Annotated Bibiography
Annotated Bibiography
Annotated Bibiography
Annotated Bibliography
Jake Kopinski
RWS 1301
Dr. Vierra
Annotated Bibliography 2
Research Questions
Annotated Bibliography
Blanco, C. Okuda, M. Wright, C. Mental Health of College Students and Their Non–College-
Attending Peers Results from the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related
College aged people are at risk of many psychiatric diseases. Research has shown that
the same rate but are at greater risk for certain diseases. According to the authors, a
college student is more susceptible to alcoholism. While their peers that don’t attend
college are at a higher risk of drug and nicotine addiction. With your college aged years
being some of the most important years of your life, it is vital for college students and
their peers alike to seek out help. A study conducted by the authors states that out of the
subjects interviewed and diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder less than 25% sought out
help (p.1429). With that being such a low percentage, the stigma surrounding mental
This reflection compares and contrast metal disorders in college aged students. It also
educational background.
Grove, B. (1994). Reform of Mental Health Care in Europe: Progress and Change in the Last
When comparing countries mental health programs, there is not a more diverse view than
in Europe. With so many unique social and economic problems differing in each corner
of the continent, you have many different systems set in place to attempt to tackle the
Annotated Bibliography 4
same issues of providing care for mental health. But who seems to do the best?
According to Bob Grove (1994) The East is turning to the West for answers. With the
suicide rate increasing in eastern European countries it is obvious that there needs to be
reform. If you compare metal health associations from a western European country and
eastern/southern country, you can see that it is all about money. In eastern Europe, many
countries have privatized mental health institutions, leaving patients to pay more for a
less effective treatment. While in the west, independent organizations help with metal
This reflection shines light on the issues of mental health care in Europe. Specifically, on
Kokai, M. Fujii, S. Shinfuku, N. Edwards, G. (2004). Natural Disasters and Mental Health in
The continent of Asia is affected by multiple natural disaster every year. According to the
authors (2004), Asia suffers from more natural disasters than any other area of the world
(p.110). These graphic storms, that happen on most occasions expectantly, wreak havoc
across the continent and its inhabitants. With the constant reoccurrence of these disasters,
people are left hopeless and scarred. There is little research still done in the field of post
natural disaster psychiatry. Many survivors experienced symptoms of PTSD, but many of
them were assessed using different scales. This caused a discrepancy on how the data was
also believe survivors do not report the full magnitude of their symptoms because of the
The text explains the correlation of natural disasters to mental health in Asia. It also deals
with the stigma of mental illness in Asia. Explains why reports of PTSD are so low in the
Asian region.
Most psychiatric disorders are developed and affected by one’s environment. According
etc.” (p.21), that cause mental disorders. Since mental disorders are artificially caused by
the environment, animal models are a great way to study them. Researchers use animal
models to manipulate the triggers of an illness in animal and use that information to
further knowledge about said illness in humans. Members in the field believe them to be
more useful than human studies. Animal models have been key in develop treatment for
This reflection highlights the relationship between mental disorders and their
environment. It talks about the usefulness of animal models in the research of diseases.
Ohkasha, A. Mental health in Africa: The Role of the WPA. World Psychiatry: Official Journal of
Africa is a breeding ground for all types of mental illnesses due to the social and
economic issues. The continent has severe problems with HIV/AIDS, poverty and civil
conflict. With these and a number of other causes African’s, more specifically sub-
Saharan Africans, mental health are quite vulnerable to disorders and diseases. According
to the Ahmed (2002), 70% of newly diagnosed patients with HIV live in sub-Saharan
Annotated Bibliography 6
Africa (p.33). With the extreme poverty within the culture of most African countries,
mental health programs are being underfunded while the need for these programs are
increasing. If the legislation of these affected countries changes their stigma on mental
health and illness, positive steps can be taken to tackle this pressing issue.
The University of Texas at El Paso values the mental health of their students and staff.
According to the university’s website (year), they offer free counselling and
psychological services(page). These services are offered in both English and Spanish due
to the diverse cultural make-up of the school. Under the page listed division of student
affairs, there is a list of mental health resources for UTEP students. In this section of the
website there are links to counselling and treatment, substance abuse, and other resources
not offered by the university. A crisis line is even offered for urgent situations after
Collins, Timothy W. Jimenez, Anthony M. Grineski, Sare E. (2013). Hispanic Health Disparities
Home Site Damage in El Paso (Texas, USA) Journal of Immigration and Minority
Due to extreme rainfall in 2006, residents of El Paso, Texas experienced physical and
mental health problems. El Paso is a mainly Hispanic community located on the United
ages, ethnicities and economic statuses. As stated by the Authors(2013), their research
Annotated Bibliography 7
“suggest that the physical and mental health effects of disasters are likely to
They go onto state later in the introduction that more severe mental health were prevalent
in women, young adults, the poor, and racial minorities (p.416). With El Paso’s close
proximity to the border there are a list of unique factors that effect mental health
problems; language barriers and citizenship status can relate to inadequate health care for
The reflection discusses the correlation of being disadvantaged to mental health issues. It
reflects on a study done on a border town. This diverse population gives a unique look on