Session Horns Pro Manual English PDF
Session Horns Pro Manual English PDF
Session Horns Pro Manual English PDF
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
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Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but
in making this a better product.
Native Instruments GmbH
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Table of Contents
1 Welcome to SESSION HORNS PRO .............................................................................. 7
2 SESSION HORNS PRO Key Features ............................................................................. 9
2.1 External Sequencer Automation .................................................................................................. 10
2.2 About KONTAKT / KONTAKT PLAYER ............................................................................................. 10
3 SESSION HORNS PRO Controls ................................................................................... 11
3.1 Basic Control Types .................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Buttons ...................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Selector Switches ...................................................................................................... 11
3.1.3 Knobs ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.1.4 Faders ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.5 Drop-Down Menus .................................................................................................... 12
3.1.6 Spin Controls ............................................................................................................. 13
4 The Twelve KONTAKT Instruments (.nki Files) ............................................................. 14
5 SESSION HORNS PRO – Performance.nki .................................................................... 16
5.1 Main Window View ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.1 Section Setup ............................................................................................................ 17
5.1.2 Section Preset Drop-Down Menu ................................................................................ 19
5.1.3 Voicing Assistant Drop-Down Menu ........................................................................... 19
5.1.4 Smart Chord .............................................................................................................. 20
5.2 Animator View ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.3 Animator View – Elements .......................................................................................................... 23
5.3.1 Tempo ........................................................................................................................ 23
5.3.2 Swing ........................................................................................................................ 24
5.3.3 Genre Drop-Down Menu ............................................................................................. 24
5.3.4 Song Drop-Down Menu .............................................................................................. 24
5.3.5 Animator Song Editor and Phrase Browser ................................................................ 24
Thomas Koritke
Manual Conventions
This manual uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential
issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information is to be
Whenever this exclamation mark icon appears, you should read the corresponding note
carefully and follow the instructions and hints given there if applicable.
This light bulb icon indicates that a note contains useful extra information. This informa-
tion may often help you to solve a task more efficiently, but does not necessarily apply to
the setup or operating system you are using; however, it's always worth a look.
▪ Text appearing elsewhere (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes, etc.) is
printed in light blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find the same
text appearing somewhere on the screen.
Manual Structure
SESSION HORNS PRO includes three.nki file types with different functionality:
SESSION HORNS PRO – Performance, SESSION HORNS PRO – Key Switch and SES-
SION HORNS PRO – Solo. Two of the three main window views in these three .nki files types
contain exactly the same functions. To help you save time and paper, these are only described
once – in section ↑5, SESSION HORNS PRO – Performance.nki.
So, if you work with the Key Switch or Solo.nki and have questions about the Sound or Control
window views, please read the corresponding manual sections (↑5.6, Sound Window View and
↑5.7, Control Window View) in section ↑5, SESSION HORNS PRO – Performance.nki.
▪ The Animator turns chords into authentic brass phrases while maintaining real-time con-
trol-ability. The Animator always follows the played chord and adjusts the brass phrase to
proper voicing.
▪ A Smart Chord mode lets you play authentic brass chords and voicings with just one or
two fingers.
▪ Dedicated Performance, Key Switch and Solo.nki's for live performance and production
work of any kind.
▪ A variety of creative mix and mastering presets provides a scope of inspiring sound im-
► Simply open the KONTAKT automation window and drag the automation ID to the desired
knob or fader.
For further information on automation assignment please refer to the KONTAKT manual.
To learn how to operate the Instrument Header’s controls, please refer to the documentation of
your KONTAKT or KONTAKT PLAYER software.
3.1.1 Buttons
These can have different shapes (“LED” or square) and are all toggles.
► Either click the round “LED” next to the desired option or the square option button to
select it.
3.1.3 Knobs
► To change a knob value, click on it and drag up to move the knob clockwise, or down to
move it counter-clockwise.
► Knobs can be fine-tuned by holding down your computer keyboard’s [Shift] key as you
move the knob.
► [Ctrl] + Click (Mac: [Cmd] + Click) resets a knob to its default value
3.1.4 Faders
SESSION HORNS PRO has two vertically or horizontally aligned fader types:
▪ The Dynamic fader in the Animator view of the Performance NKI, which lets you set up
what controls the dynamics of Animator phrases; the velocity with which you hit the keys
and/or the dynamics preprogrammed in the respective Animator phrase.
▪ The Threshold fader in the Articulation view of the Performance NKI, which lets you set
up a velocity threshold point at which articulation changes between the two available op-
▪ The individual instrument volume faders in the Sound views of all SES-
SION HORNS PRO .nki files, used to set up individual instrument volumes in an assem-
bled brass section.
► Click the respective fader handle and drag up or down, left or right.
► To select one of the entries, move the mouse to the corresponding entry so that it gets
highlighted, then release the mouse button. The Instrument takes whatever action you’ve
requested, then closes the menu.
► Click the Main button at the bottom to bring up the Main window view.
Using the functions in the Main window view you can:
▪ Select individual instruments and instrument combinations to assemble the horns section
you want. The maximum number of instruments in one instance of the Performance.nki is
six: two individual instruments and two combinations of two instruments. If you need
more, simply open another Performance.nki and use it together with the first. Several
Section presets are available in the Section Preset drop-down menu, located in the top
left corner of the window.
▪ Determine a second articulation that is used via velocity switching; i.e. when you press
the keys harder. This is done in the ARTICULATION window view that appears when you
deactivate the ANIMATOR and is not available for Animator playback, which already in-
cludes the use of articulations in its song presets.
▪ Use the Voicing Assistant to control how the individual voices are distributed among the
instruments in the horns section that you have assembled.
▪ Set up and use the unique ANIMATOR to play back pre-programmed yet flexible phrases
or just use the pre-programmed rhythm of the phrase for your own chords.
If the instrument slots do already contain instruments, which will probably be the case, we
recommend that you first click each slot and remove the instrument(s) it contains by se-
lecting the No Instrument item. This is useful as it is not possible to select an instrument
that has already been selected in another slot (as a single instrument or part of a combi). If
you use several instances of the same SESSION HORNS PRO.nki file, you can of course
select the same instrument several times – once in each instance.
Which single or combi instruments are available for a slot depends on their pitch range. In-
struments with a lower pitch can be select in slot A, instruments with the highest pitches
can be used in slot D.
► Open the Section Setup menu by clicking on the downward pointing arrow and select one
of the available section presets. Your choice will be reflected by the instrument images
on screen.
The Link Preset to Song option is described in section Animator Elements.
Each note you play triggers all instruments currently selected in Section Setup.
If you use a sustain pedal, you will always get a consistent section sound, no matter how
many keys you press, as SESSION HORNS PRO provides dedicated legato transition sam-
ples for legato play.
Legato is an Italian word and means tied together. SESION HORNS PRO provides dedicated
legato transition samples for legato play. Use this mode to generate a monophonic legato melo-
dy. To make it legato, overlay the currently sounding note with the next. Each note you play
triggers all instruments currently selected in Section Setup.
Chord + Legato
Use this mode to simultaneously play chords and a monophonic legato melody. To generate a
legato melody, you must overlay within an octave the currently sounding note with the next.
Each note you play triggers all instruments currently selected in Section Setup. Example: If
you play a chord triad with a full Section selected in Section Setup, each note in the chord is
played by all instruments. This mode does not affect the selected Velocity Switch articulation.
Select this to activate the Animator and use the available Animator phrases, see Animator be-
► To activate the Smart Chord function, click the small round button next to the text Smart
Now you can set up the Smart Chord function:
► Open the Smart Chord setup dialog by clicking the small cog wheel icon. Then select a
root note and chord map from the two drop-down menus to the left in the Smart Chord
The chords defined by root note and chord map will automatically be assigned to the (“white”)
keys on your controller keyboard, starting with the C key.
If you select “F” as root note and “major” as gender, pressing the C key on your keyboard will
therefore create an F major chord.
Now you can play the resulting chords by pressing the respective key on your external keyboard
controller. If you don't additionally press a modifier key, the degrees of the selected scale are
used. These already include chord inversions.
By additionally pressing a modifier key—the “black” keys—you can further modify the result-
ing chords. These chord voicings have been created by a professional brass arranger.
Additionally pressing this key Can have this result (depending on the nature of the chord used)
C# (Warm) Mostly adds 7/9 notes to the chord.
D# (Colour) Option notes 9/11/13 are added.
F# (Crunch) Altered scale notes are used as option notes.
G# (Cinematic) Uses open quartal harmony.
Bb (Tension) Creates altered scale notes such as #9, b13, b9.
If you use Smart Chord in conjunction with the Animator (see below), it may sometimes
happen that pressing a modifier key yields no or only a slight change. This depends on the
harmonic structure of the Animator phrase that you want to modify.
If you use Smart Chords without the Animator, the resulting chords do not use the root note
as bass note in order to create more brass-like chords. You can use a solo instrument (e.g.
Tuba, Bass Trombone or other) to create the root note separately, if you wish.
The Animator view is located at the lower end of the Main window view. It appears when you
activate the Animator as described in the next paragraph. The Animator is an adaptable MIDI
horns phrase player. It offers a selection of authentic horns phrases for different musical styles
(genres). The phrases are grouped by genre, song and phrase. Each genre folder holds several
songs. Each song contains six phrases. Each phrase comes with a harmonic progression which
you can shape by playing your own chords. You can also disable the harmonic progression in
the phrases altogether and just use their rhythm.
► To activate the Animator, click the “LED” next to the word Animator on the left side, so
that it lights up. This brings up the Animator view in the lower part of the window. As an
alternative, you can also select the Animator item on the Voicing Assistant drop-down
► Press a key or a chord on your controller keyboard. The currently selected phrase will play
back for as long as you hold down the key or chord. The progress bar below the Phrase
spin controls informs you about the current playback position within the phrase.
If you use a sustain pedal, you can hold Animator playback without having to keep the keys
► You can switch to another phrase in the song by clicking its phrase selector key, one of
the spin controls (two horizontally aligned dark arrows) or any of the “white” keys in the
C-1 octave of your external controller keyboard.
Read the following paragraphs to find out what you can do with the individual controls in the
Animator section.
5.3.1 Tempo
This selector switch to the left in the Animator lets you select a phrase playback speed. No
matter which speed you select here, it has no impact on the phrase pitch.
► Select ½ to play back the phrase with half of the original tempo.
► Select 1:1 to play back the phrase with the tempo currently set in your host application
or in KONTAKT.
5.3.2 Swing
The SWING knob is located to the right of the TEMPO selector switch.
► If you wish, use this knob to apply a swing factor to the Animator phrases. Experiment to
find a fitting swing setting for the type of music you are creating.
► Open the drop-down menu and select one of the songs by clicking its name.
► To open the Song Editor and Phrase Browser in the central part of the window, click the
wrench tool icon, located to the right of the Song drop-down.
Clicking the wrench tool opens the Animator Song Editor and Phrase Browser
► Click genre folders to display the song folders they contain in the middle column.
► Click the desired song folder icon in the middle column to display all phrases available
here in the right column.
► To assign a phrase to any of the “white” keys in the C-1 octave, select the desired key by
clicking on it in the vertically aligned octave to the left in the Song Editor. The selected
key is highlighted. Now double click the phrase that you want to assign to the selected
► To change the starting point of a phrase in sixteenth note steps, move the mouse pointer
over the currently set numerical value. Small vertical spin controls get visible. You can
now either click these to change the starting point or hold down the mouse button and
drag upwards or downwards.
Changing the starting point of a phrase will not change its length.
► To change the length of a phrase in sixteenth note steps move the mouse cursor over the
currently set value and use the spin controls or click and drag as described above.
Sixth Note
The Sixth Minor and Major selector switches in the Song Editor are used to determine how
sixth notes are used in a phrase:
▪ If an Animator phrase includes a sixth note and you play it using a normal minor chord,
you can convert the normal minor sixth to a major (dorian) sixth by activating the Major
button. This can e.g. be useful in R&B or Jazz music which, instead of using the natural
minor scale, often in fact introduces a dorian mode by playing minor with a major sixth.
▪ If you use the Animator phrase playing a major chord, you can activate the Minor button
to turn the major into a minor sixth note. The resulting scale—harmonic major—is less
commonly used.
► Click the Minor or Major button to activate the desired function. The selected button is
highlighted in light grey. The buttons also work like a selector switch. If one button has
already been selected, clicking the other will deactivate the previously active button.
If the Animator phrase does not use a sixth note, activating the Minor or Major button will
have no effect.
► Drag the Dynamic fader handle up or down to determine how these two factors influence
the phrase dynamics.
► Press any of the phrase selector keys C-1 to A-1 on your controller keyboard or the KON-
TAKT on-screen keyboard, where they are shown in pink.
► Click any of the “white” keys in the Phrase selector of the Animator.
► Click to select the desired voicing. As an alternative, use the Modulation wheel on your
external MIDI controller to achieve the same.
► If you activate the One Shot button and just briefly press the desired chord, the full
phrase will be played back once. You can still change harmony during phrase playback by
changing chords on your keyboard.
► If you activate the Rhythm only button, only the rhythm and the articulation of the re-
spective phrase will be used to play back the chords you press.
► If you turn this knob down fully, all instruments in the horns section will have the exact
same timing and velocity as well as perfect tuning.
► The further you turn this knob up, the more timing, tuning and velocity offsets will be-
come clearly audible between the individual instruments in the section, just like real horn
players would sound.
▪ Each Animator song contains tailored Section, Sound Mix and FX presets. If you activate
the Link Preset button, these presets are automatically used and when you select another
song, the preset Section, Sound Mix and FX settings of that song will automatically be
Articulation view
Using the controls in the Articulation view, you can set up the Performance.nki to switch be-
tween two selected articulations when velocity exceeds or falls below a definable velocity val-
Velocity switching is not available when you use the Animator, as Animator phrases do al-
ready contain articulation switch programming.
► To set up velocity switching, you select the desired articulation types in the MAIN and
VELOCITY SWITCH drop-down menus and define a THRESHOLD value. If you play with a
velocity lower than the set Threshold, the Main articulation is used. Playing with a veloci-
ty higher than the set THRESHOLD lets you use the VELOCITY SWITCH articulation.
► Open the Main drop-down menu and select one of the available items.
► Drag the fader handle left or right to set up the velocity value at which the articulation
should change. The currently selected velocity switch value is shown in the numerical
display below the fader.
► Open the VELOCITY SWITCH drop-down menu and select one of the available items.
The following articulation types are available:
Articulation Explanation
Rips A glide at the beginning of a sustained note. Woodwind and brass variation of
a Glissando (Italian: glide).
Grace A continuous change between the (very briefly-sounding) grace note and the
longer lasting main note. Distance between the two notes: one whole tone.
Grace Vibrato Same as above, but here the longer lasting main note has a vibrato.
FoPiCre 2Beat Short for Forte-Piano-Crescendo (Italian: loud/quiet/growing). This articulation
starts with a loud attack, gets quiet very quickly, then increases volume and
finally ends abruptly. The dynamic process is based on a tempo of 120 bpm
(beats per minute) and has a length of two beats.
If you activate Time Stretching in the Control view, the dynamic process will
be stretched so that it always matches the tempo you have set in your host se-
quencer or in the KONTAKT Master Editor.
FoPiCre 4Beat Same as above, but the dynamic process has a length of four beats.
Growl Guttural, gritty timbre
Growl Vibrato Same as above, but followed by a vibrato using the same technique.
Marcato Long (Italian: marked) Accentuated note or chord with a sharp attack followed by
the decaying sound.
Marcato Medium Same as above, but shorter.
Articulation Explanation
Staccato Italian: separated.
Staccato is an articulation technique characterized by an accented start of
each pitch and a short, truncated end resulting in detached and briefly played
Staccatissimo Same as above, but extremely truncated.
Sax Trill Semi Rapid alteration between two adjacent notes; in this case the notes are a sem-
itone apart. For saxophone only.
Sax Trill Whole Same as above, but here the two notes are a whole note apart.
Brass Shake Sounds like a coarse trill. Note: For physical reasons, a saxophone can't create
a shake.
► If you turn this knob down fully, all instruments in the horns section will have the exact
same timing and velocity as well as perfect tuning.
► The further you turn this knob up, the more timing, tuning and velocity offsets will be-
come clearly audible between the individual instruments in the section, just like real horn
players would sound.
► Click the Sound button at the bottom of the window to bring up the Sound window view.
This window view displays the same instrument slots as in the Main window view and addition-
ally adds individual mixer channel strips (including a level fader, a panning knob, a solo and a
mute button) for each instrument. Slots containing a combination of two instruments (combi)
have individual mixer channel strips for each instrument. A Drop button in each mixer channel
strip lets you individually transpose each instrument downwards by one octave.
The effects section below the instruments is used to set up individual compressor and equaliz-
er settings for each instrument in your assembled horns section. You can also set up the indi-
vidual instrument's send levels to the global effects reverb and delay.
A Global Send FX section helps you set up the available delay and reverb parameters.
Finally, there's a Global Master FX section where you can control the parameters of a master
effect chain, consisting of compressor, equalizer, tape saturation, twang and a low pass filter.
► Position the mouse pointer over the fader handle and drag it up or down.
► To mute an instrument, click its M button so that it gets highlighted. To unmute it, click
the M button again. In the Main and Control views, muted instrument slots display this
► To solo an instrument, click its S button. Unless you have done the same for other indi-
vidual horns, all other instruments will be muted. To deactivate solo for an instrument,
click its S button again.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
► To activate downward transposition for an instrument, click the Drop button so that it
gets highlighted.
► Click the desired instrument in one of the instrument slots so that it gets selected. Its
name will now be displayed in the top left button of the effects section.
► You need to click this button to display the individual instrument effects, should the ef-
fects section currently show the Global Send FX or Global Master FX.
Remember that you can make separate settings for each instrument in your selected horns
► Click the Comp button (not the “LED”) so that it gets highlighted in light grey. Now all
compressor controls get visible in the centre of the effects section.
Compressor controls
Threshold Knob
This knob lets you set the level at which compression starts. Signals below the set Threshold
pass unaffected. Signals above Threshold level are compressed. You can select a value be-
tween -20dB and +20dB. The current value gets visible when you set up the Threshold or
when you click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Ratio Knob
The Ratio knob is used to control the amount of gain reduction applied to the signal above
Threshold level. The Ratio can be set between 1:1.5 and 1:10. The current value gets visible
when you set up the Ratio or when you click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Attack Knob
Use this knob to set up the time it takes for the compressor to react when the signal rises
above the set Threshold level. A number of fixed Attack times between 0.1ms and 30ms can
be used. The current value gets visible when you set up the Attack time or when you click the
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Release Knob
Using the Release knob, you determine the time it takes for the compressor to let the signal
through unaffected after signal level has dropped below the set Threshold value. You can set
up Release times between 100ms and 1600ms. When you turn the knob up fully, Release
time is handled automatically. The current value gets visible when you set up the Release time
or when you click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Mix Knob
Using this knob, you can control the balance between the original (uncompressed) and com-
pressed signal in the output signal. The current value gets visible when you use or click the
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
5.6.7 EQ Controls
Proceed as follows to bring up the EQ controls:
► Click the Eq button (not the “LED”) so that it gets highlighted in light grey. Now all EQ
controls are visible in the centre of the effects section.
An Equalizer (short: EQ) is used to alter the frequency response of an audio signal. The EQ used in SESSION HORNS PRO
has controls to filter four partly overlapping frequency ranges; low. mid1, mid2 and high. Depending on the filter type used,
filtering is done by first selecting the corner or center frequency of the frequency range to be edited and then adjusting its
gain and thereby level up or down. You can switch the filter type used for the high and/or low frequency ranges between
shelving filter and bell filter.
Remember that you can make separate settings for each instrument in your selected horns
The following table lists up the frequency and gain ranges of all four filters in the EQ:
Name Gain Range Name Frequency Range Filter Type
Low Gain -20dB - +20dB (Low) Freq(uencies) 40Hz - 600Hz Shelving, Bell
Mid1 Gain -20dB - +20dB (Lower Mid) Freq(uencies) 200Hz - 2.5 kHz Bell
MID2 Gain -20dB - +20dB (Upper Mid) Freq(uencies) 600Hz - 7kHz Bell
High Gain -20dB - +20dB (High) Freq(uencies) 1.5kHz - 22kHz Shelving, Bell
► Position the mouse pointer over a Freq knob and drag up or down to select the filter's
corner or center frequency. The current value gets visible during editing and when you
click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over a Gain knob and drag up or down to boost or reduce gain.
The current value gets visible during editing and when you click the knob.
► To change the filter type used for the high and/or low frequency range from shelving to
bell filter, click the small "bell" button next to the respective Freq knob so that it lights
up. If you want to go back to the shelving filter, click the "bell" button again.
If you want to use these effect sends, make sure that Delay and/or Reverb are switched on
in the Global Send FX section.
Use the Rev Send and Del Send knobs to define the level of the instrument signal that is sent
to the built-in global effects Reverb and Delay.
► To set the Send level for the selected instrument, position the mouse pointer over the de-
sired Send knob and drag up or down.
Remember that you can make separate settings for each instrument in your selected horns sec-
The available Delay and Reverb master parameters are described below in the Global Send Ef-
fects section.
The controls available in this effects section view are used to set up the master parameters for
each of the two master effects Delay and Reverb. The signals that you send from the individual
instruments via their Reverb and Delay Send knobs is processed according to the settings you
make in this view and then returned to the output stage.
5.6.10 Delay
This effect is used to create single or multiple echoes of the input signal.
► To activate Delay, click the “LED” button in the top left corner so that it lights up.
► To edit the Time parameter, position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or
► To activate Sync, click the Sync button so that it gets highlighted. If you click again,
Sync will be deactivated.
Feedback Knob
Use this knob to set up the number of echo repeats.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Damp Knob
Using this function has two effects:
▪ The high frequencies in the original signal are gradually degraded in each repeated echo.
▪ The number of echo repeats decreases.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
5.6.11 Reverb
SESSION HORNS PRO includes a high-end convolution reverb that lets you place the horns
section in a variety of different rooms and ambiences. You can choose from a great number of
► To activate Reverb, click the “LED” button to the left of the word REVERB so that it
lights up.
► Click on the name of the currently selected reverb preset to open the menu where you
can select another preset.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
This section contains with five master effects arranged as a signal chain, where the second ef-
fect receives its signal from the first, the third receives it from the second and so on. In con-
trast to the effects that you select for an individual instrument, the Global Master effects proc-
ess the signal of all instruments and they do that directly before the audio output stage.
Keep in mind that one of these master effects (Twang) has level controls on its inputs and
outputs and another (Tape) has an output knob. As the Global Master FX chain is posi-
tioned directly before the final audio signal outputs, fully turning down one of these level
controlling knobs will prevent that your audio signal reaches the audio outputs. If you use
Tape and/or Twang, make sure that the level and output knobs are not fully turned down!
When you deactivate Tape or Twang, the signal will bypass these controls.
► To select a master effect, so that its controls get visible in the Effects section, click its
rectangular button.
► To activate a master effect, click its “LED” button so that it lights up.
Activating a master effect does not display its controls; you need to click both buttons to
activate and edit its settings. It is an advantage of this design that you can quickly activate
or deactivate effects without losing sight of another effect's controls.
Threshold Knob
This knob lets you set the level at which compression starts. Signals below the set Threshold
pass unaffected. Signals above Threshold level are compressed. You can select a value be-
tween -20dB and +20dB. The current value gets visible when you set up the Threshold or
when you click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Ratio Knob
The Ratio knob is used to control the amount of gain reduction applied to the signal above
Threshold level. The Ratio can be set between 1:1.5 and 1:10. The current value gets visible
when you set up the Ratio or when you click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Attack Knob
Use this knob to set up the time it takes for the compressor to react when the signal rises
above the set Threshold level. A number of fixed Attack times between 0.1ms and 30ms can
be used. The current value gets visible when you set up the Attack time or when you click the
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Release Knob
Using the Release knob, you determine the time it takes for the compressor to let the signal
through unaffected after signal level has dropped below the set Threshold value. You can set
up Release times between 100ms and 1600ms. When you turn the knob up fully, Release
time is handled automatically. The current value gets visible when you set up the Release time
or when you click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Mix Knob
Using this knob, you can control the balance between the original (uncompressed) and com-
pressed signal in the output signal. The current value gets visible when you use or click the
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
► Position the mouse pointer over a Freq knob and drag up or down to select the filter's
corner or center frequency. The current value gets visible during editing and when you
click the knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over a Gain knob and drag up or down to boost or reduce gain.
The current value gets visible during editing and when you click the knob.
► To change the filter type used for the high and/or low frequency range from shelving to
bell filter, click the small “bell” button next to the respective Freq knob so that it lights
up. If you want to go back to the shelving filter, click the “bell” button again.
Gain Knob
This parameter lets you add gain to the signal and thus creates distortion. It has a value range
of 0dB to +48dB and should therefore be used with care, unless you want real distortion.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Warmth Knob
The knob does what its name implies; it adds warmth to the sound and slightly fattens the
bass frequencies. It can be set to values between -3db and +3dB.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
HF Roll-Off Knob
The HF Roll-Off knob controls a filter and you can use it to gradually dampen the high fre-
quency range starting from the cutoff frequency that you select using this knob.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Output Knob
This knob is of course used to control the level of the output signal.
Keep in mind that turning this knob fully down prevents that the signal reaches the output
stage. In other words: you will hear nothing.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
5.6.16 Twang
This effect works similar to a guitar amplifier. Distortion will occur when you crank up its Vol-
ume knob. Using Volume and Output more subtly will give the signal more punch and room.
The Bass, Mid and Treble filters can help to give the instrument its distinctive space within a
mix. Experiment!
Volume Knob
This knob is used to control the level of the signal that comes in from the previous effect in the
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Keep in mind that turning this knob fully down will prevent that the signal reaches the output
stage. In other words: you will hear nothing.
► Position the mouse pointer over the respective knob and drag up or down.
Output Knob
This knob is used to control the level of the signal that goes out to the next effect in the chain.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Keep in mind that turning this knob fully down will prevent that the signal reaches the output
stage. In other words: you will hear nothing.
5.6.17 LP2
This is a low-pass filter with a static slope and a resonance control that you can use for crea-
tive sound processing.
Cutoff Knob
The LP2 filter has a frequency range from 21.8 kHz to 43.6 Hz. You can e.g. use it to create
filter sweeps. Fully turning up the cutoff frequency knob will let the signal pass unaffected.
Gradually turning it down will increasingly attenuate the frequencies above the set corner fre-
Except when using instruments that can produce very low frequencies, such as Tuba, Bass
Trombone etc., fully turning down Cutoff may give you the impression that something is
wrong as you hear nothing, while it is in fact the instrument that doesn't produce sounds
below the set cutoff frequency.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
Resonance Knob
Using this knob induces a feedback at the current cutoff frequency which creates a response
peak. You can e.g. create a nice expressive Wah-Wah by first setting up Resonance and then
turning the Cutoff knob up and down.
► Position the mouse pointer over the knob and drag up or down.
The Control window view appears below the instrument slots when you click the Control button
at the bottom of the window. Here you can select and set up a number of parameters that you
can control using external MIDI controllers or by the way you play. In addition, you can activate
or deactivate a few important sample management functions.
If you select this option, you control the dynamics by playing the keys on your controller key-
board harder or softer (i.e. with more or less velocity).
The Expression controller type can only be used if your keyboard supports it.
► Click one of the two “LED” buttons to select the desired option.
Soft Velocity This setting is useful for “heavy” master keyboards as they respond more easily to your
Linear velocity The input velocity values are passed on unprocessed.
Hard Velocity This is useful if you happen to use a “light” master keyboard (which outputs higher ve-
locity values even when you play rather softly) as this transforms higher input velocities
to relatively low ones.
This menu is only available when select Velocity for dynamic control.
As the name implies, the Pitch Wheel will behave normally when you selected this option. That
means, you can use it to continuously bend the pitch of the sound by +/- two semitones.
Doits/Falls on Note
Select this option to use the Pitch Wheel for controlling Doits and Falls on Note start. Doits
and Falls are typical brass articulations.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel fully up and play a chord or note which ends with quick Doits.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel fully down and play a chord or note which ends with quick Falls.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel half down to get the slower Falls.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel down just a bit to get the slowest Falls.
Doits/Falls on release
Select this option to use the Pitch Wheel for controlling Doits and Falls on key release. This
lets you play a chord for as long as you want and end it with Doits or Falls as soon as you let go
of the keys on your controller keyboard.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel fully up and play a chord or note which ends with quick Doits when
you release the keys.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel up just a bit to get slower Doits when you release the keys.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel fully down and play a chord or note which ends with quick Falls
when you release the keys.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel half down and play a chord or note which ends with slower Falls
when you release the keys.
► Turn the Pitch Wheel down just a bit to get the slowest Falls.
With this option selected, you can also use the Pitch Wheel after Note On.
5.7.3 Samples
The three functions available in this section help you create an even more realistic horns sec-
tion sound. As this may also increase your computer's workload, these functions are optional.
► Click the respective "LED" button to activate the desired function. To deactivate it, click
Release Samples
If you activate this function, special release samples, which reflect natural instrument release
behavior, are applied at the end of played notes.
Round Robin
If you activate this function, various slightly different samples (instead of one) become availa-
ble for each note of each instrument you play. These samples are used randomly which creates
a much more lively and realistic acoustic picture.
Time Stretching
The two articulations FoPiCre 2Beat and FoPiCre 4Beat each have a defined length: 2 beats or
4 beats and the dynamic process has a length that is based on a tempo of 120 bpm (beats per
minute). If you activate the Time Stretching option, the dynamic process will be stretched so
that it always matches the tempo you have set in your host sequencer or in the KONTAKT Mas-
ter Editor.
► Click the Main button at the bottom to bring up the Main window view.
Using the functions in the Main window view you can:
▪ Select individual instruments and instrument combinations to assemble the horns section
you want. The maximum number of instruments in one instance of the Key Switch.nki is
six - two individual instruments and two combinations of two instruments. If you need
more, simply open another Key Switch.nki and use it together with the first. Several Sec-
tion presets are available in the Section Preset drop-down menu, located in the top left
corner of the window.
▪ Select up to nine from sixteen available articulation types and thereby automatically as-
sign them to buttons on the screen and keys in the C-1 octave of your external keyboard.
Once you have done this, you can quickly change between the articulations by clicking a
button or pressing a key on your keyboard.
▪ Use the Voicing Assistant to control how the individual voices are distributed among the
instruments in the horns section that you have assembled.
If the instrument slots do already contain instruments, which will probably be the case, we
recommend that you first click each slot and remove the instrument(s) it contains by se-
lecting the No Instrument item. This is useful as it is not possible to select an instrument
that has already been selected in another slot (as a single instrument or part of a combi). If
you use several instances of the same SESSION HORNS PRO.nki file, you can of course
select the same instrument several times – once in each instance.
Which single or combi instruments are available for a slot depends on their pitch range. In-
struments with a lower pitch can be select in slot A, instruments with the highest pitches
can be used in slot D.
► Open the Section Setup menu by clicking on the downward pointing arrow and select one
of the available section presets. Your choice will be reflected by the instrument images
on screen.
Each note you play triggers all instruments currently selected in Section Setup.
Tip: If you use a sustain pedal, you will always get a consistent section sound, no matter
how many keys you press, as SESSION HORNS PRO provides dedicated legato transition
samples for legato play.
Legato is an Italian word and means tied together. SESSION HORNS PRO provides dedicated le-
gato transition samples for legato play. Use this mode to generate a monophonic legato melo-
dy. To make it legato, overlay the currently sounding note with the next. Each note you play
triggers all instruments currently selected in Section Setup.
Chord + Legato
Use this mode to simultaneously play chords and a monophonic legato melody. To generate a
legato melody, you must overlay within an octave the currently sounding note with the next.
Each note you play triggers all instruments currently selected in Section Setup. Example: If
you play a chord triad with a full Section selected in Section Setup, each note in the chord is
played by all instruments. This mode does not affect the selected Velocity Switch articulation.
► To activate the Smart Chord function, click the small round button next to the text Smart
Now you can set up the Smart Chord function:
► Open the Smart Chord setup dialog by clicking the small cog wheel icon. Then select a
root note and chord map from the two drop-down menus to the left in the Smart Chord
▪ The chords defined by root note and chord map will automatically be assigned to the
(“white”) keys on your controller keyboard, starting with the C key.
If you select “F” as root note and “major” as gender, pressing the C key on your keyboard will
therefore create an F major chord.
Now you can play the resulting chords by pressing the respective key on your external keyboard
controller. If you don't additionally press a modifier key, the degrees of the selected scale are
used. These already include chord inversions.
By additionally pressing a modifier key—the "black" keys—you can further modify the resulting
chords. These chord voicings have been created by a professional brass arranger.
Additionally pressing this key... ...can have this result (depending on the nature of the chord used)
C# (Warm) Mostly adds 7/9 notes to the chord.
D# (Colour) Option notes 9/11/13 are added.
F# (Crunch) Altered scale notes are used as option notes.
G# (Cinematic) Uses open quartal harmony.
Bb (Tension) Creates altered scale notes such as #9, b13, b9.
In order to create more brass-like chords, the root note is not used as bass note. You can use a
solo instrument (e.g. Tuba, Bass Trombone or other) to create the root note separately, if you
Keyswitches view
The KEYSWITCHES view contains nine drop-down menus, each with a button on its left side,
and the HUMANIZE knob. Each button displays the name of the key in the C-1 octave of your
keyboard that you must press to select the assigned articulation. These are described below.
Articulation Explanation
Rips A glide at the beginning of a sustained note. Woodwind and brass variation of a Glis-
sando (Italian: glide).
Grace A continuous change between the (very briefly-sounding) grace note and the longer
lasting main note. Distance between the two notes: one whole tone.
Grace Vibrato Same as above, but here the longer lasting main note has a vibrato.
FoPiCre 2Beats Short for Forte-Piano-Crescendo (Italian: loud/quiet/growing). This articulation starts
with a loud attack, gets quiet very quickly, then increases volume and finally ends
abruptly. The dynamic process is based on a tempo of 120 bpm (beats per minute) and
has a length of two beats.
If you activate Time Stretching in the Control view, the dynamic process will be stretch-
ed so that it always matches the tempo you have set in your host sequencer or in the
KONTAKT Master Editor.
FoPiCre 4Beats Same as above, but the dynamic process has a length of four beats.
Growl Guttural, gritty timbre
Growl Vibrato Same as above, but followed by a vibrato using the same technique.
Brass Shake Sounds like a coarse trill. Note: For physical reasons, a saxophone can't create a shake.
Sax Trill Semi Rapid alteration between two adjacent notes; in this case the notes are a semitone
apart. For saxophone only.
Sax Trill Whole Same as above, but here the two notes are a whole note apart.
Empty You can select this item in drop-down menus that you don't use. This frees up memory
space on your computer.
► Open the desired drop-down menu and select one of the available items.
► To select the assigned articulation, press the respective key on your keyboard.
► If you turn this knob down fully, all instruments in the horns section will have the exact
same timing and velocity as well as perfect tuning.
► The further you turn this knob up, the more timing, tuning and velocity offsets will be-
come clearly audible between the individual instruments in the section, just like real horn
players would sound.
► Click the Main button at the bottom to bring up the Main window view.
Using the functions in the Main window view you can:
▪ Select up to nine from sixteen available articulation types and thereby automatically as-
sign them to buttons on the screen and keys in the C-1 octave of your external keyboard.
Once you have done this, you can quickly change between the articulations by clicking a
button or pressing a key on your keyboard.
Keyswitches view
Articulation Explanation
Staccato Italian: separated.
Staccato is an articulation technique characterized by an accented start of each pitch
and a short, truncated end resulting in detached and briefly played notes.
Staccatissimo Same as above, but extremely truncated.
Rips A glide at the beginning of a sustained note. Woodwind and brass variation of a Glis-
sando (Italian: glide).
Grace A continuous change between the (very briefly-sounding) grace note and the longer
lasting main note. Distance between the two notes: one whole tone.
Grace Vibrato Same as above, but here the longer lasting main note has a vibrato.
FoPiCre 2Beats Short for Forte-Piano-Crescendo (Italian: loud/quiet/growing). This articulation starts
with a loud attack, gets quiet very quickly, then increases volume and finally ends
abruptly. The dynamic process is based on a tempo of 120 bpm (beats per minute) and
has a length of two beats.
If you activate Time Stretching in the Control view, the dynamic process will be stretch-
ed so that it always matches the tempo you have set in your host sequencer or in the
KONTAKT Master Editor.
FoPiCre 4Beats Same as above, but the dynamic process has a length of four beats.
Growl Guttural, gritty timbre
Growl Vibrato Same as above, but followed by a vibrato using the same technique..
Brass Shake Sounds like a coarse trill. Note: For physical reasons, a saxophone can't create a shake.
Sax Trill Semi Rapid alteration between two adjacent notes; in this case the notes are a semitone
apart. For saxophone only.
Sax Trill Whole Same as above, but here the two notes are a whole note apart.
Empty You can select this item in drop-down menus that you don't use.
► Open the desired drop-down menu and select one of the available items.
A key name button is visible to the left of each Key switch drop-down menu. These key name
buttons refer to keys in the C-1 octave of your external controller keyboard.
► To select the assigned articulation, press the respective key on your keyboard.
► If you turn this knob down fully, the instrument will have the exact timing and velocity as
well as perfect tuning.
► The further you turn this knob up, the more timing, tuning and velocity offsets will be-
come audible.
8 Credits
Produced, engineered and mixed by Thomas Koritke
Concept: Thomas Koritke, Sebastian Bretschneider, Frank Elting
Sound Design / Sample Editing: Sascha Haske, Holger Brauns, Lars Dahlke
Script Programming / Product Development: Sebastian Bretschneider, Martin von Frantzius, Mar-
tin Keil
GUI Design: Max Mondon, Simon Martin
Animator: Paul Lawley, Sebastian Bretschneider, Martin von Frantzius, Lars Dahlke
Impulse Responses: Native Instruments, e-instruments, Studiotools
Musicians: Jonas Schoen-Philbert, Michael Leuschner, Jan-Peter Klöpfel, Sebastian Hoffman,
Claas Ueberschär, Markus Hötzel
Manual: Dimitrov Popow
Native Instruments QA: Bymski
Special thanks to: Jürgen Klever, Gerhard Groth, Johannes Waehneldt, Thanos Kazakos, Tobias
Menguser, Robert Linke, Alexander Stamm, Philipp Dransfeld, Nadine Raihani, Gustav
Sto. Tomas, Christian Wachsmuth, and all the fantastic musicians for their patience and devo-