December 14, 2018 Strathmore Times
December 14, 2018 Strathmore Times
December 14, 2018 Strathmore Times
Harold Zegil Transmissions,
Wheel Alignments,
Custom Exhaust,
Page 3
Joint-use head-
quarter building
to move forward
Times Associate Editor
Strathmore RCMP is
investigating the Theft of a
Travel Trailer that took place on
December 2, 2018.
The Trailer is described as a The Canadian Pacific Railway Holiday Train stopped in Gleichen and Siksi-
ka Nation on Dec. 7 to a crowd of over 2,000 people. The two communities
White Travelaire Rustler with worked together to put on a community event including musical entertain-
license plate Y91180 Alberta and ment, native dancing and drumming, kids’ activities, vendors and Santa Claus.
the decals on it appear faded. Brad Everett Photos
If you have any information that CP Holiday Train stop benefits communities
could help locate this Trailer, BRAD EVERETT Siksika Nation’s food banks, as well as food offerings in the Gleichen hall and
please contact Times Contributor $875 and 1,350 lbs of food given by the outside, an exhibition of Native danc-
Strathmore RCMP. attendees, which was split equally be- ing and drumming, and kids activities
Over 2,000 people gathered to greet tween the two organizations. including a visit from Santa Claus. Or-
File: 20181794883 “I was overwhelmed,” said Sparvier,
the Canadian Pacific (CP) Holiday Train ganizers prepared hot chocolate, stew
stop in Gleichen-Siksika on Friday, Dec. health promotions liaison with Siksika and biscuits for 1,000, which quickly
1-800-222-TIPS 7. Health Services. “It was so great to have ran out.
“We did it! We got the Holiday Train!” both communities come together for a
(1-800-222-8477) exclaimed Sandra Sparvier, to an en- family event like this.”
The Holiday Train concert featured
Canadian country music artists Terri
thusiastic crowd who braved the cold Siksika Nation and Gleichen worked Clark, Kelly Prescott and Sierra Noble,
YOUR AD weather to greet the train. together to put on a community event who played for 30 minutes and then
The evening saw a donation for $4,000 to coincide with the train’s stop, includ- agreed to the audience’s request for an
from CP for the Wheatland County and ing musical entertainment, vendors and encore before calling it a night.
Sparvier worked on getting the CP
Holiday Train to make a stop there for
over a year. In 2017, after her request
Contact Rose 403-934-5589 for the train to make a stop was denied,
There’s the Holiday Train did agree to slow
down to give those gathered along the
tracks a better look at the lights. In Au-
snow place
gust of this year she received an email
YOUR WEEKLY saying Siksika Nation was a scheduled
HEALTH ADVICE stop for the Holiday Train’s 20th anni-
versary trip.
like home!
There was a bit of a problem though,
as the ground on the Siksika Nation side
Gord Morck
of the tracks was uneven and swampy
Pharmacist – completely unsuitable for a crowd of
any size. So Sparvier made some phone
Capsule Comments calls to see if Gleichen would be in-
A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that terested in helping out in hosting the
reduces the ability to see clearly. It was back in 1949 train’s stop on their side of the tracks.
that an eye surgeon first replaced a cloudy lens with A positive response from Gleichen and
a clear plastic one. It was a big success and paved Wheatland County set the wheels in
the way for millions of cataract operations worldwide
giving all these patients a new lease on life.
motion for Friday night’s celebration.
Measles is a preventable disease. Before the
“Given the positive comments I re-
measles vaccination program started in 1963, an Michelle Hayley Christa Carey 587-316-2000 ceived from CP afterwards, I hope we
Eldjarnson Poirier Aleman Rose
estimated 4 million people got measles in the U.S. Each Office Independently Owned & Operated can do this again next year,” Sparvier
and Canada alone. said.
Many were hospitalized and hundreds actually died
from the disease. Since the MMR vaccine has been
available, there has been a 99% reduction in measles
cases. If your children haven’t been vaccinated yet, 2018Tree of Hope
do it now. For the 24th consecutive year,
It’s that time of year when smokers think about
quitting. Everyone knows about smoking’s link
you have the opportunity to
with lung cancer. Here are four ideas you may not remember loved ones and support
have thought of. Long-term smokers are 4 times
more likely to turn grey sooner. They are twice as
the Strathmore Hospital and
likely to lose their teeth. Smokers also have thinner, Home Care With A Donation to the
Creed II
Michael B. Jordan,
Sylvester Stallone,
Tessa Thompson,
Smile Cookie sees returns Wood Harris,
The three Strathmore Tim Hortons locations at Edgefield, Pine Road and Shell raised Council Open House Russell Hornsby
$7,287 towards the Strathmore Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) during the Strathmore residents were invited to the annual Council
smile cookie campaign from Sept. 17-23. The cheque was presented to Strathmore Mayor Open House on Dec. 5 in Council Chambers. Mayor Pat PG
Pat Fule (second from left, l-r) and FCSS Coordinator Linda Bernicki on Dec. 7. The Tim Fule and members of council were on hand to answer
Horton’s location in Langdon also raised $4,195 for the Langdon Community Association questions and discuss various town initiatives. For Movie Listings call 403-934-3057
from Sept. 17-21. Adelle Ellis Photo or go to
Doug Taylor Photo
900 Westridge Road, Strathmore
Happy Holidays
THANK YOU FOR for those hard to shop
YOUR BUSINESS! for people!
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • December 14, 2018
Next Committee
for making the Spirit of
of the Christmas Weekend
Whole Meeting:
January 16th, more magical every
2019 year!
680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
December 14, 2018 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5
In the Dec. 7 edition of the Strathmore Times the article Town plans new building states: “Seniors housing is
also high on council’s list of strategic priorities and the town is in discussions of using the current town hall,
which sits on a 4.5-acre parcel of land and currently contains mould, asbestos and structural issues, for pos-
sible future senior housing.” The statement should’ve clarified that future senior housing could be one of the
community benefits that the current existing town hall site could be used for, and not the building.
We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Swing set for Gleichen swings county council back and forth
SHARON MCLEAY ment Regional Board. He said he wanted to see Link said it goes to a bigger issue of what the
Times Contributor community buy-in, rather than deliver a direct county wants to put into recreation for communi-
payment of other county funds, so it doesn’t set a ties. She said it involves economic development
After playground equipment in Gleichen was removed by precedent for other communities. as well, to maintain infrastructure and quality of
Wheatland County due to deterioration, Wheatland Coun- But Wheatland County’s reeve disagreed. life, so people will be attracted to these commu-
ty council recently disagreed on funding approval for new “I am deeply frustrated with this process,” said nities.
equipment. Reeve Amber Link. “There is the fact that council Koester cited the recent economic development
Cost estimates for a swing set alone are $21,000 out of the approved the budget with funds to replace the draft that encourages the county to be involved,
$75,000 allotted for playground improvement. removed playground equipment. Our staff, with but that it was imperative citizen engagement is
Wheatland County Councillor Tom Ikert suggested the Jason (Wilson, councillor) and I in attendance, included. He didn’t want it to be perceived that
community ask for funding from the Community Regional held a public engagement open house, where it is the county telling the community what en-
Services Infrastructure Program or Community Enhance- there were children, parents and grandparents hancements they will receive. He said community
who gave excited feedback about options that members working toward a project and maintain-
were presented, which were on a much bigger ing it builds community spirit, pride and owner-
Strathmore Legion Branch #10 NEWS scale than the swing set. And now we are reneg-
ing to the community. I am disappointed in this
Councillor Donna Biggar and Link noted com-
By Irene Knappe process.” munity engagement had already been done and
• The current pot for Chase the Ace, played every Friday from 6 to 8 pm, is now at Deputy Reeve Glenn Koester said the com- residents were expecting the equipment to be in-
$706.50!! I will bet you will be there next Friday!!! munity should be consulted on its location and stalled.
• Saturday, December 15th: Neil Diamond impersonator will be entertaining. $35 choice of equipment. He said he preferred it to be “I think we screwed up on process,” said Wil-
per person, show only. Have a wonderful dinner with Chef Pat and then enjoy the show.
a community-driven initiative. son. “I promise I will not look past funding again.
Sounds good? Then join us and enjoy!!!
• Friday, December 21st: Karaoke fun while wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, Councillor Scott Klassen said it really falls under We have to live with it. We have pushed ourselves
after Chase the Ace and meat draws. different parameters, as the county took the play- in a corner, and we can’t get out of that.”
• Monday, December 31st: New Year’s Eve with Pat Secord. Tickets are $50 per ground equipment out due to safety issues and County council approved the funding allotted
person for a terrific evening, which includes Chef Pat’s dinner. Let’s say good riddance there is no guarantee the community will receive for the project, with the purchase of a swing set
to 2018 and bring in 2019 together with our friends!!
• Another reminder for Bingo players. Be advised that the last Bingo of 2018 will
money under the funding and grant programs. for the community.
be on December 19th, and the first Bingo of 2019 will be held on January 9th.
Strathmore Lions
North Pole News
Enjoy this week at the Celebration of Lights Park
Sponsored by:
The Strathmore Times
Saturday Evening(s)
Visits from Santa & Mrs. Claus Stick curling at 85
Wagon Rides • Carolling Gus Dominie celebrated his 85th birthday at the
Warm up around the Fire Pits Strathmore Curling Club where he still stick curls
three times a week. The club offers free drop-in
Hot Chocolate, Cookies & Popcorn curling on Wednesdays after 7:30 a.m. for those
at Santa's Cottage. interested in practicing or learning normal or stick
curling. Robert Damen (l-r) and Gus Dominie dis-
played the birthday cake they enjoyed after a
Park is Open 7 days a week from 6 to 9 pm. game of curling.
Photo Courtesy of Robert Damen
Available for purchase at Santa’s Cottage.
Did You Know?
Tickets $5/Family
December 14 celebrates an unofficial international
holiday titled Monkey Day to celebrate monkeys and
Proudly sponsored by
other non-human primates such as apes
and lemurs.
December 14, 2018 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7
Avid readers
Four-year-old Brielle Permann (second
from left) and five-year-old David Hay-
man recently received a $50 gift card
to Chapters for reading 1000 books
before Kindergarten. The program is a
collaboration of 5 for Life Early Child-
hood Coalition, Parent Link Centre
and the Strathmore Municipal Library.
Chandra Permann (l-r) her daughter
Food Bank donation Brielle Permann, Strathmore Mu-
Although the Wheatland Kings didn’t win their home game against Coaldale on Dec. 2, it was a win for nicipal Library Director Rachel Dick-
the Food Bank. For this game, instead of the usual admission charge, fans were able to get into the game Hughes, David Hayman, his mother
for a food or cash donation to the Wheatland Food Bank. Several boxes of food totalling 315lbs were Brandi Hayman and her one-year-old
collected as well as almost $450 in cash and gift cards, all of which was delivered to the food bank by the daughter Evelyn were in attendance
players and staff after the game. Doug Taylor Photo on Dec. 10. Miriam Ostermann Photo
Crisis Society to inform them of the From there, children being helped by child abuse and bullying, and to pro- make a difference by supporting chil-
support GOC can offer their clients. At GOC are adopted into the local chapter vide support for those who are hurting. dren in need this Christmas.
the time, the group was holding their family where they are given their own Any fundraising that we do throughout “We can’t do it all alone. We can only
meetings at Humpty’s and was discuss- cut – a vest with a “Lil Guardian” patch the year is for the benefit of the local make a difference in our community by
ing how to connect with people in the on it and their very own road name. community. What is raised here, stays working together as a community, for
community and how to encourage them GOC may, with permission, provide here,” said Padre. “In being a part of our community.”
La Shaun Andrews
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Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • December 14, 2018
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December 14, 2018 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9
~Thank You~
prided itself on making sure pro- On Jan. 22, Marigold Library give community members, es-
grams are available to families System and the RISE program pecially children, a taste of this
when schools are off on break. are offering a live broadcast from type of art. And the great part is
Therefore, the library has a va- the Okotoks Public Library on that if they really enjoy this they All the volunteers at the Wheatland County Food Bank would
riety of programs from Jan. 2-4, Homeschooling 101. The infor- can continue on with classes at once again like to recognize and send a
targeting all ages. mation session discusses impor- the Wheatland Society of Arts.”
To kick off the coming year, tant points, beginning steps, and Erison added that paint shirts “Sincere Appreciation”
the library is bringing back ma- the rights and responsibilities of will be available, but those par- to the following Food Drives for all their donations for 2018
gician Christopher Cool on Jan. providing home education in Al- ticipating are encouraged to
2 to teach, for the very first time, berta, presented by the Alberta wear old clothing as the process • Loblaws - Tina’s No Frills
his balloon twisting workshop. Homeschooling Association. will be messy. • Walmart - Fight Hunger - Spark Change
The program is limited to 40 On Jan. 28 the library will host Christopher Cool’s Balloon • Co-op • Sobeys • Global Training Center
spots and only to children aged an opioid information session Twisting Workshop kicks off
seven and older. Cool will also through video conferencing. Pa- the New Year on Jan. 2 at 2:30 • Strathmore High School - We Scare Hunger
be returning to the library for a trons will receive an overview of to 3:30 p.m. Registration is now • George Freeman School - We Scare Hunger
magic show on Feb. 20. what opioids are, how they work open and cost is $5 per child. All
biologically, signs and symptoms supplies are included. The library • Strathmore Ford/Wheatland Elementary - We Scare Hunger
The library is also bringing
back the Nutty New Year Party of an overdose, and how to ex- is offering its free family-based • Bob Sobol/Strathmore Youth Club - Fill a Bus
for its second year. Following plain to kids. Space is limited to Nutty New Year Party on Jan. 3 • Sacred Heart Academy • Holy Cross Collegiate
last year’s success when roughly 10 participants and is first come from 1 to 3 p.m. This program is
80 participants made their way first served. open to all ages and free to at- • Strathmore Brownies
through six craft and game sta- To finish off the month, Eri- tend. Then on Jan. 4 the library • Farmer’s Market - Christmas Market
tions throughout the facility, staff son is stepping out of her usual will be hosting their Family Fun
role to host an acrylic pouring Film from 1 to 3 p.m. Check out
• Strathmore Home Hardware - Ladies Night
is anticipating a similar turn-
out and is planning on offering class in honour of Inspire Your the title on their Facebook page • Wheatland Kings • Westmount School
seven stations this time around. Heart With Art day. She will be @strathmorelibrary. • EM’s Donations • Strathmore Library
The program is focused on fami- accompanied by library pro- Adult programming in January
lies and geared towards children grammer Heather Ulmer to en- includes Beekeeping 101 on Jan. • Poplar Bluff
six and older; however, younger courage kids aged six and older 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. This program • Lord of All Lutheran Church Community Garden
children are welcome with the to let their imaginations wander is free to attend and no registra-
assistance of an adult. and create unique pieces of art. tion is required. Jan. 22 from 6:30 All monetary donations may be made through the Website –
To finish up the week, the li- While Erison doesn’t normally to 8 p.m. the library is hosting or by mail
brary is hosting their Family Fun host programs, her love for art Homeschooling 101. The opioid Box 2336, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K3, a receipt will be given.
Film on Jan. 4 with the title of started several years ago and fol- information session goes on Jan. Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 12 pm to 4 pm
the movie available on their so- lowing years of simple acrylic 28 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. The
cial media sites. painting she diversified by look- month finishes off with Inspire
ing into other artistic mediums. Your Heart With Art day on Jan. Lorraine Farran, Advertising Co-ordinator
“I feel that our goal is to keep
the momentum going, and we That’s when she discovered 31. The program is limited to 20 Wheatland County Food Bank
are constantly looking for unique acrylic pouring – a combination children, aged six to nine from
one-of-a-kind types of programs of acrylic paint and medium that 11 to 11:45 a.m. and aged 10 and Once again, all the volunteers at the
to provide the community (at) creates a fluid shape or layer on older from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Cost Food Bank are very grateful fore everyones help.
little to no cost. So jumping into top of a surface. is $5 per child and registration Your kindness is much appreciated.
January, I think it’s going to be “Anyone can do this type of starts on Jan. 7.
32+17+2 yrs of Award Winning Experience Visit our Website to find your DREAM HOME @
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • December 14, 2018
Sampling bottles will be available for pick-up at the Wheatland County office
starting in 2019. You can also pick-up a bottle from your local AHS Office.
Testing is free and will identify bacteria, chemicals, and trace metals.
For more information about water sampling or results, contact:
Building, electrical, gas, private sewage, and plumbing
permit fees will be increasing effective January 1, 2019.
All applications filed on or after this date are
subject to the new fee schedule.
Wheatland County Flood Assistance
Please visit the safety codes page on our website or
If you live in Wheatland County, and your home, business or property
contact us to obtain a copy of the new fees. was damaged by overland flooding in spring 2018, you may be eligible
to receive Disaster Recovery Program funding from the Government of
Alberta. The Disaster Recovery Program provides funding for uninsurable
Community Enhancement Funding property damage, loss and other expenses incurred as the result of a
natural disaster.
Applications and Reports Now Available!
You can submit your application online by going to
What is the Community Enhancement Fund?
The Community Enhancement Fund provides grant funding from
Deadline to apply is January 2, 2019.
Wheatland County to enhance, promote, and support groups
and organizations that bring a broad range of enjoyment, bene- Career Opportunities
fit, beautification, recreation, entertainment, participation, and
enhancement projects to Wheatland County. The program is Manager of Legislative Services & Community Relations
Closes December 10, 2018 at 4 p.m.
intended to invest tax payer dollars annually to support recrea- Please Quote Job #P18-29
tional, cultural and other community activities, facilities, and re-
As a member of the County’s management team, the Manager of Legislative Ser-
sources that are utilized by Wheatland County residents. vices & Community Relations will provide expertise regarding the development of
policy recommendations, municipal strategic planning and implementation, issues
resolution, and other management and operational matters.
There are three categories for funding:
In accordance with Wheatland County’s Personnel Policy, the successful candidate will be re-
Project-Based Grants quired to submit to a Criminal Records Check, and must be legally entitled to work for any
Operating Grants employer in Canada. Must have a valid Class 5 Alberta Drivers’ License.
Library Base Grants We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be
contacted. To apply:
Grant applications and reporting forms are available on the web-
site under the boards and committees page. Wheatland County -Human Resources
Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P 1J6
Fax (403) 934-4889 or Email:
Applications are due by January 31, 2019
For more detailed job descriptions, please visit the careers page on our website.
Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
December 14, 2018 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11
not fit in the acceptable secondary com- He said he had several inquiries from
mercial designations for the WH1ASP, fast food drive-through businesses. He
because the definition allows only for said commercial names at the entrance
retail or wholesale goods that are not to the park would generate interest in
purchased by everyday users. the area and advertise the close prox-
“A restaurant would be the principal imity to Calgary off Stoney Trail.
use for the parcel; supplying everyday
goods and services would generate
Deputy Reeve Glenn Koester said he
would like to see any discussions on re- for Coffee & Conversation.
traffic and require a higher level of ser- vision to occur at a public hearing that
vicing. All of these contravene the ob- would ensue after first reading.
jectives and policies of the WH1ASP,” Council asked for administration’s
said Williams. advice on what process was needed
She also noted that if Alberta Trans- to make amendments. According to
portation plans to decommission the Parkin, a revamp of the ASP would al-
accesses from Highway 1, a gas station- low the area to develop faster and the
restaurant would increase traffic and CMRB should be receptive to develop-
access to the business might change, ment of the area. However, he noted it
which would leave Wheatland County might be a few months to get internal
responsible for building and main- processes moving.
taining a service road. Currently, the Grundy said timely revisions would
WH1ASP isn’t serviced with water or ensure retention of current sale oppor-
sewer, so planners felt having a high- tunities, or buyers will move onto sec-
water use may impact the surrounding ondary locations, such as Chestermere.
parcel’s abilities to utilize the aquifer. A first step may be to revise the defi-
Councillor Tom Ikert said the area has nition of secondary commercial use.
not developed in the last 10 years and “My take on secondary … is ‘second-
he would like to see more activity for ary’ to the principal use of that parcel
the piece or property. He questioned of land, like an accessory building. I
Rocky’s Bakery
Wednesday December 19th
Presented by:
Strathmore Community Choir & Orchestra
& Hope Community Covenant Church Myrtle Allen celebrated her 100th
birthday with family and friends
on Dec. 8 at AgeCare Sagewood.
As Strathmore’s newest cente-
December 15 &and15 16 7-30 7:30pm
pm narian, Mayor Pat Fule presented
December 16
December 17 3-00
3:00pmpm Myrtle with a letter from the Town of
Strathmore. She also received let-
Donations to the food bank ters from Queen Elizabeth II, Prime
gratefully accepted. 245 Brent
Brent Blvd. Blvd. Minister Justin Trudeau and from
the Governor General of Canada,
Julie Payette.
Adelle Ellis Photo
December 14, 2018 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 13
Y! ! Dire
NLL Clar
AYYS Clares
D A each d
Terry B
NO Jewellery
& Coi
AB, bu
of dea
Executors, gold a
Estate Sal
and Coin
NO obligation shops
from t
Precious Metals Recycling Roadshow
• Canadian
Paper jewelr
coming to Strathmore analyz
• platinum
TC Precious Metals will be in Strathmore making its way through Western Canada.
You can bring your gold, silver, coins and Canadian paper money to the Legion
between 10am and 5pm each day. No appointment is required. Terry Burrill is aprecious metals buyer
be ana
• earrings
at the
and President of TC Precious Metals headquartered in Airdrie, Alberta, and takes this using
show out to western Canada.
“TC Precious Metals has the unique advantage of dealing direct with a smelter” says Burrill.
• bracelets
“This allows us to cut out one or even two middlemen. TC Precious Metals purchases gold and silver decide
• rings
Carman Active
from other gold buyers, pawn shops, dentists, jewellers and jewellery makers as well as from the general
public.” In terms of the US dollar, gold and silver prices appear low but the weak Canadian dollar
means prices are strong.
Terry s
at Centre
TC Precious Metals analyzes your gold, silver, coins and paper money while you watch,
• gold charms
with the process explained to you in detail. Coins with numismatic (collectable) value are set aside from
• dental
those with a ‘melt’ value. Silver items such as jewelry and flatware are analyzed for hallmark buildi
identification. Items thought to contain gold will also be analyzed for hallmarks, and then confirmed
and br
• broken
227 10th Drop In Centre
Avenue NW
using precise testing that is done while you watch.
chains or two
47 Ed Belfour Drive
Then a cash offer is made, and you decide to sell or not.
“If you decide to sell after hearing the quote, great, but it’s also about information” says Burrill.
• gold nuggets
“A lot of times people just need to know a ballpark price of what items are worth.
Friday 2nd& Street East
There is no obligation and we don’t pressure anyone into selling.” but fo
• sterling silver
Wednesday & Thursday
“Nearly half of the world’s annual gold harvest comes from recycled gold. Energy costs area
• sterling flatware
about $500 to mine a new once of gold where recycled gold is about $10 per once.”
A result of this is gold and silver purchased at the shows and later melted goes back into out of
10am to 6pm Daily
the market with a lower environmental impact.
also a
Friday to&6pmSaturday
Out of fashion jewelry, single earrings, broken chains, unloved jewelry, charm bracelets,
dental gold, nuggets and fine gold are all accepted. Sterling silver flatware sets. Another valuable item
is coin with silver content. Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars and Dollars from Canada and
a.m.14th &&13th
America can be sorted and the silver content determined in no time at all.
People are encouraged to bring in any and all coins for assessment. please
10 June 12th
- 6 p.m. Daily
TC Precious Metals can assess and purchase Canadian and Dominion of Canada paper
money. They have extensive experience working with estate, executors, widows and
widowers in a respectful and caring manner. No appointment necessary. and se
Altona at the Millennium • Living
18Exhibition -Centre
July 18 & 19
Carman atDecember
the Carman Active 10amCentre
6pm low si
June 14 & 15
StrathmoreWinkler at the Winkler
12th & 13th
Library Dimes
Winkler at the WinklerBlvdSeniors Centre
Seniors Centre
June 16
85 Lakeside
& 17
16 & 17 silver
1.844.394.GOLD (4653) Peopl
Valid Government Photo ID Required coins
Valid Government Photo ID Required assess
Ursa Precious
Major Gold, Silver & Coin Metals, Silver & Coin respec
No ap
Saturday, December 15 StratThimorePLAYER OF realestatereps
8:00 pm vs Lomond mes THE GAME
Saturday, January 12 Friday, Dec 7 Isaac Benoit
Saturday, Dec 8 Chase Clayton
8:00 pm vs High River 587-316-2000
Tuesday, Dec 11 Isaac Benoit Michelle Hayley Christa Carey
Strathmore Family Centre - Gold Arena Eldjarnson Poirier Aleman Rose
Third period Storm
The Strathmore Storm Midget-A team used a five goal third
Traveling through a Storm period en route to a 10-3 win over Lacombe on Dec. 1 at the
The Strathmore Storm Peewee T3 team visited the Hanna Arena to face off against the Hanna Colts Strathmore Family Centre. The Storm then tied Cochrane
on Dec. 2. The Storm travelled through poor driving conditions to make the game, however ultimately 3-3 on Dec. 8 and defeated Stettler 6-1 the following day.
lost 6-2 to the Colts. The Storm will now prepare to face Rocky Mountain House on Dec. 15 (11:30 The team will now travel to Castor for their next game on
a.m.) at the Strathmore Family Centre. Photos Courtesy of Misty Hart, Hanna Herald Dec. 14. Doug Taylor Photos
snow place
like home!
Michelle Hayley Christa Carey 587-316-2000
Eldjarnson Poirier Aleman Rose Each Office Independently Owned & Operated
Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • December 14, 2018
accomplishments THANK YOUS
The Rockyford Ringette Associa- Obituary
tion held their 2018 tournament from
Dec. 7-9. U10, U12 and U14 teams
Thank You
from all over Alberta attended. PEDERSEN, Our family would like to express our gratitude and
Eldon Theodore thanks to our friends and family who sent cards,
U14A team played their best games
flowers and their heart felt condolences. Also to the
of this season this weekend. The On Wednesday, December 5, 2018, Mr. Eldon Peder- many wonderful EMT staff, nurses and doctors at the
U10B team brought home the sil- sen of Strathmore, Alberta passed away peacefully Foothills Hospital as well as the Strathmore Hospital.
ver medal in a close game and the at the Strathmore Hospital at the age of 69 years. The compassion and professionalism shown during
U12B brought home the gold medal He was predeceased by his father, Bert and mother, William’s time with you will never be forgotten. We are
in their division. Christina. Eldon leaves to mourn his passing, his wife all truly blessed to have angels like you here on earth
Photo Courtesy of Tara Sandum of forty-four years, Lori Pedersen; two daughters, to watch over and care for us. From the bottom of our
Cheryl Pankewicz (Steve Teszner) and Sheila (Ste- hearts, thank you again. God bless.
phen) Braun; seven grandchildren and four great-
Outlaws give back grandchildren. Marilyn Beck, Jason Beck, Dawn Beck,
Evinn Beck, Brody Beck and Dean Knight
No funeral will be held. To send condolences, please
The Strathmore U12A Outlaws visit Eldon’s obituary at www.wheatlandfuneralhome.
ringette team has been working ca.
hard volunteering and giving back
to their community this season.
They have volunteered to set
up lights and decorations at the
Strathmore Celebration of Lights
and they helped out at the Santa’s
Seniors Secret Service gift sort.
On the ice, the Outlaws won their
first tournament of the season in Obituary Thank you to the residents
of Carseland and surrounding area for
Lacombe a few weeks ago. supporting the Bow River Alliance Church
Photo Courtesy of Robin MacLeod HAWK, bake table at the recent Christmas market.
Richard Barry (Dick)
The tables were piled high with delicious
Chiefs split third weekend October 12, 1926
– December 2, 2018
goodies and nearly every single item was
taken away. We hope you enjoyed them.
in a row
Dick Hawk was born October 12, 1926 in Calgary, The proceeds will be used for the children’s
the tenth and youngest child of Walter and Beatrice
programs we run from the church.
(Thomson) Hawk of Parkland. He was raised at Park-
BRADY GROVE Caeden Lomenda, in the first five min- land and attended school in Parkland and Nanton. In These include: Children’s church Sunday
Times Reporter utes. Nolan Mahussier would add a late 1963, he married Pat Patterson of Claresholm, and mornings, Moms & Tots, Tuesday
goal and give the Warriors a 4-0 lead together they raised two daughters. mornings at 9 and Moms & Tots on the Go,
After graduation, Dick went to work for Clyde Jes- Thursday mornings at 9. All children are
The midget AA Wheatland Chiefs to end the second period. The Warriors
sup at the Nanton News, and subsequently he and welcome to attend with their parent.
have picked up one win and one loss exploded in the third with Eric Castro partner George Meyer bought the newspaper from
for the third weekend in a row, this time adding a hat trick and Ryder Many Grey the Jessup family and ran it together until George left
If you have any questions call
beating the CRAA Gold 5-2 on Dec. 7 in Horses finding the back of the net to for the Camrose Canadian. Dick then published the 403-934-9337.
Strathmore and then falling to the West end the goal-filled game. Warriors goal- News himself until 1977. Under his editorship, the ~
Central Tigers 3-2 on Dec. 9. tender Matthew Dovichak only had to paper won numerous awards from both the Canadian Join us for Sunday services at 10 AM
The Chiefs were outplayed by the make 11 saves for the shutout. and the Alberta Weekly Newspaper Associations. In
1977, Dick sold the News accepted a position at the and Christmas Eve service
Gold, getting outshot 40-26, but it didn’t The Warriors currently have a 13-2-1
matter as the Chiefs were more success- record and sit in first place in the south Vulcan Advocate where he remained until his retire- at 6:30 on Dec. 24.
ment in 1989. Coffee is always on.
ful at finding the back of the net. Chiefs conference and second in the league to Dick was well known locally and throughout South-
Ben Kruse, Nolan Bailey and Braden the 15-4-1 Bow Valley Timberwolves. ern Alberta as an accomplished sportsman. He par-
Merry Christmas to each of you.
Tanner each picked up three points, A double header next weekend ticipated in baseball, hockey, golfing, and curling, and
and Jaycob Masciangelo added a goal against the Medicine Hat Hounds will was a member of the Nanton Rifle and Revolver Club
to help propel the Chiefs into the win test the Warriors winning ways. First, and an avid recreational horseman. Although base-
column. Drew Dovichak made 24 saves they play in Hussar on Dec. 15 (5:45 ball was his first love, he was more widely known
for the Chiefs to get the win. p.m.), followed by an afternoon match as “a helluva hockey player”, perhaps most notably
The Chiefs carried the momentum of for captaining the Nanton Palominos to their 1955-
up on Dec. 16 in Strathmore at 1:30
their victory right into their next game p.m.
56 Big Six League championship. Over the years he
acted as a coach for various minor sports’teams. “Thank You” to the following
against the Tigers. Chiefs forward Steve In 1994, Dick and Pat retired to the family ranch at businesses and individuals that
Wilks scored his eighth goal of the year BRAVES DOWN TIMBERWOLVES the Greenbank District west of Claresholm, where donated towards the Carseland Stick Spiel
with just under four minutes remaining The peewee AA Wheatland Braves they enjoyed several years of rural life until 2010, and our table at the Christmas Market.
in the first period. The second period picked up a valuable two points in when they moved to Strathmore to spend more time You helped us to make this event a big
remained close until Bailey scored on the standings by beating the Bow Val- with their daughters and grandchildren.
success on behalf of the
the power play from Kruse and Spen- ley Timberwolves 4-3 on Dec. 9 at the Dick passed away peacefully at the age of 92 fol-
lowing a brief illness. He was predeceased by his Carseland Curling Club.
cer James to give the Chiefs a two-goal Strathmore Family Centre. The Braves
parents, sisters Helen, Winnie, Hazel, Beatrice and Aspen Crossing, Mossleigh
lead. The Chiefs were riding high until have won four of their last five games. Phyllis, brothers Bill, Jim, Wally and Stan, brother-
a late goal with 39 seconds left in the The two teams traded goals in the in-law Danny Patterson and many dear friends. He
Barb Klassen, Bob Thompson
second cut their lead in half. first period to keep things close. Braves is survived by his wife of 55 years, Patricia (Patter- Carseland Ag Society
But the Tigers came ready to play – in forward Nash Wassing scored his 15th son) Hawk, his daughters Karen (Dion) Galandy and Cyndi’s Sewing
the third period they scored two goals goal of the season just nine seconds Susan Hawk, and his grandchildren Jacob and Tessa Pet Planet, Strathmore
in five minutes which would give them into the second period. No one else Galandy, all of Strathmore. He is also survived by nu- Quesada, Strathmore
the game. It was a low-shooting game would be able to light the lamp, giving merous nieces and nephews. Rocky Mountain Equipment
considering both teams had nine power the Braves the edge heading into the In recognition of Dick’s long involvement with the
community of Nanton and amateur sports, the family - Marc Mackenzie
plays. Chiefs goalie Landen Brassard final period of play. Sharon Alce
requests that in lieu of sending flowers, please for-
made 24 saves in the loss. The Braves appeared to be head- ward a donation to Nanton Palominos Alumni Hockey, Shoppers Drug Mart, Strathmore
The Chiefs now have a 7-10-2 record ing to victory until the Timberwolves Box 393, Nanton AB, T0L 1R0. TS Enterprises - Troy Blackley
which puts them in fifth place in the scored two quick goals in seven sec- In accordance with Dick’s wishes, no funeral will be Versatile Management - Stephen Brown
south conference which remains wide onds to flip the game around. All ap- held at this time but plans for a Celebration of Life
may be announced at a future date. To send condo-
Virginia Toly
open with only five points separating peared lost for the Braves until they
first from fourth. The Chiefs will get a responded with two quick goals of lences, please visit Dick’s obituary at www.wheat-
chance to catch up when they play the their own. Braves forward Colton Gabe With your help we had 3 days of fun,
tied-for-first Okotoks Oilers on Dec. 15 tied the game up and then Wyatt Yule action and prizes!!!
in Okotoks. scored the game-winner a minute later.
Braves goalie Connor White had to be
WARRIORS KEEP ON WINNING sharp and made 23 saves for the home-
The bantam AA Wheatland Warriors town team.
ers finding the score sheet. in an important mid-season divisional
Warriors forward Cole Grant scored matchup.
the lone goal in the opening period. The
Warriors wasted little time ramping up
The Braves will play their last game
before going on Christmas break www.
the scoring in the second as Philip Ray- against the Taber Golden Suns on Dec.
croft scored two goals, both assisted by 15 in Taber.
December 14, 2018 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 17
For Sale: BLUE HEELER February 23, 2019 Live ing lady to come and clean US. Business planning, train-
PUPPIES. 1 Girl 5 Boys. and Online Auction. Rifles, my farmhouse. To set up an ing and advisory services
Eating and drinking. Shotguns, Handguns, Mili- interview call or text 403- available. Flexible and af- JEFF WALLACE
Ready to go. Both taria. Auction or Purchase: 710-3669. Only people who fordable loans. Call CF Wild
parents are working dogs Collections, Estates, indi- are fluent in speaking and Rose or ACCOUNTING AND
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wanting to please. 1-800-694-2609; info@ 403-934-5294
Repeat clients are thrilled
with my puppies dispo-
sitions, they’ve referred
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Text or call 403-710-3669.
Box 2372 105-900 Pine Rd, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
With a dedicated, highly trained, professional team
that works closely with you, our main goal is to
Pollyco (Langdon) Developments Ltd.
Please no calls after 11pm. CLASSIFIED ADS IN take care of our clients through sound balancing WATER ACT
THE TIMES! After 4:30 pm of their books. Offering full bookkeeping, payroll, NOTICE OF APPLICATION
CALL 934-5589 personal and corporate tax preparation for various
COMING EVENTS December 31, 2018 types of corporations and small businesses. Notice is given that Pollyco (Langdon) Develop-
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sions of the Water Act to permanently disturb seven
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Page 18 • Strathmore TIMES • December 14, 2018
In-demand career! Employ- ists, Marketing and more. Al- Strathmore Oilfield Company TREE TO TREE NURSERIES LTD. the Government of Canada. Green, Heated or Spring-
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Visit: or
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Pickup” Westcan Feed &
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No qualifications required
training for your work-at- GET YOUR Experience Preferred.
CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE as training is provided. bromyalgia, Irritable Bowels,
home career today! STRATHMORE TIMES! Oilfield Tickets an Asset 40 hrs/week based on a 6 day work week. Overweight, Trouble Dress-
ing...and hundreds more. All
April 2 - November 15, 2019.
Email resumes to $15/hour. ages and medical conditions EISSES. SUPER B GRAIN
qualify. Call The Benefits Trailer Rentals. Lacombe,
Or drop resume off at: Send cover letter and resume to Program 1-800-211-3550. Alberta. “We provide qual-
116 Orchard Way, Strathmore AB ity certified grain trailers”.
Nuvision Industries Inc. requires following personal:
CRIMINAL RECORD? Why For rates/booking call Steve
SHIPPER/RECEIVER/ suffer employment/licens- @ 403-782-3333 Monday-
ing loss? Travel/business Saturday.
GENERAL LABORER Seasonal Nursery opportunities? Be embar-
Shipping/receiving, load / unload, organize, assem-
rassed? Think: Criminal Par- AUCTIONS
bly of materials, forklift operation, counting/organize
parts. General shop and yard duties as required.
and Greenhouse Jobs don. US entry waiver. Record
purge. File destruction. Free ESTATE CONSTRUCTION
Nuvision is a progressive agricultural equipment
manufacturer located near Carseland, Ab. Job includes maintaining plants, potting, consultation 1-800-347- AUCTION. Saturday, Decem-
2540; www.accesslegalmjf. ber 15, 2018 - 10 AM. View-
Please fax resume to 403-901-2387 or e-mail to Full-time Seasonal planting, harvesting trees, loading and com. ing, Friday, December 14
Positions Starting unloading trucks, assembling orders etc. 10AM - 5 PM. Evansburg, Al-
berta. Info at www.mirterra.
April 2019 Applicants should be willing to learn and GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad
com. 780-990-9444.
credit? Bills? Unemployed?
Cattle Herdsperson able to do physical work. Horticulture Need money? We lend! If you
1442578 Alberta Ltd. Send Resumes to: experience an asset. Applicants require own your own home - you BUSINESS OPP
Duties: Monitor the health and welfare of our their own transportation to rural address qualify. Pioneer Acceptance
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cattle, administer treatment, sort and load cattle,
wean calves and assist with general farm duties, 5kms east of Strathmore. Starting wage 987-1420. knee replacement, or con-
Operate and maintain farm machinery and Fax 403-934-3626 $15 per hour. ditions causing restrictions
in daily activities? $2,500
equipment. Horse riding is a must. tax credit. $40,000 refund
2 to 3 years of experience and education cheque/rebates. Disability
Location: is 20 minutes south of Strathmore Tax Credit. 1-844-453-5372.
Medical personnel supplied
Wage range: $15.00 - $17.50 / Hour to accompany patients who
Hours: 36 to 55/week Hope Bridges Society in Strathmore, Alberta is seeking a
have a medical condition.
Permanent full time. Benefits available
Shared accommodations PART-TIME COORDINATOR Website:
May be available SUITE. Balcony, laundry fa-
Please send resume to:
Hope Bridges Society in Strathmore, Alberta is seeking a Part-Time Coordinator to manage RENTALS cilities, off-street parking,
our weekly programs, facilitate actions of the board, support communication between our mature adult. $950/mo incl.
1442578 Alberta Ltd. 2 BDRM Modular Home
Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
organization, our participants and our community, and to be a key support in special events, utilities. NS/NP. Avail Jan. 1.
in country setting. Quiet
such as fundraising activities, marketing and our annual gala performance. Call 403-936-5556.
Call: 403-934-4331 • Fax: 403-934-6668 responsible N/S single oc- cupant preferred. 4 appl.
The ideal candidate for this position has project management experience, working inde- HOUSE FOR RENT IN ROCK-
$1,100/mo + SD Incl. elec.
pendently and managing time effectively. In this role, you will be the key contact in the public YFORD. 1,300 sq/ft house
& gas. Pets negotiable. Avail.
renovated 8 years ago.
eye for our organization and will work closely with the Board of Directors. You will ensure immediately or as required.
ACCOUNTING CLERK/ that contract facilitators are aligned with the mission and vision of Hope Bridges Society. Call 403-934-5678.
$850/mo + SD + utilities.
BOOKKEEPER, STRATHMORE, AB Avail. November 1. Call 403-
934-1626 for info.
The ideal candidate will have these essential qualifications: BEISEKER – NEWER 2 BDRM
We are seeking an individual to provide accounting
1,000SQ/FT HOME for rent
support for management, staff, clients and vendors. - Passionate about inclusion and the value of the arts to activate community and ACREAGE FOR RENT – 30
with single car garage. Well KM East of Strathmore. 3
This position will start in December 2018. friendship cared for. Must have refer-
- A people person. The candidate must be approachable, comfortable speaking with new BDRM bungalow on 8 acres.
ences. N/S/ + N/P. $1,200/ $1,500/mo + $1,500 S/D +
Job Responsibilities people and forming relationships. mo + utilities. Call 403-443- Utilities. Avail. Now. Call Sea-
With the guidance and support of the Accounting
- Excellent communicator; both written and verbal communication must be compelling 1450. mus 403-560-6265.
Manager duties include
• Accounts Payable
and clear.
- Proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel. Able to learn other programs including CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2
• Accounts Receivable
Adobe InDesign as well as navigate and use online platforms. bdrm. ½ month rent free EMERALD
• Payroll
- Knowledgeable and experienced with keeping financial records. with a six month lease. Heat MANAGEMENT
• And other clerical duties
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- Demonstrated organizational and project management skills, with the ability to manage
Please call for availability.
Job Qualifications deadlines and manage a diverse set of tasks Call Keli 403-324-2944. WESTMOUNT DR.
• Formal accounting training, with a minimum of - Eager to take on new tasks with a “can do” attitude
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About Hope Bridges Society & 2 stry units with
industry specific accounting software
• Comprehensive knowledge of current Hope Bridges Society is a grass roots, community supported non-profit organization which APARTMENTS parking, some
3” wide version
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No phone calls please.
For more information REAL ESTATE
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email STRATHMORE with a classified ad. Only
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Email: HOMES LTD $269 (based on 25 words or
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PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY December 14, 2018 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 19
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403-934-7249 to “Major Overhauls”
Strathmore, Alberta Shop located 10 minutes east of Strathmore
Strathmore, Alberta
403-540-8264 403-934-2675 R
Proudly Serving Wheatland County and Area Since 1988
Prairie Home Roofing Ltd. WATER WELL DRILLING
Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
Get the job done right the FIRST time! For All Your Water Needs
Get the job done right the FIRST time!
Prairie Home Roofing Ltd.
Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
Metal Roofing
Get the job done
Metal right••the
Roofing Siding
FIRST time!
Soffit & Fascia • Eavestrough
Soffit & Fascia • Eavestrough
Residential - Commercial - Industrial
Residential Roofing • Roof Repair
Farm & Yard - Bucket Truck Service Calgary• 403-796-5381
Calgary 403-796-5381
Metal Roofing Siding
Master Electricians Soffit & Fascia 403-901-7484 3rd Generation of Quality Service
• Eavestrough
Strathmore 403-901-7484
Calgary 403-796-5381
Phone: 403-934-7188
Strathmore 403-901-7484
Box 1 Site 22 RR 2, Strathmore AB, T1P 1K5
Serving Southern Alberta Since 1999
Page 20 • Strathmore TIMES • December 14, 2018
Departments, Strathmore Emergency Services, Hussar & Standard
Stag Auctions, Project Hope, Strathmore HandiBus
and so Many MORE!