Computer Organization - Study Material
Computer Organization - Study Material
Computer Organization - Study Material
them to determine the operation required, and The primary storage is also called as main
then sets up instruction execution. Eg. To add memory, stores and access information very
two numbers or to read a character from a fastly. This is generally used to hold the program
keyboard. A number of registers are associated being currently-executed in the computer, the
with the control unit. data being received from the input unit, the
intermediate and final results of the program.
Arithmetic and Logical unit: The primary contents generally loses its contents
Arithmetic and Logical unit performs all the when we switch off the computer.
arithmetic and Logical operations. Arithmetic Primary storage is also known as system
operations like addition, subtraction, memory, internal, temporary and RAM.
multiplication and logical operations, such as • It is installed on the main computer board
comparisons are performed in ALU. (Motherboard)
All calculations are performed in the Arithmetic • Typically compreised of ICS
and Logical Unit (ALU) of the computer. ALU • Fast access – usually in the order of nano
also does comparisons and takes decisions seconds.
whenever any calculation has to be done, the
control unit transfers the required data, from the b) Secondary storage ;
storage unit to the ALU. The secondary storage is also known as
Auxiliary storage. It is used like an archive. It
Memory unit: may store several programs. documents,
Memory is the part of computer which holds databases, etc. The program that we want to run
data for processing and other information. It is on the computer is first transferred to the primary
also called as Main memory or Primary memory. memory before it can run. Similarly, after
• Memory unit is a device that stores program running the program. If we need to save the
instructions or data used by the GPU when results, we will transfer them to the secondary
performing a given function. storage. The secondary memory is slower and
• Memory is a device, which is used to store cheaper than the primary memory. Some of the
information Temporarily permanently, it is the commonly used secondary memory devices are
place where the information is safely kept. 1. Floppy diskette
• Secondary memory, such as disk storage, is 2. Zip diskette
functionally considered I/O because it is 3. Hard disk
accessed through the I/O system. 4. Magnetic disks and tapes etc.
Secondary memory is also known as disk includes programs; the operating systems. Stored
storage. external, long term. data and respective storage devices.
Not directly accessibile – data transferred
through an I/O system. i) Receiving input :
Non – volatile and long term storage. The required input information is fed into a
Not as fast as internal memory – typically computer through various input devices like
milliseconds instead of nano seconds. keyboard, mouse etc. Input also can be supplied
Holds larger amounts of data. by another computer devices like Floppy disc,
Devices used to get the response or result of a The operations that has to be performed with
process from the computer is called O/P. Output the input received are carried out based on the
unit is the communication between the uses and instructions in the program.
the computer.
The O/P unit of a computer provides the iii) Storing the information :
information and results of a computation to the The information can be stored in hard disk or in
outside world. As we know. Computers do not other storage devices like floppy disks, CDs,.
users can understand. The processed information and other details are
communicated to the outside world through
Commonly used O/p devices are : output devices like monitor, printer, etc.
mechanical and electronic devices and software working together. Some of these components are
essential, others add more performance.
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