ppmp52 1.228 243 PDF
ppmp52 1.228 243 PDF
ppmp52 1.228 243 PDF
AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
[email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: In the case of ideal separation of minerals, partition into products is conducted according to a
specific partition feature which is, for instance, the density of raw material. Usually, enrichment in a jig is
described by means of the particle density as a partition feature. However, the degree of particle
loosening in the jig's bed is influenced by, among others, the particle free settling velocity. After some
time of the pulsating movement duration, particle segregation along the vertical axis according to the
settling velocity will occur. It can be said that the particle free settling velocity constitutes a feature
characteristic of the feed heterogeneous in terms of physical and geometric properties in the jigging
process. In the article on the basis of heuristic considerations, a physical model of the partition function
(recovery of the i-th fraction), in which interactions between particles in the working bed of the jig are
taken into account, is derived. A cause of the formation of the mechanism of particle dispersion around
equilibrium layers is given and the accuracy of particle partition for a narrow size fraction in two
variations, i.e. in conditions when a partition feature is, accordingly, the particle density and settling
velocity, is calculated. These calculations allowed for the analysis of causes of process and inherent
dispersion formation which takes place during the jigging process.
Keywords: jigging process, physical model, Maxwell distribution, probable error, imperfection
The condition necessary for the correct separation of particles in a separating device, a
jig, is sufficient loosening of the feed particles in a working bed, leading to a proper
stratification of the feed particles into subsets with similar properties (size, density,
settling velocity). The diversified particle settling velocity in the working bed of the
jig determines the correct course of the partition process. In order to enable the
stratification of material into fractions differing in the settling velocity to occur in the
jig, particles must be able to move freely between each other. Therefore, conditions of
a pulsating movement must be chosen in such a way as to ensure appropriate
loosening of the material layer on jig's sieve. The degree of loosening of particles in
A physical model of separation process by means of jigs 229
the jig's bed is influenced by, among others, the particle free settling velocity. A
distance traversed by a particle during one cycle depends on the settling velocity.
Therefore, after long duration of the pulsating movement, if partition was accurate,
segregation of particles will occur along the vertical axis according to the free settling
velocity (Willis and Napier-Munn, 2006). Thus, it can be said that the particle free
settling velocity at the accurate partition constitutes a characteristic feature of the feed
heterogeneous in terms of physical and geometric properties in the partition process in
the jig.
f ( z, t ) z f ( z ) 1 ( z ) 2 2 f ( z, t )
p p (1)
t t z 2 t z2
where: f(z,t)Δz – the probability of a particle with given density to occur in a layer
with thickness Δz at time t or a fraction of particles which at time t are present in layer
Δz with coordinate z, p – the probability of a particle group transition from a layer to
a layer.
This movement is characterised by a movement of particle grouping centres with
specified settling velocities to their equilibrium layers and dispersion of those particles
to adjacent layers around grouping centres, dependent on time. Particle dispersion
230 A. Surowiak, M. Brozek
mechanisms in both cases are similar. They are particle interactions due to collisions.
However, sources of these collisions are different. In the first case, the source of
collisions is the heterogeneity of the liquid velocity field, while in the second case, the
source of collisions are particle deterministic movements to their equilibrium layers
with different physical and geometric properties, which the value and sense of the
velocity vertical component depend on. After stratification of particles according to
the settling velocity, this movement stops and this component of particle dispersion is
equal to zero. However, the first component of dispersion, which is always present
when there is a pulsating movement of liquid between particles, remains. This is
proven by experimental facts referred to in chapter 3 according to which the standard
deviation of particles with specified properties around their equilibrium centres
decreases with time; however, not to zero, but after long time of separation it achieves
a constant value.
The steady (stationary) state of a particle system in a jig's chamber is understood as
the state in which grouping centres do not change their position over time. Then
potential energy of the system would be minimal if there were no random transitions
of particles connected to the heterogeneity of the liquid velocity field. Each of the
random processes enumerated above generates the particles' velocity distribution
independent of each other. It can be thus assumed that a random variable denoting the
particle velocity in the jig's chamber is the sum of two independent random variables:
W W1 W2 (2)
2 12 22 (3)
FT V (4)
where: – particle density, V – particle volume, t – the average time between
collisions, vp – root mean square velocity of a particle conditioned by the
heterogeneity of the liquid velocity field.
The average time between collisions is equal to:
t (5)
where: – the average distance covered by a particle between collisions (the average
free distance) is equal to (Tichonov, 1968; 1973):
C 6C
n , (7)
V k1 d 3p
2 k1d p
3 k2 C
where: C – the particle volume concentration in the jig's bed, k1 – the volume shape
coefficient of particle, k2 – the dynamic shape coefficient of particle.
Therefore, the average time between collisions after taking expression (8) into
account is as follows:
2k1d p
t . (9)
3k2Cv p
232 A. Surowiak, M. Brozek
FT k2 v 2p d p2C 0.78 k2 v 2p d p2C . (10)
This force depends on the particle density. If it is assumed that the root mean
square velocity of the particle movement is proportional to the additional, random
value of liquid velocity vf conditioned by the heterogeneity of the velocity field, local
turbulences, that is v p bv f (b – proportionality coefficient) and taken into account
that C 1 ( – loosening coefficient), then:
FT 0.78k2 bv 2f d p2 (1 ) . (11)
It can be seen from formula (11) that the greater degree of loosening, the smaller
the force of interactions between particles.
The following product:
FT WL (12)
presents the work of the dispersion force over a distance equal to the particle average
free distance. Therefore, the variance 12 of the particles' velocity distribution in the
stationary state is equal to (Smirnova, 1980):
FT 0.78k2b v f d p (1 )
2 2
12 (13)
m m
d 3p
where: m k1 – the mass of a particle.
After the substitution of m into formula (13) we obtain:
1.5k2bv 2f (1 )
12 . (14)
k1d p
p v (15)
A physical model of separation process by means of jigs 233
1 ( z ) 2 1
p v z 2 (16)
2 t 2
present the velocity of a grouping centre movement and the standard deviation,
respectively. Both the velocity of movement and standard deviation are proportional to
the probability of transition. This probability decreases with approaching the
equilibrium layer and is expressed by the formula:
i z
p 1 1 i (17)
n zmax
where: i – layer’s number, n – amount of layers, zi – the distance from the equilibrium
layer to the position of ith layer, zmax – the distance from the beginning of the system to
the equilibrium layer (Fig. 2).
, [m2 x 10 -4 ]
The standard deviation,
12 -2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time, t [s]
Taking formula (17) into account, expressions (15) and (16) take the form of:
z dz
v vmax 1 (18)
zmax dt
1 z
2 vmax 1 zmax (19)
2 zmax
where: vmax – the maximum value of the velocity of equilibrium centre movement.
234 A. Surowiak, M. Brozek
1 1
22 zmax
k 2 e kt zmax
k 2 e (20)
2 2
The constant k occurring in formula (20) presents the correct velocity of a grouping
centre (partition rate constant) of particles with given physical and geometric
properties to its equilibrium layer. Its value should be proportional to the velocity of
particle movement in conditions of constrained movement vsmax, because the higher
velocity of those particles' movement, the faster the grouping centre moves to its
equilibrium layer and it should be inversely proportional to the distance of the
equilibrium layer location from the feed level. At the established partition duration
time determined by the process efficiency, more distant equilibrium layers will be
more blurred and the boundary between centres of particle equilibrium with different
properties less sharp.
Taking the above notes into account, it was assumed that the partition rate constant
is equal to (Surowiak, 2007):
vs max
k (21)
A physical model of separation process by means of jigs 235
After taking the above connection and dependence presenting the settling velocity
of irregular particle v 5.33 x d p into account (Brozek and Surowiak, 2010),
the partition rate constant is expressed by the formula:
5.33 xd p
0.362(1 ) 0.362(1 ) 3
k (23)
where: x - reduced particle density, – particle density, o – medium density.
By replacing in expression (20) from the following dependence:
Q 3600 h 3600 hk
q (24)
bl t
we obtain:
1 3600 hk
22 zmax
k 2 exp (25)
2 q
where: q – capacity per unit of jig bed surface, Q – jig capacity, – mean particles
density, h – height of jig’s bed, b – jig bed’s width, l – jig bed’s length.
particles. A result of this random, additional kinetic energy is the particle movement
velocity distribution around the most probable value.
It was assumed that the distribution of the random particle velocity component
along the vertical axis (axis z), that is the dispersion function, has the Maxwell
distribution of the velocity component (Smirnova, 1980):
1 (v vr ) 2
t (v ) exp (26)
2 2 2
It is the standard deviation in the stationary state. When velocity vf goes to zero,
that is when the value of the dispersing force goes to zero ( v f 0 ), then the standard
deviation 1 goes to zero. The dispersion function for such a situation, that is the
following limit:
1 (v vr ) 2
lim exp (v vr ) (29)
1 0 2 1 2 12
It means that all particles with settling velocity vr are in their equilibrium layer.
v v v vr 2 vv
T (v ) t (v)dv 2 2 dv r
exp (31)
The probable error being a measure of the partition accuracy according to the
definition is equal to:
v (T 0.75) v (T 0.25)
Ep (32)
It is the so-called quartile deviation equal to a half of the difference between the
third and first quartile and for the normal distribution it is equal to:
E p 0.67 . (33)
Taking (27) into account, the probable error is expressed by the formula:
1.5k2bv 2f (1 ) 1 2 2 3600 hk
E p 0.67 zmax k exp . (34)
k1d p 2 q
238 A. Surowiak, M. Brozek
Based on formulas (28) and (23), the probable error in the general case depends on
physical and geometric properties of a particle, the bed height, specific yield,
hydrodynamic conditions of partition (through ). It decreases with the increase in
particle size, a degree of bed loosening and the partition rate constant, while it
increases with the increase in the bed height. It also depends on the shape of the
mixture particles.
For the stationary state:
k2b(1 )
E p 0.82v f . (35)
k1d p
When velocity vf increases, then in accordance with formula (21) the standard
deviation 1 increases. Therefore, with the unlimited increase in velocity vf is
lim T (v) . (36)
v f 2
The partition curve has thus a form of a horizontal line, parallel to v-axis. It is
equivalent to no partition. Such a situation can occur in the case of partition of fine
particles with too high frequency and amplitude of the pulsating movement.
In the stationary state, particle dispersion is connected to the existence of
interactions between particles conditioned by the heterogeneity of the liquid velocity
field in the jig's bed which is characterised by the value of vf. At no interactions, that is
for the ideal partition, the partition function (recovery of the i-th fraction) with
consideration of dependence (30) is expressed by the following formula (Byron and
Fuller, 1975):
v v
T (v ) t (v)dv (v v )dv H (v v )
r r (37)
0 for v vr
H (v vr ) (38)
1 for v vr
Considering the fact that according to formula (31) T (v vr ) the partition
function at the ideal stratification is presented as follows:
A physical model of separation process by means of jigs 239
0 for v vr
T (v ) for v vr (39)
1 for v vr
In Fig. 3, there is a graph of the partition curve described by formula (39) (curve 3). It
is thus a curve for the ideal partition. Its equation results directly from the general
equation of the dispersion function and partition function through the crossing point
corresponding to the condition of the ideal partition. Particles with settling velocity
v vr with the identical probability equal to 1/2 reach the concentrate and tailing.
The probable error is equal to zero.
Empirical verification
Based on data obtained from the industrial experiment which consisted in testing a
fines jig upgrading bituminous coal, distributions of geometric (sizes of particles and
their shape coefficients) and densimetric properties (density) of the feed particles and
the partition products were calculated (Niedoba, 2013; Surowiak, 2007; Surowiak and
Brozek, 2014a,b). In order to calculate the partition accuracy, the partition curve
coordinates for two variations: when the partition property is the particle density and
the particle settling velocity were calculated. For the purposes of this work, one size
fraction 8 -10 mm was chosen and partition numbers and the partition accuracy were
calculated within this size fraction for both variations.
With functions of the settling velocity distribution density in tailing
and the feed in narrow size fraction 8 – 10 mm (Surowiak, 2014), it is possible to
calculate partition numbers (recovery of the i-th fraction) for tailing and a given value
of the settling velocity using the formula (Surowiak, 2007):
ho (v )
T (v ) o (40)
h (v )
where: T(v) – a partition number (recovery of the i-th fraction) equal to probability of
transferring particles of certain settling velocity v to tailing, γo – tailing yield, ho(v) –
the probability density function of the settling velocity in tailing of size fraction
8–10 mm, h(v) – the probability density function of the settling velocity in the feed of
size fraction 8–10 mm.
For the empirical partition curve obtained in this way, a model dependence, which
is expressed by the normal distribution function, is matched. From the match, a value
of the probable error and value of the cut point are obtained. In Fig. 4, the partition
curve obtained from the match is presented. Its equation is expressed by the following
formula in accordance with dependence (31):
240 A. Surowiak, M. Brozek
v 0.159
T (v ) . (41)
The curvilinear correlation index is greater than 0.99. The value of the cut point is
equal to vr = 0.159 m/s, while the probable error on the basis of formula (33) Ep =
0.012 m/s. Imperfection in accordance with the definition expressed by the formula is
equal to I 0.076 .
Partition number (recovery of the i-th fraction),
T(v) [/]
- experiment
---- - model
0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30
T() [/]
- experiment
---- - model
1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
As other authors' (Paul et al., 1998; Gottfried, 1978) studies have shown, partition
curves for jigs with density as the partition feature are asymmetric curves and are well
approximated by the Weibull distribution. Therefore, the Weibull distribution was
matched to the empirical partition curve. Its equation and values of the partition
density, probable error and imperfection are as follows:
T ( ) 100 1 exp (42)
The state in which material heterogeneous in terms of physical and geometric
properties in the jig's bed is ideally stratified due to the settling velocity is the state
with the lowest potential energy. It results from Mayer's energy theory. If material
242 A. Surowiak, M. Brozek
partitioned itself into densimetric fractions and apart from that each fraction into
particle size fractions according to the particle pyramid from the biggest to the
smallest, then the layer porosity would be the highest and thus the layer height would
be greater than before (Kuprin et al., 1983). Therefore, after such partition, potential
energy would be greater than before partition. It is contrary to the principle of least
action that processes proceed in the direction of minimum potential energy of the
system. A decrease in porosity will occur when empty spaces between bigger particles
are fulfilled with smaller particles. It will take place in a situation when in the ideally
stratified material, as above, smaller particles with greater density move to a higher
sublayer of greater particles with lower density or the other way round. There will
appear the ideal stratification according to the settling velocity, whose result is the
phenomenon of dispersion of particles with given density to other layers. It is the so-
called inherent dispersion. It can be thus said that from the physical point of view the
inherent dispersion results from the principle of minimising potential energy of the
system of particles heterogeneous in terms of physical and geometric properties. It is
present always when a mixture of mineral particles heterogeneous in terms of
geometric properties is partitioned in a jig or other partitioning devices where the
partition argument is the settling velocity. If the feed particles were spherical particles
with the same diameters, then at the ideal separation there would be no dispersion of
particles to layers inappropriate to them and the value of the inherent dispersion would
be equal to zero.
The inherent dispersion constitutes the first mechanism of dispersion of particles
with given density to other layers. Another mechanism of dispersion are mutual
collisions of particles between each other due to the heterogeneity of the liquid
velocity field. It is the so-called process dispersion which is always present regardless
of what physical properties is the partition feature (density or settling velocity). If
material heterogeneous in terms of physical and geometric properties is partitioned,
then the settling velocity is the partition feature. Analysing the partition results on the
basis of this feature, the lower value of imperfection is obtained because there is no
inherent dispersion in this case. However, in analysing the results of such material
partition with the use of the particle density as the partition feature, the greater value
of imperfection is obtained because it is the result of the inherent and process
dispersion's influence on the partition accuracy.
This work was performed as a part of the AGH University of Science and Technology Research Program
No. project.
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