepts for a vehicle‟s primary interstellar
propulsion system will be discussed.
No attitude control
No earth-to-orbit launch
No electric
No sail-type
No beamed energy
No bomb ejection
None of the following will be given, assumed or implied:
Recommendations on specific mission designs
Developmental timelines or cost estimates
Not all propulsion options will be discussed – that would be impossible!
Estimated NASA TRL and program status may be given.
The Ultimate Space Mission
Interstellar Measurements
Interstellar discussions require large units of measurement.
Speed of Light, c: 670,616,630 miles/hour
(in vacuum) 186,282 miles/sec
983,571,056 feet/sec
~ 3 x 108 meters/sec
Astronomical Unit, AU: Mean distance from Sun to Earth
92,955,807 miles (1 AU)
~ 8.32 light-minutes
~ 0.0000158 light years
Light Year, LY: Distance light travels in one year
~ 5.88 x 1012 miles
~ 63,241 AU
Earth Moon
235,184 miles, 0.00253 AU, 1.26 seconds
Solar System and Interstellar Medium
Pioneer 10 Voyager 1 New Horizons
Launched 1972 Launched 1977 Launched 2006
Distance: ~100 AU Distance: 112.1 AU Distance: 9.6 AU
Speed: 27590 mph Speed: 38350 mph Speed: 51449* mph
(2.6 AU/yr = (0.0057% c) (*Jupiter flyby
0.0041% c) 0.0077% c)
Half-way point to
Alpha Centauri
We are (134,070 AU)
HERE (12/09)
(6/08) (12/05)
~271,000 AU
Possible Destinations
With the 15-year mission proposed, where could we go if travel
at light speed were possible?
(Light Years) Name
0.00 Sun (Sol)
4.24 Proxima Centauri (Alpha Centauri C)
4.36 Alpha Centauri (A&B)
5.96 Barnard's Star (Proxima Ophiuchi)
7.78 Proxima Leonis (Wolf 359, CN Leonis)
8.29 Proxima Ursae Majoris (Lalande 21185)
8.58 Sirius (A&B, Alpha Canis Majoris)
8.73 Proxima Ceti (A&B, Luyten 726-8, UV & BL Ceti)
9.68 Proxima Sagittarii (Ross 154, V1216 Sagittarii)
10.32 Proxima Andromedae (Ross 248 , HH Andromedae)
10.52 Epsilon Eridani (Proxima Eridani)
10.74 Proxima Piscis Austrini (Lacaille 9352)
10.92 Proxima Virginis (Ross 128, FI Virginis)
11.27 Proxima Aquarii (A,B&C, EZ Aquarii)
11.37 Proxima Cygni (A&B,61 Cygni)
11.40 Procyon (A&B, Alpha Canis Minoris)
11.52 Proxima Draconis (A&B, Struve 2398)
11.62 GX/GQ Andromedae (Groombridge 34 A&B)
11.82 Epsilon Indi (Proxima Indi)
11.83 Proxima Cancri (DX Cancri )
11.89 Tau Ceti
11.99 Proxima Horologii (GJ 1061)
12.10 YZ Ceti (LHS 138)
Challenges of Human Star Flight
Spacecraft velocities need to be in the tens of percent of the
speed of light, or greater for human star flight to be conceivable.
Must account for Einstein‟s Relativity effects.
Example: To reach Tau Ceti (12 LY) in 40 years, you would need to travel
at ~90,000 km/sec (202,500,000 mi/hr) or about 30% c. Wow!
Current space probe
velocities are here
(far less than 0.01% c)
Challenges of Human Star Flight
Relativity effects must be considered even at very low sublight speeds.
1) Relative mass increases as velocity gets closer to c, which requires more
energy to further accelerate the mass (E = mc2). Scientifically Proven!
The energy required
3 to accelerate a Particles with mass can
E relativistically-
increasing mass
NEVER be accelerated to
|mo| c2 2
becomes infinite as the speed of light!
1 v=c v approaches c.
0 c
2) The passage of time is slower for moving objects when measured with
respect to a stationary observer (time dilation). Scientifically Proven!
Joe leaves earth
and travels in space Joe aged 1 year upon
for 1 year at 0.9999c his return
Chapter 4:
Propulsion System Metrics
for Interstellar Travel
Propulsion System Metrics
Based on Conventional Propulsion Science, here‟s what‟s needed:
Stable and Continuous Thrust, F:
Assumes 90% of
vehicle is propellant
(m/mo = 0.1)
Propulsion Relationships
Not discussed
Chapter 5:
Conventional Mass Ejection
Propulsion Systems
State-of-the-Art: Chemical Combustion
99% of all rocket engines operate on the principle of chemical
Put fuel and oxidizer into a chamber, burn them, eject products
through a nozzle.
Multiple variations on engine cycles and designs, each with pros/cons
depending on application.
Decades of flight history – proven technology.
Alternative Conventional Systems
Add heat energy to a working fluid propellant by means other than
Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion Annihilation
“Split” atomic nuclei by Fuse atomic nuclei by Convert oppositely-charged
bombardment of energetic high-energy collisions. particles to energy.
Rb n
n He
U235 3T
U235 Tritium
109 Fission Fusion
Solid-Core Nuclear Fission
Use nuclear fission to heat hydrogen and expel it through nozzle.
NERVA/Rover – 1961-1972
– Remarkably successful program.
– Nearly flight qualified.
– Continuous run for 3 hrs 48
min at 74.8 klbf thrust.
– Isp:~850 s, growth to ~1000 s.
– $2.4B spent
Particle Bed Reactor – 1980‟s
– More surface area for fission
process, higher fission
density, compact design.
– Thrust: 180 kN (40 klbf)
– Isp: ~1000 sec. Linear fuel rod
Particle bed
Nuclear Fusion
Requires overpowering the electrostatic repulsion of two nuclear cores and
keeping them together.
Fusion products and energy release are contained within a plasma.
Plasma cannot contact containment vessel walls or it will cool and
neutralize, thus stopping the fusion process.
Has yet to yield greater than 1% of the energy required to sustain it.
Joint European Torus (JET) achieved a 60% initial energy output for one
minute (1997).
For propulsion, heat a working fluid or expel reaction products directly.
Primary technical challenges are containment and sustainment.
Three main categories of fusion containment:
Magnetic Confinement (MCF)
– Contains plasma using magnetic fields and magnetic “mirrors” in a
Tokamak reactor or linear device.
Tokamak Fields Fusion Plasma Magnetic Mirror Fusion Engine Concept
Nuclear Fusion
Inertial Confinement (ICF)
– Compresses pellets of fusible material by laser beams (pulse fusion).
– Ultra-high-power lasers or particle beams focus plasma into a small region.
– Pellet core can reach temps of 100 million degrees K!
ICF ICF Process ICAN-II Engine
ICF at Work
Matter/Antimatter Annihilation
Every elementary particle has a counterpart of opposite charge, but same mass.
Electron (-) Positron (+) Proton (+) Antiproton (-)
Matter and antimatter collisions result in enormous energy release.
Highest energy density process: 1 kg matter + 1 kg AM = 1.8x1017 J!
Antimatter can be stored as long as it does not contact normal matter.
Must be confined using magnetic fields.
Other Alternative Conventional Systems
Interstellar Ramjet / Bussard Hydrogen Ramjet (c.1960)
Uses strong magnetic fields to scoop interstellar hydrogen into a collector,
heats it (conventionally) and expels it.
Fields must sweep 1018 cu. meters of space to collect 1 gram of hydrogen!
Infinite Isp since hydrogen fuel collected in-situ.
Current Status on Conventional Systems
NASA Technical Readiness
Level (TRL) Guide NASA
Concept TRL* Notes
* TRL Assessment from Chew, G., Doyle, M., and Stancati, M., “Interstellar Spaceflight Primer,”
Report for NASA Contract NASW-5067, Prepared for NASA Headquarters, Code SD, by Science
Applications International Corporation, Schaumburg, IL, February 2001, pp. 86 & 87.
Physics-Based Concepts
What‟s different about these concepts compared to the others?
No mass ejection (propellantless)!
– Eliminates the necessity to carry fuel or propellant.
Use the space-time medium as the energy source or “working fluid”.
– Isp becomes meaningless.
Rely on fluidic space-time, quantum physics, string theory,
electromagnetism and/or gravity to possibly create propulsive
Some employ aspects of cosmological genres like dark matter, dark
energy, black holes, gravity waves, alternate dimensions and
universal expansion.
All are highly-speculative, but have strong foundations rooted in
current scientific knowledge and experimental observations.
These concepts could not only propel a vehicle at very high sublight
speeds (~70-99% c), but at the speed of light or beyond!
Necessary for truly reasonable, human interstellar missions!
…But First, Some Important Definitions
Space-time Metric – The 3 spatial +1 temporal dimensional continuum in
which all physical things exist. The medium through which electromagnetic
energy propagates.
distortion from
Things to Remember…
Science does not understand the true nature of space-time.
Does it have fluid-like properties?
Is it pure ZPE?
Can energy be extracted from it?
Can it be manipulated without using mass?
Science does not know the true nature of mass.
Created by Higgs particles and fields?
Formed by knotted strings and quantum filaments?
Science does not know the true nature of gravity and inertia.
Created by “gravitons”?
Caused by the distortion and displacement of space-time?
Generated as the force from distant matter in the universe?
How fast does it propagate through space-time?
No proven model exists that explains “everything”.
Gravity-electromagnetism (GEM)?
String/Brane theory?
Heim‟s theories?
Science does not know the nature of Dark Matter & Dark Energy.
Can it be synthesized?
Can it be used for propulsion?
Einstein‟s field equations, quantum field theory and both Special
and General Relativity do not discount FTL travel!
Categories of Propellantless Concepts
The concepts listed below are some of the “more popular” ones in
their genre and have many variants beyond those presented.
Simple and makes sense. A sound theory.
Many variants explored by many theoretical physicists.
The mathematics have been contrived and solved (general relativity).
Negative energy may be possible through the Casimir effect and ZPE.
Requires controllable, negative mass to create repulsive gravity,
possibly as much as 1067 grams. Some approaches claim only a few
milligrams are required.
Not guaranteed to propagate FTL.
Real-time navigation difficult or impossible. 38
Traversable Wormholes
Connect two regions of space with a “tunnel” through which information/mass
can travel.
Instantaneous travel between two points – no relativistic effects.
Light speed never exceeded locally.
The mathematics have been extensively studied and deemed possible.
Requires gigantic quantities (e.g. neutron star equivalent) of both
negative and positive matter as well as enormous magnetic fields
(>1013 Tesla) to create a tunnel large enough for a spacecraft.
Requires that the other end of the “hole” be taken through.
Single-point destination, if known. Navigation not possible.
Stability issues and collapse during transit.
Categories of Propellantless Concepts
The concepts listed below are some of the “more popular” ones in
their genre and have many variants beyond those presented.
W. Dröscher and J. Häuser (Germany) are extending Heim Theory to
facilitate propulsion concepts.
Beginning to gain recognition as a viable alternative to Standard Models
of modern physics and quantum mechanics.
Predicts new particles and natural forces not yet observed or
experimentally verified.
Does not account for some particles and forces already observed.
Only one peer-reviewed publication exists by Heim (1977), but other
non-reviewed documents available. 41
Gravito-Electromagnetism (GEM)
Create or manipulate gravity through precise control Example: “Onion” drive
of EM forces.
Usually involves antennae, coils, toroidal
inductors, various other hardware.
Generate an “anti-inertial” field to protect vehicle
from rapid accelerations (“inertial dampeners”).
Attempts to merge the physics of gravity & inertia
with those of electromagnetism.
Heavy math: Einstein Field equations, stress-
energy tensors, torsion fields, etc.
Involves both particle and quantum physics.
Has been thoroughly examined for over 100 years.
Many “engineering” approaches exist, some
patented, on how to augment or attenuate gravity
by controlling EM fields.
J. Brandenburg (ORBITEC) actively pursuing
propulsion applications and theory development.
Has never been successfully demonstrated - in over 100 years.
Very few concepts have been experimentally tested, all with null,
unfavorable or questionable results.
Travel at speeds at or near c is unknown.
Mach’s Principle and Mass Fluctuations
Mach’s Principle:
Inertia is felt by an accelerating object due to the radiative gravitational
effects of the distant matter in the universe.
Use EM fields to rapidly create mass fluctuations which the distant matter
in the universe (ballast) will react upon to develop a net force.
The time-averaged “pull” on the object due to Mach‟s Principle may result in a
directional force.
Ballast Fluctuating
Mass Mass
Experiments in progress! See next Chapter
Basic theory does not require negative matter, but Mach Effect may produce
negative energies required for other exotic concepts.
Testable at reasonable power levels and with simple hardware.
Mach-Lorentz Thrusters (MLTs) or Unidirectional Force Generators (UFGs).
Fundamental theory difficult to understand.
Difficult to measure and quantify mass fluctuation effects due to signal noise
contamination and test apparatus effects.
Propulsive performance of MLTs not yet quantified (may only be capable of
sublight speeds). 43
Categories of Propellantless Concepts
The concepts listed below are some of the “more popular” ones in
their genre and have many variants beyond those presented.
Proper Time of
Space-time Special Relativity, τ
distance, x
Object leaves its …travels through
Cons: space-time…
“Contracting” extra
“Expanding” extra
No relativistic effects (similar to Alcubierre Drive).
Does not directly use negative mass.
Faster than light travel is possible with upper limit of 1032c!
R. Obousy (Baylor University) continuing to refine theory.
Requires the existence and manipulation of as yet unobserved extra
A significant/infinite number of extra dimensions may need to be altered.
Navigation not considered. 46
Tri-Space and Trans-Space FTL Travel
Proposes that the universe consists of three, co-located space-times:
subluminal (v<c), luminal (v=c) and superluminal (v>c), hence “Tri-space”.
(4) (5)
Causality or relativity not violated in either space. No relativistic effects.
Trans-Space FTL Travel has many advantages over other FTL concepts…
Vessel traverses subluminal space by traveling Vessel travels through holes, warps, folds, or
through superluminal space hidden dimensions in spacetime
Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) Program
BPP Program operated by NASA Glenn Research Center by M. Millis,
GOAL: Exceed the fundamental limits of existing propulsion by further
advancing physics to discover the breakthroughs that could revolutionize
spaceflight and enable interstellar voyages.
Developed a rigorous process for determining the scientific credibility and
validity of unique propulsion ideas involving “new” or “breakthrough”
First dedicated effort to experimentally explore fundamentals of physics-
based propulsion concepts.
Summary of BPP Program:
Assessed 16 research approaches ($1.55M spread over 1996-2002).
– Co-sponsored by WV, NASA-HQ, NASA-MSFC, ESA-ESTEC, NRL, &
private industry.
– 5 not viable (null)
– 7 unresolved
– 4 open for continued study
16 technical journal publications produced.
Website: Award-winning public education site; “Warp Drive, When?”
Book: Frontiers of Propulsion Science NOW available thru AIAA
– 23 chapters from 18 contributing authors (including editors).
Some experimental programs are continuing with favorable results!
BPP Concept Management
mpvp = mrvr
Conservation Laws
Quantum Fluctuations
Space Drives
Quantum Mechanics
1. Zero Propellant
Anomalous Rotation
Rates 2. Faster-Than-Light
General Relativity (“Dark Matter”) Warp Drives & 3. Onboard Energy
Anomalous Red-shifts
(“Dark Energy”)
Vacuum Battery ?
MLT Mass Fluctuation Experiments
Experimental approaches designed to explore Mach‟s Principle for
Use capacitors and piezoelectric materials.
Capacitors have a different internal energy when charging than when at
constant voltage.
Periodically “accelerate” the dielectric ions using EM or piezoelectric forces,
measure “thrust”.
Experiments show curious results and mN-level thrusts!
Dr. J. Woodward (CalState/Fullerton) currently using a capacitor stack
sandwiched between piezoelectric “shuttler” plates.
Side plates will linearly oscillate thus “shuttling” the stack back & forth.
Force measured on custom-designed thrust balance.
Piezoelectric plates Capacitor wafers
Paul March (ret. Lockheed, Barrios) and H. Sonny White (IAS) using a
circular ring of capacitors subject to an oscillating magnetic field.
Force measured on custom-designed pendulum.
All experiments are in progress and continuing!
Anomalous Acceleration Field
Dr. M. Tajmar at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) has
experimentally observed a “gravity-like” anomalous acceleration field
generated within the vicinity of rotating, liquid helium.
Anomalous signals detected by stationary gyroscopes and accelerometers.
Exhibits an unusual rotational parity violation.
Field characterization is still on-going.
Field is 18-20 orders of magnitude greater than prediction by General
Relativity (GR).
GR may not be the parent theory to explain the phenomenon.
Observed field is in the 10-5 g range.
Field is not produced by EM, mechanical or instrumentation disturbances.
Possible ties to Gravity Probe B data and Pioneer anomaly.
No known theory in physics can readily explain the field‟s strength or
observations made to date.
AIT Setup D
Crystal growth
Skeptics and Quotations
Final Thoughts on Interstellar Travel
Mankind needs to venture out into the universe to seek the answers
to questions about our evolution and our fate.
Terrestrial-based and robotic exploration has extreme limitations.
Current propulsion technology and near-term advancements will not
facilitate rapid, human exploration of the solar system or local stars.
Contrary to popular belief, the speed of light is NOT the speed limit!
Einstein and others have shown this to be true.
A paradigm shift in propulsion technology must happen if we are
ever to become a thriving, space-faring civilization.
Depart from conventional systems into physics-based concepts that
enable travel at superluminal speeds!
Some of these concepts could be developed within 50 years with
proper program structure, dedicated research, and of course funding.
And finally…
Open minds and the defiance of convention are essential
for the advancement of technology.
Final Thoughts on Interstellar Travel
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Supporting Information:
BPP Details and Experiments
More Antimatter Information
BPP Detailed Topics
BPP Null Research Findings
Figure 3
Hooper's Sel f-Cancelli ng Flat Coi l
BPP Open Research Approaches
Space Drives
• Seek reaction mass from space (revisit cosmological anomalies)
• Revisit Mach’s Principle (inertial frame physics)
• Seek Asymmetric Coupling of the Fundamental Forces
Provocative Questions
• Resolve anomalous spacecraft trajectories
• Look for violations of Equivalence Principle in free-fall
Faster-Than-Light Inquiries
• Average null energy conditions
• Quantum fluctuations in topology
• Causality questions
Matter/Antimatter Annihilation
Every elementary particle has a counterpart that is of opposite
charge, but same mass.
Electron (-) Positron (+)
Proton (+) Antiproton (-) (preferred for propulsion – more mass)
When two similar mass particles collide, the two masses are
annihilated and completely converted to energy.
Antimatter can be sustained indefinitely
as long as it does not contact normal matter.
Process yields the highest energy density in
nature: 1 kg matter + 1 kg AM = 1.8x1017 J!