Control Charts: Walter Shewart

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Introduced in 1926 by WALTER SHEWART, who concluded that a distribution can be
transformed into normal shape by estimating mean and standard deviation. Control chart is a
device which specifies the state of statistical control. Control chart detects the variation in
processing and warns if there is any deviation from the specified tolerance limits. The purpose of
using control chart is to stabilize process by keeping it under control and carrying out necessary
adjustments (on line).

Classification of control chart


1. Variable
No two natural items in any category are the same. Variation may be quite large or very small. If
variation very small, it may appear that items are identical, but precision instruments will show

Categories of Variation
 Within-piece variation: One portion of surface is rougher than another portion.
 A piece-to-piece variation: Variation among pieces produced at the same time.

 Time-to-time variation: Service given early would be different from that given

Sources of variation
a. Equipment
Tool wear, machine vibration
b. Material
Raw material quality
c. Environment
Temperature, pressure, humidity
d. Operator
Operator performance- physical & emotional

Control chart point of view

Variation due to

I. Common causes or chance cause

II. Assignable causes

2. Control charts to monitor processes

To monitor output, we use a control chart, we check things like the mean, range, standard

To monitor a process, we typically use two control charts mean (or some other central tendency
measure) variation (typically using range or standard deviation).

The most commonly used chart to monitor the mean is called the X-BAR chart. There are two
commonly used charts used to monitor the variability:the R chart and the S chart.

X-BAR Chart:
This chart is called the X-BAR chart because the statistic being plotted is the sample mean. The
reason for taking a sample is because we are not always sure of the process distribution. By using
the sample mean we can "invoke" the central limit theorem to assume normality. The X- bar chart
is developed from the average of each subgroup data. It is used to detect changes in the mean
between subgroups. The appropriate formulas which can be used for trial control limits:

where si = sample standard deviation of the subgroup values

s- = average of the subgroup sample standard deviations

A3 , B3 , B4 = factors found in Table B of the Appendix for obtaining the 3s control limits for X-
and s charts from s- .

Formulas for the computation of the revised control limits

Plot the X- bar chart of pins to be inspected

Range Chart:
The R chart is used to monitor process variability when sample sizes are small (n<10), or to
simplify the calculations made by process operators. This chart is called the R chart because the
statistic being plotted is the sample range. Using the R chart, the estimate of the process standard
deviation, σ, is R/d2.
R chart control limits can be given as :

UCL= D4 R^
LCL= D3 R^

R^ = Range Average of averages

Plot the R chart of pins to be inspected:


1. Attributes
The term attribute, as used in quality, refers to those quality characteristics that conform to
specifications or do not conform to specifications. Attributes are used where measurements are not
possible—for example, visually inspected items such as color, missing parts, scratches, and
damage. Where measurements can be made but are not made because of time, cost, or need. In
other words, although the diameter of a hole can be measured with an inside micrometer, it may
be more convenient to use a “go–no go” gauge and determine if it conforms or does not conform
to specifications.

Limitations of Variable Control Charts

Variable control charts are excellent means for controlling quality and subsequently improving it;
however, they do have limitations. One obvious limitation is that these charts cannot be used for
quality characteristics that are attributes. The converse is not true, because a variable can be
changed to an attribute by stating that it conforms or does not conform to specifications. In other
words, nonconformities such as missing parts, incorrect color, and so on, are not measureable, and
a variable control chart is not applicable. Another limitation concerns the fact that there are many
variables in a manufacturing entity. Even a small manufacturing plant could have as many as 1000
variable quality characteristics. Because an X and R chart is needed for each characteristic, 1000
charts would be required. Clearly, this would be too expensive and impractical.

2. Types of Attribute Charts

 P- chart (fraction non-conforming)

 np charts (no. of non-conforming)
 C-chart (no. of defects)
 U-chart (non-conformities per unit)

a. P- chart
The p chart is used for data that consist of the proportion of the number of occurrences of an event
to the total number of occurrences. It is used in quality to report the fraction or percent
nonconforming in a product, quality characteristic, or group of quality characteristics. As such, the
fraction nonconforming is the proportion of the number nonconforming in a sample or subgroup
to the total number in the sample or subgroup. In symbolic terms, the formula is
 And value of P, is usually small, say .10 or less.
 If P>.10, indicates that the organization is in serious difficulty

where p = proportion or fraction nonconforming in the sample or subgroup

n = number in the sample or subgroup

np = number nonconforming in the sample or subgroup

The quality characteristic follows a binomial distribution if:

 All trials are independent
 Each outcome is either a “success of failure”
 The probability success is given as P and failure is 1-P
 The probability of success is constant

The sample fraction non-conforming is given as:

The mean and variance of binomial distribution are:

µ = np

σ2 = 𝑛𝑝 − (1 − 𝑝)

𝑃^ = 𝐷/𝑛

Where P^ is random variable with mean and variance and if

𝑝(1 − 𝑝)
𝜇 = 𝑝 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝜎2 =

P= proportion

n= no. in sample

P- chart construction for constant subgroup size

 Select the quality characteristics
 Determine the subgroup size and method
 Collect the data (at least 25 subgroups)
 Calculate the trial central line and control limits
 Establish the revised central line and control limits
 Achieve the objectives

Formulas for calculating UCL & LCL

where p- = average proportion nonconforming for many subgroups
n = number inspected in a subgroup
The average proportion nonconforming p- is the central line and is obtained by formula

𝑃− =
Revised central line and control limits can be obtained by:

Σ𝑛𝑝 − 𝑛𝑝𝑑
𝑃𝑛𝑒𝑤 − =
Σ𝑛 − 𝑛𝑑
Where npd= no. of non-conforming discarded subgroups

nd= no. of inspected in discarded subgroups


Plot the P-charts for Pins to be inspected

b. np-chart
The np chart is another type of attributes control chart. The main difference between the np chart
and p chart is the rules regarding sample size. For np charts, the sample size of each subgroup must
the same. The formulas for control limits on np charts are similar to those for p charts:

Plot the np-charts for Pins to be inspected

c. C-chart
The procedures for the construction of a c chart are the same as those for the p chart. If the count
of nonconformities, c0, is unknown, it must be found by collecting data, calculating trial control
limits, and obtaining the best estimate.

The formulas for the trial control limits are:

where c- is the average count of nonconformities for a number of subgroups. The value of c- is
obtained from the formula, c- = 𝑔 where g is the number of subgroups and c is the count of

Revised C-chart central line and control limits can be obtained by:

Plot the C-charts for Pins to be inspected

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