New Approach To Flexible Open Pit Optimisation and Scheduling
New Approach To Flexible Open Pit Optimisation and Scheduling
New Approach To Flexible Open Pit Optimisation and Scheduling
grades but the economic parameters were considered as the size of the stockpile. In multistage programming care
being known. They concluded that an interesting general- is taken to separate the variables into state variables
isation would be to incorporate stochastic models for such as commodity prices and in situ grades over which
prices. the decision makers have no control*, and the others
This paper presents a new approach for optimising which are under their control. This distinction is
and scheduling open pit mines which builds on previous maintained when defining mining sequences. These give
work, but which is radically different from it. Following the quantity of material that the mine planner decides to
Menabde and the Whittles, it was decided to work with extract from each large block in each time period. In
large blocks called macroblocks. A random search contrast to the Whittles no assumptions are made about
procedure is used to find feasible mining sequences that the grades.
achieve a close-to-optimal NPV as the Whittles do, but It is assumed that the deposit has been divided into
in contrast to them grade attributes are not included in NB large blocks called macroblocks. These could
the information associated with each macroblock. represent push-backs, for example. The material in each
The first step in this approach is to set up a population macroblock can be divided into two categories (possibly
of feasible sequences by a random construction proce- more): pure waste which is sent to the waste dump, and
dure. In the second stage uncertainty is introduced: potential ore which becomes ore if its grade is above the
stochastic processes are used to simulate market variables cut-off grade at the time of mining. Let Tot(j) be the
and geostatistical simulations are used to generate total tonnage of material in the jth block. Macroblocks
possible realisations of the orebody. At that point the are composed of a finite number of selective mining
destination of different macroblocks (treatment plant/ units.
stockpile/waste dump) can be determined as a function of
the simulated grade attributes and the simulated prices Definition of mining sequence Q
and a value criterion can be associated with each Let Q be a matrix of size NT6NB where NT is the
sequence. This could be NPV, or the measure of upside number of time periods. The quantity Q(k,j) is the
potential/downside risk proposed by Dimitrakopoulos amount to be mined from the jth block in the kth time
et al. (2007). A two-stage procedure is then used to select period. Following Whittle and Whittle (2007), it is
firstly a subpopulation of more promising sequences assumed that if part of a block is extracted in a time
using simplified economic criteria and then the best period, pure waste and potential ore are extracted pro
sequence is selected from that subpopulation using more rata. Let the cumulative quantity extracted from block j
detailed criteria. As the second stage in the selection up to and including time k be SQ(k,j)
procedure is more computer intensive than the first, the
two-stage procedure saves time. X
SQ (k,j)~ Q(l,j)
The mathematical properties of these feasible mining l~1
sequences turn out to be very interesting. First, they can
be characterised in a very succinct way by identifying the As the most important constraints on both open pit and
break points in the sequences, that is, the times when the underground mining are accessibility (precedence) con-
various geometric accessibility constraints are first met straints, the next step is to define the accessibility matrix
thereby allowing mining to start on other macroblocks. A. This is a square NB6NB matrix which specifies the
Sequences with the same breakpoints can be improved order in which macroblocks may be mined
by operations similar to cross-over and mutation in
1 if block j2 can only be mined after block j1
genetic algorithms. Second, it is shown that these A(j1 ,j2 )~
sequences form branching families. This opens up the 0 otherwise
possibility of using optimisation techniques such as Level 0 blocks are those which can be mined immedi-
multistage programming with recourse to give decision ately, that is, for which
makers a dynamic procedure for optimising the pit as
the resources become better known and as economic X
A(j1 ,j2 )~0
factors such as commodity prices and costs evolve over
j1 ~1
time. An example of how multistage programming with
recourse can be applied in mining is given by Armstrong The remaining blocks can only be mined after the
et al. (2012). geometric accessibility constraints have been met. If
This paper is structured as follows. In the next section there are NL0 Level 0 blocks then there are (NB2NL0)
feasible mining sequences are defined and their proper- higher level blocks.
ties are presented. The following section describes the The array AC takes the value zero only if the jth block
iterative procedure developed for generating them and is accessible at time k
the two-step procedure for selecting the best one. The 8
> P
next section presents tests that were carried out on a > A(l,j) if k~1
synthetic gold mine. The discussion and conclusions l~1
follow in the last section. In the Appendix a simple >
> P ½Tot(l){SQ (k{1,l)Aðl,j Þ if kw1
example with only six macroblocks is presented to :
illustrate the key concepts in the new method.
Mining sequences * While some very large mining companies have enough market power to
influence the prices of the commodities that they produce, most are price
The long term objective is to use multistage program- takers. Therefore, in this paper it is assumed that prices are outside the
company’s control. Having said that, as one of the reviewers pointed out,
ming with recourse to optimise the mine contour and the iron ore mines can influence prices by the way that ore is blended into
mine plan, and later the choice of the cut-off grade, and products.
Feasible mining sequences These are put into a random order. Taking each block
In order to be a feasible mining sequence, a sequence Q j in turn in the randomised order, the maximum amount
must satisfy four constraints. The first ensures that only that can be extracted from that block at that time k is
accessible blocks are mined. The second limits the total computed
amount that can be extracted from a given block while Max extractable~
the third limits the amount that can be extracted in a 2 3
given time period. The fourth constraint limits the X
~ ~ ~
amount that can be extracted from one block in a single min4Qmax j ,Tot j {SQ (k{1, j ),QM{ Q(k,jj)5
time period ~
jjv j
NB The first term is the maximum that can be extracted
AC(k,j)Qðk,j Þ~0 Vk from that block at any time, the second is the amount
j~1 left in the block and the third is the maximum that can
NT still be extracted at that time given what has been
Qðk,j ÞƒTot(j) allocated to be extracted from other blocks at that time.
k~1 A random number u is drawn between 0 and 1. Set
0ƒ Q(k,j)ƒQM Vk k~1, . . . NT Q k, j ~max½u|Totð j Þ,Max extractable
and proceed to the next block in the randomised order.
0ƒQ(k,j)ƒQmaxð j Þ Vj j~1, . . . NB & Vk k~1, . . . NT When all accessible blocks have been considered or
when the maximum possible QM has been extracted
where Qmax(j) is the maximum that could be mined
from that row, move on to the next one. If only a small
from the jth block per time period and QM is the
amount is left in a block (say 20% of the total), all of it is
maximum that can be extracted per time period. These
two parameters could vary over time. To illustrate the
new concepts developed here, a simple example with Selecting best sequence
only six macroblocks is presented in the Appendix.
A two-step procedure is used to select the best sequence,
Break points that is, the one that maximises one or more economic
The key times in a sequence are when one or more new criteria (usually the NPV) subject to the uncertainty on
blocks can start to be mined because the accessibility both the resources and the prices and costs. Typically
constraints are met for the first time. These times are 100 geostatistical simulations and 1000 stochastic
called break points (because mining in one set of blocks simulations of the commodity price are generated. It is
breaks off, allowing access to others or ending the supposed that 5000 feasible mining sequences have been
extraction). As there are (NB–NL0) higher level blocks, generated. In the first step the best 500 sequences are
there are NBP((NB–NL0) break points. Let BP be the selected using a flat commodity price and a representa-
column vector containing the NBP break points. Let tive subset of the geostatistical simulations. The latter
SQS be an array of size NBP6NB containing the can be selected by applying the scenario reduction
cumulative quantities mined from each block at the procedure developed by Armstrong et al. (2010),
break points. This is called the sequence summary. Armstrong et al. (2011) and Armstrong et al. (2012b).
In the second step, the subset of the best 500 sequences is
Properties of feasible mining sequences tested more thoroughly. Three criteria are used: the
Let F (BP,SQS) be the set of feasible sequences having expected NPV; the probability that the NPV is negative;
the break points BP and the sequence summary SQS. It and the percentage of years when the cashflow was
is easy to prove that F (BP,SQS) is convex. Second if negative. These are computed for each of the top 500
Qmax(j) and QM are constant over time, F (BP,SQS) is sequences for all 100 geostatistical simulations and all
closed under certain types of row permutations. Let P 1000 stochastic simulations of prices, i.e. 100 000
be a permutation that affects only the rows in Q up to combinations.
and including the first break point, or only the rows One reason for using a flat commodity price in the
between two break points. Let the QP be the array first step was that most mining companies use a constant
consisting of the permuted rows and the rest of the price in feasibility studies, so this makes it possible to
array. QP is also a feasible mining sequence and so compare the value obtained there with that in the
F (BP,SQS) is closed under this type of row permuta- feasibility study.
Subsequences of rows after one break point and up to Testing the method
and including the next one can be handled indepen-
dently of previous subsequences provided that the A synthetic example was constructed to test the
sequence summary SQS remains the same. This means proposed method. The key characteristics of the ore-
that subsequences can be mixed and matched. It is body and the economic parameters were set up to mimic
planned to use this in future work to improve feasible those of the Essakane Gold Mine in Burkina Faso,
mining sequences. because the updated feasibility study (IAMGOLD,
2009) for the mine was available on the internet. Over
Generating feasible mining sequences the 9?5 year mine life its owners plan to mine 330 000 oz
An iterative procedure is used to generate a large of gold per year at a cut-off of 0?5 g t21. The capital
number of feasible mining sequences. Starting with the expenditure was planned to be about $450 million. After
first time period, the accessible blocks are identified. analysing their figures, the fixed cost was set at $50
3 Twenty of 100 simulations of gold price over 10 year on weekly basis: model was geometric Brownian motion with
initial price of $600 (as in Essakane feasibility study) and volatility of 20%
Q3 is not because it attempts to mine block 5 before is [8 8 3 4 0 0]. This would be the first row in the
blocks 1 and 2 have been fully mined out. Q2 permutes sequence summary SQS in both cases
rows within the same subsequence; Q3 attempts to 2 3 2 3
permute them across a break point. 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0
61 2 1 2 0 07 62 2 1 1 0 07
6 7 6 7
Time Block no: Block no: 6 7 6 7
43 2 0 1 0 05 42 2 0 1 0 05
Period ½1 2 3 4 5 6 ½1 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0
2 3 2 3 2 3
1 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0
6 7 6 7 6 7 Next take a linear combination of these two sets of rows
6 2 7 63 2 0 1 0 07 61 2 1 2 0 07 (i.e. weighted average with weights a and b such that
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 7 azb51). The sequence summary corresponding to row
6 3 7 61 2 1 2 0 077 63 2 0 1 0 07
6 7 6 6 7 4 is still [8 8 3 4 0 0]. Therefore, the linear combination
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 4 7 62 2 1 1 0 07 60 0 2 2 1 07 belongs to the same family
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 5 7 60 0 2 2 1 07 62 2 1 1 0 07
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7Q2 ~6 7Q3 ~6 7 2 3 2 3
6 6 7 60 0 2 1 2 07 60 0 2 1 2 07
6 7 6 7 6 7 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 7 60 0 2 2 1 077 60 0 2 2 1 07 61
6 7 6 6 7 6 2 1 2 0 077
6 2 1 1 0 077
6 7 6 7 6 7 a6 7zb6 7
6 8 7 60 0 0 0 2 377 60 0 0 0 2 37 63 7 62
6 7 6 6 7 4 2 0 1 0 05 4 2 0 1 0 075
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 9 7 60 0 0 0 2 37 60 0 0 0 2 37
4 5 4 5 4 5 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 3
2 3
2az2b 2az2b azb b 0 0
6 7
6 az2b 2az2b azb 2azb 0 07
Linear combinations 6 7
~6 7
This time only the first four rows are considered (i.e. 6 3az2b 2az2b 0 azb 0 07
4 5
rows in a subsequence between breakpoints) from two
2az2b 2az2b azb azb 0 0
feasible mining sequences from the same family
F (BP,SQS). In both cases the cumulative amount to This illustrates some of the interesting properties of
be extracted up to and including the fourth time period these families of feasible mining sequences.