GD and T Basic Level March 2014

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Geometric Dimensioning &Tolerancing

(Basic Level)
OCT 2013

3/26/2014 Footer
Safety Moment


IF WE………..






Actuated Gate Valve rework RPT10083909
Quality Moment

• The Wheatstone 9”-5K M3000 actuated gate valve

was tested as per TST10057457.
• The valve successfully passed the PR 2 cycles,
endurance test & hyperbaric cycles.
• The valve did not pass post-hyperbaric gas testing due
to leakage at the stem seal and seat.
• This constituted a failure of the qualification test.

Actuated Gate Valve rework RPT10083909
Quality Moment

Stem slant – wear between

stem and seal at one side.

Actuated Gate Valve rework RPT10083909
Quality Moment
Root Cause: Uneven Piston-Stem Contact
caused by uneven surface T-Slot machining
on Piston

Actuated Gate Valve rework RPT10083909
Quality Moment
Root Cause: Uneven Piston-Stem Contact caused by
uneven surface T-Slot machining on Piston

Actuated Gate Valve rework RPT10083909
Quality Moment
Solution: Apply additional Control to
ensure a flat and even contact

Drawing No: 1001DU1066153 ECN 1213108

• Introduction Agenda
– Engineering Drawings, what is GD&T, why GD&T
– ASME Y14.5 & ISO 8015
• GD&T Basic Concepts
– Feature Control frame,
– Feature, Feature Of Size,
– Basic Dimension Day 1
– Implied Dimension
– Datum, Datum Feature, Datum Feature Simulator, Local size, Mating
Envelop, Datum Feature Symbol
– Interpretation of geometric characteristic symbols, tolerance zone,
– Modifier, Material Condition, MMC, LMC, RFS, Bonus Tolerance
– GD&T Rule Of engagement #1,#2
– Datum Application Guideline, Degree Of Freedom, Datum Priority
• Exercise and case study
Day 2
• To appreciate the value of GD&T over conventional tolerancing
• To provide you with the basic concepts of GD&T based on ASME
• To be able to specify and interpret GD&T.

BASIC LEVEL (This Class)

Intermediate &
Advanced Level
(Next class)
Engineering Drawings & Tolerance
An engineering drawing
- is a language
- is created within the technical drawing discipline
- is used to fully and clearly define requirements

Engineering drawing information includes:

- Geometry (size, form, orientation and location of the
- Critical functional relationships
- Tolerances allowed for proper function
- Material, heat treatment, surface coatings
- Part information (drawing number and revision level)
Dimensioning & Tolerancing

Dimension – is a numerical value used to define the size,

location etc.,
Tolerance – is the difference between the maximum and
minimum limits
What is GD&T?
• In Geometric dimensioning and tolerance, besides the size
control, we are also interested in:
– whether the part has correct shape
– Whether features of part are orientated correctly with respect to
another features of same part.
– Whether features of part are located at the correct distance with
respect to other feature of same part.
• GD&T is a system that uses standard symbols to indicate
tolerances that are based on the feature’s geometry.
• GD&T is a means of dimensioning & tolerancing a drawing
which considers the function of the part and how this part
functions with related parts (relationship). (Note part
inspection and manufacturing are not primary consideration)
• GD&T is also referred as functional dimensioning.
Video 1 : GD&T Fundamental 5.32~8.00
Video 2: +/- dimensioning doesn’t fly
Why GD&T?
Problems with drawing w/o GD&T
Not clear this
dimension is
to control size
or profile?
tolerance for
holes and
How to ensure
holes on
flange mount
and housing
Bore size Ok but functionally are aligned.
may not be OK as no control
on bore shape and location
relative Ø.98.
Why GD&T?
What is in Designer’s mind??? Drawing need to reflect
clearly designer intent and knowledge to allow proper
assembly, i.e. function and relationship.
Flange Mount to be
mounted on Housing Must be Perpendicular to
2 diameters of step minimize friction
shafts must be
Concentric Step

Rotation Rotation

Bolt able to go through the

holes on Flange
Why GD&T?
GD&T talks more ….
Datum Flatness

Hole Perpendicularity

Hole Positioning
Holes Concentricity
Control Video 1a: +/- tol doesn’t fly
Exercise 1

Identify the function and relationship

Video 3: Index Plate 0.33~2.45

Why GD&T?
Co-ordinate (+/-) Tolerancing vs. Geometric Tolerancing
• Co-ordinate Tolerancing is
restricted when inspecting all
features of a part and their
– It is basically a two-
dimensional tolerancing
system (a caliper/
micrometer type
– Works well for individual
– Does not control the
relationship between
individual features.
Why GD&T?
Co-ordinate (+/-) Tolerancing vs. Geometric Tolerancing
• Visually, the block will look straight
and square. The variations will be
so small that they are undetectable
with the human eye. However,
when the parts are inspected using
precision measuring equipment
such as a CMM, the angle block
starts to look like the bottom
drawing (greatly exaggerated) with
following ‘imperfections’:

• The block is not square in either

• The surfaces are warped and not
• The hole is not perpendicular to
any surface and it is not round.

It is at this point that the limit system

of tolerance breaks down. That is
why we need geometric tolerancing. Video 4: Limit Of Size Rule #1 4.49 ~ 5.47
Why GD&T?
Co-ordinate (+/-) Tolerancing (Square Tolerance) vs.
Geometric Tolerancing (Cylindrical Tolerance)
1. Co-ordinate tolerance result in square or rectangular
tolerance zones. Geometric tolerance is cylindrical zone
which has 57% bigger tolerance zone(Ø0.707) without
affecting function. (Cylindrical zone is more logical)
2. Fixed-size tolerance zones. i.e. No bonus Tolerance
available. (Bonus tolerance is extra tolerance available
dependign on actual feature size)

Tolerance Area
Video 5: GD&T Hierarchy 1.10~2.33
Why GD&T?
Co-ordinate (+/-) Tolerancing vs. Geometric Tolerancing
Ambiguous Instructions for Inspectors
• Different ways to hold the part for inspection, confusion for the
inspector which surface to touch the gage equipment first, second and
• In example below, measurement of X in set up A not = measurement
of X in set up B, but both interpretations may be considered correct.
Why GD&T?
Advantages of GD&T:
-Relates to actual function
-Ensure interchangeability
-Provides uniform & consistent
interpretation, allow designer to
communicate more clearly and
eliminate confusion at inspection
- Saves money
(e.g. Increases tolerance with
cylindrical tolerance zone, “bonus”
tolerance zone)
Standards Related to GD&T
• American National Standards
– ASME Y14.5 or Y14.5M-2009 Dimensioning and Tolerancing
– ASME Y14.5.1M-2009 Mathematical Definitions of Dimensioning and

• International Standards
– ISO 1101:1993
– ISO 8015

ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ISO - International Organization for Standardization
Standards Related to GD&T

ISO 8015 ASME Y14.5

FKC Drawing Other FMC Drawing
Feature Control Frame
(ASME Y14.5 -2009 Section 3.4)

• How do we know we have geometric tolerance?

• At the heart of GD&T is a rectangular box called the feature
control frame in which the geometric tolerance information is
placed. No FCF -> No Geometric Tolerance!
• Common
Only this will be
covered in this
• Complex
This will be
covered in
Int. and
Feature Control Frame
• We use feature control frames to indicate
geometric tolerance. It is a rectangle divided into
few compartments

• Interpretation of symbol: the position of the

feature must be within a .003 diametrical tolerance
zone at maximum material condition relative to
datum A, B, and C.
Placement of Feature Control Frames
A. Locating the frame below a dimension pertaining to the
feature Ø .500±.005

Note: This FCF is applied to the axis

of hole
Note: This FCF
is applied to the
central plane of
Note: FCF is slot
applied to the axis
of shaft

Note: This
FCF is
applied to the
axis of hole
Note: This FCF is applied to the axis of hole
Note: When FCF is applied to FOS, it refers to axis if the FOS is a hole/shaft,
or central plane if the FOS is a slot/tab/Thickness
Placement of Feature Control Frames
B. Attaching a leader from the frame point to the feature
Placement of Feature Control Frames Examples
A. Locating the frame below a dimension pertaining to the
B. Attaching a leader from the frame point to the feature

Placement of Feature Control Frames
C. Attaching side, corner or end of the frame to an extension line
from the plan surface feature.

D. Attaching side, corner or end of the frame to an extension line of

the dimension line pertaining to a feature of size.

E. Placing in a note, chart or the general

tolerance block. Ref: DU600050559
Placement of Feature Control Frames Examples
C. Attaching side, corner or end of the frame to an extension line
from the plan surface feature.
D. Attaching side, corner or end of the frame to an extension line of
the dimension line pertaining to a feature of size

• A feature is a term applied to a physical portion
of part, such as a surface, hole or slots.
Feature vs. Feature of size


Shaft, pin, bar Hole, slot

Characteristic Of Feature Of Size:

•Opposed parallel elements.
•Generate an axis, center-plane or centre-point
•Have limit of size
Feature vs. Feature of size
Characteristic Of Feature Of Size (Rule of thumb)
•Measurable by equipment (e.g. Caliper) using 2 opposite points.
***MMC or LMC modifier can only applied to FOS. NFOS must
be toleranced or referenced as datum RFS.

Video 6: Feature Of Size

Non Feature of Size (NFOS)
• Non Features of size are features, which do have diameter
or thickness.
FOS and NFOS Examples


NFOS - Location Dimensions
• Location Dimension is a dimension which locates the
edge, centerline or center plane of a features relative to
another feature, centerline or center plane.
Exercise: Identifying FOS and NFOS

(opposed element) FOS
NFOS (surface finish)
(angle, orientation dimensin)


(depth, not
Oppose parallel)
(location) (surface)

(width, opposed parallel surface)
Basic Dimension
• A basic dimension is a numerical value used to describe/define the
theoretically exact size, true profile, orientation, or location of a feature.
• The basic dimension is the goal, and has No tolerance. A geometric
tolerance in the feature control frame (FCF) specifies the amount of
acceptable variation from the goal.
• Basic dimensions have a rectangle (Box) surrounding it, differentiating
itself from other dimensions..
Basic Dimension
• May be linear, diameter, radius or an angle.
• Most often used with position, angularity, and profile.

Basic Dimension
defining the True
locations of holes.
Basic Dimension Example
3.0 Basic Dimension
used to define the
hole ‘True’ or
‘Perfect’ location

.490 - .500

.014 A B C

The tolerance of
Basic Dimension
is found in
Feature Control
B Frame
True position
True Position

The exact location of the hole

(true position) is established
with basic dimensions.
Location Tolerance
True Position
.014 A B C

The tolerance zone of

Location Tolerance
the location is specified
in the feature control
frame ie. (∅ .014).
Exercise: Identifying Basic Dimension and its
associated Feature Control Frame
Define Top
Surface and
tolerance defined
by Profile FCF
Define the
outer profile
defined by
Profile FCF
Define 6.25
boss location
and tolerance
defined by
Exercise: Basic Dimensions
Where are all basic dimension related to this position control?

Where are all basic dimension related to this position control?

Implied Dimension
• There are many dimensions that you never see on a drawing. That is
because these dimensions are implied. If these dimensions were not
implied, we would have a lot more notes and dimensions on drawings.

90 Degree Slot Co-linear

Implied Implied


Ø60 & Ø40

Parallel concentric Implied

Center of slot/center of 6x Ø10 holes and Center of Ø40 coincide Implied

Implied Dimension
• In summary, the chart shows some of the more common implied

• Even though some dimensions are implied, this is not true for
tolerances. Every feature on a part must be toleranced. The tolerances
may be applied directly to dimensions or applied to features using
geometric tolerances.
Video 7: don’t need those half dimension
Video 8: Some dimension are implied but tolerance
Datum Feature

These 3 surfaces on
the part are datum
features since they
are used to establish
datum A, B & C

• A datum feature is an actual feature of a part that is used to

establish a datum.
Datum Feature
• Two kinds of features may be specified as datum:
– Features not subject to size variations (NFOS) such as
plane flat surfaces on a rectangular-shaped part make the
most convenient datum

– Features subject to size variations (also known as features

of size) such as shafts/pins, holes (establishes datum axis),
tabs, slots ( establish center plane) etc.
Theoretical Datum Feature Simulator
• Datum feature simulator is a perfect boundary used to
establish a datum from a specified datum feature.
• The perfect boundary touches the high points of the specified
datum feature. It is virtual, theoretical. It is also called
theoretical Datum Feature Simulator


These 3 surfaces are

datum features Not

• A datum is a theoretical exact point, axis or plane derived

from the theoretical datum feature simulator
• In other word, Datum is theoretical datum feature
• And Datum is not Datum Feature
Physical Datum Feature Simulator
• A physical datum feature simulator is the physical boundary
used to establish a simulated datum from a specific datum feature.
• In practical measurement, machine table, surface table (establish
planar datum) , ring or plug gage (establish datum axes or center
planes), though not perfect, are of such quality that they can be
used to simulate theoretical datum feature simulator.
Physical Datum Feature Simulator
• In Manufacturing, the rails, machine tables, surface plates, collet
chucks and parallels we all use to fix parts or set-up parts for
purposes of manufacturing or inspection.

Video 9: Datum and

datum Feature,
Datum is not datum

Video 10: Parallelism, Datum feature and datum Feature simulator

Local Size vs. Actual Mating Envelope

Video 11: Limit of Size (Rule #1) 1.31 ~

Actual Mating Envelope • An imaginary perfect
geometric counterpart
of smallest size that
can be contracted
about an external
feature or largest size
that can be expanded
with an internal feature
so that it coincides with
the surface at highest

See 1.3.25



Gage Pins
Self Centered Gage
Vice Blocks

Theoretical, Physical Datum Feature Simulator, Actual Mating Envelop
Using shaft/Pin as Datum – datum axis established by mating envelop

Take note of Datum Feature symbol placement

Theoretical, Physical Datum Feature Simulator, Actual Mating Envelop
Using Hole as Datum – datum axis established by mating envelop

Take note of Datum Feature symbol placement

Theoretical, Physical Datum Feature Simulator, Actual Mating Envelop
Using Tab as Datum – central plane established by mating envelop

Take note of Datum Feature symbol placement

Video 12:
central plane
as datum
feature 0 ~
Datum Features Symbol
• A datum feature symbol is used to identify physical features of a
part as datum features.

Datum feature symbol

Datum Features Symbol
Datum feature symbol Placement

Datum is Axis or Central Plane !

Datum Features Symbol
Datum feature symbol Placement

Note: Datum feature symbols must not be applied to centerlines, center planes,
or axes. It must be applied to features.
Video 13: Use axis as Datum which axis
Video 14: datum feature symbol 0.40~2.10)
Datum Features Symbol
Datum feature symbol Placement

DATUM Type of feature:

Surface or Axis
or Central Plane

Datum Features Symbol
Datum feature symbol Placement

DATUM Type of feature:

Surface or Axis or
Central Plane

Exercise 2
Feature, Feature Of Size, Basic Dimension,
Characteristics Symbol
ASME Y14.5 -2009 Section 5 to 9
Geometric Characteristic
Size Tolerance.

The Form Tolerances refine size.

(Note: Not define size)

The Orientation Tolerances are

used with angles, not linear
dimensions. If used on surfaces
they also control form.

The Location Tolerances are

always associated with basic
linear dimensions.

The 4 main characteristics of
features are:
• Location

The 4 main characteristics of
features are:
• Location
• Orientation

The 4 main characteristics of
features are:
• Location
• Orientation
• Size

The 4 main characteristics of
features are:
• Location
• Orientation
• Size
• Form


— r
e j
l h ^
_ a d

i { g

Geometric Symbols
ASME Y14.5

Note: Profile control form, orientation, location and size (Indirectly)

Geometric Symbols
Tolerance Zone
• Geometrical tolerance
• These tolerances specify the maximum error of a
component’s geometrical characteristic, over its whole
dimensioned length or surface.
• Tolerance zone
A tolerance zone is the space in which any deviation of the feature must
be contained. E.g.
A. area between two parallel straight lines
B. area between two concentric circles
C. area between two parallel lines
D. space between two parallel planes
E. space between two coaxial cylinders
F. space between two curved surface
G. space between two parallel planes about a center plane of slot
H. space between two parallel planes about a center plane of thickness
I. space within a cylinder
Geometric Symbols – FORM control

NO Datum
is used!
Interpretation of Geometric
Symbols - Straightness

•Condition where an element of a surface or an axis is a straight


•FCF is attached to the surface of the feature or feature of size

•Tolerance zone formed by 2 parallel lines within which the
considered element must lie,
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols -
•Straightness applied to a flat surface feature.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Straightness Inspection
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Straightness
Form Control vs. Size control

•Straightness (0.02) is applied to

feature of size where the tolerance of 0.11
size (total 0.11) do not provide
sufficient control. In other word,
straightness tolerance must be less
than size tolerance; otherwise it will
be illegal.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Straightness
•Straightness of an axis vs. surface straightness on a cylindrical feature
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Circularity
•A closed plane curve every point which is equidistant from a
fixed point within the curve

•FCF is attached to the surface of the feature (cylinder, cone,

sphere) only
•Tolerance zone formed by 2 concentric circles
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Circularity Inspection
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols -
•Condition of a surface or derived median
plane having all element in one plane

•FCF is attached to the surface of the planer feature Note: Tolerance zone
•Tolerance zone formed by 2 parallel planes. not referenced to any
datum, thus slant per
actual condition

Flatness = straightness in X direction + Straightness in Y direction

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Flatness Inspection
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Flatness
•When flatness is applied to a
thickness (Feature of size), the
tolerance zone is space between
two parallel plane about the
derived median plan.

Note: Implemented from 2009 edition

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Straightness vs. Flatness

Applied in one X or Y
Applied in both X-Y direction
direction only
Flatness Formula

Flatness is used to create a uniform total wide tolerance zone for a

datum feature. A common rule of thumb for flatness is .0005 per
linear inch. This is not too difficult to achieve in a modern machine
shop. If a surface is 4” x 8”, the longest distance is about 8.5”
8.5 x .0005 would calculate flatness tolerance (rounded) of .004.
Of course the engineer/designer may tighten or loosen the

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Cylindricity
•Condition of a surface of revolution in which all points of the
surface are equidistant from a common axis.

•FCF is attached to the surface of the cylindrical feature

•Tolerance zone formed by 2 concentric cylinders

Cylindricity = circularity + straightness in cylindrical axis direction

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Cylindricity Inspection

Cylindricity, Like Flatness, Does Not Relate To A Datum

Good for controlling form of a primary datum feature

Useless for relating features to each other or controlling
their position

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Cylindricity
•When cylindricity applied to feature of size, it does not mean it
is applied to axis.

Applied to FOS

Applied to Feature

•In above example, both methods of cylindricity application

are acceptable and lead to same result. To avoid confusion, it
is better to apply cylindricity to feature.
Geometric Symbols – Orientation Control

•Control parallel,
perpendicular and other
angular relationship
•Requires a Datum
•Does not control the
location of feature.

•It is also a form control to the extent of orientation control tolerance.

Otherwise, additional tighter form control tolerance must be applied
in additional to orientation control is required
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Parallelism

•FCF is attached to the surface of

the feature.
•Tolerance zone formed by 2
parallel planes which are parallel
to reference datum plane
•Parallelism also controls

• Both the lower and

higher planes of this
tolerance zone must lie
within the limits of size
and be parallel to datum
plane A.

See 6.3.2

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Parallelism

Video 15: Parallelism, Datum feature and datum Feature simulator


Some inspectors may check

flatness by checking parallelism.

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Parallelism

•Parallelism applied to feature of

size (an axis)
•The feature axis must lie within
tolerance zone formed by 2
parallel planes which are parallel
to reference datum plane
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Parallelism

•Parallelism applied to an axis

•The feature axis must lie within
cylindrical tolerance zone which
is parallel to reference datum axis
•As tolerance zone is cylindrical,
a ‘Ø’ symbol must be added in
tolerance zone.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Perpendicularity

•FCF is attached to the surface of

the feature.
•Tolerance zone formed by 2
parallel planes which are
perpendicular to reference datum
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Perpendicularity Inspection

See 6.3.3

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Perpendicularity

•Perpendicularity applied to feature

of size: slot/thickness (central
•The feature central plane must lie
with 2 parallel planes which are
perpendicular to reference datum
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Perpendicularity

•Perpendicularity applied to feature

of size: shaft/hole (an axis).
•The feature axis must lie with 2
cylindrical tolerance zone which is
perpendicular to reference datum
Perpendicularity (continued)

0.15 mm wide
 0.15 G

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Angularity

•FCF is attached to the

surface of the feature.
•Tolerance zone formed by
2 parallel planes at an Basic
angle to reference datum
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Angularity Inspection

• Always reference more than 1


See 6.3.1

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Angularity

•Angularity applied to feature of

size: shaft/boss (an axis).
•Feature axis must lie within the
cylindrical tolerance zone formed
by 2 parallel planes at an Basic
angle to reference datum plane
•As tolerance zone is cylindrical,
a ‘Ø’ symbol must be added in
tolerance zone.
Exercise 3
Form and Orientation Control

Geometric Control Tolerance Zone Formed between:

Straightness 2 parallel lines
Circularity 2 concentric circles
Flatness 2 parallel planes
Cylindricity 2 concentric cylinders
Profile of a line 2 parallel profiles
Profile of a surface 2 parallel profiles along a width/ thickness
Parallelism 2 parallel planes parallel to datum plane
Perpendicularity 2 parallel planes perpendicular to datum plane
Angularity 2 parallel planes at an angle defined by Basic dimension to datum
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols – Location Control

Characteristic Symbol Material Modifier Allowed Datum Reference Allowed

Position l M or V Required
default is RFS (except for coaxial feature
to feature situations)

Concentricity a
None allowed Required
Symmetry d


Interpretation of Geometric Symbols -

•Most common and should be used as 1st choice for locating FOS.
•Must be attached to a feature of size (FOS) e.g. holes or bosses,
slot or thickness, not a surface.
•Requires a location reference (True position) established/defined
by Basic dimensions and reference datum
•Tolerance zone typically formed by cylinder centered at the true
position or 2 parallel planes centered at a central plane.
Video: Position Tol 9.40 ~11.12
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Positioning
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Positioning Inspection

Best Fit Gage pin - Actual Mating Envelop

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Positioning Inspection
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Positioning

Hole Feature
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Positioning

Positioning applied to FOS

which is a hole.
Datum reference is also FOS:
Slot or Thickness (center
planes or derived median
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Positioning

Positioning applied to FOS

which is a hole.
Datum reference is FOS which
is a Shaft or hole (axis).
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Positioning
• Positioning applied
to FOS which is
Slot or thickness
No ‘Ø’ symbol

•Actual Centre plan of slot

must lie in tolerance zone
formed by 2 parallel plane
centered at the true Slot
Centre position defined by
Basic dimensions.
•No ‘Ø’ symbol for
tolerance zone
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Positioning

Feature relating Positioning: Control the relative position of each

FOS within a pattern. Datum reference for true position is not
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
•Condition where the median point of all diametrically opposed
element of a surface of revolution coincident with a datum axis.
(AXIS to AXIS Control)
•Must be attached to a
feature of size (FOS)
e.g. holes or shafts,
not a surface.
•Requires a location
reference defined by
reference datum
•Tolerance zone
formed by a cylinder
centered on a datum
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Concentricity Inspection
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –

•Use of position (i.e. position of feature relative to datum) instead

of concentricity. (Recommended)
•Applied to FOS (axis) and datum reference is also FOS (axis)
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Symmetry
•Condition where the median
points of all opposed element of
slot/thickness congruent with a
center plan.
•Is a balance control.
•Must be attached to a FOS which
is slot/thickness, not a surface.
•Requires a location reference
defined by reference datum
•Tolerance zone formed by 2
parallel planes centered on a datum
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Symmetry

•Use position (i.e. position of

feature relative to datum)
instead of symmetry.
•Applied to FOS (central
plane) and datum reference
Geometric Symbols – Runout Control

•Control the functional relationship of one or more features to a

datum axis.
•Simultaneously control form, location and orientation, but do not
control size.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Runout
•Usually attached to a circular
surface at a given plan. (2D-control)
•Requires a datum axis
•Tolerance zone is the limit of full
indicator movement/reading (T.I.R)
when rotate 360 °about the datum
• The tolerance is applied independently at each circular cross
• Applied to a surface constructed around a datum axis, circular
runout will control the variations of circularity and coaxiality.

The datum axis A is the

2.004 O1.000-1.004 axis of the actual mating
2.003 ^ .004 A envelope.

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols –
Runout and Total Runout Inspection
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Runout
•Runout vs. Circularity vs. concentricity
Video 16: Does Runout Equal Concentricity

Case 1: Feature is concentrate to datum axis and 100% perfect

Runout (T.I.F) = 0
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Runout
•Runout vs. Circularity vs. concentricity

Case 2: Feature is concentrate to datum axis but imperfect

Runout (T.I.F) = Circularity (or Roundness)
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Runout
•Runout vs. Circularity vs. concentricity

Case 3: Feature is not concentrate to datum axis but 100%

perfect circular.
Runout (T.I.F) = Concentricity
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Runout
•Runout vs. Circularity vs. concentricity

Case 4 : In reality, feature is not concentrate to datum axis and

not 100% perfect circular.
Runout (T.I.F) = Circularity + Concentricity
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols – Total Runout
•Usually attached to a cylindrical
FOS. (3D-control)
•Tolerance zone bounded by 2
concentric cylinder
• The tolerance provides control of all surface elements.
• Applied to a surface constructed around a datum axis, total runout
will control the cumulative variations of circularity, straightness,
coaxiality, angularity, taper and variation in the surface.
The datum axis A is the
axis of the actual mating

2.004 O1.000-1.004
2.003 _ .004 A

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols – Total Runout

•Datum axis formed by 2 datum features at a distance apart.

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols – Total Runout

•Total runout applied to features perpendicular to datum axis.

Circular Runout vs Total Runout

• Total runout tolerances are especially suited to parts that revolve about a
datum axis in assembly, and where alignments and dynamic balance are


• Circular runout tolerance is often ideal for O-ring groove diameters, but
watch out for surfaces inaccessible to an indicator tip.


Geometric Symbols – Profile Control
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile

•Profile of a line is the outline of a shape made up of one or more

feature in a given plane i.e. 2D
•Profile of a surface is the outline of a shape made up of one or more
feature extending along the length and width, i.e. 3D
•The true profile is typically defined by Basic radii, angles, linear
dimensions which are required to construct the true profile
•FCF is attached to the surface of the feature.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
•Tolerance zone formed by 2 parallel profiles offsets in equal distance
from the true profile.
•Profile controls FORM + ORIENTATION + LOCATION.

Video 17: Introduction to Profile Tolerancing 0~2.22

Video 18: Rule #1 and profile application 4.50 ~
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
•4 types of Tolerance zone formed by 2 parallel profiles with different
types of offsets from the true profile.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
• Interpretation of 4 different types of Tolerance
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols
Profile between points (Limited segment of a profile)

•Use reference letters to define start and end points

•FCF is attached to the segment surface of the feature.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
Different Profile tolerance on segments of a profile
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
Use of profile for planar surface

•Profile may be used to control

form, orientation and location of
planar surface.

Video 19: Profile for surface

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
Use of profile for Co-planar surfaces
•Co-planarity is condition
of two or more surfaces
having all element in one
•Profile may be used where
it is desirable to treat two
or more surfaces as single
interrupted surface as what
is achieved by flatness in
one single surface.

Video 20: Coaxial Coplanar

Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
Use of profile for Co-planar surfaces

•When more than 2 co-planar

surfaces are involved, it is
important to specify which
specific surface(s) is/are datum
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
Use of profile for offset surfaces
•Profile may be used where
it is desirable to treat two
or more offset surfaces to
each other.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - Profile
Use of profile for offset surfaces
•Profile may be used where
it is desirable to treat two
or more offset surfaces to
each other.
Interpretation of Geometric Symbol - General
Parallelism (and all orientation) doesn’t locate

•22mm basic dimension that

locates the considered surface
relative to datum A.
•The parallelism tolerance has
nothing to do with this dimension.
•All three illustrations show a
parallelism tolerance zone with
0.2 apart.
•The profile of a surface
tolerance is what controls the
location of the surface.
•The 0.5 tolerance is centered on
the basic location of 22mm.
•The parallelism tolerance floats
inside the profile tolerance.

Video 21: Profile Tolerance unopposed surface

Interpretation of Geometric Symbol - General
Identify types of Feature FCF is applied to:
FCF Type of feature:
Surface or Axis or
Central Plane


Interpretation of Geometric Symbol - General
Identify types of Feature FCF is applied to:
A FCF Type of
Surface or
Axis or
Interpretation of Geometric Symbols - General
General discussion and application

Video 22: Don’t be tricky with GD&T

Video 23: Index Plate 212~250
Exercise : Identifying Geometric Symbols

What does
it define?
Q2. Where are the
associated Basic Dimensions
defining the Holes Location?
Exercise : Identifying Geometric Symbols
this symbol?
What does it

Q2. Where are the Basic

Dimensions defining the
Ring Groove Location?
Exercise : Identifying Geometric Symbols

Q1. Interpret
this symbol?
What does it
Exercise : Identifying Geometric Symbols

Q2. Where are the Basic

Dimensions defining the
locking profile?

Q1. Interpret
these 2
What does it
Example: Use of Profile FCF to control form
Define Top
Surface and
tolerance defined
by Profile FCF
Example: Use of Profile FCF to control form

Define the
outer profile
defined by
Profile FCF
Exercise 4
Location and profile Control
Geometric Tolerance
Characteristics Zone

• Modifiers take advantages of material condition
and maximizes production tolerances and yet
meet design requirements.
• Modifiers communicate additional information
about the drawing or tolerancing of a part.

Intermediate And Advanced

• Most common to least common use

Material Condition and Bonus Tolerance
The material condition refer to the size (largest, smallest or
regardless of size) of a particular feature of size. => Material modifier

Maximum Material Condition (MMC); the condition where the

feature contains the maximum material within the stated limits of
size (e.g. the largest pin or the smallest hole)

Least Material Condition (LMC); the condition where the feature

contains the least material within the stated limits of size
(e.g. the smallest pin or the largest hole)

Regardless of Feature Size (RFS); the term indicates that a

geometric tolerance applies at any increment of size of the feature
within its size tolerance.
Bonus Tolerance; additional tolerance available as the actual
produced size of the feature departs from the MMC or LMC limit and
is equal to difference between actual size and the MMC or LMC limit.
This extra bonus tolerance helps to save machining cost.
MMC modifier And Bonus Tolerance
MMC modifier is the most common material condition used and
is often used when parts are to be assembled.(Interference check)
Bonus tolerance = Difference between the actual MMC
feature size and the MMC of the feature. Ø 10.2
10.0 MMC
- 0.3 M
Actual Feature StriagthnessTol Bonus Total modifier in
Size erance Given Tolerance Tolerance FCF allows
10.20 0.3 0.00 0.30 Straightness
10.15 0.3 0.05 0.35 Tolerance
(called bonus
10.10 0.3 0.10 0.40 tolerance) as
10.05 0.3 0.15 0.45 feature
depart from
10.00 0.3 0.20 0.50 MMC
As the size of the feature departs from MMC to LMC, a bonus
tolerance is allowed in the exact amount of such departure.
MMC modifier and Bonus Tolerance Example



LMC modifier And Bonus Tolerance
LMC modifier is used to ensure minimum distance on parts. e.g.
maintain wall Thickness
Bonus tolerance = Difference between the actual LMC
feature size and the LMC of the feature. Ø 10.2
10.0 LMC
- 0.3 L modifier
Actual Straightness Bonus Total LMC modifier in
Feature Tolerance Given Tolerance Tolerance FCF allows
Size additional
LMC Straightness
10.00 0.3 0.00 0.30
10.05 0.3 0.05 0.35 Bonus
Tolerance) as
10.10 0.3 0.10 0.40
feature depart
10.15 0.3 0.15 0.45 from LMC
MMC 10.20 0.3 0.20 0.50
As the size of the feature departs from LMC to MMC, a bonus
tolerance is allowed in the exact amount of such departure.
LMC modifier and Bonus Tolerance Example


Pick the Appropriate Material Modifier
Primary consideration is not assembly
of parts, but rather guaranteed minimum
amount of material, clearance.

Primary consideration is Assembly

of Parts to ensure no interference

In FMC, MMC is commonly used. LMC is rare.

Regardless of Feature Size (RFS)
•RFS automatically applies for features of size where no material
condition symbol is specified or is specified. (It is also known
as GD&T Rule of Engagement #2)
•No bonus tolerance is allowed regardless the actual feature size.
Ø 10.2 or
10.0 No
- Ø 0.3 modifier
Feature Size Tolerance Given Bonus Total Tolerance specified
10.00 0.3 0.00 0.30
10.05 0.3 0.00 0.30
10.10 0.3 0.00 0.30
10.15 0.3 0.00 0.30
10.20 0.3 0.00 0.30
RFS example

• Means the feature size may be anywhere between a diameter

of 2.000 and 2.020 but Positional tolerance is Ø .010
regardless of feature size.
Exercise : Bonus Tolerance Calculation
Exercise : Bonus Tolerance Calculation
Exercise : Bonus Tolerance Calculation
For Ø4 Hole
Feature Tolerance Bonus Total
Size Given Tolerance Tolerance
4.00 0.25 0.00 0.25
4.05 0.25 0.00 0.25
4.10 0.25 0.00 0.25
4.15 0.25 0.00 0.25
4.20 0.25 0.00 0.25
4.25 0.25 0.00 0.25

1. Material Modifier can be applied to
datum B and C because both are FOS
2. Modifier applied at Datum has no
bonus. It is Datum shift (Covered in
Intermediate level)
Zero Position Tolerance at MMC

Maximum size limit

remain same but tighter
size control
Question: Can material modifier applied to Profile?

Since Profile also involves size control, default modifier for profile
control is RFS.
Modifier, however, is permissible on reference datum feature A
which is FOS.
Special Condition

Modifier is also NOT permissible for concentricity and Runout

tolerance control. Default material condition for concentricity/runout
reference datum is also RFS.
GD&T Rule of Engagement - Rule #1
• For feature of size, where only a tolerance of size is specified,
the surface shall not extend beyond a boundary (envelope) of
perfect form at MMC.
• Rule #1 is therefore also known as “perfect form at MMC” or the
“Envelope Rule / Principle”.
• In Rule #1, perfect form mean perfect flatness, straightness,
circularity and cylindricity.
• In other words if the feature of size is produced at MMC, it is
required to have perfect form.
• Where the actual size of feature departs from MMC to LMC, a
variation in form is allowed equal to the amount of departure.

Video 24: Table rule 1

Video 25: Limit Of size Rule #1
GD&T Rule of Engagement - Rule #1
Rule #1 - Perfect form at MMC. Pin Example

Ø 20.1 Ø 20.1
There is no form control being specified and only size tolerance is specified.
Therefore, at MMC or Ø 20.1, the pin must be perfectly straight.
If a hole gauge is made to check this part, the envelop (ID) must be Ø 20.1.
If the part is made at LMC or Ø 20.0, it allows form Tol = size tolerance, which
is 0.1.
GD&T Rule of Engagement - Rule #1
Rule #1 - Perfect form at MMC. Hole Example


Ø 20.2
20.1 Ø 20.1
There is no form control being specified and only size tolerance is specified.
Therefore, at MMC or Ø 20.1, the hole must be perfectly straight.
If a pin gauge is made to check this part, the envelop (OD) must be Ø 20.1.
If the part is made at LMC or Ø 20.2, it allows form Tol = size tolerance, which
is 0.1.
GD&T Rule of Engagement - Rule #2
Rule #2 – When no modifiers is specified, RFS applies
with respect to the tolerance value, Datum reference, or both.
Based on Rule #2, RFS applies for the following
as no modifier is specified in FCF

RFS does not apply to tolerance zone and Datum D for

below FCF as MMC modifier is specified.
GD&T Rule of Engagement - Rule #1 Example
Rule #1 as a straightness or flatness control applied

Size tol control the form tol. Flatness call out override rule #1.
Form tol (straightness or Straightness or flatness is limited
flatness) can be as big as size to flatness tolerance specified. At
tolerance. At MMC, Form tol MMC, flatness tol is still 0.2.
must be perfect, i.e. 0 tolerance
Exercise 5
Modifier, Bonus Tolerance
How datums are called out?
• Datum are called out in Datum Reference Frame of FCF. It
orients the part to the required degree of freedom necessary
for the geometric tolerance relationship specified.

Datum Reference Frame

Why we need a Datum System?
- Establishes the appropriate orientation, location,
or other geometric relationship; thus allowing the
designer to specify which part surfaces are to
contact the inspection equipment for the
measurement of a dimension.
- Allows the designer to specify, in which sequence
the part is to contact the inspection equipment for
the measurement of a dimension
Datum Reference Frame
Degree Of Freedom

Video 26:
control 3

• A complete datum reference frame controls 6 degree of freedom: 3

translational and 3 rotational.
• Depends on function, not many geometric relationship requires control
of all 6 degree of freedom.
• FCF with complete reference datum features providing constraint of all 6
degree of freedom ensure static stability during inspection
Datum Reference Frame - example
• Note: The part to be
oriented to required DOF
before the positions of holes
can be inspected
• DRF sets 3 mutually
perpendicular planes (D,E &
F) as datum for orientation
and locations relationship
of part.
• The part will first make
contact with datum D,
second with Datum E and
finally with Datum F.

Datum X-Axis Y-Axis Z-axis Constrained No of Degree Of Freedom

Primary Rotation Rotation Translation 3
Secondary Translation - Rotation 2
Tertiary - Translation - 1
Datum Reference Frame - example

Datum X-Axis Y-Axis Z-axis Constrained No of Degree Of Freedom

Primary Rotation Rotation Translation 3
Secondary Translation Translation 2
Tertiary - Rotation 1
Datum Reference Frame - Example

Datum X-Axis Y-Axis Z-axis Constrained No of Degree Of Freedom

Primary Rotation Rotation Translation 3
Secondary Translation Translation - 2
Tertiary - Rotation 1

Datum B & C establish locations of Ø9.2 and Ø 5.1.

Datum B & C are features of size and no material modifier
is called out in Position tolerance for Ø9.2 and Ø 5.1.
Datum Reference Frame -Example

Video 27: 2 holes and slot as 2nd and 3rd datum Feature
Video 28: Use hole and slot to orient Datum Plan
Note: Datum that are reference on RFS basis requires no modifier, but do requires
contact with the datum feature simulator (gage). This means the datum feature
simulator must be adjustable.
Datum Reference Frame -Example

Datum X-Axis Y-Axis Z-axis Constrained No of Degree Of Freedom

Primary Rotation Rotation Translation 3
Secondary Translation Translation - 2
Tertiary - Rotation 1

Note: Datum B (datum axis) & C (datum center plane) are reference
using FOS on RFS basis. Thus the Pin and block must be adjustable.
Datum Reference Frame - Example
Datum B & C establish
locations of 3 x Ø6.6-7.0.
Datum B & C are features of
size and Maximum material
modifier is called out in
Position tolerance for 3xØ6.6-

Datum X-Axis Y-Axis Z-axis Constrained No of Degree Of Freedom

Primary (A) Rotation Rotation Translation 3
Secondary (B) Translation Translation - 2
Tertiary (C) - Rotation 1
Datum priorities (order of precedence)
Datum priorities (order of precedence)
Datum Application Guidelines
• Datum features are selected based on functional contact
the part will have with mating parts or manufacturing
• The primary datum should control at least 3 degree of
freedom, 2 of which are concerned with orientation.
• 1st consideration for datum selection should be part
function, the second manufacturing and tooling interfaces
and third, inspection setups and methods.
• When multiple options are available, analysis of fit and
tolerance is required to choose the best datum option.
Datum Application Guidelines
• When selecting datum features, the designer should also
consider the following characteristics:
– Functional surfaces
– Mating surfaces
– Readily accessible surfaces
– Surfaces of sufficient size to allow repeatable

Video 29: Datum Plan Application

Datum Application Guidelines -Example

Select Datum based

On function and mating
Datum Application Guidelines -Example
Datum feature selected is based
on functional interrelationship
Pulley with the adaptor in the
Internal bore is selected as
primary datum feature based on
amount of contact with adaptor.
The shoulder has secondary
contact with the adaptor, and it is
selected as secondary datum
Assembly of pulley to adaptor
Primary Secondary Tertiary
depends on clamping of bolt and
Constrained No 4 1 -
of Degree of washer, tertiary datum is not
Datum Application Guidelines -Example
The shoulder has the most
contact with crankshaft, and it
is selected as primary datum
Adaptor Secondary contact is betwwen
pilot on adaptor and the bore on
crankshaft, thus the pilot is
selected as secondary datum
Tertiary datum is not required as
rotation will be constraint by the
5 clearance holes (bolt) and other
Primary Secondary Tertiary
feature on the part do not need to
Constrained No of 3 2 -
Degree of be controlled for rotation.

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