Older Adult Brochure Color

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304 S.

Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 1

Nashville Area Episcopal Leader-
Bishop Dick Wills, Jr.

Tennessee Conference Council

TN Conference
Bishop Wills graduated from Flor-

Attention: Mary T Newman

ida Southern University in 1964.
Ordained as a Deacon in 1964, he
Committee on
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ Older Adult Ministries
graduated from Candler School of

Nashville, TN 37211
Theology in 1967 and was ordained
an elder in 1969. Serving as a pastor, Bishop Invites you to:
Wills also served on Fla. Conference Board of

Ordained ministry from 1980-2004. With a

wealth of experience on the Fla. Conference Com-
EMAIL _____________________________________________________________________

mittee on Episcopacy and as a delegate to Juris-

dictional and General Conference, Bishop Wills
was elected Bishop of the TN Annual Conference
in 2004. He is married to Eileen Wills and has 4 ACTION
Return to :
PHONE ___________________________________ CHURCH _________________

children. Bishop Wills is the author of Waking to

God’s Dream.
All Workshops will repeat morning and afternoon, with the exception of “Living

Keynote Speaker
Bishop William W. Morris
Bishop Morris’ educational travels
Well, Dying Fully” which will be offered as a continuing series of 1 & 2

began at Ohio Wesleyan University.

He went from Garrett Evangelical Thursday, September 11, 2008
LUNCH $10 ENCLOSED Make check payable to TNConference ~

Theological Seminary, then to

Scarritt, and later to Vanderbilt; 9:00 AM-2:15 PM
Murfreesboro First UMC

graduating from there in 1973. He

was ordained as a deacon in 1959, and ordained Murfreesboro, TN
as an elder in 1961. He has pastored churches,
served as Conference Youth Director, Council
Director, District Superintendent, and Bishop of SPEAKERS:
TN Conference, along with delegate positions to
Jurisdictional, General and World Methodist Con-

ferences. He is an author and is married to

Princilla Morris and has 4 children.
8:30- 9:00 Registration-Narthex
9:00- 9:30 Sanctuary
Welcome:Rev. Michael O’Bannon
Keynote Address: Bishop Morris Bishop Rueben Job
9:30- 9:50 Break~locate your first workshop! Rev. Rosemary Brown

9:50-11:20 1st Workshop Dr. Mary Belle Ginanni


11:20-11:30 Break Rev. Helen Grills

11:30-12:00 Greetings from Bishop Wills, Jr Rev. Lanita Pride
Salem Ridge Quartet ~ Family Life Center Rev. Melinda Britt
12:00-12:45 Lunch ~ Family Life Center Dr. George Hester
12:45– 2:15 2nd Workshop
WORKSHOPS 5) Facing the Future Unafraid with Rev. Lanita Workshop Leaders
1) Living Fully, Dying Well with Bishop Reuben Just where is that box of pa- 1) Living Fully, Dying Well-
Job~2 Continuing Sessions~ “Our life is not with- pers! Lanita will cover the Sessions-
Sessions-morning and afternoon
out purpose. No matter who or where you are, importance of organizing gen- Bishop Rueben Job
your life has meaning.” Reuben Job eral information of emergency
Living fully is life’s most rewarding gift. Young contacts, doctors, lawyers,
2) Connecting Older Adults and Youth
or old, rich or poor, at the peak of our powers or medications, documents
pertaining to identification and Rev. Rosemary Brown
weakened by the limitations of age or disease, liv-
ing fully is something that in our better moments finances, estate planning, wills,
we all desire and with God’s help can all power of attorney and more! 3) Fitness!!
achieve….Just as we cannot live fully without Dr. Mary Belle Ginanni
serious consideration of life and it’s meaning, we 6) Living in Full Effectiveness with Rev.
cannot die well without consideration of death and Melinda Britt. 4) Living Well and Happy the rest of
it’s meaning for us all.” From Living Fully L. “Living” I. “In” your life!
**If attending Bishop Job’s Workshop, you F. “Full” E. “Effectiveness” Rev. Helen Grills
will attend both his sessions A dynamic program exploring ministry with indi-
viduals mid-life and beyond. We will concentrate 5) Facing the Future Unafraid
2) Connecting Older Adults and Youth with on: spiritual, nutrition & fitness, outreach &
Rev. Lanita Pride
Rev. Rosemary Brown. enrichment.
With a life time over-
flowing with experienc- 6) Living in Full Effectiveness
7) Health Issues ~ Join Dr. Hester as he Melinda Britt
ing youth, Rosemary will
offer guidance on how to discusses the pitfalls of the aging
process and how to avoid them. 7) Health Issues
keep from losing the joys
The presentation will include the
and benefits of intergen- Dr. George Hester
roll of exercise, good health hab-
erational worship and
its, and nutrition for the preven-
We are going to lose the connection if we don’t tion of strokes, diabetes, heart
disease, and cancer.
Chairperson: Joy Morrison
strengthen and maintain relationship with our [email protected]
youth! (931) 484-2625
3) Fitness!! With Dr. Mary Belle Ginanni
Body parts just don’t work the same way any MUSIC: Salem Ridge Quartet began as an ex- CCOCM Staff: Bettye P. Lewis
more. Continuing research indicates that exercise tended ministry of Salem UMC in Clarksville. Join [email protected]
Barry, Doc, Travis and Mike as they share God’s love (615) 329-1177
4) Living Well and Happy the rest of your life! with thru southern gospel music.
Rev. Helen Grills, Minister of Education will share
Some Keys to a Joyful Life: Administrative Assistant:
Continue to learn & grow, mentally and
From Nashville: I-24 East to the Murfreesboro/ Mary T Newman
spiritually [email protected]
Get out of your comfort zone-take risks! Franklin exit #78B ~ Turn left on Thompson
Share your wisdom in appropriate ways Lane which will cross Broad Street and become (615) 329-1177 OR 1-800-403-5795
Give of yourself in love and service West Thompson Lane.
Think of others and their needs more than Church is at 265 West Thompson Lane.
your own Church phone # 615-893-1322
Focus Outward and Upward!

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