Discuss Hughes' Use of Dreams and Occult Symbolism
Discuss Hughes' Use of Dreams and Occult Symbolism
Discuss Hughes' Use of Dreams and Occult Symbolism
Ted Hughes is a highly symbolic and mythical poet who dreams and
animal imagery have been traced with symbolic notes. Almost each
and every thing mentioned in Ted’s poetry is symbolic. A symbol is
an object which stands for something else as Dove symbolizes
Peace. Similarly, Blake’s tiger symbolizes creative energy; Shelley’s
wind symbolizes inspiration; Ted Hughes’s Hawk symbolizes terrible
destructiveness at the heart of nature. There is a difference
between an image and symbol, the former evokes a picture and the
latter has wide range of connotations. Hughes’ poetry permeates
with animal imagery which serves as a symbolic purpose. Ted’s
poem ‘Thought-Fox’ is the best example of symbol.
“I imagine the midnight moments’ forest:
Something else is alive
Beside the clock’s loneliness”
The Thought-Fox describes, in an indirect or oblique manner, the
process by which a poem gets written. What a poet needs to write
a poem is inspiration. A poet waits for the onrush of an idea
through his brain. And, of course, he also needs solitude
(loneliness) and silence around him. Solitude and silence are,
however, only contributory circumstances. They constitute a
favourable environment, while the poem itself comes out of the
poet’s head which has been invaded, as it were, by an idea or
thought. The idea or thought takes shape in his head like a fox
entering a dark forest and then coming out of it suddenly. The fox
embodies the thought which a poet expresses in his poem. The fox
here serves as a symbol. Hughes’s sensibility is pagan in the original
sense; and his poetry is as suggestive of the lair as it is of the
library. He feels greatly attracted by ancient mythologies, Oriental
as well as Western, though he makes use of those ancient myths for
his own purpose. He certainly does not believe literally in the
ancient myths, but he finds a great value in them and, throughout
his poetry, tries to show his readers where the value of these
ancient myths lies.
“As if we flew slowly, their formations
Lifting us toward some dazzle of blessing”
As a poet, Hughes believes that he must make “secret flights” to go
back in time in order to be able to probe his own mind through his
knowledge of the past consciousness of the human race. He
believes that the principal method of making such secret flights is
through dreams which provide an insight into the unconscious mind
and which have a collective meaning when they have mythical
contents. Hughes invests his poem with a dream-like quality
because dreams reveal the unconscious mind just as the
shamanistic procedures do that. The Thought-Fox is a dream-like
poem, a reverie on a cold winter’s night. The same is the case with
the poem called ‘That Morning’. What is even more remarkable is
his ability to adjust his style to the purpose. Sometimes, as in “The
Thought-Fox” he can convey his meaning and tone through the use
of diction. At other times, he uses animals as symbols; but his
symbols are occult and perceived only through senses. This occult
symbolism is pronounced in the following lines:
The subjects he prefers to write on are, however, several: man in
relation to the animal world, man and nature, war and death.
Hughes’s animal poems are among the best in his work, and among
the finest in the whole range of English poetry. The imagery in
these poems has its own appeal. The imagery in these poems is at
once graphic and realistic; and the language which Hughes has
employed in describing the various animals shows a striking
originality and felicity. The emphasis in this imagery is on the
vitality or energy of the animals concerned and also on the
violence, the fierceness, and the cruelty of most of those animals.
The Thought-Fox is also partly an animal poem, in which the poet’s
inspiration is compared to a fox making a sudden and silent entry
into his head. In this case, instinct replaces intellect. In the poem
‘Chaucer’ Ted says:
“You declaimed Chaucer
To a field of cows”
Where the image of ‘cow’ symbolizes the so-called critics and those
scholastic critics whose only purpose is to find faults with or find
pleasurism in literature. The cows have similar resemblance to the
Hawk. In the poem ‘Hawk Roosting’ the poet does not praise the
hawk so much as he denigrates man by comparison. The hawk is
here seen as vastly superior to man who is unable to accept Nature
for what it is and, instead, tries to tame it by giving it philosophical
names. Elsewhere, cows are the symbol of nature and the purity
one may wish to enjoy:
“Cows are going home in the lane there, looping the hedges
with their warm wreaths of breath”
Thus, he uses images, metaphors and realistic imagery for a
symbolic purpose; but purpose seems to be more and more occult.
Alliteration and syntax structure are one of the devices for Ted to
achieve the purpose. The paradoxical situations are in the hawk
are also vividly presented. Hughes’s technique of writing poems
includes one very striking and highly commendable quality which is
to be found in almost every poem that he wrote. This quality is the
structural unity of his poems. Almost every poem by him is well-
knit, compact, and self-sufficient as the poems discussed above.
Hughes has the ability to capture the reality of things in words; and
he has displayed this ability in his poem ‘The Though-Fox’ and ‘Full
Moon and Little Frieda’.
Conclusively, it is established that Ted Hughes’ is a highly symbolic
poet who uses an individual style and technique. Although, his
symbols are occult, yet they are unique and cinematic. Especially,
the symbolic use of Hawk and that of Fox gets so much stamped on
the mind of the reader that it is difficult to forget it. No wonder
that his poetry, like the poetry of every modern poet, is a tough nut
to crack, because the modern poet tends to be more subtle and
more elusive in the expression of his ideas than the traditional poet
(like Thomas Hardy). But otherwise too, poets are the seers, sages,
philosophers, and Magi of the world, and their techniques of
expression, like their modes of thought, are often complex,
involved, intricate, and sometimes even baffling and bewildering. In
any case, Hughes’s work has considerably enriched English poetry
and enlarged its scope and its bounds
Anylisis by little farida and moon
The change of atmosphere in the poem Full Moon and Little Frieda
is controlled by Ted Hughes to create a dramatic atmosphere. With
carefully chosen words, Hughes builds up tension and brings it up to
Tension is built up as a foundation for the astonishing ambience
later in the poem. By closely describing stationary, unnoticeable
things, the poet is able to create the suspense which helps to
amplify the climax. A spider’s web is “tense for the dew’s touch”
which presents the stillness of life and gives an idea that the
environment is very shrunken up as if in anticipation for a shock.
The imagery of a pail full of water adds to the idea of anticipation
that it is “still and brimming” which portrays the expectation of an
event about to happen. A pail is used well as imagery because when
the water is full up to the brim, the water toppling perfectly
visualizes the tense climate of the poem. Also the “mirror” suggests
stillness. A “tremor” is all a pail needs to tip out its content and
thus foreshadows some action. Moreover, the help of the
repetition of “A” in the beginning of the sentences, the listing tone
embellishes tension. In the first two stanzas of the poem the build-
up of tension is clearly noticeable.
While the previous stanzas were devoted to creating a strained
mood, the third stanza reveals a completely different scene and yet
perfects the building of the most intensified atmosphere. “Cows
going home” insinuates a normal routine, a shot of an everyday life
and that everything is normal despite all the tension that has been
built up. The “lane” suggests an un-spoilt “pail” because lanes
connote evenness and uniformity which contrasts to the spilling of
water. The uniformity is emphasized by “balancing un-spilled milk”,
careful not to spill and break order. Moreover, the sameness is
exemplified by a metaphor of “warm wreaths of breath” in which
the wreaths connote evenness and arrangement. Also the
alliteration of “warm wreaths” holds some significance as it is a soft
pronunciation and does not have any accents. This reinforces the
idea of tranquility which is an anticlimax to amplify the actual
climax of the poem. While the climax is magnificent, grand and
stunning, the anticlimax holds values for its antonymic behaviour. A
“dark” atmosphere is adopted to hide what is coming shortly, the
climax, and is given a sinister tone to add to that effect. The “dark
river of blood” insinuates hardship and ominousness which is
supported by “many boulders” to add to the idea of hardship.
However, these boulders can be seen differently as stepping stones
to help cross the “dark river of blood”. This ambiguity is used nicely
to create a confusing, chaotic atmosphere which will be broken
heroically. Furthermore, the whole stanza is a case of enjambment;
reading the lines separately will give different meanings
aforementioned, and reading it as a whole gives a contrasting idea.
On seeing the stanza as one sentence, it is deducible that this
stanza denotes Hughes’ rough past. Although Hughes went through
various hardships and suffering, he managed to balance the “milk”
and be with his daughter. Therefore, figuratively the “milk” could
be his daughter which is an example of metonymy. Would he have
spilt it on his course, he wouldn’t have his daughter with him at the
point of writing. Hughes creates the most intense anticlimax before
the pinnacle of the poem.
In contrast to the third stanza, the fourth stanza is the site of
climax. This shock which the poet has to present is helped with the
use of several punctuations and words. “Moon” is repeated three
times to emphasize the presence and each is followed by
exclamation marks to supplement the unexpected action. The word
“suddenly” adds to the shocking effect. Simile is used to create a
pertinent imagery to describe the shock “like an artist gazing
amazed at a work” which depicts the surprise. This surprise is
because of the fact that the little Frieda is so innocent and pure
such that she cries out “moon” as if it was a scientific breakthrough.
It is almost as if the moon is jealous of her purity, because moon
itself connotes purity and is quite taken back to find a more
innocent person which is suggested by the repetition of “amazed”
which shows the extreme consternation of the moon. The last
stanza finishes off the poem without proper ending to the climax by
which creates a reverberation of the climax and also leaves an
ambiguous notion. With the uses of exclamations, repetitions and
simile, the climax is successfully managed to finish the poem
without dissatisfaction.
Hughes creates the astonishing climax by focusing on the anticlimax
which is built up from the beginning, which in the end builds up the
climax itself. By closely describing objects linked with movement
and intensifying the moment just before the climax, the poet built
up tension and used it effectively to hit the climax with full power.