Ankle and Foot Examination

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Introduction Swelling or erythema of the foot or ankle – may

suggest injury / inflammatory arthritis / septic
Wash hands arthritis / cellulitis
Introduce yourself – state your name and role Inspect from the side
Confirm patient details – name and DOB Foot arches – observe for evidence of flat feet (pes
Explain examination: planus) or high arched feet (pes cavus)

“I’d like to examine your ankles and feet. This will If patient has flat feet ask to stand on
involve having a look and feel of these joints, in tiptoes – supple flat feet will correct / rigid flat
addition to assessing the joints’ movement” feet will not

Gain adequate exposure – both legs should be Inspect from the back
exposed from the knee down Foot/ankle symmetry – heel alignment – valgus or
Position patient – ask patient to stand up straight varus deformity?
with their feet aligned facing forwards Achilles tendon – deformity / discontinuity /
Look swelling (may suggest Achilles tendonitis) /
Is the patient demonstrating a normal heel
strike/toe off gait? Ask the patient to lay on a bed

Is each step of normal height? – increased Assess temperature and compare between legs
stepping height is noted in foot drop – ↑ temperature may indicate inflammatory
pathology / septic arthritis / cellulitis
Is the gait smooth and symmetrical?
Assess pulses in both feet – posterior tibial and
Examine the patient’s shoes – evidence of dorsalis pedis
asymmetrical wearing may indicate abnormal gait
Palpate the achilles tendon:
Ask the patient to walk on their tip-toes, then on
their heels – problems with this may point to  Position the patient kneeling on a chair
multiple problems such as arthritis, muscle strength  Palpate the gastrocnemius muscle and
in the calf muscles which help in plantarflexion and achilles tendon
anterior muscles of the lower leg which help in
dorsiflexion  Note any focal tenderness or swelling
– achilles tendonitis
Inspect from the front
 Note any apparent gaps in the tendon
Symmetry of feet and ankles – suggestive of rupture
Toe alignment – hallux valgus of the big toe may be Palpate the joints and bones
Work distal to proximal – assess for tenderness /
Bunions – located at the 1st metatarsal phalangeal swelling / irregularity
joint (MTP) joint
 Squeeze MTP joints
Deformities of the toes (claw/mallet/hammer toes)
 Metatarsal and Tarsal bones
Scars – suggestive of previous injury / surgery
 Tarsal joint
Calluses – may indicate foot/gait deformity or
poorly fitting footwear  Ankle joint
 Subtalar joint To complete the examination

 Calcaneum Thank patient

 Medial/lateral malleoli Wash hands

 Distal fibula Suggest further assessments and investigations

Move  Examine the knee and hip joint

Active and passive assessment  Full neurovascular examination of

the lower limbs
Assess each of the following movements actively
and passively, feeling for crepitus (excluding toe  Further imaging of the relevant joints if
flexion/extension) indicated (Xray / CT / MRI)

Foot plantarflexion – “push your feet downwards,

like pushing a car pedal” – 0-50º

Foot dorsiflexion – “point your feet towards your

head” – 0-20º

Toe flexion – “curl up your toes”

Toe extension – “point your toes towards your


Ankle/foot inversion – 0-35º

Ankle/foot eversion – 0-15º

Passive assessment only

Assess the passive movement of:

 Ankle joint

 Subtalar Joint

 Mid-tarsal joint

 Metatarsal-phalangeal and Interphalangeal

joints (proximal and distal)

Special tests

Simmonds’ test

Simmonds’ test is used to assess for rupture of

the achilles tendon

1. Ask patient to kneel on a chair with their

feet hanging off the edge

2. Squeeze each calf in turn

3. Normally the foot should plantarflex

4. If the achilles tendon is ruptured there will

be no movement of the foot

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