Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Department of Petroleum Engineering Petroleum Engineering Lab Pete
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Department of Petroleum Engineering Petroleum Engineering Lab Pete
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Department of Petroleum Engineering Petroleum Engineering Lab Pete
INDEX: 6910516
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .................................................................................. 3
APPARATUS ....................................................................................................... 3
PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................... 4
TABLE OF RESULTS…………………………………………………………..6
DISCUSSIONS .................................................................................................. 10
ERROR ANALYSIS............................................................................................. 7
PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................................... 7
CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 8
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 8
Viscosity of fluids are affected by two main factors. They are temperature
and pressure. An increase in temperature would cause a decrease in viscosity.
When the temperature of a fluid is increased, the molecules gain more kinetic
energy and move apart. This increases the bond length and in turn decreases the
bond strength. Therefore, the viscosity is decreased.
1. Viscometer
2. Water bath
3. Pycnometer
4. Stop watch
5. Mass Balance
1. Lube 2. Diesel
1. The lube and Diesel was weighed on a mass balance and their masses were
2. The volume of the pycnometer was noticed and recorded.
3. The mass of the empty pycnometer was weighed and recorded.
4. The empty pycnometer was filled with lube and weighed with a mass balance
and its mass was recorded.
5. Another pycnometer was filled Diesel and weighed with a mass balance and
its mass was recorded.
6. The reservoir of two different viscometers was filled with lube and Diesel.
7. The viscometers are put into a water bath and heated to 100 and 40 degree
Celsius for a period of time.
8. The fluid was then sucked into the bulb A and the sucker was released for the
fluid to flow pass the mark and the time taken was recorded.
Density=mass/volume= 0.846g/cm^3
Viscometer serial number= 350371P
= 12.13*0.4705*10^(-6)=5.70*10^(-6)m^2/s
=v*p=5.70*10^(-6)*846=4.822*10^(-3) N-s/m2
Density = 8.152/9.838=0.829g/cm3
=v*p= 3.484*10^(-6)*829=2.89*10^(-3)N-s/m^2
In the experiment, the fluids were heated to 100 degree Celsius and 40
degree Celsius. From the experiment, it could be seen that the efflux time of the
fluids at 100 degree Celsius is lower than that of 40 degree Celsius. This is
observed because at 100 degree Celsius, the molecules gained more kinetic
energy than molecules of the fluids at 40 degree Celsius. The fluid molecules at
100 degree Celsius moved farther apart thereby reducing the bond strength and
this caused a decrease in viscosity. When the viscosity of a fluid is decreased, it
takes it a relatively smaller time to flow.
The efflux time of diesel at 40 degree Celsius was higher than that of the
lube because the diesel is more viscous than lube and that was why it took it a
relatively more time to flow to reach the mark.
From the density table, it could be observed that lube had a density greater
than that of diesel.
1. It was ensured the mass balance was zeroed before weighing the
2. It was ensured that the filled pycnometer was wiped of excess fluids around
it so that they do not add to the mass of the pycnometer.
3. It was ensured that the fluid samples were not contaminated.
4. It was ensured two different viscometer were used for the two diesels