B.ed Syllabus 2017-18

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Credit Based Choice System with effect from the academic year 2017‐2018



1 |P a g e - B . E d Credit Based Choice System

YEARS DEGREE PROGRAMME .............................................................................................. 4
B.Ed. CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK ....................................................................................... 9
SCHEME OF ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION ............................................................. 10
COURSES AND CREDITS ......................................................................................................... 14
FIRST SEMESTER ................................................................................................................................... 16
CORE COURSE 1 (CC 1) ........................................................................................................... 17
CHILDHOOD AND GROWING UP ......................................................................................... 17
CORE COURSE 2 (CC 2) ........................................................................................................... 20
KNOWLEDGE AND CURRICULUM ...................................................................................... 20
INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE 1 (IC 1)............................................................................... 23
GENDER, SCHOOL AND SOCIETY ....................................................................................... 23
ABILITY COURSE 1 (AB 1) ...................................................................................................... 25
CRITICAL UNDERSTANDING OF ICT ................................................................................. 25
AUDIT COURSE 1 (AC 1) .......................................................................................................... 27
DRAMA AND ART IN EDUCATION ....................................................................................... 27
AUDIT COURSE 1 (AC 1) .......................................................................................................... 30
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF ................................................................................................ 30
SECOND SEMESTER .............................................................................................................................. 33
CORE COURSE 3 (CC 3) ........................................................................................................... 34
LEARNING AND TEACHING .................................................................................................. 34
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 38
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: COMMERCE ........................................................... 38
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 41
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: ECONOMICS .......................................................... 41
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 43
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: ENGLISH ................................................................ 43
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 45
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY ........................................................ 45
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 48
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: HISTORY ................................................................ 48
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 51
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: HINDI ...................................................................... 51
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 54
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS ................................................... 54
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 57
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: MARATHI ............................................................... 57
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 60
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: SCIENCE................................................................. 60
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 63
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: SANSKRIT .............................................................. 63
ELECTIVE COURSE 1 (EC 1)................................................................................................... 66
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: URDU ....................................................................... 66
INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE 2 (IC 2)............................................................................... 69
EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 69
THIRD SEMESTER .................................................................................................................................. 72
CORE COURSE 4 (CC 4) ........................................................................................................... 73
ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING .............................................................................................. 73
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 76
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: COMMERCE ........................................................... 76
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 79
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: ECONOMICS .......................................................... 79
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 81
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: ENGLISH ................................................................ 81
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 83

2 |P a g e - B . E d Credit Based Choice System

PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY ........................................................ 83
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 86
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: HISTORY ................................................................ 86
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 89
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: HINDI ...................................................................... 89
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 92
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS ................................................... 92
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 95
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: MARATHI ............................................................... 95
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................... 98
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: SCIENCE ................................................................. 98
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................. 101
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: SANSKRIT ............................................................ 101
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................. 104
PEDAGOGY OF SCHOOL SUBJECT: URDU ..................................................................... 104
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................. 107
PEACE EDUCATION ............................................................................................................... 107
ELECTIVE COURSE 2 (EC 2)................................................................................................. 110
EDUCATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................... 110
INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE 3 (IC 3)............................................................................. 113
LANGUAGE ACROSS CURRICULUM ................................................................................. 113
FOURTH SEMESTER ............................................................................................................................ 116
CORE COURSE 5 (CC 5) ......................................................................................................... 117
CONTEMPORARY INDIA AND EDUCATION ................................................................... 117
ELECTIVE COURSE 3 (EC 3)................................................................................................. 120
ACTION RESEARCH ............................................................................................................... 120
ELECTIVE COURSE 3 (EC 3)................................................................................................. 123
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ........................................................................................ 123
ELECTIVE COURSE 3 (EC 3)................................................................................................. 126
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING ........................................................................................ 126
INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE 4 (IC 4)............................................................................. 128
CREATING AN INCLUSIVE SCHOOL ................................................................................. 128
ABILITY COURSE 2 (AB 2) .................................................................................................... 131
READING AND REFLECTING ON TEXTS ......................................................................... 131

3 |P a g e - B . E d Credit Based Choice System

(Semester I, II, III and IV)
(As per Credit Based Choice System with effect from the academic year June 2017)

 Decision of UGC for introducing the Semester and Credit Based Choice System in
all the central, state and deemed universities and institutions of higher learning in
the country under the Eleventh Five Year Plan. (D. O. No. F.1-2/2008-XI Plan
dated January 31, 2008 from the Chairman, UGC).
 Credit system involves breaking down the curriculum into measurable units that
can be combined to get a degree/diploma.
 A credit is generally a value used to measure a student’s work load in terms of
learning time required to complete course units, resulting in learning outcomes.
 The number of credits awarded to a learner is determined by Credit Value or Credit
Points assigned to a particular course.
 It is a way of expressing the ‘learner’s workload’. (Student’s).
 One (01) credit is Twelve (12) learning hours.
 Credits once gained cannot be lost.

The definitions of the key terms used in the Credit Based Choice System

Program: Program is set of courses that are linked together in an academically

meaningful way and generally ends with the award of a Certificate or Diploma or
degree depending on the level of knowledge attained and the total duration of study.
ponds to the word ‘subject’ used in many universities. A course is essentially a
Course: A course corres of a ‘program’ and may be conceived of as a composite of
several learning topics taken from a certain level. All the learning topics included in a
course must necessarily have academic coherence that is there must be a common
thread linking the various components of a course. A number of linked courses
considered together are in practice, a ‘program’.

Credit Point: Credit point refers to the ‘workload’ of a learner and is an index of the
number of learning hours deemed for a certain segment of learning. These learning
hours may include a variety of learning activities like reading, reflecting, discussing,
attending lectures/counselling sessions, writing assignments, preparing for
examinations, etc. Credits are assigned for a single Course and always pay attention to
how many hours it would take for a learner to complete a Single course successfully.
By and large a course may be assigned anywhere between 3 to 12 Credits where in one
credit is construed as corresponding to 12 hours.

4 |P a g e - B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Two Year B.Ed. Programme from the academic year 2017-18

Title: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
Duration: Two academic years as Credit Based Choice System comprising of four
semesters. The B.Ed. Programme shall be of duration of two years, which can be
completed in a maximum period of three years from the date of admission to the

Eligibility: Following candidates are eligible for admission:

a) Candidates with at least 50 % marks either in the Bachelor Degree( three year
programme) in B.A, B.Sc or 50% (49.50-49.99%) in post graduation and for the
reserved category (ST,SC,OBC,VJNT 1,2,3) 45% (44.50-44.99%) will be eligible.
For B.Com, Management, Engineering, Computer Science, Technology,
Agriculture, BBI, Pharmacy, Law, Fine Arts Performing Arts, Music, Dance,
Drama with 55% marks at graduation or post graduation will be eligible for open
category and for reserved category 50%. Any other qualification equivalent thereof
is eligible for admission to the programme.
b) The reservation and relaxation for SC/ ST / OBC / PWD and other categories shall
be as per the rules of the Central Government / State Government, whichever is

A Candidate for the admission to degree of education (B.Ed.) must fulfil the eligibility
criteria as per the directives of Government of Maharashtra from time to time.
For the completion of the B.Ed. program the candidate must have:
(a) Attended four semesters of the full time Two year B.Ed. programme spread over a
maximum period of three years from the date of admission in a College of Education.
(b) Attendance: The minimum attendance of 80 % for all Theory component work
(Part A) and Practicum component (Part B) and 90 % for school internship.
(c) Completed the Practicum component and Internal Assessment assignments of each
Theory paper of each semester as certified by the Principal of the Institution in which
the candidate is studying.
Internal Assessment comprises of:
(All activities should be systematically documented and maintained for the
purpose of Internal Assesment)
Semester 1
Assignments, Class test and Essay in each course
Ability Course 1: Critical Understanding of ICT
Project Based Course 1(Community Work one week and Participation in CCA in
Semester 2
Assignments, Class test and Essay in each course
Project Based Course 2 (Internship of 3 Weeks)
Semester 3
Assignments, Class test and Essay in each course
Project Based Course 3 (Internship of eleven weeks)
Semester 4
Assignments, Class test and Essay in each course
Ability Course 2: Reading and Reflecting on Texts
5 |P a g e - B . E d Credit Based Choice System
Project Based Course 4 (Internship of five weeks including community work and
Action Research)
Any one Audit Course (Understanding the Self, Drama and Art in education) will be
opted by student in Semester 1 and Certified in Semester 4

The Candidate should have successfully passed the Theory component of the course in
accordance with the University guidelines.

O___________Curriculum, Programme Implementation and Assessment

The B.Ed. Programme is designed to develop attitude, skill and knowledge in the
Student teachers. The curriculum of 2 years B Ed. programme shall comprise of the
following components:
Part A: Theory component includes Core courses, Elective courses and Inter-
disciplinary courses.
Part B: Practicum component includes Project Based courses, Ability courses and Audit
Part A: Theory component
(A) Core Courses (CC)
(B) Elective Course (EC)
(C) Interdisciplinary Courses (IC)
Part B: Practicum component
(D) Ability Courses (AB)
(E) Project Based Courses (PC)
(F) Audit Courses (AC)

Part A: Theory component

1. Core courses: These are five courses which are to be studied by a student in
two years
 Childhood and Growing up
 Knowledge and Curriculum
 Learning and Teaching
 Assessment for learning
 Contemporary India and Education

2. Elective Course
Elective course 1 - Pedagogy of School Subject I
Select any One Course
i. Commerce vii. Mathematics
ii. Economics viii. Marathi
iii. English ix. Science
iv. Geography x. Sanskrit
v. History xi. Urdu
vi. Hindi
Elective course 2 – Select any One course from I or II or III
I) Pedagogy of School Subjects II
Select any One course - other than in Elective course 1
i. Commerce iii. English
ii. Economics iv. Geography
6 |P a g e - B . E d Credit Based Choice System
v. History ix. Science
vi. Hindi x. Sanskrit
vii. Mathematics xi. Urdu
viii. Marathi

II) Peace Education

III) Education for Rural Development

Elective course 3 –
Special Fields (Select any one)
1. Action Research
2. Guidance and Counselling
3. Environmental Education

3. Interdisciplinary courses : Four courses , each in semester which are

interdisciplinary in nature
 Gender, School and Society
 Educational Management
 Language Across the Curriculum
 Creating an Inclusive School

Part B: Practicum component

1. Ability courses: Prime focus is to enhance skill rather than the content, Two
courses, it is to be studied in semester 1 and semester 4.
 Critical Understanding of ICT
 Reading and Reflecting on Texts
2. Project Based Courses:
 Internship
 Community work ( I & II)
 Action Research
 Participation in Co-curricular Activities in college
3. Audit courses: Student has to opt any one, spread throughout the 4 semester, will
be certified in 4th semester only, by head of the institution.
 Understanding the Self
 Drama and Art in Education

Each student is required to opt for one course from Pedagogy of School Subjects I
(Elective Course 1) in Semester 2 which must be with respect to the graduation degree
on the basis of which the student is admitted.

Each student is required to opt for any one of the course from Pedagogy of school
subject II or Peace education or Education for Rural Development in Semester 3
(Elective Course 2). For Pedagogy courses students should opt for another pedagogy
which they must have studied at least one paper at their Graduation /Post graduation.

7 |P a g e - B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Semester wise details of Project Based Courses (Part B)
Semester I (All activities should be systematically documented and maintained for
the purpose of internal assessment)
 Participation in Community work I in collaboration with schools/ NGO's (for a
period of 1 week)
 Participation in Co-curricular Activities in college
Semester II (All activities should be systematically documented and maintained for
the purpose of internal assessment)
Internship for 3 weeks
 Observation of school activities (Any three)
 Observation of lessons given by peers (5 lessons)
 Shadowing of School Teacher (One Week) - 5 lessons to be observed and recorded
in Pedagogy of school subject I
 Teaching lessons in Pedagogy of school subject I (5 Lessons)
Semester III (All activities should be systematically documented and maintained
for the purpose of internal assessment)
Internship for 11 weeks
 During Internship teaching not less than 10 lessons in the opted Pedagogy of school
subject I distributed over different standards from V to XII of recognized secondary
and higher secondary Schools/ Colleges selected by the Principal as practicing
School/ College
 2 theme based lessons in the above school/college.
 3 co-teaching lessons with school teachers
 Administration of Unit Test and analysis of results (in the pedagogy of school
subject I opted)
 Maintain Reflective Journal with reference to internship program.
Semester IV (All activities should be systematically documented and maintained
for the purpose of internal assessment)
Internship for 5 weeks (4 weeks +1 week community work II)
 Develop learning resources
 Conduct Action Research
 During Internship teaching not less than 5 lessons in the opted pedagogy of school
subject II distributed over different standards from V to XII of recognized
secondary and higher secondary Schools/ Colleges selected by the Principal as
practicing School/ College. For those students who have opted Peace Education or
Education for Rural Development they have to take 5 lessons from Pedagogy of
school subject I.
 5 Co-teaching lessons with peers
 Maintain Reflective journal with reference to internship program.
 Participation in Community work II in collaboration with schools/ NGO's (for a
period of 1 week)

Programme Structure of B.Ed. 2 Years Programme

Year 1: 16-18 Weeks * 2 Semesters (200 Working Days)
Year 2: 16-18 Weeks * 2 Semesters (200 Working Days)
20 Weeks for Internship (18 +including 2 weeks Community work)
200 working days are exclusive of admission and examination period
Total Credits: 111; Marks 1800 (1 Credit = 12 Hours)

8 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

External Internal Total
Courses Credits
Marks Marks Marks
Core Course 1: Childhood and Growing up 6 60 40 100
Core Course 2: Knowledge and Curriculum 6 60 40 100
Interdisciplinary Course 1 :Gender, School
6 60 40 100
and Society
Ability Course 1:Critical Understanding of
3 ---- 50 50
Project Based Course 1 3 ---- 50 50
Total 24 180 220 400
Semester 2
Core Course 3: Learning and Teaching 6 60 40 100
Elective Course 1: Pedagogy of School
6 60 40 100
Subject 1
Interdisciplinary Course 2: Educational
6 60 40 100
Project Based Course 2 6 ---- 100 100
Total 24 180 220 400
Semester 3
Core Course 4: Assessment for Learning 6 60 40 100
Elective Course 2: Pedagogy of School
Subject 2 /Peace Education/ Education for 6 60 40 100
Rural Development (Any one)
Interdisciplinary Course 3: Language Across
6 60 40 100
the Curriculum
Project Based Course 3 12 ---- 200 200
Total 30 180 320 500
Semester 4
Core Course 5: Contemporary India and
6 60 40 100
Elective Course 3: Special Field
Action Research/Guidance and
6 60 40 100
Counselling/Environmental Education
(any one)
Interdisciplinary Courses 4: Creating an
6 60 40 100
Inclusive School
Ability Course 2: Reading and Reflecting on
3 ---- 50 50
Project Based Course 4 9 --- 150 150
Any one Audit Course(Understanding the
Self, Drama and Art in education) will be
3 --- ---- ---
opted by student in Semester 1 and Certified
in Semester 4
Total Credits 33 180 320 500

Total Credits: 111; Total Marks 1800 (1 Credit = 12 Hours)

9 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Theory Courses: Semester End Examination

R._____60 marks for semester end examination of 2 hours duration for each theory
 Pattern of Semester End Examination: For courses, out of 8 questions answer
any 5 and question 9 is compulsory which is short notes (out of 4 any 2).
 5 questions of 10 marks each with external choice.
 2 short notes of 5 marks each with internal choice
University Examination will be held at the end of each semester.

Internal Assessment
Internal Assessment includes following aspects;
A. Internal Assessment activities of Theory component- Part A (Core Courses, Elective
Courses and Interdisciplinary Courses) consist of 40 marks. For each Theory
component of Part A, 40 marks internal assessment consisting of
Sr.No Particulars Marks
Content test/ Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module
1 20
held in the semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40
(Content test is compulsory for Pedagogy of school subject 1 of 10 marks is a part of
internal assessment.)

B. Practicum component of Part B Project Based Course:

 Semester wise detail documentation of the activities carried out under Project
Based Course
a. Semester 1--Project Based Course 1 -----50 Marks
b. Semester 2--Project Based Course 2 -----100 Marks
c. Semester 3--Project Based Course 3 -----200 Marks
d. Semester 4--Project Based Course 4 -----150 Marks
 Ability Courses 100 Marks: Two courses 50 marks each (Detailed
documentation of the courses)
a. Semester 1-- Critical Understanding of ICT
b. Semester 4--- Reading and Reflecting on Texts
 Any one Audit Course (Understanding the Self, Drama and Art in Education)
will be opted by student in semester 1 and certified in Semester 4 by head of the

R._____Examination Scheme
Grading System: Conversion of Percentage of Marks to Grade Points:
The External examination of Part A of Theory component (Semester end theory
examination), the Internal assessment marks of Theory component and Part B Semester
wise Practicum component will be submitted at the end of each semester. The aggregate
of marks obtained in each year for Theory cum Practicum (i.e. Part A & Part B) shall be
converted into Grades as given in the scheme. (R4257)
The marks obtained by a student in a course shall be indicated by a grade point and a
letter grade and Performance is follows:

10 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

10 Point Grading System (As per the University Circular UG/79 of 2016-17)

Marks Grade points Grade Performance

Less than 40 0 F Fail
40-44.99 4 D Pass
45-49.99 5 C Average
50-54.99 6 B Above Average
55-59.99 7 B+ Good
60-69.99 8 A Very Good
70-79.99 9 A+ Excellent
80 and above 10 O Outstanding

The F grade once awarded to a student stays in the grade card of the student and is not
deleted even when he/she completes the course successfully later. The grade acquired
later by the student shall be indicated in the grade sheet of the final year in which the
candidate has appeared and fulfilled the credit criteria.

If student is absent from Semester end examination or Internal assessment in any course
including the project course, he/she will get a grade point of 0 and a letter grade of ‘F’.

If a student fails in the internal examination of the core or elective course, he/she will
have to appear for the internal examination of the course when the course is offered

If the student fails in the semester end examination of a core or elective course or
interdisciplinary course, he/ she may re-appear for the same examination, when it is
held again in the following semester. A student can appear at the most three times
including the original attempt. If a student obtains a letter grade F in all the three
attempts, he/she will have to seek fresh admission.
If a student obtains letter grade F in any course in a given semester the letter grade F
will continue to be shown in the grade card for that semester, even when the student
passes the course subsequently in another semester.
If the student obtains minimum 40 % marks in the internal assessment and fails to obtain
minimum 40 % marks in the semester end examination of any course in any of the
semester, the marks of the internal examination shall be carried forward.

In any semester the students GPA and CGPA will be calculated as per the resolution of
the Academic Council dated 23 May 2016, Item No 4.17
The semester wise GPA and CGPA shall be printed on the grade card of the student
along with the table of the 10 Point Grading System.
The final semester grade card shall also have the aggregate percentage marks scored by
the students in all the courses in which student has obtained the relevant credits.
The grade card issued at the end of the semester to each student shall contain the

11 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

a) The credits earned for each course registered that year
b) The performance in each course indicated by the letter grade
c) The Grade Point Average (GPA), of all the courses registered for the
d) The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
e) Overall Weighted Percentage of Marks (OWPM), and cumulative grade
point average after completing the programme will appear only on the grade
card for the final year.
R. _________ A candidate who passes in the internal examination but fails in the
semester end theory examination shall reappear for the said paper/papers only. However
his/her marks of the internal examinations shall be carried over and he/she shall be
entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.
R. _________A candidate who passes in the semester end examination but fails in the
internal assessment of the course shall reappear for the internal examination of that
course. However his/her marks of the semester end examination shall be carried over
and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.

The Principal shall forward to the University the Semester wise original marks awarded
to every candidate in internal assessment of theory component (Part A) and Practicum
component of each semester (Part B) as per the format provided by the university at the
Semester end along with the Certification of Audit course in the Semester 4 which will
be scrutinized by the Coordination Committee. 0.5177

For the purpose of co-ordination of Internal Assessment marks in Part A and Part B of
Practicum, there shall be a Coordination Committee consisting of:
 Chairman Board of Studies in Education.
 Chairperson, B.Ed. Examination of the concerned year.
 Two Principals, who are not the members of the Board of Studies in Education
nominated every year by the Chairman of the B.O.S. in Education.
 Three members of Board of Studies in Education who are not included in the
above categories, nominated every year by the Chairman of the Board of Studies of

The committee shall go through Internal Assessment marks and grades awarded to
students of different Colleges of Education at the end of each Semester. If any
discrepancy is found in the standard of marking and/or grading by college, the Principal
concerned would be required to accordingly modify the marks as per the directions
given by the Coordination Committee. The Committee is authorized to check all the
internal work of the students of all the College to verify the marks awarded by the
College and make the necessary changes wherever required.

ATKT (Allowed to Keep Term)

A student shall be allowed to keep terms for Year II irrespective of number of heads of
failure in the Year I. The result of Year II shall be kept in abeyance until the student
passes each of the courses in Part A & Part B for Year I & Year II.

12 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

The performance of the student shall be evaluated in two parts in each semester through
internal assessment and external assessment:
1. Internal assessment by way of continuous evaluation of the course areas of Theory
and Practicum (Part A and Part B) as envisaged in the Credit Based Choice System by
way of participation of students in various Internal Assessment assignments/task of
theory courses and Practicum component per semester of the B.Ed. programme.
2. Semester End Assessments by way of assessing the performance of the student in the
semester end theory / written examination.
i A candidate who has completed 2 Years of the B.Ed. Degree Examination but who has
either not appeared for ‘ Theory’ (Part A), will be permitted at his/her option to carry
forward the internal assessment mark of that course and grade obtained in ‘Practicum’
(Part B) to two subsequent semester examination. The candidate will appear only for
the course/s he/she has failed. Candidates exercising this option shall be eligible for the
ii A candidate who has passed in ‘Theory component’ (Part A) but has not completed or
has failed in ‘Practicum’ (Part B) will be permitted at his/her option to carry forward
the marks obtained in ‘ Theory ’ to two subsequent semester examination. The
candidate is required to revise his grade in the ‘Practicum’ (Part B) only in areas he /
she has not completed or failed. Candidate exercising this option shall be eligible for
the grade.
A candidate who has failed in ‘Theory’ (Part A) and ‘Practicum’ (Part B), will be
required to put in 50% attendance in the subsequent year at the College from which
he/she appeared for the University Examination and completes the work of ‘Practicum’
(Part B) in which he /she has failed and reappears in the theory course of ‘Theory’
(Part A).

13 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Components Courses Credits

i. Childhood and Growing up (CC 1)
ii. Knowledge and Curriculum(CC 2)
Core Courses iii. Learning and Teaching(CC 3) 30
iv. Assessment for learning(CC 4)
v. Contemporary India and Education(CC 5)
 Elective Course 1 Pedagogy of School Subject I -Select any one. (EC 1)
i. Commerce
ii. Economics
iii. English
iv. Geography
v. History
vi. Hindi
vii. Mathematics
viii. Marathi
ix. Science
x. Sanskrit
xi. Urdu
 Elective Ccourse 2 -Select any one from I or II or III. (EC 2)
I.Pedagogy of School Subjects II -Select any One course other than in
Elective course 1
i. Commerce
Elective Courses 18
ii. Economics
iii. English
iv. Geography
v. History
vi. Hindi
vii. Mathematics
viii. Marathi
ix. Science
x. Sanskrit
xi. Urdu
II. Peace Education
III. Education for Rural Development
 Elective Ccourse 3 Basket of Special Fields -Select any One (EC 3)
i. Action Research
ii. Guidance and Counselling
iii. Environmental Education
i. Gender, School and Society (IC 1)
Interdisciplinary ii. Educational Management (IC 2)
Courses iii. Language Across the Curriculum(IC 3) 24
iv. Creating an Inclusive School(IC 4)
i. Critical Understanding of ICT (AB 1)
Ability Courses 6
ii. Reading and Reflecting on Texts (AB 2)
i. Internship
Project Based ii. Community work
Courses iii. Action Research 30
iv. Participation in Co curricular Activities in college
Audit Courses (Select any one)
Audit Courses i. Understanding the self (AC 1) 3
ii. Drama and Art in Education (AC1)
Total Credits 111

14 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

B.Ed. Curriculum

6 6 CC-4 Assessment CC-5 Contemporary 6

CC-1 Childhood and CC-3 Learning and
for Learning - 6 India and Education -
Growing up- 100marks Teaching -100marks
100marks 100marks

CC - 2 Knowledge and
Curriculum 6
- 100marks
EC3 - Special Field
EC 2 .Pedagogy of
EC1 .Pedagogy of Basket Action
School Subject II /
School Subject -I (Select 6 6 Research, Guidance and 6
Peace Edn./
any one based on Counselling ,
Education for Rural
graduation subject) - Enviornmental
Development (Any
100marks Education (Any One ) -
One) -100marks
6 6 IC3 Language 6
IC1- Gender, School
IC2- Educational Across The IC4- Creating Inclusive
And Society - 6
Management -100marks Curriculum – Schools -100marks
100 marks
AB1 – Critical 3 AB2 - Reading and 3
Understanding of ICT - Reflecting on Texts –
50 Marks Internal 50 Marks Internal
COURSES PC1 PC2 Internship of 5 weeks
Internship of 11
Total 50 Marks Internship of 3 weeks - including Community
Total 100 Marks work -Total 150 Marks
Total 200 Marks
a. Lessons
a. Community Work 3 a.Observation of school
10 Lessons*10 a. Learning Resource
Part I activities- (Any Three)
marks = 1* 10 Marks= 10 Marks
- 20 Marks (1 Week) 3*5 Marks= 15 Marks
100 marks
b. Observation of lessons b. Theme based
b.Participation in CCA
given by peers - 6 lessons- Action Research –
in college -1*30 =30
(5 lessons) 2 lessons*10 marks 25 Marks
5*4 Marks= 20 Marks = 20 marks
12 9
c. Co-teaching
c. Shadowing of School
with school Lessons –
Teacher 5 lessons
teachers 5 Lessons *10
(One week)
3 lessons X 10 marks=50 marks
5*3 Marks = 15 Marks
marks =30 Marks
d. Administration
d. Lessons – Reflective Journal on
of Unit Test and
5 Lessons *10 Marks = internship activities
analysis of results -
50 marks - 20 Marks
20 Marks
Community work - Part
e. Reflective
II 20 Marks
Journal on
Co Teaching with peers
internship activities
5 lessons*5 marks
- 30 Marks
=25 Marks
Understanding the self , Drama and Art in Education
Select any one, spread throughout the 4 semester. Certified in 4th semester only.
TOTAL 400 24 TOTAL 400 24 TOTAL 500 30 TOTAL 500 33

R. _______ The following are the syllabi for the various Courses.
Click here: First page

15 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System



16 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To develop an understanding of the Principles of development.
2. To develop an understanding of the concept of development within a pluralistic
3. To develop an appreciation of the child development in socio- cultural context.
4. To apply the knowledge of the methods and approaches of child development.
5. To examine the theoretical perspectives of child development.
6. To analyze the Issues and Implications of changing family structure and parenting
on growing up in a pluralistic society.
7. To develop an understanding of looking at one’s own self, feeling and emotion.
8. To reflect on how we relate to the world through emotions.

Unit 1: Growth and Development of a Child

a) Meaning and principles of growth and Development and its difference.
b) Stages of growth and development ( Later childhood and Adolescence)
c) Role of school in growth and development of a child.

Unit 2: Developmental Process-

a) Genetic background and Development.
b) Trends in development (Developmental direction, Differentiation and
integration and Cumulative influence)
c) Maturation

Unit 3: Context of Development:

a) Child Development as a multidimensional concept within a pluralistic society
(physical, Emotional and Social)
b) Impact of different parenting styles on child development ((4)
c) Child development in socio- cultural context: Interplay of poverty, caste, gender
and tribal communities.


Unit 4: Methods and Approaches of Studying Human development

a) Methods: Observation (Participatory And Non- Participatory)
b) Experimental & Clinical.
c) Approaches: Cross Sectional, Cross Cultural, Longitudinal.

Unit 5: Theoretical Perspectives:

a) Piaget’s Theory of cognitive development.
b) Kolhberg’s & Errickson’s theory
c) Urin Brofenbrenner theory on Ecological System

17 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 6: Self and Emotions
a) Formation of self (Self-concept, self-esteem, Self-efficacy)
b) Emotions: Goleman’s Theory of Emotional Intelligence
c) Identity crisis- Marcian Theory


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Task (any one)
 Case study of any school which has a positive impact on the overall growth and
development of its students
 Observe an adolescent and conduct a case study on his overall development
 Present the biography of any one Psychologists using creative techniques
b) Psychological Tests (any one)
 Emotional Intelligence test
 Test on Self- Esteem
 Test on Self Efficacy

 Bhatia, H. R. (1973). Elements of Educational Psychology, 5th edition, Orient
 Bigge, M. L. (1982). Learning Theories for Teachers, (4th edition). New York,
Harper and Row Publishers, P.P. 89-90.
 Bolles, R. C. (1975): Learning Theory. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
P.P. 18-19.
 Chauhan, S.S. (1978): Advanced Educational Psychology, Vikas Publishing
house Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
 Dandapani, S. (2001), A textbook of Advanced Educational Psychology. New
Delhi: Anmol Publications.
 Dunn, R. (1983). Can students identify their own Learning Styles? Educational
Leadership,40, P.P. 60-62.
 Dash, M. (1988). Educational Psychology. Delhi: Deep and Deep Publication.
 Duric, L. (1975). Performance of Pupils in the Process of Instruction. Bratislava,
SPN, P.P. 54-90.
 Duric, L. (1990). Educational Sciences: Essentials of Educational Psychology.
International Bureau of Education, UNESCO, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, P.
 Fontana, D. (1995). Psychology for Teachers (3rd edition). The British
Psychological Society, London: McMillan in association with BPS Books.
 Kundu C.L. and Tutoo D.N. (1993) : Educational Psychology, Sterling Publishers
Pvt. Ltd.
 Lindgren, H. C. (1967). Educational Psychology in Classroom (3rd edition). New
York: John Wiley and sons.
18 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System
 Mangal, S. K. (1984). Psychological Foundations of Education. Ludhiana:
Prakash Publishers
 Mohan J. and Vasudeva P. N. (1993). Learning Theories and Teaching, In Mohan
Jitendra (ed.) Educational Psychology, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited, P.
 Oza, D. J. and Ronak, R. P. (2011). Management of behavioral problems of
children with mental retardation. Germany:VDM publication.
 Papalia D. E., and Sally, W. O. (1978). Human Development. McGraw Hill
Publishing Company
 Phens, J. M., and Evans, E. D. (1973). Development and Classroom Learning :
An Introduction to Educational Psychology. New York: Holt Rinehart and
Winston Inc.
 Tessmer, M., and Jonassen, D. (1988). Learning Strategies: A New Instructional
Technology. In Harris Duncun (1988) Education for the New Technologies,
World Year Book of Education. London: Kogan page Inc
 Skinner, E. C. (1984). Educational Psychology-4th Edition. New Delhi: Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
 Spinthall, N., and Spinthall, R. C. (1990). Educational Psychology 5th Edition. -
McGraw Hill Publishing Company.
 Cole, M., (1996). The Development of Children. New York: Worth publishers
 Crain, W., (2005). Theories of Development (5th Edition). Pearson
 Kanga, F., (1991). Trying to Grow. New Delhi : Ravi Dayal Publishers
 Mukunda, K. (2009). What did you ask at school today? Noida: Harper Collins
 Munsinger, H., (1975) (edited) Readings in Child Development. New York: Holt
Rinehart Winson
 Sharma, N., (2003).Understanding Adolescence. New Delhi: NBT
 Wadia, H. Confining childhood in India. Web source:
 Weiner.M.,(1995). The child and the state in India: Child labor and education
policies in comparative perspective. Oxford University Press

Click here: First page

19 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To develop understanding into the epistemological basis of education
2. To develop understanding of modern child-centered education.
3. To develop understanding social and cultural influence on education
4. To develop understanding into curriculum, its determinants , process and
5. To examine relationship of curriculum to education
6. To gain insight into the need for curriculum reforms


EDUCATION (2 Credits)

Unit 1: Perspectives of Knowledge and Education

a) Knowledge :
i. Meaning and characteristics of knowledge
ii. Types of knowledge: Philosophical perspective ( Personal, Propositional and
Procedural ) Educational perspective: (Conceptual, Strategic and
b) Education: Meaning(etymological), definitions and characteristics of Education
c) Epistemological basis of education: distinction between knowledge and
information, teaching and training.

Unit 2: Basis of Modern Child-Centred Education (Concept, Basis and

Educational Significance)
a) Activity Method (M.K. Gandhi)
b) Discovery Method (John Dewey)
c) Dialogue Method (Paulo Freire)

Unit 3: Social and Cultural Context of Education

a) Changes in education due to industrialisation, democracy and individual
b) Understanding Education in relation to equity, equality and social justice
(B.R. Ambedkar).
c) Interrelationship of education with reference to Nationalism (Krishnamurti) and
Secularism (Tagore)


EDUCATION (2 Credits)

Unit 4: Curriculum – Concept, Types and Determinants

a) Curriculum – Meaning and Concept of curriculum, Relationship with
Curriculum framework, Syllabus and Textbooks
b) Determinants of Curriculum ( Philosophical, Psychological, Sociological,
Political )
c) Types of curriculum (Subject-centred and child-centred; Hidden curriculum and
enacted curriculum)
20 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System
Unit 5: Curriculum Development
a) Principles of curriculum development
b) Process of curriculum development
i. Formulating aims and objectives
ii. Criteria for selecting knowledge and representing knowledge in the form of
different subjects.
iii. Selection and organisation of learning situations
c) Participatory approach to curriculum development: Representation of social
groups in curriculum construction.

Unit 6: Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation

a) Teachers' role in generating dynamic curricular experiences through (i) flexible
interpretation of curricular aims , (ii) contextualisation of learning; (iii) varied
learning experiences(iv) learning resources
b) Need and evaluation of effective curriculum construction with reference to
existing pedagogies and Instructional approaches, teacher training, textbooks
and instructional materials.
c) Role of MHRD and NCERT in curriculum reform


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Seminar Presentation: Critical appraisal of philosophy and practice of education
advocated by Gandhi, Dewey and Freire.
b) Critical Writing: Critically examine role of hidden curriculum with reference to
school rituals, celebrations and rules & discipline
c) Report Writing: Choose syllabus for any one school subject, read the text books
(of at least 2 standards from 6th to 9th) for the same. Deliberate on of modern
values like equity, equality and social justice reflected in it and writes a report on

 Aggrawal, J. C., & Gupta, S. (2005). Curriculum Development. New Delhi:
Shipra Publisher.
 Alexander, W. M., & Saylor, J. G. (1966). Curriculum Planning for modern schools,
New York: Holt, Rinhart and Winston Inc.
 Balrara, M. (1999). Principles of Curriculum Renewal. New Delhi: Kanishka
 Chandra, A. (1977). Curriculum Development and Evaluation in education. New
Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
 Darji, D. R., &Lulla, B. P. (1967). Curriculum development in secondary schools
of Baroda. Baroda: Sadhana Press.

21 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 D’Costa, Agnes R. (2016) Knowledge and Curriculum, Mumbai Himalaya
Publishing House
 Erickson, H.L.(2007) concept based curriculum and instruction for the thinking
classroom California; Corwin press
 Freire, P. (1998). Pedagogy of freedom: Ethics, democracy, and civic courage.
Rowman & Littlefield.
 Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed, Continuum.
 Hassrin, M. (2004). Curriculum Planning for elementary education. New Delhi:
Anmol Publishers.
 Herbert, J. W. & Geneva, D. H. (1990). International Encyclopedia of Education
Evaluation. New York: Pergamon Press Oxford House.
 Jenkins, D., & Shifrnan, D.M. (1976). Curriculum: an introduction. London:
Pitman Publishing House.
 Jhompson K., and White, J. C. (1975). Curriculum development. London: Pitman
 Khan.M.I. and Nigam,B.K.(2007).Curriculum reform change and continuity.
New Delhi; Kanishka publication
 Krishnamurti, J. (1992). Education and world peace. In Social responsibility.
Krishnamurti Foundation
 Kumari, S., and Srivastava, D. S. (2005). Curriculum and Instruction. New Delhi:
Shipra Publishers.
 Macdonald, B., & Walker, R. (1976). Changing the Curriculum. Britain: Pitman
 Musgrave, P. W. (1974). Contemporary studies in the Curriculum. Australia: Angus
and Roberston Publishers.
 Nigam, B. K., & Khan, I. M. (1993). Evaluation and research in
Curriculum Construction. New Delhi: Kaniska Publishers.
 Ornsttein, A. C. & Hunkins, F.P. (1988). Curriculum foundations, Principles and
issues New jersey prentice hall
 Panday, M. (2007). Principles of Curriculum Development. New Delhi;
Rajat publications Rajput, J. S. (2004).
 Encyclopaedia of Indian Education. New Delhi: NCERT.
 Satyanarayan, P.V. (2004). Curriculum development and management. New Delhi:
 Sharma, R. (2002). Modern methods of Curriculum Organisation. Jaipur: Book
 Sharma, S. R. (1999). Issues in Curriculum Administration. New Delhi: Pearl
Publishing House.
 Sockett, H. (1976). Designing the Curriculum. Britain: Pitman Press.
 Srivastava, H. S. (2006). Curriculum and methods of teaching New Delhi: Shipra
 Tata, H. (1962). Curriculum development theory & practice. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World Inc.
 Tagore, R. (2003). Civilization and progress. in Crisis in civilization and other
essays New Delhi: Rupa & co.
 Yadav, Y.P. (2006). Fundamentals of Curriculum design. New Delhi; Shri Sai
Printographers Click here: First page

22 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To acquaint the student teachers with the concept of gendered roles in society and
their challenges.
2. To develop basic understanding and familiarity with key concepts-gender, gender
bias, gender stereotype, empowerment, gender parity, equity and equality,
patriarchy and feminism and transgender.
3. To understand the influence of social institutions (family, caste, class, religion,
region,) on inclusion and gender identity
4. To examine the role of schools, peers, teachers, curriculum and textbooks, etc. in
challenging inclusion and gender inequalities /reinforcing gender parity.
5. To develop an understanding about policies, plans and schemes of the government
for addressing all forms of disparities, inequalities and their inclusion in the society
6. To critically appraise the role of media in reinforcing inclusion and gender roles in
the popular culture and at school.
7. To appreciate the role of NGOs and Government organisations in sensitizing
society towards inclusion and gender parity


Unit 1: Gender: Concept and Perspectives

a) Concept of sex, gender and transgender
b) Gender related concepts: patriarchy, feminism, equity and equality, sexuality.
c) Emergence of gender specific roles: sociological and psychological perspectives.

Unit 2: Social Construction of Gender Identity

a) Influence of family, caste, religion, culture, region, the media and popular culture
(films, advertisements, songs) on gender identity.
b) Gender bias: health and nutrition, education, and employment.
c) Gender stereotyping

Unit 3: Gender Issues and Provisions

a) Gender related issues in society: dowry system, work place discrimination
b) Sexual abuse, cyber bullying
c) National Policy for Empowerment of women


Unit 4: Gender Challenges and Education

a) Gender challenges: The role of schools, peers, teachers, curriculum and textbooks.
b) Construct of gender in national curriculum framework
c) Contemporary women role models in India: urban and rural

Unit 5: Gender Jurisprudences in Indian Context

a) Prenatal diagnostic Technique Act, 1994
b) Domestic Violence Act, 2005
c) Protection of from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012
23 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System
Unit 6: Strategies for Gender Empowerment
a) The role of NGOs and women's action groups in striving towards gender equity
b) The United Nations Entity Equality and the Empowerment of Women for Gender-
UN Women
c) Millennium Development: Goal: Promoting gender equality and empowerment


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Gender analysis of text books and suggestions for change
b) Case studies of groups/organizations working for women
c) Critical analysis of depiction of women in mass media (ads/serials/films/print
d) Visits to institutions working for women’s welfare and Report writing
e) Street plays, Exhibitions, Debates, Interviews, Poster Competitions, Slogan
 Bhasin Kamala: Understanding gender, kali for women, N. Delhi,2000
 Basu Aparna: Women’s Education in India in Ray and Basu (edt): From
Independence Towards Freedom, OUP, 1999
 Chodhuri Maitreyee (2004): Feminism in India, Women Unlimited, New Delhi
 Chakravarty Uma: Gendering caste through a feminist Lense, Stree, Calcutta, 2003.
 Courting Disaster, PUDR report, 2003.
 Davis Kathy, Evans Mary, Lorber, J (edt) (2006): Handbook of Gender and
Women’s studies, Sage,UK.
 Delamont Sara: Feminist Sociology 8. Feminist Concepts, Contribution to
women’s studies series, Part-I, II, III, RCWS, Mumbai
 Desai, Neera and Thakkar, Usha. (2001). Women in Indian Society. National Book
Trust, New Delhi
 Dunne, M. et al. (2003). Gender and Violence in Schools. UNESCO
 Freedman Jane: Feminism, Viva Books, New Delhi, 2002.
 Gender Analysis of School Curriculum and Text Books UNESCO, Islamabad,
2004 Principal Author ... Gender Analysis of Primary School Textbooks in Punjab.
 Kirk Jackie (ed) , (2008), Women Teaching in South Asia, SAGE, New Delhi
 Leach, Fiona. (2003). Practising Gender Analysis in Education, Oxfam
 NCERT 2006, National Curriculum Framework 2005: Position Paper, National
Focus Group on Gender Issues in Education, New Delhi
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24 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 3
Total Marks: 50 (Internal)

1. To develop an understanding of the concept of ICT
2. To practice safe and ethical ways of using ICT.
3. To use ICT in Teaching Learning, Administration, Evaluation and Research.
4. To design, develop and use ICT based learning resources.
5. To develop an understanding of the concept of Open Education Resources and
Creative Commons in education.
6. To evaluate ICT based learning resources.
7. To adopt mobile learning, open learning and social learning in the classroom.


Unit 1: Understanding of ICT in Education

a) Information and Communication Technology: Concept and Importance
b) Role of teacher in ICT enabled education - Administrator, Facilitator and
c) Legal and ethical issues in the use of ICT - Hacking, Violating of copyright,

Unit 2: Designing Technology Integrated Learning Experiences

a) Instructional Design –Develop ADDIE model Instructional Design based on
School topic.
b) Develop Learning Resources on a topic using ICT tools (Script writing and
Story board) and Critically evaluate it by using rubrics
c) Learning Management System (LMS) – Concept, Features and Applications



Unit 3: Emerging Trends in E-learning

a) Mobile learning – Concept, Features and uses of any ONE Mobile application
for teaching and learning.
b) Social learning- Concept, Use of web2.0 tools for learning (Social networking
site, Blog, Chat, Video conferencing, Discussion forum)
c) Open Educational Resources, Creative Common, Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) – Concept and Applications

Unit 4: Use of ICT in Evaluation, Administration and Research

a) e Portfolio – Concept and Development
b) ICT for Research- Online Repositories & Online Libraries
c) Online and offline assessment tools ( Online Survey tools or Test generators) -
Concept and development

25 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

(1 Credit)
a) Select a case study/report related to legal and ethical issues in use of ICT.
Discuss your case using any mode of online discussion forum. Submit the
screenshots of your group discussion.
b) Develop and critically evaluate a CAI package (Script writing and Story Board)
using ADDIE model of Instructional design for any topic of your choice.
c) Using any LMS carry out the following activities for facilitating learning in any
of the unit of your choice:
 Identify resources for a topic of your choice and upload it.
 Use any discussion forum available for the discussion on the uploaded
learning material.
 Generate a test.
d) Submit a reflective report on it.
e) Develop and Manage a Social Networking site /Blog / Chat forum for college
based on ICT course. Submit the report for the same with empirical evidences.
f) Select a topic relevant to education, collect Open Educational Resources (Text,
Multimedia, Website references) and analyze the type of license used in the
Open Educational Resources. Submit the report for the same with evidences.
g) Select an educational problem and conduct an online survey. Submit a report on
the procedure and analysis of the survey result along with screen shot.

 Goel, D. R., and Joshi, P. (1999). A Manual for INTERNET Awareness. CASE:
The M. S. University of Baroda Press.
 Mahapatra, B.C. (2006). Education in Cybernatic Age. New Delhi: Sarup Sons.
 Mansfield, R. (1993). The Compact Guide to Windows.World and Excel. New
Delhi: BPB Publishing.
 Saxena, S. (1999). A first course in computers. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing
 Tanenbaum, A. S. (1996). Computer Networks. New Delhi: Pretince Hall of
 Walkenbach, J. (1997). Excel 97 Bible. New Delhi: Comdex Computer
 Khirwadkar, A. (2005). Information & Communication Technology in
Education. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons.
 Khirwadkar, A. (2010). e-learning Methodology: Perspectives on the
Instructional Design for Virtual Classrooms. New Delhi: Sarup Book
Publication Ltd.

Click here: First page

26 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 3
(To be certified by the Institute in Semester IV)

1. To have a practical experience with drama and art.
2. To be acquainted with the concepts thus enhancing their understanding of drama
and art.
3. To be acquainted with aspects of theatre management.
4. To integrate drama and art in the school curriculum.
5. To develop their aesthetic sensibilities.
6. To elucidate the role of drama and art in self- realization of learners.
7. To sensitize learners on the use of drama and art for special learners.
8. To highlight the use of drama and art in creative expression.
9. To perceive the social and environmental issues through drama and art.
10. To develop understanding of the local culture through drama and art.
11. To widen the understanding of learners by integrating global culture.


(1 Credit)
Unit 1: Introduction to Concepts of Drama and Art
a) Forms of Drama and Art – Visual and Performing
b) Elements of Drama and Art
c) Understanding stagecraft and audience etiquettes - (set designing, costumes,
props, lights, and special effects) and audience etiquettes

Unit 2: Application of Drama and Art in Academics

a) Functions of Drama and Art - Information, Instructive, Persuasive, Educative,
Entertainment, Development
b) Integration of Drama and Art in the school curriculum
c) Developing aesthetic sensibility through Drama and Art



Unit 3: Drama and Art for Pedagogy

a) Drama and Art for self-realization
b) Drama and Art for children with special needs
c) Drama and Art for creative expression

Unit 4: Drama and Art for Social Intervention

a) Understanding social and environmental issues through drama and art
b) Understanding local culture through drama and art
c) Understanding global culture through drama and art


Following activities can be organized under the course:

a) Script writing
b) Street play
27 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System
c) Visit to an Art gallery
d) Visiting/Organizing exhibitions
e) Visiting/Organizing cultural festivals
f) Report on the folk life
g) Interview with experts from the field like artists, actors, singers, writers, poets,
painters, musicians, dancer etc
h) Appreciation of a film/drama/novel/folk drama, etc.
i) Workshop on developing short plays/ street play for educational, entertainment
or social / environmental relevance
j) Workshop on preparing a script for a radio programme to propagate a social
behaviour or awareness of social issues
k) Organizing art, craft and music exercises with small groups followed by
discussions and presentation.
l) Workshop –Developing theatre skills, pottery, folk dance, animations depicting
culture and art.
m) Review the position paper National Focus Group on Arts, Music, Drama and
Theatre by NCTE on Drama for children with special needs.
n) Visit a centre for children with special needs and observe the use of drama and
art in the activities conducted.

a) Role Playing’ activity for historical / contemporary personalities wherein
students play the role of that personality to advocate his/her
opinions/decisions/thought processes (for example, Akbar, Hitler, Galileo,
Bhagat Singh etc.) and write a reflective essay highlighting the elements of
b) Develop and present a lesson using any one technique of Drama and Art Or
using any Art form
c) Developing masks and puppets to teach any topic in their methods, present a
lesson using it. Submission of a lesson plan is required.

 Akademi South Asian Dance, UK – http://www.southasiandance.org.uk/
 Andrewes,E.: A Manual for Drawing and Painting, Hazall Watson and Viney
 Carini, P.F. (2001). Valuing the immeasurable. In Starting strong: A different look at
 children, schools, and standards (pp. 165–181). New York: Teachers College Press,
CCRT official website
 Chawla, S.S. (1986). Teaching of Art. Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi
 Dodd, N. and Winifred, H. (1971/1980). Drama and Theatre in Education, Lundon:
 Doshi, Saryu (Ed.), “Marg–A Magazine of the Arts – Trends and Transitions
inMumbai: IndianMargPublications, Art”Vol. XXXVI No. 2, 1984.
 Efland, A. D. (1990). A history of Art Education: Intellectual and social currents in
teaching the visual arts. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
 Harriet, G. (1964). Art in Everyday Life. Calcutta: Oxford and IBH Publishing
 John, B., Yogin, C., &Chawla, R. (2007). Playing for real: Using drama in the
classroom. Macmillan.

28 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Khokar, Mohan, Traditions of Indian Classical Dance, Delhi: Clarion Books, First
ed.,1979., London, 1973
 Khanna, S. and NBT (1992). Joy of Making Indian Toys, Popular Science. New
Delhi: NBT.
 McCaslin, N. (1987). Creative Drama in the Primary Grades. Vol. I and In the
Intermediate Grades, Vol. II, New York/London: Longman.
 Mishra, A. (2004). Aaj bhi KhareinhaiTalaab, Gandhi Peace Foundation, 5th Edition.
 Prasad, D. (1998). Art as the Basis of Education, NBT, New Delhi.
 Sahi, J. and Sahi, R. (2009). Learning Through Art, Eklavya.
 Shirley, G. (2000). Art, an A to Z guide. Franklin Watts: USA.
 Vaze, P. (1999). How to Draw and Paint Nature. Jyosna Prakashan: Mumbai.
 Ward, A. (1993). Sound and Music. Franklin Watts: New York.

 Athiemoolam,L. Drama-In-Education and its effectiveness in English Second/Foreign
classes, www.uni-oldenburg.de/zsn
 Arts Education Matters: We know, We Measured it,
 Bhattacharya, K.K. & Gupta, D.D. : Interpreting theatre as a communication medium,
 Boudreault, C.: The benefits of using drama in the ESL/EFL classroom,
 http://iteslj.org/Articles/Boudreault-Drama.html
 Dewey, J.: Art as an experience, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dewey-aesthetics/
 Drama in education, https://www.questia.com/library/education/curriculum-
 Drama Games, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drama_Teaching_Techniques
 Drama Strategies, http://dramaresource.com/strategies/69-drama-techniques
 Importance of Arts education,
http://www.educationfund.org/programs/artoffoundobjects/importance of Arts
Click here: First page

29 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 3
(To be certified by the Institute in Semester IV)

1. To develop holistic and integrated understanding about themselves.
2. To identify their potential and challenges.
3. To undertake self reflection
4. To maintain peace and harmony within themselves.
5. To manage conflict effectively.


Unit 1: Exploring the Self

a) Exploring self identity and self image
b) Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges. (SWOC)
c) Techniques of Self Reflection (Reflective Diary, Creative Imagery, Reflective
Dialogue and discussion , Social media like blog and online communities)

Unit 2: The Evolving Self

a) Development of self esteem and self confidence
b) Management of emotions.
c) Positive thinking


Unit 3: The Emerging Self

a) Personal mastery through self compassion, spirituality and value system.
b) Harmony and peace with self through mindfulness.
c) Development of resilience.

Unit 4: The Caring Self

a) Empathetic listening and sensitivity.
b) Assertive self expression.
c) Conflict resolution.


a) Present a narrative on “Your Journey as a person”. Include major insights, takeaways,

breakthroughs achieved and action plans for the future
b) Prepare a student portfolio containing evidences of your strengths in the form of
creative art/ writing/ pictures of your achievements/ testimonials/ appreciation
received. How have these achievements helped you to evolve as a person by helping
you build a positive self image?
c) Identify one personal conflict experienced and the process of resolution of the

30 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 http://www.wikihow.com/Identify-Your-Strengths-and-Weaknesses
 http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/coaching-self-awareness.htm
 http://www.selfawareness.org.uk/news/understanding-the-johari-window-model
 https://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/tojde42/articles/article_2.htm
 http://cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu/article/viewFile/225/127
 http://www.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/sites/default/files/userfiles/files/Mythili_Ramcha
 http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/reflective-teaching-exploring-our-own-
 http://www.qou.edu/english/conferences/firstNationalConference/pdfFiles/zaidOdeh.pdf
 http://cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu/article/viewFile/225/127
 http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1740&context=doctoral
 http://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/Reflective%20Practice.pdf
 http://www.waikato.ac.nz/tdu/pdf/booklets/18_ReflectivePractitioner.pdf
 http://www.learning-theories.com/experiential-learning-kolb.html : Kolb’s Experi
 http://www.nathanielbranden.com/ess/ess12.html: Theory of Self Esteem by Nathaniel
 http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTCS_06.htm : Positive thinking.
 http://www.mas.org.uk/uploads/articles/Resilience_and_strengthening_resilience_in_in
dividuals.pdf: Resilience
 http://www.yorku.ca/rokada/psyctest/rosenbrg.pdf :Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale.
 http://web.stanford.edu/class/msande271/onlinetools/LearnedOpt.html: Test on Learned
 http://www.mindfulnessresource.org/category/toronto-mindfulness-scale/ : Toronto
Mindfulness Scale.
 Duval, T. S., & Silvia, P. J. (2001). Self-awareness and causal attribution: A dual systems
 theory. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
 Duval, T. S., & Silvia, P. J. (2002). Self-awareness, probability of improvement, and the
self-serving bias. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 49-61.
 Phillips, A. G.,& Silvia, P. J. (2004). Self-awareness, self-evaluation, and creativity.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1009-1017.
 Povinelli, D. J., & Prince, C. G. (1998). When self met other. In M.Ferrari& R. J.
Sternberg (Eds.), Self-awareness: Its nature and development (pp. 37-107). New York:
 Mullen, B. &Suls, J. (1982). Know thyself: Stressful life changes and the ameliorative
effect of private self-consciousness. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 18, 43-
 Lewis, M. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1978). Self knowledge and emotional development. In M.
Lewis & L. Rosenblum (Eds.), The development of affect: The genesis of behavior, 1 (pp.
205-226). New York: Plenum Press.
 Luft J and Ingham H. (1955). The Johari Window: a graphic model for interpersonal
relations, University of California Western Training Lab.
 Brooksfield, S. D. (1995). Becoming a critically reflective teacher. San Francisco, CA:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

31 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Farrell, T. S. C. (2004). Reflective practice in action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,
 Fendler, L. (2003). Teacher reflection in a hall of mirrors: Historical influences and
political reverberations. Educational Researcher
 GũrŞahin, G. &DikkartinÖvez, F. T.ive (2012). thinking tendency.Procedia Social and
Behavioral Science
 Gurol, A (2010) Determing the reflective thinking skills of pre-service teachers in learning
and teaching process. Firat University, Turkey.
 Kurt, M., &Atamturk, N (2012) Reflective practice and its role in stimulating personal and
professional growth
Click here: First page

32 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


33 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To develop an understanding the concept of Learning.
2. To analyze the factors affecting Learning.
3. To analyze various theories of Learning.
4. To apply the Cognitive Perspectives of learning in the learning process.
5. To apply Constructivist perspectives of learning in the learning process.


Unit 1: Concept of Learning

a) Learning & Teaching: Meaning ,Characteristics & Process
b) Factors affecting Learning: Attention (Meaning, Types & Educational Implications)
Motivation (Meaning, Types & Educational Implications), Maslow’s Theory of
Hierarchy of Needs
c) Learning Styles (Kolb’s Classification) & Multiple Intelligences (Gardener’s
Classification): Concept & Educational Implications

Unit 2: Theories of Learning: (Principles & Educational Implications)

a) Behaviorist Theories: Classical & Operant Conditioning
b) Cognitive Theories: Bruner & Ausubel
c) Social Learning Theories: Bandura & Vygotsky

Unit 3: Expanding Horizons of Learning:

a) Learning for Transfer: Concept, Types (Low-Road or Substantive Transfer & High-
Road or Procedural Transfer) & Promoting Transfer
b) Group Dynamics ,Sociometry and educational Implications
c) Bruce Tuckman’s Revised Model for Group Development: Five Phases & Role of


Unit 4: Teaching for All:

a) Educational needs of differently abled learners: Characteristics & role of education
(strategies) in case of:
 Learners with learning disabilities
 Learners with Hyperactivity & Attention Disorders
 Gifted Learners
b) Differentiated Instruction: Concept, Characteristics / Key Features & Strategies
c) Multi-Cultural Education: Concept, James Bank’s Five Dimensions of MCE,
Implications of MCE in the Indian Context

Unit 5: Teaching for Effective Learning

a) Reflective and Critical Thinking: Meaning & Educational Implications
b) Creativity and Problem Solving: Meaning, Process & Promoting
c) Meta-cognition: Meaning, Components & Strategies

34 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 6: Teaching as a Profession
a) Professionalism in Teaching: Concept & Principles; and Importance of Academic
b) Evolving Roles of Teacher: Instructional Expert, Manager, Counselor and
c) Professional Competencies for Classroom Management: Prevention, Intervention &
1. Prevention: (Establishing & Maintaining Effective Learning Environment),
2. Intervention: (Rules and Consequences of Stopping Misbehaviour, the Need to Stop
& Train),
3. Remediation: (Developing Student Responsibility & Self-Control, Remediating
chronic Behavioural Problems, Gordon Model of Self-discipline


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Experimental Psychology: ( any one from the following)
 Division of Attention
 Group judgment
 Suggestion
 Perception
 Transfer of learning-(Mirror Drawing / Cup & ball)
b) Psychological Tests( any one from the following)
 Sociometry test
 Multiple intelligence test- Gardner
 Learning Style Inventory- Kolb
 Thinking Style

o Adams & Hamm – New Designs for Teaching & Learning, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San
o Agarwal. J.C- Essentials of Educational Psychology, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd,
o Bailey et al (Editors), The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education, SAGE
o Bhatnagar Suresh & Saxena Anamika - Advanced Educational Psychology, R Lall Book
Depot Meerut
o Brubacher, Modern Philosophies of Education, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill Book Company
o Cascio, Wayne F. & Aguinis Herman - Applied Psychology in Human Resource
Management - Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
o Charles Skinner - Educational Psychology.
o Chatteijee S. K. - Advanced Educational Psychology.

35 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

o Chauhan,S.S- Advanced Educational Psychology, Vikas Publication House, N.D.1990
o Crow L.D and Crow A “Educational Psychology”
o Dandapani, S - Educational Psychology
o Dandekar & Makhija - Educational Psychology
o Dandekar W. N. - Fundamentals of Experimental Psychology.
o Dash, RN & Dash,N- A Textbook of Educational Psychology.
o David W. Martin- Doing Psychology Experiments.
o Donna Walker Tileston – Ten Best Teaching Practices, 3rd Ed., Corwin
o E.G. Parameswaran & K. Ravichandra- Experimental Psychology. G
o Gage & Berliner – Educational Psychology (6th Ed.), Houghton Mifflin Co.
o Gardener, Frames of Mind
o Henson & Eller – Educational Psychology for Effective Teaching – Wadsworth
Publishing Company.
o Hergenhahn, B. R. & Olson, Matthew H. - An Introduction to Theories of Learning -
Prentice-Hall of India
o Jonassen & Land (Editors), Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments,
o Kakkar S. B. - Educational Psychology.
o Kenneth T. Henson, Ben F. Ella - Educational Psychology for Effective Teaching.
o Lahey, Benjamin- Psychology- An Introduction (Sixth Edition), Tarn McGraw Hill Publ.
o Lawson et al, A History of Psychology – Globalization, Ideas, and Applications,
Prentice-Hall of India
o Lefrancois Guy - Psychology for Teaching.
o Lefrancois Guy R.: Theories of Human Learning
o Leo Postman, James Egan- Experimental Psychology.
o Mangal S. K. — Essentials of Educational Psychology, Prentice-Hall of India. New
o Mangal S.K - Educational Psychology
o Mathur, S.S- Educational Psychology
o Micheal Pressley, Christine B. McCormick - Child & Adolescent Development for
o Paulo Freire – Pedagogy of the Oppressed(2011)
o Rajamanickam, Experimental Psychology with Advanced Experiments-Vol.1,II. Concept
Publishing Company
o Richard D. Parsons, Stephanie Lewis Hinson, Deborah Sardo-Brown- Educational
o Richardson, Constructivist Teacher Education: Building a World of New
Understandings, Routlegde Falmer
o Robert A. Baron - Psychology.
o Robert S. Feldman- Understanding Psychology.
o Sharma, R.A- Essentials of Educational Psychology, R Lall Book Depot, Meerut, 1996
o Smith, Edward & Kosslyn, Stephen M. - Cognitive Psychology- Mind &d Brain-
Prentice-Hall of India
o Stephen Klein, ‘Learning – Principles & Applications, 5th ed., SAGE.
o Sternberg, Thinking Styles
o Tileston, Donna Walker – 10 Best Teaching Practices (3rd Ed.), Corwin – A SAGE Co.
o Tiwari, Roma Pal - Experimental Psychology- A Dynamic Approach,
o WaliaJ. S. - Foundations of Educational Psychology.
o WOOLFOLK, Anita – Educational Psychology (11th Ed.), Merrill – Pearson

36 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

o courses.ed.asu.edu/clark/CoopLearn/
o http//www.clcrc.com/pages/cl.html
o http//www.kolar.org/vygotsky
o http//www.marxists.org/archive/vygotsky
o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blended_learning
o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-school_learning
o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-learning
o http://kellogg.nd.edu/learning/Blum_0.pdf
o http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0013-
o http://tccl.rit.albany.edu/knilt/images/b/bd/Zhang.pdf
o http://www.aijcrnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_3_March_2012/16.pdf
o http://www.businessballs.com/kolblearningstyles.htm
o http://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-learning-styles-quiz
o http://www.ibparticipation.org/pdf/LearningInDiverseEnvironments.pdf
o http://www.ntuaft.com/TISE/IRS%20manual/innovative/cognitive_learning_styles.htm
o http://www.thelearningweb.net/personalthink.html
o http://www.wright.edu/~carole.endres/learnstyles.htm
o http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/LS-1988.pdf
o www.co-operation.org
o www.funderstanding.com,
o www.gse.upenn.edu/pdf/rmi/SSSAE-RMI-2008.pdf
o www.KaganOnline.com
o www.karning-thoories.
Click here: First page

37 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To comprehend the meaning of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning
4. To understand different approaches in interdisciplinary learning
5. To develop an understanding of the meaning and nature of Commerce Education
6. To develop an understanding of the aims and objectives in the teaching of Commerce
7. To integrate values in the teaching of Commerce
8. To establish relationship of Commerce with other subjects
9. To apply the maxims and principles in the teaching of Commerce
10. To use various learning resource in the teaching of Commerce
11. To implement the various methods of teaching Commerce in the classroom
12. To develop an insight about role, challenges and professional development of a
Commerce teacher
13. To analyse the contribution of personalities and institutions in Commerce Education
14. To keep abreast of the current trends in the teaching of Commerce.


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Humanities and Social Sciences – Commerce in the present Higher
Secondary curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding Commerce Education and Curriculum

a) Commerce Education in India, meaning and nature of Commerce education
b) Aims and objectives of teaching Commerce at Higher Secondary level( as per NCF
c) Values of teaching Commerce- global citizenship, practical, social, cultural, and

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Commerce and Curriculum Transaction

a) Maxims of Teaching Commerce:
 -Particular to General
 -Known to Unknown
 -Concrete to Abstract
 -Analysis to synthesis
 -Near to Far
b) Importance of correlation in Commerce Education, Intra and Inter correlation of
Commerce with Mathematics, Economics, Language and Geography

38 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

c) Principles of Commerce teaching- Flexibility, Activity, Individual difference, Learner
centeredness, Community centeredness


Unit 4: Learning Resources

a) Commerce Club (Organization, significance, Activities), Field visit (Bank,
Multinational company, Stock exchange and Industries) : objectives , organization
and significance
b) Textbook – Characteristics and Critical analysis
c) Use of ICT in the teaching of Commerce : Computer assisted learning, Social
networking, Discussion forum, MOOCs, ICT tools

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and Demerits)

a) Project, Problem Solving , Case study, Survey
b) Seminar, Workshop, Discussion , Co-operative learning ( Jigsaw, Think-pair- share,
Round table)
c) Innovative trends in Commerce teaching -7 E’s of Constructivism and Blended
learning (Flex model, Rotation model, A La Carte model, Enriched virtual model):
concept, procedure and advantages

Unit 6: Professional Development of Teacher

a) Multifarious role and challenges faced by a Commerce teacher
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development
c) Diagnostic and Remedial teaching


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
2 10
(1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Visit to any one of the following: Bank, industry, stock exchange, market or any place
of commercial importance and write a report (Planning, Organization, Learning
experiences, Reflection)
b) Prepare a pedagogical analysis plan for any one selected unit of any one subject of std
XI or XII of Commerce
c) Prepare and execute a lesson plan for teaching any topic of any one subject of std XI
or XII of Commerce by using any one of the following: Blended learning approach,
constructivist approach
d) Study and compare the Commerce education at higher secondary level in India with
any other developed country.
e) Select any contemporary issue related to Commerce field and present a paper using
Seminar method.

39 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Commerce Education Mohammed Sharif Khan Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd-New Delhi
 Teaching of Commerce-A Practical Approach J.C AggarwalVikas Publishing House Pvt
Ltd- New Delhi
 Method and Techniques of Teaching Commerce Singh M.N Young Man & Co. New
 Teaching of Commerce SeemaRaoAnmol Publication, New Delhi.
 Methodology of Commerce Education Dr. Umesh Mr. Ajay RanaTandon Publications-
 Teaching of Commerce Dr. R.P Singh VinayRakhejaC/o R. Lall Book Depot- Meerut.
 Teaching of Commerce in Our School Lulla B.P, BTTC-BIE Publication, Bombay)
 Teaching of Commerce. G.S. Karthik, Sumit Enterprises, New Delhi.
 Commerce Education in the New Millennium, I.V. Trivedi, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur.
 Teaching of Commerce.VintyMonga, Twenty First Century Publications, Patiala.
 Teaching of Commerce.Rainu Gupta, Shipra Publications, Delhi.

 Computer assisted learning:
 What is Computer Aided Learning (CAL)? - Study Net
 What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Assisted ...
 Using MOOCs to transform traditional training - We.ConectGlobal .
 Models | Blended Learning Universe www.blendedlearning.org/models/
 Blended Learning Models - Reading Horizons www.readinghorizons.com/blended-
 Social networking

Click here: First page

40 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To develop an understanding of the meaning and nature of Economics Education
4. To develop an understanding of the objectives of Economics teaching
5. To integrate values in the teaching of Economics
6. To establish relationship of Economics with other subjects
7. To apply the maxims and principles of Economics teaching
8. To use various learning resource in Economics teaching
9. To implement the various methods of teaching Economics in the classroom
10. To develop an insight about qualities, challenges and professional development of a
Economics teacher
11. To keep abreast of the innovative methods in Economics teaching


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) a)Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
Economics subject
b) b)Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure
soft, applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each
c) Place of Humanities and Social Sciences – Economics subject in the present school

Unit 2: Understanding Economics

a) Meaning, Importance and Scope of Economics
b) Objectives of teaching of Economics at Higher Secondary level
c) Values of teaching Economics- Global citizenship, Entrenuerpship ,Consumerism

Unit 3: Learning Resources

a) Economics Textbook – Characteristics and Critical analysis
b) Audio visual resources : TV, Radio , Print media: Newspaper , Magazines, ICT in the
teaching of Economics- Social networking, Internet (uses, importance)
c) Visits (imporatance,organistaion )Visit to bank, Multinational company, stock
exchange and industries


Unit 4: Essentials of Teaching Economics and Curriculum Transaction

a) Maxims of Teaching (-Particular to General, Known to Unknown, Concrete to
Abstract, Analysis to synthesis)
b) Importance of correlation in Economics Education, Intra and Inter correlation of
Economics with Mathematics, Commerce, Language ,History and Geography

41 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

c) Principles of teaching- Flexibility, Activity, Individual difference, Learner
centeredness, Community centeredness

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and Demerits)

a) Classroom Methods : Lecture, Seminar, Discussion
b) Research Methods :Project, Problem Solving , Case study, Survey
c) Innovative methods :Co-operative learning ( Jigsaw, Think-pair- share, Round
table),Constructivism(5 E)

Unit 6: The Economics Teacher

a) Qualities of an Economics teacher
b) Challenges faced by a Economics teacher
c) Professional Growth of a economics teacher :Need and Avenues of Continuous
Professional Development

Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
2 10
(1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Visit to any one place of Economical importance(Bank,Financial institution..) and
write a report (Planning, Organization, Learning experiences, Reflection)
b) Compare the objectives of teaching economics at secondary and higher secondary
level of various boards (SSC, CBSE, ICSE) any one level.
c) Prepare and execute a lesson plan to teach by using any one of the following
 Constructivism
 Cooperative learning
d) Plan for using ICT for teaching any topic from any one selected unit of any one
subject of std XI or XII and write reflections on it.
 Aggarwal J.C: Teaching Of Economics, A Practical Approach”, Vinod Pustak Mandir.
 Dhillon S; Chopra K. : Teaching Of Economics
 Mustafa M, 2005,” Teaching of Economics New Trends and Challenges’ Deep & Deep
 Publications Pvt. Ltd F-159, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027.
 N.R. Saxena : Teaching of Economics, R Lall Book Depot, Meerut
 Natarajan S. 1993, “Introduction to Economics of education”, sterling publications Private
 Siddiqui M.H: Teaching of economics, APH Publications Corporation.
 Sindhu H.S.: Teaching of economics, Tandon Publications, Books Market, Ludhiana-
 Yadav Amita, 1999, “Teaching of Economics” Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
 Saxena Mishra Mahonty ( 2004 ) “Teaching ofEconomics” Surya publication, Meerut
Click here: First page

42 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To develop understanding about the fundamentals of English language.
4. To understand pedagogical bases of language learning.
5. To apply pedagogical approaches and techniques in teaching and learning the
6. To adapt learning resources into teaching learning process.
7. To understand implications of theories of learning with regard to language learning.
8. To practice learner centered methods in the classroom.
9. To sensitize the student teacher about learner diversities.
10. To apply tools and techniques of assessment in language
11. To understand English language and literature



Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types)
c) Place of English in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Role of English Language

a) Nature of Language
b) Language and Society –Importance of English language in day-to-day life
c) Language and School -
 Concept & types of language registers
 Role of English Language in a multilingual Class room

Unit 3: Pedagogical Approaches & Techniques

a) Constructivist Approach (7E’s), Communicative Approach (Concept & procedure)
Inductive-deductive Approach
b) Techniques of teaching- expository (narration, dramatization, concept mapping)
& Interactive techniques (discussion, questioning, brainstorming)
c) Ways of appreciation of poems


Unit 4: Pedagogical Bases

a) Aims and objectives of teaching English as first language and as second language.
b) Principles (Palmers principles) and correlation (intra and inter: with all school
c) Maxims of teaching

43 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5: Professional Development of Teacher
a) Challenges faced in class room by an English teacher in India.
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development
c) Contribution by personalities –Chomsky & R.K Narayan

Unit 6: Learning Resources & Assessment in Language

a) Learning Resources
 Library as a learning resource
 E-resources (blogs, e-books, social networking sites ) and CALL
b) Techniques of assessment- (Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing /Composition)
c) Use of ICT in assessment


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
2 10
(1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Activity: Take few passages from Science, Social Science and Maths textbooks of any
One class (VI – IX) and analyze
i) How the different registers of language been introduced?
ii) Does the language clearly convey the meaning of the topic being discussed?
iii) Is the language learner friendly?
iv) Is the language too technical?
v) Does it help in language learning?
b) Activity: Do a review and present a paper on any one of R.K Narayan’s Book

 Techniques of teaching English by Dr. Shaikh Mowla
 Teaching of English in India by Dr.K.Pandey & Dr.Amita
 Teaching & Learning English by Raja T Nasr
 Teaching of English by Dr.J.E.Vallabi
 Teaching of English by Kshanika Bose
 Techniques of Teaching English by A.L. Kohli
 Methodology of English Teaching by Malati .M Halbe
Click here: First page

44 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To develop an understanding the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To develop an understanding about place of different disciplines in the school
3. To develop an understanding of Geography as a subject.
4. To develop an understanding of essentials of teaching Geography.
5. To develop an understanding of approaches of curriculum construction.
6. To develop an understanding of different types of teaching- learning resources.
7. To develop an understanding of different methods and techniques of teaching
8. To develop an understanding of essentials of a Geography teacher.
9. To develop an understanding of current trends in the subject.


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology (pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Humanities and Social Sciences in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding the Subject and Curriculum

a) Meaning, Nature and Scope of Geography
b) Aims of teaching Geography
c) Geo-literacy:- concept, need and ways to create awareness

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Geography and Curriculum Construction

a) Maxims of teaching: - Simple to Complex, Known to Unknown, Concrete to Abstract,
and Particular to General.
b) Correlation with other school subjects:- Languages, History, Science, Mathematics
c) Approaches of curriculum construction: Concentric, Topical and Regional.



Unit 4: Teaching- Learning Resources

a) Importance and uses: - Globe, Atlas, Models, Travelogues, Aerial photographs,
Satellite imagery, Maps (Map reading and interpreting using distance, direction, signs
and symbols, point, line and area)
b) Textbook: - Characteristics and Critical analysis (std VIII to X) (Critical Analysis is
only for practical purpose and should not be asked in the examination.)
c) E- resources: - Meaning and Significance – GIS, computer based online and offline

45 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching and Geography Teacher
a) Methods (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and Demerits): ‘A’ method, project method,
field visit, Co-operative learning techniques (Gallery Walk, Think-pair-share)
b) Geography teacher: Key competencies, Challenges faced (academic, financial,
c) Continuous Professional Development of a Geography teacher: need and ways

Unit 6: Current Trends in Teaching of Geography

a) Geography Club (objectives, significance, activities)
b) Innovative trends in teaching of Geography:- Concept –mapping, Constructivism
c) Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching.


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
2 10
(1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Prepare a map/sketch of any locality using GIS or space survey based on the distance
and direction relationship from your educational institution. Label and mark the
physical and man-made features with suitable conventional signs and symbols. Try to
analyze the relationship between various aspects that exists in this locality.
b) Prepare and execute an activity based lesson- plan for Geo-literacy.
c) Prepare and execute a lesson plan based on Constructivism.
d) Prepare a plan for a visit to planetarium / museum/nature Park. Visit the place and
write a report of this visit.

 Arora, K.L., Bhugal Shikshan, Teaching of Geography
 Gopsill G.H., The teaching of Geography
 Macenee E.A. The teaching of Geography
 N.C.E.R.T., Practical Geography
 O.P Varma and E.G. Vedanayaga, Geography Teaching
 R.P.Singh, Teaching of Geography
 S.K.Kochhar, Methods and Techniques of Teaching
 Salim Basha, Teaching of Geography
 Sanjay Dutta and O.P Garg, Teaching of Geography
 Shaida and Sharma, Teaching of Geography
 Thralls Z.A., The teaching of Geography
 Walker James, aspects of Geography Teaching in school

46 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Bapat B.G., Bhugol Adhyayan ani Adhyapan
 Jaiswal Seetaram, Bhugol Shikshan
 Mishr A., Bhugol Shikshan padhhati
 Ponkshe, D.B., Bhugolache adhyapan
 Sinh, H. Bhugol Shikshan
Click here: First page

47 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To understand the nature of History and Political Science as a school subject
4. To correlate History & Political Science with other subjects
5. To critically analyze the History and Political science textbook.
6. To understand the significance of learning resources to teach the subject
7. To demonstrate an ability to raise learners’ interest
8. To prepare appropriate lesson plans in history and Political science.
9. To understand the need and avenues for professional development


DISCIPLINE (2 Credits)

Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Social Sciences in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding History

a) Nature of History, Historical Thinking Concepts (Peter Seixas & Tom Morton)
b) Objectives of teaching History & Political Science at the secondary level.
c) Values of teaching History & Political Science

Unit 3: Learning Resources

a) History Textbook: characteristics, critical analysis, detecting and dealing with bias
b) Audio-visual Resources: TV, Films, Documentary; Visual:Maps, Models, Timelines;
Print Media: Magazines, newspapers, archives (Uses and importance)
c) Field trips, Museum


CURRICULUM (2 Credits)

Unit 4: Essentials of Curriculum transaction in History & Political Science

a) Maxims of teaching (Known to unknown, Simple to complex, Concrete to abstract)
b) Correlation of History & Political Science: Internal and external.(Literature,
Science, Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Craft)
c) History as a concept driven subject: Concept based and generalization based learning

48 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching (Process, Merits and Limitations)
a) Conventional pedagogy: Story-telling, Lecture-cum-discussion
b) Contemporary pedagogy: Project-based Learning, Social Enquiry
c) Cooperative learning pedagogy: Think pair share, Round robin, Buzz

Unit 6: The History Teacher

a) Qualities of a History teacher
b) Professional growth of a History teacher – Need and Avenues for professional
c) Challenges faced by History teacher (Challenges posed by technology, Pedagogy and


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
2 10
semester (1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Critically analyze a secondary school History and Political Science textbook.
b) Participate in a field visit/ virtual tour of any Historical site and write a report of about
500-750 words.
c) Choose any Cooperative learning strategy. Plan and conduct a 15 minutes lesson in
your peer group to teach history or political science.
d) Interview two History teachers and find the challenges faced by them and submit the
report in about 500-750 words.

 Interdisciplinary Higher Education: Perspectives and Practicalities, edited by W. Martin
Davies, Marcia Devlin, Malcolm Tight, Emerald Group Publishing Lt
 Angelo A.T, et.al. (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques A. Handbook for College
Teachers, San Fransisco Tossey-Bass Publisher
 Aitken, GV; Sinnema, CEL (2008) Effective Pedagogy in Social Iwi: Best Evidence
Synthesis Iteration (BES) Ministry of Education.
 Batra Poonam, Social Science Learning in Schools: Perspectives and Challenges, Sage
 Brandes, D. et. al. (1994). A Guide to Student-centred Learning, Basil Blackwell Ltd.
Celtneham. UK.
 Burke, Peter (1991), New Perspectives on History Writing, Blackwell, Oxford
 Carr, E.H. (1962), What is History? Knopf, London.
 Diff Block, Mark (1992), The Historian‘s Craft, M
 Digumarti Bhaskara Rao (ed.), Techniques of Teaching Social, Sciences, Sonali
Publications, Delhi
 Kochar S.K. Teaching of History: Sterling publications.

49 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 18. Martorella, Peter H. (1996), Teaching social studies in middle and secondary schools,
Englwood Cliffs, N. J: Prentice Hall.
 Joyce, B. & Weil, M. (1997), Models of Teaching, Prentice Hall Ire, New Jersey
 Stanford, Michael (1986), The Nature of Historical Knowledge, Basil Blackwell,
 Teaching of social studies II (teaching social studies Pedagogy option, 2010
Education Development Center (EDC); Teachers College, Columbia University.
 Tew, Daniel J., “Pedagogy of Teaching History: Comparing the Chronologic and
Thematic Approaches" (2014). Honors Senior Theses/Projects.Paper 14.
 S. Wadhwa, Modern methods of teaching history, Saru sons, New Delhi
Web References
 http://www.ncert.nic.in/new_ncert/ncert/rightside/links/pdf/focus_group/social_sciencel.
 https://education.alberta.ca/media/384968/makingadifference_2010.pdf
 http://www.canberra.edu.au/researchrepository/file/3d3fb227-73c7-dc08-49ee-
 http://historicalthinking.ca/historical-thinking-concepts
 http://www.nelson.com/thebigsix/documents/The%20Big%20Six%20Sample%20Chapte
 https://www.academia.edu/2527715/Suffrage_feudal_democracy_treaty..._historys_build
 https://sheg.stanford.edu/historical-thinking-chart
Click here: First page

50 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100


1. विद्यालयी पाठ्यक्रम में विविन्न विषयों के महत्त्ि को समझना |

2. िाषा सृजन के विविध पहलुओं को समझना ि उनके अध्यापन हेतु विविन्न विवधयों ि उपागमों का
प्रयोग करना सीखना |
3. िाषा का अर्थ और उसकी प्रकृ वत एिम महत्त्ि को समझना |
4. हहिंदी िाषा अध्यापन के उद्देश्य, वसद्ािंत, सूत्र एिम सहसम्बन्ध के उपयोग करने की क्षमता विकवसत
करना ।हहिंदी िाषा अध्यापन द्वारा मूल्यों और कौशलों को विकवसत करने में वशक्षक की िूवमका
समझाना ।
5. हहिंदी िाषा की विविन्न विधाओं का पररचय कराना ।
6. हहिंदी िाषा समृवद् के वलए आधुवनक माध्यमों की जानकारी देना ।

मॉड्यूल १: हहिंदी िाषा अध्यापन - सैद्ािंवतक पररप्रेक्ष्य (2 Credits)

घटक १: शैक्षविक विषयों के आधार

अ) शैक्षणिक णिषय ों का अर्थ एिम णिशेषताएों

ब) अन्तः णिषय अणिगम के णिए रिनीणतयाों / उपागम (समूह णशक्षि, अनुभािात्मक अणिगम)
क) शैक्षणिक णिषय ों के मुद्दे और चुनौणतयाों

घटक २: हहिंदी िाषा की प्रकृ वत ि महत्ि

अ) भाषा का अर्थ , प्रकृणत एिम उद्द्येश्य:- माध्यणमक ि उच्च माध्यणमक स्तर पर

ब) णहों दी भाषा का महत्व (मूल्य सोंििथन के पररप्रेक्ष्य में):- राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर(सामाणिक, बौद्धिक,
सोंिेगात्मक, साों स्कृणतक, चाररणिक) एिों िैणिक स्तर पर
क) भाषा अध्ययन अध्यापन के सामाणिक आिार:- पररिार, णिद्यािय, समियस्क समूह, समुदाय एिों
िनसोंचार माध्यम

घटक ३: हहिंदी िाषा के मनोिैज्ञानकक आधार एििं सहसम्बन्ध

अ) भाषा अध्यापन के णसिाोंत:- अनुकरि, रूणच, अभ्यास, ब िचाि, व्यद्धिगत णिणभन्नता

ब) भाषा अध्यापन के सूि:- ज्ञात से अज्ञात, सरि से िणिि, पूिथ से अोंश, मूतथ से अमूतथ, सामान्य से
क) भाषा का सहसम्बन्ध:- इणतहास, भूग ि, णिज्ञान, अर्थशास्त्र, पयाथ िरि, किा (हस्तकिा, सोंगीत एिों

51 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

मॉड्यूल २: ह िंदी भाषा सृजन के प लू एवम कौशल (2 Credits)

घटक ४: िाषा सृजन के विविध पहलू

अ) गद्य, पद्य, व्याकरि एिम रचना: उद्दे श्य

ब) णिणिि णििाओों का पररचय: िीिनी, सोंस्मरि, पि, सोंिाद, नािक, कहानी, णिज्ञापन, यािा ििथन,
णनबोंि, ररप ताथ ज़, फिक सूचना एिम आत्मकर्ा
क) णिणियाों ि उपागम: कर्ा कर्न, चचाथ , नाट्यीकरि, रसास्वादन, आगमन-णनगमन, खेि, अणभरूप,
एिम बुद्धिमोंर्न

घटक ५: िाषा कौशल

अ) श्रिि, भाषि, िाचन, िेखन:- महत्त्व

ब) उपर ि कौशि णिकणसत करने हे तु णशक्षक की भूणमका (द ष एिम णनिारि के सन्दभथ में)
क) णहों दी अनुिाद का महत्त्व ि आिश्यकता

घटक ६: िाषा समृवद् के माध्यम

अ) सोंगिक एिम इों िरनेि: आिश्यकता ि उपय ग

ब) ितथमान पुस्तकािय का य गदान
क) पाठ्य सहगामी णियाएों एिम आय िन

मॉड्यूल ३: अिंतर्गत मूल्ािंकन (2 Credits)

क्रम हववरण अिंक

१ आशय परीक्षा (१ x १०) १०
२ कायथ / दत्त कायथ सेमेस्टर के प्रत्येक मॉड्यूि से (१ x १०) १०
३ सेमेस्टर में एक णनयत कािीन कक्षा परीक्षा १५
४ सेमेस्टर में णिषय सम्बन्धी एक णनबोंि ५
कुि य ग ४०
दत्त कायथ / कायथ
1) णकन्ीों दस णहों दी अध्यापन णशक्षक ों के सार् साक्षात्कार करके ितथमान समय में णहों दी की द्धथर्णत दे खते
हुए आने िािी चुनौणतय ों की िानकारी पर ररप िथ तैयार कीणिये |


णहों दी का सहसमबन्ध पयाथ िरि एिम णिणिि किाओों (सोंगीत, नृत्य, हस्तकिा) के सार् स दाहरि स्पष्ट्
कीणिये |

2) घिक ४ - 'णिणिि णििाओों का पररचय ' से णकन्ीों द णििाओों के अध्यापन हे तु नमूना तैयार कीणिये |

णकसी भी पणिका (अोंग्रेिी, मराठी, उदू थ ) के णकसी एक िेख का णहों दी में अनुिाद कीणिये ( सम्पूिथ सन्दभथ
दे ना अणनिायथ है ) |

52 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

सन्दभग सूची

 भाणिया एम. एम., नारों ग सी. एि. : "णहों दी णशक्षि णिणि", िों डन पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना |
 भाणिया एम. एम., शमाथ डी. के. : "णहों दी णशक्षि णिणियाों ", िों डन पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना |
 दु नाखे अरणिन्द : "णितीय भाषा णहों दी आशायुि अध्यापन ", णनत्य नू तन प्रकाशन, पुिे २००७ |
 काणदयान सुरेंदर : "णहों दी णशक्षि ", णिन द पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना २०१० |
 िै न के. सी. : "णहों दी णशक्षि ", िों डन पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना |
 पाठक आर. पी. : "णहों दी भाषा णशक्षि ", कणनष्क पद्धिकेशसथ, णडस्टर ीब्यूिसथ, नई णदल्ली २०१० |
 पाण्डे य रामशकि : "णहों दी णशक्षि ", श्री णिन द पुस्तक मों णदर, आगरा २०१२ |
 सूरी बृिबािा : "निीन णहों दी अध्यापन शै िी ", अणनमे ष प्रकाशन, मुों बई २००९ |
 शमाथ णशिा : "णहों दी णशक्षि णिणियाों ", नीिकमि पद्धिकेशसथ, प्रा. णि., नयी णदल्ली २०१० |
 सूरी बृिबािा : "निीन णहों दी अध्यापन शै िी ", णक्षणति प्रकाशन, पुिे २०१४ |
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53 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100


1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines

2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum understand nature,
scope & importance of Mathematics at secondary level.
3. To aacquaint and formulate aims and instructional objectives in teaching mathematics in
Secondary school level as per revised taxonomy.
4. To apply different approaches and methods of teaching mathematics in classroom
5. To set up mathematics club in the school and organize its activities.
6. To use a mathematics laboratory to develop in students an interest in mathematics.
7. To understand the professional competencies, commitments and expectations of
mathematics teacher.
8. To develop knowledge of various values of teaching Mathematics
9. To appreciate the role of mathematics in day-to-day life
10. To understand that mathematics is more than formulas and mechanical procedures
11. To channelize, evaluate, explain and reconstruct students‘ thinking
12. To appreciate the importance of mathematics laboratory in learning mathematics


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.,
c) Place of Mathematics in the present school curriculum

Unit 2: Introduction to the Teaching of Mathematics

a) Meaning , Nature & scope of Mathematics
b) Aims and Objectives of teaching Mathematics at Secondary and Higher Secondary
Levels (NCF 2009)
c) Values of teaching Mathematics

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Mathematics and Curriculum Transaction

a) Maxims of teaching
 From Known to Unknown
 From Simple to Complex
 From Particular to General
 From Concrete to Abstract
 From Whole to Part
b) Approaches of curriculum construction-Concentric and Topical
c) Pedagogical Analysis ,Unit Planning &Lesson planning

54 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Unit 4: Methods and Techniques of Teaching Mathematics

a) Learner Centered methods ---Inductive Deductive (Teaching Generalizations),
Analytical Synthetic (Teaching Proofs)
b) Activity centered methods—Problem solving, Lecture cum Demonstration
c) Techniques of teaching Mathematics ---Drill and Review, Assignment in

Unit 5: Learning Resources

a) Mathematic Laboratory & Mathematic club (objectives, significance)
b) Textbook – Characteristics and Critical analysis
c) Digital Resources for Teaching Mathematics- Geogebra & Virtual Manipulative
(Meaning, Application, Advantages and Limitations)

Unit 6: Professional Development of Teacher

a) Competencies of Mathematics teacher
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development
c) Contribution of mathematicians- Aryabhatta, Ramaujan, Euclid, Phythagoras


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
2 10
semester (1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Plan and implement lessons in mathematics using appropriate methods/approaches to
teach :
 Generalizations
 Theorems/ Proofs
 Problem Solving
 Lecture cum Demonstration
Take up a problem in mathematics (from any area like number system, geometry etc.).
Make a group of 3 or 4 students to discuss about the probable ways of solving
b) Conduct one lesson in the math using manipulative- Physical/ virtual.
c) Assignment: For any one selected topic, prepare Pedagogical Analysis Plan
d) Critically appreciate any one textbook of mathematics.
e) Conduct one lesson in the math using manipulative- Physical/ virtual.
f) Prepare a diagnostic test in mathematics.
g) Critically appreciate any one textbook of mathematics.
h) Collect the names of Mathematicians and Prepare a report about their contribution to

55 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Boyer, Carl B., (1969): A History of Mathematics; Wiley, New York.
 Content cum Methodology of Teaching Mathematics for B.Ed; NCERT New Delhi.
 Davis David R., (1960); Teaching of Mathematics Addison Wesley Publications.
 Ediger Mariow (2004); Teaching Math Successfully, Discovery Publication.
 Gupta H.N. and Shankaran V (Ed.), 1984; Content cum Methodology of Teaching
Mathematics, NCERT New Delhi.
 Hudgins, Bryce B. (1966); Problem Solving in the classroom, MacMillan, New York.
 James Anice (2005); Teaching of Mathematics, Neelkamal Publication.
 Johan R.E. et.al, (1961): Modern Algebra; First Course, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company INC. USA.
 Kapur S.K. (2005); Learn and Teach Vedic Mathematics; Lotus Publication.
 Kulshreshtha; Teaching of Mathematics, R. Lal and Sons.
 Kumar Sudhir; Teaching of Mathematics, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, India.
 Mangal, A text book on Teaching of Mathematics, Prakash Bros., Ludhiana, India.
 NCERT (2006) Position Paper-National Focus Group On Teaching of Mathematics ,
New Delhi
 Novak,J.D. & Gowin ,D.B.,(1984) , Learning How To Learn ,New York, NY,
Cambridge University Pressoy
 Hollands (1990), Development of mathematical skills, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford,
 Schonnel F.J.(1965) , Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching in Arithmetic , Lever and Boyd
, London
 Pamela Cowan (2006), Teaching Mathematics, A Handbook for Primary and Secondary
School Teachers, Routledge , London and New York
 Tanner H. And Jones S. (2000) , Becoming a successful teacher of mathematics,
Routledge Falmer , London
 Thompson D.R and Rubenstein,R.N(2010), Teaching and Learning High School
Mathematics , John Wiley and Sons Inc., New Jersey,
 Weinberg A.S.(1999),Connecting Mathematics and Science to Workplace Contexts : A
Guide to Curriculum materials, Corwin Press Inc., California
Click here: First page

56 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

िैकवल्पक कोसथ
वशक्षिशास्त्र शालेय विषय- मराठी

एकू ि श्रेयािंक : ६
एकू ि गुि : १००
वशक्षक विद्यार्थयाथस सक्षम करण्यास-
1. शैक्षविक विद्याशाखािंशी सिंबिंवधत मूलिूत सिंकल्पनािंचे आकलन करून देिे .
2. शालेय अभ्यासक्रमातील विविध विद्याशाखािंचे स्र्ान समजािून देिे .
3. मराठी िाषेच्या ि अध्यापन उकद्दष्टािंच्या उपयोजनाचे आकलन करून देिे .
4. मराठी िाषेच्या अध्यापन पद्ती समजाििे .
5. छात्राध्यापकािंमध्ये व्यिसायिृद्ी ि वशक्षकािंच्या गुििैवश ष्ट्या वि षयक दृष्टी
विकवसत करिे .
6. छात्राध्यापकािंमध्ये मराठी अध्ययन -अध्यापन विषयक आधुवनक दृष्टीको न िृहद्िंगत
करिे .
मॉड्युल १ मराठी अध्यापनासाठी आिश्यक घटक आवि अभ्यासक्रम आिंतरकक्रया
(२ श्रेयािंक)
घटक १ : शैक्षविक विद्यशाखेचे मूलिूत घटक
अ. शैक्षविक विद्याशाखेचा अर्थ,मराठी विषय आवि शैक्षविक विद्याशाखािंमधील सिंबिंध
ब. शैक्षविक विद्याशाखािंचे िगीकरि : बेन्चर- वबगलिंनचे िगीकरि (शुद् -कठीि ,शुद् -
सुलि, उपयोवजत-कठीि , उपयोवजत-सुलि प्रकार )
क. सद्य शालेय अभ्यासक्रमातील मराठीचे स्र्ान

घटक २ मराठी िाषेचे स्िरूप , महत्ि ि सद्यवस्र्ती

अ.मराठी िाषेचे मानिी जीिनातील ि शालेय अभ्यासक्रमातील महत्ि
ब.मराठी िाषेची सद्यवस्र्ती
क.अमराठी िावषक विद्यार्थयाांच्या जीिनात मराठी अध्यापनाचे स्र्ान .

घटक ३ मराठी िाषा अध्यापनाची उकद्दष्टे

अ .महाराष्ट्रातील माध्यवमक ि उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील प्रचवलत अभ्यासक्रमाची
सिथसामान्य उकद्दष्ट्ये
ब . मराठी िाषेची िावषक ि िाङ्मयीन उकद्दष्टे
क . मराठी िाषा अध्यापनाची तत्िे

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मॉड्युल २. मराठी िाषा अध्यापन पद्ती , वशक्षक व्यिसाय िृद्ी ि आधुवनक दृष्टीको न
(२ श्रेयािंक)
घटक ४ िाषा अध्ययन अध्यापनाची तिंत्रे ि साधनािंचा िापर ि महत्ि
अ. गद्य अध्यापन पद्ती - ( व्याख्यान , कर्ाकर्न , नायीकरि) - पायऱ्या ि महत्ि
ब . पद्य अध्यापन पद्ती - ( रसग्रहि ) - पायऱ्या ि महत्ि
क. व्याकरि अध्यापन पद्ती - (कक्रडन पद्ती) - पायऱ्या ि महत्ि

घटक ५ मराठी िाषा वशक्षकाची व्यिसायिृद्ी

अ .मराठी िाषा वशक्षकासमोरील आव्हाने
ब . सातत्यपूिथ व्यिसाय िृद्ीचे गरज ि मागथ
आदशथ मराठी िाषा वशक्षकािंची गुििैवशष्ट्ये

घटक ६ मराठी अध्ययन - अध्यापन विषयक उकद्दष्टे आधुवनक दृष्टीकोि

अ . मराठी िाषेची िावषक ि िाङ्मयीन उकद्दष्टे
ब. गािा घटक ि मूल्यविकसनासाठी अध्यापन
क .जीिनकौशल्य विकसनासाठी अध्यापन

मॉड्युल ३. अिंतगथत मूल्यािंकन ि प्रात्यवक्षके (२ श्रेयािंक)

क्र. तपशील गुि

१ आशय चाचिी (१ x१० ) १०
२ स्िाध्याय/सत्रातील प्रत्येक वििागासाठी स्िाध्याय . १०
कोित्याही दोन कृ ती (१ x१० )
३ प्रत्येक सत्रामध्ये एक िगथ परीक्षा १५
४ प्रत्येक सत्रामध्ये एक वनबिंधिजा परीक्षा ५
एकू ि ४०

कृ ती-
१. माध्यवमक ककिं िा उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील कोित्याही एका मराठी पाठ्यपुस्तकािंचे
वचककत्सक परीक्षि करा.
२.माध्यवमक ककिं िा उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील कोित्याही एका पाठ्यघटकाची वनिड करून
त्या घटकाच्या िगथ अध्यापनासाठीची उकद्दष्टे ि प्रत्येकाची ककमान चार सप्ष्ष्टीकरिें वलहा.
३ .कोित्याही एका िावषक कौशल्यािर आधाररत नैदावनक चाचिी तयार करून
उपचारात्मक कृ ती तयार करा .
४ . माध्यवमक ककिं िा उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील कोित्याही एका मराठी पाठ्यपुस्तकाशी
सिंबिंवधत सिंरचना तयार करा .
५ .ज्ञानरचनािाद उपगमाचा िापर करून के लेल्या पाठ टाचिाची प्रत्यक्ष कायथिाही करिे .

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६ . मराठी िाषा कदनाचे महत्ि सािंगून कायथक्रमाचे आयोजन कसे कराल ते वलहा .
७. मराठी िाषा विकासाशी सिंबिंवधत सिंस्र्ा ि उपक्रमाची मावहती वमळिा . उदा . ( राज्य
मराठी िाषा विकास सिंस्र्ा , विलार: पुस्तकाचे गाि )
सिंदिथ :
 अकोलकर पाटिकर ना. वि ( १९७० ) मराठीचे अध्यापन व्हीनस प्रकाशन
 करिं दीकर सुरेश , मराठीचे अध्यापन फडके प्रकाशन कोल्हापूर (१९८६)
 गिस राजन , मराठी आशययुक्त अध्यापन , पुिे
 कुिं डले .म. बा. ( १९७४) मराठीचे अध्यापन , श्री . विद्या प्रकाशन पुिे
 डािंगे चिंद्रकु मार (१९५३) मातृिाषेचे अध्यापन , वचत्रशाळा प्रकाशन पुिे
 देिधर बा. ब देशपािंडे मराठी कसे वशकिािे ? लेखन , िाचन िािंडार पुि.े
 लीला पाटील ( १९७०) मराठी अध्ययन -अध्यापन व्हीनस प्रकाशन
 पाटील. ना . वि कविता कशी वशकिािी ?लेखन िाचन िािंडार पुिे
 साठे .द. य. मराठीचे अध्यापन , ठाकू र आवि किं पनी , अमरािती
 रािे श . रा . पाटील . मराठीचे अध्ययन ि अध्यापन
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59 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To understand the meaning and nature of Science.
4. To familiarize the objectives of teaching Science as given by NCF 2005
5. To identify the values of teaching science
6. To develop an understanding of the approaches to teaching Science.
7. To familiarize the concept, needs and ways of infusing Global Perspectives in Science
8. To develop an understanding of the methods of teaching Science.
9. To acquire knowledge about various learning resources and its management in
science education.
10. To develop an understanding of the need and avenues of professional development of
a Science teacher.


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
Science subject.
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Science subject in the present school curriculum

Unit 2: Place of Science in the Curriculum and Life

a) Meaning and Nature (Product & Process) of Science , Science Process skills - Basic
and Integrated
b) Aims and Objectives of teaching science at upper primary, secondary and higher
secondary level (NCF 2005)
c) Values of teaching science in socio-cultural context

Unit 3: Organisation of Science Curriculum

a) Maxims of teaching science (Known to Unknown, Whole to Parts, Simple to
Complex, Particular to General, Empirical to Rational, Concrete to Abstract)
b) Co-relation of Science in the Curriculum: Internal & External
c) i. Infusing Global Perspective in Science Curriculum (Need and Importance),
ii. Curriculum Organization- Concentric and Topical approach


Unit 4: Science Teaching: Methods, Approaches and Tools

a) Methods of Teaching - Lecture cum demonstration method, Project method, Problem
b) Approach : Inducto-deductive Approach

60 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

c) Concept Mapping – Meaning, Steps and Significance, PEOR (i.e. Predict, Explain,
Observe & React)

Unit 5: Learning Resources and Activity

a) Science Text book: Characteristics of good Science textbook
b) Science Club and Science Field Visit – Concept, Organisation and Significance
c) Improvised Apparatus and E- resources (Virtual lab and Simulation)

Unit 6: Science Teacher

a) Science teacher – Need and Avenues of Professional growth
b) Science Laboratory - Planning and Maintenance, Laboratory Method
c) Diagnostic testing and Remedial teaching in Science


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
2 10
semester (1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Develop and Present Learning Resources in Science
b) Visit any Science institution and prepare a report.
c) Conduct any one science club activity and write a report on it
d) Prepare concept map on any one unit of Science
e) Critical evaluation of a Science textbook. (Std. VI to XII –SSC/CBSE)
f) Report on avenues of continuous professional development of science teacher
g) Conduct an experiment from School Science textbook and submit a report.

 AACTE committee (2008). Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators: Washington:DC, Rutledge / Taylor and Francis
.Chao, Lee (ed.)(2012) . Cloud computing for teaching and learning: Strategies for
design and implementation: Hershey, PA, IGI Global.
 Gupta, S. K. (1983). Teaching of physical science in secondary schools. New Delhi:
Sterling Publications (Pvt.) Limited.
Janie Gross Stein, Richard Stein (Ed.)(2001)Network of knowledge: Collaborative
innovation in international learning: Toronto Canada, University of Toronto Press
 John Loughran (1996). Developing reflective Practice: Learning about teaching and
Learning through Modelling. London: Falmer Press
 Mary, L.S.(1985). State of the art : Transforming ideas for teaching and learning science.
A guide for elementary education, Washington, DC: United States,Dept. of education.
 Mathew, T.K., & Mollykutty, T. M. (2011). Science education : Theoretical bases of
teaching and pedagogic analysis. Chenganoor: Rainbow Book Publishers.

61 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Rena M.Palloff & Keith Pratt (2009): Assessing online learner: San Fransisco, Jossey –
 Sharma, R. C. (1985). Modern science teaching. New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
 Smith and Anderson (1984). Cited in apples 4 the teacher.com articles, Science
Misconceptions Research and Some Implications for the Teaching of Science to
Elementary School Students.
 Suresh K.P. and Joseph, Celene (2012). Teaching and Testing Science Process
skills.New Delhi: Shipra Publications .
 Thurber, W. A., & Collette, A. T. (1964). Teaching science in today’s secondary school.
New Delhi; Prentice Hall Of India Limited.
Tony Ghaye (2011). Teaching n and learning through Reflective Practice (2nd Edn.)
Newyork: Routledge
 Trowbridge, L. W. & Bybee, R. W. (1996). Teaching secondary school science.(6thed.).
 Bhandula, Chadha and Sharma: Teaching of Science, Parkash Brothers Educational
Publishers, 1985.
 Bhatia & Bhatk the Principles and Methods of Teaching, Doaha house Booksellers and
Publishers, 1994.
 J.C.Aggarwal: Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching, Vikas Publishing house
Pvt. Ltd., 2000
 8Korde and Sawant; Science and Scientific Method, Himalaya publishing house, 1980.
 Narendra Vaidya: Science teaching in schools for the 21st century. Deep and deep
publications Pvt Ltd.,
 New Trends in Integrated Science Teaching, Vol.1, UNESCO.1969-70.
 Prasad Janardhan, (1999.) Practical aspects in Teaching of Science, Kanishka
Publication, N. Delhi
 R.C Sharma (2003) Modem Science teaching, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.
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62 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines.
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum.
3. To understand the importance of Sanskrit language in curriculum and in life.
4. To apply the maxims and principles of Sanskrit teaching.
5. To use various learning resources in Sanskrit teaching.
6. To implement the various methods of teaching Sanskrit in the classroom.
7. To understand the different aspects of language Teaching.
8. To understand the strategies for developing language competencies.
9. To analyze the challenges faced a teacher of Sanskrit.
10. To develop an insight about role and professional development of a Sanskrit teacher


CURRICULUM (2 Credits)

Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
Sanskrit subject
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology (pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Humanities – Sanskrit subject in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2 : Understanding the Importance of Sanskrit in Life and School Curriculum

a) Importance of Sanskrit in Life as a medium of development
Core elements
b) Objectives of teaching the Sanskrit subject at Secondary (entire and composite) and
Higher Secondary curriculum.
c) Intra and Inter correlation (with other school subjects)

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Sanskrit Language & Methods of Teaching Sanskrit

a) Principles & Maxims of teaching Sanskrit
(Simple to Complex, Concrete to Abstract, Known to Unknown, Particular to
b) Learning Resources: (Importance, uses and Limitations)
i. Visuals-OHP, Koshas, Pictures, Charts
ii. Auditory- Tape Recorder
iii. Multimedia – Computer (Off –Line)
c) Methods of Teaching Sanskrit:
(Concept, Procedure, Advantages, and Limitations of the following methods)
Pathshala, Bhandarkar, Project, Direct Method

63 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

CURRICULUM (2 Credits)

Unit 4: Aspects of Language Teaching: (Objectives of Teaching at Secondary and

Higher Secondary Level and Methods)

a) Prose- Storytelling, Dramatization,

b) Poetry- Recitation, Appreciation
c) Grammar- Inductive, Deductive, Direct Instruction Model, Composition- Guided,

Unit 5: Strategies for Developing Language Competencies :( Importance and Flaws in

Language Competencies)
a) Listening and Speaking- Pronunciation, Phonetic Stress, Intonation, Conversation and
b) Reading and Writing – Types of reading (Loud, Silent, Chorus), - Handwriting Skills,
Spelling, Punctuation
c) Activities for language practice: Assignments, games, competitions.

Unit 6: The Teacher and Textbook

a) Teacher:
i. Qualities
ii. Challenges faced by a Sanskrit teacher
iii. Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development.
b) Textbook –
i. Characteristics
ii. Critical analysis of a text book
c) Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
2 10
semester (1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Critically analyze a Sanskrit text book of any standard (VIII to XII) with Reference to
intra & Inter correlation.
b) Prepare one learning resource /teaching aid and write its importance.
c) Take any story and develop teaching strategy to teach by storytelling method and
demonstrate it.
d) Visit a school and interview teacher regarding the challenges faced by Sanskrit
teacher and prepare a report.

64 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

सिंदभग पुस्तक:

 डॉ.पेंडके प्रणतभा सुिीर – सोंस्कृत अध्यापन पिती – श्री मोंगेश प्रकाशन,नागपूर.

 फािक माणिक – आशयासह अध्यापन पिती – सोंस्कृत – प्रकाशक ओमप्रकाश
 डॉ. िािि णशिदास,कुिकिी मीना- सोंस्कृत अध्यापन पिती,फडके प्रकाशन,क ल्हापूर.
 ि शी म रे िर त्र्योंबक - सोंस्कृत भाषेचे अध्यापन
 डॉ.पाण्डे य रामशकि – सोंस्कृत णशक्षि,णिन द पुस्तक मोंणदर,आग्रा.
 डॉ.दु नाखे अ.र.- मराठीचे अध्यापन,नूतन प्रकाशन,पुिे.७
 भ सिे कुोंदा - सोंस्कृत अध्यापन,प्रकाशन,बी.के. पिार,नाणशक.
 यशिोंतराि चव्हाि महाराष्ट्र मुि णिद्यापीठ,नाणशक – आशययुि अध्यापन पिती(सोंस्कृत)
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65 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To develop an understanding of Urdu language and its teaching.
4. To develop an understanding of Essentials of Teaching Urdu and curriculum
5. To develop an understanding of different types of learning resources
6. To develop an understanding of different methods of teaching Urdu
7. To develop an understanding of current trends in teaching of Urdu language.


(2 Credits)
Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines
a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology (pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Urdu in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding the Urdu Language and its Teaching

a) Origin And History of Urdu Language
b) Values of teaching Urdu language(Social, Intellectual, Emotional and
c) Maxims of teaching Urdu Language

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Urdu and Curriculum Transaction

a) Principles of Curriculum construction
b) Correlation of Urdu with other school subjects
c) Learning resources: Library, Textbook, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Newspapers and
Magazines and E- resources


Unit 4: Methods and Approaches of Teaching (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and

a) Methods: Discussion, Narration, Inductive- Deductive, Dramatization, Appreciation
and Direct
b) Approaches: Constructive and Question Answer Approach
c) Objectives of teaching Urdu Prose, Poetry, Grammar and Composition

Unit 5: Professional Development of Teachers

a) Challenges faced by a Urdu Teacher
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development

66 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

c) Contribution of Institutions like NCERT, SCERT, Balbharti and Maharashtra State
Board of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research

Unit 6: Current Trends in Teaching of Urdu Language

a) Clubs (objectives, significance)
b) Innovative trends in teaching of Urdu- Language Games, Language Competitions,
Innovative Lessons-Co-Teaching, Theme based Lessons
c) Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Content test (1X10) 10
Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
2 10
semester (1 X 10)
3 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
4 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Suggested tasks: (Any One)

a) Select any one Urdu text book from Std. VI to X and find out the correlation between
the lessons and other school subject.
b) Enumerate various Urdu websites and their utility.

c) Convert any one Prose or poetry lesson from Urdu text books into drama & Prepare
its lessons plan also.
d) Write any 5 innovative language games. Write their process of implementation.


 Tareekh Adab-E-Urdu, Part I & II, Jameel Jalbi, Educational Publishing House,
Delhi, 1992
 Tareekh Adab-E-Urdu, Part I, II & III, Wahaab Ashrafi, Educational Publishing
House, Delhi, 2005
 Urdu Zaban-o-Adab ki Tareekh, NCERT, New Delhi, 2013.
 Jame Urdu Encyclopedia, (Adbiyaat) Part I, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2003.
 Wazaahati Kitabiyaat, Gopi Chand Narang & Muzaffar Hanfi, National Council for
Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi, .
 Rehnuma Kitab for teachers, NCERT, New Delhi, 2012.
 Qawaid-E-Urdu, Maulvi Abdul Haq, Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu (Hind), New Delhi,
 Zaban aur Qawaid , Rashid Hasan Khan, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2001.
 Urdu Qawaid aur Insha, NCERT, New Delhi, 2013.
 Urdu Zaban-o- Qawaid , Part I & II, Shafi Ahmad Siddiqui, Zakir Nagar, New Delhi,

67 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Bharat ka Aaeen, National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi,
 Hindustani Zabanon ki Tadrees (Position Paper), NCERT, New Delhi, 2010. Urdu
Darsiyaat (Urdu Pedagogy), NCERT, New Delhi, 2015.

 Fan-e-Tadrees-e-Urdu (Pedagogy of Urdu), M. Qamar Saleem, New Delhi, 2015

 Urdu Kaise Padhaein, Saleem Abdullah, Educational Publishing House, Aligarh,
 Ham Urdu Kaise Padhaein, Mueenuddin, Maktaba Jamia Limited, New Delhi, 1992.
Urdu Zaban ki Tadrees, Mueen Uddin, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2004.
 Urdu Asnaaf ki Tadrees, Omkar kaul & Masood Siraj, National Council for
Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi, 2003.
 Urdu Zaban ki Tadrees, Mueenuddin, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2004.
 Tadrees Zaban-e-Urdu, Sherwani, Calcutta,1989.
 Urdu Zaban ki Tadrees aur uska Tariqa-E-kar, Umar Manzar, Shipra Publications,
New Delhi, 2009.
 Tariqa Tadrees-e-Urdu, Nasreen Khalid Shaikh, Deccan Traders Educational
Publishers, Hyderabad.
 Tariqa Tadrees-E-Urdu, Sayyed Asghar Husain & Sayyed Jaleel Uddin, Deccan
Traders Educational Publishers, Hyderabad.
 Teaching of Urdu, Veena Pani Pandey, Mohit Publications, New Delhi, 2004. (In
 Ghazal aur Ghazal Ki Taleem, Akhtar Ansari, National Council for Promotion of
Urdu Language, New Delhi, 2001.
Click here: First page

68 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

 To develop an understanding of the concept of Educational management
 To develop an understanding of the importance of effective organizational
 To develop an understanding of Systems Approach to Educational management
 To o develop an understanding of the functions of management
 To understand Quality management, Human resource management and Change
 To develop an understanding of the concept of Leadership
 To acquaint students of the various Leadership styles
 To acquaint students of the various Leadership skills
 To develop an understanding about Educational administration
 To develop an understanding about Educational administration in India


Unit 1: Concept of Educational Management

a) Educational Management - Meaning, Objectives and Importance
b) Principles of Management by Henry Fayol and Its Application to Educational
c) Concept of Systems Thinking and Systems Approach to Educational management

Unit 2: Educational Institution – Organisational perspective

a) Concept of Organisational Culture and Organisational Climate and difference
between Organisational Culture and Organisational Climate
b) Functions of Management - Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing and Controlling
(with respect to Educational Institution – Meaning and Importance)
c) Peter Senge’s Model of Learning Organisation

Unit 3: Organizational Management

a) Quality Management: Concept, Process and Indicators.
b) Human Resource Management – Meaning, Need and Process.
c) Change Management – Meaning, Need and Process


Unit 4: Human Resource Management

a) Concept and Functions of Leadership
b) Leadership Styles: Transformational Leadership, Situational Leadership, Team
Leadership (Meaning, Characteristics, Merits and Demerits)
c) Leadership Skills: Grievance Management (Meaning and Need)
Decision Making (Meaning and process)
Crisis Management (Meaning and Need)

69 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5: Educational Administration
a) Time Table: Importance, Types and Principles of Timetable Construction
b) Staff Meeting: Need, Types and Process
c)Absenteeism – Causes and Measures (Staff and Students),
Secondary School Code – Importance and Characteristics

Unit 6: Educational Administration in India

a) Educational Administrative set-up in India
b) Characteristics of state, national and international systems of education – SSC, ICSE,
CBSE, IB, IGCSE Boards of Education.
c) Different governing bodies in Education – Functions of NCERT, MSCERT


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester (2X10) 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Prepare a report on any school activity, keeping in mind five functions of
b) Critically analyze the time-table of your internship school based on the principles of
time-table framing.
c) Interview two class teachers of your internship school and a supervisor of the school
and make a report on the measures taken to handle absenteeism among students.
d) Plan a strategy as a teacher, to think of a crisis situation and prepare a plan of action
for the same.
e) Analyse any one Leadership style and present a report on an eminent personality
possessing the Leadership style.
f) Prepare an Action plan as a leadership skill in taking decision to solve a problem.

 David A. DeCENZO and Stephen P. Robbins, Personnel/Human Resource
 Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Lts 1993 for Unit I and II
 O.Jeff Harris, PH.D Sandra J. Hartman Ph.D, Organizational Behaviour, Jaico
Publishing House. Unit I and II
 L.M.Prasad, Principles and Practice of Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, Unit I
and II
 Udai Pareek, Making Organizational Roles Effective, Tata Mc-Graw- Hill Publishing
Company Limited, Unit I and II
 Rustam S. Davar, Creative Leadership, UBS Pub Distributors Ltd, Unit III -
 Anthony A.D, Leaders for Today Hope for Tomorrow Empowering and Empowered
Leadership, Pauline Publications, Unit III -Leadership
 Anthony A.D, Leardership A trilogy on leadership and effective management, Better
Yourself Book, Unit III -Leadership

70 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 John Adair, The Action Centred leader, Jaico Publishing House, Unit III -Leadership
 J.M. Juran, Juran on Leadership for Quality An Excellent Handbook, The Free Press,
Unit III –Leadership
 Lisa Hadfield-Law, Train your team yourself, Jaico Publishign House, Skills
 Alison HardinghamandJenny Royal, Teamwork in Practice (Pulling together), Jaico
Publishing House, Skills
 Helga Drummond, Effective Decision Making A Practical Guide for Management,
Wheeler Publishing, Skills
 https://www.toolshero.com/management/14-principles-of-management/
 https://managementinnovations.wordpress.com/2008/12/04/henri-fayols-14-
 http://www.managementstudyguide.com/management_functions.htm
 www.managementstudyguide.com/importance-of-quality-management.htm
 www.managementstudyguide.com/human-resource-management.htm
 http://www.managementstudyguide.com/crisis-management.htm
 www.management4all.org/2013/06/leadership-role-concept-function.html
 www.yourarticlelibrary.com/leadership/leadership-meaning...and-functions/53325/
Click here: First page

71 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System



72 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100


1. To help prospective teachers in understanding critical role of assessment in

enhancing learning.
2. To develop an understanding among prospective teachers about assessment for
learning as a constructivist paradigm.
3. To develop an understanding of taxonomy of educational objectives.
4. To develop the skill of writing of objectives and specifications.
5. To develop enabling processes among prospective teachers to lead to better
learning, more confident and creative learners.
6. To develop critically outlook among prospective teachers towards practices of
assessment and selection.
7. To acquaint prospective teachers with an understanding of the concept and issues
related to internal examination and external examination.
8. To enable prospective student teachers in understanding and analysing the psycho-
social concerns of assessment.
9. To develop competencies among prospective teachers in using diverse methods
and tools and techniques of assessment in an array of learning/performance
outcomes of diverse learners.
10. To develop a critical understanding of issues in assessment and explore realistic,
comprehensive and dynamic assessment processes among student teachers.
11. To develop an understanding of various statistical measures and their use for
interpretation of results.


Unit 1: Concept of Assessment

a) Meaning, Nature, Functions of Assessment
b) Perspectives of Assessment (Assessment for learning, Assessment of learning &
Assessment as learning)
c) Types of Assessment: Meaning & Features (Placement, Formative, Diagnostic and

Unit 2: Essentials of Assessment

a) Aims and Objectives- Meaning, Relationship between aims and objectives, and Criteria
for writing statements of objectives.
b) Learning outcomes- Meaning, Relationship between objectives and learning outcomes,
and Criteria for writing statements of Learning Outcomes
c) Assessment of Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor domains of learning
 Cognitive domain -Anderson and Krathwohl (Revised Bloom’s taxonomy)
 Affective domain -Krathwohl
 Psychomotor domain - Dr. R.H.Dave

73 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 3: Trends and Issues of Assessment
a) Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment (Meaning, Characteristics and Significance)
b) Internal Assessment and External Examination (Meaning, Significance and Problems
related to planning, conduct and assessment)
c) Psycho-social concerns of Assessment (Implications)
 No detention Policy (RTEAct, 2009)
 Competitive ranking of schools
 Profiteering by private agencies


(2 Credits)
Unit 4: Instruments of Assessment
a) Characteristics of a good measuring instrument
b) Tools and Techniques of Assessment (Meaning, Guidelines of development & Uses):
1. Checklist
2. Rating Scale
3. Rubrics
4. Anecdotal Records
c) Achievement Tests:
1. Performance Tests: Oral & Practical assessment (Merits, Limitations,
Suggestions for improvement, Criteria for evaluation)
2. Written Test- Essay & Objective type (Merits, Limitations, Suggestions for
improvement, Criteria for evaluation)
3. Open Book Examination and Online Examination (Merits & Limitations)

Unit 5: Differentiated Assessment Strategies

a) Meaning and purpose of Teacher assessment, Self-assessment and Peer assessment
b) Criterion Referenced Tests and Norm Referenced tests (Meaning, Characteristics)
c) Records used in Assessment (Meaning, Guidelines of development & Uses):
1. Cumulative Records
2. Student Portfolio
3. Learner Profile
4. Reflective Journal

Unit 6: Feedback Mechanism & Reporting

a) Concept & Criteria of Constructive feedback.
b) Reporting (Meaning and Types of Reporting)
c) Statistical Application for Interpretation and Reporting:
1. Calculation and Interpretation of Mean and Median
2. Interpretation of Standard Deviation with reference to Normal Probability
3. Interpretation of Percentile and Percentile Rank

74 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Prepare a Blue print and a test in the school subject opted for. (Compulsory)
b) Study and Compare the implementation of CCA of different school boards.
c) Critically review educational policies on reforms in assessment.
d) Comparative study of Assessment of different countries.

 Aggarwal, J.C. (2006), Essentials of Examination System: Evaluation, Tests and
Measurement,Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Bhatia, K.K., Measurement and Evaluation in Education, Tandon publications,
 Bloom, S.B. Hastings, J.T. and Madans, G.F. (1971) Handbook on Formative and
Summative Evaluation of student Learning.New York: McGraw – Hill Book Co.
 Dandekar, W.N. (1986), Education in Schools, R. Lall Book Depot, Meerut (U.P)
 Dweek, C. (2006), Mindset: The new psychology of success, Random House LLC
 Glaser, R., Chudowsky, N., &Pellegrion, J.W. (Eds.). (2001). Knowing what students
know: The Science and Design of Educational Assessment National Academies Press.
 Goodson, I.F., & Marsh, C.J. (2005), Studying school subjects: A guide. Routledge.
 Govinda, R. (2011), Who goes to School? Exploring exclusion in Indian Education.
Oxford University Press.
 Mrunalini, T. (2013).Educational Evaluation. Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publications
Pvt. Ltd.
 Patel, R.N. (2013), Educational Evaluation: Theory and Practice, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai.
 Rani, P. (2004).Educational Measurement and Evaluation. New Delhi: Discovery
 Reynolds, C.R., Livingston, R.B., and Willson, V. (2011).Measurement and
Assessment in Education. New Delhi: PHI Learning PVT. LTD.
 Sharma, R.A. (2010), Essentials of Measurement in Education and Psychology, R.
Lall Book Depot, Meerut.
 Siddiqui, M.H. (2010). Educational Evaluation. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing
 Shepard, L.A. (2000), The role of Assessment In a Learning Culture, Educational
Researcher, 4-14.
 Stiggins, R. (2005), From formative assessment to assessment for learning: A path to
success in standards-based schools, Phi Delta Kappan, 324-328.
 Taiwo, Adediran A. (2004), Fundamentals of Classroom Testing, VikasPublishing
House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. Click here: First page

75 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To comprehend the meaning of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning
4. To understand different approaches in interdisciplinary learning
5. To develop an understanding of the meaning and nature of Commerce Education
6. To develop an understanding of the aims and objectives in the teaching of Commerce
7. To integrate values in the teaching of Commerce
8. To establish relationship of Commerce with other subjects
9. To apply the maxims and principles in the teaching of Commerce
10. To use various learning resource in the teaching of Commerce
11. To implement the various methods of teaching Commerce in the classroom
12. To develop an insight about role, challenges and professional development of a
Commerce teacher
13. To analyse the contribution of personalities and institutions in Commerce Education
14. To keep abreast of the current trends in the teaching of Commerce.


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Humanities and Social Sciences – Commerce in the present Higher
Secondary curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding Commerce Education and Curriculum

d) Commerce Education in India, meaning and nature of Commerce education
a) Aims and objectives of teaching Commerce at Higher Secondary level( as per NCF
b) Values of teaching Commerce- global citizenship, practical, social, cultural, and

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Commerce and Curriculum Transaction

a) Maxims of Teaching Commerce:
 -Particular to General
 -Known to Unknown
 -Concrete to Abstract
 -Analysis to synthesis
 -Near to Far
b) Importance of correlation in Commerce Education, Intra and Inter correlation of
Commerce with Mathematics, Economics, Language and Geography

76 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

c) Principles of Commerce teaching- Flexibility, Activity, Individual difference, Learner
centeredness, Community centeredness


Unit 4: Learning Resources

a) Commerce Club (Organization, significance, Activities), Field visit (Bank,
Multinational company, Stock exchange and Industries) : objectives , organization
and significance
b) Textbook – Characteristics and Critical analysis
c) Use of ICT in the teaching of Commerce : Computer assisted learning, Social
networking, Discussion forum, MOOCs, ICT tools

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and Demerits)

a) Project, Problem Solving , Case study, Survey
b) Seminar, Workshop, Discussion , Co-operative learning ( Jigsaw, Think-pair- share,
Round table)
c) Innovative trends in Commerce teaching -7 E’s of Constructivism and Blended
learning (Flex model, Rotation model, A La Carte model, Enriched virtual model):
concept, procedure and advantages

Unit 6: Professional Development of Teacher

a) Multifarious role and challenges faced by a Commerce teacher
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development
c) Diagnostic and Remedial teaching


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Visit to any one of the following: Bank, industry, stock exchange, market or any place
of commercial importance and write a report (Planning, Organization, Learning
experiences, Reflection)
b) Prepare a pedagogical analysis plan for any one selected unit of any one subject of std
XI or XII of Commerce
c) Prepare and execute a lesson plan for teaching any topic of any one subject of std XI
or XII of Commerce by using any one of the following: Blended learning approach,
constructivist approach
d) Study and compare the Commerce education at higher secondary level in India with
any other developed country.
e) Select any contemporary issue related to Commerce field and present a paper using
Seminar method.

77 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Commerce Education Mohammed Sharif Khan Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd-New Delhi
 Teaching of Commerce-A Practical Approach J.C AggarwalVikas Publishing House Pvt
Ltd- New Delhi
 Method and Techniques of Teaching Commerce Singh M.N Young Man & Co. New
 Teaching of Commerce SeemaRaoAnmol Publication, New Delhi.
 Methodology of Commerce Education Dr. Umesh Mr. Ajay RanaTandon Publications-
 Teaching of Commerce Dr. R.P Singh VinayRakhejaC/o R. Lall Book Depot- Meerut.
 Teaching of Commerce in Our School Lulla B.P, BTTC-BIE Publication, Bombay)
 Teaching of Commerce. G.S. Karthik, Sumit Enterprises, New Delhi.
 Commerce Education in the New Millennium, I.V. Trivedi, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur.
 Teaching of Commerce.VintyMonga, Twenty First Century Publications, Patiala.
 Teaching of Commerce.Rainu Gupta, Shipra Publications, Delhi.

 Computer assisted learning:
 What is Computer Aided Learning (CAL)? - Study Net
 What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Assisted ...
 Using MOOCs to transform traditional training - We.ConectGlobal .
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
 Models | Blended Learning Universe www.blendedlearning.org/models/
 Blended Learning Models - Reading Horizons www.readinghorizons.com/blended-
 Social networking
Click here: First page

78 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To develop an understanding of the meaning and nature of Economics Education
4. To develop an understanding of the objectives of Economics teaching
5. To integrate values in the teaching of Economics
6. To establish relationship of Economics with other subjects
7. To apply the maxims and principles of Economics teaching
8. To use various learning resource in Economics teaching
9. To implement the various methods of teaching Economics in the classroom
10. To develop an insight about qualities, challenges and professional development of a
Economics teacher
11. To keep abreast of the innovative methods in Economics teaching


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
Economics subject
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology (pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Humanities and Social Sciences – Economics subject in the present school

Unit 2: Understanding Economics

a) Meaning, Importance and Scope of Economics
b) Objectives of teaching of Economics at Higher Secondary level
c) Values of teaching Economics- Global citizenship, entrenuerpship ,Consumerism

Unit 3: Learning Resources

a) Economics Textbook – Characteristics and Critical analysis
b) Audio visual resources : TV, Radio , Print media: Newspaper , Magazines, ICT in the
teaching of Economics- Social networking, Internet (uses, importance)
c) Visits (imporatance,organistaion )Visit to bank, Multinational company, stock
exchange and industries


Unit 4: Essentials of Teaching Economics and Curriculum Transaction

a) Maxims of Teaching (-Particular to General, Known to Unknown, Concrete to
Abstract, Analysis to synthesis)
b) Importance of correlation in Economics Education, Intra and Inter correlation of
Economics with Mathematics, Commerce, Language ,History and Geography
c) Principles of teaching- Flexibility, Activity, Individual difference, Learner
centeredness, Community centeredness

79 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and Demerits)
d) Classroom Methods : Lecture, Seminar, Discussion
a) Research Methods :Project, Problem Solving , Case study, Survey
b) Innovative methods :Co-operative learning ( Jigsaw, Think-pair- share, Round
table),Constructivism(5 E)

Unit 6: The Economics Teacher

a) Qualities of an Economics teacher
b) Challenges faced by a Economics teacher
c) Professional Growth of a economics teacher :Need and Avenues of Continuous
Professional Development


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given Semester 15
3 One Essay test held in the given Semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Visit to any one place of Economical importance(Bank,Financial institution..) and
write a report (Planning, Organization, Learning experiences, Reflection)
b) Compare the objectives of teaching economics at secondary and higher secondary
level of various boards (SSC, CBSE, ICSE) any one level.
c) Prepare and execute a lesson plan to teach by using any one of the following
 Constructivism
 Cooperative learning
d) Plan for using ICT for teaching any topic from any one selected unit of any one
subject of std XI or XII and write reflections on it.
 Aggarwal J.C: Teaching Of Economics, A Practical Approach”, Vinod Pustak Mandir.
 Dhillon S; Chopra K. : Teaching Of Economics
 Mustafa M, 2005,” Teaching of Economics New Trends and Challenges’ Deep & Deep
 Publications Pvt. Ltd F-159, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110027.
 N.R. Saxena : Teaching of Economics, R Lall Book Depot, Meerut
 Natarajan S. 1993, “Introduction to Economics of education”, sterling publications Private
 Sharma Kadambari : Teaching of Economics
 Siddiqui M.H.: Teaching of economics, APH Publications Corporation.
 Sindhu H.S.: Teaching of economics, Tandon Publications, Books Market, Ludhiana-
 Yadav Amita, 1999, “Teaching of Economics” Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
 Saxena Mishra Mahonty ( 2004 ) “Teaching ofEconomics” Surya publication, Meerut
Click here: First page

80 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To develop understanding about the fundamentals of English language.
4. To understand pedagogical bases of language learning.
5. To apply pedagogical approaches and techniques in teaching and learning the
6. To adapt learning resources into teaching learning process.
7. To understand implications of theories of learning with regard to language learning.
8. To practice learner centered methods in the classroom.
9. To sensitize the student teacher about learner diversities.
10. To apply tools and techniques of assessment in language
11. To understand English language and literature



Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types)
c) Place of English in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2 - Role of English Language

a) Nature of Language
b) Language and Society –Importance of English language in day-to-day life
c) Language and School -
 Concept & types of language registers
 Role of English Language in a multilingual Class room

Unit 3 Pedagogical Approaches & Techniques

a) Constructivist Approach (7E’s), Communicative Approach (Concept & procedure)
Inductive-deductive Approach
b) Techniques of teaching- expository (narration, dramatization, concept mapping)
& Interactive techniques (discussion, questioning, brainstorming)
c) Ways of appreciation of poems


Unit 4 -Pedagogical Bases

a) Aims and objectives of teaching English as first language and as second language.
b) Principles (Palmers principles) and correlation (intra and inter: with all school
c) Maxims of teaching

81 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5 - Professional Development of Teacher
a) Challenges faced in class room by an English teacher in India.
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development
c) Contribution by personalities –Chomsky & R.K Narayan

Unit 6 Learning Resources & Assessment in Language

a) Learning Resources
 Library as a learning resource
 E-resources (blogs, e-books, social networking sites ) and CALL
b) Techniques of assessment- (Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing /Composition)
c) Use of ICT in assessment


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Activity: Take few passages from Science, Social Science and Maths textbooks of any
One class (VI – IX) and analyze
i) How the different registers of language been introduced?
ii) Does the language clearly convey the meaning of the topic being discussed?
iii) Is the language learner friendly?
iv) Is the language too technical?
v) Does it help in language learning?
b) Activity: Do a review and present a paper on any one of R.K Narayan’s Book

 Techniques of teaching English by Dr. Shaikh Mowla
 Teaching of English in India by Dr.K.Pandey & Dr.Amita
 Teaching & Learning English by Raja T Nasr
 Teaching of English by Dr.J.E.Vallabi
 Teaching of English by Kshanika Bose
 Techniques of Teaching English by A.L. Kohli
 Methodology of English Teaching by Malati .M Halbe

Click here: First page

82 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To develop an understanding the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To develop an understanding about place of different disciplines in the school
3. To develop an understanding of Geography as a subject.
4. To develop an understanding of essentials of teaching Geography.
5. To develop an understanding of approaches of curriculum construction.
6. To develop an understanding of different types of teaching- learning resources.
7. To develop an understanding of different methods and techniques of teaching
8. To develop an understanding of essentials of a Geography teacher.
9. To develop an understanding of current trends in the subject.


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology (pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Humanities and Social Sciences in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding the Subject and Curriculum

a) Meaning, Nature and Scope of Geography
b) Aims of teaching Geography
c) Geo-literacy:- concept, need and ways to create awareness

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Geography and Curriculum Construction

a) Maxims of teaching: - Simple to Complex, Known to Unknown, Concrete to Abstract,
Particular to General.
b) Correlation with other school subjects:- Languages, History, Science, Mathematics
c) Approaches of curriculum construction: Concentric, Topical and Regional.



Unit 4: Teaching- Learning Resources

a) Importance and uses: - Globe, Atlas, Models, Travelogues, Aerial photographs,
Satellite imagery, Maps (Map reading and interpreting using distance, direction, signs
and symbols, point, line and area)
b) Textbook: - Characteristics and Critical analysis (std VIII to X) (Critical Analysis is
only for practical purpose and should not be asked in the examination.)

83 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

c) E- resources: - Meaning and Significance – GIS, computer based online and offline

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching and Geography Teacher

a) Methods (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and Demerits): ‘A’ method, project method,
field visit, Co-operative learning techniques (Gallery Walk, Think-pair-share)
b) Geography teacher: Key competencies, Challenges faced (academic, financial,
c) Continuous Professional Development of a Geography teacher: need and ways

Unit 6: Current Trends in Teaching of Geography

a) Geography Club (objectives, significance, activities)
b) Innovative trends in teaching of Geography:- Concept –mapping, Constructivism
c) Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching.


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Prepare a map/sketch of any locality using GIS or space survey based on the distance
and direction relationship from your educational institution. Label and mark the
physical and man-made features with suitable conventional signs and symbols. Try to
analyze the relationship between various aspects that exists in this locality.
b) Prepare and execute an activity based lesson- plan for Geo-literacy.
c) Prepare and execute a lesson plan based on Constructivism.
d) Prepare a plan for a visit to planetarium / museum/nature Park. Visit the place and
write a report of this visit.
 Arora, K.L., Bhugal Shikshan, Teaching of Geography
 Gopsill G.H., The teaching of Geography
 Macenee E.A. The teaching of Geography
 N.C.E.R.T., Practical Geography
 O.P Varma and E.G. Vedanayaga, Geography Teaching
 R.P.Singh, Teaching of Geography
 S.K.Kochhar, Methods and Techniques of Teaching
 Salim Basha, Teaching of Geography
 Sanjay Dutta and O.P Garg, Teaching of Geography
 Shaida and Sharma, Teaching of Geography
 Thralls Z.A., The teaching of Geography
 Walker James, aspects of Geography Teaching in school

84 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Bapat B.G., Bhugol Adhyayan ani Adhyapan
 Jaiswal Seetaram, Bhugol Shikshan
 Mishr A., Bhugol Shikshan padhhati
 Ponkshe, D.B., Bhugolache adhyapan
Click here: First page

85 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To understand the nature of History and Political Science as a school subject
4. To correlate History & Political Science with other subjects
5. To critically analyze the History and Political science textbook.
6. To understand the significance of learning resources to teach the subject
7. To demonstrate an ability to raise learners’ interest
8. To prepare appropriate lesson plans in history and Political science.
9. To understand the need and avenues for professional development


DISCIPLINE (2 Credits)

Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Social Sciences in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding History

a) Nature of History, Historical Thinking Concepts (Peter Seixas & Tom Morton)
b) Objectives of teaching History & Political Science at the secondary level.
c) Values of teaching History & Political Science

Unit 3: Learning Resources

a) History Textbook: characteristics, critical analysis, detecting and dealing with bias
b) Audio-visual Resources: TV, Films, Documentary; Visual:Maps, Models, Timelines;
Print Media: Magazines, newspapers, archives (Uses and importance)
c) Field trips, Museum


CURRICULUM (2 Credits)

Unit 4: Essentials of Curriculum Transaction in History & Political Science

a) Maxims of teaching (Known to unknown, Simple to complex, Concrete to abstract)
b) Correlation of History & Political Science: Internal and external.(Literature,
Science, Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Craft)
c) History as a concept driven subject: Concept based and generalization based learning

86 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5: Methods of Teaching (Process, Merits and Limitations)
a) Conventional pedagogy: Story-telling, Lecture-cum-discussion
b) Contemporary pedagogy: Project-based Learning, Social Enquiry
c) Cooperative learning pedagogy: Think pair share, Round robin, Buzz

Unit 6: The History Teacher

a) Qualities of a History teacher
b) Professional growth of a History teacher – Need and Avenues for professional
c) Challenges faced by History teacher (Challenges posed by technology, Pedagogy and


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Critically analyze a secondary school History and Political Science textbook.
b) Participate in a field visit/ virtual tour of any Historical site and write a report of about
500-750 words.
c) Choose any Cooperative learning strategy. Plan and conduct a 15 minutes lesson in
your peer group to teach history or political science.
d) Interview two History teachers and find the challenges faced by them and submit the
report in about 500-750 words.

 Interdisciplinary Higher Education: Perspectives and Practicalities, edited by W. Martin
Davies, Marcia Devlin, Malcolm Tight, Emerald Group Publishing Lt
 Angelo A.T, et .al. (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques A. Handbook for
College Teachers, San Fransisco Tossey-Bass Publisher
 Aitken, GV; Sinnema, CEL (2008) Effective Pedagogy in Social Iwi: Best Evidence
Synthesis Iteration (BES) Ministry of Education.
 Batra Poonam, Social Science Learning in Schools: Perspectives and Challenges, Sage
 Brandes, D. et. al. (1994). A Guide to Student-centred Learning, Basil Blackwell Ltd.
Celtneham. UK.
 Burke, Peter (1991), New Perspectives on History Writing, Blackwell, Oxford
 Carr, E.H. (1962), What is History? Knopf, London.
 Diff Block, Mark (1992), The Historian‘s Craft, M
 Digumarti Bhaskara Rao (ed.), Techniques of Teaching Social, Sciences, Sonali
Publications, Delhi
 Kochar S.K. Teaching of History: Sterling publications.

87 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 18. Martorella, Peter H. (1996), Teaching social studies in middle and secondary schools,
Englwood Cliffs, N. J: Prentice Hall.
 Joyce, B. & Weil, M. (1997), Models of Teaching, Prentice Hall Ire, New Jersey
 Stanford, Michael (1986), The Nature of Historical Knowledge, Basil Blackwell,
 Teaching of social studies II (teaching social studies Pedagogy option, 2010
Education Development Center (EDC); Teachers College, Columbia University.
 Tew, Daniel J., “Pedagogy of Teaching History: Comparing the Chronologic and
Thematic Approaches" (2014). Honors Senior Theses/Projects.Paper 14.
 S. Wadhwa, Modern methods of teaching history, Saru sons, New Delhi
Web References
 http://www.ncert.nic.in/new_ncert/ncert/rightside/links/pdf/focus_group/social_sciencel.
 https://education.alberta.ca/media/384968/makingadifference_2010.pdf
 http://www.canberra.edu.au/researchrepository/file/3d3fb227-73c7-dc08-49ee-
 http://historicalthinking.ca/historical-thinking-concepts
 http://www.nelson.com/thebigsix/documents/The%20Big%20Six%20Sample%20Chapte
 https://www.academia.edu/2527715/Suffrage_feudal_democracy_treaty..._historys_build
 https://sheg.stanford.edu/historical-thinking-chart
Click here: First page

88 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

उद्दे श्य:

1. णिद्याियी पाठ्यिम में णिणभन्न णिषय ों के महत्त्व क समझना |

2. भाषा सृिन के णिणिि पहिुओों क समझना ि उनके अध्यापन हे तु णिणभन्न णिणिय ों ि उपागम ों
का प्रय ग करना सीखना |
3. भाषा का अर्थ और उसकी प्रकृणत एिम महत्त्व क समझना |
4. णहों दी भाषा अध्यापन के उद्दे श्य, णसिाों त, सूि एिम सहसम्बन्ध के उपय ग करने की क्षमता
णिकणसत करना ।णहों दी भाषा अध्यापन िारा मूल्य ों और कौशि ों क णिकणसत करने में णशक्षक
की भूणमका समझाना ।
5. णहों दी भाषा की णिणभन्न णििाओों का पररचय कराना ।
6. णहों दी भाषा समृद्धि के णिए आिुणनक माध्यम ों की िानकारी दे ना ।

मॉड्यूल १: ह िंदी भाषा अध्यापन - सैद्ािंहतक पररप्रेक्ष्य (2 Credits)

घटक १: शैक्षहणक हवषय िं के आधार

अ) शैक्षणिक णिषय ों का अर्थ एिम णिशेषताएों

ब) अन्तः णिषय अणिगम के णिए रिनीणतयाों / उपागम (समूह णशक्षि, अनुभािात्मक अणिगम)
क) शैक्षणिक णिषय ों के मुद्दे और चुनौणतयाों

घटक २: ह िंदी भाषा की प्रकृहत व म त्व

अ) भाषा का अर्थ , प्रकृणत एिम उद्द्येश्य:- माध्यणमक ि उच्च माध्यणमक स्तर पर

ब) णहों दी भाषा का महत्व (मूल्य सोंििथन के पररप्रेक्ष्य में):- राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर(सामाणिक, बौद्धिक,
सोंिेगात्मक, साों स्कृणतक, चाररणिक) एिों िैणिक स्तर पर
क) भाषा अध्ययन अध्यापन के सामाणिक आिार:- पररिार, णिद्यािय, समियस्क समूह, समुदाय एिों
िनसोंचार माध्यम

घटक ३: ह िंदी भाषा के मन वैज्ञानहक आधार एविं स सम्बन्ध

अ) भाषा अध्यापन के णसिाोंत:- अनुकरि, रूणच, अभ्यास, ब िचाि, व्यद्धिगत णिणभन्नता

ब) भाषा अध्यापन के सूि:- ज्ञात से अज्ञात, सरि से िणिि, पूिथ से अोंश, मूतथ से अमूतथ, सामान्य से
क) भाषा का सहसम्बन्ध:- इणतहास, भूग ि, णिज्ञान, अर्थशास्त्र, पयाथ िरि, किा (हस्तकिा, सोंगीत एिों

89 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

मॉड्यूल २: ह िंदी भाषा सृजन के प लू एवम कौशल (2 Credits)

घटक ४: भाषा सृजन के हवहवध प लू

अ) गद्य, पद्य, व्याकरि एिम रचना: उद्दे श्य

ब) णिणिि णििाओों का पररचय: िीिनी, सोंस्मरि, पि, सोंिाद, नािक, कहानी, णिज्ञापन, यािा ििथन,
णनबोंि, ररप ताथ ज़, फिक सूचना एिम आत्मकर्ा
क) णिणियाों ि उपागम: कर्ा कर्न, चचाथ , नाट्यीकरि, रसास्वादन, आगमन-णनगमन, खेि, अणभरूप,
एिम बुद्धिमोंर्न

घटक ५: भाषा कौशल

अ) श्रिि, भाषि, िाचन, िेखन:- महत्त्व

ब) उपर ि कौशि णिकणसत करने हे तु णशक्षक की भूणमका (द ष एिम णनिारि के सन्दभथ में)
क) णहों दी अनुिाद का महत्त्व ि आिश्यकता

घटक ६: भाषा समृद्धद् के माध्यम

अ) सोंगिक एिम इों िरनेि: आिश्यकता ि उपय ग

ब) ितथमान पुस्तकािय का य गदान
क) पाठ्य सहगामी णियाएों एिम आय िन

मॉड्यूल ३: अिंतर्गत मूल्ािंकन (2 Credits)

हववरण अिंक
१ कायथ / दत्त कायथ सेमेस्टर के प्रत्येक मॉड्यूि से (२ x १०) २०
२ सेमेस्टर में एक णनयत कािीन कक्षा परीक्षा १५
३ सेमेस्टर में णिषय सम्बन्धी एक णनबोंि ५
कुि य ग ४०

दत्त कायथ / कायथ

1) णकन्ीों दस णहों दी अध्यापन णशक्षक ों के सार् साक्षात्कार करके ितथमान समय में णहों दी की द्धथर्णत दे खते
हुए आने िािी चुनौणतय ों की िानकारी पर ररप िथ तैयार कीणिये |
णहों दी का सहसमबन्ध पयाथ िरि एिम णिणिि किाओों (सोंगीत, नृत्य, हस्तकिा) के सार् स दाहरि स्पष्ट्
कीणिये |

2) घिक ४ - 'णिणिि णििाओों का पररचय ' से णकन्ीों द णििाओों के अध्यापन हे तु नमूना तैयार कीणिये |
णकसी भी पणिका (अोंग्रेिी, मराठी, उदू थ ) के णकसी एक िेख का णहों दी में अनुिाद कीणिये ( सम्पूिथ सन्दभथ
दे ना अणनिायथ है ) |

90 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

सन्दभग सूची

 भाणिया एम. एम., नारों ग सी. एि. : "णहों दी णशक्षि णिणि", िों डन पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना |
 भाणिया एम. एम., शमाथ डी. के. : "णहों दी णशक्षि णिणियाों ", िों डन पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना |
 दु नाखे अरणिन्द : "णितीय भाषा णहों दी आशायुि अध्यापन ", णनत्य नू तन प्रकाशन, पुिे २००७ |
 काणदयान सुरेंदर : "णहों दी णशक्षि ", णिन द पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना २०१० |
 िै न के. सी. : "णहों दी णशक्षि ", िों डन पद्धिकेशन्स, िु णियाना |
 पाठक आर. पी. : "णहों दी भाषा णशक्षि ", कणनष्क पद्धिकेशसथ, णडस्टर ीब्यूिसथ, नई णदल्ली २०१० |
 पाण्डे य रामशकि : "णहों दी णशक्षि ", श्री णिन द पुस्तक मों णदर, आगरा २०१२ |
 सूरी बृिबािा : "निीन णहों दी अध्यापन शै िी ", अणनमे ष प्रकाशन, मुों बई २००९ |
 शमाथ णशिा : "णहों दी णशक्षि णिणियाों ", नीिकमि पद्धिकेशसथ, प्रा. णि., नयी णदल्ली २०१० |
 सूरी बृिबािा : "निीन णहों दी अध्यापन शै िी ", णक्षणति प्रकाशन, पुिे २०१४ |
Click here: First page

91 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100


1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines

2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum understand nature,
scope & importance of Mathematics at secondary level.
3. To aacquaint and formulate aims and instructional objectives in teaching mathematics in
Secondary school level as per revised taxonomy.
4. To apply different approaches and methods of teaching mathematics in classroom
5. To set up mathematics club in the school and organize its activities.
6. To use a mathematics laboratory to develop in students an interest in mathematics.
7. To understand the professional competencies, commitments and expectations of
mathematics teacher.
8. To develop knowledge of various values of teaching Mathematics
9. To appreciate the role of mathematics in day-to-day life
10. To understand that mathematics is more than formulas and mechanical procedures
11. To channelize, evaluate, explain and reconstruct students‘ thinking
12. To appreciate the importance of mathematics laboratory in learning mathematics


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.,
c) Place of Mathematics in the present school curriculum

Unit 2: Introduction to the Teaching of Mathematics

a) Meaning , Nature & scope of Mathematics
b) Aims and Objectives of teaching Mathematics at Secondary and Higher Secondary
Levels (NCF 2009)
c) Values of teaching Mathematics

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Mathematics and Curriculum Transaction

a) Maxims of teaching
 From Known to Unknown
 From Simple to Complex
 From Particular to General
 From Concrete to Abstract
 From Whole to Part
b) Approaches of curriculum construction-Concentric and Topical
c) Pedagogical Analysis ,Unit Planning &Lesson planning

92 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Unit 4: Methods and Techniques of Teaching Mathematics

a) Learner Centered methods ---Inductive Deductive (Teaching Generalizations),
Analytical Synthetic (Teaching Proofs)
b) Activity centered methods—Problem solving, Lecture cum Demonstration
c) Techniques of teaching Mathematics ---Drill and Review, Assignment in

Unit 5: Learning Resources

a) Mathematic Laboratory & Mathematic club (objectives, significance)
b) Textbook – Characteristics and Critical analysis
c) Digital Resources for Teaching Mathematics- Geogebra & Virtual Manipulative
(Meaning, Application, Advantages and Limitations)

Unit 6: Professional Development of Teacher

a) Competencies of Mathematics teacher
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development
c) Contribution of mathematicians- Aryabhatta, Ramaujan, Euclid, Phythagoras


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Plan and implement lessons in mathematics using appropriate methods/approaches to
teach :
 Generalizations
 Theorems/ Proofs
 Problem Solving
 Lecture cum Demonstration
Take up a problem in mathematics (from any area like number system, geometry etc.).
Make a group of 3 or 4 students to discuss about the probable ways of solving
b) Conduct one lesson in the math using manipulative- Physical/ virtual.
c) Assignment: For any one selected topic, prepare Pedagogical Analysis Plan
d) Critically appreciate any one textbook of mathematics.
e) Conduct one lesson in the math using manipulative- Physical/ virtual.
f) Prepare a diagnostic test in mathematics.
g) Critically appreciate any one textbook of mathematics.
h) Collect the names of Mathematicians and Prepare a report about their contribution to
 Boyer, Carl B., (1969): A History of Mathematics; Wiley, New York.
 Content cum Methodology of Teaching Mathematics for B.Ed.; NCERT New Delhi.

93 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Davis David R., (1960); Teaching of Mathematics Addison Wesley Publications.
 Ediger Mariow(2004); Teaching Math Successfully, Discovery Publication.
 Gupta H.N. and Shankaran V (Ed.), 1984; Content cum Methodology of Teaching
Mathematics, NCERT New Delhi.
 Hudgins, Bryce B. (1966); Problem Solving in the classroom, MacMillan, New York.
 James Anice (2005); Teaching of Mathematics, Neelkamal Publication.
 Johan R.E. et.al, (1961): Modern Algebra; First Course, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company INC. USA.
 Kapur S.K. (2005); Learn and Teach Vedic Mathematics; Lotus Publication.
 Kulshreshtha; Teaching of Mathematics, R. Lal and Sons.
 Kumar Sudhir; Teaching of Mathematics, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, India.
 Mangal, A text book on Teaching of Mathematics, Prakash Bros., Ludhiana, India.
 NCERT (2006) Position Paper-National Focus Group On Teaching of Mathematics ,
New Delhi
 Novak,J.D. & Gowin ,D.B.,(1984) , Learning How To Learn ,New York, NY,
Cambridge University Pressoy
 Hollands (1990), Development of mathematical skills, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford,
 Schonnel F.J.(1965) , Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching in Arithmetic , Lever and Boyd
, London
 Pamela Cowan (2006), Teaching Mathematics, A Handbook for Primary and Secondary
School Teachers, Routledge , London and New York
 Tanner H. And Jones S. (2000) , Becoming a successful teacher of mathematics,
Routledge Falmer , London
 Thompson D.R and Rubenstein,R.N(2010), Teaching and Learning High School
Mathematics , John Wiley and Sons Inc., New Jersey,
 Weinberg A.S.(1999),Connecting Mathematics and Science to Workplace Contexts : A
Guide to Curriculum materials, Corwin Press Inc., California
Click here: First page

94 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

िैकवल्पक कोसथ
वशक्षिशास्त्र शालेय विषय- मराठी

एकू ि श्रेयािंक : ६
एकू ि गुि : १००

वशक्षक विद्यार्थयाथस सक्षम करण्यास-

1. शैक्षविक विद्याशाखािंशी सिंबिंवधत मूलिूत सिंकल्पनािंचे आकलन करून देिे .
2. शालेय अभ्यासक्रमातील विविध विद्याशाखािंचे स्र्ान समजािून देिे .
3. मराठी िाषेच्या ि अध्यापन उकद्दष्टािंच्या उपयोजनाचे आकलन करून देिे .
4. मराठी िाषेच्या अध्यापन पद्ती समजाििे .
5. छात्राध्यापकािंमध्ये व्यिसायिृद्ी ि वशक्षकािंच्या गुििैवश ष्ट्या वि षयक दृष्टी
विकवसत करिे .
6. छात्राध्यापकािंमध्ये मराठी अध्ययन -अध्यापन विषयक आधुवनक दृष्टीको न िृहद्िंगत
करिे .
मॉड्युल १ मराठी अध्यापनासाठी आिश्यक घटक आवि अभ्यासक्रम आिंतरकक्रया
(२ श्रेयािंक)
घटक १ : शैक्षविक विद्यशाखेचे मूलिूत घटक
अ. शैक्षविक विद्याशाखेचा अर्थ,मराठी विषय आवि शैक्षविक विद्याशाखािंमधील सिंबिंध
ब. शैक्षविक विद्याशाखािंचे िगीकरि : बेन्चर- वबगलिंनचे िगीकरि (शुद् -कठीि ,शुद् -
सुलि, उपयोवजत-कठीि , उपयोवजत-सुलि प्रकार )
क. सद्य शालेय अभ्यासक्रमातील मराठीचे स्र्ान

घटक २ मराठी िाषेचे स्िरूप , महत्ि ि सद्यवस्र्ती

अ.मराठी िाषेचे मानिी जीिनातील ि शालेय अभ्यासक्रमातील महत्ि
ब.मराठी िाषेची सद्यवस्र्ती
क.अमराठी िावषक विद्यार्थयाांच्या जीिनात मराठी अध्यापनाचे स्र्ान .

घटक ३ मराठी िाषा अध्यापनाची उकद्दष्टे

अ .महाराष्ट्रातील माध्यवमक ि उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील प्रचवलत अभ्यासक्रमाची
सिथसामान्य उकद्दष्ट्ये
ब . मराठी िाषेची िावषक ि िाङ्मयीन उकद्दष्टे
क . मराठी िाषा अध्यापनाची तत्िे

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मॉड्युल २. मराठी िाषा अध्यापन पद्ती , वशक्षक व्यिसाय िृद्ी ि आधुवनक दृष्टीको न
(२ श्रेयािंक)

घटक ४ िाषा अध्ययन अध्यापनाची तिंत्रे ि साधनािंचा िापर ि महत्ि

अ. गद्य अध्यापन पद्ती - ( व्याख्यान , कर्ाकर्न , नायीकरि) - पायऱ्या ि महत्ि
ब . पद्य अध्यापन पद्ती - ( रसग्रहि ) - पायऱ्या ि महत्ि
क. व्याकरि अध्यापन पद्ती - (कक्रडन पद्ती) - पायऱ्या ि महत्ि

घटक ५ मराठी िाषा वशक्षकाची व्यिसायिृद्ी

अ .मराठी िाषा वशक्षकासमोरील आव्हाने
ब . सातत्यपूिथ व्यिसाय िृद्ीचे गरज ि मागथ
आदशथ मराठी िाषा वशक्षकािंची गुििैवशष्ट्ये

घटक ६ मराठी अध्ययन - अध्यापन विषयक उकद्दष्टे आधुवनक दृष्टीकोि

अ . मराठी िाषेची िावषक ि िाङ्मयीन उकद्दष्टे
ब. गािा घटक ि मूल्यविकसनासाठी अध्यापन
क .जीिनकौशल्य विकसनासाठी अध्यापन

मॉड्युल ३. अिंतगथत मूल्यािंकन ि प्रात्यवक्षके (२ श्रेयािंक)

क्र. तपशील गुि

१ स्िाध्याय/सत्रातील प्रत्येक वििागासाठी स्िाध्याय . २०

कोित्याही दोन कृ ती (२ x१० )
२ प्रत्येक सत्रामध्ये एक िगथ परीक्षा १५
३ प्रत्येक सत्रामध्ये एक वनबिंधिजा परीक्षा ५
एकू ि ४०

कृ ती-
१. माध्यवमक ककिं िा उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील कोित्याही एका मराठी पाठ्यपुस्तकािंचे
वचककत्सक परीक्षि करा.
२.माध्यवमक ककिं िा उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील कोित्याही एका पाठ्यघटकाची वनिड करून
त्या घटकाच्या िगथ अध्यापनासाठीची उकद्दष्टे ि प्रत्येकाची ककमान चार सप्ष्ष्टीकरिें वलहा.
३ .कोित्याही एका िावषक कौशल्यािर आधाररत नैदावनक चाचिी तयार करून
उपचारात्मक कृ ती तयार करा .
४ . माध्यवमक ककिं िा उच्च माध्यवमक स्तरािरील कोित्याही एका मराठी पाठ्यपुस्तकाशी
सिंबिंवधत सिंरचना तयार करा .

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५ .ज्ञानरचनािाद उपगमाचा िापर करून के लेल्या पाठ टाचिाची प्रत्यक्ष कायथिाही करिे .
६ . मराठी िाषा कदनाचे महत्ि सािंगून कायथक्रमाचे आयोजन कसे कराल ते वलहा .
७. मराठी िाषा विकासाशी सिंबिंवधत सिंस्र्ा ि उपक्रमाची मावहती वमळिा . उदा . ( राज्य
मराठी िाषा विकास सिंस्र्ा , विलार: पुस्तकाचे गाि )

सिंदिथ :
 अकोलकर पाटिकर ना. वि ( १९७० ) मराठीचे अध्यापन व्हीनस प्रकाशन
 करिं दीकर सुरेश , मराठीचे अध्यापन फडके प्रकाशन कोल्हापूर (१९८६)
 गिस राजन , मराठी आशययुक्त अध्यापन , पुिे
 कुिं डले .म. बा. ( १९७४) मराठीचे अध्यापन , श्री . विद्या प्रकाशन पुिे
 डािंगे चिंद्रकु मार (१९५३) मातृिाषेचे अध्यापन , वचत्रशाळा प्रकाशन पुिे
 देिधर बा. ब देशपािंडे मराठी कसे वशकिािे ? लेखन , िाचन िािंडार पुि.े
 लीला पाटील ( १९७०) मराठी अध्ययन -अध्यापन व्हीनस प्रकाशन
 पाटील. ना . वि कविता कशी वशकिािी ?लेखन िाचन िािंडार पुिे
 साठे .द. य. मराठीचे अध्यापन , ठाकू र आवि किं पनी , अमरािती
 रािे श . रा . पाटील . मराठीचे अध्ययन ि अध्यापन
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Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100


1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines

2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To understand the meaning and nature of Science.
4. To familiarize the objectives of teaching Science as given by NCF 2005
5. To identify the values of teaching science
6. To develop an understanding of the approaches to teaching Science.
7. To familiarize the concept, needs and ways of infusing Global Perspectives in Science
8. To develop an understanding of the methods of teaching Science.
9. To acquire knowledge about various learning resources and its management in
science education.
10. To develop an understanding of the need and avenues of professional development of
a Science teacher.


Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
Science subject.
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology ( pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Science subject in the present school curriculum

Unit 2: Place of Science in the Curriculum and Life

a) Meaning and Nature (Product & Process) of Science , Science Process skills - Basic
and Integrated
b) Aims and Objectives of teaching science at upper primary, secondary and higher
secondary level (NCF 2005)
c) Values of teaching science in socio-cultural context

Unit 3: Organisation of Science Curriculum

a) Maxims of teaching science (Known to Unknown, Whole to Parts, Simple to
Complex, Particular to General, Empirical to Rational, Concrete to Abstract)
b) Co-relation of Science in the Curriculum: Internal & External
c) i. Infusing Global Perspective in Science Curriculum (Need and Importance),
ii. Curriculum Organization- Concentric and Topical approach


Unit 4: Science Teaching: Methods, Approaches and Tools

a) Methods of Teaching - Lecture cum demonstration method, Project method, Problem

98 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

b) Approach : Inducto-deductive Approach
c) Concept Mapping – Meaning, Steps and Significance, PEOR (i.e. Predict, Explain,
Observe & React)

Unit 5: Learning Resources and Activity

a) Science Text book: Characteristics of good Science textbook
b) Science Club and Science Field Visit – Concept, Organisation and Significance
c) Improvised Apparatus and E- resources (Virtual lab and Simulation)

Unit 6: Science Teacher

a) Science teacher – Need and Avenues of Professional growth
b) Science Laboratory - Planning and Maintenance, Laboratory Method
c) Diagnostic testing and Remedial teaching in Science


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment/ Activity for each module held in the
1 20
semester (2X10)
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Develop and Present Learning Resources in Science
b) Visit any Science institution and prepare a report.
c) Conduct any one science club activity and write a report on it
d) Prepare concept map on any one unit of Science
e) Critical evaluation of a Science textbook. (Std. VI to XII –SSC/CBSE)
f) Report on avenues of continuous professional development of science teacher
g) Conduct an experiment from School Science textbook and submit a report.

 AACTE committee (2008). Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators: Washington:DC, Rutledge / Taylor and Francis
.Chao, Lee (ed.)(2012) . Cloud computing for teaching and learning: Strategies for
design and implementation: Hershey, PA, IGI Global.
 Gupta, S. K. (1983). Teaching of physical science in secondary schools. New Delhi:
Sterling Publications (Pvt.) Limited.
 Janie Gross Stein, Richard Stein (Ed.)(2001)Network of knowledge: Collaborative
innovation in international learning: Toronto Canada, University of Toronto Press
 John Loughran (1996). Developing reflective Practice: Learning about teaching and
Learning through Modelling. London: Falmer Press
 Mary, L.S.(1985). State of the art : Transforming ideas for teaching and learning science.
A guide for elementary education, Washington, DC: United States,Dept. of education.
 Mathew, T.K., & Mollykutty, T. M. (2011). Science education : Theoretical bases of
teaching and pedagogic analysis. Chenganoor: Rainbow Book Publishers.

99 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Rena M.Palloff & Keith Pratt (2009): Assessing online learner: San Fransisco, Jossey –
 Sharma, R. C. (1985). Modern science teaching. New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
 Smith and Anderson (1984). Cited in apples 4 the teacher.com articles, Science
Misconceptions Research and Some Implications for the Teaching of Science to
Elementary School Students.
 Suresh K.P. and Joseph, Celene (2012). Teaching and Testing Science Process
skills.New Delhi: Shipra Publications .
 Thurber, W. A., & Collette, A. T. (1964). Teaching science in today’s secondary school.
New Delhi; Prentice Hall Of India Limited.
 Tony Ghaye (2011). Teaching n and learning through Reflective Practice (2nd Edn.)
Newyork: Routledge
 Trowbridge, L. W. & Bybee, R. W. (1996). Teaching secondary school science.(6thed.).
 Bhandula, Chadha and Sharma: Teaching of Science, Parkash Brothers Educational
Publishers, 1985.
 Bhatia & Bhatk the Principles and Methods of Teaching, Doaha house Booksellers and
Publishers, 1994.
 J.C.Aggarwal: Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching, Vikas Publishing house
Pvt. Ltd., 2000
 Narendra Vaidya: Science teaching in schools for the 21st century. Deep and deep
publications Pvt Ltd.,
 New Trends in Integrated Science Teaching, Vol.1, UNESCO.1969-70.
 Prasad Janardhan, (1999.) Practical aspects in Teaching of Science, Kanishka
Publication, N. Delhi
 R.C Sharma (2003) Modem Science teaching, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.
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Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines.
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum.
3. To understand the importance of Sanskrit language in curriculum and in life.
4. To apply the maxims and principles of Sanskrit teaching.
5. To use various learning resources in Sanskrit teaching.
6. To implement the various methods of teaching Sanskrit in the classroom.
7. To understand the different aspects of language Teaching.
8. To understand the strategies for developing language competencies.
9. To analyze the challenges faced a teacher of Sanskrit.
10. To develop an insight about role and professional development of a Sanskrit teacher


CURRICULUM (2 Credits)

Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines

a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
Sanskrit subject
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology (pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Humanities – Sanskrit subject in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding the Importance of Sanskrit in Life and School Curriculum

a) Importance of Sanskrit in Life as a medium of development
Core elements
b) Objectives of teaching the Sanskrit subject at Secondary (entire and composite) and
Higher Secondary curriculum.
c) Intra and Inter correlation (with other school subjects)

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Sanskrit Language & Methods of Teaching Sanskrit

a) Principles & Maxims of teaching Sanskrit
(Simple to Complex, Concrete to Abstract, Known to Unknown, Particular to
b) Learning Resources: (Importance, uses and Limitations)
i. Visuals-OHP, Koshas, Pictures, Charts
ii. Auditory- Tape Recorder
iii. Multimedia – Computer (Off –Line)
c) Methods of Teaching Sanskrit:
(Concept, Procedure, Advantages, and Limitations of the following methods)
Pathshala, Bhandarkar, Project, Direct Method

101 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

CURRICULUM (2 Credits)

Unit 4: Aspects of Language Teaching: (Objectives of Teaching at Secondary and

Higher Secondary level and Methods)

a) Prose- Storytelling, Dramatization,

b) Poetry- Recitation, Appreciation
c) Grammar- Inductive, Deductive, Direct Instruction Model, Composition- Guided,

Unit 5: Strategies for Developing Language Competencies :( Importance and flaws in

Language competencies)
a) Listening and Speaking- Pronunciation, Phonetic Stress, Intonation, Conversation and
b) Reading and Writing – Types of reading (Loud, Silent, Chorus), - Handwriting Skills,
Spelling, Punctuation
c) Activities for language practice: Assignments, games, competitions.

Unit 6: The Teacher and Textbook

a) Teacher:
i. Qualities
ii. Challenges faced by a Sanskrit teacher
iii. Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development.
b) Textbook –
i. Characteristics
ii. Critical analysis of a text book
c) Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester (2X10) 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Critically analyze a Sanskrit text book of any standard (VIII to XII) with Reference to
intra & Inter correlation.
b) Prepare one learning resource /teaching aid and write its importance.
c) Take any story and develop teaching strategy to teach by storytelling method and
demonstrate it.
d) Visit a school and interview teacher regarding the challenges faced by Sanskrit
teacher and prepare a report.

102 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

सिंदभग पुस्तक:

 डॉ.पेंडके प्रणतभा सुिीर – सोंस्कृत अध्यापन पिती – श्री मोंगेश प्रकाशन,नागपूर.

 फािक माणिक – आशयासह अध्यापन पिती – सोंस्कृत – प्रकाशक ओमप्रकाश
 डॉ. िािि णशिदास,कुिकिी मीना- सोंस्कृत अध्यापन पिती,फडके प्रकाशन,क ल्हापूर.
 ि शी म रे िर त्र्योंबक - सोंस्कृत भाषेचे अध्यापन
 डॉ.पाण्डे य रामशकि – सोंस्कृत णशक्षि,णिन द पुस्तक मोंणदर,आग्रा.
 डॉ.दु नाखे अ.र.- मराठीचे अध्यापन,नूतन प्रकाशन,पुिे.७
 भ सिे कुोंदा - सोंस्कृत अध्यापन,प्रकाशन,बी.के. पिार,नाणशक.
 यशिोंतराि चव्हाि महाराष्ट्र मुि णिद्यापीठ,नाणशक – आशययुि अध्यापन पिती(सोंस्कृत)
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Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. To understand place of different disciplines in the school curriculum
3. To develop an understanding of Urdu language and its teaching.
4. To develop an understanding of Essentials of Teaching Urdu and curriculum
5. To develop an understanding of different types of learning resources
6. To develop an understanding of different methods of teaching Urdu
7. To develop an understanding of current trends in teaching of Urdu language.


(2 Credits)
Unit 1: Basics of Academic Disciplines
a) Meaning of academic disciplines, Relationship between academic disciplines and
b) Classification of academic disciplines: Becher -Biglan typology (pure-hard, pure soft,
applied-hard, applied-soft types) with emphasis on nature of knowledge in each type.
c) Place of Urdu in the present school curriculum.

Unit 2: Understanding the Urdu Language and its Teaching

a) Origin And History of Urdu Language
b) Values of teaching Urdu language(Social, Intellectual, Emotional and
c) Maxims of teaching Urdu Language

Unit 3: Essentials of Teaching Urdu and Curriculum Transaction

a) Principles of Curriculum construction
b) Correlation of Urdu with other school subjects
c) Learning resources: Library, Textbook, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Newspapers and
Magazines and E- resources


Unit 4: Methods and Approaches of Teaching (Meaning, Procedure, Merits and

a) Methods: Discussion, Narration, Inductive- Deductive, Dramatization, Appreciation
and Direct
b) Approaches: Constructive and Question Answer Approach
c) Objectives of teaching Urdu Prose, Poetry, Grammar and Composition

Unit 5: Professional Development of Teachers

a) Challenges faced by a Urdu Teacher
b) Need and Avenues of Continuous Professional Development

104 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

c) Contribution of Institutions like NCERT, SCERT, Balbharti and Maharashtra State
Board of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research

Unit 6: Current trends in Teaching of Urdu Language

a) Clubs (objectives, significance)
b) Innovative trends in teaching of Urdu- Language Games, Language Competitions,
Innovative Lessons-Co-Teaching, Theme based Lessons
c) Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester (2X10) 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Select any one Urdu text book from Std. VI to X and find out the correlation between
the lessons and other school subject.
b) Enumerate various Urdu websites and their utility.

c) Convert any one Prose or poetry lesson from Urdu text books into drama & Prepare
its lessons plan also.
d) Write any 5 innovative language games. Write their process of implementation.


 Tareekh Adab-E-Urdu, Part I & II, Jameel Jalbi, Educational Publishing House,
Delhi, 1992
 Tareekh Adab-E-Urdu, Part I, II & III, Wahaab Ashrafi, Educational Publishing
House, Delhi, 2005
 Urdu Zaban-o-Adab ki Tareekh, NCERT, New Delhi, 2013.
 Jame Urdu Encyclopedia, (Adbiyaat) Part I, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2003.
 Wazaahati Kitabiyaat, Gopi Chand Narang & Muzaffar Hanfi, National Council for
Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi, .
 Rehnuma Kitab for teachers, NCERT, New Delhi, 2012.
 Qawaid-E-Urdu, Maulvi Abdul Haq, Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu (Hind), New Delhi,
 Zaban aur Qawaid , Rashid Hasan Khan, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2001.
 Urdu Qawaid aur Insha, NCERT, New Delhi, 2013.
 Urdu Zaban-o- Qawaid , Part I & II, Shafi Ahmad Siddiqui, Zakir Nagar, New Delhi,
 Bharat ka Aaeen, National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi,

105 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Hindustani Zabanon ki Tadrees (Position Paper), NCERT, New Delhi, 2010. Urdu
Darsiyaat (Urdu Pedagogy), NCERT, New Delhi, 2015.

 Fan-e-Tadrees-e-Urdu (Pedagogy of Urdu), M. Qamar Saleem, New Delhi, 2015

 Urdu Kaise Padhaein, Saleem Abdullah, Educational Publishing House, Aligarh,
 Ham Urdu Kaise Padhaein, Mueenuddin, Maktaba Jamia Limited, New Delhi, 1992.
Urdu Zaban ki Tadrees, Mueen Uddin, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2004.
 Urdu Asnaaf ki Tadrees, Omkar kaul & Masood Siraj, National Council for
Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi, 2003.
 Urdu Zaban ki Tadrees, Mueenuddin, National Council for Promotion of Urdu
Language, New Delhi, 2004.
 Tadrees Zaban-e-Urdu, Sherwani, Calcutta,1989.
 Urdu Zaban ki Tadrees aur uska Tariqa-E-kar, Umar Manzar, Shipra Publications,
New Delhi, 2009.
 Tariqa Tadrees-e-Urdu, Nasreen Khalid Shaikh, Deccan Traders Educational
Publishers, Hyderabad.
 Tariqa Tadrees-E-Urdu, Sayyed Asghar Husain & Sayyed Jaleel Uddin, Deccan
Traders Educational Publishers, Hyderabad.
 Teaching of Urdu, Veena Pani Pandey, Mohit Publications, New Delhi, 2004. (In
 Ghazal aur Ghazal Ki Taleem, Akhtar Ansari, National Council for Promotion of
Urdu Language, New Delhi, 2001.
Click here: First page

106 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1) To understand the concept and types of peace.
2) To gain an understanding of the constitutional values and their importance for social
3) To appreciate the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi and Dalai Lama in Peace
4) To understand the concept and areas of Peace Education.
5) To examine the need for Peace education in present context
6) To develop an understanding into integrating peace education in the curriculum
7) To apply the values, attitudes and skills required for Peace Education.
8) To gain insights into conflict resolution techniques and non-violent activism for peace
9) To understand the qualities and role of teacher for peace education
10) To understand and analyze the role of mass media and other social agencies in Peace
11) To understand challenges to Peace in multicultural society.
12) To examine impact of competition, corporeal punishment on peaceful environment in
13) To understand the struggle for peace in today’s times.


Unit 1: Peace Education: Concept and Nature of Peace Education

a. Peace: Meaning, concept and classification of peace
b. Peace Education: Meaning, nature and aims of peace education
c. Need and relevance of peace education in the present times

Unit 2: Basis of Peace Education

a. Constitutional Values and Peace Education
b. Contribution of Gandhi and Dalai Lama to promoting the values of peace
c. Life skills required for Peace Education (WHO)

Unit 3: Areas of Peace Education

a. Peace Education and Conflict Management: Conflict, types of conflict Managing
conflict techniques, role of education in resolving and reducing conflicts in family,
school and society.
b. Peace Movements and Preservation of ecology.
c. Violence and Non-violent activism: Addressing the challenges of Direct violence (
terrorism, war, destruction of land, assault, industrial waste. Riots) and indirect
violence (discrimination, sexism, racism, poverty, lack of education and health
services) through peace education.

107 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

CURRICULUM (2 Credits)

Unit 4 Transacting of Peace Education

a) Integrating Peace Education in curriculum: subject perspectives, subject context,
methods of teaching, co-curricular activities, classroom management, classroom
b) Educating for culture of peace: developing values like tolerance, patience, duty
consciousness, mutual respect, introspection, objectivity, rational thinking and
leadership skills through unilateral ethics.
c) Introspection, Mediation, persuasion for peace- Cultivating the perspective and skills
necessary for peace;

Unit 5: Preparation for Peace

a) Role and qualities of teacher promoting peace
b) Role of agencies for Peace: family, community, NGOs, World organization like
UNESCO for development of values for peaceful co-existence.
c) Role of Mass Media and social media in Peace Education.

Unit 6: Concerns and Challenges for Peace

a) Life at school: culture of competition; corporal punishment and its consequences
b) Addressing challenges to Peace in Multicultural Society.
c) Struggles for Peace ( Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela )


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Prepare a lesson plan for any one topic in your subject using interactive and
participatory methodology to integrate peace values, develop attitudes and skills for Peace
education. (Compulsory)
b) Role of teachers as peace builders:-Conduct a structured interview of a school teacher to
understand the role of teacher in promoting peace in classroom/school.
c) Observation based survey : Write a report on basis of observation about the school
practices towards conflict resolution and maintaining peace
d) Panel Discussion on values of peace and social justice in 21st century
e) Analyse a text book from your pedagogy and write a report on Text Book as means of
nurturing peace.
f) Create a learning resource to promote peace amongst school students
g) Promotion of peace in the school/community through essays, posters, poems or stories
h) Explore any one historical narrative and write a review on it regarding ways of conflict
resolution and peace development
i) Prepare a Case Study of major conflicts between nation and states in present times.

108 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Theories of Education & Education in emerging Indian Society , B.N.Dash (Dominant
Publishers and Distributers, 1st Edition,2004 ) .
 Education or Peace, Dr.Usha Rao ( Himalya Publishing House ,First Edition ,2012)
 Striving For Peace ,Ram Punyani (Two Enterprises )
 Non-violence and Peace Education , (Volume I ), Dr. Ravindra Kumar , Mrs.Megha
 Pandey, Sanjay (2004).Peace Education. New Delhi: NCERT .
 Fran Schmidt and Alice Friedman. 1988. Peacemaking Skills for Little Kids . Miami ,
Florida USA : Peace Education Foundation.
 Peace and Value Education .Dr. Kiruba Charles & V. Arul Selvi . (Neelkamal
Publications Pvt Ltd , New Delhi , First Edition ,2012 )
 Gultang, J. (1996). Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict , Development and
Civilisation , PRIO: International Peace Research Institute of Oslo and Sage
 The Real World of Technology (available in Hindi) Karve, I. Yuganta. Kesavan, M.
 Education and the Significance of Life Kumar, K. Learning from Conflict. Kumar, K.
 Ways to Peace Norberg - Hodge, H. Ancient Futures. Russell, B.
 Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare. Sheehan, V. Mahatma Gandhi Singh, N.
Loktantra, Sanskriti aur Shiksha (also available in English in Kumar, K. (ed.)
Democracy and Education in India).
 Teresa, Mother. Reaching out in Love UNICEF.
 The State of the World's Children (reports of the last five years). UNESCO.
 Learning the Way of Peace: Teacher's Guide. Websites: Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Museum Peace Education: INEE Site (endorsed by UNESCO)
 Aims of Peace Education by UNICEF page 22-24
 Integrating Peace Education in Teacher Education
 http://philippines.forumzfd.org/sites/default/files/downloads/130807_peace_education
Click here: First page

109 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the characteristics of rural areas.
2. To understand the educational problems of rural areas.
3. To develop empathy towards the rural community.
4. To apply gained information and understanding pertaining to rural areas.
5. To develop an appreciation of the role of education for rural development.
6. To develop an appreciation of the contribution of social reformers for rural education.
7. To create an awareness of various government policies, programmes of rural


Unit 1: Rural Education: Concept of Rural Development

a) Concept of Rural area – Definition, characteristics, needs of tribal community in
b) Concept of tribal area- definition, characteristics. Needs of tribal community in India.
c) Concept of Rural development – Definition, needs and importance, scope of rural

Unit 2 : Education in Rural Areas (Status and Issues & Recommendation)

a) Status& issues of Education in rural areas.
 Early childhood Education in rural area. (Anganwadi, Balwadi)
 Formal education in rural area. (Primary education, Secondary education, Higher
 Non - Formal Education and Adult education.
b) Status& issues related to Tribal Education.
c) Recommendation of Government Pertaining to Education in Rural & Tribal Area.

Unit 3: Gandhian Theory of Rural Development

a) Mahatma Gandhi’s Concept of Gram Swaraj and Rural Development
b) The concept of environmentalism & Gandhi
d. Gandhian approach towards sustainable development with special reference to Hind



Unit 4 Policies of Rural Development

a) Panchayat Raj after 73rd Amendment and its impact on rural development.
b) Khadi and village Industries Commission: Objectives, Functions, Programmes
c) Right to education, Education for all

110 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 5 Government Schemes & Programmes for Rural Development
a) Women empowerment- self help group ( SEWA)
b) Health improvement – Gram swachta abhiyan , National Programme of Midday meal,
National Rural Health Mission
c) Concept & types of Rural Tourism (Eco tourism, Agro Tourism)

Unit 6 Experiments of Rural Development

a) Water Resource: Rajendra Sing (Tarun Bharat Sangh, Jalbiradari -Rajasthan),
Vilasrao Salunkhe( Pani panchayat), Water Movement
b) Health care – SEARCH: Dr. Rani Bang, Hemalkasa, Anandwan - Dr. Amte
c) Educational Development: Pabal , Nai Talim ( Ramesh Panase)


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Explore any one Project of rural development and write a critical review of it.
b) Panel Discussion on Issues pertaining to rural area & rural development.
c) Promotion of Rural Tourism in the school/community through essays, posters, poems or
d) Visit to one educational institution in rural area & write a report about it.

 Iyer R., Moral and Political Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi, Oxford, 1975
 Parekh B., Colonialism, Tradition and Reforms, Sage, Delhi, 1989
 Bandurant J., Conquest of Violence, Berkley University, Cambridge, 1955.
 Seth P. N. Gandhi and Green Theory, Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad, 2001
 Mathur J. S. and Mathur A. S. (Ed.), Economics Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi.
 Ramma Reddy G. (Ed.) Patterns of Panchayati Raj in India, Delhi, 1977
 Narayan I. (Ed.) Panchayati Raj Administration in India, Popular, Mumbai,1985
 Khanna B. S., Panchayati Raj in India, Deep and Deep, Delhi.
 Sharma K. C., Leadership in Panchayati Raj, Printwell, Jaipur1996.
 Mishra S. N., Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Concept, 1981.
 Kaushik S., Women in Panchayati Raj, Har Anand, Delhi, 1993.
 Thakur D. and Singh S. N., District Planning and Panchayati Raj, Deep and Deep,
Delhi, 1993
 Baviskar B.S. and Mathew George (Eds) "Inclusion and Exclusion in Local
 Governance : Field studies from rural India, Sage Publications, New Delhi

 planningcommission.nic.in/sectors/index.php?sectors=rural
 nrhm.gov.in
 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_Child_Development_Services

111 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 w.w.w.icds.gov.in
 hp.gov.in/ssa/page/RMSA.aspx
 www.rssaindia.org.in
 indiasanitationportal.org/1807
 http://www.unesco.org/education/efa/know_sharing/flagship_initiatives/towards_new
 http://wwwunicef.org/india/ile
 www.unicef.org/india/education.html
 www.unevoc.unesco.org/up/India_Country_Paper.pdf
 dspace.iimk.ac.in/bitstream
 www.searchgadchiroli.org
 www.grammangal.org/pdf/trible development.pdf

Click here: First page

112 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the meaning and functions of language.-
2. To develop appreciation for the significance of language across curriculum
3. To develop understanding of language diversity in the Indian context
4. To understand the different theories of language acquisition and language deficit
5. To understand the impact of oral language and questioning on student learning
6. To understand various genre of texts available in different content areas.
7. To develop competencies in fostering reading and writing skills among school
8. To develop appreciation for the critical role of the teacher in transacting language
across curriculum
(2 Credits)
Unit 1: Language and its Function
a) Concept of language
b) Characteristics of Language
c) Functions of Language

Unit 2: Multilingualism and its Implications in the Indian Classroom/Context

a) Multilingualism in the Indian Context
b) Developing socio-linguistics awareness in the Indian classroom
c) Critiquing state policies on language and education

Unit 3: Language Acquisition Theory

a) Environmental Skinners Theory Language Acquisition
b) Biological – Chomsky’s Theory on Language Acquisition
c) The Deficit Theory


(2 Credits)
Unit 4: The Nature of Classroom Discourse, Oral Language in the Classroom
a) Class room discourse, nature and its types
b) Importance of oral language in the classroom
c) Engaging learners in language learning – Importance of Questioning and types of
questioning, Discussion based learning

Unit 5: Reading and Writing across Content Areas

a) Identifying nature of texts and language structures – Expository vs Narrative,
Transactional vs Reflective, Language schema, text structures.
b) Techniques to enhance reading comprehension ( Scanning, Skimming, Columnar
Reading and Key word Reading)
c) To develop different types of writing skills.

113 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 6: Language across Curriculum
a) Language for specific purpose: Education & Training, Research
b) Relationship to content-based instruction
 Language and Mathematics
 Language and History:
 Language and Science
 Language and Geography
c) Language and Medium of instruction


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Rewrite a unit from a prescribed text book in the form of a dialogue appropriate for a
multilingual class in the target language.
b) Construct a glossary of content words in different subjects.
c) Visit a school or NGO that caters to the economically and socially disadvantaged
children and write a 1000 words description of the teacher’s challenges to teach
language to the class and your reflections on the same.
d) Prepare a lesson plan in a school of your choice incorporating the different types of
e) Conduct an interview of minimum three teachers in school to understand how they
promote oral language in their classes and submit a short report.
f) Write a lesson plan using any two strategies of reading comprehension.
g) Take a story/poem and rewrite in the other form.

 Agnihotri,R.K.(1995). Multilingualism as a classroom resource. In K.Heugh A. Segruhn,
& P.Pluddemann (Eds) Multilingual education for South Africa. Heinemann Educational
 Alexander. (2005). Towards Dialogic Teaching:rethinking classroom talk. UK:Dialogues
 Allwright, D.& ABailey, K.M. (1991). Focus on the language classroom. Cambridge:
 Behrens, L, & Rosen, L.J. (1997). Writing and reading across curriculum. U.S:
 Christie,F.(2005) Classroom discourse analysis: a functional perspective.
 Kecht, M. & Karthrina. (2000). Languages across the curriculum: Interdisciplinary
structures and International education. Columbus: National East Asian Language
Resource centre.
 Lall. R. (2016). Language Across the Curriculum. Vinay Rakheja, Pub. Meerut.
 Ranjana Pandey. (2016). Language Across The Curriculum. Bookman, publishers. New

114 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

 Santhose Areekkuzhiyil. (2016). Language across the Curriculum. Neelkamal, pub.
 Wallace. (1998). Study skills in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Click here: First page

115 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


116 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To understand the concept of Diversity as it exists in Contemporary Indian society
2. To understand the inequalities in Indian Society and the marginalization of the weaker
3. To understand the implications for education in coping with Diversity and Inequality
to achieve Universal Education in Indian society
4. To critically understand the constitutional values related to the aims of education in a
5. To be acquainted with contemporary issues and policies and their origin with regard
to Education in Indian society
6. To be acquainted with the relevant education commissions in the context of
Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization


Unit 1.Understanding and Addressing Diversity in Indian society

a) Difference between diversity, stratification and marginalisation in contemporary India
b) Concept and characteristics of diversity: linguistic, regional and religious
c) Challenges and Role of Education : Linguistic diversity, Regional and Religious

Unit 2.Addressing Inequality of Indian society: Nature, Challenges and Role of

a) Stratification of Indian Society with reference to Caste, Class and Gender
b) Concept of Marginalized groups in Indian society: SC/ST/OBC/EBC/NT
c) Role of Education with respect to addressing the needs of stratified and marginalized

Unit 3: Constitutional Values and Stratification, Marginalisation and Diversity

a) Constitutional Values like democracy, socialism and equality for reducing
stratification and marginalisation
b) Education and Fundamental Rights and Duties: Articles 14, 15, 16, 30 and 51A
c) Directive Principles of state policy with regards to stratification and marginalisation


Unit 4 – Policies and Role of Education

a) Nayee Taleem to integrate life, work and education for development
b) RTE Act 2009 and Universalisation of Education
c) RMSA and Recommendations for Secondary Education

Unit 5- Education Commission & Recommendations

a) National Policy of Education – 1986
b) National Curricular Framework, 2005
c) National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, 2009

117 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Unit 6- Emerging Trends
a) Open & Distance Learning –Concept & Characteristics
b) Globalization, Liberalization& Privatization – Concept, characteristics and
c) Role of Mass Media in Education


Sr.No Particulars Marks

Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester
1 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Organizing and Conducting street plays emphasis on role of education and media in
addressing the problem of social exclusion/ inequality
b) Critical analysis of an educational film
c) Report on the Educational Challenges of Deprived /Marginalised group of Children
d) Collaboration with an NGO - Conducting field visits, case studies, and participating in
their projects.
e) Seminar presentation on the impact of emerging trends/policies in Education


Agarwal J.C.( 19991). Theory and [practices of education. Vikas publishing house Pvt
Ltd. New Delhi.

Dash BN (2002). Teacher and education in the emergeing Indian Society. Vol.2.
Neelkamal publication. Hydrabad.

Arora G.L & Pranati Panda.Fifty Years of Teacher Education in India (Post
Independence Developments):NCERT

Chinara B.(1997). Education and Democracy, APH. New Delhi.

John, Zeepa Sara. (2012) Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education.
Chennai: Almighty Book Company,

Mukherji, S. M.(1966). History of education in India, charya book depot, baroda.

Chaube. S.P. (2013). Problems of Indian Education. Shri Vinod Pustak Mandir : Agra

Sngaravelu.G. (2012). Education in the Emerging Indian Society. Neelkamal
Publications Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi

Swaroop Sarena, N.R. & Shikha Chaturvedi. (2012). Teacher in Emerging Indian
Society. Lall Book Depot : Meerut

Qureshi, Muniruddin. (2005). Social aspects of Education. Anmol Publications Pvt.
Ltd.: New Delhi

Public report on basic Education in India: The Probe team in association with centre
for development economics, October 1998

Agarwal. J.C (2008). Education in the emerging Indian Society. Shipra Publications

Anand, C.L. et.al. (1983). Teacher and Education in Emerging in Indian Society,
NCERT, New Delhi.

Sharma R.A. (1993). Teacher Education: Theory, Practice and Research. Meerut :
International Publishing House

118 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Zhijian, L.The multirole of Teacher: Retrived July 10, 2012, fromWuhan university of
science and engineering: http://www.seiofbluemoutain.com

Vision of Teacher Education in India Quality and Regulatory Perspective. Volume 1
August, 2012. Retrieved from
Click here: First page

119 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To help the pupil in understanding the basics of Action Research
2. To help the pupil in understanding the process of Action Research
3. To help the pupil in applying the cycles of Action Research in the teaching-learning
4. To help the pupil in analyzing the importance of validating Action Research at each step.
5. To help the pupil in applying the methods of Action Research to the teaching learning
6. To help the pupil in understanding various data collection tools of Action Research.
7. To help the pupil in developing the skill of constructing appropriate tools while
conducting an Action Research.
8. To help the pupil in comprehending the components of Action Research Plan.
9. To help the pupil in distinguishing between quantitative and qualitative data analysis in
Action Research.
10. To help the pupil in understanding the features of a good Action Research Report.
11. To help the pupil in analyzing the ways of sharing and reflecting Action Research.
12. To help the pupil in developing the spirit of enquiry in the students.


Unit 1: Basics of Action Research

a) Meaning, Principles, Characteristics, Benefits and Limitations of Action Research
b) Difference between Fundamental and Action Research
c) Identification of Problem in Action Research – Locating, Delimiting Problem,
Research questions

Unit 2: Action Research- Types, Approaches and Methods

a) Types of Action Research –Individual teacher action research and Collaborative
action research (Meaning, Rationale, uses and limitations)
b) Approaches of Action Research: Qualitative and Quantitative - Concept and Need
c) Methods of Action Research –Experimental and Case Study- Meaning, Purpose,
Process and limitations

Unit 3: Process of Action Research

a) Action Research Process –Stephen Kemmi’s Action Cycle, Kurt Lewin’s Force Field
b) Validation of Action research -Concept and types : Self, Peer and Learner
c) Ethics in Action Research


REPORT (2 Credits)

Unit 4: Data Collection- Tools and Techniques

a) Tools for Data Collection – (Characteristics, uses and limitations)
1. Questionnaire –Open and Close ended

120 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

2. Artifacts: Documents, Records (Student’s journals, logs, audio, videos)
b) Techniques of Data Collection-
1. Interviews –Structured and Unstructured
2. Observation- Participant and Non-Participant
c) Role of teacher in Action Research, Action Research for Professional development
of teachers

Unit 5: Planning, Conducting and Reporting Action Research

a) Designing the Action Research Plan (research question, need, significance, aims and
objectives, research team, research design, schedule and budget)
b) Analysis of Data: Quantitative- Descriptive Analysis- Percentage, Mean, Correlation
and Graphical representation (uses and limitations)
c) Qualitative (Immersion reflecting, standing back analyzing; synthesizing; relation to
other work; locating reflecting back; returning for more data Presenting disseminating
and sharing).

Unit 6: Reporting Action Research

a) Features of a good quality Action Research Report – Comprehensibility,
Authenticity, Truthfulness and Appropriateness.
b) Sharing and Reflecting - Locally, Action Research Communities, Professional
Conferences and print and e- Journals.
c) Reflection in Action Research


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester (2X10) 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Design an action research plan.
b) Make a scrap book depicting TWO case studies related to professional growth of
teachers while doing action research.
c) Prepare a tool for data collection for an action research project of your relevance.
d) Critically review any action research report for elements of good reporting.

 Crowder, N.A. (1959). Action Research to Improve School Practices. New York:
Columbia University.
 NRC, (2001) National Research Council. Mathematics learning study: Center for
Education, Division of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Education, Adding it up:
Helping children learn mathematics. Edited by J. Kilpatrick et al., Washington, DC:
National Academy Prehttp://www.edel.edu/pbl
 Lavin, R.E.(1995). Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice.(2 nd ed).
Michigan: Allyn & Bacon.
 Sharma R. A. (1993). Teacher education, Theory, Practice and Research. Meerut :
International Publishing house.
 Ebel, R.L. (1969). Outdoor Education. Encyclopeadia of Educational Research (4th ed.).
121 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System
London: The Macmillan Company, pp. 921-924
 Fitchman & Silva (2003). The Reflective Educators’ Guide to Classroom Research.
California: Corwin Press.
 Moody, M. (2010). Teaching Twitter and Beyond: Tip for Incorporating Social Media in
Traditional Courses. Journal of Magazine & New Media Research 11(2): pp. 1-9.
National Commission for Protection of Child Rights . ncpcr.gov.in/
 Pandey,S,K and Sharma, R.S (2008 ). Encyclopaedia of Modern Techniques of Teaching,
New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers.
 A Special Education Research and trends (1986) - Edited by
Richad J. Maris Burton Blatt, USA Pergamon PressA Special Education Research and
trends (1986) - Edited by Richad J. Maris Burton Blatt, USA Pergamon Press
 Agrawal, J.C.&1968) Education Research. New Delhi : Arya Book Depot.
 Best. J.W. (1982). Research in Education. New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd.
 Campbell, W.G.etal (1968). Form & Style in Thesis. Boston : Writing Houston Mifin Co.
 Coery,(1953). Action Research to Improve School Practices. New York : Teachers
College, Columbia University.
 Gattertt, H.E., (1981). Statistics in psychology & Education Vakits Feffer & Simons Ltd.
 Gullford, J.P., (1950), Fundamental Statistics in Psychology & Education. McGraw Hill
Book Company, Good & Scates, Methods of Research
 Fox, D.J., The Research Process in Education.(Holt).
 Kual, Lokesh (1988). Methodology of Educational Research New Delhi : Vikas
Publishing House Pvt.
 Rober, M.W., Travers. An Introduction of Educational Research. New York: The
McMillan Company.
 Sukhla, Mehrotra & Mehrotra (1970) , Elements of Educational Research : Allied.
Publishers Ltd
Click here: First page

122 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System


Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To develop an understanding about the concept of environmental education, its need
and principles.
2. To develop an understanding of the concepts of Environment and Ecology.
3. To develop an understanding about ecological energy dynamics and entropic
4. To generate an awareness about major environmental issues
5. To explore and appreciate environmental values depicted in ancient Religious
6. To develop an understanding of the various approaches of environmental education.
7. To create an awareness about the public efforts and government initiatives protecting
and conserving environment.
8. To develop an understanding about the concept and need for sustainable development.
9. To develop a positive attitude towards protecting and conserving environment.
10. To develop skills of observation, participation and assessment through environmental
11. To understand the status of environmental education in school curriculum
12. To understand the curriculum and methods in environmental education.
13. To acquire knowledge about the different methods of teaching in environmental
14. To acquire knowledge of the tools and techniques for the evaluation of environmental


Unit 1: Concept of Environment, Eco System and Ecology

a) Environment: Meaning, Components (Biotic and Abiotic),
b) Concept of Eco System & Types of Eco System,
c) Concept of Ecology, Ecological Pyramids (Numbers, Mass, Energy), Food Web.
& Ecological Energy Dynamics

Unit 2: Major Environmental Issues: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Remedies

a) Climate Change & Loss of Biodiversity.
b) Bio magnification and Eutrophication
c) Genetic Engineering & Urban Sprawl

Unit 3: Development of Environmental Education

a) Historical Developments: Stockholm conference (1972), Intergovernmental conference
(1977), Kyoto Protocol (2005), Tbilisi + 30 (2007).
b) Environmental Education: Meaning, Objectives, Principles & Significance
c) Approaches of teaching Environmental Education (Multidisciplinary and

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Unit 4: Initiatives for Environment Assessment

a) Environmental Impact Assessment: (Meaning, Steps & Significance)
b) Environmental Management and Protection Need for environmental management –
function and characteristics of environmental management
c) Environmental Audit: (Definition; Features and types of environmental auditing)

Unit 5: Sustainable Environmental Management

a) Sustainable Development: Meaning, Need, Guiding Principles.
b) Sustainable Environmental Practices: Rain water Harvesting, Mangrove Management,
Solid Waste Management (Meaning, Process and Significance of each)
c) Indigenous Technical Knowledge as a sustainable Practice

Unit 6: Environmental Initiatives, Projects and Laws

a) Movements: Tarun Bharat Sangh , Narmada Bachao Andolan,
b) Projects: Tiger Project, Ganga Action Plan,
c) Laws of Conservation & Protectiion: Wild-lifeProtection Act-1972, Environment
Protection Act, 1986 and Noise Pollution Act-2000.


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester (2X10) 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Presenting a case study/statistical study of a city/region from local, national or global
level pertaining to a specific environmental issue.
b) Field visit and a report/ Case study of conservation efforts at individual/ institutional
c) Awareness activity in the community/school regarding various environmental issues
through an exhibition or display.
d) Generating awareness about Environmental Values depicted in ancient religious
philosophies through story telling in the class.
e) Preparation of an Instructional Plan for curricular/co-curricular activity in the
classroom to impart Environmental Education and Practice Lesson.
f) Conducting any one activity at the college level such as vermi-composting, paper
recycling, terrace gardening, etc.
g) Organizing any one co-curricular activity to impart environmental education in school
or college and writing a report.
h) Preparing an Environmental Audit Report for an individual process.
i) Conducting a seminar on any one government initiative for conserving environment/
anyone organization such as Chipko Movement, Narmada Bachao Andolan, Green
Peace, etc. working for environmental conservation.

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j) Conducting an activity based on Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) Practices
and submit a report

 Agarwal, S.P. and Aggarwal, J.C. (1996) Environmental Protection, Education and
Development. New Delhi: New Concepts.
 Board of Education Fountain. (1999). Peace Education UNICEF. NY: UNICEF.
 Bondurant, J. V. (1996). Teaching tolerance: Raising open minded Emphatic
Children. New York: Doubleday.
 Eisler, J. (1994). Comprehensive conflict result program (1993-94). New York: N. Y.
 Joy, P., & Neal, P. (1994). The handbook of environmental education: London, New
Fetter Lane 41
 Kelu, P. (2000). Environmental education: A conceptual analysis. Calicut: Calicut
 Kumar, A. (2009). A text book of environmental science. New Delhi: APH Publishing
 Reddy, P. K., & Reddy, N. D. (2001). Environmental Education. Hyerabad:
Neelkamal publications.
 Sharma, R. A. (2008). Environmental Education. Meerut: R.Lall Books Depot.
 Sharma, B. L., & Maheswari, B. K. (2008). Education for Environmental and Human
value. Meerut: R.Lall Books Depot.
 Sharma, R. G. (1986). Environmental Education. New Delhi : Metropolitan Book Co.,
Pvt. Ltd.,
 Singh,Y. K. (2009). Teaching of environmental science. New Delhi: APH Publishing
 Sharma, V. S. (2005). Environmental education. New Delhi: Anmol publication.
 Stockholm: Christian Council of Sweden.
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Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To develop an understanding of the basic concepts in guidance and counselling.
2. To develop an understanding of the strategies and devices used for guidance.
3. To develop an understanding of the concept and strategies for career guidance and job
4. To develop an understanding of the process, skills and strategies of counselling.
5. To sensitize the students to the psychological issues faced by adolescents and strategies to
help them cope.


Unit 1: Concepts in Guidance

a) Concept (Meaning and Characteristics), Principles, Functions, Need
b) Types of Guidance – Educational, Vocational & Personal
c) Agencies of Guidance – Home, School

Unit 2: Strategies and Devices for Guidance (Uses and Limitations)

a) Strategies for Guidance - Individual and Group
b) Tests for Guidance -Aptitude, Interest & Personality
c) Non-Testing Devices – Case study, Interview & Check list

Unit 3: Career Guidance

a) Sources of Career information and Strategies of disseminating career information
b) Ginsberg’s Theory of Vocational Choice, Factors influencing Vocational Choice
c) Concept and Factors affecting Job Satisfaction


Unit 4 : Concept of Counselling

a) Meaning and Characteristics of counselling
b) Types of counselling – Directive, Non-directive and Eclectic
c) Process of counselling ( Initial Disclosure, In-depth exploration and Commitment to

Unit 5: Counselling and Intervention

a. Skills required for counselling (Rapport Building, Listening, Questioning &
b. Approaches of counselling – Cognitive-Behavioural (Albert Ellis – REBT) &
Humanistic ( Person Centered Counselling - Carl Roger’s)
c. Counselling for Adolescent Issues – Addiction (Substance abuse & technology
induced social networking), Academic Stress.

Unit 6: Role of Counsellor in Contemporary Society

a) Teacher as a counsellor and promoting positive mental health

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b) Professional ethics of a counsellor
c) Functions, qualities & qualifications of counsellor.


Sr.No Particulars Marks

1 Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester (2X10) 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Reflective account of the take away from the course and their application in future
b) Strategies for handling Academic Stress / Bullying / Relationship / Handling puberty
Issues / suicide.
c) Visit and report of a visit to any one place (Employment exchange, Guidance Bureau,
counselling centre)
d) Career Dissemination Session for school or junior college (any two careers)


 Dave, Indu.The Basic Essentials of Counselling Sterling Publisher. New Delhi

 Paul,Lengrand. An Introduction to Lifelong Education 2 CroomHekn-London the
UNESCO Press-Paris. London
 Rao, Narayana. Counselling Guidance Tata Mc GrawHill . New Delhi Vashist,S.R.
Methods of Guidance Anmol Publication. New Delhi
 Singh, Raj. Educational & Vocational Guidance. Commonwealth Publication .New
 Bhatnagar, Asha&Gupta, Nirmala. Guidance & Counselling -Vol. 1 Vikas Publisher
House. New Delhi
 Kaushik,V.K&Sharma,S.R .Fundamentals of Psychology Anmol Publisher .New
Delhi Chandra,Ramesh. Guidance &CounsellingKalpaz Publications. Delhi
 Shrivastava,K.K . Principles of Guidance &CounsellingKanishka Publishers
Distributors. New Delhi
 Panda,N.P. Education & Exceptional Children .Deep & Deep Publisher. New Delhi
Kalia,H.L. Counselling in Schools ICON. New Delhi
 Chauhan,S.S. Principles & Techniques of Guidance . Vikas Publisher. New Delhi
 Gibson,Robert. Introduction to Counselling & Guidance .Prentice - Hall of India.
New Delhi
 Rao,S.N . Guidance &Counselling. Discovery Publications. New Delhi
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Total Credits: 6
Total Marks: 100

1. To discuss basic understanding of key concepts: diversity, disability and inclusion;
2. To gain insight into models of inclusion
3. To understand the diversities of abilities, classification and characteristics of students
4. To describe the national and international framework with reference to disability and
5. To understand the curriculum and assessment adaptations for inclusive classrooms.
6. To describe the role general teachers, resource teachers and NGOs.
7. To identify and implement actions areas to make schools and classrooms more
diversity friendly.


Unit 1: Understanding Inclusion
a. Difference between diversity, disability and inclusion
b. Meaning and Need of Inclusion. (Educational, Social, Economic, Humanitarian,
Democratic and legal perspectives)
c. Models of Inclusion (Charity Model, Functional Model and Human Rights Model).
Unit 2: Nurturing Inclusion
a. Concept of children with special needs and their types
b. Characteristics of disabilities-sensory, neuro-developmental, loco-motor and multiple
c. Catering to Special Needs: Sensory, neuro-developmental, loco-motor and multiple
Unit 3: Policies Promoting Inclusion
a. International Policies and Significance of the policies: Salamanca 1994, UNCRPD,
b. National Policies and Significance of the policies: Constitutional obligations for
education of diverse groups, Rehabilitation Council Act,1992 , National Policy for
Persons with Disability 2006, Right to Education Act, 2009..
c. Educational concessions, facilities and provisions for CWSN.
Unit 4: Curricular Issues
a. Curriculum adaptation/ modifications- Disability wise curricular adaptations /
modifications in Instructions.
b. Strategies for differentiating content in an inclusive classroom.
c. Alternative means for assessment and evaluation in an inclusive classroom.

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Unit 5: Inclusion in Classrooms
a. Barriers and Facilitators of Inclusion: Attitudinal, Social and Infrastructural.
b. Use of ICT in Inclusive classrooms.
c. Individualised Educational Plan: Concept, steps and significance.
Unit 6: Functionaries in Inclusive Settings
a. Profile and Role of teacher: General teacher and Resource teacher.
b. Role of NGO in supporting inclusive school.
c. Pre-support and pre-vocational training programme for children with special needs.


Sr.No Particulars Marks
1 Task/Assignment for each module held in the semester (2X10) 20
2 One periodical class test held in the given semester 15
3 One Essay held in the given semester 05
Total 40

Any two of the following tasks:

a) Case study of a Learner with Special needs
b) Making a Report of Visit to a resource room
c) Interviewing a teacher working in a mainstream school promoting inclusion.
d) Prepare a scrap book showing different ICT technologies to cater to needs of children with
special needs. (Pictures and Information).
e) Seminar presentation on ‘Seven pillars of support for inclusive education: Moving from
“Why?” to “How’ (2007) by Tim Loreman

 Karant, P. & Rozario, J. ((2003). Learning Disabilities in India. Sage Publications.
 Karten, T. J. (2007). More Inclusion Strategies that Work. Corwin Press, Sage
 King-Sears, M. (1994) Curriculum-Based Assessment in Special Edcuation.
California, Singular Publications.
 Lewis, R. B. & Doorlag, D. (1995) Teaching Special Students in the Mainstream. 4th
Ed. New Jersey, Pearson
 Mathew, S. (2004) Education of Children with Hearing Impairment. RCI, New Delhi:
Kanishka Publications.
 McCormick, Sandra.(1999)Instructing Students who Have Literacy Problems. 3rd
Ed. New Jersey, Pearson
 Panda, K. C. (1997). Education of Exceptional Children. New Delhi: Vikas

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 Rangasayee, R.& Gathoo, V. (2007). Towards Inclusive Education of Children with
Hearing Impairment, A Hand Book For Regular School Teachers. AYJNIHH
 Rayner, S. (2007). Managing Special and Inclusive Education, Sage Publications.
 Deshprabhu, Suchitra (2014) Inclusive education in India. New Delhi: Kaniksha
 Jha, M. M. (2002). School without Walls: Inclusive Education for All, Oxford:
Heinemann Education.
 Manivannan, M. (2013) Perspectives on special education. Hyderabad: Neelkamal
 Mohapatra, Damodar. (2006) Impact of family environment on early childhood
education. Hyderabad: Neelkamal Pub.
 Naomi, G Victoria, Optical devices for low vision reading , 2014, Hyderabad,
Neelkamal Publishers.
 Rana, Nishta. (2013) Children with special needs.Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publishers.
 Ranganathan, Snehlata. (2014) Guidelines for children with special educational
needs. New Delhi:Kaniksha Publishers
 Rao, Alla Appa, (2010) Learning Disabilities. Neelkamal Publishers. Hyderabad
 RCI (2013) Status of disability in India 2012. New Delhi:RCI Publishers
 Renuka, P. (2014) Children with Disabilities Hyderabad. Neelkamal Publishers
 Sharma, Yogendra K. (2014) Inclusive education. New Delhi: Kaniksha Publishers
 Umadevi, M R. (2010) Special education. Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publishers
 RTE and disadvantaged children
 Teachers in inclusion
 Universal Design for learning

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Total Credits: 3
Total Marks: 50 (Internal)

1. To infuse in student teachers the penchant for reading and writing
2. To instil and promote the skill of reading and writing
3. To appreciate texts from diverse fields
4. To acquaint the student teachers with comprehension skills
5. To examine the social angle to reading texts
6. To engage readers to interact with the text individually and in groups
7. To develop interpretation skills in reading texts
8. To develop reflective reading and writing skills
9. To generate critical/analytical responses from the readers
10. To maintain reflective journals
11. To develop the skill of reviewing a book
12. To gain insight into interpretive skills


Unit 1 Diversity of Text – Meaning, Significance and Reflection

a) Understanding Diverse Text Forms- Expository, Narrative, Persuasive, Scientific and
b) Diversity of Texts related to Education –Expository, narrative, technical,
documentaries, policies, historical and ethnographies.
c) Socio-cultural Diversity and Texts :
i) Influence of individual diversity (Language, culture, caste, gender) on texts.
ii) Influence of group on understanding texts( Communicative Reader)

Unit 2: Reading for Understanding – Strategies and Steps of Reading

a) Davis’ Nine Component Skills of Comprehension.
b) Reading strategies: Previewing, Infer and Predicting, Skimming, Scanning and
c) Reflecting through stages of Reading: Pre-reading, During Reading and Post Reading.


Unit 3: Reading for Writing

a) Recreating Texts : Rewriting texts from new perspectives
b) Critical Analysis of a text
c) Reflective journal writing

Unit 4: Reading beyond Texts-Making Connections

a) Making connections to the Text: Text to self, Text to text, Text to World.
b) Reading Images and Seeing Texts: Visual to Word and Word to Visual.
c) Reading for Change: Understanding educational documents.

131 | P a g e B . E d Credit Based Choice System

(1 Credit)
a) Choose a textbook of any one standard from your pedagogy. Identify the different
types of text used. Write a report on use of these texts and explain their significance
to education
b) Explore multicultural perspectives of local/classic/ world literature, stories, folk
songs, plays etc. and reflect its influence on individual and social life. Present your
perspective in form of a report or power point presentation

c) Read a passage and analyse the same using Davis’ Nine Component Skills of
Comprehension for understanding the text
d) Apply different reading strategies in the three stages of reading of any text and
prepare a report

e) Read a text of students’ choice and make connection to oneself, to other text and to
the present context.
f) Explore two texts one visual and one verbal. Explore visual to text and text to visual
perspectives and present your perspectives in form of a report.

g) Presentation of a book review of educational significance (Compulsory)

h) Reflective Journal based on readings in the course

Ethnographies –
 Meenakshi Thapan’s ‘Life at school: an ethnographic study’ & ‘Ethnographies of
schooling in contemporary india’ & other research studies
 ‘Teacher Man’ by Frank McCourt & extracts from ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran
 Macaulay’s Minutes
 Extracts from Rousseau’s ‘Emile’, Dewey’s writings, Plato’s Dialogues,
Krishnamurthi, Aurobindo, Tagore, Vivekananda, Gandhi.
 Letter to a Teacher
 Deschooling Society
 Silenced Dialogue
 How I Taught My Grandmother to Read and other Stories Sudha Murthy -
 Tales from the Indian Jungle- Kenneth Anderson- Rupa& Co. 2001
 Tales of the Open Road-Ruskin Bond- Penguin UK- 2006
 Encounters with Animals- Gerald Durrel- Penguin- 2012
 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080
 http://literacyonline.tki.org.nz/Literacy-Online/Teacher
 http://mrsbrogley.com/blog
 https://prezi.com/erhgpaokppsj/copy-of-chapter-5-mentor-texts/

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Collaborative Reader
 http://www.apu.ac.jp/rcaps/uploads/fckeditor/publications/poyglo
 http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-3/reading.htm
 https://sethkorn.wikispaces.com/Communicative+Reading+%26+S torytelling
 (interactive reader)
 http://reflectivepractitioner.pbworks.com/f/Lincoln.pd
 https://www.press.umich.edu/pdf/9780472035052-ch1.pd
 http://www.arvindguptat
 http://www.writingforward.com/creative-writing/creative-writing-reflective-
Reflective Journal Rubric
 http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/twatson/reading_journal_rubric.hthttp://edtech.boisestate.
 Klein, S., & U.W. Stout, Chandler, W., U.W. Whitewater (2006).
Reflection for Preservice and Inservice Art Teachers E-portfolio, from
http://www.uwstout.edu/art/artedportfolios/reflection/index.htm Error!
Hyperlink reference not valid.
 Short, K., Harste, J., & Burke, C. (1996). Creating classrooms for authors and
inquirers.2nd. ed. Portsmouth, NH, Heinemann.
 Pensavalle, M., Tyerman, J., Delgadillo, L., Miyake, J., Soong, A, (2006). AACTE
 Proposal: How Reflection Impacts Instructional Change. AACTE 2006
Proposal, Retrieved Jan. 23, 2007, from
 http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/up_files/AACTE_06_Presentation.pdf
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