3dshapes Math
3dshapes Math
3dshapes Math
General Learning Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the
Outcomes relationships among them
Specific Learning 6. Describe 3-D objects according to the shape of the faces and the number of
Outcomes edges and vertices.
7. Sort regular and irregular polygons, including:
according to the number of sides. [C, CN, R, V]
Main Inquiry
Guiding Questions How many vertices does *shape* have?
o Edges?
o Faces?
How is a prism different from a pyramid?
Students will:
explore, organize and classify different types and properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
Introduction - 10 Mins
Attention Grabber Problem Solving Question – students will be asked a problem solving question
called ‘Sam’s Used Wheels’ to initiate the math class. Once the student is done
the question, they can work on math facts in their workbooks.
Assessment of Prior Ability to figure out correct answer to problem solving question.
Expectations of They will be respectful to their peers and teacher, and remain quiet unless
Learning Behavior called on. They will be engaged and participate in the carpet activity. They will
work independently and put all their effort into their independent assignment.
Transition to Body Students will be asked to put away math facts and to grab their worksheet and
come to the carpet.
Body - 45 Mins
Learning Activity #1 Introduction to 3D Shapes and their Properties
Staritng off, students will be reshown the 2D shapes/polygons we touched on
last class as a quick reminder. They will then be shown a slide of all the 3D
shapes all together. I will explain to them the properties of 3D shapes (ie.
Vertices, edges and faces) and what they mean. We will then use these
properties and figure out the number of each for each 3D shape. Students will
fill in the table they were given as we go through each shape as a class. I will be
asking each student for at least one answer to ensure engagement and all are
focused. 20 MINUTES
Teacher Notes: Asking each student ensures an understanding of the task and continued
Assessments/ engagement.
Learning Activity #2 Under the Sea Geometry
Students can log onto the chromebooks or ipads and participate in an online
activity that has to do with 2D and 3D shapes. This helps them differentiate
between the different shapes and also helps them distinguish the vertices from
the edges from the faces on 3D shapes. 25 MINUTES
Teacher Notes: If students finish this activity, they can continue on by doing reflex until the end
Assessments/ of the class.
Closure - 5 Mins
End of Lesson Students will be asked to put away technology being used and clear desk of all
materials to prepare for lunch.