Heart Has Its Own Brain
Heart Has Its Own Brain
Heart Has Its Own Brain
In5D January 10, 2015 Meditation, Science
Far more than a simple pump, as was once believed, the heart is now recognized
by scientists as a highly complex system with its own functional “brain.”
Research in the new discipline of neurocardiology shows that the heart is a sensory
organ and a sophisticated center for receiving and processing information. The nervous
system within the heart (or “heart brain”) enables it to learn, remember, and make
functional decisions independent of the brain’s cerebral cortex. Moreover, numerous
experiments have demonstrated that the signals the heart continuously sends to the
brain influence the function of higher brain centers involved in perception, cognition, and
emotional processing.
In addition to the extensive neural communication network linking the heart with the
brain and body, the heart also communicates information to the brain and throughout
the body via electromagnetic field interactions. The heart generates the body’s most
powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. Compared to the
electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the
heart’s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in
the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the
brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with
sensitive magnetometers.
The heart generates a continuous series of electromagnetic pulses in which the time
interval between each beat varies in a dynamic and complex manner. The heart’s ever-
present rhythmic field has a powerful influence on processes throughout the body. We
have demonstrated, for example, that brain rhythms naturally synchronize to the heart’s
rhythmic activity, and also that during sustained feelings of love or appreciation, the
blood pressure and respiratory rhythms, among other oscillatory systems, entrain to the
heart’s rhythm.
We propose that the
heart’s field acts as a
carrier wave for
information that provides a
global synchronizing
signal for the entire body.
Specifically, we suggest that
as pulsing waves of energy
radiate out from the heart,
they interact with organs and
other structures. The waves
encode or record the features and dynamic activity of these structures in patterns of
energy waveforms that are distributed throughout the body. In this way, the encoded
information acts to in-form (literally, give shape to) the activity of all bodily functions—to
coordinate and synchronize processes in the body as a whole. This perspective
requires an energetic concept of information, in which patterns of organization are
enfolded into waves of energy of system activity distributed throughout the system as a
The results of these experiments have led us to infer that the nervous system
acts as an “antenna,” which is tuned to and responds to the electromagnetic
fields produced by the hearts of other individuals. We believe this capacity for
exchange of energetic information is an innate ability that heightens awareness and
mediates important aspects of true empathy and sensitivity to others Furthermore, we
have observed that this energetic communication ability can be intentionally enhanced,
producing a much deeper level of nonverbal communication, understanding, and
connection between people. There is also intriguing evidence that heart field
interactions can occur between people and animals.
Social Fields
In the same way that the heart generates energy in the body, we propose that the social
collective is the activator and regulator of the energy in social systems.
Heart coherence and social coherence may also act to mutually reinforce each other.
As individuals within a group increase psychophysiological coherence, psychosocial
attunement may be increased, thereby increasing the coherence of social relations.
Similarly, the creation of a coherent social field by a group may help support the
generation and maintenance of psychophysiological coherence in its individual
members. An expanded, deepened awareness and consciousness results—of the
body’s internal physiological, emotional, and mental processes, and also of the deeper,
latent orders enfolded into the energy fields that surround us. This is the basis of self-
awareness, social sensitivity, creativity, intuition, spiritual insight, and
understanding of ourselves and all that we are connected to. It is through the
intentional generation of coherence in both heart and social fields that a critical shift to
the next level of planetary consciousness can occur—one that brings us into harmony
with the movement of the whole.
For more information on the Institute of HeartMath’s research and publications, please
visit www.heartmath.org.